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Have you ever watched a big Giants game when ......

Manny in CA : 11/29/2023 8:45 pm
You had to be diplomatically quiet ?

We were at our best friends’ house for the NFC championship game in January ‘86 for the NFC championship game (her dad was a big ‘Skins fan, that poor man suffered, kept looking at me for comfort as I sat there, stolid, while cheering like crazy inside.

Few weeks later my sister-in-law invited us for super bowl. They were deliriously happy in the first half, I was dying, but kept smiling and winking at them. 2nd half was brutal for them. They couldn’t take it, so they turned off the TV, we said our thanks and walked out silently, half-way homely wife , the kids and I started laughing hard about the whole thing.
As a matter if fact, yes  
j_rud : 11/29/2023 9:04 pm : link
Early on when dating my wife. She couldn't miss Sunday dinner at her dad's. In west Philly. December 28th, 2002. Eagles @ Giants, win and your in. Tiki ran for 200, Shockey over Dawson's, Matt Bryant in OT for the win, and I wasn't welcome at Sunday dinner for about 2 years.
j_rud : 11/29/2023 9:04 pm : link
Gd autocorrect
Unfortunately yes.  
Red Dog : 11/29/2023 9:12 pm : link
So did yo have a ear to ear smile ?  
Manny in CA : 11/29/2023 9:36 pm : link
If you did, guess you had it coming
Diplomatically quiet  
Cheech d : 11/29/2023 10:06 pm : link
Only at the Vet and the Linc.
Super Bowl 42 -My son was dating girl from a family of patriot fans  
JohnB : 11/29/2023 10:20 pm : link
And we all went to her house,north of Boston, with her whole family, and watched the game. The Patriots were going for perfection, so it was assumed that they would win. I had to be polite and diplomatic but it was a hell of a game with an amazing outcome. My cheering was 15-20% of what it normally was. Nonetheless, it was a great day!
4xchamps : 11/29/2023 11:32 pm : link
I watched the 41-0 Vikings NCF Championship win in a Vikings bar (my wife is a Vike's fan). There were 400+ Vikings fans there and it was me and some other guy wearing Giants blue! Man was it quiet 10 minutes into the game...
I wouldn’t say diplomatically quiet in my  
eric2425ny : 11/30/2023 1:29 am : link
case, but still awkward. We purchased a new build home in the summer of 2011. It was supposed to be complete by Christmas. Well, it wasn’t actually complete until February.

So we ended up moving in with my in laws for three weeks when our apartment lease ended. That happened to be the year when our Giants faced the Pats for the second time in the SB. My father in law is not a big NFL guy and went to bed at 9 pm on SB Sunday. So here I am watching an amazing upset in a tiny guest bedroom trying not to yell in excitement while an entire household of people are asleep lol. I’d compare it to the scene from the movie The Other Guys when the cops are fighting at the funeral home, but are doing it as quietly as possible not to disrupt the wake.
Unfortunately yes  
truebluelarry : 11/30/2023 7:11 am : link
I've seen the Giants play in Philadelphia. My father-in-law used to have season tickets up in the 600 level of the Vet then comparable seats when they moved to the Linc. I wore my Giants jersey to every game but didn't dare cheer out loud or draw attention to myself in any way.
The Sep 2006 comeback win at Philly  
logman : 11/30/2023 8:14 am : link
I was at a wedding.

In Philly.
Yes SB 46  
David in Belmont : 11/30/2023 8:14 am : link
My daughter and I started watching the game with a house full of Patriot fans. We felt guilty cheering when something bad happened to the Pats and something good happened for the Giants. So we went home at halftime and enjoyed watching a lot more.
SB 25  
Maximus, Esq. : 11/30/2023 8:25 am : link
In college watched with group of friends - majority of them were from
Buffalo. Was somewhat reserved until the Norwood kick went wide right.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/30/2023 8:30 am : link
Yes, ran a half marathon in Philadelphia and ended up at a sports bar full of Eagle fans. We were playing the Saints, but still…those Philly fans are vicious.
I would not say diplomatically quiet  
Mike from Ohio : 11/30/2023 8:44 am : link
but maybe less demonstrative. If someone who is a Washington fan invites a Giants fan over to watch a game between the two, it is silly to think nobody can root for their team.

