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Rate the NYG quarterbacks in order of preference

Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/27/2023 3:04 pm
If you had to pick ONE guy to start a season:

Phil Simms
Jeff Hostetler
Dave Brown
Danny Kanell
Kent Graham
Kerry Collins
Eli Manning
Daniel Jones

Number 11  
Sec 103 : 11/27/2023 3:06 pm : link
logman : 11/27/2023 3:07 pm : link

I see no significant difference in the rest of the choices provided
logman : 11/27/2023 3:08 pm : link
I’d go  
Straw Hat : 11/27/2023 3:09 pm : link
Eli Manning
Kerry Collins
Phil Simms
Jeff Hostetler
Danny kanell
Kent Graham
Dave Brown
djm : 11/27/2023 3:09 pm : link


SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/27/2023 3:10 pm : link
Eli. Simms. Collins. Hoss. Jones. Graham. Kannell. Brown.
RE: Eli  
djm : 11/27/2023 3:10 pm : link
In comment 16304990 logman said:

I see no significant difference in the rest of the choices provided

I can just see Kerry Collins standing in there and delivering against the 1990 Niners at the stick.

Just kidding, no I can't.
I'm going...  
bw in dc : 11/27/2023 3:13 pm : link
Simms first, Eli second, Hoss third.

As much as I don't like Jones, I don't think I can put him below Dave Brown for the last spot.
I'd go  
KDavies : 11/27/2023 3:14 pm : link
Eli Manning
Phil Simms
Kerry Collins
Daniel Jones
Jeff Hostetler
Dave Brown
Danny Kanell
Kent Graham
To me clearly the choice is between Simms and Manning  
Crazed Dogs : 11/27/2023 3:15 pm : link
The choice between the two is tough. Different teams/eras. I would have to go with Manning.
BrettNYG10 : 11/27/2023 3:16 pm : link
RE: If you had to pick ONE guy ...  
Trainmaster : 11/27/2023 3:16 pm : link
Trying to follow directions, so my ONE guy is ...


RE: RE: Eli  
logman : 11/27/2023 3:17 pm : link
In comment 16304997 djm said:
In comment 16304990 logman said:



I see no significant difference in the rest of the choices provided

I can just see Kerry Collins standing in there and delivering against the 1990 Niners at the stick.

Just kidding, no I can't.

I don't see Hoss lighting up Minnesota for 41-0
My order  
cjac : 11/27/2023 3:19 pm : link
One to start  
JonA1979 : 11/27/2023 3:21 pm : link

Rating them all

Collins (but I really like him)
RE: RE: If you had to pick ONE guy ...  
KDavies : 11/27/2023 3:23 pm : link
In comment 16305015 Trainmaster said:
Trying to follow directions, so my ONE guy is ...


Um, it clearly says to rate in order of preference....
RE: My order  
Johnny5 : 11/27/2023 3:24 pm : link
In comment 16305019 cjac said:

Agree with this list. And to answer Eric's question more directly it would be Eli without hesitation, as much as I loved Phil Simms.
Eli #1  
Optimus-NY : 11/27/2023 3:30 pm : link
Simms #2
ElitoCanton : 11/27/2023 3:32 pm : link
and is isn't close. Simms was great, but the Giants usually won with him. Not because of him. The Giants won because of Eli.
RE: One to start  
Spider56 : 11/27/2023 3:35 pm : link
In comment 16305024 JonA1979 said:

Rating them all

Collins (but I really like him)

This would be my view too. (My wife wants Jesse Palmer on a write in)
Bold Ruler : Mod : 11/27/2023 3:38 pm : link
#11 in your program, #1 in my heart  
Greg from LI : 11/27/2023 3:44 pm : link
Simms is the easy choice for me
Rick in Dallas : 11/27/2023 3:46 pm : link
RE: Eli  
Greg from LI : 11/27/2023 3:47 pm : link
In comment 16305039 ElitoCanton said:
and is isn't close. Simms was great, but the Giants usually won with him. Not because of him. The Giants won because of Eli.

