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NFT: The Rock vs. Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania, and Cody Rhodes

Anakim : 2/3/2024 5:56 pm
Talk about a collective meltdown. You have these WWE fans going absolute apeshit because the Rock waltzed right in and took Cody's spot at Mania.

Personally, I find it hilarious. I mean I get why people like Cody so much and why they would disagree with this decision, but man, some fans are suicidal over this. It's like the "Leave Britney Alone" guy morphed into a fanbase.
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Yeah man....  
cpgiants : 2/3/2024 6:11 pm : link
I'm pretty shocked at the reaction to this thing and I bet they are too.

Who knew we would be in a world where the Rock and Roman Reigns couldn't headline a WrestleMania together without people being pissed off about it.
It is really corny  
UConn4523 : 2/3/2024 6:17 pm : link
The Rock shouldn’t be wrestling anymore so the match is almost guaranteed to be awful. But they are also setting up Roman Reigns to continue his streak so Rhodes would just be losing to him. All seems so predictable.
well, it's a soap opera  
islander1 : 2/3/2024 6:18 pm : link
and as horribly predictable as it is, most everyone was waiting for Cody to win at Wrestlemania. I wasn't, I hate the blatant predictability of it all...but I'm not most fans.

Honestly, the way they could look at it, is Rock fights Reigns not for the title, but simply the honor of "Tribal Chief".

This way, you could actually book Rock winning and have the fallout from that continue on to Summerslam.

Cody can still win the title after Mania, and someone like Solo could then challenge Reigns and be made into a superstar while Reigns continues his existence as a part timer.
cody will take the title from seth  
CGiants07 : 2/3/2024 10:27 pm : link
and then they will unify at summerslam
It's horrible  
Mr. Nickels : 2/3/2024 11:41 pm : link
and the Rock is terrible. But this is taking some distraction off the Vince scandal.
It's deeper than this from what I read  
moespree : 2/3/2024 11:53 pm : link
Rock is bringing in the former writer of Raw from the Attitude era who used to write his stuff. He's also bringing in his people on the TV side of things too.

There's a lot of people thinking he's making power play and will use the Vince stuff as an excuse to push Triple H out and take full control of WWE as the face of it. His words about how his grandfather and father wouldn't believe "he's running things" was what he said the day he was named to the TKO board.

I think it makes sense to be honest. And I do think that might be what he's doing.
RE: cody will take the title from seth  
BH28 : 2/4/2024 12:10 am : link
In comment 16388053 CGiants07 said:
and then they will unify at summerslam

Can't see that happening. They unified Reins titles and created the heavyweight title just because Reins had his for so long.
RE: It's deeper than this from what I read  
Big Rick in FL : 2/4/2024 12:23 am : link
In comment 16388140 moespree said:
Rock is bringing in the former writer of Raw from the Attitude era who used to write his stuff. He's also bringing in his people on the TV side of things too.

There's a lot of people thinking he's making power play and will use the Vince stuff as an excuse to push Triple H out and take full control of WWE as the face of it. His words about how his grandfather and father wouldn't believe "he's running things" was what he said the day he was named to the TKO board.

I think it makes sense to be honest. And I do think that might be what he's doing.

I don't think he's pushing Hunter out. They've been together a lot recently. The Rock has been on Hunter's private jet on at least 3 occasions in the past month. They've been riding to & from the shows together. This is the closest I've ever seen them. So unless the Rock is planning on straight up stabbing Hunter in the back this would be shocking.
All I know  
moespree : 2/4/2024 12:36 am : link
Is more than report says he has had Brian Gerwitz backstage and has been pushing for him to be added to the creative team. Triple H was supposedly not fond of Gerwitz (and vice versa) during the Attitude era days.

And whether coincidence or not Rock brings in his own TV people the week Kevin Dunn retires. Triple H or anyone else for that matter had any say in this.

Also if we believe Dave Metlzer anymore, he said the plan was still Cody/Roman for most of the week and it was Rock himself who pushed for the change with the backing of the TKO board. This makes it sound like it was done behind Triple H's back.

I guess time will tell. I do have a hard time believing Rock wants to run WWE on a day to day basis though.
RE: RE: It's deeper than this from what I read  
Mr. Nickels : 2/4/2024 12:43 am : link
In comment 16388145 Big Rick in FL said:
In comment 16388140 moespree said:


Rock is bringing in the former writer of Raw from the Attitude era who used to write his stuff. He's also bringing in his people on the TV side of things too.

