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It's amazing to see the rallying around Tommy DeVito

Sean : 11/28/2023 7:42 pm
Jordan Raanan
The Tommy DeVito craze is wild!

Line wrapped around building, hundreds deep, people having shoes signed, asking him to sign the name Tommy Cutlets, bringing white tank tops for autographs, taking endless pics with 🤌

It's been an awful season, but the vibe around the season has changed with DeVito. Would have never expected this after the Jet game.
Link - ( New Window )
I am Ninja : 11/28/2023 7:44 pm : link
Will be more interesting to see how stark the contrast becomes if the players get behind him just as hard. I believe they'd look like a different team than that which was embarrassed on multiple occasions early in the year.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/28/2023 7:48 pm : link
In a shit season, @ least one feel good story.

I have no illusions about him being a franchise QB, though that'd be great. But @ least the dude is slinging it & playing loose. And he's had a better season than the dude collecting $40 million.
Like I said….  
5BowlsSoon : 11/28/2023 7:55 pm : link
Tommy has 7 TD passing

Jones has 2 TDs…and Jones has 55 more passing attempts….oh, and did I mention Jones has more turnovers…..

Tommy definitely has been a breath of fresh air this depressing season.
Banks : 11/28/2023 8:01 pm : link
I hope he has a long career before he lives the rest of his life as a schnook
Great story  
gary_from_chester : 11/28/2023 8:03 pm : link
Last time I’ll say it…FFS, can we enjoy his success without shitting on the QB who won a playoff game last year? I agree, DJ is not the answer; still, a good hard working dude who had some measure of success, always played hard, liked by his teammates, sacrificed his body for the team. Yeah, he’s not good enough, end of story. Just enjoy Tommy Touchdown, this place is like a bunch of old folks (I’m in that club) who just want to bitch and moan constantly.

I’m going to root and enjoy the show; no need to bury the dead.
I noted yesterday  
GruningsOnTheHill : 11/28/2023 8:06 pm : link
on his mom's Facebook page that he's having a signing event today at $60 per item. I remember back to when I was a kid in the late 70s and Paul Blair, Willie Randolph, Bucky Dent, etc, would sign autographs for free at the Livingston Mall through some sort of promotional deal.

I get that times have changed, and I think I read he makes just $40,000 per week while he's on the team. It will likely be a short run, and he's smart to squeeze the most out of his 15 minutes of fame.
I posted in two other threads that  
Chef : 11/28/2023 8:27 pm : link
NFL and, among others, that they are selling DeVito jerseys. If the Giants do select a QB this draft they have to spend one of the 53 roster spots on DeVito, Some one will pic him off the Practice Squad
Let's get real  
KeoweeFan : 11/28/2023 8:27 pm : link
Tommy is auditioning for a chance as a QB backup in 2024.
That is his measure of success.

(Miracles have happened and a starting role on an NFL team is possible, but not likely. If it does happen we will all celebrate.)

The fact that as an UDFA Tommy won games for the NYG, is MORE than enough reason for me to rally around Tommy.

Swizzle : 11/28/2023 8:28 pm : link
Didn’t the Jets do this with Mike White last year?

We are the Jets. No, were much more pathetic than the Jets unfortunately.
Danny Kanell : 11/28/2023 8:29 pm : link
This is honestly one of the craziest seasons I can ever remember. If we somehow beat Green Bay on MNF and he plays well, this Devito mania will go off the charts.
Let's trade him to the Jets for their  
M.S. : 11/28/2023 8:41 pm : link

first round pick.
RE: I noted yesterday  
Matt M. : 11/28/2023 8:41 pm : link
In comment 16306777 GruningsOnTheHill said:
on his mom's Facebook page that he's having a signing event today at $60 per item. I remember back to when I was a kid in the late 70s and Paul Blair, Willie Randolph, Bucky Dent, etc, would sign autographs for free at the Livingston Mall through some sort of promotional deal.

I get that times have changed, and I think I read he makes just $40,000 per week while he's on the team. It will likely be a short run, and he's smart to squeeze the most out of his 15 minutes of fame.
I guess, but anyone spending $60 for his autograph is absolutely nuts.
Feel good story for the Giants  
Rick in Dallas : 11/28/2023 8:47 pm : link
It would be very hard to bypass DeVito for Taylor as the starter going forward after the bye week .

