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Another QB hypothetical to balance the others

Marty in Albany : 11/29/2023 10:30 am
Pick any QB you want. Pick the best QB in NFL history if you want, and tell me what our record would be if we had him at the beginning of this season, instead of Jones.

My guess is that he'd be on IR by now.

IMHO, getting a "franchise QB" should not be our first priority in the next draft.
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Tim Rattay  
Anakim : 11/29/2023 10:31 am : link
We'd have a perfect record
Dave on the UWS : 11/29/2023 10:36 am : link
you put Montana back there, where he was using the short passing game and getting rid of the ball quickly, the offense would be light years better.
When he finished up in KC, their OL was at best, mediocre. He was still VERY productive.
A lot of the putrid offense is on Jones.
Top notch QBs can make their OLs look a LOT better. Its happened for decades.
Brock Purdy  
JT039 : 11/29/2023 10:38 am : link
Cause I was told he’s the reason for the 49ers success.
ILGMan : 11/29/2023 10:39 am : link
Put a HOF QB back there and we'd be one of the wildcard teams.

I think 2011 Eli Manning  
Jay on the Island : 11/29/2023 10:39 am : link
would have this team in a wild card spot. His line was atrocious that year also and he had the best season of his career. Also the Giants had the worst running game and one of the worst defenses that season.
RE: I think 2011 Eli Manning  
Fat Wally : 11/29/2023 10:41 am : link
In comment 16307170 Jay on the Island said:
would have this team in a wild card spot. His line was atrocious that year also and he had the best season of his career. Also the Giants had the worst running game and one of the worst defenses that season.

yep, plus he's tough as nails.. never gets hurt. I bet Hyatt would be a star by now.
Personally I think if you put Prime Mahomes on Giants  
chuckydee9 : 11/29/2023 10:44 am : link
our win loss record would be worse cause he doesn't throw the second half TDs and that would mean we lose the Cardinals game.. also the interception in the red zone against Seattle was perfect throw.. also its not DJs fault that both Dallas and Eagles have him figured out.. Heck the Broncos have Mahomes figured out..
I’ll play  
gary_from_chester : 11/29/2023 10:45 am : link
I won’t even take the best of all time. I’ll take Josh Allen just to make the point.

With Josh Allen, I believe we are at least 7-5 and solidly in the playoff picture. We beat the Jets and the Bills, two games we could have easily won. I’ll be conservative and give us one more win from the two losses against Seattle and the Raiders, both middle of the pack teams that don’t far outclass us talent wise.

Great QB’s make a difference! I hate people crapping on DJ but I’ll say it this way - he is not good enough. Yes, we have lots of holes and any QB would fare better if they were plugged. Duh.

No one’s winning this argument anyway…but I think you’re dead wrong if you don’t believe a top notch QB would have put us in the playoff picture this year.
How did that work for the Colts?  
Sean : 11/29/2023 10:47 am : link
Just "plug in" QB when the roster is ready? It was a disaster for the Colts until they finally took a QB at 4 this past draft. Bridgewater, Rivers, Wentz, Ryan all played QB.

You get your franchise QB when the opportunity presents itself, not when the OL is fixed.
If you kept  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/29/2023 10:48 am : link
everything else the same including how the injuries played out (AT, SB, Waller, etc.) I would say 5-6 wins.

That isn’t how it works  
UConn4523 : 11/29/2023 10:48 am : link
how many times do you need to see plus QBs playing well behind middling OLs to realize that finding a QB matters most?

And do we never get to pick again if we draft a QB with our first pick? Are we also unable to spend cap on any other players?
This has got to be a troll thread  
chuckydee9 : 11/29/2023 10:50 am : link
as if No QB ever is considerable better than Jones.. Tyrod played with street players on the OL and looked a lot better cause he could read the defense and get the ball out quickly.. Jones is 10x further away from Mahomes than our 3rd string QB is to Jones.. If there is no difference in our team from having Jones vs prime Brady then what the fuck are the NFL teams doing paying QBs..
RE: I think 2011 Eli Manning  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/29/2023 10:52 am : link
In comment 16307170 Jay on the Island said:
would have this team in a wild card spot. His line was atrocious that year also and he had the best season of his career. Also the Giants had the worst running game and one of the worst defenses that season.

