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The question - with respect to future QB

BrianC : 11/30/2023 9:20 pm
We already have 4 wins and are likely to get 1 or 2 more meaning we won't be in a position to draft an elite qb prospect. So the question is - should we sacrifice draft capital to trade for an elite qb prospect? I say no. Elite prospects are a crapshoot - no guarantee they will work out. Also, we have many needs starting with our OL where I'd like us to use high draft picks at both tackle and guard. Add to that the fact that we have only one reliable edge rusher, and we have no depth at ILB or Safety. We are fortunate that we've not yet had an injury to Kayvon or either of our starting safeties or inside linebackers. Our goal should be to use draft capital to build an O-line and to build depth at key positions. I want to see us add a QB prospect via free agency or the draft but not give up draft capital on the hope that highly touted prospect will be our answer. I'm sure there will be answers to the contrary and I look forward to hearing them.
Joe Schoen has shown he is willing  
Ben in Tampa : 11/30/2023 9:27 pm : link
To move up, down and around the draft board. Not to mention he was on the team that moved up TWICE to get Josh Allen.

If there is a guy he wants, he will try and get him.
Yes, of course  
jinkies : 11/30/2023 9:30 pm : link
But not too many teams will trade a pick where they believe an elite QB is available.
There is risk, of course  
jinkies : 11/30/2023 9:32 pm : link
but if you hit on the QB the reward is many times more valuable than what you paid.
If they love a guy  
dancing blue bear : 11/30/2023 9:34 pm : link
And it’s available I would think they move up and get him. If not I would think they draft someone they like ibefore end of day 2.

But Who knows. JS was more supportive of DJ than I thought he would be.
RE: Joe Schoen has shown he is willing  
BrianC : 11/30/2023 9:34 pm : link
In comment 16309253 Ben in Tampa said:
To move up, down and around the draft board. Not to mention he was on the team that moved up TWICE to get Josh Allen.

If there is a guy he wants, he will try and get him.

You are right Ben In Tampa but I don't want us to give up too much. We have so many needs and it's so hard to be right about seemingly elite qb prospects. That being said I trust our GM to do what he thinks is right.
RE: Yes, of course  
k2tampa : 11/30/2023 11:22 pm : link
In comment 16309256 jinkies said:
But not too many teams will trade a pick where they believe an elite QB is available.

People keep ignoring this. To trade up for a QB there has to be a team that doesn't want him that is willing to move down. THEN you have to outbid other teams that want him too. The best option is to finish at 4 and hope Chicago really wants Harrison more than a QB.
Based on what…  
Chris in Philly : 11/30/2023 11:28 pm : link
they’ve done with DeVito in such a short time I would be happy to see what they could do with a mid-1st or 2nd round guy.
OP says...  
bw in dc : 11/30/2023 11:42 pm : link
"Elite prospects are a crapshoot - no guarantee they will work out."

I don't understand this. Why are elite prospects considered anymore a crapshoot than anyone else drafted? The entire draft is a crapshoot.

GM/Scouting can try to science out the draft as far as the can, but it's still going to be just as much art as science.
Who knows  
mdthedream : 12/1/2023 6:37 am : link
what we do maybe we bring in a guy like Cousins and just draft at the spots we have. Giants have Jones already and to be honest Rookie QBs are a big risk.This would give Jones one more chance and if not we could go to a guy like Cousins. Just find a backup that is ready to start. Devito has one 2 games but prob the worst two teams in football. Love the kid he should be are 3 QB in this case scenerio.
It's true that DeVito only beat two of the worst teams in football but  
Ira : 12/1/2023 6:50 am : link
he has looked a little better each time he's been out there. I think he'll be a decent backup after Taylor leaves.
My problem with moving up in the draft for a qb is what it might cost.  
Ira : 12/1/2023 6:53 am : link
It'll almost certainly involve a future first and possibly a lot more.
There are a lot of options for improving this team.  
Giant John : 12/1/2023 7:45 am : link
Quarterback is certainly one of them. While I have been a supporter of DJ I am now of the opinion he is injury prone. He is a guy that must be protected to be effective. I think DeVito is a backup. So we wait for DJ to get healthy again. There is no doubt another QB will be brought in. I don’t want TT back. I want a high ceiling young guy that can compete for the job. Then let the three of them fight it out.
Where are these two wins coming from?  
Blueworm : 12/1/2023 7:48 am : link
Because 10 against the Pats does not bode well.
RE: My problem with moving up in the draft for a qb is what it might cost.  
Blueworm : 12/1/2023 7:49 am : link
In comment 16309400 Ira said:
It'll almost certainly involve a future first and possibly a lot more.

Yes, that's what it took to get Elisha Manning. Worth it?
This question has been asked and answered  
joe48 : 12/1/2023 7:51 am : link
It will be decided by the front office. Everything on BBI is pure speculation because a lot can change between now and May.
RE: Based on what…  
Sean : 12/1/2023 8:41 am : link
In comment 16309344 Chris in Philly said:
they’ve done with DeVito in such a short time I would be happy to see what they could do with a mid-1st or 2nd round guy.

I agree with this. I like the idea of taking BPA in the first round as Schoen alluded to, but then a slight trade up in the end of the first to draft a QB. They'd probably only have to trade one of their 2nd rounders and a 4th.