It was also great to see Giant fans shitting on him  
Chef : 11/28/2023 8:50 pm : link
when some fans liked what they saw from him this preseason...
RE: Feel good story for the Giants  
Chef : 11/28/2023 8:53 pm : link
In comment 16306801 Rick in Dallas said:
It would be very hard to bypass DeVito for Taylor as the starter going forward after the bye week .

We already know what Taylor is... an expensive older career back up gotta play DeVito....
Joe Beckwith : 11/28/2023 9:07 pm : link
is Eli, re: demeanor.
Tommy is Phil, re: animated leadership.
He’s the little engine that could.
His fire motivates.
LOL - lets see the craze after a bad loss  
stoneman : 11/28/2023 9:14 pm : link
which will come.
RE: LOL - lets see the craze after a bad loss  
eric2425ny : 11/28/2023 9:22 pm : link
In comment 16306822 stoneman said:
which will come.

Wasn’t that every week with Jones this year?
If the guys name was Steve Green from Wyoming,  
BH28 : 11/28/2023 9:58 pm : link
nobody would care about his story.

That's a super shitty attitude by me, but in another lost season, with the QB situation even murkier, hooray we found a backup QB?
Good guy, good QB, and...  
CT Charlie : 11/28/2023 11:38 pm : link
the teams he's beaten are 6-16.
Football is an emotional game ....  
Manny in CA : 11/29/2023 12:01 am : link
Look what the Raiders did to us after they got Antonio Pierce as their head coach. They looked like they were left for dead before that game.
Enjoy it while it lasts  
UberAlias : 11/29/2023 3:48 am : link
If we don’t get a franchise caliber QB in next years draft, this is as “feel good” as the NYG QB situation is going to get.
He has to start  
Ralph.C : 11/29/2023 4:15 am : link
All due respect to Taylor. The fans want DeVito to start. And if he plays badly then the air will come out of that balloon quickly. However; for now? Unless there was some agreement we don’t know about between Taylor and the Giants in the event of a Jones injury?

You have to start Tommy. I can’t see how they won’t. The fans will be chanting his name as soon as Tyrod doesn’t move the offense. Starting Tommy Gun is a no brainer. If he keeps leading the team to wins? It’s all good. If he starts playing badly? Then no one will have a problem with putting Taylor back in there. The fan base has enough to be pissed off about. Let DeVito start.
He's a great story  
HBart : 11/29/2023 5:04 am : link
Every bit of it: UDFA, hometown boy, living with mom, the north Jersey thing, classic paisan name, cutlets, and some great throws for some exciting plays.

By the eyeball test, TD has real potential. His long throws are lovely, he stands in there, and most importantly he's not making the game-losing mistakes you expect in a UDFA rookie with no real snaps til a month ago. If he's a legit cost-controlled backup who knows the offense it's one of many excellent developments to take away from a lost season.

That said, paraphrasing Winston Wolf:let's not start sucking each other's Ds just yet. A few games of tape have a way of bringing unknown QBs back to earth. Hopefully that's not the case with TD.

I'm not a huge draft follower but my recollection is seeing TDs name on a top 50 QB list and that's it. How many were drafted? A dozen? How many were signed as UDFAs? 2 dozen?

So it's way early, but if TD keeps progressing on this trajectory then Schoen and Dabs scooped the rest of the league (except the Pats) with their QB eye. That also bolsters my confidence in whoever they choose for QB1 next year.
RE: He's a great story  
KDavies : 11/29/2023 6:46 am : link
In comment 16306913 HBart said:
Every bit of it: UDFA, hometown boy, living with mom, the north Jersey thing, classic paisan name, cutlets, and some great throws for some exciting plays.

By the eyeball test, TD has real potential. His long throws are lovely, he stands in there, and most importantly he's not making the game-losing mistakes you expect in a UDFA rookie with no real snaps til a month ago. If he's a legit cost-controlled backup who knows the offense it's one of many excellent developments to take away from a lost season.

That said, paraphrasing Winston Wolf:let's not start sucking each other's Ds just yet. A few games of tape have a way of bringing unknown QBs back to earth. Hopefully that's not the case with TD.

I'm not a huge draft follower but my recollection is seeing TDs name on a top 50 QB list and that's it. How many were drafted? A dozen? How many were signed as UDFAs? 2 dozen?

