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Report: Giants aren't ready to move on from Jones

KingBlue : 2/7/2024 8:34 am
New York Giants general manager Joe Schoen and head coach Brian Daboll have been unwavering in their support of quarterback Daniel Jones.

Despite that, fans continue to insist that’s nothing but lip service and that the team will select Jones’ replacement in the 2024 NFL draft.

It’s best to pump those brakes.

As reported by Bleacher Report's Jordan Schultz:

“I can tell you that the Giants still believe in Daniel Jones,” Schultz said. “The Giants still believe, as does Brian Daboll, in Daniel Jones. And the players still do. There’s a lot of guys in that locker room that believe Daniel Jones is and should be the guy moving forward.”

“The Giants are not ready to shut the door on him. There’s a lot still to be played out in terms of the Daniel Jones-Giants situation,” Schultz added. “What I’ve been told is that not only does the staff and Brian Daboll believe in Daniel Jones, but (Mike) Kafka and the players do as well.

Fire away...
Daboll believes in Jones - ( New Window )
Who is Jordan Schultz?  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 8:37 am : link
RE: Who is Jordan Schultz?  
Tom from LI : 2/7/2024 8:38 am : link
In comment 16391221 Gatorade Dunk said:

Daniel Jones cousin
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/7/2024 8:38 am : link
mean like when Thibodeaux just publicly said that Barkley should have been paid before Jones?

The front office may still believe in Jones. If they do, we're going through another coaching change in January 2025.

The players? Who knows?
I wouldn’t hang on every report  
Jarvis : 2/7/2024 8:38 am : link
I remember when Davis Webb was the QB of the future and everybody in the organization loved him. He was cut that training camp. Not saying the above isn’t true, but i think this can still play out in many different ways.
+200 comments of the same sh!t  
flapjack : 2/7/2024 8:39 am : link
coming up
If they do  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 8:40 am : link
Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.
Of course they arent ready yet  
nygiants16 : 2/7/2024 8:40 am : link
there is no one els eon the roster to move to...

Lets wait and see who they add and then we will see how committed to Jones they are
The Giants believe in losing  
averagejoe : 2/7/2024 8:40 am : link
and have for ten years .
Cheech d : 2/7/2024 8:41 am : link
Sorry, can’t do this.
The same front office  
Biteymax22 : 2/7/2024 8:41 am : link
that had all of the beats and national reporters believing we were going to promote Jerome Henderson before giving the job to Bowen who I'm not sure even had a 2nd interview?

Say what you want about Schoen and Daboll, they hold information like this close to their vest and I doubt any reporters have been told their real feelings.
Title should read “John Mara isn’t ready…”  
The_Boss : 2/7/2024 8:42 am : link
Schoen and Daboll better be working on their resumes…
RE: If they do  
Silver Spoon : 2/7/2024 8:42 am : link
In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:
Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

Who’s the GM?
Pete in MD : 2/7/2024 8:42 am : link
can't "move on" from him right now. These "reports" are all technically correct but not breaking news.
RE: RE: If they do  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 8:43 am : link
In comment 16391234 Silver Spoon said:
In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:


Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

Who’s the GM?

Given how much influence he’s had so far this offseason, probably Cowden
I actually still believe in Jones  
Giantimistic : 2/7/2024 8:43 am : link
But I do not believe he can get through a season healthy. The health is the reason that I would be good moving on or if the Giants evaluated all the QBs and felt there was a can’t miss Mahomes, Burrow or Allen QB.

If they role with Jones I am fine with it and will trust the football people that worked with some really great QBs before.
Yep, Daboll seems like he is all-in on Jones  
nygiantfan : 2/7/2024 8:44 am : link

Spider43 : 2/7/2024 8:44 am : link
Here we go again …  
Spider56 : 2/7/2024 8:46 am : link
Another poster who wants a cookie and membership in the Manhattan fan club.
Remember when Kayvon  
Joey in VA : 2/7/2024 8:46 am : link
Had the worst interview the Giants had all pre draft?
Bleacher Report???  
Sammo85 : 2/7/2024 8:47 am : link

Yeah okay.
We will know in the next few weeks  
Blue The Dog : 2/7/2024 8:48 am : link
If they truly believe in Jones, he will get a big contract restructure. If you believe you have your franchise guy, you don't have him, in his physical prime, taking up a league record cap hit
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/7/2024 8:48 am : link
had better wake up and smell the coffee...

Because of the contract, ownership may be thinking, "We'll give Jones one last chance. It makes financial sense for us to do so too. We continue to do everything to screw this kid up and he deserves yet another chance."

However, the knives are already out for Daboll. And if we've learned anything about ownership, they are quick to fire coaches when the public heat gets too intense. (We saw the same thing when Eli was benched).

As I've said, this year is starting to smell like a throw-away season. And Daboll may be the one thrown under the bus.
Smokescreen! Smokescreen!  
GiantBlue : 2/7/2024 8:50 am : link
Keeps teams guessing about Schoen's plans with the sixth pick and nothing to lose since we have the Jones albatross for 2024 anyway.
RE: Daboll  
Biteymax22 : 2/7/2024 8:52 am : link
In comment 16391247 Eric from BBI said:
had better wake up and smell the coffee...

Because of the contract, ownership may be thinking, "We'll give Jones one last chance. It makes financial sense for us to do so too. We continue to do everything to screw this kid up and he deserves yet another chance."

However, the knives are already out for Daboll. And if we've learned anything about ownership, they are quick to fire coaches when the public heat gets too intense. (We saw the same thing when Eli was benched).

As I've said, this year is starting to smell like a throw-away season. And Daboll may be the one thrown under the bus.

Eric, seeing that the Vrabel chatter has already started on BBI, I have to imagine if we start slow that Mara begins to think "Belichick and Vrabel are both available"...
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/7/2024 8:54 am : link

All I know it I will have absolutely no interest in Giants football in 2024 if we have another year of this shit. And I run a Giants website.

If Jones starts and the team gets smoked by the Cowboys in Week 1, the stands will be half empty in Week 2. Book it.
Mara has had Simms and Barber back Jones  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 8:55 am : link
Publicly this week
Simms - ( New Window )
If the plan is to go for a qb in the draft it makes sense to leak this  
Giants Fan in Steelers Land : 2/7/2024 8:55 am : link
I thought the current org has been pretty tight lipped with the draft.
RE: Daboll  
BigBlueShock : 2/7/2024 8:59 am : link
In comment 16391247 Eric from BBI said:
had better wake up and smell the coffee...

Because of the contract, ownership may be thinking, "We'll give Jones one last chance. It makes financial sense for us to do so too. We continue to do everything to screw this kid up and he deserves yet another chance."

However, the knives are already out for Daboll. And if we've learned anything about ownership, they are quick to fire coaches when the public heat gets too intense. (We saw the same thing when Eli was benched).

As I've said, this year is starting to smell like a throw-away season. And Daboll may be the one thrown under the bus.

Nobody will ever convince me that Daboll is all in on Daniel Jones. Besides the sideline antics, he doesn’t exactly come across as being over the moon about the guy in press conferences. What is the most glowing thing Daboll has ever said about Jones? He’s a hard worker? He’s a great teammate? He’s done everything they’ve asked of him? Now compare that to the answers he gave about Josh Allen the week they played Buffalo.

Daboll knows what a franchise QB looks like.
If you notice  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 8:59 am : link
Whenever the Giants want to say things in support of bad (Gettleman, Jones) the stories and ex players supporting them always seem to come out within days of each other. Very interesting.

Joe Schoen may be tight lipped, but John Mara is not.
Mara is not  
JonC : 2/7/2024 9:01 am : link
Jones will be here in 2024, but we probably won't know beyond that until the draft arrives and we get a QB or not.
The reactions here are funny  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:02 am : link
It's like we don't know how this works. --They believe in him until they have someone better in the room. It's as simple as that.

The question isn't is Jones the guy --the question is, where else can we go with the position? Picking 6 may not get us a sure fire guys we can turn the house over to. So what then? Reach for a mediocre QB just to appease the fans? We should have kept DG if that's what we want.
Not sure it matters but Dan Benton is  
cosmicj : 2/7/2024 9:02 am : link
19 years old.
Benton - ( New Window )
RE: Yep, Daboll seems like he is all-in on Jones  
averagejoe : 2/7/2024 9:05 am : link
In comment 16391239 nygiantfan said:

I always thought this was a career ending moment. Could not make a play every HS QB makes .
On top of all the burner account activity on BBI on Tuesday  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 9:05 am : link
right on cue...
RE: Not sure it matters but Dan Benton is  
BigBlueShock : 2/7/2024 9:05 am : link
In comment 16391270 cosmicj said:
19 years old. Benton - ( New Window )

Dan Benton is not 19 years old, lol. He’s been around forever
Thank God the  
Ceez2.0 : 2/7/2024 9:07 am : link
New York Knicks are relevant. I am going to support the team every Sunday like I have since I was a kid. That's all I got.
If there was ANY other  
Dave on the UWS : 2/7/2024 9:07 am : link
info coming out from management other than this it would qualify as malfeasance.

But to Eric’s point, they would be committing professional suicide. UNLESS, this is John’s position and they have hopped aboard that train. Then they could survive the eventual disaste.
Why the f*** do the Giants believe this PR  
cosmicj : 2/7/2024 9:07 am : link
Activity is needed? It’s February. That’s my thought. Why?
A lot of Giants players support him  
SomeFan : 2/7/2024 9:08 am : link
yet players on other teams state that he is easy to defend because he focuses on one receiver.
RE: Not sure it matters but Dan Benton is  
cosmicj : 2/7/2024 9:08 am : link
In comment 16391270 cosmicj said:
19 years old. Benton - ( New Window )

Misread this. He’s been a journo for 19 years. Apologies.
People put more belief in stock HC/GM quotes  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:09 am : link
Than they do watching with their eyes and pay attention to actions.

If they don't get a QB, it's not because they're sold on Jones.
RE: Why the f*** do the Giants believe this PR  
Silver Spoon : 2/7/2024 9:10 am : link
In comment 16391281 cosmicj said:
Activity is needed? It’s February. That’s my thought. Why?

Because they’re clueless.
What a nothing report  
Sean : 2/7/2024 9:10 am : link
RE: Daboll  
TyreeHelmet : 2/7/2024 9:11 am : link
In comment 16391247 Eric from BBI said:
had better wake up and smell the coffee...

Because of the contract, ownership may be thinking, "We'll give Jones one last chance. It makes financial sense for us to do so too. We continue to do everything to screw this kid up and he deserves yet another chance."

However, the knives are already out for Daboll. And if we've learned anything about ownership, they are quick to fire coaches when the public heat gets too intense. (We saw the same thing when Eli was benched).

As I've said, this year is starting to smell like a throw-away season. And Daboll may be the one thrown under the bus.

Spot on Eric. If they have a 6 or 7 win season, is Daboll really getting another year? Doubtful.
Holy crap, 6 more months  
section125 : 2/7/2024 9:12 am : link
and possibly longer of dealing with this issue...

I doubt this is even misdirection in lying season, although I hope it is.
No season will be more predictable than 2024  
Chris684 : 2/7/2024 9:13 am : link
when all is said and done if they do the “cheap veteran QB” thing and Jones.

They will suck. Jones will get hurt. Daboll will be fired.

Schoen and Dabes are at a crossroads here.
RE: A lot of Giants players support him  
The_Boss : 2/7/2024 9:13 am : link
In comment 16391282 SomeFan said:
yet players on other teams state that he is easy to defend because he focuses on one receiver.

Players around the league shit on Jones and his contract. It’s a league wide joke.
Good Lord  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:14 am : link
Dan Benton of Giants wire is not the team's mouth piece. We know where they go for that.

Wake up people.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 9:15 am : link

Makes me more apathetic and tuned out.
RE: Good Lord  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 9:16 am : link
In comment 16391295 UberAlias said:
Dan Benton of Giants wire is not the team's mouth piece. We know where they go for that.

Wake up people.

Benton is aggregating Schultz report.

That came out the same time Barber and Simms backed Jones.

Wake up.
RE: RE: Good Lord  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:19 am : link
In comment 16391298 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391295 UberAlias said:


Dan Benton of Giants wire is not the team's mouth piece. We know where they go for that.

Wake up people.

Benton is aggregating Schultz report.

That came out the same time Barber and Simms backed Jones.

Wake up.
They go to Papa and Schwartz.
of course they aren't ready to move on from Jones...  
BillKo : 2/7/2024 9:20 am : link
....he's under contract.

Maybe, just maybe, this regime is playing everyone and at least getting it out there for the draft that Jones is stil the guy.

Now they might not get the QB they want at the top of the draft, but this at least helps.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 9:20 am : link
I will say this: if true, the Giants are seriously misreading the fan base. I think 99.9% of fans are ready to move on.

It might get real ugly at MetLife this fall in terms of no shows.
I wonder if the NYG employees who lurk/read BBI  
The_Boss : 2/7/2024 9:20 am : link
Are going back to Mara today and report in that (based on this thread), the fans are not happy…
RE: The reactions here are funny  
joe48 : 2/7/2024 9:21 am : link
In comment 16391269 UberAlias said:
It's like we don't know how this works. --They believe in him until they have someone better in the room. It's as simple as that.

The question isn't is Jones the guy --the question is, where else can we go with the position? Picking 6 may not get us a sure fire guys we can turn the house over to. So what then? Reach for a mediocre QB just to appease the fans? We should have kept DG if that's what we want.

Exactly. I guess people have nothing else to do except create another DJ thread. Life is too short and time is valuable.
Lying season  
56goat : 2/7/2024 9:22 am : link
Translation - we don't want to admit we made a big mistake, we don't want to eat a lot of money
RE: People put more belief in stock HC/GM quotes  
BillKo : 2/7/2024 9:22 am : link
In comment 16391285 UberAlias said:
Than they do watching with their eyes and pay attention to actions.

If they don't get a QB, it's not because they're sold on Jones.

LOL, everyone wants the Giants to announce:

"Daniel Jones is not our starting QB - we'll be looking for his replacement early and often in the 2024 draft".
RE: RE: People put more belief in stock HC/GM quotes  
The_Boss : 2/7/2024 9:25 am : link
In comment 16391315 BillKo said:
In comment 16391285 UberAlias said:


Than they do watching with their eyes and pay attention to actions.

If they don't get a QB, it's not because they're sold on Jones.

LOL, everyone wants the Giants to announce:

"Daniel Jones is not our starting QB - we'll be looking for his replacement early and often in the 2024 draft".

No if that were the case, nothing would be reported. You keep your mouth shut. What is going on here is the franchise is basically saying Jones will be here next year and the week 1 starter.
Here we go again  
Harvest Blend : 2/7/2024 9:26 am : link
It is in no one's best interest to publicly say or leak anything else right now.

78 days to go of this.

RE: RE: People put more belief in stock HC/GM quotes  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:26 am : link
In comment 16391315 BillKo said:
In comment 16391285 UberAlias said:


Than they do watching with their eyes and pay attention to actions.

If they don't get a QB, it's not because they're sold on Jones.

LOL, everyone wants the Giants to announce:

"Daniel Jones is not our starting QB - we'll be looking for his replacement early and often in the 2024 draft".
That's right. And any article that comes out that doesn't say that gets everyone all worked up and panicky.

The real concern is where the options are for the team, not whether or not Jones is the answer. Jones is the answer until there is someone else on the roster better. And that's the way it should be.
RE: …  
Sean : 2/7/2024 9:26 am : link
In comment 16391307 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I will say this: if true, the Giants are seriously misreading the fan base. I think 99.9% of fans are ready to move on.

It might get real ugly at MetLife this fall in terms of no shows.

The report says the Giants still believe in the QB which they have $81M guaranteed too. It's a bullshit article to gather clicks on a polarizing topic. There's nothing new here.
You would think Daboll and Scheon  
SomeFan : 2/7/2024 9:27 am : link
would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record
There's a great than 50% chance.....  
BillKo : 2/7/2024 9:28 am : link
...DJ won't even be ready to participate at the beginning of traning camp.

You'd be foolish to think that another QB won't be brought in some capacity.

Hopefully it's a draft pick. And they're going to need a vet if that's the case as insurance.

QB room will look different in 2024. Book it.

RE: RE: RE: People put more belief in stock HC/GM quotes  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:28 am : link
In comment 16391319 The_Boss said:
In comment 16391315 BillKo said:


In comment 16391285 UberAlias said:


Than they do watching with their eyes and pay attention to actions.

If they don't get a QB, it's not because they're sold on Jones.

LOL, everyone wants the Giants to announce:

"Daniel Jones is not our starting QB - we'll be looking for his replacement early and often in the 2024 draft".

No if that were the case, nothing would be reported. You keep your mouth shut. What is going on here is the franchise is basically saying Jones will be here next year and the week 1 starter.
This is where you don't get it. Nothing has been reported. Not from anyone in the know outside of the coach speak which they have to say.
no hope during the season  
46and2Blue : 2/7/2024 9:28 am : link
and killing hope in the off season. I think this may be a new low. Daboll really struck me as THE guy after so many coaches. Schoen too. Hard to understand what they are seeing.
This isn't a "Report"  
4xchamps : 2/7/2024 9:29 am : link
everyone in the Giants organization has been saying this since last season.... not a single thing new here.
RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:30 am : link
In comment 16391324 BillKo said:
...DJ won't even be ready to participate at the beginning of traning camp.

You'd be foolish to think that another QB won't be brought in some capacity.

Hopefully it's a draft pick. And they're going to need a vet if that's the case as insurance.

QB room will look different in 2024. Book it.
That's right. And they have literally come out and said this. And yet that response continues to get ignored because people prefer freaking out over bland coach speak.
It is hard to give the organization the benefit of the doubt  
BigBlue7 : 2/7/2024 9:32 am : link
based on recent history

However, they would be extremely incompetent to say/leak anything else prior to the draft.
RE: …  
FStubbs : 2/7/2024 9:32 am : link
In comment 16391307 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I will say this: if true, the Giants are seriously misreading the fan base. I think 99.9% of fans are ready to move on.

It might get real ugly at MetLife this fall in terms of no shows.

Which wouldn't be the first time. Mara thought the fans were upset Eli was benched, when the truth was the fans were upset Eli was benched for Geno Smith. People would've understood Davis Webb playing.
I’m surprised how many people  
mittenedman : 2/7/2024 9:32 am : link
disregard how large corporations make strategic decisions. They make 180 degree turns like aircraft carriers.

This news cannot be a surprise.

Less than a year ago the Giants did an all hands on deck rigorous “deep dive” into the pros and cons of resigning Daniel Jones. They knew the tags were available. The leadership group decided to give him a 4-year deal with $90M guaranteed. That is a massive strategic decision that carries a certain level of commitment. All employed in the company need to embrace it.

After less than a year, you would rarely see a change of direction, with the same leadership in place. Especially when the extenuating circumstances were dysfunctional.

The Giants already decided on their QB last year and as Eric’s mentioned, they are tied to him. They made the commitment.
RE: It is hard to give the organization the benefit of the doubt  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:33 am : link
In comment 16391335 BigBlue7 said:
based on recent history

However, they would be extremely incompetent to say/leak anything else prior to the draft.
I think this is a fair take.
BigBlue7 : 2/7/2024 9:36 am : link
"Our feelings toward Josh haven't waned or changed," Kingsbury said. "I get that we have the first pick and there are going to be a million scenarios, and over the next three months they are going to come up. But Josh is our guy."

Link - ( New Window )
RE: RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 9:37 am : link
In comment 16391333 UberAlias said:
In comment 16391324 BillKo said:


...DJ won't even be ready to participate at the beginning of traning camp.

You'd be foolish to think that another QB won't be brought in some capacity.

Hopefully it's a draft pick. And they're going to need a vet if that's the case as insurance.

QB room will look different in 2024. Book it.

That's right. And they have literally come out and said this. And yet that response continues to get ignored because people prefer freaking out over bland coach speak.

Hmm hm. That’s why everyone tied to the organization with a public voice has come out this week in support of Jones.

All they said was that they’d bring in a QB. Not that there would be a real open competition for the job.
RE: If the plan is to go for a qb in the draft it makes sense to leak this  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 9:37 am : link
In comment 16391259 Giants Fan in Steelers Land said:
I thought the current org has been pretty tight lipped with the draft.

There isn't a planet in this solar system where they decide to leak this and then think, "You know who would be the right guy to float this into the wild? That kid no one's ever heard of from Bleacher Report."

This "article" is flimsier than even a Pat Leonard or Jordan Raanan piece. He doesn't even have unnamed sources, he just has "what I've been told," which is a lot like "I'm reading on Twitter and a team message board that the Giants aren't ready to move on from Jones."
RE: RE: RE: People put more belief in stock HC/GM quotes  
BillKo : 2/7/2024 9:38 am : link
In comment 16391319 The_Boss said:
In comment 16391315 BillKo said:


In comment 16391285 UberAlias said:


Than they do watching with their eyes and pay attention to actions.

If they don't get a QB, it's not because they're sold on Jones.

LOL, everyone wants the Giants to announce:

"Daniel Jones is not our starting QB - we'll be looking for his replacement early and often in the 2024 draft".

No if that were the case, nothing would be reported. You keep your mouth shut. What is going on here is the franchise is basically saying Jones will be here next year and the week 1 starter.

JS would love for you to be the opposing GM.
RE: RE: RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
BigBlue7 : 2/7/2024 9:39 am : link
In comment 16391342 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391333 UberAlias said:


In comment 16391324 BillKo said:


...DJ won't even be ready to participate at the beginning of traning camp.

You'd be foolish to think that another QB won't be brought in some capacity.

Hopefully it's a draft pick. And they're going to need a vet if that's the case as insurance.

QB room will look different in 2024. Book it.

That's right. And they have literally come out and said this. And yet that response continues to get ignored because people prefer freaking out over bland coach speak.

Hmm hm. That’s why everyone tied to the organization with a public voice has come out this week in support of Jones.

All they said was that they’d bring in a QB. Not that there would be a real open competition for the job.

Literally why the fuck would they say anything different?

You want them to show there hand in fucking februrary? Yeah, let's drive up our own price of trading up, or signal teams behind us that they need to trade up in front of us if they want a QB.

I swear to god I am surprised some of your guys are functioning humans
It’s February.  
JoeyBigBlue : 2/7/2024 9:39 am : link
He’s the only QB on the roster that can start. (DeVito is not a starter). They will change their view once they have someone else in here (Draft pick preferably, FA QB secondly)
I don't want to go through another season with Jones  
Fishmanjim57 : 2/7/2024 9:40 am : link
His inability to achieve a TD in the first half of games is a huge part of why this team struggled so badly.
The Giants didn't score first half TD's until Tommy Cutlets and Tyrod Taylor took over that position.
Jones is toast as far as the fans see it. Mara will be throwing trash cans around this year when the fans begin booing Jones while they remain in last place.
Jones is a subpar back-up QB at best.
Get rid of him!
RE: Who is Jordan Schultz?  
bwitz : 2/7/2024 9:40 am : link
In comment 16391221 Gatorade Dunk said:

RE: RE: RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:41 am : link
In comment 16391342 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391333 UberAlias said:


In comment 16391324 BillKo said:


...DJ won't even be ready to participate at the beginning of traning camp.

You'd be foolish to think that another QB won't be brought in some capacity.

Hopefully it's a draft pick. And they're going to need a vet if that's the case as insurance.

QB room will look different in 2024. Book it.

That's right. And they have literally come out and said this. And yet that response continues to get ignored because people prefer freaking out over bland coach speak.

Hmm hm. That’s why everyone tied to the organization with a public voice has come out this week in support of Jones.

All they said was that they’d bring in a QB. Not that there would be a real open competition for the job.
It's been explained over and over in this thread, but we can all believe what we want. If you want to believe Joe Schoen is going to Tiki with legit info on their intentions, have at it.
CoughlinHandsonHips : 2/7/2024 9:42 am : link
I'm guessing this is just smoke.

Praying this is just smoke.

This is just smoke, right guys?

.... I'm gonna go listen to Linkin Park...
RE: RE: RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
BillKo : 2/7/2024 9:42 am : link
In comment 16391342 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391333 UberAlias said:


In comment 16391324 BillKo said:


...DJ won't even be ready to participate at the beginning of traning camp.

You'd be foolish to think that another QB won't be brought in some capacity.

Hopefully it's a draft pick. And they're going to need a vet if that's the case as insurance.

QB room will look different in 2024. Book it.

That's right. And they have literally come out and said this. And yet that response continues to get ignored because people prefer freaking out over bland coach speak.

Hmm hm. That’s why everyone tied to the organization with a public voice has come out this week in support of Jones.

All they said was that they’d bring in a QB. Not that there would be a real open competition for the job.

Anyone who has coached - any type of sport at a competitive level - knows that competition at a position is what you need to make that position better.

Brian Daboll did not do a good job last year overall, IMO. But I believe he's a good coach and recognizes the issues in the QB room.

There's no way he's not going to create competition this coming year. JS knows it too.

Seems like a whole lotta BBI drama over a report  
M.S. : 2/7/2024 9:42 am : link
that can easily have more than one interpretation.
Hooray for mediocrity  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 9:43 am : link
“When you combine both of those things together . . . there’s a really good shot that Daniel Jones next season is the starting quarterback and that he does return to the type of success he had in 2022.”

Always good to spend almost 19% of your cap for 22 TDs and less than 7 Y/A.
RE: RE: RE: RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 9:44 am : link
In comment 16391346 BigBlue7 said:

Literally why the fuck would they say anything different?

You want them to show there hand in fucking februrary? Yeah, let's drive up our own price of trading up, or signal teams behind us that they need to trade up in front of us if they want a QB.

I swear to god I am surprised some of your guys are functioning humans

Who said they have to say there’s an open competition for the job and take a QB in the first?

They could have every intention to add a QB in case Jones gets hurt again, but have zero intention of Jones not being handed the job in 2024. That has zero to do with whether they trade up or not.

That would be sticking with and believing in Jones, would it not?

And the rest of the league knows the Giants need a QB. They knew it last spring and the one before it too.
The Giants have been pretty consistent  
Bob from Massachusetts : 2/7/2024 9:45 am : link
regarding Jones. "Still believe in him" isn't that different from "not willing to give up on him yet". They gave him a contract that is essentially guaranteed for 2 years, and as many people have said, the dollar amount was anticipating improvement we haven't seen. After 2024 the cap hit isn't that bad. They have said they will have to do "something" at the QB position, and that probably means committing some dollars to backup QB. They are still hoping to see improvement in Jones and we don't know how much the likelihood of that has decreased after last year. It probably has, but boy his OL sucked early in the season. Worse even than usual for the Giants.

