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A sombering exercise

DC Gmen Fan : 11/29/2023 11:30 am
Go back and check out the game reviews from 2012 on.

Eesh. Rose colored glasses are real.
it would  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/29/2023 11:31 am : link
be worse to go back and read threads at how well Gettleman was doing.
With the exception of a smattering of games  
DC Gmen Fan : 11/29/2023 11:35 am : link
Eli's effectiveness really declined during 2012.
RE: With the exception of a smattering of games  
Ben in Tampa : 11/29/2023 11:40 am : link
In comment 16307289 DC Gmen Fan said:
Eli's effectiveness really declined during 2012.

I've wondered if Eli being the iron man actually accelerated his decline. The dude was tough as hell and played through a lot of stuff. That adds up fast.
statistically speaking  
Dave on the UWS : 11/29/2023 11:44 am : link
Eli had "great years" 2014-2016. Most of that though, was OBJ.
RE: statistically speaking  
DC Gmen Fan : 11/29/2023 11:50 am : link
In comment 16307308 Dave on the UWS said:
Eli had "great years" 2014-2016. Most of that though, was OBJ.

Statistically yes. Eye test - meh
For the past 6-8 years  
Biteymax22 : 11/29/2023 11:59 am : link
We've spent a lot of time in the "honeymoon period" with coaches and GM's. During that you're concentrating more on what they do good vs what they do bad. You're also looking through things in a more hopeful light.

I still think you really need 3 full years to evaluate a coach or GM unless they really screw up like Judge's famous rant or back to back QB sneaks.
RE: With the exception of a smattering of games  
exiled : 11/29/2023 12:11 pm : link
The offensive line’s effectiveness really declined during 2012.

Fixed it for ya 😉
Nicks was hurt in game 2 and  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/29/2023 12:30 pm : link
was never again the same WR. W/O a healthy Nicks, Cruz was not the same WR. Manningham was gone. They were about average as a group imv.

They did run the ball much better in 2012 but the really good running team of years past was gone and the skill group of 2011 was long gone imv.
Why subject yourself to torture?  
RCPhoenix : 11/29/2023 12:54 pm : link
The last ten years have been bad enough. I don’t get why people want to relive bad experiences.
I said it at the time and I ll say it again. What ruined Eli  
Blue21 : 11/29/2023 1:12 pm : link
Those last few years was the team around him. Oline sucked then as it does now.
Now go review Reeeechs drafts  
TheBlueprintNC : 11/29/2023 1:48 pm : link
had money in his pocket and gambled on basketball on grass vision.. In northeast. should have been fired on the spot.. Wasted prime yrs of a SuperBowl Champion QB and Coach.
RE: statistically speaking  
BillT : 11/29/2023 1:50 pm : link
In comment 16307308 Dave on the UWS said:
Eli had "great years" 2014-2016. Most of that though, was OBJ.

Because other good QBs are allowed to have good WRs and no one says anything but Eli is only good if he can do it without decent WR talent. Never got that.
djm : 11/29/2023 1:51 pm : link
go back to 05 and see how many here hated Eli Manning, Coughlin and Accorsi, and 05 was a good year.

If you're a negative NYG fan, you've been validated the last 10 years or so, save for 2016 and 2022. If you're an optimist, you've been exposed as the evil monster you truly are.

RE: conversely  
BillT : 11/29/2023 1:56 pm : link
In comment 16307510 djm said:
go back to 05 and see how many here hated Eli Manning, Coughlin and Accorsi, and 05 was a good year.

If you're a negative NYG fan, you've been validated the last 10 years or so, save for 2016 and 2022. If you're an optimist, you've been exposed as the evil monster you truly are.

We didn’t have to wait. We’ve always known you were an evil monster.
RE: I said it at the time and I ll say it again. What ruined Eli  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/29/2023 2:05 pm : link
In comment 16307426 Blue21 said:
Those last few years was the team around him. Oline sucked then as it does now.

Reese put the franchise into the great destruction of the LOS. OL bottomed out in 2013 and the DL followed in 2014.

The Giants still are not fixed on both sides ten years later.
RE: it would  
Mike from Ohio : 11/29/2023 2:28 pm : link
In comment 16307279 Eric from BBI said:
be worse to go back and read threads at how well Gettleman was doing.

Ah the good ol' days of having someone throw personal insults at anyone who didn't understand the brilliance of Dave Gettleman! Thank the Good Lord most of those clowns have moved on.
RE: RE: conversely  
djm : 11/29/2023 3:40 pm : link
In comment 16307520 BillT said:
In comment 16307510 djm said:


go back to 05 and see how many here hated Eli Manning, Coughlin and Accorsi, and 05 was a good year.

If you're a negative NYG fan, you've been validated the last 10 years or so, save for 2016 and 2022. If you're an optimist, you've been exposed as the evil monster you truly are.

We didn’t have to wait. We’ve always known you were an evil monster.

Ty, I think.
RE: conversely  
rsjem1979 : 11/29/2023 3:59 pm : link
In comment 16307510 djm said:
go back to 05 and see how many here hated Eli Manning, Coughlin and Accorsi, and 05 was a good year.

If you're a negative NYG fan, you've been validated the last 10 years or so, save for 2016 and 2022. If you're an optimist, you've been exposed as the evil monster you truly are.

I'd rather demand excellence than be encouraged by occasional mediocrity.
I yearn for the days  
Beef Wellington : 11/30/2023 3:53 pm : link
where all our hopes lay at the feet of the development of William Joseph. Boy those were heady times.
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