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John Madden commentary 1/12/1986 Bears vs Rams (wonderful)

JALAPEN0 : 11/29/2023 1:52 pm

Wrong link earlier I apologize.
Link - ( New Window )
John made it more fun  
TheBlueprintNC : 11/29/2023 2:00 pm : link
Boom, QB cant fight maybe MAcman can -lol
When he went off  
JALAPEN0 : 11/29/2023 2:23 pm : link
It was great
Sec 103 : 11/29/2023 2:49 pm : link
No question. And Brookshire with Sumerall was pretty darn good, but nothing like Madden
You gotta  
MattinKY : 11/29/2023 4:45 pm : link
Unload your load. 🤣😅😂
Great Video  
200711 : 11/29/2023 4:49 pm : link
Madden made some hilariously silly flubs on air over the years (sometimes repeatedly, in the same breath) but this clip really shows how he knew the game of football inside and out, back to front.
Hilarious - camera shows Perry talking into the phone on the sideline  
mittenedman : 11/29/2023 5:34 pm : link
"What would The Refridgerator be talking about on the phone?"
that game looked more competitive than i remember.  
nyfootballfan : 11/30/2023 10:24 am : link
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