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NFT: greatest marathon runner ever

Giantsfan79 : 1/18/2024 6:02 pm
A Chinese marathon runner who chain-smoked his entire way through a 26.2 miles race has been disqualified, despite achieving a competitive time.

Uncle Chen, nicknamed the 'Smoking Brother', managed to complete the Xiamen Marathon in three hours and 33 minutes on January 7 this year.

But despite crossing the finish line only five minutes slower than his 3:28 finish two years ago, the 52-year-old was disqualified for 'smoking on the track'. He placed 574th out of more than 1,500 runners.

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Had an army buddy like this.  
j_rud : 1/18/2024 6:20 pm : link
He'd smoke a minute before his 2 mile run and he always finished under 12 mins. I didn't smoke and would work my ass off and my best ever was 14.
There's hope for Thibodeaux yet  
widmerseyebrow : 1/18/2024 6:37 pm : link
I assume he knew the rules  
Marty in Albany : 1/20/2024 12:25 pm : link
If it had been an Amreican marathon, the tobacco industry would have paid him many times more than the first place prize if he agreed to smoke and run.

My understanding is that millions who smoke also want to quit, but can't because they are addicted, and millions of dollars in tax revenue is collected by tobacco producing states that don't seem to care about their medical costs.
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