Simms threw for 4000 yards back when it really meant something, and he did it throwing to Lionel Manuel, Bobby Johnson, Earnest Gray, and Byron Williams. He never had receivers like Toomer, Burress, Nicks, Smith, Cruz, and Beckham.
To start the season?  
Anakim : 11/27/2023 3:48 pm : link
I mean we usually started 0-2 under Eli, right? We had that kind of streak for a while.

I'd go:  
1giantblue : 11/27/2023 3:48 pm : link
K. Graham
D. Brown
RE: RE: RE: Eli  
djm : 11/27/2023 3:51 pm : link
In comment 16305016 logman said:
In comment 16304997 djm said:


In comment 16304990 logman said:



I see no significant difference in the rest of the choices provided

I can just see Kerry Collins standing in there and delivering against the 1990 Niners at the stick.

Just kidding, no I can't.

I don't see Hoss lighting up Minnesota for 41-0

Fair. Hoss had his limitations but Collins was the little girl in curls. When he was good, wonderful, when he was bad, run for the hills.

Apples and oranges to an extent but to me Hoss was the more dependable player. Collins was probably the more prolific player though, I will give you that.

That said, If I am playing a big time defense I want no part of Kerry Collins as my QB. Fool me once.
gotta be honest  
djm : 11/27/2023 3:54 pm : link
any person even remotely hinting that Dave Brown was equal to Jones, let alone better than Jones, shouldn't be allowed to comment on QBs ever again. Just stop with the bias already. Be objective for the sake of fucking anything holy.

Jones had ONE good year. Jones never had one good month. Cmon guys. Be fair.
I loved Kerry Collins as our QB  
GiantBlue : 11/27/2023 3:55 pm : link
But he totally looked scared in that SB that will not be named and that was it for him.....bringing us ELI.

Having said that.......


then blah
My Ratings  
Andrew in Austin : 11/27/2023 4:00 pm : link
1. Manning
2. Simms
3. Hostetler
4. Collins
5. Jones
6. Graham
7. Kanell
8. Brown
Ben in Tampa : 11/27/2023 4:03 pm : link
Even more important that starting the season, he’d play every game and finish it
Simms on this team  
upnyg : 11/27/2023 4:18 pm : link
But Eli is great in the playoffs...then Collins and everyone else after.
The answer is YA FUCKING TITTLE  
x meadowlander : 11/27/2023 4:22 pm : link
Dude threw 30 TD's in 1962 and followed that up with 36 TD's in 1963, throwing for over 3,000 yards in each 14 GAME season - a record that stood until Dan Marino. In those 2 seasons he was the best QB the Giants ever had.

In the modern era, the answer is Eli Manning. Comparing stats, no other Giant QB comes close, and in hindsight, Manning spent half of his career running for his life. Despite heavy criticism from BBI, he still managed to have a HOF career. I miss him, I miss his 4,000 yards per season, I miss the low interception rates.

2. Phil Simms. Simms was frustrating early in his career - like Manning, had awful O-lines and high sack totals but by year 5, Simms was rightfully an All-Pro and toward the end of his career, was amazing - unflappable, super low INT numbers.

Kerry Collins was really good - a breath of fresh air in the dark ages of Giant QB's, a great QB with a rocket arm and frankly, I was pissed the Giants drafted Eli when Collins was still playing very well.

Daniel Jones proved that he could get the job done last season, then seemed to forget everything he proved once this season rolled around. Hopefully, he heals up and gets his head out of his ass in 24'.

Hoss was a great backup who was the right guy in the 90' playoffs, but honestly, an average QB at best.

And let's not speak of the late 90's dark ages...
Dave Brown
Danny Kanell
Kent Graham
Go Terps : 11/27/2023 4:28 pm : link
1. Eli
2. Simms (VERY close between him and Eli. Coin flip)
3. Hostetler
4. Collins
5. Graham
6. Brown
7. Jones
8. Kanell
Jay on the Island : 11/27/2023 4:29 pm : link
Eli Manning.
RHPeel : 11/27/2023 4:37 pm : link
1. Eli Manning
2. Phil Simms
3. Kerry Collins
4. Jeff Hostetler
5. Daniel Jones
6. Danny Kanell
7. Kent Graham
8. Dave Brown

You could also throw Kurt Warner into the mix. Peak Warner (not Giants Warner...) is very likely as good as Manning.
Toth029 : 11/27/2023 4:38 pm : link

People have trouble  
Blueworm : 11/27/2023 4:41 pm : link
following directions.

