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NFL fined Carter Coughlin for hitting someone hard

Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/4/2023 1:08 pm
Jonathan Jones
Dec 2
The NFL fined Giants special teamer Carter Coughlin $5,764 for this hit on which he was not flagged - ( New Window )
Bubba : 12/4/2023 1:12 pm : link
What was he supposed to do, let him run past him?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 12/4/2023 1:14 pm : link
I thought the link would be to The Onion.

What a joke.
Chris684 : 12/4/2023 1:14 pm : link
That was a beautiful hit!
RE: Ridiculus  
Angel Eyes : 12/4/2023 1:15 pm : link
In comment 16313177 Bubba said:
What was he supposed to do, let him run past him?

The USA Today article on the fine (Xavier McKinney also gets a fine for unsportsmanlike conduct on the missed field goal) comments on it.

Apparently, in the mind of league officials, Coughlin is just supposed to let the return man run right by him as opposed to making the tackle. Or something.

NFL slaps Giants' Xavier McKinney, Carter Coughlin with fines - ( New Window )
The NFL for whatever reason,  
chiro56 : 12/4/2023 1:16 pm : link
Is contributing to its own slow death. In every way possible.
Great form tackling  
bronxboy : 12/4/2023 1:18 pm : link
leading with the crown of the helmet.
I feel like they mistakenly fined Coughlin  
Mike from Ohio : 12/4/2023 1:19 pm : link
instead of Cam Brown. Brown's hit was worse and I was expecting a penalty on that. Coughlin's hit is just a good, hard tackle.
RE: Great form tackling  
k2tampa : 12/4/2023 1:19 pm : link
In comment 16313186 bronxboy said:
leading with the crown of the helmet.

Yep, helmet to the chin. NFL doesn't like that.
RE: I feel like they mistakenly fined Coughlin  
sb from NYT Forum : 12/4/2023 1:32 pm : link
In comment 16313188 Mike from Ohio said:
instead of Cam Brown. Brown's hit was worse and I was expecting a penalty on that. Coughlin's hit is just a good, hard tackle.

I read the thread title as assumed this was about the Cam Brown hit. (Cam Brown and Carter Coughlin are interchangeable to me).
Someone on the 49's absolutely cleaned Swift's clock yesterday  
Chris L. : 12/4/2023 1:32 pm : link
I could not believe they didn't throw a flag. it was a completely legal hit shoulder to chest and they actually let it go. Swift was down for like a minute.
Giants should  
FranknWeezer : 12/4/2023 1:43 pm : link
pay that fine for Carter.
I don't care what anyone says,  
Dave in Hoboken : 12/4/2023 1:47 pm : link
people are pussies these days.
RE: Giants should  
Fat Wally : 12/4/2023 1:50 pm : link
In comment 16313210 FranknWeezer said:
pay that fine for Carter.

I think Pugh said in a recent interview that the team sometimes does pay the fine. They definitely do for the coaches that get fined.

Honestly, that's money well spent. Solid tackle and it pumps up the team. I would tell the rest of the team, that if you can deliver hits like that, don't worry about the fines.
RE: I don't care what anyone says,  
Sec 103 : 12/4/2023 1:51 pm : link
In comment 16313216 Dave in Hoboken said:
people are pussies these days.

And the game will be 7 on 7 flag football very soon.
RE: Great form tackling  
Toth029 : 12/4/2023 1:53 pm : link
In comment 16313186 bronxboy said:
leading with the crown of the helmet.

No, he didn't.

Cam Brown should have been flagged and fined but not Coughlin.
Well Toth  
bronxboy : 12/4/2023 1:58 pm : link
I guess me, k2tampa and the NFL were watching a different replay than you.
Roger Goodell  
Chip : 12/4/2023 2:01 pm : link
and pussyball.
When Coughlin sends in his check or whatever  
ghost718 : 12/4/2023 2:04 pm : link
He should attach a note that says

"Sorry Boss,My Football instincts took over for a second.Won't happen again"
What was wrong with that tackle? Just put flags  
Blue21 : 12/4/2023 2:04 pm : link
on them and get it over with and watch the NFL go down the tubes.
Honestly, at this point  
BlackLight : 12/4/2023 2:11 pm : link
if I'm a player in the NFL, I get together with other players to establish a private fund where everyone chips in something, and from there, you just reimburse the players for the horseshit fines the league office levies on them.
And the ‘Pussification’  
wonderback : 12/4/2023 2:11 pm : link
Of America continues unabated!
RE: Well Toth  
k2tampa : 12/4/2023 2:16 pm : link
In comment 16313237 bronxboy said:
I guess me, k2tampa and the NFL were watching a different replay than you.

