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Archived Thread on Daboll and Wink

Hilary : 11/29/2023 5:49 am
One thing I noticed about Brian Daboll- chews out players and maybe Wink on the sideline on national TV. Those discussions best done in the office. No one likes to be embarrassed in public.
Dabolll - ( New Window )
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/29/2023 6:24 am : link
You most have loved Parcells & TC.
Its the NFL  
Bubba : 11/29/2023 7:08 am : link
not a popularity contest. You address the issue as it occurs not when the game is over. I'm sure Wink can handle it.
Its better than when Buddy Ryan punched out Gilbride on the sideline.
The thing is  
Chris684 : 11/29/2023 7:10 am : link
Unless Wink is getting a head coaching gig, there is no better job than the one he’s got.

I can see Wink in Vegas if AP doesn’t get it. Obviously Carolina is open now. I’m sure more openings will come about.

I’m sitting here hoping that somehow Daboll and Wink can work this out and the two stay together awhile, although that’s not looking likely now.
I see the horse has not been sufficiently  
logman : 11/29/2023 7:55 am : link
beaten to death yet
Fine, dig  
Blueworm : 11/29/2023 8:12 am : link
But when the guy says he answered it yesterday, come up with new questions.
Don't complain that they have the same answers two days in a row.
An article base on  
Biteymax22 : 11/29/2023 8:21 am : link
another article based on a report by a third person. Then the only addition in this article, which is now third hand, was comments from a coach that doesn't work on the team.

Did I get that right?

We're 4-8, everything went wrong this season, I'm sure coaches and people are pissed about how things are going right now, I'd be more concerned if they didn't care.
RE: An article base on  
Blueworm : 11/29/2023 8:23 am : link
In comment 16306948 Biteymax22 said:
another article based on a report by a third person. Then the only addition in this article, which is now third hand, was comments from a coach that doesn't work on the team.

Did I get that right?

We're 4-8, everything went wrong this season, I'm sure coaches and people are pissed about how things are going right now, I'd be more concerned if they didn't care.

And an in-depth analysis of sideline yelling in Daboll's past.
In Buffalo they want to fire McDermott  
WillieYoung : 11/29/2023 8:36 am : link
because he never gets upset and chews anyone out after a bad play.
RE: ...  
BMac : 11/29/2023 8:41 am : link
In comment 16306919 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
You most have loved Parcells & TC.

People who can’t handle being embarrassed  
mfsd : 11/29/2023 9:13 am : link
in public when they fuck up shouldn’t be playing or coaching professional football. The entire profession revolves around performing on national TV
RE: In Buffalo they want to fire McDermott  
Essex : 11/29/2023 9:24 am : link
In comment 16306961 WillieYoung said:
because he never gets upset and chews anyone out after a bad play.

or maybe they realize they missed their window with this core besides allen and want to reload with someone else
I forgot about last year's RB Coach  
mittenedman : 11/29/2023 9:51 am : link
leaving to take the same position with the Colts.

Interesting that it's not just Martindale that may be interested in moving on after the season.

Obviously he and McDermott had a rift in BUF too. It's something to keep an eye on. He has that "Dude next door" vibe on the surface but it sounds like he's difficult to work with.

The difference with Parcells is he had that magic quality where he could be a total asshole and you still respected him. It's tough to pull off.
RE: In Buffalo they want to fire McDermott  
jnoble : 11/29/2023 10:33 am : link
In comment 16306961 WillieYoung said:
because he never gets upset and chews anyone out after a bad play.

That reminds me I used to refer to Pat Shurmer as "Gil" towards the end of his time here because he tended to have that sadsack look on his face and body language on the sidelines like the real life version of hapless salesman Gil Gunderson from The Simpsons plus a passing resemblance to boot 😄
I wonder Dabs relationship with Bobby Johnson  
Simms11 : 11/29/2023 10:35 am : link
and TMac? They both should be getting scrutinized by him as well. I guess we’ll see how the year shakes out.
RE: RE: In Buffalo they want to fire McDermott  
jnoble : 11/29/2023 10:35 am : link
In comment 16307152 jnoble said:
In comment 16306961 WillieYoung said:


because he never gets upset and chews anyone out after a bad play.

That reminds me I used to refer to Pat Shurmer as "Gil" towards the end of his time here because he tended to have that sadsack look on his face and body language on the sidelines like the real life version of hapless salesman Gil Gunderson from The Simpsons plus a passing resemblance to boot 😄

(Pat pulls out a large outdated phone from his pocket): "Honey, you should have seen me! No we didn't win the game but we came close! Who is that in the background? is that Fred? Oh you said it was over! No don't put them on the phone!... oh hi Fred!"😄😄😄
"Those discussions are best done in the office"...  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/29/2023 1:45 pm : link
Over tea and crumpets for heaven sake!

Nobody likes to get embarrassed on TV?... If Wink is not embarrassed (as well as everyone else) he should be after some of these performances.

The more that gets…  
Chris in Philly : 11/29/2023 1:51 pm : link
reported on this, the more pathetic it becomes. Football coaches don’t like getting yelled at during a game? Get a real job, see how that goes for you.
Some of you love to rewrite history  
Larry in Pencilvania : 11/29/2023 2:31 pm : link
Dabol stared down TMac for special team gaffs in the beginning of the year. Coughlin was notorious for losing it on the sidelines. Parcells ripped Simms apart regularly. Carl Banks shared a story how Parcells would fire coordinators on the sidelines if he didn't like the plays called. That included Belichick.

Daboll was upset with the defensive playing in the second Dallas game. The head coach let Wink know about it. This is a results oriented business and it's Daboll's ass. The only reason this is an issue is because the team is losing

RE: ...  
solarmike : 11/29/2023 3:50 pm : link
In comment 16306919 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
You most have loved Parcells & TC.

This is one that I remember fondly:

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