So it's way early, but if TD keeps progressing on this trajectory then Schoen and Dabs scooped the rest of the league (except the Pats) with their QB eye. That also bolsters my confidence in whoever they choose for QB1 next year.

Reality is, if they knew TD was this good the Giants would have spent a pick on him. Just as if the Patriots knew Brady would be as good as he was, they wouldn't have passed on him 5 times.
What I hate  
Gman11 : 11/29/2023 6:58 am : link
is the media basically making fun of him because he lives at home and eats his mother's chicken cutlets. What would happen if they wrote about a QB like Lamar Jackson that he likes watermelon and his mother's fried chicken?

That writer would be out of a job.
HBart : 11/29/2023 6:59 am : link
I completely disagree. For one, while early returns are promising, TD isn't "that good". Me might become that (I hope so) but he has a long way to go and much more challenge ahead.

Also, how many QBs were drafted total? I think about a dozen. About twice as many were signed as UDFAs. There's only so much draft capital and lots of intriguing late round flyers at all positions. Position players can contribute right away, while developmental QBs are usually red-shirted.
What irks me is this  
5BowlsSoon : 11/29/2023 7:42 am : link
After all we’ve seen, there are still guys here who are convinced that he could never be a successful NFL starting QB just because he was a UDFA. Tunnel vision if you ask me.

On a side note….He sure looks better than Bryce Young to me.
Couple more wins and Schoen can start shopping Devito  
ThomasG : 11/29/2023 8:23 am : link
for an extra 1st Rd pick.
Noted in my comments on Sy's report  
Biteymax22 : 11/29/2023 8:24 am : link
I have someone I know whose opinion I trust strongly when it comes to QBs who likes DeVito and awful lot and the one thing he keeps repeating is "there is just something there were the team lines up behind him".

Dare I say we're seeing a player with some charisma?

(And to note, that person likes him as a back up, not a permanent starter, but thinks he can be a high end back up in a year or so)
RE: What irks me is this  
KDavies : 11/29/2023 8:25 am : link
In comment 16306934 5BowlsSoon said:
After all we’ve seen, there are still guys here who are convinced that he could never be a successful NFL starting QB just because he was a UDFA. Tunnel vision if you ask me.

On a side note….He sure looks better than Bryce Young to me.

After all we've seen? He won two games against very bad teams? Last game they scored 10 points, 7 were off a real short field position.

I've probably seen more of DeVito than but a handful of posters here. Let's face it, people aren't lining up to watch Syracuse football. I have serious doubts he can be a good starter in the NFL.

That doesn't mean he isnt a very valuable player. He looks the part of a backup QB. Next two seasons they will have him for about $1 million a year. This will be immensely valuable as Jones' contract is large. If they draft a QB this year, they will be eating some Jones money in 2025.

He is pretty good with the ball, doesn't make too many mistakes, and can throw a nice ball when needed. That is enough to come in and be competitive in some games. It's far more than we've seen from veteran backups recently for the Giants, save for Taylor. But the Giants should be aiming higher for starting QB. Trust me I would love to have a starting QB on a 3 year contract under $3 million. But the chances of that are quite unlikely.
RE: RE: I noted yesterday  
Blueworm : 11/29/2023 8:30 am : link
In comment 16306798 Matt M. said:
In comment 16306777 GruningsOnTheHill said:


on his mom's Facebook page that he's having a signing event today at $60 per item. I remember back to when I was a kid in the late 70s and Paul Blair, Willie Randolph, Bucky Dent, etc, would sign autographs for free at the Livingston Mall through some sort of promotional deal.

I get that times have changed, and I think I read he makes just $40,000 per week while he's on the team. It will likely be a short run, and he's smart to squeeze the most out of his 15 minutes of fame.

I guess, but anyone spending $60 for his autograph is absolutely nuts.

You got people paying $140 for Xmas trees, so it seems to be the going rate.
RE: If the guys name was Steve Green from Wyoming,  
Costy16 : 11/29/2023 8:30 am : link
In comment 16306865 BH28 said:
nobody would care about his story.

That's a super shitty attitude by me, but in another lost season, with the QB situation even murkier, hooray we found a backup QB?

Might be the silver lining because they haven't had a solid plan at backup QB in quite some time.
The key to Tommy-mania...  
Dan in the Springs : 11/29/2023 8:30 am : link
Somehow figure out a way to sweep the Eagles this year.