I'll take the worst of the two time SB MVPs, please.
Simms then Eli......  
Simms11 : 11/27/2023 4:54 pm : link
rest are meh
jeff57 : 11/27/2023 4:59 pm : link
Phil Simms  
joeinpa : 11/27/2023 5:01 pm : link
But for us old timers you should have also included

RE: People have trouble  
jomps : 11/27/2023 5:03 pm : link
In comment 16305145 Blueworm said:
following directions.

I'll take the worst of the two time SB MVPs, please.

Eric did ask to "rate the NYG quarterbacks in order of preference".

Eli -  
Del Shofner : 11/27/2023 5:26 pm : link
with Simms a close second. Hostetler and Collins get honorable mentions (although they were nothing alike as QBs) and the rest were just JAGs. Agree about including Tittle and Conerly. Tarkenton was also certainly better than some of those mentioned, as was Earl Morrall for that matter.
RE: Phil Simms  
Sec 103 : 11/27/2023 5:27 pm : link
In comment 16305179 joeinpa said:
But for us old timers you should have also included


Agree with this
Eli first without a doubt.  
Mike from Ohio : 11/27/2023 5:37 pm : link
Simms after him. I would probably go Collins then Hoss after that.
mfjmfj : 11/27/2023 5:39 pm : link




Although I am pretty agnostic with the last three, and Jones could still move down depending on the rest of his career.

Ok, here goes...with the Old Time QB's included!  
JohnF : 11/27/2023 5:43 pm : link
1) Simms
2) Eli (love Eli, but Simms did more with less)
3) Tittle
4) Conerly
5) Collins (Best arm I've ever seen at Giants QB)
6) Tarkington
7) Morrall
8) Hostetler
9) Jones
10) Graham
11) Brown
I'm taking Eli number 1  
nyjuggernaut2 : 11/27/2023 5:47 pm : link
knowing he won't miss a game. The rest would be...

Phil Simms
Kerry Collins
Jeff Hostetler
Daniel Jones
Danny Kanell
Kent Graham
Dave Brown
Five best Super Bowl Era Giant quarterbacks ranked  
The Mike : 11/27/2023 5:58 pm : link
1. Eli
2. Simms
3. Tarkenton
4. Collins
5. Hostetler

Kurt Warner, Craig Morton and Earl Morral were successful quarterbacks elsewhere who had little impact on Giants success. Everyone else was essentially varying degrees of meh talent...

RE: My Ratings  
gary_from_chester : 11/27/2023 6:11 pm : link
In comment 16305078 Andrew in Austin said:
1. Manning
2. Simms
3. Hostetler
4. Collins
5. Jones
6. Graham
7. Kanell
8. Brown

Agree with this.
RE: Ok, here goes...with the Old Time QB's included!  
Ivan15 : 11/27/2023 7:01 pm : link
In comment 16305255 JohnF said:
1) Simms
2) Eli (love Eli, but Simms did more with less)
3) Tittle
4) Conerly
5) Collins (Best arm I've ever seen at Giants QB)
6) Tarkington
7) Morrall
8) Hostetler
9) Jones
10) Graham
11) Brown
If the question is a QB to win the season opener, I would pick Tarkenton who rarely had a stinker game. If the question is a QB to win the Super Bowl, I pick Eli or Simms, pretty much a tossup.
Vinny from Danbury : 11/27/2023 7:27 pm : link


Saw them all play, here's my choices:  
Red Dog : 11/27/2023 8:01 pm : link
Simms, narrowly over Eli
Manning, completes the top level so draw a line in the sand

Hostetler, easily the best of the rest on Eric's list

Jones, can win games - but titles ?
Collins, could win games but not titles


Brown, apparently never had the support of his team

I'd add in Charlie Conerly and Y.A Tittle after Manning, and Earl Morrell after Hostetler. Craig Morton, Norm Snead, and a few others would slot in below Collins somewhere.
tough question because...  
BillKo : 11/27/2023 8:08 pm : link
....these guy stretch across different eras.

