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Banks on Daniel Jones - One Last Chance?

mittenedman : 2/5/2024 2:38 pm
"I am, for transparency, a big Daniel Jones fan. But I will be the first to say that he took a step back this past year," Banks told Mail Sport.

"But I'll also add context to that and say, I can understand why. His offensive line was awful. He took so many hits early. And people don't want to understand that quarterbacks under duress — and I would challenge any individual who just continues to criticize the effectiveness of a quarterback who continues to get hit, I would challenge you to stand anywhere and get hit by a 2×4, about five times in a row and see if you can make great decisions."

The Giants' offensive line surrendered 85 sacks this past season, the second-most in NFL history. And all three of the team's quarterbacks — Jones, Tyrod Taylor, and Tommy DeVito — suffered injuries as a result of the porous line. It was undeniably a factor in the poor quarterback play.

"It does impair your decision-making because I was one of those guys who was doing that to quarterbacks, so I know how it impacts them," Banks said. "But he has to play better when he gets healthy. He will have to resume where he was starting to ascend to, and if he doesn't, they're gonna move on."

Banks on DJ - 2-4-24 - ( New Window )
moths to a flame  
djm : 2/5/2024 2:42 pm : link

Thegratefulhead : 2/5/2024 2:43 pm : link
Very fair. I would still draft one. Daniel Jones is an injury risk. Fact
Carl the Company Man  
The_Boss : 2/5/2024 2:43 pm : link
Did John provide the talking points?
There seems to be a lot of smoke  
mittenedman : 2/5/2024 2:45 pm : link
around the Giants sticking with DJ this year and bolstering the supporting cast.

We'll see if it's a smokescreen, but it's wafting into the sky.
bw in dc : 2/5/2024 2:45 pm : link
"Hey Carl. It's Joe and Mr. Mara. Do you have a minute?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Off the record, we want to share with you that Daniel is still in our plans short and medium term. We think the OL situation really set him back. And then the injuries occurred..."

"Totally agree. I still like Jones..."

"Good. Good. Would you mind reaching out to a few media sources that cover the Giants and sharing your view? We think this will help get the base ready for the direction we are likely going."

"Absolutely. I will make a few call this week..."

"Thanks, Carl. You are always a team player for the Giants..."
christian : 2/5/2024 2:46 pm : link
I typically regard any Carl Banks observation pretty low, but it's hard to argue his point.

Basically all of us want the defense to put constant pressure and sack the opposing quarterback as much as possible. Presumably because we believe the more the opposing quarterback is pressured and sacked the poorer he'll perform.

It's a little disingenuous to accept that reality for the opponent, but not for Jones. There is a direct relationship between the input and the output.

This is why Jones has and will continue to get opportunities to play, either for the Giants or somewhere else. He's living in a suspended state of plausible deniability.
RE: …  
RHPeel : 2/5/2024 2:49 pm : link
In comment 16389342 christian said:
I typically regard any Carl Banks observation pretty low, but it's hard to argue his point.

Basically all of us want the defense to put constant pressure and sack the opposing quarterback as much as possible. Presumably because we believe the more the opposing quarterback is pressured and sacked the poorer he'll perform.

It's a little disingenuous to accept that reality for the opponent, but not for Jones. There is a direct relationship between the input and the output.

This is why Jones has and will continue to get opportunities to play, either for the Giants or somewhere else. He's living in a suspended state of plausible deniability.

I actually think this is quite fair, and Jones mostly doesn't get a fair shake around here, but fair is not the point.

The point is that Daniel Jones now has an extensive injury history, he is very reliant on his legs, and he might be permanently damaged psychologically from all of the punishment he has taken over the years.

I think even the most optimistic jones assessment has to take all of this into account. The Giants' responsibility is to the team, and not to one player.

They have to walk out of this offseason with at least one plausible quarterback who could be the opening day starter in 2025 on a playoff team other than Daniel Jones. If they don't have that, they failed.
the entire organization  
Shirk130 : 2/5/2024 2:54 pm : link
has embraced mediocrity.
Not gonna go crazy until I see how the draft shakes out  
bceagle05 : 2/5/2024 2:54 pm : link
but I'll be doing something different with my Sunday afternoons next fall if Jones/Devito/Insert JAG vet QB HERE is the plan at QB for 2024. I've seen enough pointless 6-win seasons recently.
Carl Banks...  
Manhattan : 2/5/2024 2:54 pm : link
... fantastic football player. A Giants hero and legend. Literally outplayed LT in the 86 Super Bowl run. He was a monster.

Today he is a shill for NYG management. There are no honest or clear voices covering the Giants. They all act like an arm of the front office.
You don’t have to get sacked by an NFL pass rusher  
ajr2456 : 2/5/2024 2:56 pm : link
To realize Jones isn’t good at playing QB.
The discussion is a lot different picking at #6  
Metnut : 2/5/2024 2:56 pm : link
with the top 3 teams all needing QBs rather than if we had a top 3 pick. Trying to force a pick at QB is how Jones got overdrafted to begin with.

Adding a WR1 at #6 and two more starters in round 2 would be a big help. NYG needs more good players. The team is more than a QB away. If there's an opportunity to add a franchise QB, then by all means go ahead, but absent that, please just improve the roster.
RE: the entire organization  
bw in dc : 2/5/2024 2:58 pm : link
In comment 16389354 Shirk130 said:
has embraced mediocrity.

That's an understatement.

Worst of all - to me - it's looking more and more like Schoen may not be the GM many of us were hoping he would be.

RE: RE: …  
Manhattan : 2/5/2024 2:59 pm : link
In comment 16389348 RHPeel said:
In comment 16389342 christian said:


I typically regard any Carl Banks observation pretty low, but it's hard to argue his point.

Basically all of us want the defense to put constant pressure and sack the opposing quarterback as much as possible. Presumably because we believe the more the opposing quarterback is pressured and sacked the poorer he'll perform.

It's a little disingenuous to accept that reality for the opponent, but not for Jones. There is a direct relationship between the input and the output.

This is why Jones has and will continue to get opportunities to play, either for the Giants or somewhere else. He's living in a suspended state of plausible deniability.

I actually think this is quite fair, and Jones mostly doesn't get a fair shake around here, but fair is not the point.

The point is that Daniel Jones now has an extensive injury history, he is very reliant on his legs, and he might be permanently damaged psychologically from all of the punishment he has taken over the years.

I think even the most optimistic jones assessment has to take all of this into account. The Giants' responsibility is to the team, and not to one player.

They have to walk out of this offseason with at least one plausible quarterback who could be the opening day starter in 2025 on a playoff team other than Daniel Jones. If they don't have that, they failed.

How can you say Jones doesn't get a fair shake? He's heading into season 6. He's a failed starter yet he got $100M and folks on social media were clamoring for him to get a huge deal. He rewarded us with an historically bad performance from a player on a mega deal. Yet many seem to think it's ok to bank on him. You need to run a $6B franchise on probabilities for positive outcomes. The odds are strongly against Jones being anything more than a replacement level starter, and likely much worse, likely he's a backup player. Why would you pin our fortunes on such a low probability? We are more likely to have success with a 3rd round QB.
if you are going to sit around waiting for a franchise QB  
Shirk130 : 2/5/2024 3:00 pm : link
to land in your laps you will suck for a very long time. Good organizations make it happen and go get the guy they like.
Sammo85 : 2/5/2024 3:04 pm : link
is also very expensive. Paying year to year proposition for a question mark/enigma both on health and as a passer is a losing formula, because inherently Jones is going to cannibalise resources intended to help him be better.
They are tiring people out  
Lambuth_Special : 2/5/2024 3:05 pm : link
With the trial balloons. When Ralph Vacchiano first went forward with a "run it back with Jones" Twitter thread a few months ago, people universally jumped down his throat. Now that we're getting constantly pounded with these hints/leaks that they're going with Jones again, I notice people are just becoming increasingly resigned that we're not getting a franchise QB this draft and are going with the status quo.

This is how this team gets away with it.
Danny Kanell : 2/5/2024 3:08 pm : link
I'm convinced we are going to draft Bo Nix and Jones will be our starting QB in September, with Nix eventually taking over - either mid-season if Jones completely shits the bed or gets hurt, or ultimately in 2025.

RE: RE: the entire organization  
Dnew15 : 2/5/2024 3:09 pm : link
In comment 16389361 bw in dc said:
In comment 16389354 Shirk130 said:


has embraced mediocrity.

That's an understatement.

Worst of all - to me - it's looking more and more like Schoen may not be the GM many of us were hoping he would be.

I'm willing to bet he got the job in the 1st place b/c he swore he make a winner out of DJ.
RE: They are tiring people out  
bw in dc : 2/5/2024 3:12 pm : link
In comment 16389371 Lambuth_Special said:
With the trial balloons. When Ralph Vacchiano first went forward with a "run it back with Jones" Twitter thread a few months ago, people universally jumped down his throat. Now that we're getting constantly pounded with these hints/leaks that they're going with Jones again, I notice people are just becoming increasingly resigned that we're not getting a franchise QB this draft and are going with the status quo.

This is how this team gets away with it.

Alas, I think you are right.

I will continue to hope for a miracle (getting any of the top three QBs in the draft) but ultimately expect Schoen to reveal his true colors again.

He's all in on Jones.
Just like DG  
Dnew15 : 2/5/2024 3:13 pm : link
told them he could get one more run with Eli.

Jints Central hires the guys that tell them what they want to hear - of course I don't know this for a fact...but at this's starting look true.
Johnny Boy gave Carl a script to  
Silver Spoon : 2/5/2024 3:16 pm : link
RE: the entire organization  
Go Terps : 2/5/2024 3:17 pm : link
In comment 16389354 Shirk130 said:
has embraced mediocrity.

