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NFT: MRI Arthrogram for Shoulder/Hip

OnTap : 11/29/2023 10:18 am
Might have torn labrum in shoulder and hip. Chiropractor wants an MRI arthrogram. I was reading bout it and they shove a huge needle into the joint and inject dye. Reading comments on it people say it's pretty awful. I don't do well with procedures like this. Has anyone here had one?
Had one many years ago  
Dang Man : 11/29/2023 11:04 am : link
For what turned out to be a torn labrum that was surgically repaired. I hate needles and it wasn’t pleasant, but it adds another layer of accuracy as it picks up even the slightest of tears. Its something you should do if able.
Im an ortho shoulder doc  
Jerz44 : 11/29/2023 11:06 am : link
The arthrograms are painful.

I’d suggest you see an orthopedist before getting it. I don’t think chiros will be as effective at clinically diagnosing those injuries and whether or not an Mra is needed

I was going to have one in 2021 on my hip.  
DC Gmen Fan : 11/29/2023 11:11 am : link
Watched a video about it and was like fuck that.
Perhaps you could find a facility  
Kanavis : 11/29/2023 12:11 pm : link
With a 3T MRI scanner.
RE: Im an ortho shoulder doc  
Dang Man : 11/29/2023 2:05 pm : link
In comment 16307222 Jerz44 said:
The arthrograms are painful.

I’d suggest you see an orthopedist before getting it. I don’t think chiros will be as effective at clinically diagnosing those injuries and whether or not an Mra is needed

Missed the part about this advice coming from a chiro. Guess I had assumed it was an ortho. That’s def the place to start.
I have had two for the same shoulder  
Tom in DC : 11/30/2023 4:06 pm : link
Over the last 15 years or so I have dislocated the same shoulder. Its not pleasant but bearable. I'm a pass out with needles sort of person and each time after it was done I got really light header and had to sit. If you or your doctor think its a bad tear and considering surgery then I'd say get the MRI.

For me, by labrum is maybe 1/4 to 1/3 torn and its my non-throwing side and I had a baby at the time so I didn't get it fixed.
I had 2 shoulder surgeries..  
moze1021 : 11/30/2023 8:54 pm : link
One for AC Joint Arthritis (at 22 yo) and one for Torn Labrum (25 yo)...

I don't remember the arthrogram being all that bad..but the shoulder surgeries really sucked and I regret not getting more opinions and/or waiting... Especially with the AC Joint, my shoulder still sucks day to day and I can't come close to throwing the way I used to.
RE: Im an ortho shoulder doc  
section125 : 11/30/2023 9:00 pm : link
In comment 16307222 Jerz44 said:
The arthrograms are painful.

I’d suggest you see an orthopedist before getting it. I don’t think chiros will be as effective at clinically diagnosing those injuries and whether or not an Mra is needed

Ha ha. I was going to say the same thing. I really don't understand the use of chiro's for joint problems.
I had one many years ago  
JonC : 11/30/2023 9:14 pm : link
Was no big deal. As others said, go to an orthopedic specialist. Do not rely on chiro for joint diagnoses or injuries.
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