There's a lot of people thinking he's making power play and will use the Vince stuff as an excuse to push Triple H out and take full control of WWE as the face of it. His words about how his grandfather and father wouldn't believe "he's running things" was what he said the day he was named to the TKO board.

I think it makes sense to be honest. And I do think that might be what he's doing.

I don't think he's pushing Hunter out. They've been together a lot recently. The Rock has been on Hunter's private jet on at least 3 occasions in the past month. They've been riding to & from the shows together. This is the closest I've ever seen them. So unless the Rock is planning on straight up stabbing Hunter in the back this would be shocking.

Wouldn't be the first time that he was a backstabbing scumbag POS
Route 9 : 2/4/2024 2:54 am : link
Yeah and?

All you guys will still watch it. Place will be sold out and make a butt load of money.
I have tickets for Sunday  
State Your Name : 2/4/2024 5:26 am : link
And if it’s rock versus reigns I’m not going. I don’t need to see that. Those dudes can’t even wrestle anymore. When was the last time you saw Roman jump off the top rope? I can watch that on TV. I bought the tickets so my daughter could see Cody lift the belt. We’re pissed.
People are WAY overreacting  
Bobby Humphrey's Earpad : 2/4/2024 9:10 am : link
There's more money in the Rock match from the causal fan. One of the biggest drawing Wrestlemanias of all time was due to the Vince/Donald Trump match.

Does it make sense that Cody won the Royal Rumble and then doesn't wrestle for the title? Absolutely, but Rollins and Punk got hurt and with Rock available, now was the time to do the match. Rock wrestles Roman for the Head of the Table match, Reigns keeps the title but loses that distinction. Then Cody gets him at SummerSlam, which puts Reigns past Hogan but also fulfills what Cody said about taking everything away from Reigns. Just my wishful thinking.
Punk injury changed a lot of the plans  
nygiants16 : 2/4/2024 9:22 am : link
Rhodes mentioned to Reigns taking everything from him, could be he faces Rollins and beats him, Reigns beats Rock so he is even stronger and Cody challenges belt for belt at SS...Reigns agrees because he then has everything..Cody beats him and takes everything
Apparently the Rock  
UConn4523 : 2/4/2024 9:28 am : link
already deleted the first video post from last night because of #wewantcody comments.
Can someone explain Cody's popularity to me...  
NYG27 : 2/4/2024 10:17 am : link
I'm just a casual fan and maybe it might be my bias for remembering Cody's failed gimmicks like Stardust.

Although for the life of me, I can't understand why Cody is so popular?
RE: Can someone explain Cody's popularity to me...  
Anakim : 2/4/2024 10:36 am : link
In comment 16388243 NYG27 said:
I'm just a casual fan and maybe it might be my bias for remembering Cody's failed gimmicks like Stardust.

Although for the life of me, I can't understand why Cody is so popular?

I think it's passion and that he seems like a genuinely good guy. I think up until a few years ago (when he was in AEW), people thought Cody was an egotistical, narcissistic nepo baby who really wanted to be a Hollywood actor/mainstream celebrity (but couldn't hack it) and who thought he was much better than he actually was.

Then he came back to WWE and: 1) The match he had with Rollins in the Cell with the torn pec was one of the gutsiest things wrestling fans had ever seen. I think that night changed a lot of people's (including myself) perspectives on him; 2) he kept his annoying (yet very hot) wife off of TV (she belongs NOWHERE near the wrestling business); 3)he became more a man of the people. He genuinely seems happy greeting and interacting with the fans. He signs autographs and stays longer than he has to to meet his fans.

And I think the whole "finishing my story" and "winning the title that my daddy never got" resonates with some people. I think 95% of his fans don't know who Dusty Rhodes is or why that's significant, but at least there's an emotional factor that people can believe.
He has lineage, has the look  
UConn4523 : 2/4/2024 10:40 am : link
and can actually wrestle. Since the stories are PG now the wrestling matters more IMO. The Rock and other average wrestlers got away with it because the stories were so awesome in the attitude era. Now it’s the opposite, Atleast for someone like me. The Royal Rumble was the worst display of actual wrestling I’ve ever seen.
RE: He has lineage, has the look  
Anakim : 2/4/2024 10:48 am : link
In comment 16388261 UConn4523 said:
and can actually wrestle. Since the stories are PG now the wrestling matters more IMO. The Rock and other average wrestlers got away with it because the stories were so awesome in the attitude era. Now it’s the opposite, Atleast for someone like me. The Royal Rumble was the worst display of actual wrestling I’ve ever seen.