For the draft, it seems likely they will draft a QB at some point. You can imagine they won't give up serious draft resources to move up to get a QB. If one of the top 3 guys dropped to 6 (?Maye?) maybe they would take him, but they have to really like whoever that is. And if not, it would not be the least bit surprising if they draft one of the other guys with one of the 2nd round picks. So it seems like nothing has changed.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
BigBlue7 : 2/7/2024 9:46 am : link
In comment 16391359 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391346 BigBlue7 said:


Literally why the fuck would they say anything different?

You want them to show there hand in fucking februrary? Yeah, let's drive up our own price of trading up, or signal teams behind us that they need to trade up in front of us if they want a QB.

I swear to god I am surprised some of your guys are functioning humans

Who said they have to say there’s an open competition for the job and take a QB in the first?

They could have every intention to add a QB in case Jones gets hurt again, but have zero intention of Jones not being handed the job in 2024. That has zero to do with whether they trade up or not.

That would be sticking with and believing in Jones, would it not?

And the rest of the league knows the Giants need a QB. They knew it last spring and the one before it too.

There is nothing




to gain by coming out publicly and saying we want to add another QB to compete with Jones

It is literally detrimental to every aspect of the offseason
RE: RE: RE: RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 9:47 am : link
In comment 16391353 UberAlias said:

It's been explained over and over in this thread, but we can all believe what we want. If you want to believe Joe Schoen is going to Tiki with legit info on their intentions, have at it.

It’s not likely that Tiki (who works for the radio station Mara listens to) and Simms don’t know what Mara’s feelings on the QB situation are? Banks doesn’t?

I never said anything about Schoen’s intentions, but it’s almost 100% likely that Tiki, Simms, Banks, Eli, the burners, etc are relaying Mara’s feelings.
RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 9:48 am : link
In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:
would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 9:48 am : link
is spot on. Only think I disagree is that they wouldn't consider moving resources to deal up. Just my believe, I think they would and will explore that, but probably unlikely that the option is available.

But otherwise, I completely agree with this take.
RE: RE: RE: RE: There's a great than 50% chance.....  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 9:49 am : link
In comment 16391346 BigBlue7 said:
In comment 16391342 ajr2456 said:


In comment 16391333 UberAlias said:


In comment 16391324 BillKo said:


...DJ won't even be ready to participate at the beginning of traning camp.

You'd be foolish to think that another QB won't be brought in some capacity.

Hopefully it's a draft pick. And they're going to need a vet if that's the case as insurance.

QB room will look different in 2024. Book it.

That's right. And they have literally come out and said this. And yet that response continues to get ignored because people prefer freaking out over bland coach speak.

Hmm hm. That’s why everyone tied to the organization with a public voice has come out this week in support of Jones.

All they said was that they’d bring in a QB. Not that there would be a real open competition for the job.

Literally why the fuck would they say anything different?

You want them to show there hand in fucking februrary? Yeah, let's drive up our own price of trading up, or signal teams behind us that they need to trade up in front of us if they want a QB.

I swear to god I am surprised some of your guys are functioning humans

Literally why the fuck would they say anything at all?

Some of you are exactly as gullible as John Mara hopes you are.
RE: If they do  
djm : 2/7/2024 9:49 am : link
In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:
Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

So you’re saying if the giants draft players and no qb this April, have a halfway decent offseason, maybe sign a good vet guard in fa, there’s no way they go 9-8 or 10-7 next season? No way? It just happened in 2022. But there’s no way it happens again.

Why is it such an abstract concept to think 2022 can happen again in 2024?

ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 9:50 am : link
They already said they’re adding a QB. Stating the obvious doesn’t weaken their competitive advantage
They could also draft a qb just not at 6th overall  
djm : 2/7/2024 9:52 am : link
Let it play out. 80% of these hot takes that lack any truth are centered and obsessed with round 1 of the draft. Never mind round 2 I guess.

If they draft a qb in round 2 and go 6-11 again and this kid plays a good game in December no one is getting fired.
If they want to make the same mistake twice  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/7/2024 9:54 am : link
And risk their careers on a QB that's had one decent season in 5 tries, let them. I won't feel bad if they get fired for it. He's their QB. They made the bed.
RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 9:54 am : link
In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

The Patriots never went more than 3 years without drafting a QB when they had Tom Brady, the Giants haven't even thought about drafting one in 4 years since they took Jones. A 5th year without drafting ANY QB would be absurd.
RE: RE: If they do  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 9:54 am : link
In comment 16391370 djm said:
In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:


Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

So you’re saying if the giants draft players and no qb this April, have a halfway decent offseason, maybe sign a good vet guard in fa, there’s no way they go 9-8 or 10-7 next season? No way? It just happened in 2022. But there’s no way it happens again.

Why is it such an abstract concept to think 2022 can happen again in 2024?

Because the Giants won a statistically improbable amount of one score games in 2022, weren’t good in the second half against any half way decent defense, and the entire league showed they know how to defend Daniel Jones.

If the Giants don’t improve at QB they’re not going to be good.
This report may be 100% accurate,  
Section331 : 2/7/2024 9:55 am : link
it would be totally on brand for this organization, but it is peak lying season. There is also the possibility of there being 2 camps in the front office regarding Jones, and this report is echoing the stick-with-Jones wing.

We will find out soon enough.
christian : 2/7/2024 9:55 am : link
There is a chance the Giants PR staff and management is pulling off a magnificent slight of hand. And that this whole charade is to keep the teams behind them off their trail.

But keep in mind 1) the outcome is skull fucking Jones 2) part of Ocean's 11 includes Banks, Papa, Hanlon, and Schwartz.
a lot of interpretations  
fkap : 2/7/2024 9:55 am : link
the default one for the vocal majority of BBI is to take it at face value and proclaim Daboll/Schoen are doubling down as firm believers in DJ.

Or, it could be misdirection.

Or, D/S realize that a true replacement for DJ is out of reach, and are getting out front with the vote of confidence. Too many BBIers can't grasp the simple concept that we are currently on the outside looking in regarding the top draft prospects, and the second tier prospects are not a sure thing to obtain, or to pan out. Going with a JAG vet is not much better than DJ, but diverts resources from being able to improve the team elsewhere.
RE: …  
aimrocky : 2/7/2024 9:58 am : link
In comment 16391307 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I will say this: if true, the Giants are seriously misreading the fan base. I think 99.9% of fans are ready to move on.

It might get real ugly at MetLife this fall in terms of no shows.

In general, the organization needs to stop "reading the fan base and reacting". We see it here every day, how uneducated the average fan is with the ridiculous posts we're subjected to.

That being said, the Daniel Jones sample size should be referenced here, and it's screaming to everyone "it's time to move on".
RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 9:58 am : link
In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

5 Years. An entire generation of high school QBs were recruited, spent 4 years playing QB at college, and were scouted and drafted all around the NFL.

Meanwhile our front office spent that same time jerking off in the Draft War Room and acting as if we already have Johnny Unitas on the roster.
If the Giants get a QB in the first round Jones won’t start a game in  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 9:59 am : link
2024. If they take a QB anywhere else or add a vet, it won’t be a legit competition and the job will be handed back to Jones when healthy.
AcidTest : 2/7/2024 10:01 am : link
has to be their position publicly and in private because they know that due to his contract, Jones will be on the team in 2024. What they do in the draft will determine their real feelings. And my guess is that they will move on from Jones after the 2024 season unless he somehow becomes a consensus top 10 QB. They have to because of his injury history. He's had a concussion, two serious neck injuries, and now a torn ACL. And his need to run significantly increases the chance he will soon suffer yet another concussion or neck injury.
If the fix the OL  
Carl in CT : 2/7/2024 10:01 am : link
Jones won’t be the problem if we don’t win.
And if we accept  
mittenedman : 2/7/2024 10:03 am : link
that they’ll try to improve the circumstances around their large investment, you can see what their plan was last year. (Adding weapons.)

Problem is, the “weapons” they added didn’t materialize. Parris Campbell, Waller and a rookie Hyatt didn’t move the needle much, and Bellinger disappeared.
RE: And if we accept  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 10:04 am : link
In comment 16391400 mittenedman said:
that they’ll try to improve the circumstances around their large investment, you can see what their plan was last year. (Adding weapons.)

Problem is, the “weapons” they added didn’t materialize. Parris Campbell, Waller and a rookie Hyatt didn’t move the needle much, and Bellinger disappeared.

What if that wasn’t the weapons fault?
RE: The Giants have been pretty consistent  
Blue21 : 2/7/2024 10:06 am : link
In comment 16391360 Bob from Massachusetts said:
regarding Jones. "Still believe in him" isn't that different from "not willing to give up on him yet". They gave him a contract that is essentially guaranteed for 2 years, and as many people have said, the dollar amount was anticipating improvement we haven't seen. After 2024 the cap hit isn't that bad. They have said they will have to do "something" at the QB position, and that probably means committing some dollars to backup QB. They are still hoping to see improvement in Jones and we don't know how much the likelihood of that has decreased after last year. It probably has, but boy his OL sucked early in the season. Worse even than usual for the Giants.

For the draft, it seems likely they will draft a QB at some point. You can imagine they won't give up serious draft resources to move up to get a QB. If one of the top 3 guys dropped to 6 (?Maye?) maybe they would take him, but they have to really like whoever that is. And if not, it would not be the least bit surprising if they draft one of the other guys with one of the 2nd round picks. So it seems like nothing has changed.
Totally agree Bob. And it wouldn't surprise me if it was a later pick for QB. I think there is going to be a lot of hysterical people next season when Jones is under center.
RE: That  
BigBlue7 : 2/7/2024 10:07 am : link
In comment 16391395 AcidTest said:
has to be their position publicly and in private because they know that due to his contract, Jones will be on the team in 2024. What they do in the draft will determine their real feelings. And my guess is that they will move on from Jones after the 2024 season unless he somehow becomes a consensus top 10 QB. They have to because of his injury history. He's had a concussion, two serious neck injuries, and now a torn ACL. And his need to run significantly increases the chance he will soon suffer yet another concussion or neck injury.

Stop bringing logic and reason into this discussion
RE: …  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 10:10 am : link
In comment 16391307 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I will say this: if true, the Giants are seriously misreading the fan base. I think 99.9% of fans are ready to move on.

It might get real ugly at MetLife this fall in terms of no shows.

+1. If this is their actual plan, they are underestimating how bad this is going to get if Jones doesn't come out hot. Not just the outside media, but a grand majority of the fanbase (the Athletic just did a Giant fan survey where only 20 percent said that Jones was the long-term answer at QB). Also, the Jones endorsements from Banks, Eli, Tiki etc. aren't exactly oozing confidence anyway. I can't see this being an environment that's going to lead to success.

I really hope this isn't yet another scenario where the Giants FO are the last people to realize it's over.
RE: I’m surprised how many people  
Biteymax22 : 2/7/2024 10:12 am : link
In comment 16391337 mittenedman said:
disregard how large corporations make strategic decisions. They make 180 degree turns like aircraft carriers.

This news cannot be a surprise.

Less than a year ago the Giants did an all hands on deck rigorous “deep dive” into the pros and cons of resigning Daniel Jones. They knew the tags were available. The leadership group decided to give him a 4-year deal with $90M guaranteed. That is a massive strategic decision that carries a certain level of commitment. All employed in the company need to embrace it.

After less than a year, you would rarely see a change of direction, with the same leadership in place. Especially when the extenuating circumstances were dysfunctional.

The Giants already decided on their QB last year and as Eric’s mentioned, they are tied to him. They made the commitment.

I tend to agree with this comment but with the added caveat that the ACL injury provides any decision makes that may be questioning the contract an "out".

Its an easy spin for Schoen to say to Mara "a huge part of his game is his legs, we factored that in when signing him. Now with that in question, we may want to bring in another QB rather than risk losing a season."
Something I was thinking about...  
Tom from LI : 2/7/2024 10:13 am : link
is that this is like the 5th year thing all over again with a twist.

Daboll we presumably be coaching for his job this year and will probably be calling the plays. Jones is playing for his job. This is the kind of desperation that gets you in trouble. It's like playing for a contract.

I think Schoen will make it through if Daboll falls flat. We already have the Titan's OC on the staff along with the Titan's DC. If it goes sideways and Daboll and Jones fail you can probably expect a high draft pick again along with the Giants possibly bringing in Vrable...

who knows...
RE: RE: …  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 10:15 am : link
In comment 16391389 aimrocky said:
In comment 16391307 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I will say this: if true, the Giants are seriously misreading the fan base. I think 99.9% of fans are ready to move on.

It might get real ugly at MetLife this fall in terms of no shows.

In general, the organization needs to stop "reading the fan base and reacting". We see it here every day, how uneducated the average fan is with the ridiculous posts we're subjected to.

That being said, the Daniel Jones sample size should be referenced here, and it's screaming to everyone "it's time to move on".

The ironic thing is - if what we're hearing is true - the Giants for the first time in a while are giving the middle finger to fan sentiment. And it's all the service of being obstinate about Daniel Freaking Jones.

You can't script this level of ineptitude.
RE: The Giants believe in losing  
GiantTuff1 : 2/7/2024 10:16 am : link
In comment 16391229 averagejoe said:
and have for ten years .

If Daboll wants to bet his career on this, then so be it  
Metnut : 2/7/2024 10:19 am : link
either he'll be right and NYG will have a good season or (more likley) Jones will either get hurt or be ineffective and Daboll will be fired after another bad year.

The real question will be whether Schoen gets another year or not. Personally, in that scenario, I'd go after Vrabel and let him pick a personnel guy he wants to work with.
the front office may be all in on Jones  
Shirk130 : 2/7/2024 10:20 am : link
but the fans are not, and it will get very ugly very early.
RE: RE: The Giants have been pretty consistent  
Sammo85 : 2/7/2024 10:20 am : link
In comment 16391404 Blue21 said:
In comment 16391360 Bob from Massachusetts said:


regarding Jones. "Still believe in him" isn't that different from "not willing to give up on him yet". They gave him a contract that is essentially guaranteed for 2 years, and as many people have said, the dollar amount was anticipating improvement we haven't seen. After 2024 the cap hit isn't that bad. They have said they will have to do "something" at the QB position, and that probably means committing some dollars to backup QB. They are still hoping to see improvement in Jones and we don't know how much the likelihood of that has decreased after last year. It probably has, but boy his OL sucked early in the season. Worse even than usual for the Giants.

For the draft, it seems likely they will draft a QB at some point. You can imagine they won't give up serious draft resources to move up to get a QB. If one of the top 3 guys dropped to 6 (?Maye?) maybe they would take him, but they have to really like whoever that is. And if not, it would not be the least bit surprising if they draft one of the other guys with one of the 2nd round picks. So it seems like nothing has changed.

Totally agree Bob. And it wouldn't surprise me if it was a later pick for QB. I think there is going to be a lot of hysterical people next season when Jones is under center.

No the complete opposite and far worse. Antipathy and apathy. Folks will check out and not come back for awhile. Giants are already losing a lot of younger generation of fans. They’ll accelerate it more with another losing season.
RE: Daboll  
GiantTuff1 : 2/7/2024 10:21 am : link
In comment 16391247 Eric from BBI said:
had better wake up and smell the coffee...

Because of the contract, ownership may be thinking, "We'll give Jones one last chance. It makes financial sense for us to do so too. We continue to do everything to screw this kid up and he deserves yet another chance."

However, the knives are already out for Daboll. And if we've learned anything about ownership, they are quick to fire coaches when the public heat gets too intense. (We saw the same thing when Eli was benched).

As I've said, this year is starting to smell like a throw-away season. And Daboll may be the one thrown under the bus.

This organization is sad and lost.

Terps said it many times, but it's a culture of scapegoating now. It's a LOSER culture that strictly serves placate what the owner wants and NOT what's best for the team e.g. PR optics and players he likes.

You can't shine up Johnny's toys to his liking? You are out the door. Nevermind if the toys are missing wheels and buttons to even operate properly. We have crossed the threshold of baby-minded idiocy.
RE: Mara has had Simms and Barber back Jones  
GiantTuff1 : 2/7/2024 10:23 am : link
In comment 16391257 ajr2456 said:
Publicly this week Simms - ( New Window )

I'm searching for a fence post to smash my head against.
RE: RE: Daboll  
GiantTuff1 : 2/7/2024 10:25 am : link
In comment 16391263 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16391247 Eric from BBI said:


had better wake up and smell the coffee...

Because of the contract, ownership may be thinking, "We'll give Jones one last chance. It makes financial sense for us to do so too. We continue to do everything to screw this kid up and he deserves yet another chance."

However, the knives are already out for Daboll. And if we've learned anything about ownership, they are quick to fire coaches when the public heat gets too intense. (We saw the same thing when Eli was benched).

As I've said, this year is starting to smell like a throw-away season. And Daboll may be the one thrown under the bus.

Nobody will ever convince me that Daboll is all in on Daniel Jones. Besides the sideline antics, he doesn’t exactly come across as being over the moon about the guy in press conferences. What is the most glowing thing Daboll has ever said about Jones? He’s a hard worker? He’s a great teammate? He’s done everything they’ve asked of him? Now compare that to the answers he gave about Josh Allen the week they played Buffalo.

Daboll knows what a franchise QB looks like.

Daboll was around the GOAT TB12 and Josh Allen, he knows what it's supposed to look like... If the Giants roll with Jones I am convinced he's being held hostage from moving off of Jones.
Do people actually expect the Giants to say before the draft  
blueblood : 2/7/2024 10:25 am : link
YES we are moving on from Daniel Jones and we are going to draft a new QB ??

TyreeHelmet : 2/7/2024 10:27 am : link
Then notion they are putting these reports out to mislead other teams is laughable. The league knows the Giants need a QB, its not exactly a secret. Any fan with half a brain can determine that.

It's also perfectly acceptable for the Giants to come out and say they need better quarterback play and Jones need to improve or they need a better option. What is wrong with that?

Why is Jones treated with kid gloves?
RE: Do people actually expect the Giants to say before the draft  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 10:28 am : link
In comment 16391437 blueblood said:
YES we are moving on from Daniel Jones and we are going to draft a new QB ??


Has anyone said that?

On the flip side, why do all these reports, ex players, team mouth pieces have to all come out and say the Giants still believe in Jones? They’re not coming from nowhere, it’s because someone high up still does believe in Jones.

And why are all these reports and statements coming out at the same exact time?
RE: RE: If they do  
GiantTuff1 : 2/7/2024 10:35 am : link
In comment 16391370 djm said:
In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:


Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

So you’re saying if the giants draft players and no qb this April, have a halfway decent offseason, maybe sign a good vet guard in fa, there’s no way they go 9-8 or 10-7 next season? No way? It just happened in 2022. But there’s no way it happens again.

Why is it such an abstract concept to think 2022 can happen again in 2024?

That's not the question.

We can have another 2022 in 2024. But who cares? The larger question is can Daniel Jones ever beat a good team and then multiple good teams to bring the Giants a Super Bowl? Most of us think no.

The way Jones has played historically reaching a wildcard was him realizing his upside and then we saw what happened when he plays good teams, plays in a divisional round, or plays under bright lights like Monday Night Football. He isn't good when the teams are good and the spotlight is brightest. The anti-Eli.
RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
GiantTuff1 : 2/7/2024 10:36 am : link
In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

RE: RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
GiantTuff1 : 2/7/2024 10:37 am : link
In comment 16391380 rsjem1979 said:
In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

The Patriots never went more than 3 years without drafting a QB when they had Tom Brady, the Giants haven't even thought about drafting one in 4 years since they took Jones. A 5th year without drafting ANY QB would be absurd.

It's not a meritocracy with the Giants.

It's a Maratocracy.
They've already said they are adding a QB, so this doesn't really  
PatersonPlank : 2/7/2024 10:42 am : link
matter. Jones is under contract do of course he will be here. I expect them to get a QB in the draft, or get a top veteran in FA, and they will compete. Jones will be in the roster but he may not be the starter.
RE: Giants  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 10:44 am : link
In comment 16391439 TyreeHelmet said:
Then notion they are putting these reports out to mislead other teams is laughable. The league knows the Giants need a QB, its not exactly a secret. Any fan with half a brain can determine that.

It's also perfectly acceptable for the Giants to come out and say they need better quarterback play and Jones need to improve or they need a better option. What is wrong with that?

Why is Jones treated with kid gloves?

Yeah, I don't understand this either. Other owners will say all the time that a quarterback needs to play better (usually under the praise - criticize - praise sandwich model of public statements), but with Jones is always about what the team needs to do to serve him.
who is treating anyone with kid gloves?  
djm : 2/7/2024 10:52 am : link
he's the best option on the team. He's the QB. Didn't Daboll himself sort of call out Jones or point out some shortcomings at some point this season?

What the fuck do some of you expect or want to see here? Teams don't disclose shit. 90% of the time everything they say publictly is 100% horseshit lip service. They have nothing to gain by saying anything of substance.

Fans treat players they way their hopes align but even then most NYG fans who don't HATE Jones on an unhealthy obsessed level still acknowledge his shortcomings.

Also, here's a direct quote from Vacchiano back in late 2018: Per Vacchiano, "there is still a chance that Manning will return to the Giants in 2019 -- and even return as their starting quarterback" -- his sources tell him "management is open to the idea that another year with Manning at the helm might be the best option they have."

BBI also couldn't stop crying that NYG were never going to move on from Eli. LIterally, NEVER. How'd that turn out?

RE: Mara has had Simms and Barber back Jones  
clatterbuck : 2/7/2024 10:52 am : link
In comment 16391257 ajr2456 said:
Publicly this week Simms - ( New Window )

Conspiracy theory du jour. Now Mara controls Phil Simms and Tiki Barber and tells them what to say, huh? C'mon, man.
RE: On top of all the burner account activity on BBI on Tuesday  
MojoEd : 2/7/2024 10:54 am : link
In comment 16391274 ThomasG said:
right on cue...

Yup. With the PsyOp failing, they have abandoned trying to convince the fans and gone to “shut up, this is how it’s going to be” and if you don’t like it, eff you you are not a fan.
TyreeHelmet : 2/7/2024 10:56 am : link
I truly don't think fans realize how overpaid Jones is. He was the 10th highest paid player in the league. 10th! He's not even a top 10 player in the NFC East.

Is Baker Mayfield going to top Jones' contract? Coming off a wild card win and a much better divisional round. Not to mention 4K yards passing with 28 TDs- something Jones has never sniffed. He's also a superior QB to Jones and its not really close.

He probably still won't get the same money Jones got.
RE: RE: Mara has had Simms and Barber back Jones  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 10:56 am : link
In comment 16391467 clatterbuck said:
In comment 16391257 ajr2456 said:


Publicly this week Simms - ( New Window )

Conspiracy theory du jour. Now Mara controls Phil Simms and Tiki Barber and tells them what to say, huh? C'mon, man.

Sure just a coincidence they’re all within days of each other..
trust me  
djm : 2/7/2024 11:02 am : link
Daboll is not shy about vocalizing his disappointment with a fellow coach. We have seen him animated and angry WIT Jones on the sideline of an actual game.

Jones is the most talented QB on the roster and 3 fucking halfway decent games from Mr Cutlet, against so so teams while the offense was at its very best doesn't change a fucking thing. They still feel DJ is the best guy on the team. Don't like it? You don't have to. But you need to accept it. Coming here acting incedulously day after day after some stupid make believe article implies that DJ is safe and sound and everyone in the Giants camp sends him smooshy love notes day after day and no one says nary a word about his play just validates make b elieve nonsense. Dabol wants to win. Schoen wants to win. Their very careers hinge on winning. They don't owe Jones a fucking thing. They are stuck with him until someone better comes along which means you try and max out his potential. Until the Giants draft a kid early enough to add competition to the position, DJ is starting. The Giants won't stroke your ego or concerns in some stupid ass PC. They won't release little orphan annie secret clues on the radio about who they are drafting. They won't extract pounds of DJ flesh for you to gloat over. Mara doesn't want to pay some bad player simply because he smells like Eli. The guy fired COughlin. The guy fired so many people i've lost count. He moved on from Eli. He will move on from DJ if and when needed.
RE: I’m surprised how many people  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 11:05 am : link
In comment 16391337 mittenedman said:
disregard how large corporations make strategic decisions. They make 180 degree turns like aircraft carriers.

This news cannot be a surprise.

Less than a year ago the Giants did an all hands on deck rigorous “deep dive” into the pros and cons of resigning Daniel Jones. They knew the tags were available. The leadership group decided to give him a 4-year deal with $90M guaranteed. That is a massive strategic decision that carries a certain level of commitment. All employed in the company need to embrace it.

After less than a year, you would rarely see a change of direction, with the same leadership in place. Especially when the extenuating circumstances were dysfunctional.

The Giants already decided on their QB last year and as Eric’s mentioned, they are tied to him. They made the commitment.

He moved on from all those people way too late.  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 11:08 am : link
They should have moved on from Eli at the latest the year of the benching, but he got scared from the backlash he doubled down.

Coughlin was a couple years past his expiration date when they fired him. And even then he couldn’t go fully in and fire Reese at the same time, because Reese was family. If it wasn’t for a press conference meltdown Judge would have been the coach for another year.

The idea that Mara moves on when necessary is laughable. He moves on when he gets pushed to move on when there’s too much embarrassment for him to take (Mcadoo, Judge) or when his hand is forced (Eli, Gettleman, Reese).
RE: RE: If they do  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 11:09 am : link
In comment 16391370 djm said:
In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:


Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

So you’re saying if the giants draft players and no qb this April, have a halfway decent offseason, maybe sign a good vet guard in fa, there’s no way they go 9-8 or 10-7 next season? No way? It just happened in 2022. But there’s no way it happens again.

Why is it such an abstract concept to think 2022 can happen again in 2024?

I tend to agree 100% and I just don't understand the whole Jones has to go almost cult-like frenzy out there. I do recall reading something in a history book years ago that revolutions don't happen when things have hit rock bottom, but when they've started to get better. And I believe the reality is that the Giants are getting better. They won ten games and a road playoff game just a year ago (although for some bizarre reason a lot of the fan base just won't accept that fact) and while they slipped back to 6 wins this year there were at least three games they probably should have won. In fact, I think the fact they went 5-6 down the stretch with retread journeyman Tyrod Taylor and a undrafted rookie at QB is testament to the fact not that Jones is terrible but that once the OL got stabilized and the defence started to play better they are a reasonably competitive team. And they're competitive because we are starting to see the development of a good young talent base. Obviously they still need to keep adding to the talent base but I see no reason that they aren't at least in the 9-10 win column next year whoever is at QB and that with a top 10 pick, as well as three other top 70 picks they have a chance to add another playmaker or two.

Unfortunately the mob may miss out, but that will be their loss!
RE: Jones  
djm : 2/7/2024 11:10 am : link
In comment 16391473 TyreeHelmet said:
I truly don't think fans realize how overpaid Jones is. He was the 10th highest paid player in the league. 10th! He's not even a top 10 player in the NFC East.

Is Baker Mayfield going to top Jones' contract? Coming off a wild card win and a much better divisional round. Not to mention 4K yards passing with 28 TDs- something Jones has never sniffed. He's also a superior QB to Jones and its not really close.