Why wouldn't it? The fans have too. The stadium will be full on opening day, and when the team is 4-10 there will be plenty of people buying on the secondary market.

And you watch around here. The people that went from "Why can't we win with Daniel" when he got paid to "We need to draft a QB" when he got hurt will go right back to "Why can't we win with Daniel" when they don't draft a QB until day 3, if they draft one at all.

There's no reason to give this team the benefit of the doubt.
He is telling the truth  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/5/2024 3:19 pm : link
but he left out both SB playing 2.25 of DJ's 5.25 games and AT only playing in 1.25 of those 5.25 games.

The other thing that has not been reported much is if the dynamic has changed some with JS/BD and ownership. From a ownership perspective, there is plenty to be disappointed about outside the QB position with how the season played out.

How/if this impacts what they do at QB remains to be seen imv.
I think they will be able to sign a FA QB if they choose to but not sure how aggressive they will be able to be in the draft at the QB spot.
RE: .  
Sean : 2/5/2024 3:20 pm : link
In comment 16389375 Danny Kanell said:
I'm convinced we are going to draft Bo Nix and Jones will be our starting QB in September, with Nix eventually taking over - either mid-season if Jones completely shits the bed or gets hurt, or ultimately in 2025.

I agree on Nix.
christian : 2/5/2024 3:21 pm : link
I'm not a good arbitor of fair, so my reasoning is based on observations, fair or not.

I don't think season 4 was a good enough data set to hand out 82M in guarantees, and I don't think season 5 is good enough of a data set to unring the bell.

Let's assume for argument's sake there is a 1:1 relationship between the production measurements and the pressure measurements.

Jones was pressured at a historically high and quick rate. Any surprise he was the least productive QB? If the whole point of the pass rush is to bother the quarterback, are we surprised it bothered the quarterback?

The real question in my mind is at what level does Jones outpace the curve. If he's pressured at an average level, can he produce at above average production?

I don't think he can. But it's understandable that now given the contract has been given, management wants to see.
By all means, disregard  
Ron Johnson : 2/5/2024 3:21 pm : link
the opinion of one of the players of the decade of the 80s in favor of the BBI talent eveluators.
I can see them running it back with DJ, and adding a vet QB for  
Tom in NY : 2/5/2024 3:22 pm : link

But before anyone loses their minds, let's see what happens if a Drake Maye or Jayden Daniel drops past the top 3 spots in the the Giants pass on a slight trade up?

What happens if (VERY UNLIKELY) Maye or Daniels' drops all the way to 6th? I don't see them passing on them at all.
I love how so many BBI posters ...  
Csonka : 2/5/2024 3:26 pm : link
condemn Banks as a Mara mouthpiece because what he says doesn't line up with their opinions.
Most of us hated McAdoo as HC, but as OC, his offense was productive.  
Ivan15 : 2/5/2024 3:26 pm : link
Do you think Jones could have been productive in that offense or was McAdoo successful only because of Eli’s pre-snap and post-snap reads?
BrettNYG10 : 2/5/2024 3:29 pm : link
I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.
TyreeHelmet : 2/5/2024 3:31 pm : link
Until they firmly decide to improve the QB position this team is doomed. Make any excuse you want, you can't win in the NFL paying 40 million a year to a QB who isn't any good.

Even winning with a great QB is hard in the NFL. The Giants are given themselves no chance to win big with Jones as the starter.

I will say this  
Lambuth_Special : 2/5/2024 3:34 pm : link
If you read between the lines of what Banks is saying, and the Matt Miller Senior Bowl nugget about them bringing in a veteran, I do think Jones' leash is going to be very short this season.

Like even if they just re-sign Tyrod, he will be starting in week 5 if Jones doesn't raise his production. Too many peoples' jobs and reputations will be on the line.
RE: …  
Sammo85 : 2/5/2024 3:35 pm : link
In comment 16389394 christian said:
I'm not a good arbitor of fair, so my reasoning is based on observations, fair or not.

I don't think season 4 was a good enough data set to hand out 82M in guarantees, and I don't think season 5 is good enough of a data set to unring the bell.

Let's assume for argument's sake there is a 1:1 relationship between the production measurements and the pressure measurements.

Jones was pressured at a historically high and quick rate. Any surprise he was the least productive QB? If the whole point of the pass rush is to bother the quarterback, are we surprised it bothered the quarterback?

The real question in my mind is at what level does Jones outpace the curve. If he's pressured at an average level, can he produce at above average production?

I don't think he can. But it's understandable that now given the contract has been given, management wants to see.

The only thing they’re going to see then is pink slips in the near future.
CoughlinHandsonHips : 2/5/2024 3:36 pm : link
If he does, than we can officially put "its harder to win in NY to rest"

This will be more chances than I can remember any QB getting (on the same team)
RE: I will say this  
Lambuth_Special : 2/5/2024 3:38 pm : link
In comment 16389408 Lambuth_Special said:
If you read between the lines of what Banks is saying, and the Matt Miller Senior Bowl nugget about them bringing in a veteran, I do think Jones' leash is going to be very short this season.

Like even if they just re-sign Tyrod, he will be starting in week 5 if Jones doesn't raise his production. Too many peoples' jobs and reputations will be on the line.

And let me add, I do not think Jones - coming off an ACL, with an angry fanbase, and in a locker room with tepid support for him (based on the Thibs quote) - is going to thrive in this environment. Trust me, I've tried to talk myself into him having a rebound season, and I was confident he would have a decent season in 2022. I don't see it all for next year.
I don't believe anyone told Banks to say this  
LW_Giants : 2/5/2024 3:38 pm : link
but you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to understand how the inner workings of the Giants franchise works. Mara implicitly lets it be known what he thinks/wants--in this case to stick with Jones--and then those employed by the organization parrot that view because they realize that is the direction that will be taken. Giants have been putting these feelers out for months, softening up the media/fanbase for another year running it back with Jones. It sucks, but is not surprising in the least.
Carl has expressed my point of view  
mfjmfj : 2/5/2024 3:40 pm : link
almost exactly. Having said that, between the regression last year and the injury history, you have to look to move on if at all possible. Draft a QB early if you can. Pick up a vet who might be the next Goff or Mayfield or Geno. Pick a QB late if one looks possible. Trade for an unproven QB (Hooker?). I am a fan of one or all of these. I hope DJ can finally blossom into the QB we hoped he would be. But to count on that now just seems dumb. If you can't get "The Guy" then go scattershot and hope you get lucky with a Dak or a Wilson or Purdy or for that matter a Collins.

And what we are paying DJ is irrelevant to this. It is a sunk cost and has no bearing in current decision making. Obviously it impacts how much overall space we have available but the idea that we can't spend more on QB because we have already spent so much is dumb.
I think by  
GiantsRage2007 : 2/5/2024 3:40 pm : link
Year 10 is when most qb make the leap. I can’t wait.
Also, this is why many on this board were  
LW_Giants : 2/5/2024 3:41 pm : link
hoping to fall within the top 3 picks in the draft order--to force the Giants hand. Now that they won a few meaningless games they have a built in excuse for not taking a QB.
I think the likeliest scenario:  
Sean : 2/5/2024 3:41 pm : link
Jones starts the year as QB1 but is eventually benched for either the veteran signed or rookie QB drafted. This will protect NYG with regards to the injury guarantee, similar to Carr in LV and Wilson in DEN.

If Jones wins, the Giants continue to play him. If not, his career here probably ends after 2024.
RE: .....  
Go Terps : 2/5/2024 3:41 pm : link
In comment 16389404 BrettNYG10 said:
I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.

A bad hand? There isn't a starting QB on the team, they're picking 6th in one of the strongest QB drafts in years, and they've been so bad for so long that the roster lacks (or at least should lack) sacred cows that can't be traded.

It's hard to get a better hand than this. What are we doing here?
RE: Also, this is why many on this board were  
Go Terps : 2/5/2024 3:43 pm : link
In comment 16389421 LW_Giants said:
hoping to fall within the top 3 picks in the draft order--to force the Giants hand. Now that they won a few meaningless games they have a built in excuse for not taking a QB.

They weren't meaningless to the DeVito family. Think of all the cutlets they can buy with that Rao's money.
RE: RE: .....  
Mike in NY : 2/5/2024 3:45 pm : link
In comment 16389423 Go Terps said:
In comment 16389404 BrettNYG10 said:


I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.

A bad hand? There isn't a starting QB on the team, they're picking 6th in one of the strongest QB drafts in years, and they've been so bad for so long that the roster lacks (or at least should lack) sacred cows that can't be traded.

It's hard to get a better hand than this. What are we doing here?

What good is it drafting 6 if the strong QB's are gone by 3? Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely in favor of seeing what it would take to trade up, but I don't want to see us take Day 2 talent at 6 because we want to replace Jones. You want a "sacred cow," yet you are arguing against drafting one because he is not a QB when potentially the QB you want to draft is a Day 2 guy.
If Jones was on another NFC East team  
Blue The Dog : 2/5/2024 3:46 pm : link
We would all be laughing and celebrating at this kind of news
RE: RE: .....  
Lambuth_Special : 2/5/2024 3:48 pm : link
In comment 16389423 Go Terps said:
In comment 16389404 BrettNYG10 said:


I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.

A bad hand? There isn't a starting QB on the team, they're picking 6th in one of the strongest QB drafts in years, and they've been so bad for so long that the roster lacks (or at least should lack) sacred cows that can't be traded.

It's hard to get a better hand than this. What are we doing here?

And the thing is, I don't think the Giants are all that enthusiastic about this, but are going to do it anyway, much like they picked up Eli's option in 2019 only to bench him after 2 games. This time, it'll just be benching Jones for Brissett or Taylor.