I disagree with you. I think to a certain small percentage of the audience (like the diehard AEW and NJPW fans), the matches matter more than the promos and the rest. For the WWE and its fans, it's mostly about the characters and the stories. The matches are secondary, if not tertiary. It's like what someone said earlier: he and his daughter care about seeing Cody lift the belt. In general, WWE fans don't really care about the quality of the match; just the end-result and the ramifications.

In the WWE during the Vince McMahon era, it's always been about the sizzle, not the steak.
Anakim : 2/4/2024 10:48 am : link
I'm still surprised he hasn't lasered off that monstrosity on his neck
I said IMO  
UConn4523 : 2/4/2024 11:03 am : link
I’m speaking about what I think works and doesn’t. Kids are always going to care more about the marketing side of wrestling - hence Logan Paul. As for Cody lifting the belt, I can’t speak for that poster but I think part of that is because Cody is a good wrestler and wanting to see him rewarded.

The stories matter for sure but they are really really corny. That’s tolerable if the wrestling is good but both are bad right now.
RE: RE: He has lineage, has the look  
jnoble : 2/4/2024 11:45 am : link
In comment 16388269 Anakim said:
In comment 16388261 UConn4523 said:


and can actually wrestle. Since the stories are PG now the wrestling matters more IMO. The Rock and other average wrestlers got away with it because the stories were so awesome in the attitude era. Now it’s the opposite, Atleast for someone like me. The Royal Rumble was the worst display of actual wrestling I’ve ever seen.

I disagree with you. I think to a certain small percentage of the audience (like the diehard AEW and NJPW fans), the matches matter more than the promos and the rest. For the WWE and its fans, it's mostly about the characters and the stories. The matches are secondary, if not tertiary. It's like what someone said earlier: he and his daughter care about seeing Cody lift the belt. In general, WWE fans don't really care about the quality of the match; just the end-result and the ramifications.

In the WWE during the Vince McMahon era, it's always been about the sizzle, not the steak.

During the Attitude Era, the pre-taped backstage stuff and things like running over Vince's limo with a monster truck, Hogan crushing Takers bike with a semi, the comedy bits with Kurt Angle acting like a dork, Austin and Booker T feuding and destroying a store, etc etc etc were always WAY more entertaining then the matches themselves.
RE: I have tickets for Sunday  
jnoble : 2/4/2024 11:48 am : link
In comment 16388163 State Your Name said:
And if it’s rock versus reigns I’m not going. I don’t need to see that. Those dudes can’t even wrestle anymore. When was the last time you saw Roman jump off the top rope? I can watch that on TV. I bought the tickets so my daughter could see Cody lift the belt. We’re pissed.

I liked his character much more as a heel during the late 90's when he was still fairly new still had hair and did all his gimmicks like The People's Eyebrow, "It doesn't matter what you think!" etc. After that he just got kid friendly and boring. His movies suck too, he's got little range as an actor and plays pretty much the same exact character in every role. His remake of Walking Tall was terrible.
Jnoble, absolutely  
UConn4523 : 2/4/2024 11:54 am : link
but that’s long gone. The “stories” now are awful which makes the lack of wrestling stand out even more.
RE: I have tickets for Sunday  
Route 9 : 2/4/2024 6:23 pm : link
In comment 16388163 State Your Name said:
And if it’s rock versus reigns I’m not going. I don’t need to see that. Those dudes can’t even wrestle anymore. When was the last time you saw Roman jump off the top rope? I can watch that on TV. I bought the tickets so my daughter could see Cody lift the belt. We’re pissed.

I used to buy WWE PPV tickets and sell them for way more than I paid. You gonna sell yours?

Holy shit. I remember putting my Royal Rumble 2018 tickets up at like 4 in the morning that day for $100 more and they were gone by the time I got back from my walk, they were gone.