He probably still won't get the same money Jones got.

Uhh everyone knows. It's overstated hysterics. It's typical fan sticker shock from a big contract. It is what it is. We're hitched to Jones until we aren't.

KErry Collins earned 3.5 million or so in 2003. I think that was his cap hit. The cap that year was 43 million.

The cap in 2024 is expected to exceed 240 million. Jones cap hit in 2024 is 47 million.

QBs do take up a higher % of the cap these days. DJ is taking up about 10% of it next season. KC took up about 8% of it in 2003.

That's life in the NFL these days. We'll be fine if we draft good players. IF DJ sucks again he's done in 25.
OK, Go All in and Trade Up,  
clatterbuck : 2/7/2024 11:14 am : link
use up whatever draft capital it takes, for one of the so-called top QBs in this class. If he busts, you're screwed for the foreseeable future, unless another Brock Purdy-like miracle mainifests itself.

Or, continue to build the roster, improve the offensive line, maybe draft a true #1 receiver, make this a "no-excuses" year for Jones, and if his play doesn't improve, you move on. Nothing in this scenario prevents Giants from also drafting a developmental QB or signing a vet. Schoen even said as much.

Even if the Giants draft one of the top three QBs, odds are they aren't winning next year and they've reduced their ability to improve the team going forward, at least through the draft.

If Jones stinks, the Giants also aren't winning next year but they're not down three #1 picks, can get out from under Jones as best as the contract allows.

Whichever route Schoen/Daboll take, I really doubt they're telling anyone what their plan is about Jones or anything else. They could go door #1 and I wouldn't be shocked, and same with door #2.

Btw, if John Mara is demanding fealty on the Jones issue and it blows up, it would really suck if he fires Daboll or Schoen or both for following orders.

47 million of 240 million  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 11:15 am : link
Is 20% not 10%.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 11:15 am : link
Well, I guess he doesn’t count because he’s a UFA, but Taylor is a better QB than Jones and would win an honest competition between the two.
Many Americans believe that timeframes greater than 5 seconds  
Bob in Newburgh : 2/7/2024 11:17 am : link
smack of Communist influence.

The DJ contract was, and most probably still is, a real commitment by the major parties for 2 years. Two things could have changed that, and the feelings of the fanbase (unless they backed up their displeasure with actual withheld dollars) was not one of them.

1. DJ suffered a likely career ending injury.

2. Team was clearly a playoff team held back by inept QB play.

Neither happened.
I truly wonder how some of you  
jvm52106 : 2/7/2024 11:17 am : link
(even top of the food chain for this site) survive daily life. One person makes a comment that to me means nothing more than what we have heard already and you jump on the "sky is falling, throw away season, Mara pushing his narrative) blah blah blah..

You do understand that NOTHING as far as the 2024 season goes has happened yet...Right? You know the 2023 season is still going on as we haven't even had the SB game itself yet.

I feel like some of you want the management to come out and go Jones sucks, we need a QB... Of course you will also be the ones to say Giants showed their hand, were so open and stupid etc... One minute I hear that Schoen is really good about keeping leaks from coming out of Giants HQ's and then because some dude online says Giants believe in DJ's you take it as gospel and straight from Schoen and Daboll.

All I have heard so far is the Giants say DJ is still their QB but all things are on the table as far as the draft and FA goes. How about before you have a meltdown or a world is blowing up, sky is falling take, you wait and see what they do when the actual offseason begins..

Just saying...
RE: 47 million of 240 million  
djm : 2/7/2024 11:18 am : link
In comment 16391499 ajr2456 said:
Is 20% not 10%.

My bad.

Still the same point stands. Teams pay the QB.
RE: If the Giants get a QB in the first round Jones won’t start a game in  
MojoEd : 2/7/2024 11:18 am : link
In comment 16391391 ajr2456 said:
2024. If they take a QB anywhere else or add a vet, it won’t be a legit competition and the job will be handed back to Jones when healthy.

And I don’t think Schoen will have the authority to get a first round QB. Fans better hope no top QB prospect slides to #6 because it will be beyond painful when the NYG pass. (FWIW, I don’t think Schoen currently believes in DJ, but Medium Pepsi Mara and company won’t give him room to fix the problem. Only chance Schoen/Daboll keep their job in 2024 is if the later round QB they are allowed to take hits.)
Remember when Dottino went on & on about Davis Webb?  
Sean : 2/7/2024 11:19 am : link
All we heard about was how the Giants loved him and he was the QB of the future. He was cut less than a year later.

The same Tiki who called for Coughlin's firing multiple times is now a mouthpiece for Mara?

Or the Henderson articles from Schwartz & Traina from last weekend implying Henderson would be named DC?

I agree that the Giants do not deserve the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not concerned about this nothing report.
RE: …  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 11:19 am : link
In comment 16391501 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Well, I guess he doesn’t count because he’s a UFA, but Taylor is a better QB than Jones and would win an honest competition between the two.

Remember the idea that Tyrod was having a better camp was laughed at?
RE: RE: 47 million of 240 million  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 11:22 am : link
In comment 16391506 djm said:
In comment 16391499 ajr2456 said:


Is 20% not 10%.

My bad.

Still the same point stands. Teams pay the QB.

How does your point still stand? Collins took up half the cap space of Jones, took the team to a Super Bowl and was a better players.

Teams pay the QB, the good teams don’t pay bad QBs 20% of the cap.
RE: I truly wonder how some of you  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 11:22 am : link
In comment 16391505 jvm52106 said:
(even top of the food chain for this site) survive daily life. One person makes a comment that to me means nothing more than what we have heard already and you jump on the "sky is falling, throw away season, Mara pushing his narrative) blah blah blah..

You do understand that NOTHING as far as the 2024 season goes has happened yet...Right? You know the 2023 season is still going on as we haven't even had the SB game itself yet.

I feel like some of you want the management to come out and go Jones sucks, we need a QB... Of course you will also be the ones to say Giants showed their hand, were so open and stupid etc... One minute I hear that Schoen is really good about keeping leaks from coming out of Giants HQ's and then because some dude online says Giants believe in DJ's you take it as gospel and straight from Schoen and Daboll.

All I have heard so far is the Giants say DJ is still their QB but all things are on the table as far as the draft and FA goes. How about before you have a meltdown or a world is blowing up, sky is falling take, you wait and see what they do when the actual offseason begins..

Just saying...

That of course require an element of sanity and sober reflection neither of which are strong suits of mobs at least in general. One other ironic element in all of this: last year at this time everyone was saying that Schoen and Daboll would not resign Jones because they would want to draft their own QB going forward hence the no-5th year option. This year Schoen and Daboll are sticking with Jones because there blind to his lack of talent (or worse Mara made them do it which is nothing more than bottom feeder conspiracy theory to justify a narrative that doesn't fly other wise). Go figure.
RE: RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
clatterbuck : 2/7/2024 11:22 am : link
In comment 16391390 ThomasG said:
In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

5 Years. An entire generation of high school QBs were recruited, spent 4 years playing QB at college, and were scouted and drafted all around the NFL.

Meanwhile our front office spent that same time jerking off in the Draft War Room and acting as if we already have Johnny Unitas on the roster.

Btw, how many of that generation of HS and college QBs were good enough to play QB at a high level in the NFL or are even on an NFL roster? Oh, and Zack Wilson says hold my beer or pass it to Trey Lance.
RE: …  
djm : 2/7/2024 11:23 am : link
In comment 16391501 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Well, I guess he doesn’t count because he’s a UFA, but Taylor is a better QB than Jones and would win an honest competition between the two.

Fine, but the Giants don't agree with you.

Here's another thing that annoys me to no end, can some of you allow for the near certainty that if Tyrod Fucking Taylor or Tommy Cutlets played those first few weeks in place of Jones that they get their fucking head caved in?

Do you really really believe that Taylor is doing much of anything against Dallas week 1? Is he leading that comeback against the Cards in week 2? Is hew beating SF on the road? Some of you can't fo five minutes here without saying much better the backups looked in October-December but leave out the details, as usual.

Tommy fucking Devito isn't beating anyone in September and neither is TAylor. That team was a shit show. No Barkley after week 2. Yea, good luck.

Just allow for some rational fair thought here. Or is that asking too much.
christian : 2/7/2024 11:23 am : link
DJM, this falls into the free to you have your own opinion, not facts bucket. Jones's cap charge on 2024 is 47.1M, which represents 19.3% of the 2024 salary cap.

Through the years you've often expressed how the Giants will be fine or survive the bad contracts they've given.

But do you ever consider the reason the Giants haven't strung together two good seasons since 2011/2012 is because so few of the players they've given big contracts to, haven't played well?
RE: RE: Mara has had Simms and Barber back Jones  
clatterbuck : 2/7/2024 11:23 am : link
In comment 16391434 GiantTuff1 said:
In comment 16391257 ajr2456 said:


Publicly this week Simms - ( New Window )

I'm searching for a fence post to smash my head against.

RE: RE: RE: 47 million of 240 million  
djm : 2/7/2024 11:25 am : link
In comment 16391513 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391506 djm said:


In comment 16391499 ajr2456 said:


Is 20% not 10%.

My bad.

Still the same point stands. Teams pay the QB.

How does your point still stand? Collins took up half the cap space of Jones, took the team to a Super Bowl and was a better players.

Teams pay the QB, the good teams don’t pay bad QBs 20% of the cap.

Dude we know. My point was teams pay a higher % of the cap to the QB these days. Enough.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 11:26 am : link
I know the Giants don’t agree with me and I am increasingly resigned to Jones being on scholarship again.

Which is why I suspect we will suck this fall.
So tired of this...  
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 11:27 am : link
Jones is not the guy. Really hard to be a Giants fan right now.

Sucks even worse I live in Chiefs country and have a brother that is a Niners fan.

Get your %%%% together Mara. My God. Anybody who still supports Jones is a loser, full stop. I don't care if he's gotten a raw deal here (he hasn't). Time to move on.
And for a franchise that loves listening to the fans  
Sean : 2/7/2024 11:31 am : link
The fans are loud and in agreement on this issue. The overwhelming majority want to move on from Jones. 77% from Duggan's end of season poll.
RE: RE: 47 million of 240 million  
TyreeHelmet : 2/7/2024 11:34 am : link
In comment 16391506 djm said:
In comment 16391499 ajr2456 said:


Is 20% not 10%.

My bad.

Still the same point stands. Teams pay the QB.

How does your point still stand? When you pay your QB as the 10th highest paid player in the league and he can't even perform at an average starting level, you are giving your team little chance to succeed.

Kerry Collins was also good and took the Giants to a super bowl. Big difference.
RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
clatterbuck : 2/7/2024 11:35 am : link
In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

Has Joe Schoen said the Giants are refusing to draft a QB this year? I don't think so. He did say in public, right into a microphone, that the Giants will have to do something at QB this year and he didn't rule out doing this through the draft. Perhaps you'd like him to specify at which round he's going to draft a QB or which free-agent vet he's going to sign. If so, I don't think that's going to happen.
RE: So tired of this...  
MojoEd : 2/7/2024 11:37 am : link
In comment 16391526 IchabodGiant said:
****Get your %%%% together Mara. My God. Anybody who still supports Jones is a loser, full stop. I don't care if he's gotten a raw deal here (he hasn't). Time to move on.

It’s the $ and DJs bonus and guarantees. Mara is tight enough to green light medium (not large) Pepsis for the season ticket holder (not for each season ticket). NYG are a family business and fans haven’t thought of it in this way, but NYG might be in the same position and of the same mindset of other tight franchises, e.g. Chargers.
RE: RE: RE: RE: 47 million of 240 million  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 11:42 am : link
In comment 16391522 djm said:
In comment 16391513 ajr2456 said:


In comment 16391506 djm said:


In comment 16391499 ajr2456 said:


Is 20% not 10%.

My bad.

Still the same point stands. Teams pay the QB.

How does your point still stand? Collins took up half the cap space of Jones, took the team to a Super Bowl and was a better players.

Teams pay the QB, the good teams don’t pay bad QBs 20% of the cap.

Dude we know. My point was teams pay a higher % of the cap to the QB these days. Enough.

The Giants will have the 6th-highest total cap number at the QB position in 2024, virtually all of which will belong to Jones.
RE: RE: RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 11:47 am : link
In comment 16391515 clatterbuck said:
In comment 16391390 ThomasG said:


In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

5 Years. An entire generation of high school QBs were recruited, spent 4 years playing QB at college, and were scouted and drafted all around the NFL.

Meanwhile our front office spent that same time jerking off in the Draft War Room and acting as if we already have Johnny Unitas on the roster.

Btw, how many of that generation of HS and college QBs were good enough to play QB at a high level in the NFL or are even on an NFL roster? Oh, and Zack Wilson says hold my beer or pass it to Trey Lance.

When you're allocating $47M of your cap to Daniel Jones in 2024, using Zack Wilson and Trey Lance as your scare tactic isn't quite the flex you think it is.

The answer is more than zero. And zero is the number of QBs that the Giants have drafted in that time.
RE: RE: RE: If they do  
BMCBikes : 2/7/2024 11:47 am : link
In comment 16391489 Snorkels said:
In comment 16391370 djm said:


In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:


Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

So you’re saying if the giants draft players and no qb this April, have a halfway decent offseason, maybe sign a good vet guard in fa, there’s no way they go 9-8 or 10-7 next season? No way? It just happened in 2022. But there’s no way it happens again.

Why is it such an abstract concept to think 2022 can happen again in 2024?

I tend to agree 100% and I just don't understand the whole Jones has to go almost cult-like frenzy out there. I do recall reading something in a history book years ago that revolutions don't happen when things have hit rock bottom, but when they've started to get better. And I believe the reality is that the Giants are getting better. They won ten games and a road playoff game just a year ago (although for some bizarre reason a lot of the fan base just won't accept that fact) and while they slipped back to 6 wins this year there were at least three games they probably should have won. In fact, I think the fact they went 5-6 down the stretch with retread journeyman Tyrod Taylor and a undrafted rookie at QB is testament to the fact not that Jones is terrible but that once the OL got stabilized and the defence started to play better they are a reasonably competitive team. And they're competitive because we are starting to see the development of a good young talent base. Obviously they still need to keep adding to the talent base but I see no reason that they aren't at least in the 9-10 win column next year whoever is at QB and that with a top 10 pick, as well as three other top 70 picks they have a chance to add another playmaker or two.

wrong, they won 9 games. the 10th game was the WC game against a bad Minnesota team. If you can't see Jones isn't a Championship QB, or even a decent QB, by this point, then you deserve what you're gonna get with another year of an over-paid guy who can't read defenses, doesn't go past his first read, and wilts when he's playing a good team or is in the spotlight. Drafting a Duke QB who'd never been successful his entire career at #6, then doubling down on him with a huge contract are two of the dumbest, most franchise setting back things the Giants have ever done.
RE: RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 11:49 am : link
In comment 16391535 clatterbuck said:
In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

Has Joe Schoen said the Giants are refusing to draft a QB this year? I don't think so. He did say in public, right into a microphone, that the Giants will have to do something at QB this year and he didn't rule out doing this through the draft. Perhaps you'd like him to specify at which round he's going to draft a QB or which free-agent vet he's going to sign. If so, I don't think that's going to happen.

I'd prefer for him and anyone else in the front office to not say anything at all.

I know a fan sentiment campaign when I see one.
RE: RE: RE: RE: 47 million of 240 million  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 11:49 am : link
In comment 16391522 djm said:

Dude we know. My point was teams pay a higher % of the cap to the QB these days. Enough.

Did they? QB yearly cash as a percentage of team payroll from 2003:

Plummer 34%
Harrington 32%
Palmer 30%
Manning 29%
Brady 29%
Couch 26%
Garcia and Gannon 23%
Favre 21%
Collins was at 9%

Jones will be at 15% this year. The cap mechanics being different in 2003 doesn’t make your point correct. The CBA has changed three times since 2003.

RE: RE: I truly wonder how some of you  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 11:50 am : link
In comment 16391514 Snorkels said:
In comment 16391505 jvm52106 said:


(even top of the food chain for this site) survive daily life. One person makes a comment that to me means nothing more than what we have heard already and you jump on the "sky is falling, throw away season, Mara pushing his narrative) blah blah blah..

You do understand that NOTHING as far as the 2024 season goes has happened yet...Right? You know the 2023 season is still going on as we haven't even had the SB game itself yet.

I feel like some of you want the management to come out and go Jones sucks, we need a QB... Of course you will also be the ones to say Giants showed their hand, were so open and stupid etc... One minute I hear that Schoen is really good about keeping leaks from coming out of Giants HQ's and then because some dude online says Giants believe in DJ's you take it as gospel and straight from Schoen and Daboll.

All I have heard so far is the Giants say DJ is still their QB but all things are on the table as far as the draft and FA goes. How about before you have a meltdown or a world is blowing up, sky is falling take, you wait and see what they do when the actual offseason begins..

Just saying...

That of course require an element of sanity and sober reflection neither of which are strong suits of mobs at least in general. One other ironic element in all of this: last year at this time everyone was saying that Schoen and Daboll would not resign Jones because they would want to draft their own QB going forward hence the no-5th year option. This year Schoen and Daboll are sticking with Jones because there blind to his lack of talent (or worse Mara made them do it which is nothing more than bottom feeder conspiracy theory to justify a narrative that doesn't fly other wise). Go figure.

You think you'll stick around for the whole draft this year, or do you have to check on the ponies over the weekend?
I agree this will be the case  
Sy'56 : 2/7/2024 11:51 am : link
whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early
RE: I agree this will be the case  
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 11:54 am : link
In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:
whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

It's beginning to look a like that's going to be the case  
Dnew15 : 2/7/2024 11:56 am : link
the steady stream of pro Jones takes from the media members of Jints Central all but seals it.
Festina Lente : 2/7/2024 12:00 pm : link
Plus, they can't move on so you have to say nice things.
RE: I agree this will be the case  
upnyg : 2/7/2024 12:08 pm : link
In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:
whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

The Giants may want a QB early, but realize they are drafting #6 and are stuck in a contract with Jones.

Have to think even Mara feels throwing Jones out there is a risk not just for the team (wins/losses) but for his health. He has to be thinking that at some point.

Maybe they are playing this Jones thing up..
1. because they are lowering fan expectations
2. they are being savvy and have a FA and/or draft strategy
3. or none of the above.

But its getting hard to get worked up on these reports until we see more.
RE: I agree this will be the case  
Sean : 2/7/2024 12:12 pm : link
In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:
whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

It depends on how they get here. If it plays out like your mock where they PASS on Drake Maye, this regime will get everything they deserve.

If it's passing on a QB they don't feel is worth it at six and they trade down. I can live with that.
Simms, Eli, Banks Comments  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 12:12 pm : link
I finally got a chance to read the Simms comments in support of Jones, which were as tepid as Banks and Eli's comments (all of which amount to "we believe in him, but he has to play better or he'll be replaced").

I still believe they'll bring in legit competition, because this is seriously low-energy stuff they're trotting out there (other than Tiki's comments).
RE: I agree this will be the case  
TyreeHelmet : 2/7/2024 12:14 pm : link
In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:
whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

Sy- even if one of the top 3 fall to 5 or 6th?

- you can't see any scenario of them trading up for one?

- how about the trading into the late 1st or early 2nd?
RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
56goat : 2/7/2024 12:14 pm : link
In comment 16391577 upnyg said:
In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:


whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

The Giants may want a QB early, but realize they are drafting #6 and are stuck in a contract with Jones.

Have to think even Mara feels throwing Jones out there is a risk not just for the team (wins/losses) but for his health. He has to be thinking that at some point.

Maybe they are playing this Jones thing up..
1. because they are lowering fan expectations
2. they are being savvy and have a FA and/or draft strategy
3. or none of the above.

But its getting hard to get worked up on these reports until we see more.

Sigh, #1. Don't know if my expectations can get much lower. Time to get the banner ready and warm up the plane.
RE: Simms, Eli, Banks Comments  
Sean : 2/7/2024 12:17 pm : link
In comment 16391581 Lambuth_Special said:
I finally got a chance to read the Simms comments in support of Jones, which were as tepid as Banks and Eli's comments (all of which amount to "we believe in him, but he has to play better or he'll be replaced").

I still believe they'll bring in legit competition, because this is seriously low-energy stuff they're trotting out there (other than Tiki's comments).

Yep. There is no scholarship here. He might be QB1 on the depth chart, but it'll be a short leash imo.
RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 12:17 pm : link
In comment 16391580 Sean said:

It depends on how they get here. If it plays out like your mock where they PASS on Drake Maye, this regime will get everything they deserve.

I think this fanbase is way too content most of the time, but if they pass on Maye, he looks great and Jones struggles again, it will make the clown meme from the Judge days look like a Superbowl parade.
RE: I agree this will be the case  
Sammo85 : 2/7/2024 12:18 pm : link
In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:
whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

Any tidbits heard round the bend at Senior Bowl worth sharing?
The 2022 team  
darren in pdx : 2/7/2024 12:19 pm : link
overachieving going to keep this franchise stuck in place another five years..
RE: The Giants believe in losing  
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:23 pm : link
In comment 16391229 averagejoe said:
and have for ten years .

Except for that one year recently where Jones played really well and they won a playoff game, in Daboll's first year with the team.
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:24 pm : link
You guys all seem like a bunch of crybabies, in all honesty. I remember these exact same conversations before the 2022 season. Exact same.
A vague leak that they "aren't ready to shut the door"  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 12:25 pm : link
isn't much validation for Daniel Jones. I'd say it's the minimum validation. It's a Rorschach test. If you like Daniel Jones you take it as confirmation that he will get 2025. If you think he is a poor QB, you can see an opening for a change.

I don't think this report moves the needle much.
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:27 pm : link
Schoen and Daboll could also likely realize the TEAM needs a lot more pieces, and 3 picks in the top 50 would do wonders for the roster.
RE: ...  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 12:28 pm : link
In comment 16391591 ryanmkeane said:
You guys all seem like a bunch of crybabies, in all honesty. I remember these exact same conversations before the 2022 season. Exact same.

Except you were proven wrong on that yesterday.

What about the other 4 years of Jones career?
RE: RE: If they do  
uther99 : 2/7/2024 12:28 pm : link
In comment 16391370 djm said:
In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:


Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

Why is it such an abstract concept to think 2022 can happen again in 2024?

Because 2022 was the outlier, not the norm
Here's how I think it's going  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 12:31 pm : link
Front Office: There's a faction that's very pro-Jones and continues to think he's a temporarily embarrassed all-pro QB who just needs the right weapons. Likely Mara-affiliated folks, old-timers, and Gettleman holdovers.

There's another faction, likely comprised of Schoen and the people he's brought in, who like Jones but were pretty spooked by what they saw in 2023, and feel urgency to hedge their bets if a good opportunity presents itself.

Beats/PR mouthpieces: most of the beats seem to actually think it's time to move on for various reasons, the PR mouthpieces (Banks, Simms, Eli etc.) are supporting Jones publicly but also sound like they're getting tired of it.

Fanbase: about 75 percent done, 25 percent on board with Jones.

Locker room: seems kinda split. If they don't retain Barkley, I think that will say a lot.
RE: RE: RE: RE: You would think Daboll and Scheon  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 12:33 pm : link
In comment 16391515 clatterbuck said:
In comment 16391390 ThomasG said:


In comment 16391365 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391323 SomeFan said:


would want to draft a QB this year to at least have an excuse if the team has a bad record

You would think they would want to draft a QB simply because it's been five years since the team has drafted a QB at all, and only two other teams have gone that entire stretch without drafting any QBs.

It's gross negligence to refuse to draft even a project prospect at the most important position in the sport for that long, regardless of the reason. And if there's even a shred of possibility that they're avoiding the position for fear of a QB controversy, they're even more lost than they appear.

5 Years. An entire generation of high school QBs were recruited, spent 4 years playing QB at college, and were scouted and drafted all around the NFL.

Meanwhile our front office spent that same time jerking off in the Draft War Room and acting as if we already have Johnny Unitas on the roster.

Btw, how many of that generation of HS and college QBs were good enough to play QB at a high level in the NFL or are even on an NFL roster? Oh, and Zack Wilson says hold my beer or pass it to Trey Lance.

Don't be obtuse, obviously there were QBs. And it doesn't matter how many. It only matters the Giants ignored every single one of them.

And why?...because they obviously know better.
RE: ...  
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 12:35 pm : link
In comment 16391591 ryanmkeane said:
You guys all seem like a bunch of crybabies, in all honesty. I remember these exact same conversations before the 2022 season. Exact same.

surprise, surprise
RE: Here's how I think it's going  
Sean : 2/7/2024 12:38 pm : link
In comment 16391602 Lambuth_Special said:
Front Office: There's a faction that's very pro-Jones and continues to think he's a temporarily embarrassed all-pro QB who just needs the right weapons. Likely Mara-affiliated folks, old-timers, and Gettleman holdovers.

There's another faction, likely comprised of Schoen and the people he's brought in, who like Jones but were pretty spooked by what they saw in 2023, and feel urgency to hedge their bets if a good opportunity presents itself.

Beats/PR mouthpieces: most of the beats seem to actually think it's time to move on for various reasons, the PR mouthpieces (Banks, Simms, Eli etc.) are supporting Jones publicly but also sound like they're getting tired of it.

Fanbase: about 75 percent done, 25 percent on board with Jones.

Locker room: seems kinda split. If they don't retain Barkley, I think that will say a lot.

And I'm sure Jones is a very likable guy, it seems all the coaches like him and I'm sure he's a good student and tries hard. When you're not an asshole, the beat is less likely to slam a guy. Unlike Daboll who's already made some enemies on the beat. I think that plays into it too.
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:38 pm : link
ajr - I was proven wrong on what exactly?
RE: RE: RE: I truly wonder how some of you  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 12:41 pm : link
In comment 16391558 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391514 Snorkels said:


In comment 16391505 jvm52106 said:


(even top of the food chain for this site) survive daily life. One person makes a comment that to me means nothing more than what we have heard already and you jump on the "sky is falling, throw away season, Mara pushing his narrative) blah blah blah..

You do understand that NOTHING as far as the 2024 season goes has happened yet...Right? You know the 2023 season is still going on as we haven't even had the SB game itself yet.

I feel like some of you want the management to come out and go Jones sucks, we need a QB... Of course you will also be the ones to say Giants showed their hand, were so open and stupid etc... One minute I hear that Schoen is really good about keeping leaks from coming out of Giants HQ's and then because some dude online says Giants believe in DJ's you take it as gospel and straight from Schoen and Daboll.

All I have heard so far is the Giants say DJ is still their QB but all things are on the table as far as the draft and FA goes. How about before you have a meltdown or a world is blowing up, sky is falling take, you wait and see what they do when the actual offseason begins..

Just saying...