Not only that, but Toth needs to realize the NFL isn't using the long-distance wide-angle TV shot for their review that lets him think it didn't happen.

What is ridiculous is the NFL's hypocrisy. On the day of the game the NFL's web team put the TV angle video on its website under the headline: "Coughlin's hit-stick tackle brings Montgomery's kick return to an abrupt end"
The NFL  
PaulN : 12/4/2023 2:20 pm : link
Under this piece of shit Commissioner have a much worse game then it was when he became commissioner. This is all over the law suits against tge league, nothing more. Thru don't give two fucks sbout the players safety. But they gave to make it look like they do.
Coughlin's hit ...  
Csonka : 12/4/2023 2:27 pm : link
was one of the few hits to get excited about all year!

Wasn't long ago there were great hits all the time. SportsCenter was loaded with them. Almost never see a big hit any more.
RE: Coughlin's hit ...  
k2tampa : 12/4/2023 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16313272 Csonka said:
was one of the few hits to get excited about all year!

Wasn't long ago there were great hits all the time. SportsCenter was loaded with them. Almost never see a big hit any more.

Yeah, it's terrible that you don't get to go gaga over a big hit because the players and league actually want players to have a normal life after they are done playing.
If Gunner got  
bronxboy : 12/4/2023 3:08 pm : link
nailed in the chin by the crown of a helmet and knocked out, no posters here would be complaining. Yeh, right.
two things occurred to me after this hit  
djm : 12/4/2023 3:11 pm : link
shock that Carter Coughlin was still on the Giants and shock that a penalty wasn't called even though it didn't look like a penalty.

So I got that going for me.
ugh. Lately I find it harder to find reasons to watch this shit  
Victor in CT : 12/4/2023 3:14 pm : link
anymore. The games stink, the broadcasts are awful and the rules are ridiculous and randomly applied.

2 1:00 games here yesterday, Falcons-Jets, Chargers-Pats. 3 of the 4 teams couldn't score a TD.
Best tackle of the year for Giants.  
ThomasG : 12/4/2023 3:22 pm : link
Surprisingly from our crackjack Special Teams of all things.

Hopefully the front office pays that fine for Coughlin.
RE: I feel like they mistakenly fined Coughlin  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/4/2023 3:25 pm : link
In comment 16313188 Mike from Ohio said:
instead of Cam Brown. Brown's hit was worse and I was expecting a penalty on that. Coughlin's hit is just a good, hard tackle.

I think Cam Brown was fined too.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/4/2023 3:27 pm : link
it doesn't look like Brown was fined.
What the Hell?  
Matt M. : 12/4/2023 3:28 pm : link
That was a textbook hit. How do you fine a guy for a clean tackle? Too hard?
RE: Great form tackling  
bw in dc : 12/4/2023 3:30 pm : link
In comment 16313186 bronxboy said:
leading with the crown of the helmet.

Yeah, it did look like there was some helmet to chin/head area contact.
We need a go fund me for Coughlin . I'll chuck in some $  
Paulie Walnuts : 12/4/2023 3:37 pm : link
That was a perfect NFL hit. I want to see more of that from the Giants
Yes poor Carter  
bronxboy : 12/4/2023 3:43 pm : link
who gets paid about $120.000 for each special team tackle he makes.
RE: Yes poor Carter  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/4/2023 3:45 pm : link
In comment 16313366 bronxboy said:
who gets paid about $120.000 for each special team tackle he makes.

So can I take money from you for doing your job?
helmet to helmet  
bc4life : 12/4/2023 3:47 pm : link
they missed the call but he got fined. not seeing the issue.
RE: helmet to helmet  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/4/2023 3:49 pm : link
In comment 16313370 bc4life said:
they missed the call but he got fined. not seeing the issue.