Fans forget all of this.
People are having a hard time coping  
jinkies : 11/29/2023 10:54 am : link
with the fact we gave $100M to a shitty quarterback.
So QBs don't make a difference in the NFL  
Mike from Ohio : 11/29/2023 10:56 am : link
is that really where some of you are? If you have a bad team, the QB can't move the needle. If you have a really good team, anyone can win with them so they don't move the needle. I guess only mediocre teams need a good QB?

The question is a silly one.
I'll bite, even though it's an absurd premise  
rsjem1979 : 11/29/2023 10:58 am : link
With a better/great QB:

The Giants don't fall behind 20-0 in Arizona with 76 yards of offense in the first half - so there's no need to rally.

At minimum, they also win the SEA/BUF/NYJ games.

That puts them at 7-5.
RE: So QBs don't make a difference in the NFL  
jinkies : 11/29/2023 11:00 am : link
In comment 16307200 Mike from Ohio said:
is that really where some of you are? If you have a bad team, the QB can't move the needle. If you have a really good team, anyone can win with them so they don't move the needle. I guess only mediocre teams need a good QB?

The question is a silly one.

Yes. That's where they are. There's no meaningful difference in quarterback talent to these people. It's all about line and weapons. Pat Mahomes would do worse, they say. And by worse we mean below 30th in most meaningful metrics, because that's where Jones is.

It's so transparently ignorant.
I guess another question  
Mike from Ohio : 11/29/2023 11:01 am : link
if the QB performance is simply a factor of the team around him, why pay any of them on a second contract?

I am guessing the OP was furious when we signed Jones to a $160M contract when the line was bad and we were doomed to be out of the playoff hunt?

To summarize - you can pay a guy $40M/year when the team sucks and there is no chance of winning, but you can't draft a QB and pay him peanuts when there is no chance of winning?

Marty, I loved your camp reports, but this thread is a touch embarrassing for you.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/29/2023 11:01 am : link
Make it stop.
Johnny5 : 11/29/2023 11:01 am : link
It's pretty clear SO MANY People underestimate how truly bad this whole team was the first half of this season, including the coaching. The staff did NOT have this team ready, this has been discussed ad-nauseum, but it's just become the popular narrative to rant on and on that DJ shit the bed. The defense was absolutely awful the 1st few games, and after Thomas went down, we had the worst OL play I can ever remeber watching (and with this team, that is SAYING something). Regardless of whether DJ is the guy or not, DJ looked mentally broken to me. Say what you want about him but he is a big strong guy, who can say what would have happened behind the OL before Thomas came back, but it's pretty clear there would have been some injuries to any QB behind that OL play.

Regardless of QB, we are not... NOT competing with Philly or Dallas until this team overall is better, especially on the OL. I don't at all mind selecting a QB high (or low for that matter) if the staff and FO has conviction on someone, actually it would be criminal if they don't at least take a developmental QB) but even if we selected Pat Mahomes, this team is not on par with Philly/Dallas/SF. It's just not.
I want to be collegial here but I’m starting to think quite a few  
cosmicj : 11/29/2023 11:08 am : link
Jones supporters have lost their minds. What’s the upside of rolling with Jones?

Remember when the Giants team were contenders with excellent squads and Hall of Famers all over the lineup?

Now, we are hoping for a wild card win maybe in the next few years.

What is the desired outcome of keeping Jones as a franchise QB?
A better question is  
Eightshamrocks : 11/29/2023 11:09 am : link
How would Jones' have looked if Thomas and Barkley didn't both get hurt? The two players the Giants couldn't afford lose, got hurt in back to back games. Assuming of course Jones didn't get hurt either(which he probably wouldn't have if Thomas was paying vs the Dolphins). I can tell you right now, I believe the Giants would be 7-5 and in decent shape. I firmly believe that.
Our record would be better  
GiantsRage2007 : 11/29/2023 11:16 am : link
Jones was horrible this season save for 1 half in Arizona.

RE: Well...  
Mike from Ohio : 11/29/2023 11:24 am : link
In comment 16307212 Johnny5 said:
It's pretty clear SO MANY People underestimate how truly bad this whole team was the first half of this season, including the coaching.

Who on this site has been talking about this team in anything other than derogatory terms all year?