Like this quote from Carl basically sounds like a threat; I don't see Jones really very confident in this environment:

"But he has to play better when he gets healthy. He will have to resume where he was starting to ascend to, and if he doesn't, they're gonna move on."
RE: Also, this is why many on this board were  
ajr2456 : 2/5/2024 3:49 pm : link
In comment 16389421 LW_Giants said:
hoping to fall within the top 3 picks in the draft order--to force the Giants hand. Now that they won a few meaningless games they have a built in excuse for not taking a QB.

RE: If Jones was on another NFC East team  
bw in dc : 2/5/2024 3:49 pm : link
In comment 16389428 Blue The Dog said:
We would all be laughing and celebrating at this kind of news

This is a very salient point.

But I would add one edit: "If Jones was on another NFL team..."

If Jones was a free agent QB and we needed a QB, how many on this board would advocate that we make a move on Jones?

I would bet it would be 5% or <.
RE: RE: Also, this is why many on this board were  
LW_Giants : 2/5/2024 3:50 pm : link
In comment 16389425 Go Terps said:
In comment 16389421 LW_Giants said:


hoping to fall within the top 3 picks in the draft order--to force the Giants hand. Now that they won a few meaningless games they have a built in excuse for not taking a QB.

They weren't meaningless to the DeVito family. Think of all the cutlets they can buy with that Rao's money.

The silliest argument in favor of those wins was that they would somehow carry over confidence-wise to next season or that they showed Daboll kept the locker room together. Meanwhile, a week after the season ended we had an internal coaching meltdown, a starting player openly question the decision to pay Jones, and multiple coaches turn down the opportunity to work here. Obviously, not all of this is Daboll or Schoen's fault, but it's just symptomatic of a frachnise that's rotting internally.
RE: RE: RE: .....  
ajr2456 : 2/5/2024 3:51 pm : link
In comment 16389430 Lambuth_Special said:
In comment 16389423 Go Terps said:


In comment 16389404 BrettNYG10 said:


I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.

A bad hand? There isn't a starting QB on the team, they're picking 6th in one of the strongest QB drafts in years, and they've been so bad for so long that the roster lacks (or at least should lack) sacred cows that can't be traded.

It's hard to get a better hand than this. What are we doing here?

And the thing is, I don't think the Giants are all that enthusiastic about this, but are going to do it anyway, much like they picked up Eli's option in 2019 only to bench him after 2 games. This time, it'll just be benching Jones for Brissett or Taylor.

Like this quote from Carl basically sounds like a threat; I don't see Jones really very confident in this environment:


"But he has to play better when he gets healthy. He will have to resume where he was starting to ascend to, and if he doesn't, they're gonna move on."

The problem is he wasn’t really starting to ascend. He wasn’t good in the second half last year except against the Vikings and the Colts, two teams that weren’t very good.
RE: RE: RE: .....  
Sammo85 : 2/5/2024 3:51 pm : link
In comment 16389430 Lambuth_Special said:
In comment 16389423 Go Terps said:


In comment 16389404 BrettNYG10 said:


I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.

A bad hand? There isn't a starting QB on the team, they're picking 6th in one of the strongest QB drafts in years, and they've been so bad for so long that the roster lacks (or at least should lack) sacred cows that can't be traded.

It's hard to get a better hand than this. What are we doing here?

And the thing is, I don't think the Giants are all that enthusiastic about this, but are going to do it anyway, much like they picked up Eli's option in 2019 only to bench him after 2 games. This time, it'll just be benching Jones for Brissett or Taylor.

Like this quote from Carl basically sounds like a threat; I don't see Jones really very confident in this environment:


"But he has to play better when he gets healthy. He will have to resume where he was starting to ascend to, and if he doesn't, they're gonna move on."

If the threat is there and real, you have to make sure you have insurance, not turn to hungry hunter-gatherer mode. And you don’t keep paying AA premium on a junk bond QB. Unless Jones tears up the league there’s no reason to keep him in 2025.
As far as I’m concerned  
Chris684 : 2/5/2024 3:52 pm : link
His last chance was against the Seahawks on Monday Night Football.
RE: If Jones was on another NFC East team  
Go Terps : 2/5/2024 3:53 pm : link
In comment 16389428 Blue The Dog said:
We would all be laughing and celebrating at this kind of news

RE: If Jones was on another NFC East team  
JonC : 2/5/2024 3:54 pm : link
In comment 16389428 Blue The Dog said:
We would all be laughing and celebrating at this kind of news

Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/5/2024 3:57 pm : link
A smart franchise would be putting out smoke that they are not likely draft a QB, but only to mislead other teams.

However, we know the Giants aren't that smart.

Fans have every right to worry when franchise mouthpieces say things like this. We've seen it before.

As I said the other day, I'm getting heavy 1996 vibes... a year most Giants fans knew was going to be massive lame duck season.

Will John Mara be addressing the press again in January 2025, pleading mea culpa once again and promising sweeping changes? It's getting old.
RE: RE: If Jones was on another NFC East team  
ajr2456 : 2/5/2024 3:58 pm : link
In comment 16389442 JonC said:
In comment 16389428 Blue The Dog said:


We would all be laughing and celebrating at this kind of news


They laugh at QBs that are better than Jones
You guys realize  
Harvest Blend : 2/5/2024 3:58 pm : link
that the Giants have zero to gain telling everyone they want to draft a QB, right? Banks putting this out there keeps people guessing and we have no idea if he really even means it.

They should be saying shit like this, imo.
Who popped my Trial Balloon?  
ThomasG : 2/5/2024 4:01 pm : link

Would Nix last into the second round?  
Simms11 : 2/5/2024 4:02 pm : link
or would the Giants have to move back into the first? There’s plenty of QB needy teams that might take him in the middle of the first. Giants probably would not want to trade that far into the first round for a guy like Nix. I think Penix and Rattler are guys that will be around on day 2. Rattler is short, but intriguing IMV.
RE: Carl Banks...  
barens : 2/5/2024 4:04 pm : link
In comment 16389356 Manhattan said:
... fantastic football player. A Giants hero and legend. Literally outplayed LT in the 86 Super Bowl run. He was a monster.

Today he is a shill for NYG management. There are no honest or clear voices covering the Giants. They all act like an arm of the front office.

He's shill for Giants management? Are you kidding me with this?
Gun to my head  
Lambuth_Special : 2/5/2024 4:08 pm : link
I still think they get a QB in the draft. They really can't afford a veteran and still do literally anything in FA.

Eric's point about 1996 vibes are really but I think it has the potential to be much worse if they aren't proactive at QB. Again, if Jones is the unquestioned starter I think the team is underestimating how hostile the environment is going to be on multiple levels, and I don't think it's going to set anyone up for success.
RE: ...  
Sean : 2/5/2024 4:08 pm : link
In comment 16389444 Eric from BBI said:
A smart franchise would be putting out smoke that they are not likely draft a QB, but only to mislead other teams.

However, we know the Giants aren't that smart.

Fans have every right to worry when franchise mouthpieces say things like this. We've seen it before.

As I said the other day, I'm getting heavy 1996 vibes... a year most Giants fans knew was going to be massive lame duck season.

Will John Mara be addressing the press again in January 2025, pleading mea culpa once again and promising sweeping changes? It's getting old.

Reeves did get 1994, 1995 & 1996 after the playoff win in 1993. A lot of fans assume Daboll is a lame duck, I don t know.

He kept the season together and went 4-3 down the stretch with Tommy DeVito & Tyrod Taylor. He's won a playoff game. If he bottoms out, he'll be gone. But, if it's a 7-10 type season, I think Daboll gets more time.

The Giants are in trouble if they are operating under a win or else mandate.
Let's hope on April 25th  
JonC : 2/5/2024 4:08 pm : link
they surprise us with a top 6 QB pick, and all of this will be words in the wind. There's little to be gained by saying too much between now and then, even tho the track record isn't super.
How does Banks saying this help the Giants  
cosmicj : 2/5/2024 4:10 pm : link
Draft a QB? Schoen is talking to personnel people throughout the league regularly. The people who matter know how Schoen is approaching this.
TyreeHelmet : 2/5/2024 4:11 pm : link
If they run it back with Jones, which team enters next season in a worse position at quarterback?
ajr2456 : 2/5/2024 4:13 pm : link
But they were 9-7 in 94. Reeves had two under .500 years before getting canned. Next year would be Dabolls second.
RE: Giants  
cosmicj : 2/5/2024 4:14 pm : link
In comment 16389464 TyreeHelmet said:
If they run it back with Jones, which team enters next season in a worse position at quarterback?

Atlanta and maybe Minnesota, depending on what Cousins does? The Saints?
christian : 2/5/2024 4:14 pm : link
In comment 16389409 Sammo85 said:
The real question in my mind is at what level does Jones outpace the curve. If he's pressured at an average level, can he produce at above average production?

I don't think he can. But it's understandable that now given the contract has been given, management wants to see.

The only thing they’re going to see then is pink slips in the near future.

Do you think they would be fired if Jones and the Giants have an identical season to 2022?
RE: ...  
ThomasG : 2/5/2024 4:14 pm : link
In comment 16389444 Eric from BBI said:
A smart franchise would be putting out smoke that they are not likely draft a QB, but only to mislead other teams.

However, we know the Giants aren't that smart.

Fans have every right to worry when franchise mouthpieces say things like this. We've seen it before.

As I said the other day, I'm getting heavy 1996 vibes... a year most Giants fans knew was going to be massive lame duck season.

Will John Mara be addressing the press again in January 2025, pleading mea culpa once again and promising sweeping changes? It's getting old.

The Giants don't need to put anymore smoke out there.