When Simms played, the defense literally tried to kill you. I watched a YouTube of Simms playing the Bears in 1993 and he took hits to the head three plays in a row. No flags.

But Eli has more hardware and longevity so he gets the nod over Phil to start the season.
I’d love to make the ultimate NYG QB out of those names  
jnoble : 11/27/2023 8:35 pm : link
The cannon arm of Kerry or Graham. The brain and durability of Eli. The legs and athleticism of Jones. The toughness grit and not afraid to get in an opponent’s face of Simms.
I’d follow the Andrew in Austin  
Giant John : 11/27/2023 8:57 pm : link
Order. But Phil is a close second. Nothing beats the playoff run Eli had or knocking Brady and Patriots into a one loss team in the Super Bowl. Nobody touches that I can think of. Ever.
It's always seemed to me that there was  
Reese's Pieces : 11/27/2023 9:37 pm : link
a lack of love for Hostetler from this organization.

I don't mean judging him on a career basis, but just that one stretch where he came off the bench and swept the table, including two of the biggest wins in the history of the franchise.

At least put him in the circle of honor, or whatever they call it.
Shirk130 : 11/27/2023 9:45 pm : link
I adored Simms, but Eli  
David B. : 11/27/2023 10:02 pm : link
Eli is the only one I know who's going to play every game.
RE: Eli  
DisgruntledNYGfan : 11/27/2023 10:36 pm : link
In comment 16305250 mfjmfj said:




Although I am pretty agnostic with the last three, and Jones could still move down depending on the rest of his career.


small gap


small gap

Hostetler (people forget what he did with the Raiders after he left)


the rest of the turds in the list.
GiantTuff1 : 11/27/2023 11:16 pm : link
Jeff Hostetler
Kent Graham
Daniel Jones
Danny Kanell
Dave Brown
WillVAB : 11/27/2023 11:41 pm : link
Even if you think the talent is close Simms gets a deduction for the injuries. I’ve seen enough injury prone players the last few years.
its Eli in a landslide  
Dankbeerman : 11/27/2023 11:52 pm : link
Simms was only other choice but its not close

Eli played in 72 more games but only played 1 more season then Phil

take Phils 5 best seasons (84-89 not counting 87) avg
3556 yards 55% 18 TDs

vs Elis Career avg
3564 yards 60% 23 TDs

Phil at his peek was close to avg Eli.
RE: its Eli in a landslide  
x meadowlander : 11/28/2023 9:32 am : link
In comment 16305672 Dankbeerman said:
Simms was only other choice but its not close

Eli played in 72 more games but only played 1 more season then Phil

take Phils 5 best seasons (84-89 not counting 87) avg
3556 yards 55% 18 TDs

vs Elis Career avg
3564 yards 60% 23 TDs

Phil at his peek was close to avg Eli.
I agree with Eli over Simms, but - Eanest Gray, Lionel Manuel and Mark Ingraham vs Toomer, Burress, Cruz, Nick's, OBJ?

Beyond 'Apples to Oranges'.

Simms also played in a far tougher environment for QBs  
Greg from LI : 11/28/2023 9:47 am : link
In the '80s, it was very rare for a QB to throw for 4000 yards. Now, it's routine.
RE: RE: its Eli in a landslide  
mfjmfj : 11/28/2023 9:51 am : link
In comment 16305804 x meadowlander said:
In comment 16305672 Dankbeerman said:


Simms was only other choice but its not close

Eli played in 72 more games but only played 1 more season then Phil

take Phils 5 best seasons (84-89 not counting 87) avg
3556 yards 55% 18 TDs

vs Elis Career avg
3564 yards 60% 23 TDs

Phil at his peek was close to avg Eli.

I agree with Eli over Simms, but - Eanest Gray, Lionel Manuel and Mark Ingraham vs Toomer, Burress, Cruz, Nick's, OBJ?

Beyond 'Apples to Oranges'.