This keeps all of their draft assets and they aren't giving away a kings ransom like the Panthers did.
RE: It's true that DeVito only beat two of the worst teams in football but  
nochance : 12/1/2023 9:07 am : link
In comment 16309399 Ira said:
he has looked a little better each time he's been out there. I think he'll be a decent backup after Taylor leaves.

2 of the worst playing at their worst if not tanking
RE: RE: My problem with moving up in the draft for a qb is what it might cost.  
Ivan15 : 12/1/2023 9:44 am : link
In comment 16309427 Blueworm said:
In comment 16309400 Ira said:


It'll almost certainly involve a future first and possibly a lot more.

Yes, that's what it took to get Elisha Manning. Worth it?
I don’t know that it was worth it. The Giants might have done just as well or better with Rivers or certainly Roethlisberger. A lot of draft picks to give up. If not for a couple of miracle throws, you would be talking about what a mistake the Giants made.
RE: Joe Schoen has shown he is willing  
Jay on the Island : 12/1/2023 10:07 am : link
In comment 16309253 Ben in Tampa said:
To move up, down and around the draft board. Not to mention he was on the team that moved up TWICE to get Josh Allen.

If there is a guy he wants, he will try and get him.

The problem is that the Giants need a team with a top 2 pick to be willing to trade it. The Bears, Patriots, Cardinals, and Commanders will not trade that pick if they have it as all four desperately need a QB.
Tom Brady  
thrunthrublue : 12/1/2023 10:44 am : link
A sixth round pick, 199th player taken… to get 2024 players that can protect your qb, and rush their qb as a priority.
if you trade up for the QB  
djm : 12/1/2023 10:47 am : link
no one will care what you gave up as long as the QB delivers the goods.

I tend to trust Daboll and Schoen when it comes to QB evaluation and development, even knowing DJ fell flat this season. I still do.

If they love a guy and move resources to get him I would be excited about it. I also have no issues if they stand pat and just add players.
RE: Based on what…  
djm : 12/1/2023 10:51 am : link
In comment 16309344 Chris in Philly said:
they’ve done with DeVito in such a short time I would be happy to see what they could do with a mid-1st or 2nd round guy.

Same here. I normally wouldn't be too keen on taking a QB in round 2 or even at the bottom of round 1 but with this staff I trust the QB development here. EVen Jones, as much as we lose our shit in debating about his play he did in fact do good things in 2022. That speaks to Daboll's offense and tutelage.
RE: Where are these two wins coming from?  
RetroJint : 12/1/2023 2:23 pm : link
In comment 16309426 Blueworm said:
Because 10 against the Pats does not bode well.

Pats have a good defense . Their HC knew that the Giants Oline was thin gruel as far as offering protection . Little bit more complicated than saying he only had 10 points against a crap team . DeVito had a nascent weapon in Hyatt . And Barkley
I get that it's the internet and everyone wants to get their take out  
Ten Ton Hammer : 12/1/2023 6:17 pm : link
But I dont follow making a value judgement like "I'd rather spend a late first or 2nd rounder on a qb."

What quarterback? Based on what or who's evaluation?

DeVito has done serviceable work but we're projecting that into "You don't have to draft a QB early Daboll can just concoct one"

Mahomes has skewed this debate...  
Kanavis : 12/3/2023 6:24 am : link
I think that is who many people have in their minds when we have these discussions. But he is a once in a generation type player.

Yes QBs like Allen, Borough, and perhaps now...Stroud do give you a better chance. But who is to say any of them will win a SB. Borough has now had two major injuries.

So much of this is so much more random tham people think. It's a crap shoot. Even for the experts. Fans think they are being nuanced when they admit higher picks only increase the probability of a great QB but don't guarantee it. But perhaps they should say they want to improve their probability of finding a transcendent talent from 12% to 18.5% or whatever the math is. Are the losses really worth it then? They do need to move on from Jones. But there a lot of ways to do it.
In my watching life time there  
mfjmfj : 12/3/2023 8:10 am : link
are basically three QB shifts that have worked for the Giants. (i remember Tarkenton but only as a viking).


Standing pat with pick
Trade for veteran
Trade up for a pick (not technically, but actually)

All three can work. Have to find the right QB. If you are right the price doesn't matter. If you are wrong - the price usually still doesn't matter since you will be in a tough spot for 2-3 years trying to get the chosen one to work. Or 5-6 years in the case of DJ.

I have seen enough bad play from so called franchise QBs  
joe48 : 12/4/2023 7:30 am : link
None of the top rated QBs win without talent around them. I would not mortgage the future of the team by moving up in the draft. We have far too many needs as a team. To expect a young QB to come in and make this team competitive is a narrative being pushed by some here. If Schoen and Daboll see someone they like in the first round that falls to us take him.
The top teams are dominant because the talent level is better. Yes that includes but is not because of QB. These guys all have flaws.
This logic makes no sense  
Blue The Dog : 12/4/2023 8:04 am : link
Let's not draft a QB because he might suck. Instead, let's just keep building stone the guy we did draft who definitely does suck, and is also injured and expensive. Everything you are worried about in a QB is already on the team
Depends on confidence in the pick.  
x meadowlander : 12/4/2023 10:01 am : link
Accorsi was 100% positive Eli was a sure thing. Hence, the heavy hit in draft capital was worth it. 2 Superbowls and multiple MVP-caliber seasons.

Anyone 100% on ANY of these kids?

I will say this. SCREW running QB's. Scrambler, fine - but designing an offense around a QB's ability to rush is a recipe for making sure your QB never completes a full season.
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