They did all their smoking the day they gave Daniel Jones $92,000,000.00 in guarantees.
mitch300 : 2/5/2024 4:14 pm : link
Brady didn’t do to good in the SB against the Giants because someone was always in his face. Look what the Giants did to Montana. No QB can be successful lying on his back.
RE: RE: ...  
Sammo85 : 2/5/2024 4:15 pm : link
In comment 16389459 Sean said:
In comment 16389444 Eric from BBI said:


A smart franchise would be putting out smoke that they are not likely draft a QB, but only to mislead other teams.

However, we know the Giants aren't that smart.

Fans have every right to worry when franchise mouthpieces say things like this. We've seen it before.

As I said the other day, I'm getting heavy 1996 vibes... a year most Giants fans knew was going to be massive lame duck season.

Will John Mara be addressing the press again in January 2025, pleading mea culpa once again and promising sweeping changes? It's getting old.

Reeves did get 1994, 1995 & 1996 after the playoff win in 1993. A lot of fans assume Daboll is a lame duck, I don t know.

He kept the season together and went 4-3 down the stretch with Tommy DeVito & Tyrod Taylor. He's won a playoff game. If he bottoms out, he'll be gone. But, if it's a 7-10 type season, I think Daboll gets more time.

The Giants are in trouble if they are operating under a win or else mandate.

I don’t think he’s a lame duck but him and Schoen have tightened their window and slack for their tenure together where this offseason is critical for both their futures. Mara could give Schoen a second HC hiring but who knows. HCs live and die on a different plank.

If they ride with Jones and meager alternatives this season they will face a win or die or lame duck 2025.
The OL that can protect Jones doesnt  
cosmicj : 2/5/2024 4:15 pm : link
Exist in todays NFL.
I wouldn’t say Minnesota and Atlanta  
ajr2456 : 2/5/2024 4:15 pm : link
Are worse situations. Neither would have a bad QB on the books.
Medium Pepsi Mara  
MojoEd : 2/5/2024 4:16 pm : link
Giving DJ “another chance” was always the most likely scenario with this ownership. It’s a family business and I think that $ might drive this result; they wouldn’t be the first franchise to bow to that constraint.
RE: I wouldn’t say Minnesota and Atlanta  
Manhattan : 2/5/2024 4:19 pm : link
In comment 16389474 ajr2456 said:
Are worse situations. Neither would have a bad QB on the books. have the Giants/Jones ranked 29th.
NFL QB index - ( New Window )
RE: Most of us hated McAdoo as HC, but as OC, his offense was productive.  
Section331 : 2/5/2024 4:21 pm : link
In comment 16389403 Ivan15 said:
Do you think Jones could have been productive in that offense or was McAdoo successful only because of Eli’s pre-snap and post-snap reads?

McAdoo’s offense was good when he worked under TC, it was garbage on his own. Even in 2016, the defense carried that team, all McAdoo could scheme up was to try and get Odell open on a slant. He had one of the smaller WR groups in the league and he did nothing to try to scheme them open - no motion, no bunched receiver sets. 25th in yards, 26th in points doesn’t scream good offense to me.
Zierlan had the falcons jumping the Giants  
ajr2456 : 2/5/2024 4:22 pm : link
For Maye at 5 FWIW
Mock - ( New Window )
RE: You guys realize  
Section331 : 2/5/2024 4:23 pm : link
In comment 16389446 Harvest Blend said:
that the Giants have zero to gain telling everyone they want to draft a QB, right? Banks putting this out there keeps people guessing and we have no idea if he really even means it.

They should be saying shit like this, imo.

In a vacuum, you’re not wrong, but when you look at the recent history of how the Giants operate, this is SOP. Get the narrative they want out there.
RE: I wouldn’t say Minnesota and Atlanta  
TyreeHelmet : 2/5/2024 4:28 pm : link
In comment 16389474 ajr2456 said:
Are worse situations. Neither would have a bad QB on the books.

I think its the worst situation in the league and not even close.

What I truly don't understand and keep coming back to, is that there is almost no scenario where the Giants keep Jones in 2025 and justify that contract moving forward. He would need to take a leap that has never really ever been done in the NFL.

With that being the case, how can you not try to find a replacement now?
Likely Scenario  
Bob in VA : 2/5/2024 4:28 pm : link
Seems a typical Giants approach will be to draft the BPA at #6, and then pick a QB later in the draft -- perhaps a second-round talent in the second round, or a third round talent in the third round, etc. We all know QBs drafted in rounds other than the first can turn out to be pretty darn good.

The starter in week 1 will be either Jones if he's healthy enough, or whoever wins the QB2 job in training camp - Taylor, DeVito, some other vet, or the kid they draft.

Once healthy, Jones will start.. if he sucks, he'll get pulled in favor of the guy that won the QB2 job.
RE: Zierlan had the falcons jumping the Giants  
MojoEd : 2/5/2024 4:29 pm : link
In comment 16389482 ajr2456 said:
For Maye at 5 FWIW Mock - ( New Window )

Malpractice by ATL GM if they don’t do this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some in the NYG building would be relieved by that result.
RE: I love how so many BBI posters ...  
Gfan in PA : 2/5/2024 4:29 pm : link
In comment 16389402 Csonka said:
condemn Banks as a Mara mouthpiece because what he says doesn't line up with their opinions.

+1 this!
RE: ...  
Sammo85 : 2/5/2024 4:33 pm : link
In comment 16389467 christian said:
In comment 16389409 Sammo85 said:


The real question in my mind is at what level does Jones outpace the curve. If he's pressured at an average level, can he produce at above average production?

I don't think he can. But it's understandable that now given the contract has been given, management wants to see.

The only thing they’re going to see then is pink slips in the near future.

Do you think they would be fired if Jones and the Giants have an identical season to 2022?

No. But I have zero faith in that occurring. And it would mean rest of this lost decade ahead for Giants. Whether it’s January 2025 or January 2026, I see another regime change coming unless they radically pivot hard on the roster and QB.
RE: RE: .....  
BrettNYG10 : 2/5/2024 4:34 pm : link
In comment 16389423 Go Terps said:
In comment 16389404 BrettNYG10 said:


I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.

A bad hand? There isn't a starting QB on the team, they're picking 6th in one of the strongest QB drafts in years, and they've been so bad for so long that the roster lacks (or at least should lack) sacred cows that can't be traded.

It's hard to get a better hand than this. What are we doing here?

There are three guys highly rated, it could be enormously costly to trade up. And we might not even have that option.

Winning those games against Washington and New England was disastorous.
My thoughts  
Biteymax22 : 2/5/2024 4:36 pm : link
The number one thing he's right on is that this is Jones's last chance. I think the arguement is whether or not he deserves it.

Jones played well in 2022, not great, but good enough provided that he continue to progress. He didn't.

Banks is right, the OL was horrid. Jones also was our 3rd best QB behind that OL.

All of this aside, the guy is following up a horrid season with an ACL injury. The two combined should show you he shouldn't be relied on. He performed in one prove it season which put us in this position right now, don't give him a chance to do this again. Just move on and draft a QB before we lose another coach and GM.
RE: RE: Most of us hated McAdoo as HC, but as OC, his offense was productive.  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/5/2024 4:43 pm : link
In comment 16389480 Section331 said:
McAdoo’s offense was good when he worked under TC, it was garbage on his own.

Mike Sullivan was a terrible OC, both here and in Tampa.
RE: RE: RE: .....  
Go Terps : 2/5/2024 4:44 pm : link
In comment 16389495 BrettNYG10 said:
In comment 16389423 Go Terps said:


In comment 16389404 BrettNYG10 said:


I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.

A bad hand? There isn't a starting QB on the team, they're picking 6th in one of the strongest QB drafts in years, and they've been so bad for so long that the roster lacks (or at least should lack) sacred cows that can't be traded.

It's hard to get a better hand than this. What are we doing here?

There are three guys highly rated, it could be enormously costly to trade up. And we might not even have that option.

Winning those games against Washington and New England was disastorous.

What would you consider to be too expensive? Personally I don't think there's a greater expense than the time we're wasting fielding a team without a quarterback. We're just throwing away the years of what few good players we actually have.

If the Schoen leaves this draft without a new viable starting QB I'm going to assume that he truly does believe in Jones; and that's a "vote of no confidence" situation.

He HAS to come out of this draft with his QB. Has to.
If Washington ends up with Daniels or Maye and they hit  
ajr2456 : 2/5/2024 4:45 pm : link
The Giants could be the 4th best team in the division for a long time. Upgrading the QB as soon as possible is crucial.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/5/2024 4:56 pm : link
I have never seen a Giant get as many excuses as Jones.
Banks is being a good teammate  
US1 Giants : 2/5/2024 4:59 pm : link
Can't expect him to say anything else. He has got to voice support for his teammate.
RE: RE: RE: .....  
bw in dc : 2/5/2024 5:02 pm : link
In comment 16389495 BrettNYG10 said:

Winning those games against Washington and New England was disastorous.

I've been told winning those inconsequential games was a good thing because that helps build a winning culture. And we will eventually realize those dividends.

Of course, you have to ignore there is annual roster turnover of 35-45% and you are basically starting with a new team every year.

Again, it is now NO LONGER  
Dave on the UWS : 2/5/2024 5:05 pm : link
RELEVANT if Jones can play or not . His injuries (especially the 2 neck injuries) should make it impossible to run him out there again
. And their VERY ill advised injury guarantee should cause his ass to be parked on the bench.
That’s what a smart organization would do. But since Mara is heavily involved in the QB position, we are probably screwed.
RE: Banks is being a good teammate  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/5/2024 5:12 pm : link
In comment 16389520 US1 Giants said:
Can't expect him to say anything else. He has got to voice support for his teammate.