Nobody underestimated the team. Many overestimated Jones.
Give me Tom Brady  
rasbutant : 11/29/2023 11:30 am : link
And I bet the house we make it to the Super Bowl.
The Oline play of late has been competent  
Simms11 : 11/29/2023 11:37 am : link
with AT back and JMS in middle. If we had a fairly decent QB, we’d be headed towards the playoffs. DeVito has been good in spades, but he’s also not seeing open receivers or knowing when to get rid of the ball. Taking sacks like he is, is putting the offense in a huge hole. I’m amazed he has 7 TDs ?!
Jones is not good enough  
Dave on the UWS : 11/29/2023 11:39 am : link
and now he's got a SERIOUS injury history.
But, I'm not upset that JS gave Jones the contract he did.
Coming off last year, also factoring in alternatives, and then looking at Herbert's contract, DJ's is "reasonable", especially, because its essentially, a 2 year deal.
It doesn't prevent Schoen from picking a QB this year if that's how he wants to play it.
Let the Stockholm  
Blueworm : 11/29/2023 12:01 pm : link
Syndrome Stop!!
Just look at the way Jones looked vs the Cardinals in 2nd half  
Eightshamrocks : 11/29/2023 12:15 pm : link
of that game. That of course was with Daboll calling plays. Kafka has been a problem in addition to the Thomas and Barkley injuries. Did that performance not show all of you the potential Jones has when he has a competent play caller? Kafka has not cut the mustard. This can not be stated enough. It will be interesting to see if Daboll does what needs to be done regarding him this offseason. Jones was poor in the other games no doubt. However, Jones I believe Jones would have looked much better with competent play calling all season. You have to factor that in to the equation.
BigTymer : 11/29/2023 12:22 pm : link
Jones was a questionable draft pick who has largely underperformed (circumstance or not) and is now on his 2nd contract with performance questions remaining.

Why are we speaking in hypotheticals or extrapolating on 1 quarter of football against one of the worst teams in the NFL.

Move on.
7 wins  
TyreeHelmet : 11/29/2023 12:32 pm : link
and I think that's being somewhat conservative.

Do people not realize how bad Jones was this year? And please god stop pointing to the Arizona second half or even the Minny game last year? How about looking at the rest of the 60 games this guy has played ( with the majority of them being poorly).

People also need to stop describing his contract as "reasonable". It's a terrible deal that will severely hurt this team for 3 seasons. Stop sugar coating it.

Go Terps : 11/29/2023 12:33 pm : link
The Daniel Jones experience has been my strangest as a Giants fan. There have been so many attempts to show he isn't what he's been every day since he became a starter at Duke. I will never understand it.
Kurt Kittner  
Sammo85 : 11/29/2023 12:46 pm : link
RE: RE: Well...  
Johnny5 : 11/29/2023 12:54 pm : link
In comment 16307260 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16307212 Johnny5 said:


It's pretty clear SO MANY People underestimate how truly bad this whole team was the first half of this season, including the coaching.

Who on this site has been talking about this team in anything other than derogatory terms all year?

Nobody underestimated the team. Many overestimated Jones.

Really? Who? You mean Schoen and Daboll? Who know WAY more than you or I or any other self-inflated BBI'er do? And also know more than the people who disappeared from the site (or at least stopped their chatter for a while) after they signed him? I think most people were pretty pragmatic. We had a pretty good season with a pretty weak team with DJ at the helm. I have not seen more than 1 or 2 people on this site over-inflate what DJ is or was. But I have seen plenty not give the guy any credit AT ALL. Some people just put more blame on the overall team than just the QB (you know, like you do). What happens if Daboll actually makes better decisions preseason? You know like play the fucking starters for more than 5 minutes over 3 full games? Actually define and play a STARTING OL TOGETHER in Preseason?? Keep Tyre Philips instead of Peart as the swing but then use FUCKING EZEUDU at LT when Thomas goes down? Keep an actual PR instead of Cole Beasley or Sterling Sheperd? On and On?

I will reiterate - DJ is likely only on this team for 2024, especially if we select a QB high. And If they have conviction on a guy - DO IT. And if the team doesn't IMPROVE I'll probably defend that guy the same way I defend DJ based on the overall suckitude of this team.