No way I was gonna go to that one in Philly, the week the Eagles were in the Super Bowl lol I think that was the first woman's royal rumble.
Iyo Sky  
Drewcon40 : 2/4/2024 7:06 pm : link
amazing talent in the ring but man, I find her incredibly attractive.
RE: Iyo Sky  
Route 9 : 2/4/2024 7:36 pm : link
In comment 16388567 Drewcon40 said:
amazing talent in the ring but man, I find her incredibly attractive.

I've been digging Bayley lately. I don't find her face very much attractive but did she get more juicy or something?

(Also who cares about in-ring talent lol)
RE: RE: Iyo Sky  
Drewcon40 : 2/4/2024 9:24 pm : link
In comment 16388585 Route 9 said:
(Also who cares about in-ring talent lol)

You must be an Nia Jax or Shayna Baszler fan, I presume? Lol
RE: RE: Iyo Sky  
eli4life : 2/4/2024 10:36 pm : link
In comment 16388585 Route 9 said:
In comment 16388567 Drewcon40 said:


amazing talent in the ring but man, I find her incredibly attractive.

I've been digging Bayley lately. I don't find her face very much attractive but did she get more juicy or something?

(Also who cares about in-ring talent lol)

New hair style maybe? But best of all Liv is back
Man, it must be killing Anak for him to watch  
BigBlue7 : 2/6/2024 8:04 am : link
The Rock becoming John Cena #RockySucks
Route 9 : 2/6/2024 8:46 am : link
I only know who Nia Jax is. I don't know who the other one is.

In-ring talent is never something I watched pro wrestling for. I only noticed it became a thing in like 2005 or 2006. Maybe when everyone started to go after Cena?

I always watched wrestling for the silliness of it, the storyline telling and the characters. Then again, I haven't watched Raw or Smackdown weekly since like ... 2004?

It seems like none of you guys are ever happy with the product, which is fine. Quit watching them if it's that bad?

I don't understand this concept. Do you watch just to moan about how terrible everything is? Stepping away is a possibility.
You just summed up all your posts on BBI, lol  
UConn4523 : 2/6/2024 8:59 am : link
RE: ......  
BigBlue7 : 2/6/2024 9:09 am : link
In comment 16390051 Route 9 said:
I only know who Nia Jax is. I don't know who the other one is.

In-ring talent is never something I watched pro wrestling for. I only noticed it became a thing in like 2005 or 2006. Maybe when everyone started to go after Cena?

I always watched wrestling for the silliness of it, the storyline telling and the characters. Then again, I haven't watched Raw or Smackdown weekly since like ... 2004?

It seems like none of you guys are ever happy with the product, which is fine. Quit watching them if it's that bad?

I don't understand this concept. Do you watch just to moan about how terrible everything is? Stepping away is a possibility.

I think it's kinda like posting on a thread to tell the others on the thread that you have no interest in the contents of the thread...
RE: ......  
Anakim : 2/6/2024 9:13 am : link
In comment 16390051 Route 9 said:
I don't understand this concept. Do you watch just to moan about how terrible everything is? Stepping away is a possibility.

Think of it like the Football stepping away an option?
To answer the question, yes  
UConn4523 : 2/6/2024 10:48 am : link
if I stop enjoying something I turn it off. Doesn’t mean I can’t talk about it. I took a long hiatus from following the WWE shortly after the attitude era ended and found my way back to it around 2014/15 and really enjoyed the matches more than the promos. Now, both aren’t good. Hoping the Rock can atleast influence that in the background, but I have no interest in seeing him wrestle.
I think there is a swerve coming  
nygiants16 : 2/6/2024 10:53 am : link
Who knows the end game  
Shecky : 2/6/2024 11:07 am : link
But MAN, has WWE done an incredible job getting so many people talking about WrestleMania and Cody Rhodes. Which at the end of the day is what it is all about.

And in a matter of less than a week, they turned the attention from Vince, losing Lesnar and Punk - to What will Cody do, and the Rock is scumbag. Absolutely brilliant on their part.
I think they just wanted a strong reaction either way  
Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy : 2/6/2024 12:13 pm : link
And got it. I don’t think The Rock initially expected this reaction but hopefully he plays the part, because a true heel version of this Rock would have so much potential.

Rhodes is solid, I don’t think he’s “The Guy” like Reigns/Cena but really impressive how he’s been able to keep elevating himself throughout his career.