Carl Banks, not Deonte Banks.
Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/5/2024 5:15 pm : link
I would LOVE to know why. Haha.
What about the  
Blueworm : 2/5/2024 5:30 pm : link
Four previous years?

Too much focus on six games.

Next, please.
Since1965 : 2/5/2024 5:46 pm : link
In comment 16389469 mitch300 said:
Brady didn’t do to good in the SB against the Giants because someone was always in his face. Look what the Giants did to Montana. No QB can be successful lying on his back.

Absolutely. And that's what Banks is saying. No-one could have succeeded with the OL(minus Thomas) that Jones had to play behind.
RE: RE: RE: RE: .....  
BrettNYG10 : 2/5/2024 5:50 pm : link
In comment 16389507 Go Terps said:
In comment 16389495 BrettNYG10 said:


In comment 16389423 Go Terps said:


In comment 16389404 BrettNYG10 said:


I don't think the Giants are in as good of a position to get a QB as many think. Running Jones back could be a result of a bad hand more than anything else.

A bad hand? There isn't a starting QB on the team, they're picking 6th in one of the strongest QB drafts in years, and they've been so bad for so long that the roster lacks (or at least should lack) sacred cows that can't be traded.

It's hard to get a better hand than this. What are we doing here?

There are three guys highly rated, it could be enormously costly to trade up. And we might not even have that option.

Winning those games against Washington and New England was disastorous.

What would you consider to be too expensive? Personally I don't think there's a greater expense than the time we're wasting fielding a team without a quarterback. We're just throwing away the years of what few good players we actually have.

If the Schoen leaves this draft without a new viable starting QB I'm going to assume that he truly does believe in Jones; and that's a "vote of no confidence" situation.

He HAS to come out of this draft with his QB. Has to.

I think anything much more than two first round picks and a second is too much, personally. Some combination of that, rather players/picks, etc. I thought the trade for Young last year was way too much.

Here's a list of 29 times teams traded up for a QB (written in 2021). Most of them look awful--most of the ones that did work were trading up to the late or middle first.
ESPN - ( New Window )
RE: RE: RE: RE: .....  
BrettNYG10 : 2/5/2024 5:51 pm : link
In comment 16389524 bw in dc said:
In comment 16389495 BrettNYG10 said:


Winning those games against Washington and New England was disastorous.

I've been told winning those inconsequential games was a good thing because that helps build a winning culture. And we will eventually realize those dividends.

Of course, you have to ignore there is annual roster turnover of 35-45% and you are basically starting with a new team every year.

The culture argument is ridiculous: is the culture really that changed by whether the Patriots or Commanders got an extra touchdown?

What evidence is there for the culture argument? The Lions maybe? They got better because they hit home runs on their picks.
RE: ...  
bluewave : 2/5/2024 5:55 pm : link
In comment 16389444 Eric from BBI said:
A smart franchise would be putting out smoke that they are not likely draft a QB, but only to mislead other teams.

However, we know the Giants aren't that smart.

Fans have every right to worry when franchise mouthpieces say things like this. We've seen it before.

As I said the other day, I'm getting heavy 1996 vibes... a year most Giants fans knew was going to be massive lame duck season.

Will John Mara be addressing the press again in January 2025, pleading mea culpa once again and promising sweeping changes? It's getting old.

I get this approach, but just because the Giants put out those signals, the top 3 are not going to drop to us. I think people better come to the realization that if we do draft a QB, it's going to be a project that likely will not be starting this year!
Why are the Giants (both fans and people inside the organization)  
MookGiants : 2/5/2024 5:58 pm : link
so attached to Barkley and Jones? It baffles me. The Giants have been the worst organization in football since drafting those two. But people want to give them 1000000 chances
RE: RE: RE: RE: .....  
MookGiants : 2/5/2024 6:00 pm : link
In comment 16389524 bw in dc said:
In comment 16389495 BrettNYG10 said:


Winning those games against Washington and New England was disastorous.

I've been told winning those inconsequential games was a good thing because that helps build a winning culture. And we will eventually realize those dividends.

Of course, you have to ignore there is annual roster turnover of 35-45% and you are basically starting with a new team every year.

Winning culture is built upon good players. Players are never going to intentionally tank nor are coaching staffs. They're all coaching and playing for jobs. But fans who believe winning is important for culture are fools. I am fine with not actively rooting against your team to lose, but the culture doesn't matter if you don't have winning players. Because a bad roster will get front offices and coaching staffs fired regularly and the culture you thought was being built has to start over.
RE: Why are the Giants (both fans and people inside the organization)  
Go Terps : 2/5/2024 6:08 pm : link
In comment 16389568 MookGiants said:
so attached to Barkley and Jones? It baffles me. The Giants have been the worst organization in football since drafting those two. But people want to give them 1000000 chances

I'll never understand it. It's like being attached to Danny Kanell and Joe Montgomery.
RE: Why are the Giants (both fans and people inside the organization)  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/5/2024 6:10 pm : link
In comment 16389568 MookGiants said:
so attached to Barkley and Jones? It baffles me. The Giants have been the worst organization in football since drafting those two. But people want to give them 1000000 chances

It is beyond bizarre.
BrettNYG10 : 2/5/2024 6:15 pm : link
Jones is also just incredibly boring to watch. I can't stand watching his mechanical approach and constant check downs.
Go Terps : 2/5/2024 6:20 pm : link
Barkley (74) and Jones (60) have played more games as a Giant than many recent first rounders that everyone was ready to throw out on their ass.

I can not wait to watch a Giants team that doesn't have these players.
Man, I am just hoping the Bowen hiring indicates  
widmerseyebrow : 2/5/2024 6:22 pm : link
Good organizational opsec and not desperation. Then, maybe then, I can view this trial balloon shit as smart misdirection instead of Mara trying to soften everyone up with more medium Pepsis.
RE: Again, it is now NO LONGER  
56goat : 2/5/2024 6:44 pm : link
In comment 16389527 Dave on the UWS said:
RELEVANT if Jones can play or not . His injuries (especially the 2 neck injuries) should make it impossible to run him out there again

This. Whether or not you believe DJ is the QB of the future, his injury history means we can't rely on him going forward. We need another option, preferably cost-controlled from the draft. If DJ balls out next year, it would be a good problem to have.
in the off-season  
MookGiants : 2/5/2024 6:48 pm : link
hell even during season and now i'm sure these dopes are still out there but people were arguing the Giants can not possibly let Barkley leave because he's basically the best leader ever and the locker room needs him. And they were not one bit kidding.

A team that has been the worst team in the sport since Barkley was drafted can not possibly let him go because he's such a great leader and it will destroy the locker room.

Barkley and Jones have somehow broken the brains of many Giants fans. You would think after losing so much with the two of them that fans would want them gone simply because they have been so bad with the two of them as the faces of the franchise but nope they want to give these 2 5000000 chances.

Eli Manning didn't get the benefit of the doubt like those two do and I'll never understand why.
RE: My thoughts  
Snorkels : 2/5/2024 6:57 pm : link
In comment 16389499 Biteymax22 said:
The number one thing he's right on is that this is Jones's last chance. I think the arguement is whether or not he deserves it.

Jones played well in 2022, not great, but good enough provided that he continue to progress. He didn't.

Banks is right, the OL was horrid. Jones also was our 3rd best QB behind that OL.

All of this aside, the guy is following up a horrid season with an ACL injury. The two combined should show you he shouldn't be relied on. He performed in one prove it season which put us in this position right now, don't give him a chance to do this again. Just move on and draft a QB before we lose another coach and GM.

Minor point Bitey. But Jones actually played behind an almost completely different line. The line thru those first few weeks was largely Ezudu and Neal at the OTs and spme combination of Lemieux, McKethan and Glowinski at G and Bredeson playing out of position at C. The line started to stabilize when they signed Pugh and thru the second half of the year it was Thomas and Phillips at the OTs, Pugh and Bredeson and Schmitz at C. In fact the OL in the second half of the season wasn't all that bad. But you guys go on with your bleating!
RE: in the off-season  
ThomasG : 2/5/2024 6:59 pm : link
In comment 16389678 MookGiants said:
hell even during season and now i'm sure these dopes are still out there but people were arguing the Giants can not possibly let Barkley leave because he's basically the best leader ever and the locker room needs him. And they were not one bit kidding.

A team that has been the worst team in the sport since Barkley was drafted can not possibly let him go because he's such a great leader and it will destroy the locker room.

Barkley and Jones have somehow broken the brains of many Giants fans. You would think after losing so much with the two of them that fans would want them gone simply because they have been so bad with the two of them as the faces of the franchise but nope they want to give these 2 5000000 chances.

Eli Manning didn't get the benefit of the doubt like those two do and I'll never understand why.

I think about how much I wanted them to move on from Eli in 2017 and 2018 and 2019.

And it isn't even close to how much I never want to see Jones play for this team again. I think I can deal with Barkley for one more year but he isn't far behind this same view either.
RE: .  
Scooter185 : 2/5/2024 7:01 pm : link
In comment 16389628 Go Terps said:
Barkley (74) and Jones (60) have played more games as a Giant than many recent first rounders that everyone was ready to throw out on their ass.

I can not wait to watch a Giants team that doesn't have these players.

It's funny so many screech that "the draft is a crapshoot!" Without realizing Jones has rolled a 7 every season but 1
RE: RE: My thoughts  
chuckydee9 : 2/5/2024 7:09 pm : link
In comment 16389688 Snorkels said:
In comment 16389499 Biteymax22 said:


The number one thing he's right on is that this is Jones's last chance. I think the arguement is whether or not he deserves it.

Jones played well in 2022, not great, but good enough provided that he continue to progress. He didn't.

Banks is right, the OL was horrid. Jones also was our 3rd best QB behind that OL.