That of course require an element of sanity and sober reflection neither of which are strong suits of mobs at least in general. One other ironic element in all of this: last year at this time everyone was saying that Schoen and Daboll would not resign Jones because they would want to draft their own QB going forward hence the no-5th year option. This year Schoen and Daboll are sticking with Jones because there blind to his lack of talent (or worse Mara made them do it which is nothing more than bottom feeder conspiracy theory to justify a narrative that doesn't fly other wise). Go figure.

You think you'll stick around for the whole draft this year, or do you have to check on the ponies over the weekend?

Another slow day at 1925 Giants Dr, East Rutherford.

Meanwhile, looks like we've got a problem in the 3rd race at Gulfstream Park...

You should..  
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 12:41 pm : link
get a formal position with the Giants. Might as well get paid to be a mouth piece for the organization and be OK with mediocre QB play.
RE: ...  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 12:42 pm : link
In comment 16391591 ryanmkeane said:
You guys all seem like a bunch of crybabies, in all honesty. I remember these exact same conversations before the 2022 season. Exact same.

If 2022 is the best we can hope for out of a QB taking up nearly 20% of the team's cap next year, we should be upset.
RE: ...  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 12:43 pm : link
In comment 16391591 ryanmkeane said:
You guys all seem like a bunch of crybabies, in all honesty. I remember these exact same conversations before the 2022 season. Exact same.

That's because we are in the same situation.

A team without a good QB going nowhere.
I have no problem believing this article...  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 12:44 pm : link
I have never wavered that I believe Schoen hitched his wagon to Team Jones with no reservations.

So, once Team Barkley is re-signed our Fantastic Four with be in place. Once again.

Past. Present. Future.

RE: ...  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 12:45 pm : link
In comment 16391591 ryanmkeane said:
You guys all seem like a bunch of crybabies, in all honesty. I remember these exact same conversations before the 2022 season. Exact same.

2022 is world's away from 2024. Daboll/Schoen came in with basically a freebie season to clear out the detriutus. They declined Jones' option which relieved a ton of external pressure on the team, because all potential criticism from the fans and media could relax because if he didn't perform, he would be gone. On top of that, the QB class in 2022 was putrid.

Schoen/Daboll do not have a freebie season in 2024. They backslide in 2023, and the 2024 team will be dominated by guys they've brought in, and it's time for those guys to show and prove because thus far, the 2-3 best players on the Giants are all Gettleman guys. They have actual alternatives to moving on from Jones in the draft, and unlike the Glennon/Fromm days in 2021, the backup QBs played as well or better than Jones in 2023.

There is an enormous amount of pressure in 2024 that wasn't there in 2022 due to the amount of money they've paid Jones and the alternatives they would theoretically pass on. If Jones and the team don't come out firing, the reaction from most people will be "get these f$cking morons out of here," a far cry than what would've happened had 2022 been a bad season.

As a result, I don't see this going well at all if Jones is the unquestioned starter, whereas I predicted Jones would've have a good 2022 due to the comparative lack of pressure.
RE: …  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 12:46 pm : link
In comment 16391611 ryanmkeane said:
ajr - I was proven wrong on what exactly?

In case you missed it


christian : 2/6/2024 9:12 am : link : reply
In comment 16390061 ryanmkeane said:
He took the Giants to the final 4 of the conference in a year where most of this board thought the Giants would go 3-14. Quite literally - this has now been forgotten by almost everyone on this message board.

You clearly don't have a strong grasp on the definition of literally, and I'm starting to think this extends to numbers in general.

2022 prediction thread - ( New Window )
Time will tell if this is an accurate reflection  
LW_Giants : 2/7/2024 12:46 pm : link
of the Giants front office's position. But the signs are clearly there that is.

Even if deep down they know Jones isn't the guy, they have to pay him a ton of money this year so I'm sure they figure why not give it one last shot. It's a pathetic way to run a franchise, but such is life these days at Jints Central. As Eric said, this is quickly becoming a throw away season.

I for one will not be paying close attention to the team if it's just Jones next year and I hope ownership is ready for a half empty stadium and a miserably angry fan base. Because that's what they're going to get. Jones is going to be booed mercilessly if he doesn't come out of the gate looking like a pro-bowler.
RE: You  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 12:47 pm : link
In comment 16391223 Eric from BBI said:

The front office may still believe in Jones. If they do, we're going through another coaching change in January 2025.

If this article is true, which I believe it is, the message is resounding.

Our football experts at 1925 Giants Way believe Daniel Jones can help them win a Super Bowl.

RE: I have no problem believing this article...  
Sammo85 : 2/7/2024 12:47 pm : link
In comment 16391623 bw in dc said:
I have never wavered that I believe Schoen hitched his wagon to Team Jones with no reservations.

So, once Team Barkley is re-signed our Fantastic Four with be in place. Once again.

Past. Present. Future.

Bookmark it for the January 2025 regime change press conference.
If that report turns out to be true  
Maijay : 2/7/2024 12:48 pm : link
then Schoen/Daboll are banking their careers on that Jones is probably their man. Saying that this is a risky move is putting it mildly.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 12:49 pm : link
That WC win in Minnesota has nothing on ‘The Drive’!
RE: You should..  
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:49 pm : link
In comment 16391617 IchabodGiant said:
get a formal position with the Giants. Might as well get paid to be a mouth piece for the organization and be OK with mediocre QB play.

I'm not OK with mediocre QB play. How many times do I have to say this before it gets through your head?

1. Giants roster still needs talent. We have 3 picks in the top 50, would be a nice time to hit on OL, Edge, WR, etc
2. Cost to trade up - you and all these other posters who keep yelling into the abyss - have NO IDEA what the cost is. For all we know it is 3 #1s.
3. Jones play in 2022 combined with early struggles in 2023 - this is not a "Jones sucks, we are done" type arrangement. Jones had arguably the worst performing OL in the NFL in the past 10 years for some of those games. Use your head - if it was practically impossible for him to play the position he isn't going to look very good
RE: …  
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:50 pm : link
In comment 16391633 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
That WC win in Minnesota has nothing on ‘The Drive’!

Thanks asshole.
RE: If that report turns out to be true  
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:50 pm : link
In comment 16391632 Maijay said:
then Schoen/Daboll are banking their careers on that Jones is probably their man. Saying that this is a risky move is putting it mildly.

Again, no they are not. The Giants have the 6th pick in the draft. Not the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:52 pm : link
ajr, one of these days you are going to realize that you are a complete douchebag. Probably not today though.
RE: RE: You should..  
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 12:52 pm : link
In comment 16391634 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16391617 IchabodGiant said:


get a formal position with the Giants. Might as well get paid to be a mouth piece for the organization and be OK with mediocre QB play.

I'm not OK with mediocre QB play. How many times do I have to say this before it gets through your head?

1. Giants roster still needs talent. We have 3 picks in the top 50, would be a nice time to hit on OL, Edge, WR, etc
2. Cost to trade up - you and all these other posters who keep yelling into the abyss - have NO IDEA what the cost is. For all we know it is 3 #1s.
3. Jones play in 2022 combined with early struggles in 2023 - this is not a "Jones sucks, we are done" type arrangement. Jones had arguably the worst performing OL in the NFL in the past 10 years for some of those games. Use your head - if it was practically impossible for him to play the position he isn't going to look very good

excuse, after excuse, after excuse, after excuse, after excuse, after excuse, after excuse....

Let's just go 10 years with Jones. Will that be long enough for ya?
This isn't really a report as much as an opinion  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 12:52 pm : link
There are no sources, except another fake reporter.

All I can say is, if this is true, Schoen has to hit it out of the park with every pick and FA acquisition to create a perfect OL and supporting cast for Prescious.
RE: RE: You should..  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 12:53 pm : link
In comment 16391634 ryanmkeane said:

I'm not OK with mediocre QB play. How many times do I have to say this before it gets through your head?

Nonsense, you were okay with Jone getting paid.
RE: RE: If that report turns out to be true  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 12:53 pm : link
In comment 16391638 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16391632 Maijay said:


then Schoen/Daboll are banking their careers on that Jones is probably their man. Saying that this is a risky move is putting it mildly.

Again, no they are not. The Giants have the 6th pick in the draft. Not the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

If Nix, McCarthy, or Penix ball out next year and the Giants have a bad season, absolutely Daboll and Schoen could be thrown under a bus, and rightfully so. Mara could conclude "you don't know how to evaluate the QB position."
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:53 pm : link
Ichabod - what was your take on Daniel Jones after 2022?
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:54 pm : link
ajr, yeah, I was ok with Jones getting paid. Then the team sucked early on and he tore his knee.

Would you like me to change my opinion on Jones just so you will finally shut the fuck up about it?
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:54 pm : link
My god, you are insufferable.
RE: RE: The Giants believe in losing  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 12:54 pm : link
In comment 16391590 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16391229 averagejoe said:


and have for ten years .

Except for that one year recently where Jones played really well and they won a playoff game, in Daboll's first year with the team.

It's almost like you go out of your way to brag about how ignorant you are with regard to sample size.
RE: ...  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 12:55 pm : link
In comment 16391642 ryanmkeane said:
ajr, one of these days you are going to realize that you are a complete douchebag. Probably not today though.

I’m a douchebag because I pointed out you were wrong about saying everyone thought the Giants would suck?

You’re not a douchebag for your “Jones is going to be the QB for a long time, deal with it”, and “you’re not a giants fan” posts the past couple of years.

It’s been said to you multiple times, you are what you accuse everyone else of being. One day you’ll realize that. Probably not today.
RE: ...  
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 12:55 pm : link
In comment 16391650 ryanmkeane said:
Ichabod - what was your take on Daniel Jones after 2022?

I thought he was on his way to the Hall of Fame with his 15 passing TDs.


Time to move on.
RE: RE: I have no problem believing this article...  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 12:56 pm : link
In comment 16391630 Sammo85 said:
In comment 16391623 bw in dc said:


I have never wavered that I believe Schoen hitched his wagon to Team Jones with no reservations.

So, once Team Barkley is re-signed our Fantastic Four with be in place. Once again.

Past. Present. Future.

Bookmark it for the January 2025 regime change press conference.

If this goes the way this article suggests, I have no idea what to think going forward with this group.

I could easily see Jones absolutely getting another mulligan for 2023; and he's got 2024 and 2025 locked-up as the starting QB for NYG.

I swear, I almost get the sense they wanted the meaningless wins down the stretch so they wouldn't have a shot at this top three QBs...
RE: RE: ...  
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:57 pm : link
In comment 16391656 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391642 ryanmkeane said:


ajr, one of these days you are going to realize that you are a complete douchebag. Probably not today though.

I’m a douchebag because I pointed out you were wrong about saying everyone thought the Giants would suck?

You’re not a douchebag for your “Jones is going to be the QB for a long time, deal with it”, and “you’re not a giants fan” posts the past couple of years.

It’s been said to you multiple times, you are what you accuse everyone else of being. One day you’ll realize that. Probably not today.

Nope - again - you and christian completing twisting everything to fit your narrative which is what you do.

I'm saying everyone has conveniently forgotten NOW that the 2022 season happened. Including you.
RE: ...  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 12:57 pm : link
In comment 16391651 ryanmkeane said:
ajr, yeah, I was ok with Jones getting paid. Then the team sucked early on and he tore his knee.

Would you like me to change my opinion on Jones just so you will finally shut the fuck up about it?

You said you weren’t ok with mediocre QB play but he was below mediocre when they signed him too.

Sorry the truth hurts your feelings. But you’ve been ok with mediocre QB okay for 5 years.
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 12:57 pm : link
ajr, and when Daniel Jones is the QB for a long time, will you continue to post on this message board or will you do us all a favor and finally leave?
christian : 2/7/2024 12:58 pm : link
Ryan, when you come on a thread and call everyone a crybaby, but you're the one cursing, complaining, and making things up -- in moments like this do you ever pause and think "I wonder if people find me an enjoyable member of this community?"

You have a strong point of view on the Giants. If you could dial down the childishness, you and everyone else might have a more enjoyable time engaging.

As it stands now, what is it that you get out of bursting into these threads like the Kool Aid Man, telling everyone how dumb they are, when your batting average is pretty low all things considered?
RE: ...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 12:59 pm : link
In comment 16391652 ryanmkeane said:
My god, you are insufferable.

Not sure if you can make it to Nashville, but this is probably worth the trip.

RE: RE: If they do  
Scooter185 : 2/7/2024 12:59 pm : link
In comment 16391370 djm said:
In comment 16391227 ajr2456 said:


Mike Vrabel will the be head coach January 2025.

So you’re saying if the giants draft players and no qb this April, have a halfway decent offseason, maybe sign a good vet guard in fa, there’s no way they go 9-8 or 10-7 next season? No way? It just happened in 2022. But there’s no way it happens again.

Why is it such an abstract concept to think 2022 can happen again in 2024?

Because 2022 was predicated on a.) A resurgent Saquon in the first half. Look what happened when he's effectiveness dropped. b.) A smoke and mirrors offense that caught primarily bad defenses off guard. Won't be able to run that again. c.) Enough things breaking their way: missed chip shot FG by TEN, Lamar getting butterfingers.

22 was a 6 win team that overachieved, it absolutely was not some floor but probably the ceiling. It was a mirage plain and simple
RE: RE: RE: ...  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16391660 ryanmkeane said:

Nope - again - you and christian completing twisting everything to fit your narrative which is what you do.

I'm saying everyone has conveniently forgotten NOW that the 2022 season happened. Including you.

Twisted to fit a narrative? You said literally everyone was saying the Giants were going 3-14, and it turns out it was maybe five people. What do you call that? Or saying “I ran away from the board when they were winning and came back when the losing started” which never happened? What do you call those things?

Speaking of twisting, nobody has forgotten 2022 happened. It’s that 2022 wasn’t really that good and is no longer
RE: ...  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16391650 ryanmkeane said:
Ichabod - what was your take on Daniel Jones after 2022?
Mine was mediocre. I had him moving himself up from the bottom 1/3 to about 15 in the league.
The sad reality is  
lax counsel : 2/7/2024 1:00 pm : link
We all still give the Giants too much credit for smokescreens. If you listen, they telegraph exactly their intentions. Gettleman told everyone they loved Barkley in 2018. They took Barkley. Gettleman also told everyone that one half of one game was sufficient evidence of Eli still having "it." Mara has publicly stated that the organization has done everything it can to screw up Jones. It should be no surprise that the Giants will be running it back with Jones until he isn't healthy enough to play.
RE: ...  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16391662 ryanmkeane said:
ajr, and when Daniel Jones is the QB for a long time, will you continue to post on this message board or will you do us all a favor and finally leave?

So you are ok with mediocre QB play, then? Which one is it.

The favor for all of us would be you leaving, Baghdad Bob.
If Jones is a disaster and the Giants go 4-13  
Sean : 2/7/2024 1:01 pm : link
You'll see a Cowden-Vrabel pairing I believe. Cowden came into the building after the Jones contract.

The problem with this regime not hedging on Jones is they will have little to o argument to return after 2024 without any hope at QB. Good franchises don't wait until they need a QB to draft one.

The other issue is with Jones contract, they'll be priced out of many of the vet options. I don't think they can afford Minshew. Taylor may look to leave after being benched in favor for DeVito.

Is Daboll going to hitch his wagon to a Jones-Mariota-DeVito QB room? Can he squeeze an 8-9 season out of that? Would be a massive task.
ryanmkeane : 2/7/2024 1:01 pm : link
Again - 2022 wasn't really that good? This might be the goal post moving post of the century.
GaryR : 2/7/2024 1:03 pm : link
in the Giants building is taking a shower with Danny. Don't know how else to explain the love.
RE: If Jones is a disaster and the Giants go 4-13  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 1:03 pm : link
In comment 16391670 Sean said:
You'll see a Cowden-Vrabel pairing I believe. Cowden came into the building after the Jones contract.

The problem with this regime not hedging on Jones is they will have little to o argument to return after 2024 without any hope at QB. Good franchises don't wait until they need a QB to draft one.

The other issue is with Jones contract, they'll be priced out of many of the vet options. I don't think they can afford Minshew. Taylor may look to leave after being benched in favor for DeVito.

Is Daboll going to hitch his wagon to a Jones-Mariota-DeVito QB room? Can he squeeze an 8-9 season out of that? Would be a massive task.

If Schoen and Daboll are so dumb and weak as to completely hitch their wagons to Jones, then they deserve what they get. My guess is they draft a rookie who will become the heir apparent and be starting by week 6 (or sooner). Or they bring in a vet who will easily win the job from Jones.
What was so good about 2022?  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:05 pm : link
Beating a bad Vikings defense?

The 3-5-1 finish where the wins were barely beating a very bad Texans team, a bad Washington and a blowing out a Colts team that quit?

Was it the 15 touchdowns?

Was it getting humiliated and looking like a high school team against the Eagles?

2022 was mediocre to average. Just like Daniel Jones.

11-17-1 since the 6-1 start last year. But carry on.
RE: ....  
BigBlueShock : 2/7/2024 1:06 pm : link
In comment 16391671 ryanmkeane said:
Again - 2022 wasn't really that good? This might be the goal post moving post of the century.

I can’t imagine the stories you’re going to tell your grandchildren about the legendary 2022 season…
RE: ....  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 1:06 pm : link
In comment 16391671 ryanmkeane said:
Again - 2022 wasn't really that good? This might be the goal post moving post of the century.

It was an outlier, you imbecile. How much more evidence will it take for you to accept that? Five years doesn't seem to be enough for you, but I also think we've all observed by now that you're a glutton for punishment anyway or you wouldn't keep coming onto these threads acting like you're the one entitled to a victory lap and then calling other people insufferable.
christian : 2/7/2024 1:07 pm : link
2022 was a great season. Daboll, Kafka, and Wink all showed they could get a lot out of a little. Barkley showed what he could do if he was healthy and Jones showed in a paired down offense he could be an efficient passer and capable runner.

2022 also showed a natural ceiling to that when the Giants got skull fucked by the Eagles in the playoffs.
RE: What was so good about 2022?  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 1:07 pm : link
In comment 16391679 ajr2456 said:
Beating a bad Vikings defense?

The 3-5-1 finish where the wins were barely beating a very bad Texans team, a bad Washington and a blowing out a Colts team that quit?

Was it the 15 touchdowns?

Was it getting humiliated and looking like a high school team against the Eagles?

2022 was mediocre to average. Just like Daniel Jones.

11-17-1 since the 6-1 start last year. But carry on.

RE: RE: ....  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:09 pm : link
In comment 16391683 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391671 ryanmkeane said:


Again - 2022 wasn't really that good? This might be the goal post moving post of the century.

It was an outlier, you imbecile. How much more evidence will it take for you to accept that? Five years doesn't seem to be enough for you, but I also think we've all observed by now that you're a glutton for punishment anyway or you wouldn't keep coming onto these threads acting like you're the one entitled to a victory lap and then calling other people insufferable.
It wasn't that good. It was OK. Jones' passing numbers were pedestrian. If you give him the benefit of the doubt and combine his passing and rushing numbers, he was still outside the top 10, and that's when compared to other QBs passing only numbers. He had an OK season on a team that overachieved all around and caught some breaks.
RE: ....  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 1:09 pm : link
In comment 16391671 ryanmkeane said:
Again - 2022 wasn't really that good? This might be the goal post moving post of the century.

They won 9 regular season games...half of the NFL team won 9 or more games in 2022. They had a negative point differential over the season, and were lucky enough to face another team (MINN) that also had a negative point differential in the wildcard round.

And then when the Giants actually faced real competition in the playoffs the next week in Philly it was over, and over with a thud.

Wake up, it wasn't really that good.
RE: ...  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:10 pm : link
In comment 16391686 christian said:
2022 was a great season. Daboll, Kafka, and Wink all showed they could get a lot out of a little. Barkley showed what he could do if he was healthy and Jones showed in a paired down offense he could be an efficient passer and capable runner.

2022 also showed a natural ceiling to that when the Giants got skull fucked by the Eagles in the playoffs.
Efficient passer? The only real positive was the cutdown on INTs. The rest of his passing numbers were pedestrian.
Schoen, Daboll, and Mara better hope the trio  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:11 pm : link
of Nix, Penix, and McCarthy all suck for multiple years.
Due to injuries and physical decline,  
cosmicj : 2/7/2024 1:11 pm : link
I don’t think what Jones and Barkley did in 2022 can be repeated. We don’t even need to agree on how good 2022 was - 2024 will not see either player performing like that.
RE: ...  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 1:12 pm : link
In comment 16391686 christian said:
2022 was a great season. Daboll, Kafka, and Wink all showed they could get a lot out of a little. Barkley showed what he could do if he was healthy and Jones showed in a paired down offense he could be an efficient passer and capable runner.

2022 also showed a natural ceiling to that when the Giants got skull fucked by the Eagles in the playoffs.

I don't remember it feeling all that great.
RE: RE: RE: ....  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 1:12 pm : link
In comment 16391689 Matt M. said:
In comment 16391683 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391671 ryanmkeane said:


Again - 2022 wasn't really that good? This might be the goal post moving post of the century.

It was an outlier, you imbecile. How much more evidence will it take for you to accept that? Five years doesn't seem to be enough for you, but I also think we've all observed by now that you're a glutton for punishment anyway or you wouldn't keep coming onto these threads acting like you're the one entitled to a victory lap and then calling other people insufferable.

It wasn't that good. It was OK. Jones' passing numbers were pedestrian. If you give him the benefit of the doubt and combine his passing and rushing numbers, he was still outside the top 10, and that's when compared to other QBs passing only numbers. He had an OK season on a team that overachieved all around and caught some breaks.

Exactly, right. It wasn't much of an outlier statistically, maybe a little, because Jones' passing performance was bad. For the team it was an outlier because they racked up wins early. Part of the success was due to Daboll scheming Jones' running ability effectively. This really helped Jones' QBR. But we have seen that teams have gotten wise to defending Jones, and the latter half of 2022 and 2023 have been a disaster for the Golden Boy.
RE: ....  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 1:12 pm : link
In comment 16391671 ryanmkeane said:
Again - 2022 wasn't really that good? This might be the goal post moving post of the century.

No, it wasn't. Winning 9 games and a wild card game is not the accomplishment you make it out to be, much like a QB who totals 22 TDs and less than 4000 total yards.
RE: RE: ....  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:14 pm : link
In comment 16391690 ThomasG said:
In comment 16391671 ryanmkeane said:


Again - 2022 wasn't really that good? This might be the goal post moving post of the century.

They won 9 regular season games...half of the NFL team won 9 or more games in 2022. They had a negative point differential over the season, and were lucky enough to face another team (MINN) that also had a negative point differential in the wildcard round.

And then when the Giants actually faced real competition in the playoffs the next week in Philly it was over, and over with a thud.

Wake up, it wasn't really that good.

Didn't even have to wait until the playoffs. We saw what was coming against Seattle, Detroit and Philly in the regular season.
I maintain that Barkley hasn’t looked like an upper echelon back  
cosmicj : 2/7/2024 1:16 pm : link
since that heavy dose of running he did v Houston in 2022. The current Saquon is a good but not exceptional NFL HB.

And Jones will need to commit to being much more of a pocket passer than he has in the past. That’s not his strength.

The NFL is a brutal league. There are many reasons to think 2022 is not reproducible.
christian : 2/7/2024 1:18 pm : link
In comment 16391692 Matt M. said:
2022 was a great season. Daboll, Kafka, and Wink all showed they could get a lot out of a little. Barkley showed what he could do if he was healthy and Jones showed in a paired down offense he could be an efficient passer and capable runner.

2022 also showed a natural ceiling to that when the Giants got skull fucked by the Eagles in the playoffs.

Efficient passer? The only real positive was the cutdown on INTs. The rest of his passing numbers were pedestrian.

Maybe you're confusing efficiency with productivity?

Jones had the highest percentage of on target passes among NFL starters, had the 5th fewest bad throws among starters, was top 5 in completion percentage, and 11th in total completed passes.

The problem is that efficiency was a product of throwing the ball the shortest distance in the air among starters, and he didn't produce many yards or touchdowns.
RE: I maintain that Barkley hasn’t looked like an upper echelon back  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:19 pm : link
In comment 16391706 cosmicj said:
since that heavy dose of running he did v Houston in 2022. The current Saquon is a good but not exceptional NFL HB.

And Jones will need to commit to being much more of a pocket passer than he has in the past. That’s not his strength.

The NFL is a brutal league. There are many reasons to think 2022 is not reproducible.
He's not a good out of the pocket passer either. Even worse. His strength is running, especially outside the pocket. But, last year seemed to indicate defenses already caught up to that and the rest of our offense did nothing to slow them down in defending Jones.

Like I said earlier, Schoen better hit a HR with every pick and FA, especially on the OL, WR, and TE to make everything perfect for Precious.
On the other hand, the 2022 season did bring us the joy and  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 1:19 pm : link
excitement of handing over a 4-year $160M contract to a QB not even worth keeping less than 12 months later.

So we got that going for us...
Let’s say the Oline is playing at an average clip.....  
Simms11 : 2/7/2024 1:20 pm : link
and DJ has enough time to survey his targets, before getting clobbered, do we believe that he’ll be successful? Even without using his ability to scamper? Or have we seen his ceiling? I’m believing that we’ve seen his ceiling and I don’t think we’ll be able to get to the promised land with him. That said, I think we’ll see him as the starter next year with some competition. Do we draft a QB or bring in a vet? I don’t believe we’ll be able to get any of the top three guys without giving up a truck load of picks and Schoen is not going to do that IMO. And so we draft a guy like Penix or Rattler in the second round and bring in a vet to compete, as well perhaps. Or does Schoen make a trade for a QB?! Problem is we’re not paying another QB starter money either. The fact that they signed Jones to a ridiculous contract is now quite the dilemma and I’m sure the Giants do not want to go through another year of losing. It’s very intriguing as to what they’ll do to address the QB room now. Obviously, Dabs and Schoen’s wagons are now connected to Jones!
At least I can honestly say I have been consistent  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:21 pm : link
in not wanting to re-sign Jones. I was pleased with the end results for 2022, but never thought he should get paid more than $2-25M, which I thought was too much. I did not view the contract he got as a good one then and I still don't.
RE: RE: I maintain that Barkley hasn’t looked like an upper echelon back  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:21 pm : link
In comment 16391711 Matt M. said:
He's not a good out of the pocket passer either. Even worse.

13 completions of 10+ yards or more from outside of the pocket in 2022.

Thats it.
RE: At least I can honestly say I have been consistent  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:23 pm : link
In comment 16391714 Matt M. said:
in not wanting to re-sign Jones. I was pleased with the end results for 2022, but never thought he should get paid more than $2-25M, which I thought was too much. I did not view the contract he got as a good one then and I still don't.

Neither did the rest of the league. But I was accused of making that up by the Jones club.
RE: RE: RE: I maintain that Barkley hasn’t looked like an upper echelon back  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:24 pm : link
In comment 16391716 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391711 Matt M. said:


He's not a good out of the pocket passer either. Even worse.