Really cool to see the womens division have actual stars. Rhea Ripley and Bianca Belair might just be the two best women I’ve ever seen in wrestling in terms of their overall package.

Totally off-topic but this whole story got me in a YouTube wormhole and I ended up watching Goldberg highlights lmao. I know that guy was considered a pretty trash “wrestler” in terms of movesets and technical stuff. But his strength was truly a sight to behold. Totally understand why he was such a star back then.
WCW did a lot of dumb things  
Enzo : 2/6/2024 12:30 pm : link
but having Goldberg vs. Hogan take place on Nitro instead of headlining a PPV has to be at the top of the list.
Route 9 : 2/6/2024 12:55 pm : link
Giants made the playoffs just in 2022 and won a playoff game but yet you guys are never happy lol

Also, that's football. It's not scripted and that is seasonal and 17 games in a year. Unless you're one of those guys. I'd love to hear your theories on how that's rigged.
Route 9 : 2/6/2024 12:57 pm : link
And no I do, don't get me wrong, I do like wrestling (or did) and do like to poke my head in during WM time (sometimes) but you guys are always very angry lol

I'm not a wrestling hater. If anything I'm sort of defending the booking.
RE: WCW did a lot of dumb things  
Route 9 : 2/6/2024 12:58 pm : link
In comment 16390420 Enzo said:
but having Goldberg vs. Hogan take place on Nitro instead of headlining a PPV has to be at the top of the list.

I was just talking about that night the other night
DanMetroMan : 2/6/2024 1:00 pm : link
feels like a work at this point or they pivoted into a work. I'd be pretty stunned if Cody doesn't end up somehow finishing the story. My guess is the Rock turns full heel.
DanMetroMan : 2/6/2024 1:00 pm : link
Eric Biscoff is completely bald now and it's jarring to see lol
RE: Also  
Route 9 : 2/6/2024 1:03 pm : link
In comment 16390465 DanMetroMan said:
Eric Biscoff is completely bald now and it's jarring to see lol

I'm BALD! and I'm balder than EVER!
RE: RE: Also  
DanMetroMan : 2/6/2024 1:04 pm : link
In comment 16390467 Route 9 said:
In comment 16390465 DanMetroMan said:


Eric Biscoff is completely bald now and it's jarring to see lol

I'm BALD! and I'm balder than EVER!

Not taking a shot at bald men! I was just shocked to see it! lol
RE: Sure  
Route 9 : 2/7/2024 10:32 am : link
In comment 16390464 DanMetroMan said:
feels like a work at this point or they pivoted into a work. I'd be pretty stunned if Cody doesn't end up somehow finishing the story. My guess is the Rock turns full heel.

Yeah. "Stealing someone's moment" sounds like an ultimate heel move, no? Lol. It's almost as if the writers know taking a "WrestleMania moment" away from a guy who deserves it (or whatever) is gonna piss these expert, entitled fans off.

As if the Rock hasn't come back from Hollywood and acted as a heel for a short amount of time ... before?

Sounds as if this is all working.
I don’t see that as fan entitlement at all  
UConn4523 : 2/7/2024 10:49 am : link
since fans are part of the story. Fans have always helped dictate the writing. Weird to think they are the problem.
RE: I don’t see that as fan entitlement at all  
Route 9 : 2/7/2024 1:11 pm : link
In comment 16391463 UConn4523 said:
since fans are part of the story. Fans have always helped dictate the writing. Weird to think they are the problem.

Yeah. Didn't someone like Triple H or Batista come back and win the Rumble after being gone so long? Years ago? Then the fans were all mad that Daniel Bryan didn't win? I don't remember.

I'm saying the Rock (50 years old) coming back and stealing someone's thunder who should "finish the story" sounds like part of a WM storyline to me. I don't watch any more but judging by all your guys reaction, you sound as if the Rock coming back and stealing Cody's spotlight is making you guys upset.

I think that this is part of the growing storyline. WM ways ways away. Wrestling fans yelling about old guys not getting out of the way to make room for the new guys is as old as time. You'll all still watch no matter the outcome.
Route 9 : 2/7/2024 1:13 pm : link
I'm actually like the Rock or Batista of BBI WWE theeads. Lol. I only drop by around wrestle mania time. I don't need to do this BS all year to know what's going on and steal your guys spotlight.
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