All of this aside, the guy is following up a horrid season with an ACL injury. The two combined should show you he shouldn't be relied on. He performed in one prove it season which put us in this position right now, don't give him a chance to do this again. Just move on and draft a QB before we lose another coach and GM.

Minor point Bitey. But Jones actually played behind an almost completely different line. The line thru those first few weeks was largely Ezudu and Neal at the OTs and spme combination of Lemieux, McKethan and Glowinski at G and Bredeson playing out of position at C. The line started to stabilize when they signed Pugh and thru the second half of the year it was Thomas and Phillips at the OTs, Pugh and Bredeson and Schmitz at C. In fact the OL in the second half of the season wasn't all that bad. But you guys go on with your bleating!

Miami game both Taylor and Jones played. Jones was sacked 6 times. Taylor was sacked once. Jones was also sacked at a higher rate. Buffalo game in the middle also showed how much better Taylor was in terms of not getting sacked. It wasn't just the players on OL.. Jones makes them worse.
RE: RE: Again, it is now NO LONGER  
chuckydee9 : 2/5/2024 7:14 pm : link
In comment 16389673 56goat said:
In comment 16389527 Dave on the UWS said:


RELEVANT if Jones can play or not . His injuries (especially the 2 neck injuries) should make it impossible to run him out there again

This. Whether or not you believe DJ is the QB of the future, his injury history means we can't rely on him going forward. We need another option, preferably cost-controlled from the draft. If DJ balls out next year, it would be a good problem to have.

Did you guys watch the Miami game? Also let's not use goats to make a point about Jones.. 2016 Brady had a team that was horrendous in terms of OL.. go watch how broncos killed him in the playoffs.. and yet he gave them a fighting chance.. I don't even have to make fake scenarios.. the Goat Taylor playing behind the exact same OL against the exact same DL was sacked way less than Jones.. Jones is slow as Fuck at reading defense and getting the ball out.. when they know that Jones can't hurt them by finding the hot receiver and getting the ball out there.. they can just bring people down..
If Jones stinks and there is no qb to draft at 6 and  
kelly : 2/5/2024 7:40 pm : link
there is no one better in FA that we can afford the question is how do you improve the offense?

To me you have to become a ball control team and turn Jones into a game manager. This means the o line will need a massive upgrade and has to become a strength.

You draft the best right tackle at 6. The best guard available in the second round. Move Neal to guard and let him compete with Ezudo. Pick up a veteran FA swing tackle. Resign Barkley.

Now I know this will not be popular but I believe this is their best path forward for next year given the circumstances.

Isn't this what the Titans did with Tanahill?
Here is the problem with committing to Jones again  
Jay on the Island : 2/5/2024 7:45 pm : link
and ignoring the QB position in the draft. If Jones struggles again, which is more likely than not, or gets injured again the Giants will need to draft a QB in 2025 when the QB class currently looks significantly weaker than this years. If they don't admit their mistake with Jones it will just lead to more years of ineptitude.
RE: If Jones stinks and there is no qb to draft at 6 and  
Manhattan : 2/5/2024 7:52 pm : link
In comment 16389750 kelly said:
there is no one better in FA that we can afford the question is how do you improve the offense?

To me you have to become a ball control team and turn Jones into a game manager. This means the o line will need a massive upgrade and has to become a strength.

You draft the best right tackle at 6. The best guard available in the second round. Move Neal to guard and let him compete with Ezudo. Pick up a veteran FA swing tackle. Resign Barkley.

Now I know this will not be popular but I believe this is their best path forward for next year given the circumstances.

Isn't this what the Titans did with Tanahill?

lol.. who in their right minds wants to watch that? This is supposed to be entertainment, not a root canal.
RE: Here is the problem with committing to Jones again  
Sean : 2/5/2024 8:02 pm : link
In comment 16389754 Jay on the Island said:
and ignoring the QB position in the draft. If Jones struggles again, which is more likely than not, or gets injured again the Giants will need to draft a QB in 2025 when the QB class currently looks significantly weaker than this years. If they don't admit their mistake with Jones it will just lead to more years of ineptitude.

This is the important point. And what did they do in 2019? Force the QB in a weak year.

Schoen and Daboll were unlucky that 2022 wasn't a strong QB draft.
RE: Why are the Giants (both fans and people inside the organization)  
DefenseWins : 2/5/2024 8:09 pm : link
In comment 16389568 MookGiants said:
so attached to Barkley and Jones? It baffles me. The Giants have been the worst organization in football since drafting those two. But people want to give them 1000000 chances

and guess what? The fans keep giving the Giants 1000000 chances. If you want change then everyone needs to stop consuming the Giants. Dont buy tickets, dont watch the games on TV... nothing.

When you speak with your actions, then change happens. When you speak with your mouth but dont change... then they will not take you seriously.

They can basically do anything and we will keep coming back for more. One would call us crazy for continuing to care when the team has been dog shit for so many years.

So, we cant fire the owners but the closest thing to doing that is to no longer consume their product.
RE: RE: Why are the Giants (both fans and people inside the organization)  
Snorkels : 2/5/2024 8:20 pm : link

In comment 16389775 DefenseWins said:
In comment 16389568 MookGiants said:


so attached to Barkley and Jones? It baffles me. The Giants have been the worst organization in football since drafting those two. But people want to give them 1000000 chances

and guess what? The fans keep giving the Giants 1000000 chances. If you want change then everyone needs to stop consuming the Giants. Dont buy tickets, dont watch the games on TV... nothing.

When you speak with your actions, then change happens. When you speak with your mouth but dont change... then they will not take you seriously.

They can basically do anything and we will keep coming back for more. One would call us crazy for continuing to care when the team has been dog shit for so many years.

So, we cant fire the owners but the closest thing to doing that is to no longer consume their product.

Count me in. I mean WTF its been almost 18 games since the Giants won a playoff game!!
Jones was sacked 45 times in six games ....  
Manny in CA : 2/5/2024 8:41 pm : link

Before he went out. (By then , he was not seeing wide-open receivers). Taylor came in and suffered broken ribs. DeVito came in and got HIS bell rung, Taylor comes back and makes a mental error to blow one game and another to lose another one ..... Don't you see a pattern ?

Banks is right, Giants' QBs were constantly getting the crap beaten out of them. Now you want to draft a premier QB in the first round ? What are you gonna do, when that guy is running around like a zombie, when he suffers the same kind of abuse ?
RE: Jones was sacked 45 times in six games ....  
Scooter185 : 2/5/2024 8:48 pm : link
In comment 16389815 Manny in CA said:

Before he went out. (By then , he was not seeing wide-open receivers). Taylor came in and suffered broken ribs. DeVito came in and got HIS bell rung, Taylor comes back and makes a mental error to blow one game and another to lose another one ..... Don't you see a pattern ?

Banks is right, Giants' QBs were constantly getting the crap beaten out of them. Now you want to draft a premier QB in the first round ? What are you gonna do, when that guy is running around like a zombie, when he suffers the same kind of abuse ?

Yeah it's a shame they can only add one player between now and training camp
RE: RE: Jones was sacked 45 times in six games ....  
Manhattan : 2/5/2024 8:52 pm : link
In comment 16389822 Scooter185 said:
In comment 16389815 Manny in CA said:


Before he went out. (By then , he was not seeing wide-open receivers). Taylor came in and suffered broken ribs. DeVito came in and got HIS bell rung, Taylor comes back and makes a mental error to blow one game and another to lose another one ..... Don't you see a pattern ?

Banks is right, Giants' QBs were constantly getting the crap beaten out of them. Now you want to draft a premier QB in the first round ? What are you gonna do, when that guy is running around like a zombie, when he suffers the same kind of abuse ?

Yeah it's a shame they can only add one player between now and training camp

If you draft a QB you're not allowed to upgrade the OL. They introduced that rule the year they messed up the onside kick. Try to keep up, please
We are being set up  
SomeFan : 2/5/2024 9:03 pm : link
for disappointment.
There's a thousand ways to skin a cat ...  
Manny in CA : 2/5/2024 9:53 pm : link
The Ravens in 2000, had a so-so offense with a sucky QB, (Trent Dilfer), but a ripsaw defense that shredded everything in their way.

In Parcells day, the Giants did the same. Belichicks' defense famously asked the offense to "just score 16 points' and we'll take care of the rest.

(Dan Coreyell's "no D" in "San *iego Chargers" [featuring All-Pro QB John Hadl] was unstoppable).

Those are the two extremes. My point - Build an offensive line first (it takes top-tier talent & gelling time), THEN go out and get your shiny new QB, in '25.
My bad ....  
Manny in CA : 2/5/2024 9:58 pm : link
Meant to say "jelling time".
RE: RE: RE: Why are the Giants (both fans and people inside the organization)  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/5/2024 10:06 pm : link
In comment 16389787 Snorkels said:

In comment 16389775 DefenseWins said:


In comment 16389568 MookGiants said:


so attached to Barkley and Jones? It baffles me. The Giants have been the worst organization in football since drafting those two. But people want to give them 1000000 chances

and guess what? The fans keep giving the Giants 1000000 chances. If you want change then everyone needs to stop consuming the Giants. Dont buy tickets, dont watch the games on TV... nothing.

When you speak with your actions, then change happens. When you speak with your mouth but dont change... then they will not take you seriously.

They can basically do anything and we will keep coming back for more. One would call us crazy for continuing to care when the team has been dog shit for so many years.

So, we cant fire the owners but the closest thing to doing that is to no longer consume their product.

Count me in. I mean WTF its been almost 18 games since the Giants won a playoff game!!