13 completions of 10+ yards or more from outside of the pocket in 2022.

Thats it.
And how many incompletions? And, not a stat for this, but how many drift to the sidelines patting the ball and never throwing it because the WR isn't WIDE open? A lot of BS "sacks" with him just running out of bounds, or runs between 0 and 5 yards.
Jones needs 3 more years.  
Mike from SI : 2/7/2024 1:24 pm : link
He will be bad this year because everyone knows he's playing with a desperate HC/GM on the hot seat and on their way out. Then, in the following year, he will be bad because he's adjusting to the new offense from the new coach. It's the 3rd year from now when we will really know what we have in him.
AcidTest : 2/7/2024 1:24 pm : link
someone said, the league has caught up to the fact that Jones is primarily a runner not a thrower. When your QB's best attribute is his legs then by definition you don't have a franchise QB. Running should be a secondary, not a primary, skill for a franchise QB.

Jones frankly looks like a better version of Taysom Hill. He's fine as a high-end backup or a low-end "bridge" starter for a team that needs a year or two to try and find a franchise QB.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 1:24 pm : link
Haha. I have no idea what triggered ryan to call me an asshole.
Has any QB killed off 3 coaching staffs?  
Sean : 2/7/2024 1:28 pm : link
If Jones is on the roster in January 2025 and the new HC is having an intro press conference fielding questions about Jones - I can hear it now: "Well, I just saw Daniel in the weight room. He's a hard worker and I can't wait to work with him."

Shurmur fired
Judge fired (Garrett before)
Daboll fired in this hypothetical

Has any QB with Jones record and production survived this many coaching staffs?
RE: As  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:28 pm : link
In comment 16391725 AcidTest said:
someone said, the league has caught up to the fact that Jones is primarily a runner not a thrower. When your QB's best attribute is his legs then by definition you don't have a franchise QB. Running should be a secondary, not a primary, skill for a franchise QB.

Jones frankly looks like a better version of Taysom Hill. He's fine as a high-end backup or a low-end "bridge" starter for a team that needs a year or two to try and find a franchise QB.
I'm not saying Jones can or should be compared to these guys, but look at the better mobile QBs in the league in Mahomes, Allen, Hurts, Jackson. They all make plays outside the pocket. Whether it's improvising or those fire/scramble drills. They find guys and can fling it in a hurry. Their threat to throw also greatly helps their ability to run and vice versa. Jones is not a threat to throw when forced out of the pocket (not talking about designed rollouts), which defenses have figured out. Defend him inside out.
RE: RE: As  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 1:29 pm : link
In comment 16391730 Matt M. said:
In comment 16391725 AcidTest said:


someone said, the league has caught up to the fact that Jones is primarily a runner not a thrower. When your QB's best attribute is his legs then by definition you don't have a franchise QB. Running should be a secondary, not a primary, skill for a franchise QB.

Jones frankly looks like a better version of Taysom Hill. He's fine as a high-end backup or a low-end "bridge" starter for a team that needs a year or two to try and find a franchise QB.

I'm not saying Jones can or should be compared to these guys, but look at the better mobile QBs in the league in Mahomes, Allen, Hurts, Jackson. They all make plays outside the pocket. Whether it's improvising or those fire/scramble drills. They find guys and can fling it in a hurry. Their threat to throw also greatly helps their ability to run and vice versa. Jones is not a threat to throw when forced out of the pocket (not talking about designed rollouts), which defenses have figured out. Defend him inside out.
I meant defend him outside - in.
RE: Has any QB killed off 3 coaching staffs?  
joe48 : 2/7/2024 1:29 pm : link
In comment 16391729 Sean said:
If Jones is on the roster in January 2025 and the new HC is having an intro press conference fielding questions about Jones - I can hear it now: "Well, I just saw Daniel in the weight room. He's a hard worker and I can't wait to work with him."

Shurmur fired
Judge fired (Garrett before)
Daboll fired in this hypothetical

Has any QB with Jones record and production survived this many coaching staffs?

Who cares
Sean : 2/7/2024 1:31 pm : link
It just shows that it is everyone else's fault but his.
RE: RE: Has any QB killed off 3 coaching staffs?  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 1:31 pm : link
In comment 16391733 joe48 said:
In comment 16391729 Sean said:


If Jones is on the roster in January 2025 and the new HC is having an intro press conference fielding questions about Jones - I can hear it now: "Well, I just saw Daniel in the weight room. He's a hard worker and I can't wait to work with him."

Shurmur fired
Judge fired (Garrett before)
Daboll fired in this hypothetical

Has any QB with Jones record and production survived this many coaching staffs?

Who cares

Clearly not you, but we've already established that you also would rather blindly support DJ than have the Giants actually be a winning organization.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I maintain that Barkley hasn’t looked like an upper echelon back  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:33 pm : link
In comment 16391721 Matt M. said:
In comment 16391716 ajr2456 said:


In comment 16391711 Matt M. said:


He's not a good out of the pocket passer either. Even worse.

13 completions of 10+ yards or more from outside of the pocket in 2022.

Thats it.

And how many incompletions? And, not a stat for this, but how many drift to the sidelines patting the ball and never throwing it because the WR isn't WIDE open? A lot of BS "sacks" with him just running out of bounds, or runs between 0 and 5 yards.

sorry misremembered that was my mistake, it was 13 completions beyond 10 yards from the pocket. Regardless of if he was inside the pocket or outside of it. It was on the Big Blue Banter podcast from January 26th. They might have the full data there.
RE: What was so good about 2022?  
leatherneck570 : 2/7/2024 1:34 pm : link
In comment 16391679 ajr2456 said:
Beating a bad Vikings defense?

The 3-5-1 finish where the wins were barely beating a very bad Texans team, a bad Washington and a blowing out a Colts team that quit?

Was it the 15 touchdowns?

Was it getting humiliated and looking like a high school team against the Eagles?

2022 was mediocre to average. Just like Daniel Jones.

11-17-1 since the 6-1 start last year. But carry on.

Not to mention many of the 2022 in season wins were come from behind thanks to incredible defensive plays and DJ not being asked to even throw the ball in the 4th qtr. I can’t imagine anyone thinking they have their QB of the future when their QB either runs or hands off the ball when the game is on the line.
No you forget  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:38 pm : link
The Ravens win was all Daniel Jones, he led them to that victory! Same with the Panthers win where they scored 1 td. Or the Bears win where they got 146 from Barkley and 3 turnovers. Those were all Daniel Jones leading us to victory.
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 1:39 pm : link
the data and info right in ryan's face (even the 2022 season); yet he refuses to see it.

Maybe he's already on the Giants payroll.
In 2022  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:43 pm : link
Defenses completely rolled their cover away from the field side because they knew he wasn't going to attempt passes that way. Graham did the same in the vegas game if you go back and watch it.

If you don't think that has had an impact on how the oline and WRs looked in the Philly playoff game and this year, you don't understand what you're watching.

RE: All  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 1:44 pm : link
In comment 16391744 IchabodGiant said:
the data and info right in ryan's face (even the 2022 season); yet he refuses to see it.

Maybe he's already on the Giants payroll.

The Giants are incompetent, but I don't think they're THAT incompetent. They already have to deal with Dottino around the halls, do you think they'd want another whiny shill?

Actually, they probably would.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 1:45 pm : link
Do some people really not get that 22 was a complete outlier?
RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
Sy'56 : 2/7/2024 1:46 pm : link
In comment 16391582 TyreeHelmet said:
In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:


whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

Sy- even if one of the top 3 fall to 5 or 6th?

- you can't see any scenario of them trading up for one?

- how about the trading into the late 1st or early 2nd?

The top 3 may not be what you think it will be

So I'm not really sure how to answer that question. I don't see any sort of aggressive move for a quarterback. That includes taking one at 6, and that includes a trade back into round 1. Staying put or a small trade up in round 2? I can see it.
RE: …  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 1:47 pm : link
In comment 16391752 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Do some people really not get that 22 was a complete outlier?

Ryan definitely does not understand that. He doesn't understand the concept of sample sizes or outliers, clearly.

I used to think he was willfully obtuse. Now I just think he's trying his best.
If the current leadership managing this team  
Chris L. : 2/7/2024 1:48 pm : link
does not realize that Daniel Jones is not the long term answer at QB then we are a lot worse off than I thought.
RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
Sy'56 : 2/7/2024 1:48 pm : link
In comment 16391588 Sammo85 said:
In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:


whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

Any tidbits heard round the bend at Senior Bowl worth sharing?

I talked to scouts outside of NYG

The think Jones isn't the problem and/or they don't think Jones is getting pushed aside this fast.

RE: Has any QB killed off 3 coaching staffs?  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/7/2024 1:50 pm : link
In comment 16391729 Sean said:
If Jones is on the roster in January 2025 and the new HC is having an intro press conference fielding questions about Jones - I can hear it now: "Well, I just saw Daniel in the weight room. He's a hard worker and I can't wait to work with him."

Shurmur fired
Judge fired (Garrett before)
Daboll fired in this hypothetical

Has any QB with Jones record and production survived this many coaching staffs?

We should change his nickname from "Danny Dimes" to "Coach Killer."
RE: RE: RE: Has any QB killed off 3 coaching staffs?  
joe48 : 2/7/2024 1:51 pm : link
In comment 16391735 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391733 joe48 said:


In comment 16391729 Sean said:


If Jones is on the roster in January 2025 and the new HC is having an intro press conference fielding questions about Jones - I can hear it now: "Well, I just saw Daniel in the weight room. He's a hard worker and I can't wait to work with him."

Shurmur fired
Judge fired (Garrett before)
Daboll fired in this hypothetical

Has any QB with Jones record and production survived this many coaching staffs?

Who cares

Clearly not you, but we've already established that you also would rather blindly support DJ than have the Giants actually be a winning organization.

The only thing established is that some people are obsessed with the QB situation.
RE: No you forget  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 1:53 pm : link
In comment 16391742 ajr2456 said:
The Ravens win was all Daniel Jones, he led them to that victory! Same with the Panthers win where they scored 1 td. Or the Bears win where they got 146 from Barkley and 3 turnovers. Those were all Daniel Jones leading us to victory.

Game-winning drive vs. TEN:

Barkley runs for 4
Jones to James for 7
Jones to Barkley for 3
Barkley runs for 33
Toney runs for 4
Breida runs for 3
Jones runs for 2
Jones runs for 2
Barkley runs for 5
Barkley runs for 7
Barkley runs for 2
Jones 1-yard TD to Myarick on play-action

And the conversion to Barkley was basically, "here you take this and figure it out".

If you recall, the Giants punted on their previous drive but recovered a muffed punt at the TEN-11, and on the 2nd play Jones threw a dumbass INT in the endzone.

This is really the essence of...  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 1:58 pm : link
Jones's 2022 campaign:

Stripping out the running piece of QBR, Jones was 13th in QBR passing.

He was 25th in YPA, 21st in ANY/A, last in IAY (intended air yardage), and last in CAY (completed air yardage).

These are not flattering results from a passing perspective. In fact, Jones's has basically repeated many of those numbers throughout his career.

In other words, a very good set of training wheels by Dabka and they managed Jones beautifully.

So, the bet made by Schoen in March of 2023 was that once the training wheels were removed and weapons added, Jones's growth would accelerate, and the money would be a bargain vis-a-vis the rest of the league.

Obviously, that never materialized as the entire offensive structure imploded. And this is where the great divide re-emerges.

Was Jones part of that implosion? Or was Jones just a victim of it?

We are hearing more and more that Jints Central has decided once again Jones is a victim and he needs even more time to show he can operate without training wheels.

The Giants could have had  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 1:59 pm : link
the same year in 2022 with Tyrod at QB. Shame nobody realized that before they handed out the contract.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Has any QB killed off 3 coaching staffs?  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 2:02 pm : link
In comment 16391761 joe48 said:
In comment 16391735 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391733 joe48 said:


In comment 16391729 Sean said:


If Jones is on the roster in January 2025 and the new HC is having an intro press conference fielding questions about Jones - I can hear it now: "Well, I just saw Daniel in the weight room. He's a hard worker and I can't wait to work with him."

Shurmur fired
Judge fired (Garrett before)
Daboll fired in this hypothetical

Has any QB with Jones record and production survived this many coaching staffs?

Who cares

Clearly not you, but we've already established that you also would rather blindly support DJ than have the Giants actually be a winning organization.

The only thing established is that some people are obsessed with the QB situation.

It's the most important position in football, and possibly the most important single position in American team sports.

It's worthy of obsession if you care about actually winning.
RE: RE: No you forget  
leatherneck570 : 2/7/2024 2:04 pm : link
In comment 16391764 rsjem1979 said:
In comment 16391742 ajr2456 said:


The Ravens win was all Daniel Jones, he led them to that victory! Same with the Panthers win where they scored 1 td. Or the Bears win where they got 146 from Barkley and 3 turnovers. Those were all Daniel Jones leading us to victory.

Game-winning drive vs. TEN:

Barkley runs for 4
Jones to James for 7
Jones to Barkley for 3
Barkley runs for 33
Toney runs for 4
Breida runs for 3
Jones runs for 2
Jones runs for 2
Barkley runs for 5
Barkley runs for 7
Barkley runs for 2
Jones 1-yard TD to Myarick on play-action

And the conversion to Barkley was basically, "here you take this and figure it out".

If you recall, the Giants punted on their previous drive but recovered a muffed punt at the TEN-11, and on the 2nd play Jones threw a dumbass INT in the endzone.

And Jacksonville
Jones run
Saquon run
Breida run
Jones scramble
Jones run
Barkley run
Barkley run
Jones rush for a TD

Barkley run
Barkley run
Barkley run
Breida run
Jones run
Barkley run
Field goal
This stuff is all so predictable  
Ned In Atlanta : 2/7/2024 2:05 pm : link
Can't wait for the pre draft pieces from Schwartz and Pat Traina about how Jones is crushing rehab and WAY ahead of schedule. Sprinkle in Papa and Banks telling us we're all ungrateful idiots. This stuff is rinse and repeat every offseason
Then we beat some shitty defenses  
leatherneck570 : 2/7/2024 2:06 pm : link
And snuck into the playoffs.
RE: RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
Go Terps : 2/7/2024 2:07 pm : link
In comment 16391757 Sy'56 said:
In comment 16391588 Sammo85 said:


In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:


whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

Any tidbits heard round the bend at Senior Bowl worth sharing?

I talked to scouts outside of NYG

The think Jones isn't the problem and/or they don't think Jones is getting pushed aside this fast.

This would be so, so disappointing.

The Giants' culture is based on trying to prove themselves right, protecting their own jobs, and finding a scapegoat when things inevitably go wrong.

It's getting harder and harder to root for this organization.
nochance : 2/7/2024 2:07 pm : link
Regardless if he rebounds big time the Giants need a day 1 or 2 QB if available. With his chronic neck problems he is a career ending injury just waiting to happen
Don't forget Washginton  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 2:10 pm : link
where they scored 1 offensive TD and Jones averaged 5 yards per attempt.
It comes down to this...  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 2:11 pm : link
There are 32 HC and 32 GM positions in the world. Whatever BD and JS decide, it's up to them to figure this out. If they don't, then they aren't the right men for this jobs.

From my perspective, there's not much more to say than that. This endless debate of same old shit is already getting exhausting. We can pound the table in threads all we want, insult, scream, but it's not our decision to make, and quite honestly, we don't know half the shit we think we do. Not that that will stop anyone --there's a single person out there who's ever going to change their mind. Bottom line --it's going to be a LONG offseason.
RE: Don't forget Washginton  
Sean : 2/7/2024 2:13 pm : link
In comment 16391787 ajr2456 said:
where they scored 1 offensive TD and Jones averaged 5 yards per attempt.

Yep and that performance was raved as efficient here. Whereas Taylor had the same performance the next year and was shot down due to a lack of scoring by the Jones believers.
Eric should just shut down BBI  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 2:13 pm : link
Why do some many people  
Dnew15 : 2/7/2024 2:13 pm : link
think that DJ has been a QB for only 2 years in the NFL?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 2:15 pm : link
I am telling you…

The boo birds will be out at MetLife after the first three and out with Jones behind center.

I really don’t think the Giants grasp how much the fan base is out on Jones.
4 threads and 800 posts  
JT039 : 2/7/2024 2:17 pm : link
Over the last two days of people saying the same thing over and over.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 2:17 pm : link
In comment 16391783 Go Terps said:
In comment 16391757 Sy'56 said:


In comment 16391588 Sammo85 said:


In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:


whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

Any tidbits heard round the bend at Senior Bowl worth sharing?

I talked to scouts outside of NYG

The think Jones isn't the problem and/or they don't think Jones is getting pushed aside this fast.

This would be so, so disappointing.

The Giants' culture is based on trying to prove themselves right, protecting their own jobs, and finding a scapegoat when things inevitably go wrong.

It's getting harder and harder to root for this organization.

This is the problem with Giants management in a nutshell. They are dug in on choices and philosophy and winning is secondary. It's as I said earlier, when you root for the Giants you are stuck rooting for Mara and his approach. But what is a Giants fan to do if you think Mara is inept, and too close minded to see his meddling hurts the team?
RE: Eric should just shut down BBI  
UberAlias : 2/7/2024 2:21 pm : link
In comment 16391793 ajr2456 said:
What, and miss out on the inspiring intellectual conversation? Where would anyone go to demand they are right and repeat the same things over and over if he did, lol.

Of course I get the frustration and need to vent. But it's become a dog chasing it's tail every time some media person pretends to have any insight into what the team plans.
RE: 4 threads and 800 posts  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 2:21 pm : link
In comment 16391800 JT039 said:
Over the last two days of people saying the same thing over and over.

Not really a whole lot different than a decade plus of John Mara doing the same.
RE: RE: Eric should just shut down BBI  
JT039 : 2/7/2024 2:24 pm : link
In comment 16391806 UberAlias said:
In comment 16391793 ajr2456 said:



What, and miss out on the inspiring intellectual conversation? Where would anyone go to demand they are right and repeat the same things over and over if he did, lol.

Of course I get the frustration and need to vent. But it's become a dog chasing it's tail every time some media person pretends to have any insight into what the team plans.

Bingo. We haven’t gotten to FA or the combine and people actually believe what’s being said?

Fact is no one knows nothing. Everyone is talking out of their ass to be the first to say they were right.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 2:26 pm : link
In comment 16391783 Go Terps said:

The Giants' culture is based on trying to prove themselves right, protecting their own jobs, and finding a scapegoat when things inevitably go wrong.

It's getting harder and harder to root for this organization.

I am curious when you have the epiphany that Schoen isn't in some untenable position trying to manage Mara.

But that he's actually the perfect outside GM voice Mara was looking for and he fits right into longstanding ethos.
RE: 4 threads and 800 posts  
christian : 2/7/2024 2:27 pm : link
In comment 16391800 JT039 said:
Over the last two days of people saying the same thing over and over.

I've got the Kleenex for you when you're ready.
RE: RE: RE: Eric should just shut down BBI  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 2:31 pm : link
In comment 16391812 JT039 said:

Fact is no one knows nothing. Everyone is talking out of their ass to be the first to say they were right.

What we do know from past experience is that this organization likes to float trial balloons. And we have started to see a steady diet of pro-Jones stories. Sy's comments help bookend this in a way, too.

You can choose to ignore this, but it is an actual pattern.
RE: RE: 4 threads and 800 posts  
JT039 : 2/7/2024 2:31 pm : link
In comment 16391823 christian said:
In comment 16391800 JT039 said:


Over the last two days of people saying the same thing over and over.

I've got the Kleenex for you when you're ready.

Nobody has more than you on this site for sure. Not sure you recovered from the last beat down Eric gave you. Glad to see your doing well.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Eric should just shut down BBI  
JT039 : 2/7/2024 2:33 pm : link
In comment 16391829 bw in dc said:
In comment 16391812 JT039 said:


Fact is no one knows nothing. Everyone is talking out of their ass to be the first to say they were right.

What we do know from past experience is that this organization likes to float trial balloons. And we have started to see a steady diet of pro-Jones stories. Sy's comments help bookend this in a way, too.

You can choose to ignore this, but it is an actual pattern.

I choose to ignore our best writers because they are terrible at their jobs. The giants have sucked because they haven’t been able to identify talent. Started with Reese, was raised to the nth degree under Gettleman, and hasn’t gotten better with Schoen.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Eric should just shut down BBI  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 2:33 pm : link
In comment 16391829 bw in dc said:
In comment 16391812 JT039 said:


Fact is no one knows nothing. Everyone is talking out of their ass to be the first to say they were right.

What we do know from past experience is that this organization likes to float trial balloons. And we have started to see a steady diet of pro-Jones stories. Sy's comments help bookend this in a way, too.

You can choose to ignore this, but it is an actual pattern.
Only alternate explanation I can think (but don't believe) is that Schoen is doing the opposite. Maybe (MAYBE???) they are hoping that floating a Jones love fest, the rest of the league buys it and doesn't think we are serious about taking a QB?
bw in dc.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 2:34 pm : link
Expect ‘Jones is putting in the work on his rehab and looking good’ line by St. Patrick’s Day at the latest.
I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 2:34 pm : link
must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.
RE: RE: RE: 4 threads and 800 posts  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 2:35 pm : link
In comment 16391830 JT039 said:
In comment 16391823 christian said:


In comment 16391800 JT039 said:


Over the last two days of people saying the same thing over and over.

I've got the Kleenex for you when you're ready.

Nobody has more than you on this site for sure. Not sure you recovered from the last beat down Eric gave you. Glad to see your doing well.

Remember when you got the wrong end of so many asskickings that you ran away and changed your handle?
Eightshamrocks is here!  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 2:36 pm : link

Are you JonesI’ first or second cousin?
RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 2:36 pm : link
In comment 16391840 Eightshamrocks said:
must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.

They didn't play against Daniel Jones you fucking nitwit. They played against the Giants defense, and DJ played against their respective defenses.

The fact that someone as dumb as you can get internet access is equally alarming.
RE: This is really the essence of...  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 2:37 pm : link
In comment 16391769 bw in dc said:
Jones's 2022 campaign:

Stripping out the running piece of QBR, Jones was 13th in QBR passing.

He was 25th in YPA, 21st in ANY/A, last in IAY (intended air yardage), and last in CAY (completed air yardage).

These are not flattering results from a passing perspective. In fact, Jones's has basically repeated many of those numbers throughout his career.

In other words, a very good set of training wheels by Dabka and they managed Jones beautifully.

So, the bet made by Schoen in March of 2023 was that once the training wheels were removed and weapons added, Jones's growth would accelerate, and the money would be a bargain vis-a-vis the rest of the league.

Obviously, that never materialized as the entire offensive structure imploded. And this is where the great divide re-emerges.

Was Jones part of that implosion? Or was Jones just a victim of it?

We are hearing more and more that Jints Central has decided once again Jones is a victim and he needs even more time to show he can operate without training wheels.

That's a good breakdown. Hey, maybe with training wheels back on and a kick ass draft for some combination of OL, WR, and TE and Jones can play mediocre enough for us to win some games predicated on a running game and defense? Back to 1980s football for us with a slightly modern twist.
RE: RE: RE: RE: 4 threads and 800 posts  
JT039 : 2/7/2024 2:38 pm : link
In comment 16391844 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391830 JT039 said:


In comment 16391823 christian said:


In comment 16391800 JT039 said:


Over the last two days of people saying the same thing over and over.

I've got the Kleenex for you when you're ready.

Nobody has more than you on this site for sure. Not sure you recovered from the last beat down Eric gave you. Glad to see your doing well.

Remember when you got the wrong end of so many asskickings that you ran away and changed your handle?

Christian is a big boy, well not really, he doesn’t need you to run to his defense. I know you were bullied in high school and haven’t recovered from it - but he can pick his own fights and usually lose them on his own.
RE: RE: Don't forget Washginton  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 2:38 pm : link
In comment 16391791 Sean said:
In comment 16391787 ajr2456 said:


where they scored 1 offensive TD and Jones averaged 5 yards per attempt.

Yep and that performance was raved as efficient here. Whereas Taylor had the same performance the next year and was shot down due to a lack of scoring by the Jones believers.

Maybe if Taylor was as hard-working and as good of a leader as Jones, he'd have motivated someone on the defense to score.

Did you ever think about that? Did ya?
RE: bw in dc.  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 2:38 pm : link
In comment 16391839 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Expect ‘Jones is putting in the work on his rehab and looking good’ line by St. Patrick’s Day at the latest.

I'm not kidding - Schoen did this last week during on interview on NFL Radio at the Senior Bowl.

Jones was in the building by 6:30, he's working harder than everyone, the trainers are struggling to keep up with Jones, he could be with Seal Team Six if he wasn't a football player, etc.

Seal Team Six was made up, btw... ;)
RE: RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 2:39 pm : link
In comment 16391848 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391840 Eightshamrocks said:


must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.

They didn't play against Daniel Jones you fucking nitwit. They played against the Giants defense, and DJ played against their respective defenses.

The fact that someone as dumb as you can get internet access is equally alarming.
No nitwit. According to you Jones is so terrible he can't win against the good teams, right? I just pointed out three good teams he beat as the starting QB. So there goes another false narrative.
The mental energy required to defend Jones  
Sean : 2/7/2024 2:39 pm : link
He's 22-36-1 in his career. He's had 2 neck injuries. He's had an ACL. He's only had 1 season (2022) where he didn't miss a game due to injury.
RE: RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 2:40 pm : link
In comment 16391753 Sy'56 said:
In comment 16391582 TyreeHelmet said:


In comment 16391563 Sy'56 said:


whether I agree with it being right is not relevant

NYG isn't taking a QB early

Sy- even if one of the top 3 fall to 5 or 6th?

- you can't see any scenario of them trading up for one?

- how about the trading into the late 1st or early 2nd?

The top 3 may not be what you think it will be

So I'm not really sure how to answer that question. I don't see any sort of aggressive move for a quarterback. That includes taking one at 6, and that includes a trade back into round 1. Staying put or a small trade up in round 2? I can see it.
Thanks for this./ I agree. I don't see them even remotely considering a trade up from 6 and taking anyone from tier 2 at 6 would be a real reach. So, that leaves either seeing who falls to round 2 or 3, not taking a QB at all, or a smaller trade up to end of Round 1/beginning of Round 2. The latter is the least likely, in my opinion.
RE: bw in dc.  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 2:40 pm : link
In comment 16391839 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Expect ‘Jones is putting in the work on his rehab and looking good’ line by St. Patrick’s Day at the latest.

DJ stories on St. Patrick's Day is too much 8/shamrocks for me.
RE: The mental energy required to defend Jones  
JT039 : 2/7/2024 2:40 pm : link
In comment 16391858 Sean said:
He's 22-36-1 in his career. He's had 2 neck injuries. He's had an ACL. He's only had 1 season (2022) where he didn't miss a game due to injury.