We are not competing with Philly/SF/Dallas (Or even Seattle for fucks sake) until we improve this team, ESPECIALLY on the lines. OL play is not NOT good enough to compete (YET) with the top 7 or 8 teams in this league. If you think it is, good for you. I 100% disagree.
RE: .  
Johnny5 : 11/29/2023 1:21 pm : link
In comment 16307387 Go Terps said:
The Daniel Jones experience has been my strangest as a Giants fan. There have been so many attempts to show he isn't what he's been every day since he became a starter at Duke. I will never understand it.

Give me a small break already with this. Some people like DJ better than you BFD. Give it a rest already. I don't see anyone claiming the guy is a top tier QB. You have always shit on QBs that you don't personally like. You did the same fucking thing years ago with Collins. Collins was another QB good enough to win a Super Bowl with when he had decent OL play. And don't bring up the shit vs. Baltimore. NOBODY was beating the Ravens in the Super Bowl that year. Especially not with a cobbled together OL. I don't think Jones is as good as Collins (as a passer anyway) but he is certainly not the stinking mess that you make him out to be.

Geezus I am so tired of these conversations every day on every other thread about DJ. People are in for a rude awakening if (when) we draft another QB and the OL play doesn't improve (more than it has to date this year) ESPECIALLY against Dallas or Philly, OR the defensive play for that matter. Anyone with a decent offense that actually runs the ball will eat this defense alive until we get more ER and way WAY better overall play against the run.

But but but Devito just beat 2 teams as bad as we are! And scored 24 points vs WFT that just traded away their 2 best defensive lineman! He must be the bestest NY Giants QB!! The stats say so! LOL
I do admit I was way off on Collins  
Go Terps : 11/29/2023 1:29 pm : link
We should have drafted Gallery to help him out.
This theory is as daft...  
bw in dc : 11/29/2023 1:31 pm : link
as thinking if you put Jones on the Chiefs or Ravens those teams would basically have the same record.
RE: I do admit I was way off on Collins  
Johnny5 : 11/29/2023 1:32 pm : link
In comment 16307449 Go Terps said:
We should have drafted Gallery to help him out.

Ooohhh good one!

Whether you admit it or not, Collins was a very good QB. He became less than he was after Romanowski broke his jaw, but he was still very good. Not elite, no, but still very good, and certainly good enough to win a SB in the right situation.
RE: Just look at the way Jones looked vs the Cardinals in 2nd half  
rsjem1979 : 11/29/2023 1:34 pm : link
In comment 16307362 Eightshamrocks said:
of that game. That of course was with Daboll calling plays. Kafka has been a problem in addition to the Thomas and Barkley injuries. Did that performance not show all of you the potential Jones has when he has a competent play caller? Kafka has not cut the mustard. This can not be stated enough. It will be interesting to see if Daboll does what needs to be done regarding him this offseason. Jones was poor in the other games no doubt. However, Jones I believe Jones would have looked much better with competent play calling all season. You have to factor that in to the equation.

Daniel Jones cannot fail, he can only be failed.
Marty I have to admit after the Dallas game and even moreso  
Blue21 : 11/29/2023 1:37 pm : link
After the second game I predicted he wouldn't last a season. Know I m not sure I posted it on BBI but among other Giants fans in conversation. It was an easy prediction. One might add it the ACL was non contact but the neck certainly was. I know big deal but look what happened.
RE: I’ll play  
MOOPS : 11/29/2023 1:44 pm : link
In comment 16307183 gary_from_chester said:
[quote] I won’t even take the best of all time. I’ll take Josh Allen just to make the point.

With Josh Allen, I believe we are at least 7-5 and solidly in the playoff picture.

Sorry, gotta disagree with you there. He's 6-6 with the Bills.
RE: RE: I think 2011 Eli Manning  
TheBlueprintNC : 11/29/2023 1:53 pm : link
In comment 16307191 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16307170 Jay on the Island said:


would have this team in a wild card spot. His line was atrocious that year also and he had the best season of his career. Also the Giants had the worst running game and one of the worst defenses that season.

Fans forget all of this.

Sorry, That line was light years ahead of this OL. This line is historically bad. Also many forget that 2011 team got a lot Healthier as they got to the end of the season. The run game kicked into gear and so did the D. Osi came back and Tuck woke up.
RE: RE: I do admit I was way off on Collins  
Go Terps : 11/29/2023 1:57 pm : link
In comment 16307460 Johnny5 said:
In comment 16307449 Go Terps said:


We should have drafted Gallery to help him out.