I had a good friend who is a Cowboys fan and we would watch the Cowboys-Giants games together because we could both root for our team without taunting each other or getting bent out of shape if our team was losing. We moved several years ago so we will still text during the games, but we don't watch them together anymore.

Point is, I would not expect him to sit stoically in my living room for a Cowboys game against the Giants, not would he expect me to do the same at his house. It seems silly to invite someone to your house and ask them to shut up so they don't upset you. Just don't invite them.
Not football, but the ‘86 World Series  
exiled : 11/30/2023 8:45 am : link
I (maniacal Mets fan) lived in Boston. Game six, I was alone in my room watching miserably while my roommates in the next room and the whole world outside my window were already celebrating madly—utter jubilation. And then that ball dribbled through Buckner’s. OMG! OMG!! OMG!!! I was ecstatic. But very quiet.
My wife is a Patriots fan  
Eli Wilson : 11/30/2023 8:47 am : link
so, yeah, a couple of times.
Went to the Giants - Steelers game in 08  
Bramton1 : 11/30/2023 9:05 am : link
Went with my best friend, his father, and the father's friend. All Steelers' fans. Wanted to be whooping and hollering on the way out of the stadium, but (a) I was surrounding by angry Steelers' fans, and (b) I didn't want to be abandoned in Pittsburgh.
'86 vs Vikings  
Bob in VA : 11/30/2023 9:34 am : link
Girlfriend invited me over, not realizing it was a Sunday and the Giants were on TV. Had the game on in the background but needed to pay attention to her too. 4th and 17 happened in the middle of hooking up.
No. Would never put myself in a position  
Tuckrule : 11/30/2023 9:41 am : link
Where I had to be diplomatically quiet while watching my team play meaningful games
RE: '86 vs Vikings  
BillKo : 11/30/2023 10:54 am : link
In comment 16308348 Bob in VA said:
Girlfriend invited me over, not realizing it was a Sunday and the Giants were on TV. Had the game on in the background but needed to pay attention to her too. 4th and 17 happened in the middle of hooking up.

I'll call that a win-win.
"half-way homely wife"  
BMac : 11/30/2023 11:25 am : link
RE: RE: '86 vs Vikings  
Bob in VA : 11/30/2023 11:41 am : link
In comment 16308484 BillKo said:

I'll call that a win-win.

In the moment, yes it was a win-win. Looking back, I remember the 4th and 17.
NFC Championship, 2007, Lambeau,  
clatterbuck : 11/30/2023 2:05 pm : link
in a club seat (indoors) my brother and I surrounded by Packer faithful. We did our best to be diplomatic but when Webster intercepted Favre in OT and then Tynes' kick went through, we lost it. If we were in Philly we'd be dead. But Packers fans were cool, a few even congratulated us.
Jan 2012 Packers playoff game  
Chuck Q : 11/30/2023 3:11 pm : link
My wife and family are all born just south of Greenbay and are major Packers nuts. Remember the Pack had won the SB the year before and we were all gathered together (with me in a Giants shirt) to watch with them expecting an easy win. They were angry at the Giants (and possibly me) for winning and ruining their season.
I was at our game at Oakland in 1998,  
Mad Mike : 11/30/2023 3:23 pm : link
at one point we made a good play and I said "Yes!", not making a big deal or anything, but loud enough for people around me to hear. One guy turned to me and said "you can think it, just don't say it." I thought that was a pretty good line.
At the NFC Championship game at SF ...  
Manny in CA : 12/1/2023 12:32 am : link

I wasn’t trying to be diplomatic .....
it’s just that my son and I were surrounded by Niners fans. It was raining hard, it lucky I’d purchased a good plastic pancho (which covered my Giants sweatshirt). This young girl sitting next to me, kept trying to hug me every time the 49ers did something good (and visibly upset that I kept rejecting her advances) .....

There was a pause in the rain and I took off the stuffy pancho for a bit. She saw my sweatshirt and game me a look like I’d just shot the president !

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