Outside of Jack Stroud and Eightshamrocks and Ryan - are there that many posters defending him?
RE: Eightshamrocks is here!  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 2:40 pm : link
In comment 16391847 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:

Are you JonesI’ first or second cousin?

I must confess. Of all the members of the DJFC, Shamrocks is my favorite these days.

RE: RE: RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 2:41 pm : link
In comment 16391857 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16391848 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391840 Eightshamrocks said:


must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.

They didn't play against Daniel Jones you fucking nitwit. They played against the Giants defense, and DJ played against their respective defenses.

The fact that someone as dumb as you can get internet access is equally alarming.

No nitwit. According to you Jones is so terrible he can't win against the good teams, right? I just pointed out three good teams he beat as the starting QB. So there goes another false narrative.

If you ever managed to conjure an intelligent thought in your hollow little skull, it would quickly die of loneliness.
RE: RE: The mental energy required to defend Jones  
Sean : 2/7/2024 2:41 pm : link
In comment 16391865 JT039 said:
In comment 16391858 Sean said:


He's 22-36-1 in his career. He's had 2 neck injuries. He's had an ACL. He's only had 1 season (2022) where he didn't miss a game due to injury.

Outside of Jack Stroud and Eightshamrocks and Ryan - are there that many posters defending him?

It was a response to Eightshamrocks entering the thread. Must be exhausting.
RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16391840 Eightshamrocks said:
must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.

And Daniel Jones has lost to Taylor Heinecke, Teddy Bridgwater, Baker Mayfield, Mitchell Trubisky, Justin Fields, Jared Goff, Carson Wentz, Geno Smith and Cooper Rush.
RE: RE: RE: The mental energy required to defend Jones  
JT039 : 2/7/2024 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16391870 Sean said:
In comment 16391865 JT039 said:

It was a response to Eightshamrocks entering the thread. Must be exhausting.

Yeah I don’t get it either. But I also don’t get the 5-6 poster who say the same thing in every thread degrading him either. That is just as exhausting.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 2:43 pm : link
In comment 16391869 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16391857 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16391848 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391840 Eightshamrocks said:


must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.

They didn't play against Daniel Jones you fucking nitwit. They played against the Giants defense, and DJ played against their respective defenses.

The fact that someone as dumb as you can get internet access is equally alarming.

No nitwit. According to you Jones is so terrible he can't win against the good teams, right? I just pointed out three good teams he beat as the starting QB. So there goes another false narrative.

If you ever managed to conjure an intelligent thought in your hollow little skull, it would quickly die of loneliness.

You know someone doesn't have a comeback in a debate when they go straight to insults
RE: RE: RE: RE: Eric should just shut down BBI  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 2:43 pm : link
In comment 16391829 bw in dc said:
In comment 16391812 JT039 said:


Fact is no one knows nothing. Everyone is talking out of their ass to be the first to say they were right.

What we do know from past experience is that this organization likes to float trial balloons. And we have started to see a steady diet of pro-Jones stories. Sy's comments help bookend this in a way, too.

You can choose to ignore this, but it is an actual pattern.

I doubt the Giants suddenly figured out subterfuge. This is the same crew that made it abundantly clear that they needed (and planned) to sign Jones in order to franchise Barkley a year ago. Nothing like telling a player's agent there's a hard deadline at which time you NEED to have an agreement done. Really helps out with leverage.
RE: RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 2:44 pm : link
In comment 16391873 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391840 Eightshamrocks said:


must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.

And Daniel Jones has lost to Taylor Heinecke, Teddy Bridgwater, Baker Mayfield, Mitchell Trubisky, Justin Fields, Jared Goff, Carson Wentz, Geno Smith and Cooper Rush.

Yeah but that was someone else's fault.
RE: RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 2:44 pm : link
In comment 16391873 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16391840 Eightshamrocks said:


must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.

And Daniel Jones has lost to Taylor Heinecke, Teddy Bridgwater, Baker Mayfield, Mitchell Trubisky, Justin Fields, Jared Goff, Carson Wentz, Geno Smith and Cooper Rush.
And he has beaten about half those guys as well, so what is your point?
So, if this is the plan, it still leaves 1 major question (are a few)  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 2:44 pm : link
1) Do they expect Jones to be ready for camp?
2) Do they expect Jones to be ready for the start of the season?
3) If the answer to one or both is no, who are they targeting as the backup? That person ends up as the defacto starter potentially, so it's kind of a big deal/
4) Do we think they keep DeVito as #3? I think his end to the season probably protected against another team grabbing off the PS. The emotions of us fans with him was like a roller coaster, but he may not be a bad option at least for camp and as insurance in case we need a 3rd QB
RE: RE: RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 2:50 pm : link
In comment 16391884 Eightshamrocks said:

And he has beaten about half those guys as well, so what is your point?

And Aaron Rodgers has beaten Daniel Jones, he threw 4 tds in a a game where Jones threw 3 INTs.

Daniel was predictably hurt the time the Ravens beat the Giants.

Trevor Lawrence will probably beat Daniel Jones next year.

BTW, in those "wins" Jones averaged 197 yards per game and 1 TD per game. He really beat them.

What was your point again?
I stand corrected  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 2:52 pm : link
Lamar has beaten Jones. Jones was unmemorable in that game.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I guess Lamar Jackson, Aaron Roders and Trevor Lawrence all  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 2:53 pm : link
In comment 16391876 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16391869 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391857 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16391848 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16391840 Eightshamrocks said:


must suck. How could they possibly have lost to what you guys consider to be the worst starting QB in the league in Daniel Jones? This site has become nothing but a pitch fork holding mob aniti Jones mafia. Its actually alarming.

They didn't play against Daniel Jones you fucking nitwit. They played against the Giants defense, and DJ played against their respective defenses.

The fact that someone as dumb as you can get internet access is equally alarming.

No nitwit. According to you Jones is so terrible he can't win against the good teams, right? I just pointed out three good teams he beat as the starting QB. So there goes another false narrative.

If you ever managed to conjure an intelligent thought in your hollow little skull, it would quickly die of loneliness.

You know someone doesn't have a comeback in a debate when they go straight to insults

You literally aren't smart enough to have a conversation with. And don't kid yourself, this isn't a debate any more than flat earthers are engaged in a "debate."

I have facts. You have hope.
christian : 2/7/2024 2:59 pm : link
In comment 16391853 JT039 said:
Over the last two days of people saying the same thing over and over.

I've got the Kleenex for you when you're ready.

Nobody has more than you on this site for sure. Not sure you recovered from the last beat down Eric gave you. Glad to see your doing well.

Remember when you got the wrong end of so many asskickings that you ran away and changed your handle?

Christian is a big boy, well not really, he doesn’t need you to run to his defense. I know you were bullied in high school and haven’t recovered from it - but he can pick his own fights and usually lose them on his own.

Not for nothing, high school was pretty killer for me. Hot Summer nights in SoCal, blasting Morrissey, drinking the world's cheapest vodka mixed with Dr. Pepper. Striking out with not one but two girls both named Blanca Flores.

We used to start fights with the rich white kids across town just to make fun of their Air Jordans.

Fresh cut fades, crisp Vegan docs, cuffed jeans. Damn, you got me all nostalgic.
This notion that QBs be judged by their head to head records is nuts  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 3:08 pm : link
They don't face each other. They face defenses. For example, if the Giants win by forcing 3 turnovers, Jones didn't beat X QB and vice versa.
vodka with dr pepper?  
djm : 2/7/2024 3:10 pm : link
gross. Not judging. I hate mixing dark (coke pepsi or pepper) soda with booze. Seltzer or Club soda works just fine but these days I am more of a martini (gin or vodka) fan.
Thanks Sy  
Sammo85 : 2/7/2024 3:12 pm : link
Appreciate the intel drop from what scouts around are hearing.

We shall see. If Schoen and Daboll are indeed willing to ride the Jones train in 2024, you pretty much have to get to playoffs to survive.

I’m not sure whether this organization has a legitimate vision and plan at this point. I’ll remain careful of assumptions but it looks bleak.
here's an idea!  
djm : 2/7/2024 3:15 pm : link
how about the Giants field a good defense and OL one day soon? Do you all think that would help the QB and subsequently help the team win more games?

Steelers just made the playoffs with a shit show offense. Keep the other team's offense off the field and maybe even give your own offense a short field to work with...amazing.

Do you think DJ would have played a little bit better second half this season thx to a defense forcing 2 turnovers every week? Do you think maybe giving a QB more "outs" like Pitt has done since the stone ages helps that QB develop?

Nah, never. Forget the stupid damned QB for one second. Forget the WRs and RBs. The Giants enter these street fights with no big fat tough guys, year in year out. THAT MATTERS.

If the Giants choice in 2024  
56goat : 2/7/2024 3:16 pm : link
is to let DJ sink or swim at the start, so be it. What I have an issue with is if the backup plan is Cutlets, TT or another waiver wire pickup.

Need a better plan that that because there is a good chance someone other than DJ will need to play due to injury or performance. Good teams have a Plan B.
RE: This notion that QBs be judged by their head to head records is nuts  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 3:18 pm : link
In comment 16391933 Matt M. said:
They don't face each other. They face defenses. For example, if the Giants win by forcing 3 turnovers, Jones didn't beat X QB and vice versa.

Matt, this is lost on multiple posters.
A liitle shocked  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 3:22 pm : link
I am a little shocked - well more like really shocked -that there has barely been any reaction to SY56s comment that NFL scouts that he talked to at the Senior Bowl don't think Jones is the problem. I mean doesn't that kind of blow a rather large hole in the whole Jones sucks agenda especially coming from someone you calls usually regard with almost complete and utter reverence.

The fact is that nobody anywhere, and certainly not on the site where one could fit the total actual football acumen and experience on the head of a pin, has any clue what Jones' upside is because nobody anywhere has ever seen him play behind and even halfway competent offensive line. Because he never has. And nobody has ever seen him play with the kind of big-play receivers that every other good QB in the NFL has. At least Schoen and Daboll work with the guy every day (and whose careers are dependent on the decisions they make) believe that he at least has the tools to succeed.

And just for the record, Eli was 9-26 in his final three years with this team and don't give me that shit about how he was done at the end of his career as 2018 (when the Giants were 5-11) was actually one of the best years of Elis career. It's a team game and if the team around you is the shits ...
RE: here's an idea!  
Sammo85 : 2/7/2024 3:23 pm : link
In comment 16391956 djm said:
how about the Giants field a good defense and OL one day soon? Do you all think that would help the QB and subsequently help the team win more games?

Steelers just made the playoffs with a shit show offense. Keep the other team's offense off the field and maybe even give your own offense a short field to work with...amazing.

Do you think DJ would have played a little bit better second half this season thx to a defense forcing 2 turnovers every week? Do you think maybe giving a QB more "outs" like Pitt has done since the stone ages helps that QB develop?

Nah, never. Forget the stupid damned QB for one second. Forget the WRs and RBs. The Giants enter these street fights with no big fat tough guys, year in year out. THAT MATTERS.

If we do all this we don’t need to pay Jones 41m. This is what you are missing. We don’t have to have Jones is if he needs everything around him to go well. He’s oft injured, expensive and not good. We are sick of excuses and the Pollyanna nonsense.

I’m not interested in a 10 year trial plan to see if Jones will stay healthy and perform better with pro bowl caliber talent around him when that becomes impossible due to QB contract cap deficits.
This storyline gets A TON of clicks  
widmerseyebrow : 2/7/2024 3:24 pm : link
So expect to see it several more times until the draft. It could be true, it could be bullshit, but just look at the number of replies and views this thread has and know that every football or Giants site has a big incentive to say it's true.
RE: here's an idea!  
rsjem1979 : 2/7/2024 3:26 pm : link
In comment 16391956 djm said:
how about the Giants field a good defense and OL one day soon? Do you all think that would help the QB and subsequently help the team win more games?

Steelers just made the playoffs with a shit show offense. Keep the other team's offense off the field and maybe even give your own offense a short field to work with...amazing.

Do you think DJ would have played a little bit better second half this season thx to a defense forcing 2 turnovers every week? Do you think maybe giving a QB more "outs" like Pitt has done since the stone ages helps that QB develop?

The Steelers aren't paying their QB $40 million per year. In fact, in 2023 the total cap dollars for the Steelers at the QB, RB and WR positions COMBINED was roughly $39 million.
In the wins in 2022 the Giants defense gave up  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 3:27 pm : link

That's an average of 16 points per game. That's pretty good. In the losses they averaged 29 points per game (not accounting for any defensive tds by the other team). The problem is in the wins the offense averaged 24 points per game (not accounting for defensive scores). In losses they averaged only 18 points per game.

Relying on a good defense to carry a mediocre offense isn't sustainable in the vacuum of an individual season, let a lone season to season, see 2016/2017.
RE: A liitle shocked  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 3:28 pm : link
In comment 16391966 Snorkels said:
I am a little shocked - well more like really shocked -that there has barely been any reaction to SY56s comment that NFL scouts that he talked to at the Senior Bowl don't think Jones is the problem. I mean doesn't that kind of blow a rather large hole in the whole Jones sucks agenda especially coming from someone you calls usually regard with almost complete and utter reverence.

The fact is that nobody anywhere, and certainly not on the site where one could fit the total actual football acumen and experience on the head of a pin, has any clue what Jones' upside is because nobody anywhere has ever seen him play behind and even halfway competent offensive line. Because he never has. And nobody has ever seen him play with the kind of big-play receivers that every other good QB in the NFL has. At least Schoen and Daboll work with the guy every day (and whose careers are dependent on the decisions they make) believe that he at least has the tools to succeed.

And just for the record, Eli was 9-26 in his final three years with this team and don't give me that shit about how he was done at the end of his career as 2018 (when the Giants were 5-11) was actually one of the best years of Elis career. It's a team game and if the team around you is the shits ...

If Eli wasn't done in 2018, then why did the morons at 1925 Giants Drive replace him after 2 games the next season?

What really is shocking is you put down the racing sheets just to post this insightful nugget for us.
RE: A liitle shocked  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 3:31 pm : link
In comment 16391966 Snorkels said:
I am a little shocked - well more like really shocked -that there has barely been any reaction to SY56s comment that NFL scouts that he talked to at the Senior Bowl don't think Jones is the problem. I mean doesn't that kind of blow a rather large hole in the whole Jones sucks agenda especially coming from someone you calls usually regard with almost complete and utter reverence.

The fact is that nobody anywhere, and certainly not on the site where one could fit the total actual football acumen and experience on the head of a pin, has any clue what Jones' upside is because nobody anywhere has ever seen him play behind and even halfway competent offensive line. Because he never has. And nobody has ever seen him play with the kind of big-play receivers that every other good QB in the NFL has. At least Schoen and Daboll work with the guy every day (and whose careers are dependent on the decisions they make) believe that he at least has the tools to succeed.

And just for the record, Eli was 9-26 in his final three years with this team and don't give me that shit about how he was done at the end of his career as 2018 (when the Giants were 5-11) was actually one of the best years of Elis career. It's a team game and if the team around you is the shits ...

I'm sure theres context behind those thoughts, as no other team in the league was going to pay him 40 million.

It's year 6 the "we don't know his upside" theory has sailed. We've seen it, it's mediocre. Comparing late 30's Eli to prime Daniel Jones is like comparing Blake Lively to the current day looks of Dolly Parton.
RE: RE: A liitle shocked  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 3:32 pm : link
In comment 16391978 ThomasG said:
In comment 16391966 Snorkels said:


I am a little shocked - well more like really shocked -that there has barely been any reaction to SY56s comment that NFL scouts that he talked to at the Senior Bowl don't think Jones is the problem. I mean doesn't that kind of blow a rather large hole in the whole Jones sucks agenda especially coming from someone you calls usually regard with almost complete and utter reverence.

The fact is that nobody anywhere, and certainly not on the site where one could fit the total actual football acumen and experience on the head of a pin, has any clue what Jones' upside is because nobody anywhere has ever seen him play behind and even halfway competent offensive line. Because he never has. And nobody has ever seen him play with the kind of big-play receivers that every other good QB in the NFL has. At least Schoen and Daboll work with the guy every day (and whose careers are dependent on the decisions they make) believe that he at least has the tools to succeed.

And just for the record, Eli was 9-26 in his final three years with this team and don't give me that shit about how he was done at the end of his career as 2018 (when the Giants were 5-11) was actually one of the best years of Elis career. It's a team game and if the team around you is the shits ...

If Eli wasn't done in 2018, then why did the morons at 1925 Giants Drive replace him after 2 games the next season?

What really is shocking is you put down the racing sheets just to post this insightful nugget for us.

Because you idiot they were 1-3, wanted to move from Eli and had drafted a QB in the first round that year! It's what NFL teams do.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
Go Terps : 2/7/2024 3:32 pm : link
In comment 16391819 bw in dc said:
In comment 16391783 Go Terps said:


The Giants' culture is based on trying to prove themselves right, protecting their own jobs, and finding a scapegoat when things inevitably go wrong.

It's getting harder and harder to root for this organization.

I am curious when you have the epiphany that Schoen isn't in some untenable position trying to manage Mara.

But that he's actually the perfect outside GM voice Mara was looking for and he fits right into longstanding ethos.

I've mentioned before my feeling that on the Jones issue Schoen either likes Jones as a starter or was unable to convince Mara he wasn't starter level. Either scenario is a failure for Schoen.

My cutoff with Schoen is this draft. If Sy is right and the Giants don't draft a QB early, Schoen gets a vote of 'no confidence' from me.

If you play it out, going into 2024 with Jones is a grim scenario:

1. The Giants win 4-6 games
2. Daboll is fired
3. Giants hire a Ben Johnson/Bobby Slovik type flavor of the month OC, essentially rehashing Daboll
4. We're only one year away from Arch Manning possibly entering the 2026 draft, so let's stick with Jones one more year. Win 4-6 games in 2025.
5. And if Arch decides to go back to Texas for his senior year, no big deal - we have Jones under contract through 2026 anyway. Win 4-6 games in 2026.
6. Ben Johnson/Bobby Slovik is fired after 2026, along with Schoen.
7. We sell out for Arch in the 2027 draft.
RE: vodka with dr pepper?  
christian : 2/7/2024 3:32 pm : link
In comment 16391946 djm said:
gross. Not judging. I hate mixing dark (coke pepsi or pepper) soda with booze. Seltzer or Club soda works just fine but these days I am more of a martini (gin or vodka) fan.

Hey man, I was 16. We'd get the biggest Dr. Pepper fountain soda at Panda Express and the cheapest pint of vodka in a plastic bottle at the liquor store that sold to kids.

I didn't say these nights didn't turn out poorly.

In fact, I cannot drink Dr. Pepper nor vodka to this day.
RE: A liitle shocked  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 3:34 pm : link
In comment 16391966 Snorkels said:
I am a little shocked - well more like really shocked -that there has barely been any reaction to SY56s comment that NFL scouts that he talked to at the Senior Bowl don't think Jones is the problem. I mean doesn't that kind of blow a rather large hole in the whole Jones sucks agenda especially coming from someone you calls usually regard with almost complete and utter reverence.

The fact is that nobody anywhere, and certainly not on the site where one could fit the total actual football acumen and experience on the head of a pin, has any clue what Jones' upside is because nobody anywhere has ever seen him play behind and even halfway competent offensive line. Because he never has. And nobody has ever seen him play with the kind of big-play receivers that every other good QB in the NFL has. At least Schoen and Daboll work with the guy every day (and whose careers are dependent on the decisions they make) believe that he at least has the tools to succeed.

And just for the record, Eli was 9-26 in his final three years with this team and don't give me that shit about how he was done at the end of his career as 2018 (when the Giants were 5-11) was actually one of the best years of Elis career. It's a team game and if the team around you is the shits ...

The Giants started 1-7 in 2018 and Eli did not play well. He ranked bottom 3rd in DVOA and QBR. He also did not look good via the eye test and most posters recognized this. He racked up some stats in the final 5-6 games once everything was done and dusted.

Some QBs decline at age 36, it isn't some shocking discovery.
RE: RE: RE: A liitle shocked  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 3:36 pm : link
In comment 16391983 Snorkels said:
In comment 16391978 ThomasG said:


In comment 16391966 Snorkels said:


I am a little shocked - well more like really shocked -that there has barely been any reaction to SY56s comment that NFL scouts that he talked to at the Senior Bowl don't think Jones is the problem. I mean doesn't that kind of blow a rather large hole in the whole Jones sucks agenda especially coming from someone you calls usually regard with almost complete and utter reverence.

The fact is that nobody anywhere, and certainly not on the site where one could fit the total actual football acumen and experience on the head of a pin, has any clue what Jones' upside is because nobody anywhere has ever seen him play behind and even halfway competent offensive line. Because he never has. And nobody has ever seen him play with the kind of big-play receivers that every other good QB in the NFL has. At least Schoen and Daboll work with the guy every day (and whose careers are dependent on the decisions they make) believe that he at least has the tools to succeed.

And just for the record, Eli was 9-26 in his final three years with this team and don't give me that shit about how he was done at the end of his career as 2018 (when the Giants were 5-11) was actually one of the best years of Elis career. It's a team game and if the team around you is the shits ...

If Eli wasn't done in 2018, then why did the morons at 1925 Giants Drive replace him after 2 games the next season?

What really is shocking is you put down the racing sheets just to post this insightful nugget for us.

Because you idiot they were 1-3, wanted to move from Eli and had drafted a QB in the first round that year! It's what NFL teams do.

1-3 after two games?
The Eli to Jones transition was a study in incompetence  
Go Terps : 2/7/2024 3:40 pm : link
They paid Eli $23M, then drafted Jones, then benched Eli after two games. Eli got paid $23M for 4 starts.

Some of the pollyannas are fond of saying this is real life, not Madden...and they're right. A 13 year old would show more intelligence running a Madden franchise.
RE: RE: RE: A liitle shocked  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 3:41 pm : link
In comment 16391983 Snorkels said:
In comment 16391978 ThomasG said:


In comment 16391966 Snorkels said:


I am a little shocked - well more like really shocked -that there has barely been any reaction to SY56s comment that NFL scouts that he talked to at the Senior Bowl don't think Jones is the problem. I mean doesn't that kind of blow a rather large hole in the whole Jones sucks agenda especially coming from someone you calls usually regard with almost complete and utter reverence.

The fact is that nobody anywhere, and certainly not on the site where one could fit the total actual football acumen and experience on the head of a pin, has any clue what Jones' upside is because nobody anywhere has ever seen him play behind and even halfway competent offensive line. Because he never has. And nobody has ever seen him play with the kind of big-play receivers that every other good QB in the NFL has. At least Schoen and Daboll work with the guy every day (and whose careers are dependent on the decisions they make) believe that he at least has the tools to succeed.

And just for the record, Eli was 9-26 in his final three years with this team and don't give me that shit about how he was done at the end of his career as 2018 (when the Giants were 5-11) was actually one of the best years of Elis career. It's a team game and if the team around you is the shits ...

If Eli wasn't done in 2018, then why did the morons at 1925 Giants Drive replace him after 2 games the next season?

What really is shocking is you put down the racing sheets just to post this insightful nugget for us.

Because you idiot they were 1-3, wanted to move from Eli and had drafted a QB in the first round that year! It's what NFL teams do.

I'm the idiot? You just said 2018 was one of Eli's best years. So why did they draft a new QB and replace him after just 2 more games if he was playing at his best? And maybe they were 1-3 because its a "team game" as you said above and the others on the roster didn't pick up Eli.

And by the way, the team is usually about 1-3 every Sept for the past decade. Its how this franchise operates...lost.
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 3:44 pm : link
Now that you have set the marker of at least six years needed to properly evaluate the QB position, can you shed light how you much time you need for other positions?

How much time do you give a WR? OL? Corner? Etc.

Thanks in advance.

Go Terps : 2/7/2024 3:48 pm : link
By the way, I see a lot of similarity in the way the Giants reversed course with the Eli/Jones transition and the way they again reversed course by paying Jones after not picking up his option.

Both were instances of stupidly changing horses in midstream, and Schoen wasn't around for the transition from Eli. John and Chris were, though.
RE: Why the f*** do the Giants believe this PR  
Mike from Ohio : 2/7/2024 3:51 pm : link
In comment 16391281 cosmicj said:
Activity is needed? It’s February. That’s my thought. Why?

The owner has a tin ear.
RE: .  
Sean : 2/7/2024 3:55 pm : link
In comment 16392016 Go Terps said:
By the way, I see a lot of similarity in the way the Giants reversed course with the Eli/Jones transition and the way they again reversed course by paying Jones after not picking up his option.

Both were instances of stupidly changing horses in midstream, and Schoen wasn't around for the transition from Eli. John and Chris were, though.

JonC reported Jones was a late pivot because they felt the pressure of addressing QB. You could argue they may feel similar pressure this year.

Most fans didn't even want a QB drafted in 2019 too, fans are much more vocal about wanting QB this year.
RE: here's an idea!  
BigBlueShock : 2/7/2024 3:55 pm : link
In comment 16391956 djm said:
how about the Giants field a good defense and OL one day soon? Do you all think that would help the QB and subsequently help the team win more games?

Steelers just made the playoffs with a shit show offense. Keep the other team's offense off the field and maybe even give your own offense a short field to work with...amazing.

Do you think DJ would have played a little bit better second half this season thx to a defense forcing 2 turnovers every week? Do you think maybe giving a QB more "outs" like Pitt has done since the stone ages helps that QB develop?

Nah, never. Forget the stupid damned QB for one second. Forget the WRs and RBs. The Giants enter these street fights with no big fat tough guys, year in year out. THAT MATTERS.

The Steelers had NO chance of winning the Super Bowl. None. Zero. Zilch.

The standards around here absolutely suck. The team has been bad for so long that some of you act like sneaking into the playoffs in a league where almost half the teams make it these days is some kind of massive achievement. Plenty of bad to not to good teams will be making the playoffs in this new format. That should not be the goal. The goal is to win a championship. And you know why the Steelers were good enough to sneak into a watered down playoffs but not nearly good enough to win a title? Because their QB situation sucked ass. That’s why. Raise your damn standards
RE: Snorkels...  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 3:59 pm : link
In comment 16392010 bw in dc said:
Now that you have set the marker of at least six years needed to properly evaluate the QB position, can you shed light how you much time you need for other positions?

How much time do you give a WR? OL? Corner? Etc.

Thanks in advance.

bw: you are asking a question that simply has no answer. Everybody develops at a different rate. Think of Corey Webster who looked like a bust until his 4th year. Tiki didn't really take off until his 6th.

And lets be very honest Jones is a very atypical case. My case is the Giants felt right away that he had some tools which is why they have kept him around. Unfortunately for him he's never had a very good team around him so that they could see what he really was capable of.