Burners are out in full force tonight. Welcome back, Snablats.
kickoff : 2/5/2024 10:35 pm : link
I love the logic of many on this board, especially the DJHC. If you give the least little support to DJ, and what Banks said happens to be true, he's a shill, case closed it's a big lie.
RE: Banks  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/6/2024 6:07 am : link
In comment 16389916 kickoff said:
I love the logic of many on this board, especially the DJHC. If you give the least little support to DJ, and what Banks said happens to be true, he's a shill, case closed it's a big lie.

The burners came out in full force - the gang's all here.
christian : 2/6/2024 6:33 am : link
Whoever they start under center, they need to make substantive improvements to the line. An NFL team with playoff ambitions cannot start Justin Pugh, Mark Glowinksi, or Ben Bredeson at guard.

They realistically need to upgrade both guards, and probably swing tackle. And the guys they've drafted in the mid rounds haven't exactly impressed, so I wouldn't rely on them.

Jones isn't going anywhere, so he will factor into the year. Whether that's as placeholder or guy trying to save his long-term job, is the question.
RE: the entire organization  
HardTruth : 2/6/2024 7:30 am : link
In comment 16389354 Shirk130 said:
has embraced mediocrity.

The Giants haven’t embraced mediocrity, they have embraced failure . This organization is along way away from mediocrity.

Over the last decade the Giants have posted the 3rd worst record in the NFL at 60-102-1. The 16th worst or best record over that time frame is the Tennessee Titans who have went 77-86 and made 4 playoffs, winning 3 playoff games and getting to an AFC Championship game. Thats how far away we are away from mediocre.
RE: Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
HomerJones45 : 2/6/2024 7:47 am : link
In comment 16389534 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I would LOVE to know why. Haha.
Pray you find a spouse or life partner that loves you as much as Mara loves Dan Jones.

At this great, he'll be getting one more last chance for the next ten years.
RE: There's a thousand ways to skin a cat ...  
HomerJones45 : 2/6/2024 7:56 am : link
In comment 16389888 Manny in CA said:
The Ravens in 2000, had a so-so offense with a sucky QB, (Trent Dilfer), but a ripsaw defense that shredded everything in their way.

In Parcells day, the Giants did the same. Belichicks' defense famously asked the offense to "just score 16 points' and we'll take care of the rest.

(Dan Coreyell's "no D" in "San *iego Chargers" [featuring All-Pro QB John Hadl] was unstoppable).

Those are the two extremes. My point - Build an offensive line first (it takes top-tier talent & gelling time), THEN go out and get your shiny new QB, in '25.
You are living in the past Manny. Different rules, different free agency and different game today.

There is no more 3 and 4 year buildup of a team. You not only need to keep the players you have but you have to replace the players who leave or become too expensive against the cap.
If you lose the line of scrimmage all the time  
Chip : 2/6/2024 9:07 am : link
You more than likely lose the game all the time. No rookie QB will change that. The OL ruined the end of Elis career and now is putting the QBs in the hospital. Draft some Guards early and fix it for once or call Chris Snee and see if he can come out of retirement. Blaming the QB is what idiots say.
RE: If Jones stinks and there is no qb to draft at 6 and  
Section331 : 2/6/2024 9:15 am : link
In comment 16389750 kelly said:
there is no one better in FA that we can afford the question is how do you improve the offense?

To me you have to become a ball control team and turn Jones into a game manager. This means the o line will need a massive upgrade and has to become a strength.

You draft the best right tackle at 6. The best guard available in the second round. Move Neal to guard and let him compete with Ezudo. Pick up a veteran FA swing tackle. Resign Barkley.

Now I know this will not be popular but I believe this is their best path forward for next year given the circumstances.

Isn't this what the Titans did with Tanahill?

Except Tannehill was better than Jones, and by a lot. I get what you’re saying, but what you’re describing is the very definition of QB hell - build a team good enough to compete for a playoff spot, but not good enough to do anything if they get there.

The goal is to win SB’s, and you need a QB to do that, so go get one.
I think its close to 100% that the Giants will draft a QB  
Jim in Forest Hills : 2/6/2024 9:19 am : link
and it will be up to that rookie to beat out Jones because Jones will be here one more year. Bring on the competition.
RE: RE: the entire organization  
Lambuth_Special : 2/6/2024 9:22 am : link
In comment 16389993 HardTruth said:
In comment 16389354 Shirk130 said:


has embraced mediocrity.

The Giants haven’t embraced mediocrity, they have embraced failure . This organization is along way away from mediocrity.

Over the last decade the Giants have posted the 3rd worst record in the NFL at 60-102-1. The 16th worst or best record over that time frame is the Tennessee Titans who have went 77-86 and made 4 playoffs, winning 3 playoff games and getting to an AFC Championship game. Thats how far away we are away from mediocre.

+1. It also reminds of people who are like, "let's face it, Jones is just an average QB." I'd actually be great if he were average! Outside of 2022, however, he's been bottom third.
RE: If you lose the line of scrimmage all the time  
TyreeHelmet : 2/6/2024 9:32 am : link
In comment 16390075 Chip said:
You more than likely lose the game all the time. No rookie QB will change that. The OL ruined the end of Elis career and now is putting the QBs in the hospital. Draft some Guards early and fix it for once or call Chris Snee and see if he can come out of retirement. Blaming the QB is what idiots say.

A better QB will 100% improve this team and its not hard to find a better QB than Jones.

Better guards will certainly help this team. It also won't magically make Jones a good quarterback in his 6th season.

Lets be honest, the only reason Jones might be the starter next season is because of his contract. Bite the bullet and move on.
Just a waste of everyone's time.  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/6/2024 9:47 am : link
But that seems to be all the Giants are good for anymore.
SB's have been won by  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/6/2024 9:59 am : link
mid-level to a bit above in the 80's, 90's, 00's and 10's. I think history shows a good chance it will happen again this decade. Then the QB's on rookie contracts who had not risen to the upper tier and won a SB.

Be on the prowl but reality is there just aren't than many special QB's. You can still have a very good team and chance to be a champion with just solid QB play. Those teams tend to be strong on the fronts.

RE: If you lose the line of scrimmage all the time  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/6/2024 10:06 am : link
In comment 16390075 Chip said:
You more than likely lose the game all the time. No rookie QB will change that. The OL ruined the end of Elis career and now is putting the QBs in the hospital. Draft some Guards early and fix it for once or call Chris Snee and see if he can come out of retirement. Blaming the QB is what idiots say.

No, suggesting you can only improve one area of the team in a give offseason is what idiots say. Suggesting that it's a good idea to ignore positional value is another thing idiots say.

Go for a trifecta!
christian : 2/6/2024 10:14 am : link
GD, there's a good argument to make addressing the offensive line might take a major moon shot, at the expensive of fixing other areas.

The Giants have tried methodical. The alternatives now seem overload or prayers.

You know I have no love for Jones and no desire for him to be the long-term guy. But thought exercise: pick two this year:

1) Quarterback 2) guard 3) right tackle.

I can see the rationale for the line. Don't agree, but can see it.
RE: RE: They are tiring people out  
Matt M. : 2/6/2024 10:16 am : link
In comment 16389379 bw in dc said:
In comment 16389371 Lambuth_Special said:


With the trial balloons. When Ralph Vacchiano first went forward with a "run it back with Jones" Twitter thread a few months ago, people universally jumped down his throat. Now that we're getting constantly pounded with these hints/leaks that they're going with Jones again, I notice people are just becoming increasingly resigned that we're not getting a franchise QB this draft and are going with the status quo.

This is how this team gets away with it.

Alas, I think you are right.

I will continue to hope for a miracle (getting any of the top three QBs in the draft) but ultimately expect Schoen to reveal his true colors again.

He's all in on Jones.
It's also possible this is all just a smoke screen. Or, they intend to run back Jones because they HAVE TO at his capo hit, BUT ALSO intend to draft a QB.

Picking 6 is a conundrum. They are likely our on the top 3 guys and I wouldn't trade up. But, at #6 they would probably be over drafting anyone else. However, there is no guarantee anyone else they really like will be available in round 2 or 3.
RE: ...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/6/2024 10:29 am : link
In comment 16390191 christian said:
GD, there's a good argument to make addressing the offensive line might take a major moon shot, at the expensive of fixing other areas.

The Giants have tried methodical. The alternatives now seem overload or prayers.

You know I have no love for Jones and no desire for him to be the long-term guy. But thought exercise: pick two this year:

1) Quarterback 2) guard 3) right tackle.

I can see the rationale for the line. Don't agree, but can see it.

I absolutely agree that the OL needs to be addressed. But I would argue that even Neal was a poor use of resources at the time, with OLT already locked down. I understood the appeal, and I agreed with it at the time. I still think Neal, given his draft dossier, was the right pick over Garrett Wilson (the presumed alternative at a different premium position). But I just can't get myself to subscribe to doubling down on it. I don't think a team should really even need two top-10 OTs to have a decent OL, let alone drafting a third within five years.

They have to be able to find a solution for the OL without letting the other premium spots on the roster go to rot, or the game of whack-a-mole continues.
RE: ...  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/6/2024 11:06 am : link
In comment 16390191 christian said:
GD, there's a good argument to make addressing the offensive line might take a major moon shot, at the expensive of fixing other areas.

The Giants have tried methodical. The alternatives now seem overload or prayers.

You know I have no love for Jones and no desire for him to be the long-term guy. But thought exercise: pick two this year:

1) Quarterback 2) guard 3) right tackle.

I can see the rationale for the line. Don't agree, but can see it.

I dont know what drafting more young offensive linemen does to fix it. People have quit on the last crop they drafted in about 16 games or less.
RE: SB's have been won by  
Section331 : 2/6/2024 11:41 am : link
In comment 16390154 Lines of Scrimmage said:
mid-level to a bit above in the 80's, 90's, 00's and 10's. I think history shows a good chance it will happen again this decade. Then the QB's on rookie contracts who had not risen to the upper tier and won a SB.