Different game as well. Simms is my all time favorite Giants offensive player. But he is not close to Eli. Even if he was never injured his peaks were not nearly as high and his valleys were much lower. He was an interception machine for much of his career. I think people's memories are rosier than reality. And again I love Phil. Eli will be in the hall of fame. No one seriously considers Phil in that conversation.
The list  
Mike in NJ : 11/28/2023 10:14 am : link
Eli Manning
Phil Simms
Jeff Hostetler
Kerry Collins
Danny Kanell
Tommy DeVito
Daniel Jones
Kent Graham
Dave Brown
Simms was an interception machine?  
Greg from LI : 11/28/2023 10:17 am : link
But the guy who led the league in interceptions three times wasn't?
I'm curious  
Enzo : 11/28/2023 10:20 am : link
how Hostetler would do in today's NFL. He had all the tools. And he never got to play much during what would have been his prime years.
RE: I'm going...  
BMac : 11/28/2023 10:22 am : link
In comment 16305003 bw in dc said:
Simms first, Eli second, Hoss third.

As much as I don't like Jones, I don't think I can put him below Dave Brown for the last spot.

Agree on Simms. I remember John Madden discussing what he'd want in a QB. He used current players as a composite and he had Simms listed for his "heart."
collins vs jones vs hos is interesting  
Eric on Li : 11/28/2023 10:41 am : link
think i go jones bc he's at least got the mobility. collins was a sitting duck and an INT machine, though he was supremely durable. that one is a close call. odds are kerry will end up with the better career thanks to his durability unless jones has a good second act like alex smith or tannehill, but for starting a season healthy i think id take jones.

Eli Manning
Phil Simms

Daniel Jones
Kerry Collins
Jeff Hostetler

Danny Kanell
Kent Graham
Dave Brown

the bottom 3 were obviously career backups (or worse in Browns case). ranking them above any of the middle 3 is crazy. on their best day none of them had the capacity to do what kerry did vs MIN/SF or Jones did vs MIN or what Hostetler did in '90 in postseason.
RE: Simms also played in a far tougher environment for QBs  
djm : 11/28/2023 11:29 am : link
In comment 16305828 Greg from LI said:
In the '80s, it was very rare for a QB to throw for 4000 yards. Now, it's routine.

Yep it's impossible to truly compare stats from today to then. Not even worth it. As you said, Simms played in the best division in sports history, that's not hyperbole. It was that good. Eli had his own badge of honor with clutch play and taking down some titans in the postseason.

Simms was hurt by injuries. Eli wasn't. Both had their strengths and weaknesses. IF I had to choose I am simply going the safer route, Eli. But I'd feel comfortable with either.
For me, it's ...  
Beezer : 11/28/2023 11:47 am : link
Eli Manning/Phil Simms
Jeff Hostetler
Kerry Collins
Daniel Jones
Kent Graham
Danny Kanell
Dave Brown

I can understand the argument that Eli was an ironman  
Greg from LI : 11/28/2023 12:17 pm : link
and Simms wasn't. I do, however, wonder if Eli would have been as much of an ironman if he had played in that era. I don't know if you all have noticed this, but defenders could beat the daylights out of quarterbacks back then in a way that would draw a rain of yellow flags today.
RE: RE: its Eli in a landslide  
Dankbeerman : 11/28/2023 12:27 pm : link
In comment 16305804 x meadowlander said:
In comment 16305672 Dankbeerman said:


Simms was only other choice but its not close

Eli played in 72 more games but only played 1 more season then Phil

take Phils 5 best seasons (84-89 not counting 87) avg
3556 yards 55% 18 TDs

vs Elis Career avg
3564 yards 60% 23 TDs

Phil at his peek was close to avg Eli.

I agree with Eli over Simms, but - Eanest Gray, Lionel Manuel and Mark Ingraham vs Toomer, Burress, Cruz, Nick's, OBJ?

Beyond 'Apples to Oranges'.

I get the he had better weapons theory but I contend that Eli made all of his receivers better. None of those players has put up equal stats somewhere else.

Then think of the other guys he made look good.
Steve Smith
Jake Ballard
Martelus Bennet
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