Re: standards  
Go Terps : 2/7/2024 4:00 pm : link
Watch what happens if/when the Giants opt not to challenge Jones's unquestioned status as the starter. By training camp the game rhetoric around him will be much more positive and hopeful, taking a "hey why can't we win with this guy?" slant.

Jones fucking blew in 2020 as well. People just didn't want to admit it.
RE: Re: standards  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 4:03 pm : link
In comment 16392048 Go Terps said:
Watch what happens if/when the Giants opt not to challenge Jones's unquestioned status as the starter. By training camp the game rhetoric around him will be much more positive and hopeful, taking a "hey why can't we win with this guy?" slant.

Jones fucking blew in 2020 as well. People just didn't want to admit it.

They can try that slant, but the fan base ain’t buying it.
Is the article accurate ?  
RetroJint : 2/7/2024 4:03 pm : link
That’s what I would like to know. The fam base is 90% in favor of moving on from Jones . But the fan base isn’t deciding jack. 2 men are staking their professional careers on this decision . With all due respect to two All-Time great Giants, I don’t care what Banks and Simms say, either .
RE: RE: here's an idea!  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 4:05 pm : link
In comment 16392029 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16391956 djm said:


how about the Giants field a good defense and OL one day soon? Do you all think that would help the QB and subsequently help the team win more games?

Steelers just made the playoffs with a shit show offense. Keep the other team's offense off the field and maybe even give your own offense a short field to work with...amazing.

Do you think DJ would have played a little bit better second half this season thx to a defense forcing 2 turnovers every week? Do you think maybe giving a QB more "outs" like Pitt has done since the stone ages helps that QB develop?

Nah, never. Forget the stupid damned QB for one second. Forget the WRs and RBs. The Giants enter these street fights with no big fat tough guys, year in year out. THAT MATTERS.

The Steelers had NO chance of winning the Super Bowl. None. Zero. Zilch.

The standards around here absolutely suck. The team has been bad for so long that some of you act like sneaking into the playoffs in a league where almost half the teams make it these days is some kind of massive achievement. Plenty of bad to not to good teams will be making the playoffs in this new format. That should not be the goal. The goal is to win a championship. And you know why the Steelers were good enough to sneak into a watered down playoffs but not nearly good enough to win a title? Because their QB situation sucked ass. That’s why. Raise your damn standards

BBS: You missed the point entirely! In fact you may have made our case: The Steelers made the playoffs because they had a good defence. In 2022 the Giants made the playoffs even though they had a subpar OL, the 32nd ranked WRs in the league and a not particularly good defence. Hmm; what's that other major part of an NFL team!!
Sean : 2/7/2024 4:05 pm : link
That's what's missing here. The fans want to move on. The Giants listen to the fans. I think they'll feel massive pressure.

77% from Duggan's poll wanting to move off Jones.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
The Mike : 2/7/2024 4:12 pm : link
In comment 16391984 Go Terps said:
In comment 16391819 bw in dc said:


In comment 16391783 Go Terps said:


The Giants' culture is based on trying to prove themselves right, protecting their own jobs, and finding a scapegoat when things inevitably go wrong.

It's getting harder and harder to root for this organization.

I am curious when you have the epiphany that Schoen isn't in some untenable position trying to manage Mara.

But that he's actually the perfect outside GM voice Mara was looking for and he fits right into longstanding ethos.

I've mentioned before my feeling that on the Jones issue Schoen either likes Jones as a starter or was unable to convince Mara he wasn't starter level. Either scenario is a failure for Schoen.

My cutoff with Schoen is this draft. If Sy is right and the Giants don't draft a QB early, Schoen gets a vote of 'no confidence' from me.

If you play it out, going into 2024 with Jones is a grim scenario:

1. The Giants win 4-6 games
2. Daboll is fired
3. Giants hire a Ben Johnson/Bobby Slovik type flavor of the month OC, essentially rehashing Daboll
4. We're only one year away from Arch Manning possibly entering the 2026 draft, so let's stick with Jones one more year. Win 4-6 games in 2025.
5. And if Arch decides to go back to Texas for his senior year, no big deal - we have Jones under contract through 2026 anyway. Win 4-6 games in 2026.
6. Ben Johnson/Bobby Slovik is fired after 2026, along with Schoen.
7. We sell out for Arch in the 2027 draft.

This is exactly right. I believe the seemingly simultaneous prognostications on DJ are a well orchestrated set of preliminary fire to provide the proper cover for the real crime that is about to be perpetrated: I fully expect them to restructure the DJ contract so that they push more of the cap hit further into the future, adding at least another year of agony to our glorious Giants fandom. And at least one more full set of coaching casualties to be attributed to Typhoid DJ. Thereby self-fulfilling the prophecy that Terps is outlining here...
Yikes, The Mike  
JonC : 2/7/2024 4:17 pm : link
Just when you believe they might decide it's time to begin a transition, there are new concerns they'll triple down and restructure Jones' contract. Despite the injuries and six years not being enough evidence to pull the plug, we could be staring at Jones/Vet/DeVito again in 2024, at a minimum.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I agree this will be the case  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 4:18 pm : link
In comment 16392068 The Mike said:
In comment 16391984 Go Terps said:


In comment 16391819 bw in dc said:


In comment 16391783 Go Terps said:


The Giants' culture is based on trying to prove themselves right, protecting their own jobs, and finding a scapegoat when things inevitably go wrong.

It's getting harder and harder to root for this organization.

I am curious when you have the epiphany that Schoen isn't in some untenable position trying to manage Mara.

But that he's actually the perfect outside GM voice Mara was looking for and he fits right into longstanding ethos.

I've mentioned before my feeling that on the Jones issue Schoen either likes Jones as a starter or was unable to convince Mara he wasn't starter level. Either scenario is a failure for Schoen.

My cutoff with Schoen is this draft. If Sy is right and the Giants don't draft a QB early, Schoen gets a vote of 'no confidence' from me.

If you play it out, going into 2024 with Jones is a grim scenario:

1. The Giants win 4-6 games
2. Daboll is fired
3. Giants hire a Ben Johnson/Bobby Slovik type flavor of the month OC, essentially rehashing Daboll
4. We're only one year away from Arch Manning possibly entering the 2026 draft, so let's stick with Jones one more year. Win 4-6 games in 2025.
5. And if Arch decides to go back to Texas for his senior year, no big deal - we have Jones under contract through 2026 anyway. Win 4-6 games in 2026.
6. Ben Johnson/Bobby Slovik is fired after 2026, along with Schoen.
7. We sell out for Arch in the 2027 draft.

This is exactly right. I believe the seemingly simultaneous prognostications on DJ are a well orchestrated set of preliminary fire to provide the proper cover for the real crime that is about to be perpetrated: I fully expect them to restructure the DJ contract so that they push more of the cap hit further into the future, adding at least another year of agony to our glorious Giants fandom. And at least one more full set of coaching casualties to be attributed to Typhoid DJ. Thereby self-fulfilling the prophecy that Terps is outlining here...
I kow this is somewhat tongue in cheek, but I think all the Arch talk is very premature right now.
RE: RE: RE: here's an idea!  
BigBlueShock : 2/7/2024 4:23 pm : link
In comment 16392057 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392029 BigBlueShock said:


In comment 16391956 djm said:


how about the Giants field a good defense and OL one day soon? Do you all think that would help the QB and subsequently help the team win more games?

Steelers just made the playoffs with a shit show offense. Keep the other team's offense off the field and maybe even give your own offense a short field to work with...amazing.

Do you think DJ would have played a little bit better second half this season thx to a defense forcing 2 turnovers every week? Do you think maybe giving a QB more "outs" like Pitt has done since the stone ages helps that QB develop?

Nah, never. Forget the stupid damned QB for one second. Forget the WRs and RBs. The Giants enter these street fights with no big fat tough guys, year in year out. THAT MATTERS.

The Steelers had NO chance of winning the Super Bowl. None. Zero. Zilch.

The standards around here absolutely suck. The team has been bad for so long that some of you act like sneaking into the playoffs in a league where almost half the teams make it these days is some kind of massive achievement. Plenty of bad to not to good teams will be making the playoffs in this new format. That should not be the goal. The goal is to win a championship. And you know why the Steelers were good enough to sneak into a watered down playoffs but not nearly good enough to win a title? Because their QB situation sucked ass. That’s why. Raise your damn standards

BBS: You missed the point entirely! In fact you may have made our case: The Steelers made the playoffs because they had a good defence. In 2022 the Giants made the playoffs even though they had a subpar OL, the 32nd ranked WRs in the league and a not particularly good defence. Hmm; what's that other major part of an NFL team!!

Again, almost half the league makes the playoffs. We are going to be seeing teams with below .500 records make the playoffs. That is NOT an impressive accomplishment. You Jones fan boys act like they won the damn Super Bowl in ‘22. It’s pathetic. Do you think Steelers fans give one single shit that the Steelers made the playoffs? I know plenty of them, they don’t give a shit because they know it means nothing. They know they aren’t winning anything until they upgrade the QB position. Making the playoffs is not the goal. Steelers fans understand this. Giants fans on the other hand want to put the ‘22 season into the Hall of Fame as one of the greatest seasons in the history of the game. Pathetic
I will say this, regardless of whether they consider Jones  
Matt M. : 2/7/2024 4:24 pm : link
the unquestioned starter or not, they can't take lightly the QB2 position. That includes considering it in the short and long term. Jones' injury history alone dictates they have a viable backup, who could actually end up starting the season. That may dictate a decent vet FA. But, the long term plan should also account for taking a QB this year if we can. If nothing else, that kid becomes potential trade bait over the next 12-18 months.
So what will happen next season  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 4:27 pm : link
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.
Lost in everyone talking over eachother  
Now Mike in MD : 2/7/2024 4:28 pm : link
is this nugget: Sy said in talking with front office people OUTSIDE OF THE GIANTS, some don't think DJ is the problem.

SO while some on this Board want to characterize DJ supporters as idiots and/or blind loyalists to the cult of DJ, at least some front office people in the NFL agree with them.
RE: So what will happen next season  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 4:28 pm : link
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

If that happens I’ll also be dating Blake Lively and Sydney Sweeney at the same time
Did Sy’56 post  
Arnie D. : 2/7/2024 4:29 pm : link
on this thread what scouts were saying about Jones?
RE: Lost in everyone talking over eachother  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 4:30 pm : link
In comment 16392107 Now Mike in MD said:
is this nugget: Sy said in talking with front office people OUTSIDE OF THE GIANTS, some don't think DJ is the problem.

SO while some on this Board want to characterize DJ supporters as idiots and/or blind loyalists to the cult of DJ, at least some front office people in the NFL agree with them.

We’ve had front offices trade up to take Mitch Tribusky, not sure that’s the indictment you think it is.
RE: So what will happen next season  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/7/2024 4:31 pm : link
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season

Why worry about something that's never come close to happening in 60 games across five years.
RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
JonC : 2/7/2024 4:33 pm : link
In comment 16392113 Ten Ton Hammer said:
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season

Why worry about something that's never come close to happening in 60 games across five years.

RE: Lost in everyone talking over eachother  
Sammo85 : 2/7/2024 4:35 pm : link
In comment 16392107 Now Mike in MD said:
is this nugget: Sy said in talking with front office people OUTSIDE OF THE GIANTS, some don't think DJ is the problem.

SO while some on this Board want to characterize DJ supporters as idiots and/or blind loyalists to the cult of DJ, at least some front office people in the NFL agree with them.

It’s always good to get intel and opinion from elsewhere.

One posit for those scouts however is how many of them would stake their future existence as executive or being in NFL on Jones. The vantage and stakes are different. This is really more about what Daboll and Schoen do. They ride with Jones and get middling results, they are going to get Ryan Pace/Matt Nagy’d even if they come back and draft a QB in 2025.
RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 4:36 pm : link
In comment 16392113 Ten Ton Hammer said:
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season

Why worry about something that's never come close to happening in 60 games across five years.
His rookie year numbers weren't that far off. Daboll needs to find that Daniel Jones, minus the fumbles.
Sy’s comment  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 4:37 pm : link
Doesn’t mean they think he’s good. If they did, the Giants would be able to find a willing trade partner if they wanted to.

There’s also no context. Not “the” problem doesn’t mean they don’t consider him one of the problems.
RE: So what will happen next season  
Go Terps : 2/7/2024 4:37 pm : link
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

So you want people to admit they're wrong based on a fantasy scenario.

Are you going to admit you're wrong based on what's actually happened in real life?

RE: RE: RE: here's an idea!  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 4:38 pm : link
In comment 16392057 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392029 BigBlueShock said:


In comment 16391956 djm said:


how about the Giants field a good defense and OL one day soon? Do you all think that would help the QB and subsequently help the team win more games?

Steelers just made the playoffs with a shit show offense. Keep the other team's offense off the field and maybe even give your own offense a short field to work with...amazing.

Do you think DJ would have played a little bit better second half this season thx to a defense forcing 2 turnovers every week? Do you think maybe giving a QB more "outs" like Pitt has done since the stone ages helps that QB develop?

Nah, never. Forget the stupid damned QB for one second. Forget the WRs and RBs. The Giants enter these street fights with no big fat tough guys, year in year out. THAT MATTERS.

The Steelers had NO chance of winning the Super Bowl. None. Zero. Zilch.

The standards around here absolutely suck. The team has been bad for so long that some of you act like sneaking into the playoffs in a league where almost half the teams make it these days is some kind of massive achievement. Plenty of bad to not to good teams will be making the playoffs in this new format. That should not be the goal. The goal is to win a championship. And you know why the Steelers were good enough to sneak into a watered down playoffs but not nearly good enough to win a title? Because their QB situation sucked ass. That’s why. Raise your damn standards

BBS: You missed the point entirely! In fact you may have made our case: The Steelers made the playoffs because they had a good defence. In 2022 the Giants made the playoffs even though they had a subpar OL, the 32nd ranked WRs in the league and a not particularly good defence. Hmm; what's that other major part of an NFL team!!

RE: So what will happen next season  
TyreeHelmet : 2/7/2024 4:39 pm : link
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

I will be happy to be wrong and have no problem admitting it.

But lets be honest, that is the production that should be expected at his contract level. You realize that right?
Go Terps : 2/7/2024 4:40 pm : link
So when Parris Campbell catches 140 passes for 1500 yards and 13 TDs, and Mark Glowinski plays like John Hannah and makes first team All-Pro, are you guys going to admit you were wrong about them?
RE: Yikes, The Mike  
The Mike : 2/7/2024 4:40 pm : link
In comment 16392078 JonC said:
Just when you believe they might decide it's time to begin a transition, there are new concerns they'll triple down and restructure Jones' contract. Despite the injuries and six years not being enough evidence to pull the plug, we could be staring at Jones/Vet/DeVito again in 2024, at a minimum.

I hate to be this negative Jon and nobody wants a dramatic pivot away from DJ more than me, but I find it hard to believe that Schoen and Daboll can actually operate and field a competitive roster if DJ's cap hit is the sixth highest in the NFL this year. If they couldn't afford him under the Franchise Tag last year, how can they possibly afford to do so with a much higher hit this year? Sy's observation above feels very much like a smoking gun in this regard.
RE: RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/7/2024 4:41 pm : link
In comment 16392126 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392113 Ten Ton Hammer said:


In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season

Why worry about something that's never come close to happening in 60 games across five years.

His rookie year numbers weren't that far off. Daboll needs to find that Daniel Jones, minus the fumbles.

"That" Daniel Jones doesn't exist. That Daniel Jones was a one-read quarterback getting spoonfed the plays from Shurmur against a league that was seeing him for the first time. It's been downhill every season since, except for 2022, which was also a one-read quarterback getting spoonfed and propped up from the offensive staff.
RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 4:42 pm : link
In comment 16392129 Go Terps said:
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

So you want people to admit they're wrong based on a fantasy scenario.

Are you going to admit you're wrong based on what's actually happened in real life?

Well even you would have to admit that Jones's rookie numbers are pretty close to my hypothetical scenario. Even you would have to admit that Joe Judge and Jason Garrett were the worst coaches at the worst time for Jone's development.
RE: So what will happen next season  
BigBlueShock : 2/7/2024 4:43 pm : link
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

Wait, you want people to admit they “were wrong” by playing out your fantasy that has never happened before? Wtf? Intelligent people form their opinions based on actual data that has been presented. Unintelligent people form their opinions based on hopes and fantasies. Let’s table the Jones having a season he’s never had in his entire life until he actually does it, ok?
RE: .  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 4:44 pm : link
In comment 16392140 Go Terps said:
So when Parris Campbell catches 140 passes for 1500 yards and 13 TDs, and Mark Glowinski plays like John Hannah and makes first team All-Pro, are you guys going to admit you were wrong about them?

Apples to oranges comparisons. You and I look at Jones abilities through a different lens.
RE: So what will happen next season  
Scooter185 : 2/7/2024 4:45 pm : link
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

Amazing how the argument for keeping DJ is always "what if Jones does something he's never done in his career?"

The only time he's done something he's never done before was when he managed to not get hurt in 2022.
RE: Sy’s comment  
Now Mike in MD : 2/7/2024 4:45 pm : link
In comment 16392128 ajr2456 said:
Doesn’t mean they think he’s good. If they did, the Giants would be able to find a willing trade partner if they wanted to.

There’s also no context. Not “the” problem doesn’t mean they don’t consider him one of the problems.

That's one interpretation, but I would guess you're reading between the lines a bit more than I am.

Listen, I've moved on from Jones because regardless of whether he may or may not ever be good enough, he can't stay healthy. That much is a unequivocal data point that I think almost everyone should agree on.

My only point is that Sy's comment at least raises the possibility that there is a difference of opinion out there and that maybe it's not as cut and dried as the anti-DJ crowd suggests.
RE: RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
Go Terps : 2/7/2024 4:45 pm : link
In comment 16392146 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392129 Go Terps said:


In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

So you want people to admit they're wrong based on a fantasy scenario.

Are you going to admit you're wrong based on what's actually happened in real life?

Well even you would have to admit that Jones's rookie numbers are pretty close to my hypothetical scenario. Even you would have to admit that Joe Judge and Jason Garrett were the worst coaches at the worst time for Jone's development.

No, I wouldn't. I'd say that after five years of watching him it's pretty clear that of the 90 or so QBs on NFL rosters Daniel Jones ranks around the middle somewhere.

Just stop it already. This is all so fucking sad.
A few ways to take this  
GiantGrit : 2/7/2024 4:46 pm : link
One aspect is PR control, a lot of smoke around them wanting a QB if even a vet. So I'm not surprised this gets dropped to pour some water on that idea and show some public confidence in Jones.

The organization still doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt, so I could also see this as being truthful and SY is plugged into scout circles.

I will patiently wait until the draft, if they do not draft a QB my excitement for next season will be near zero.

Call me a shitty fan, its going to take a shocking Daniel Jones performance the first few weeks to get me engaged into the season. Tired of the same old crap every year.
RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 4:46 pm : link
In comment 16392137 TyreeHelmet said:
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

I will be happy to be wrong and have no problem admitting it.

But lets be honest, that is the production that should be expected at his contract level. You realize that right?
Absolutely. It's what I would expect from a healthy Jones playing with a decent O-Line that wasn't a train wreck.
RE: Lost in everyone talking over eachother  
BigBlueShock : 2/7/2024 4:46 pm : link
In comment 16392107 Now Mike in MD said:
is this nugget: Sy said in talking with front office people OUTSIDE OF THE GIANTS, some don't think DJ is the problem.

SO while some on this Board want to characterize DJ supporters as idiots and/or blind loyalists to the cult of DJ, at least some front office people in the NFL agree with them.

So these front office people should be pounding on Schoens door to try to trade for Jones then, right? How many of these front office guys do you honestly think would trade for Daniel Jones?
Scooter185 : 2/7/2024 4:49 pm : link
If JS had tagged Jones in 23 and he was a UFA, what team would he be on come draft day 2024?
RE: RE: RE: RE: A liitle shocked  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 4:58 pm : link
In comment 16392001 ThomasG said:
In comment 16391983 Snorkels said:


In comment 16391978 ThomasG said:


In comment 16391966 Snorkels said:


I am a little shocked - well more like really shocked -that there has barely been any reaction to SY56s comment that NFL scouts that he talked to at the Senior Bowl don't think Jones is the problem. I mean doesn't that kind of blow a rather large hole in the whole Jones sucks agenda especially coming from someone you calls usually regard with almost complete and utter reverence.

The fact is that nobody anywhere, and certainly not on the site where one could fit the total actual football acumen and experience on the head of a pin, has any clue what Jones' upside is because nobody anywhere has ever seen him play behind and even halfway competent offensive line. Because he never has. And nobody has ever seen him play with the kind of big-play receivers that every other good QB in the NFL has. At least Schoen and Daboll work with the guy every day (and whose careers are dependent on the decisions they make) believe that he at least has the tools to succeed.

And just for the record, Eli was 9-26 in his final three years with this team and don't give me that shit about how he was done at the end of his career as 2018 (when the Giants were 5-11) was actually one of the best years of Elis career. It's a team game and if the team around you is the shits ...

If Eli wasn't done in 2018, then why did the morons at 1925 Giants Drive replace him after 2 games the next season?

What really is shocking is you put down the racing sheets just to post this insightful nugget for us.

Because you idiot they were 1-3, wanted to move from Eli and had drafted a QB in the first round that year! It's what NFL teams do.

I'm the idiot? You just said 2018 was one of Eli's best years. So why did they draft a new QB and replace him after just 2 more games if he was playing at his best? And maybe they were 1-3 because its a "team game" as you said above and the others on the roster didn't pick up Eli.

And by the way, the team is usually about 1-3 every Sept for the past decade. Its how this franchise operates...lost.

Come on Snorky baby...I know you're out there lurking.

I am waiting to here your logic for this at Jints Central.
RE: So what will happen next season  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 5:04 pm : link
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

Same odds as me not having a beer the rest of 2024.
RE: So what will happen next season  
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 5:06 pm : link
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:
If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

This can't be a serious post. It just can't. This has to be a burner account.
RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 5:07 pm : link
In comment 16392149 Scooter185 said:
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

Amazing how the argument for keeping DJ is always "what if Jones does something he's never done in his career?"

The only time he's done something he's never done before was when he managed to not get hurt in 2022.

I guess the answer of "what if" he basically doubled his normal production in the scenario above then the Giants should give him a $320M contract.
RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
Scooter185 : 2/7/2024 5:12 pm : link
In comment 16392170 IchabodGiant said:
In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

This can't be a serious post. It just can't. This has to be a burner account.

I mean it's by someone whose handle is 8 Rocks
RE: Hypothetically  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 5:12 pm : link
In comment 16392156 Scooter185 said:
If JS had tagged Jones in 23 and he was a UFA, what team would he be on come draft day 2024?

As a starter? None. As a backup? Probably 5-10
Just incredible...  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/7/2024 5:14 pm : link
Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.
I would normally ask  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/7/2024 5:16 pm : link
But don't really want to know what kind of smoke people are crackin.
RE: RE: RE: So what will happen next season  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 5:17 pm : link
In comment 16392174 Scooter185 said:
In comment 16392170 IchabodGiant said:


In comment 16392104 Eightshamrocks said:


If Jones goes for 3,800 yards 28 TD passes and 10 int's to go along with 450 yards rushing and 6 TD's in an 11-6 season where the Giants win a minimum of 1 playoff game? Do we get people on here admitting they were wrong about Jones, or will we get the double and people saying "we can finally trade him now". I think I already know the answer. The Jones haters won't give Jones any credit in such a scenario. You know why, because you guys won't want to admit you were wrong.

This can't be a serious post. It just can't. This has to be a burner account.

I mean it's by someone whose handle is 8 Rocks

Well yeah, but with "sham" in the middle.
Some Questions I Have  
GiantGrit : 2/7/2024 5:22 pm : link
What type of offense are they running in 2024? The offense that was effective in 2022 seemed to be figured out by the league.

Daniel Jones is coming off an ACL which takes most guys 2 full years to recover from. I question his mobility this season.

Is the plan for DJ to be a pocket passer this year? Are you finding the best available backup or finding someone who fits what you want to do offensively this year?

If this regime wants to ensure they get 2 years at this, they better put ample resources into the OL.

I still think the OL hire will make or break Daboll this season. And I would not hitch my wagon to guys like McKethan, Ezeudu and I'll throw Evan Neal in there too.

They better do whatever it takes to make that OL competent this season if they stick with Jones.
christian : 2/7/2024 5:26 pm : link
The argument "No one will change their mind if Jones does X," is absurd.

Virtually all of us changed our view on Jones after the 2022 season from:

Categorically not wanting him to be on the roster to > wanting him to get another year or short term contract to prove he was the answer at QB.

If Jones has the season Shamwwow has described above, everyone will be pleasantly if not falling over surprised and pleased.
RE: Just incredible...  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 5:27 pm : link
In comment 16392181 NormanAllen_95 said:
Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.
Look at his rookie year stats
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 5:30 pm : link
Either Daniel Jones himself, a friend of Jones, a relative of Jones, or John Mara.

My guesses.
RE: RE: Just incredible...  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 5:35 pm : link
In comment 16392195 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392181 NormanAllen_95 said:


Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.

Look at his rookie year stats

When do the statute of limitations run out on looking back to Jones' rookie season? A season where he accumulated 60%+ of his TD production in 3 games, against some of the worst teams in the league Jets/Lions/WFT. Nor a season he has replicated since anyway.

RE: RE: Just incredible...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 5:35 pm : link
In comment 16392195 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392181 NormanAllen_95 said:


Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.

Look at his rookie year stats

Four good games and 19 fumbles. Cool!
RE: RE: RE: Just incredible...  
Eightshamrocks : 2/7/2024 5:38 pm : link
In comment 16392210 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16392195 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16392181 NormanAllen_95 said:


Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.

Look at his rookie year stats

Four good games and 19 fumbles. Cool!
Focusing on the negatives I see
RE: RE: RE: RE: Just incredible...  
IchabodGiant : 2/7/2024 5:42 pm : link
In comment 16392212 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392210 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16392195 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16392181 NormanAllen_95 said:


Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.

Look at his rookie year stats

Four good games and 19 fumbles. Cool!

Focusing on the negatives I see

You have to be just trolling. Only explanation I can come up with. Or you are 12 (which would be offensive to 12 year olds).
RE: RE: RE: RE: Just incredible...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 5:43 pm : link
In comment 16392212 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392210 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16392195 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16392181 NormanAllen_95 said:


Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.

Look at his rookie year stats

Four good games and 19 fumbles. Cool!

Focusing on the negatives I see

Focusing on reality.

To call Daniel Jones mediocre would be an insult to mediocre QBs. It would be an improvement for him to reach the level of mediocrity.

You are an unserious poster on a burner account. It's pathetic.
RE: RE: Just incredible...  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/7/2024 5:45 pm : link
In comment 16392195 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392181 NormanAllen_95 said:


Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.