I'll pay $60 for that, no autograph needed.

Hell, the way things have gone it might be worth $600 to me.

In fact a go-fund-me pledge drive for this would most certainly lead to more money than his next contract.

RE: Noted in my comments on Sy's report  
KDavies : 11/29/2023 8:48 am : link
In comment 16306953 Biteymax22 said:
I have someone I know whose opinion I trust strongly when it comes to QBs who likes DeVito and awful lot and the one thing he keeps repeating is "there is just something there were the team lines up behind him".

Dare I say we're seeing a player with some charisma?

(And to note, that person likes him as a back up, not a permanent starter, but thinks he can be a high end back up in a year or so)

He's got moxie. I agree with that assessment of him. If he can be a Minshew/Fitzpatrick type that's extremely valuable.

What we've seen from him in the pros is kind of what he was in college. He was very good with the ball. I believe he holds the Syracuse record for pass attempts without an interception. Last year with Illinois, he was 6th in the nation in ball security rankings among QBs.

The big criticisms are that he tends to hold onto the ball too long and take more sacks than you like. That said, he doesn't try to do too much and fumble the ball very often as we see with other QBs like Jones.

He also has limited athleticism. This is particularly concerning these days when QBs tend to be dual threats. One of the big reasons Syracuse moved on from him was for a QB who had better legs in Shrader.

I'd love to be wrong and for the Giants to have magically found a franchise QB as an UDFA, but I see him as a good backup QB. He can come in and keep a good team competitive when the starting QB is out.
RE: RE: Noted in my comments on Sy's report  
Greg from LI : 11/29/2023 9:11 am : link
In comment 16306968 KDavies said:
He's got moxie.

At best he will solidify a backup career  
Essex : 11/29/2023 9:27 am : link
and I hope that happens for him. He was who had a good game against the commanders and not much against the Pats (although he did manage the game well).
RE: Like I said….  
Tuckrule : 11/29/2023 9:45 am : link
In comment 16306768 5BowlsSoon said:
Tommy has 7 TD passing

Jones has 2 TDs…and Jones has 55 more passing attempts….oh, and did I mention Jones has more turnovers…..

Tommy definitely has been a breath of fresh air this depressing season.

The offensive line has improved since Tommy took over. They also faced horrible defenses. Let’s keep things in context just a little. I get the jones sucks stuff and he can’t read a difference but let’s get some form of clarity
RE: ...  
santacruzom : 11/29/2023 9:50 am : link
In comment 16306765 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
In a shit season, @ least one feel good story.

I have no illusions about him being a franchise QB, though that'd be great. But @ least the dude is slinging it & playing loose. And he's had a better season than the dude collecting $40 million.

Hey, I have at least a few illusions about him being a franchise QB. It has happened before -- maybe we'll be the ones to luck out this time.
RE: .  
Johnny5 : 11/29/2023 9:55 am : link
In comment 16306787 Swizzle said:
Didn’t the Jets do this with Mike White last year?

We are the Jets. No, were much more pathetic than the Jets unfortunately.

Yes. Yes they

That said, at least it's something entertaining this season finally. Hope the kid keeps it going for a bit.
RE: If the guys name was Steve Green from Wyoming,  
djm : 11/29/2023 9:56 am : link
In comment 16306865 BH28 said:
nobody would care about his story.

That's a super shitty attitude by me, but in another lost season, with the QB situation even murkier, hooray we found a backup QB?

Not really true. Any undrafted FA playing at an acceptable level is going to get attention, especially locally. When you factor in it's the NY Giants and they were bad prior and slowly making things interesting in the playoff picture, it wouldn't matter if Devito was named McNutt and hailed from Scaggsville. And they'd play that up too.

Walk ON QBS are stories that write themselves. IN NY it's heightened but it's the NFL where every story is big.
djm : 11/29/2023 10:00 am : link
friendly reminder, Devito put up 250 yards and 3 passing TDs one week prior to beating Bill Belichick.

He's playing like a PRO QB with pelts on his wall.