Ooohhh good one!

Whether you admit it or not, Collins was a very good QB. He became less than he was after Romanowski broke his jaw, but he was still very good. Not elite, no, but still very good, and certainly good enough to win a SB in the right situation.

I called for the Giants to move on from Collins in 2003. Go take a look at his career from 2003 onward. If you want me to save you the research, I's not good.

But hey maybe Collins will come out of retirement and prove you right that he can win a Super Bowl. He and Jones do have the same chance of winning one, so who knows.
This is such a weird take.  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/29/2023 2:00 pm : link
There are QBs playing now that aren't great but would help this team more than Jones did.

Collins was a very good  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/29/2023 2:25 pm : link
QB when he had a running game and the OL matched up with the defensive front. He struggled with pressure. You needed a 2007-08 Giants OL to deal with that Ravens team. Then a big game HC/QB like Eli and TC.

The Jones stuff is strange. I never see anyone factor in that both AT and SB were out for three of the games he played.

Just getting SB back was a huge factor. Against Buffalo the RB's ran 27 times for 110 yards. They were 34 runs to 26 passes heading into the last drive. Three prior games.

SF: 9c/22y No SB/AT Tynes said worst performance in 30 yrs.
Seattle: 18c/38y No SB/AT
Miami: 22c/46y No SB/AT

Schoen actually mentioned this a bit yesterday.
RE: IF  
joe48 : 11/29/2023 2:28 pm : link
In comment 16307160 Dave on the UWS said:
you put Montana back there, where he was using the short passing game and getting rid of the ball quickly, the offense would be light years better.
When he finished up in KC, their OL was at best, mediocre. He was still VERY productive.
A lot of the putrid offense is on Jones.
Top notch QBs can make their OLs look a LOT better. Its happened for decades.

First it was better now it’s a lot better. Of course when you have Jerry Rice things are easier.
It's odd to me  
Sean : 11/29/2023 2:33 pm : link
The GM who drafted Jones is looked out as a failure by at least 90% of this board. Yet, the QB he drafted at 6 is still the victim of circumstance in year 5.

Given Gettleman was on an island with his selection in 2019, and his conviction so great for Daniel Jones, shouldn't these same people who defend Jones view Gettleman as a maverick GM who took the beating for landing the NYG franchise QB?
RE: RE: IF  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/29/2023 2:33 pm : link
In comment 16307567 joe48 said:
In comment 16307160 Dave on the UWS said:


you put Montana back there, where he was using the short passing game and getting rid of the ball quickly, the offense would be light years better.
When he finished up in KC, their OL was at best, mediocre. He was still VERY productive.
A lot of the putrid offense is on Jones.
Top notch QBs can make their OLs look a LOT better. Its happened for decades.

First it was better now it’s a lot better. Of course when you have Jerry Rice things are easier.

When was Jerry Rice with Montana in KC?
RE: .  
Dinger : 11/29/2023 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16307387 Go Terps said:
The Daniel Jones experience has been my strangest as a Giants fan. There have been so many attempts to show he isn't what he's been every day since he became a starter at Duke. I will never understand it.

Funny but Daniel Jones arrival coincides with (or happens in the middle of) the departure of a 2 time SB champ QB, GM and coach turmoil and some really bad 1st round picks. This probably has skewed the feelings towards him on both sides. Fans desperate for a winner and Fans vilifying anything to do with the team.
RE: RE: RE: IF  
rsjem1979 : 11/29/2023 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16307574 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16307567 joe48 said:


In comment 16307160 Dave on the UWS said:


you put Montana back there, where he was using the short passing game and getting rid of the ball quickly, the offense would be light years better.
When he finished up in KC, their OL was at best, mediocre. He was still VERY productive.
A lot of the putrid offense is on Jones.
Top notch QBs can make their OLs look a LOT better. Its happened for decades.

First it was better now it’s a lot better. Of course when you have Jerry Rice things are easier.

When was Jerry Rice with Montana in KC?

Also, Jerry Rice arrived after Montana had already won 2 SBs and accounted for 114 TDs in 63 NFL starts.
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