Be on the prowl but reality is there just aren't than many special QB's. You can still have a very good team and chance to be a champion with just solid QB play. Those teams tend to be strong on the fronts.

This century, you have Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Joe Flacco, and Nick Foles. Each of their teams had good running games and excellent defenses, so what is easier? Building a deep team of talent across both sides of the ball, or finding a top 10 QB?

Not to mention, which of those teams win with Jones at QB? 2000 Ravens, that’s about it.
And Foles was really only in that position  
ajr2456 : 2/6/2024 11:46 am : link
Because they got borderline elite QB play from Wentz before he got hurt
RE: RE: RE: They are tiring people out  
bw in dc : 2/6/2024 11:56 am : link
In comment 16390196 Matt M. said:

It's also possible this is all just a smoke screen. Or, they intend to run back Jones because they HAVE TO at his capo hit, BUT ALSO intend to draft a QB.

Picking 6 is a conundrum. They are likely our on the top 3 guys and I wouldn't trade up. But, at #6 they would probably be over drafting anyone else. However, there is no guarantee anyone else they really like will be available in round 2 or 3.

This all starts March 13th when free agency starts. Schoen could reveal his hand early by signing a veteran outside the current QB room.

The 6th slot is a conundrum for those who think like you and me.

But if Schoen is still a Jones believer, the 6th pick is a chance to bring in more infantry for Jones.
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/6/2024 1:00 pm : link
My comment wasn't about Jones and just more in general. There are more QB's than you list when you look of performance of QB's on the rookie contract relative to the team. P Manning was pretty average in 2015. SB QBR 9.

Then some losing SB QB's: Delhomme, Kaepernick, Hasselbeck, JG and Grossman.

I don't have a answer for your question. Most of the "great" QB's also had a lot of help. You won't see me in the QB only club or that you can't still be very competitive w/o a top QB. Team game imv.

RE: section331  
TyreeHelmet : 2/6/2024 1:23 pm : link
In comment 16390463 Lines of Scrimmage said:
My comment wasn't about Jones and just more in general. There are more QB's than you list when you look of performance of QB's on the rookie contract relative to the team. P Manning was pretty average in 2015. SB QBR 9.

Then some losing SB QB's: Delhomme, Kaepernick, Hasselbeck, JG and Grossman.

I don't have a answer for your question. Most of the "great" QB's also had a lot of help. You won't see me in the QB only club or that you can't still be very competitive w/o a top QB. Team game imv.

That thinking goes out the windown once you pay Jones the level he's at. He needs to elevate your team, you shouldn't have to prop him up.

And alot of those QBs were better than Jones.
It's the chicken or Egg dilemma ...  
Manny in CA : 2/6/2024 1:23 pm : link

It's the chicken, in my mind (the O-line, and a good defense)

You can put "any-ole" egg (a QB), to be hatched under the warmth of the chicken.

The Dallas Cowboys, they're the ones that are in the "catbird's seat" right now. They win, even with Dak Prescott because the foundation is solid.

They're the ones who should put Prescott on the trading block and "pay" the Chicago Bears (with trade picks) to take
Caleb Williams. He's (or someone like him), is what keeps them from going to the Big Dance, and winning that.

Just thinkin', hope the Cowpukes NEVER figure that out ....  
Manny in CA : 2/6/2024 1:33 pm : link
That would be the ultimate nightmare, them with a young stud QB !
RE: RE: Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
kickoff : 2/6/2024 1:34 pm : link
In comment 16390005 HomerJones45 said:
In comment 16389534 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I would LOVE to know why. Haha.

Pray you find a spouse or life partner that loves you as much as Mara loves Dan Jones.

At this great, he'll be getting one more last chance for the next ten years.

Some on this board post that if JS and BD stick with DJ and have another bad season, they're gone. I posted before, how could they be gone if JD is loved by the boss and they are granting his wishes?
RE: RE: RE: Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
Scooter185 : 2/6/2024 2:01 pm : link
In comment 16390517 kickoff said:
In comment 16390005 HomerJones45 said:


In comment 16389534 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I would LOVE to know why. Haha.

Pray you find a spouse or life partner that loves you as much as Mara loves Dan Jones.

At this great, he'll be getting one more last chance for the next ten years.

Some on this board post that if JS and BD stick with DJ and have another bad season, they're gone. I posted before, how could they be gone if JD is loved by the boss and they are granting his wishes?

Mara signed off on benching Eli and then fired McAdoo and Reese for benching Eli.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
bw in dc : 2/6/2024 2:12 pm : link
In comment 16390563 Scooter185 said:

Mara signed off on benching Eli and then fired McAdoo and Reese for benching Eli.

To this day, I find that one of the more remarkable stories that has come out of 1925 Giants Way. Doesn't get a lot of stick around here, but it showed just how fragile Mara is when the public and media revolt.

He folded like a blanket.
Not that I think that Jones is the ulltimate answer ....  
Manny in CA : 2/6/2024 2:13 pm : link

Wasn't a fan of him getting picked in the draft, but
I think he is still fully capable of delivering a 10 or 11 game winning season, given that they fix the O-line and find top-tier replacements for Waller & Leo Williams.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
cosmicj : 2/6/2024 2:20 pm : link
In comment 16390574 bw in dc said:
In comment 16390563 Scooter185 said:


Mara signed off on benching Eli and then fired McAdoo and Reese for benching Eli.

To this day, I find that one of the more remarkable stories that has come out of 1925 Giants Way. Doesn't get a lot of stick around here, but it showed just how fragile Mara is when the public and media revolt.

He folded like a blanket.

Mara has no honor. I don’t want to hear about what a great guy he supposedly is. Treating Jerry Reese like that is a sign of comprehensive douche baggery.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
kickoff : 2/6/2024 6:49 pm : link
In comment 16390563 Scooter185 said:
In comment 16390517 kickoff said:


In comment 16390005 HomerJones45 said:


In comment 16389534 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I would LOVE to know why. Haha.

Pray you find a spouse or life partner that loves you as much as Mara loves Dan Jones.

At this great, he'll be getting one more last chance for the next ten years.

Some on this board post that if JS and BD stick with DJ and have another bad season, they're gone. I posted before, how could they be gone if JD is loved by the boss and they are granting his wishes?

Mara signed off on benching Eli and then fired McAdoo and Reese for benching Eli.

Another made up story.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/6/2024 6:54 pm : link
In comment 16390919 kickoff said:
In comment 16390563 Scooter185 said:


In comment 16390517 kickoff said:


In comment 16390005 HomerJones45 said:


In comment 16389534 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I would LOVE to know why. Haha.

Pray you find a spouse or life partner that loves you as much as Mara loves Dan Jones.

At this great, he'll be getting one more last chance for the next ten years.

Some on this board post that if JS and BD stick with DJ and have another bad season, they're gone. I posted before, how could they be gone if JD is loved by the boss and they are granting his wishes?

Mara signed off on benching Eli and then fired McAdoo and Reese for benching Eli.

Another made up story.

Your boss literally admitted exactly that at the time when it happened, dummy.

Can't wait for Tyler Dunne to discover the burners.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/6/2024 6:56 pm : link
It's common knowledge that Mara signed off on the Eli benching & then-after the public backlash-reversed course & canned McAdoo & Reese.

This is pretty well known.
RE: ...  
kickoff : 2/7/2024 10:06 am : link
In comment 16390928 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
It's common knowledge that Mara signed off on the Eli benching & then-after the public backlash-reversed course & canned McAdoo & Reese.

This is pretty well known.

I love common knowledge it's so comforting.
RE: It's the chicken or Egg dilemma ...  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 10:13 am : link
In comment 16390498 Manny in CA said:

It's the chicken, in my mind (the O-line, and a good defense)

You can put "any-ole" egg (a QB), to be hatched under the warmth of the chicken.

The Dallas Cowboys, they're the ones that are in the "catbird's seat" right now. They win, even with Dak Prescott because the foundation is solid.

So why did the Giants decide to pay $160 million for an egg?

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re. Mara’s seeming love for Jones.  
HomerJones45 : 2/7/2024 12:24 pm : link
In comment 16390587 cosmicj said:
In comment 16390574 bw in dc said:


In comment 16390563 Scooter185 said:


Mara signed off on benching Eli and then fired McAdoo and Reese for benching Eli.

To this day, I find that one of the more remarkable stories that has come out of 1925 Giants Way. Doesn't get a lot of stick around here, but it showed just how fragile Mara is when the public and media revolt.

He folded like a blanket.

Mara has no honor. I don’t want to hear about what a great guy he supposedly is. Treating Jerry Reese like that is a sign of comprehensive douche baggery.
McAdoo shouldn't have been hired in the first place. It was correcting an error- whatever the reason for it. Reese outed himself. A master of palace intrigue, he had managed to have everyone else scapegoated and fired. Eventually, he and his henchman Ross ran out of scapegoats and had to go.

Have you seen any of those people even considered for their former positions by another team? No.

I think Mara is an honorable guy, and I have been as hard on him as anyone, but he is not good at football related decisions; we have seen one bad decision out of another come out of the front office since 2013.

When their is a disagreement, (and sometimes he is part of that disagreement), he attempts to broker a compromise. I am sure that is what is going on with the qb position. The factions are floating their positions in the sporting press and a compromise will be worked out- spending a low draft choice, signing a cheap vet like Dobbs or some other half measure. That's what they do.
RE: RE: ...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 1:02 pm : link
In comment 16391406 kickoff said:
In comment 16390928 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


It's common knowledge that Mara signed off on the Eli benching & then-after the public backlash-reversed course & canned McAdoo & Reese.

This is pretty well known.

I love common knowledge it's so comforting.

Any knowledge at all would be a pretty massive improvement from you.
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