I don't see obvious helmet to helmet contact there. Enough to fine someone?
To my eyes, it looked like  
bc4life : 12/4/2023 3:53 pm : link
Crown of Coughlin's helmet hit the returner's facemask. If it did, it should have been called.

Too bad, an inch or two lower and it was one of those old school "Whoo-licks"
Could be wrong,  
bc4life : 12/4/2023 3:54 pm : link
but that's how I saw it
I think the problem was caused because  
bc4life : 12/4/2023 3:58 pm : link
the facemask extends away from the body of the helmet. Had Coughlin come from a slightly different angle, he probably hits shoulder pads.
RE: RE: helmet to helmet  
Matt M. : 12/4/2023 3:59 pm : link
In comment 16313376 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16313370 bc4life said:


they missed the call but he got fined. not seeing the issue.

I don't see obvious helmet to helmet contact there. Enough to fine someone?
That's how I felt. I'm sure the league slowed it down and/or took other angles. If they saw helmet to helmet, then this is correct. I didn't see it in real time.
bronxboy : 12/4/2023 3:59 pm : link
have the NFL send you a link from their view on the hit.
RE: Eric  
Keaton028 : 12/4/2023 4:10 pm : link
In comment 16313387 bronxboy said:
have the NFL send you a link from their view on the hit.

You guys give the NFL wayyyy too much credit if you think there is a rhyme or a reason to how they decide fines.
It sucks that Goodell and the owners took out the  
fanoftheteam : 12/4/2023 5:25 pm : link
Greatest thing we had on sundays in order to obtain a high ESG score.
WTF? Is it illegal to tackle now?  
Larry in Pencilvania : 12/4/2023 5:36 pm : link
I really hope he challenges that
RE: Great form tackling  
Larry in Pencilvania : 12/4/2023 5:42 pm : link
In comment 16313186 bronxboy said:
leading with the crown of the helmet.

If by crown of helmet you mean shoulder then you're correct. I enlarged it rewatched it 20 times and at no point did he lead with the crown of his helmet or any part of his helmet.

Thanks Mr. Goodell
Might be one of  
SleepyOwl : 12/4/2023 7:34 pm : link
The greatest Giants Special teams plays of all time. Let’s start a go fund me, Carter Coughlin.
What defines a clean hit now?  
Paul326 : 12/4/2023 7:37 pm : link
Obviously the league has no clue.
I agree that the league and the quality of the game is deteriorating..  
DefenseWins : 12/4/2023 7:44 pm : link
All of these rules and fines are taking away the essence of the game.

This is turning into something other than football. It already has to some degree when hard hits receive flags or fines.

You cannot even breathe on a QB anymore. They took the kick return away and that was an exciting play.

Fans will leave.

The NHL did this too. The idiot commish thought they would get more fans (including women) if they could take fighting out of the game. Meanwhile, the UFC was quickly becoming more popular than the NHL at the same time... because people like to watch the violence.
They don’t put him on the field much  
gary_from_chester : 12/4/2023 8:14 pm : link
Outside of ST, but when he’s out there, Carter Coughlin does a lot of good things. Very good ST player; every team needs them. Creates more than a few turnovers in his time on ST. Every team needs back of the roster guys like him. Always thought he should see the field a little more but the coaches are there every day and haven’t seen fit to give him a bigger role.
he made helmet to helmet contact forceable  
bigbluewillrise : 12/4/2023 9:16 pm : link
thats why they fined him.

they have been doing this all year too all players not just giants.

thats why cam browns closeline didnt get fined he didnt make any helment to helment contact.
RE: he made helmet to helmet contact forceable  
section125 : 12/5/2023 7:40 am : link
In comment 16313611 bigbluewillrise said:
thats why they fined him.

they have been doing this all year too all players not just giants.

thats why cam browns closeline didnt get fined he didnt make any helment to helment contact.

Yeah, ah, no. I do not see any helmet contact and if it did the shoulder clearly got there 1st.
bronxboy : 12/5/2023 7:53 am : link
The NFL has many and much better views of hit than you have.
Hard to be certain,  
mfjmfj : 12/5/2023 3:26 pm : link
but that looked pretty clean to me. I think he got him in the chest. Head up, which is how we were always taught to tackle. But not sure what the current rule is.
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