This could end at any point in time, or it could last 10 years, but the last 2 weeks are most definitely real and should and would garner attention no natter where Devito was doing this.
I think this is "Linsanity" moment  
Mike from Ohio : 11/29/2023 10:08 am : link
and I hope he is enjoying it. I hope for him and the Giants that he continues to play well, but either way this has to be a pretty awesome experience for him.
TerpsFan27 : 11/29/2023 10:11 am : link
I talked with some of my friends who are redskins fans, I asked if this is how it felt with a guy like Heinecke and Colt McCoy, they said it's exactly the same.

Let's just let it play out and see what happens. All I know is that he's played himself into a solid backup role.

If he develops and becomes a Brock Purdy type player, things will get interesting.
RE: Devito  
mittenedman : 11/29/2023 10:16 am : link
In comment 16307108 TerpsFan27 said:
I talked with some of my friends who are redskins fans, I asked if this is how it felt with a guy like Heinecke and Colt McCoy, they said it's exactly the same.

Let's just let it play out and see what happens. All I know is that he's played himself into a solid backup role.

If he develops and becomes a Brock Purdy type player, things will get interesting.

Exactly. Right now he’s in the Honeymoon period like Daboll was last year. (The NFL doesn’t have a book on him yet.) We’ll see where it goes.

RE: Good guy, good QB, and...  
3000_MilesToMeadowlands : 11/29/2023 10:22 am : link
In comment 16306897 CT Charlie said:
the teams he's beaten are 6-16.

NY is also +8 in turnover margin in those games, I love DeVito, I grew up in Essex County too, I hope he's the backup for the next 10 years, but the offense is not very productive right now. Unless opposing offensive's give NY some help . . .tough for them to accumulate enough points to beat mediocre opponents.
RE: Danny  
jeffusedtobeonwebtv : 11/29/2023 10:40 am : link
In comment 16306815 Joe Beckwith said:
is Eli, re: demeanor.
Tommy is Phil, re: animated leadership.
He’s the little engine that could.
His fire motivates.

When I see or read interviews by other Giants, it sure sounds like they really like DeVito.

As for Jones, it sounds like they really respect him. I am sure they also respect Taylor.
Watching DeVito  
DC Gmen Fan : 11/29/2023 10:42 am : link
is pretty much the only reason I tune in for the remainder of this season's games.
giants scored 30 pts 2 weeks ago  
djm : 11/29/2023 10:51 am : link
give the guy credit. I know the D had a pick 6 but they still put up pts on offense.

What if they score 27 and beat GB?

There's nothing wrong with winning 10-7 against the Pats. Even if winning games scoring 10 pts isn't sustainable, it doesn't have to be. They can score more pts against GB.
RE: .  
Harvest Blend : 11/29/2023 10:55 am : link
In comment 16306772 Banks said:
I hope he has a long career before he lives the rest of his life as a schnook

He reminds me of Phil Simms when he was a rookie  
arniefez : 11/29/2023 10:58 am : link
He doesn't have Phil's measurables but he's got some personality that translates to the rest of the team like Phil did his rookie year.

He's throwing the ball downfield well, when he has a chance. He's got a pretty good arm and he's pretty accurate. The 2nd TD pass to Barkley, the short one, was a pass I've rarely seen a Giants QB complete for a TD since Phil Simms. That is not an easy throw and it was perfect placement. That ball placement is the difference between red zone TDs and FGs a lot of the time.

So far he doesn't seem to be able to escape the rush. He has no chance to be a starting NFL QB taking half a dozen or more sacks every game no matter how the OL in front of him plays. I think if he figures out a way to avoid some of the sacks and get 1st downs with his legs he's going to be in the mix to play when the 2024 season starts.

I don't expect Taylor to be resigned unless it's for a vet minimum type contract. I think there's at least a 50/50 chance Daniel Jones will be on PUP and the Giants will have drafted a QB on day 1 or day 2. Depending on how these last 5 games play out it's possible Devito is an option for 2024 week one.

As far as if his name was Steve Green from Wyoming, it's not. He grew up in the NY Metro area and that's a positive for him, the Giants and Giants fans. There hasn't been much to cheer about in 2023. So his journey so far has been very enjoyable to me.

He's got two weeks to get ready for Green Bay in prime time. If he plays well and stays healthy he gets the Eagles twice. What a great opportunity for him. I hope he makes the most of it.
RE: .  
Victor in CT : 11/29/2023 1:54 pm : link
In comment 16306772 Banks said:
I hope he has a long career before he lives the rest of his life as a schnook


he can go home and get his shine box. ;-)
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