Look at his rookie year stats

Okaaaay, a QBR of 55.7, almost an interception per game, sacked 3 times a game, an incredible 1.5 fumbles per game. 11 of those TDs came in 3 games (all losse...2 games of 4 TDs). HYes he compiled stats through the 8 games in a row he lost, chucking 15 of his 24 TDs, 9 INT, fumbling 12 times, and amassing 2350 of his 3000 yards.

It was a dolid rookie season, but not "good" by any standard.
RE: RE: Just incredible...  
cosmicj : 2/7/2024 5:46 pm : link
In comment 16392195 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392181 NormanAllen_95 said:


Jones is going to produce almost 50% more yards and almost 100% more TDs than he did in his very best year with the team?

Astonishly outlandish. Holy smokes.

Look at his rookie year stats

Virtually every promising rookie performance by Jones was against one of the bottom 5 defenses in the NFL. Look it up. The exception is vs the Eagles, who had an ok D. But the rest were against awful ones.

This is the same erroneous extrapolation as thinking the 2022 wins against the Vikings and Colts represented a new baseline.
RE: RE: Snorkels...  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 6:16 pm : link
In comment 16392041 Snorkels said:

And lets be very honest Jones is a very atypical case. My case is the Giants felt right away that he had some tools which is why they have kept him around. Unfortunately for him he's never had a very good team around him so that they could see what he really was capable of.

I don't find your honesty compelling because that's what I have heard for five years. That the Jones's situation is "atypical", or words to that effect. It's always been something. Just plug in the reason/excuse ______________ and more time is bought for #8.

JFC, five years is a long, long time for any player.

And let's really be honest here, for a player who just isn't a special talent. The typical adjectives we hear about Jones from the front office to coaches to players are the intangibles - hardworking, good teammate, good leader, etc. You rarely if ever here he can make every throw, he is great off-schedule, great at getting to his second reads, etc. Nothing.

I have never seen this situation in any sport, really. An organization that continues to try to salvage the career of one of the most average QBs/players I have ever seen. And that's being polite...

bw in dc.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 6:21 pm : link
When the biggest compliments a player is getting that they’re a hard worker and a nice guy-things I have seen people who follow the Giants say about Jones-it tells me that they’re not that good.
RE: Biteymax22  
Mayo2JZ : 2/7/2024 6:23 pm : link
In comment 16391256 Eric from BBI said:

All I know it I will have absolutely no interest in Giants football in 2024 if we have another year of this shit. And I run a Giants website.

If Jones starts and the team gets smoked by the Cowboys in Week 1, the stands will be half empty in Week 2. Book it.

Here here!
RE: bw in dc.  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 6:35 pm : link
In comment 16392243 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
When the biggest compliments a player is getting that they’re a hard worker and a nice guy-things I have seen people who follow the Giants say about Jones-it tells me that they’re not that good.

But a lot of the base love those intangibles. They eat it up. I actually think they prefer those over real skills.

Other have said it. Daboll, Kafka, Schoen have recently been part of organizations with great QBs. Therefore, you would think they know exactly what you really need at QB to be a prolific team.

So, either they see things in Jones I just can't see (which is certainly possible) or we hired people who really aren't good at evaluating QB talent.
RE: RE: Biteymax22  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 6:39 pm : link
In comment 16392245 Mayo2JZ said:
In comment 16391256 Eric from BBI said:



All I know it I will have absolutely no interest in Giants football in 2024 if we have another year of this shit. And I run a Giants website.

If Jones starts and the team gets smoked by the Cowboys in Week 1, the stands will be half empty in Week 2. Book it.

Here here!

Nobody's gonna make you watch. But please if the Giants do well don't come back!!
RE: RE: RE: Snorkels...  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 6:44 pm : link
In comment 16392237 bw in dc said:
In comment 16392041 Snorkels said:


And lets be very honest Jones is a very atypical case. My case is the Giants felt right away that he had some tools which is why they have kept him around. Unfortunately for him he's never had a very good team around him so that they could see what he really was capable of.

I don't find your honesty compelling because that's what I have heard for five years. That the Jones's situation is "atypical", or words to that effect. It's always been something. Just plug in the reason/excuse ______________ and more time is bought for #8.

JFC, five years is a long, long time for any player.

And let's really be honest here, for a player who just isn't a special talent. The typical adjectives we hear about Jones from the front office to coaches to players are the intangibles - hardworking, good teammate, good leader, etc. You rarely if ever here he can make every throw, he is great off-schedule, great at getting to his second reads, etc. Nothing.

I have never seen this situation in any sport, really. An organization that continues to try to salvage the career of one of the most average QBs/players I have ever seen. And that's being polite...

We can't seem to get it thru people's heads that nobody's getting another chance. Jones will be back in 2024 assuming he's healthy because professional football people think that given all the options he gives them the best chance to win games next year. In the meantime, they'll be looking for upgrades at the position and if they do find someone better he'll be gone in a heartbeat. That's the NFL. And why you people can't understand that the Giants can actually try and do the same things at the same time is beyond me!!
RE: RE: RE: RE: Snorkels...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 6:45 pm : link
In comment 16392264 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392237 bw in dc said:


In comment 16392041 Snorkels said:


And lets be very honest Jones is a very atypical case. My case is the Giants felt right away that he had some tools which is why they have kept him around. Unfortunately for him he's never had a very good team around him so that they could see what he really was capable of.

I don't find your honesty compelling because that's what I have heard for five years. That the Jones's situation is "atypical", or words to that effect. It's always been something. Just plug in the reason/excuse ______________ and more time is bought for #8.

JFC, five years is a long, long time for any player.

And let's really be honest here, for a player who just isn't a special talent. The typical adjectives we hear about Jones from the front office to coaches to players are the intangibles - hardworking, good teammate, good leader, etc. You rarely if ever here he can make every throw, he is great off-schedule, great at getting to his second reads, etc. Nothing.

I have never seen this situation in any sport, really. An organization that continues to try to salvage the career of one of the most average QBs/players I have ever seen. And that's being polite...

We can't seem to get it thru people's heads that nobody's getting another chance. Jones will be back in 2024 assuming he's healthy because professional football people think that given all the options he gives them the best chance to win games next year. In the meantime, they'll be looking for upgrades at the position and if they do find someone better he'll be gone in a heartbeat. That's the NFL. And why you people can't understand that the Giants can actually try and do the same things at the same time is beyond me!!

RE: RE: RE: Biteymax22  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 6:45 pm : link
In comment 16392262 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392245 Mayo2JZ said:


In comment 16391256 Eric from BBI said:



All I know it I will have absolutely no interest in Giants football in 2024 if we have another year of this shit. And I run a Giants website.

If Jones starts and the team gets smoked by the Cowboys in Week 1, the stands will be half empty in Week 2. Book it.

Here here!

Nobody's gonna make you watch. But please if the Giants do well don't come back!!

What *do well*? What do you think you are watching when you watch 2022 Daniel Jones? Do you feel you are watching the next Unitas, Manning, brady, Allen, Elway , Mahomes? He ran an offense that was tailored to a limited passing QB. Please explain why you want to watch more of that? Do you think it is noble to win with less than middle of the road QB? You don't get extra points for winning with bad QB play. 2022 is the best you are going to get. The probability that Jones will become some awesome QB after what we have seen the first 5 years is infinitesimally small? You want to bank 2024 and then 2025 on such a small probability? Sticking with Jones makes no sense, and you have yet to offer a good reason as to why we should do it.
RE: RE: bw in dc.  
Scooter185 : 2/7/2024 6:47 pm : link
In comment 16392257 bw in dc said:
In comment 16392243 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


When the biggest compliments a player is getting that they’re a hard worker and a nice guy-things I have seen people who follow the Giants say about Jones-it tells me that they’re not that good.

But a lot of the base love those intangibles. They eat it up. I actually think they prefer those over real skills.

Other have said it. Daboll, Kafka, Schoen have recently been part of organizations with great QBs. Therefore, you would think they know exactly what you really need at QB to be a prolific team.

So, either they see things in Jones I just can't see (which is certainly possible) or we hired people who really aren't good at evaluating QB talent.

someone else called him a workout warrior. I agree with that assessment. He looks great until he has to face live rounds.
I don't care about what stats he can compile,  
3putt : 2/7/2024 6:51 pm : link
If Daboll can get him to take those throws over 10 yards to the outside of the numbers, I will admit I'm wrong about him. I saw too many times this year where he had a DB in conflict, not knowing whether to cover the deeper out or the swing pass to Saquon, only to see DJ throw it to Saquon in the flat. If Daboll can train him to forget about the pass rush and try to make explosive plays, I will admit I'm wrong.

Coach had Taylor and even DeVito making those choices. If they stay with him this year, DJ must make those improvements.
RE: I don't care about what stats he can compile,  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 6:54 pm : link
In comment 16392271 3putt said:
If Daboll can get him to take those throws over 10 yards to the outside of the numbers, I will admit I'm wrong about him. I saw too many times this year where he had a DB in conflict, not knowing whether to cover the deeper out or the swing pass to Saquon, only to see DJ throw it to Saquon in the flat. If Daboll can train him to forget about the pass rush and try to make explosive plays, I will admit I'm wrong.

Coach had Taylor and even DeVito making those choices. If they stay with him this year, DJ must make those improvements.

why do you think he's not throwing outside the numbers with more frequency? it's not just *doesn't want to*, though it is clear he doesn't want to and often doesn't see it, but the other reason is he can't with consistency. Just like he can't throw touch fades with consistency. Just like he can't throw contested passes to the right leverage point with consistency. He's a good athlete who just throws the ball. He's a robot. He's not a QB who is a master at the finer points of passing.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Biteymax22  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 6:56 pm : link
In comment 16392266 Manhattan said:
In comment 16392262 Snorkels said:


In comment 16392245 Mayo2JZ said:


In comment 16391256 Eric from BBI said:



All I know it I will have absolutely no interest in Giants football in 2024 if we have another year of this shit. And I run a Giants website.

If Jones starts and the team gets smoked by the Cowboys in Week 1, the stands will be half empty in Week 2. Book it.

Here here!

Nobody's gonna make you watch. But please if the Giants do well don't come back!!

What *do well*? What do you think you are watching when you watch 2022 Daniel Jones? Do you feel you are watching the next Unitas, Manning, brady, Allen, Elway , Mahomes? He ran an offense that was tailored to a limited passing QB. Please explain why you want to watch more of that? Do you think it is noble to win with less than middle of the road QB? You don't get extra points for winning with bad QB play. 2022 is the best you are going to get. The probability that Jones will become some awesome QB after what we have seen the first 5 years is infinitesimally small? You want to bank 2024 and then 2025 on such a small probability? Sticking with Jones makes no sense, and you have yet to offer a good reason as to why we should do it.

What a stupid effing piece of moronic BS. I couldn't give a rat's ass how we win. Just win. What, we should give the 1986 and 1990 Super Bowls back because they were won mostly with defence. I have no idea what you were watching but 2022 was a great ride. Not overly talented team went out and battled their way to ten wins with Jones playing a huge part.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Biteymax22  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 7:03 pm : link
In comment 16392274 Snorkels said:

What a stupid effing piece of moronic BS. I couldn't give a rat's ass how we win. Just win. What, we should give the 1986 and 1990 Super Bowls back because they were won mostly with defence. I have no idea what you were watching but 2022 was a great ride. Not overly talented team went out and battled their way to ten wins with Jones playing a huge part.

2022 was clearly an outlier.

And you should care how we win because that determines if you have the ability to win long-term or if you will continue to lose more than win.

The term has been used plenty of times before and it still applies. 2022 was pyrite - fool's old.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 7:09 pm : link
When Eric-THE FUCKING SITE OWNER-is coming out & posting that he's losing interest if we keep the status quo/running it back with Jones...the Giants have BIG, BIG problems.

Sean posted earlier that 77% of Giant fans in an Athletic poll want to move on from Jones. I think the real % is higher. I have a bunch of Giant fans in my life & with the exception of one, everyone is ready to turn the page on the Jones era.

The Giants can spin whatever they want, but I'm telling you...his first bad play or first 3 & out next fall...the vultures will be circling in MetLife. It's not going to be pretty between the boos, empty seats, & general apathy.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Biteymax22  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 7:16 pm : link
In comment 16392274 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392266 Manhattan said:


In comment 16392262 Snorkels said:


In comment 16392245 Mayo2JZ said:


In comment 16391256 Eric from BBI said:



All I know it I will have absolutely no interest in Giants football in 2024 if we have another year of this shit. And I run a Giants website.

If Jones starts and the team gets smoked by the Cowboys in Week 1, the stands will be half empty in Week 2. Book it.

Here here!

Nobody's gonna make you watch. But please if the Giants do well don't come back!!

What *do well*? What do you think you are watching when you watch 2022 Daniel Jones? Do you feel you are watching the next Unitas, Manning, brady, Allen, Elway , Mahomes? He ran an offense that was tailored to a limited passing QB. Please explain why you want to watch more of that? Do you think it is noble to win with less than middle of the road QB? You don't get extra points for winning with bad QB play. 2022 is the best you are going to get. The probability that Jones will become some awesome QB after what we have seen the first 5 years is infinitesimally small? You want to bank 2024 and then 2025 on such a small probability? Sticking with Jones makes no sense, and you have yet to offer a good reason as to why we should do it.

What a stupid effing piece of moronic BS. I couldn't give a rat's ass how we win. Just win. What, we should give the 1986 and 1990 Super Bowls back because they were won mostly with defence. I have no idea what you were watching but 2022 was a great ride. Not overly talented team went out and battled their way to ten wins with Jones playing a huge part.

Sure, let's JUST WIN without any consideration about how to do it. let's become billionaires NOW, we don't need to think about how to earn a lot of money. Details don't matter. I have bad news for you, we're living in 2024. Football has changed. You're not winning shit with Daniel Jones and a 1986 strategy.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 7:19 pm : link
The Giants went 10-8-1 in '22.

Can some people stop pretending we were like the '86 Giants? It's a little weird.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Biteymax22  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 7:27 pm : link
In comment 16392279 bw in dc said:
In comment 16392274 Snorkels said:


What a stupid effing piece of moronic BS. I couldn't give a rat's ass how we win. Just win. What, we should give the 1986 and 1990 Super Bowls back because they were won mostly with defence. I have no idea what you were watching but 2022 was a great ride. Not overly talented team went out and battled their way to ten wins with Jones playing a huge part.

2022 was clearly an outlier.

And you should care how we win because that determines if you have the ability to win long-term or if you will continue to lose more than win.

The term has been used plenty of times before and it still applies. 2022 was pyrite - fool's old.

Sorry but when you say 2022 was an outlier you're just making shit up to try and make your case. You don't know. Know one will know until 2024. The raeso I am hopeful it wasn't an outlier is I see the Giants slowly but surely building up a talent base of good young players. Add a #1 WR in the draft and address the OL in FA with a couple or three vets and the offence has the potential to be tough to defend. This year it may be tougher to make some major upgrades on defence but I think we saw in the 2nd half of last season the D did get significantly better almsot all with young players.

And of course I want the Giants to get better at QB. Only an idiot wouldn't. But I live in the real world where the Bradys and Mahomes are really rather rare and hard to find. So you go to battle with the troops you have not the ones you'd like to have.
2022 is the definition of an outlier  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 7:31 pm : link
Because it could happen again doesn’t not make it an outlier.

Who is the early Derby favorite?
christian : 2/7/2024 7:32 pm : link
If only there was a mechanism by which the teams could select new players. And what if the teams who did worse got to pick first? And what if the teams had the choice to choose players at all the positions, including quarterbacks?

That would be something.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 7:33 pm : link
Jones' 22 season has become like TB12's '07 MVP season to the DJFC.

But its a cult so it makes no sense to dissuade them otherwise.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 7:34 pm : link
*try to dissuade them otherwise.
At this point  
lax counsel : 2/7/2024 7:38 pm : link
I think it's pretty clear the 3 posters are posting from inside 1925 Giants Drive. That or they are fans of other teams here to troll.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Biteymax22  
NYG07 : 2/7/2024 7:41 pm : link
In comment 16392294 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392279 bw in dc said:


In comment 16392274 Snorkels said:


What a stupid effing piece of moronic BS. I couldn't give a rat's ass how we win. Just win. What, we should give the 1986 and 1990 Super Bowls back because they were won mostly with defence. I have no idea what you were watching but 2022 was a great ride. Not overly talented team went out and battled their way to ten wins with Jones playing a huge part.

2022 was clearly an outlier.

And you should care how we win because that determines if you have the ability to win long-term or if you will continue to lose more than win.

The term has been used plenty of times before and it still applies. 2022 was pyrite - fool's old.

Sorry but when you say 2022 was an outlier you're just making shit up to try and make your case. You don't know. Know one will know until 2024. The raeso I am hopeful it wasn't an outlier is I see the Giants slowly but surely building up a talent base of good young players. Add a #1 WR in the draft and address the OL in FA with a couple or three vets and the offence has the potential to be tough to defend. This year it may be tougher to make some major upgrades on defence but I think we saw in the 2nd half of last season the D did get significantly better almsot all with young players.

And of course I want the Giants to get better at QB. Only an idiot wouldn't. But I live in the real world where the Bradys and Mahomes are really rather rare and hard to find. So you go to battle with the troops you have not the ones you'd like to have.

Stop embarrassing yourself. Not only would it be incredibly stupid of the Giants to go into 2024 relying on DJ, it is irresponsible. They can upgrade through the draft.

But I guess you like watching QBs who are incapable of throwing more TD passes than games started in a season (yes, 4 straight years), continually get picked off by corners or LBs in zone who watch him stare at his first read, or have receivers doing jumping jacks wide open downfield as they are staring at a double covered tight end at the sticks.
RE: ajr.  
ajr2456 : 2/7/2024 7:41 pm : link
In comment 16392306 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Jones' 22 season has become like TB12's '07 MVP season to the DJFC.

But its a cult so it makes no sense to dissuade them otherwise.

It’s pathetic
RE: At this point  
LW_Giants : 2/7/2024 7:50 pm : link
In comment 16392310 lax counsel said:
I think it's pretty clear the 3 posters are posting from inside 1925 Giants Drive. That or they are fans of other teams here to troll.

Snookles kind of gave it away when he referred to Giants management as "we."
RE: ajr.  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 8:08 pm : link
In comment 16392306 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Jones' 22 season has become like TB12's '07 MVP season to the DJFC.

But its a cult so it makes no sense to dissuade them otherwise.

If I can be so bold as to put myself into the shoes of a DJFC member, I would guess the reason they are so fond of 2022 is because they adjust Jones's performance for the "what-if" variable.

In other words, you take his 2022 actuals and adjust them for the "what if he had better players" variable and - voila! - a 70% completion%, 35/8 TDs/INTs, 73 QBR, 8+ YPA, Pro Bowl.
RE: ...  
Blueworm : 2/7/2024 8:15 pm : link
In comment 16392290 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
The Giants went 10-8-1 in '22.

Can some people stop pretending we were like the '86 Giants? It's a little weird.

And 1-4-1 in their division.
Not sustainable.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Biteymax22  
ThomasG : 2/7/2024 8:30 pm : link
In comment 16392294 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392279 bw in dc said:


In comment 16392274 Snorkels said:


What a stupid effing piece of moronic BS. I couldn't give a rat's ass how we win. Just win. What, we should give the 1986 and 1990 Super Bowls back because they were won mostly with defence. I have no idea what you were watching but 2022 was a great ride. Not overly talented team went out and battled their way to ten wins with Jones playing a huge part.

2022 was clearly an outlier.

And you should care how we win because that determines if you have the ability to win long-term or if you will continue to lose more than win.

The term has been used plenty of times before and it still applies. 2022 was pyrite - fool's old.

Sorry but when you say 2022 was an outlier you're just making shit up to try and make your case. You don't know. Know one will know until 2024. The raeso I am hopeful it wasn't an outlier is I see the Giants slowly but surely building up a talent base of good young players. Add a #1 WR in the draft and address the OL in FA with a couple or three vets and the offence has the potential to be tough to defend. This year it may be tougher to make some major upgrades on defence but I think we saw in the 2nd half of last season the D did get significantly better almsot all with young players.

And of course I want the Giants to get better at QB. Only an idiot wouldn't. But I live in the real world where the Bradys and Mahomes are really rather rare and hard to find. So you go to battle with the troops you have not the ones you'd like to have.

Man, you are a moron. And there is no surprise that the team sucks and basically every decision coming out of that building has been a disaster for years if anyone is following your judgment.

But do you really need to be on the site confirming it for fans? Now there is nothing else to even look forward to until your kind is gone.

RE: RE: RE: RE: Snorkels...  
Scooter185 : 2/7/2024 8:41 pm : link
In comment 16392264 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392237 bw in dc said:


In comment 16392041 Snorkels said:


And lets be very honest Jones is a very atypical case. My case is the Giants felt right away that he had some tools which is why they have kept him around. Unfortunately for him he's never had a very good team around him so that they could see what he really was capable of.

I don't find your honesty compelling because that's what I have heard for five years. That the Jones's situation is "atypical", or words to that effect. It's always been something. Just plug in the reason/excuse ______________ and more time is bought for #8.

JFC, five years is a long, long time for any player.

And let's really be honest here, for a player who just isn't a special talent. The typical adjectives we hear about Jones from the front office to coaches to players are the intangibles - hardworking, good teammate, good leader, etc. You rarely if ever here he can make every throw, he is great off-schedule, great at getting to his second reads, etc. Nothing.

I have never seen this situation in any sport, really. An organization that continues to try to salvage the career of one of the most average QBs/players I have ever seen. And that's being polite...

We can't seem to get it thru people's heads that nobody's getting another chance. Jones will be back in 2024 assuming he's healthy because professional football people think that given all the options he gives them the best chance to win games next year. In the meantime, they'll be looking for upgrades at the position and if they do find someone better he'll be gone in a heartbeat. That's the NFL. And why you people can't understand that the Giants can actually try and do the same things at the same time is beyond me!!

Tell John he's perilously close to losing a generation of Giants fans because of his insistence that Daniel Jones is good.
Selectively relying on "professional football people" is a fun game.  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/7/2024 8:52 pm : link
Professional football people also said the same thing about Zack Wilson, Trey Lance, Sam Darnold, Sam Howell.

Professional football people led this franchise to a 19-46 record over four years.

Professional football people traded 3 first round picks and fully guaranteed $230 million dollars to a borderline sex offender to play Quarterback.

Professional football people evaluated a QB who might win his second league MVP by saying he should switch to Wide Receiver.

By the way, nobody has answered the question I posed earlier:  
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 8:53 pm : link
The probability that Jones will become some awesome QB after what we have seen the first 5 years is infinitesimally small. You want to bank 2024 and then 2025 on such a small probability? Sticking with Jones makes no sense, and you have yet to offer a good reason as to why we should do it.
RE: Selectively relying on  
Blueworm : 2/7/2024 9:10 pm : link
In comment 16392378 Ten Ton Hammer said:
Professional football people also said the same thing about Zack Wilson, Trey Lance, Sam Darnold, Sam Howell.

Professional football people led this franchise to a 19-46 record over four years.

Professional football people traded 3 first round picks and fully guaranteed $230 million dollars to a borderline sex offender to play Quarterback.

Professional football people evaluated a QB who might win his second league MVP by saying he should switch to Wide Receiver.

I'll rely on the defenders stupid enough to go public with Jones' tendency to stare down receivers.

Don't blab about it if you want more picks!
RE: By the way, nobody has answered the question I posed earlier:  
Snorkels : 2/7/2024 9:26 pm : link
In comment 16392381 Manhattan said:
The probability that Jones will become some awesome QB after what we have seen the first 5 years is infinitesimally small. You want to bank 2024 and then 2025 on such a small probability? Sticking with Jones makes no sense, and you have yet to offer a good reason as to why we should do it.

My lord Manhatten! How dense are you? The Giants are going to stick with Jones because they feel he's their best option to win games in 2024. They've also said they'll be looking for help at the position through FA and the draft but as of now they believe he gives them the best chance to win games next year. You may disagree (although I will note that none of you folks have even come close to answering the other question: If not Jones Who? cause neither aybody would be better or just draft someone are real-world answers) but Schoen-Daboll whose jobs are on the line are not stupid people and they know a hell a lot more about football and Jones than you will ever will.
RE: RE: By the way, nobody has answered the question I posed earlier:  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 9:37 pm : link
In comment 16392415 Snorkels said:
You may disagree (although I will note that none of you folks have even come close to answering the other question: If not Jones Who? cause neither aybody would be better or just draft someone are real-world answers) but Schoen-Daboll whose jobs are on the line are not stupid people and they know a hell a lot more about football and Jones than you will ever will.

I answered this yesterday.

Cut Jones.

Sign Minshew, who is better than Jones right now, draft a day two QB, keep DeVito.
christian : 2/7/2024 10:08 pm : link
Daniel Jones is on the roster because he has 36M in guaranteed salary, and if he's cut 22M in amortized bonus money accelerates. Then 23M in injury guarantees accelerate when he files and wind a grievance.

Ask yourself this question: if Jones was an UFA, do you think the Giants would rather sign Minshew or Jones?
RE: RE: By the way, nobody has answered the question I posed earlier:  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/7/2024 11:07 pm : link
In comment 16392415 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392381 Manhattan said:


The probability that Jones will become some awesome QB after what we have seen the first 5 years is infinitesimally small. You want to bank 2024 and then 2025 on such a small probability? Sticking with Jones makes no sense, and you have yet to offer a good reason as to why we should do it.

My lord Manhatten! How dense are you? The Giants are going to stick with Jones because they feel he's their best option to win games in 2024. They've also said they'll be looking for help at the position through FA and the draft but as of now they believe he gives them the best chance to win games next year. You may disagree (although I will note that none of you folks have even come close to answering the other question: If not Jones Who? cause neither aybody would be better or just draft someone are real-world answers) but Schoen-Daboll whose jobs are on the line are not stupid people and they know a hell a lot more about football and Jones than you will ever will.

Are you genuinely too stupid to understand that the "if not Jones, who?" question is literally impossible to answer with certainty regarding the draft, but that doesn't make the potential outcomes impossible to discuss, nor does it preclude the discussion of Jones's substantial shortcomings?

It is understandable that you enjoy rooting for him, however, given your shared inability to process the information that surrounds you.
More surprising than Snorkel's takes on Jones  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/7/2024 11:43 pm : link
is why people are still boxing with him. I check back into the thread only to skim the new asserti9ns he is making, see other opinions, but am just exhausted by the lengths to which a handful of posters will go to defend a qb 15 games below .500 for his career. If he were a pitcher he would average about 26 starts a season. Over 5 seasons at a W/L rate of 15 games under .500 would have him at 40-90. Why on Earth would you rely on that person to put you in a position to win games?

This whole topic permeates the board and its very simple. And I was a fan of giving Jones his contract.
RE: RE: RE: By the way, nobody has answered the question I posed earlier:  
Matt M. : 2/8/2024 12:30 am : link
In comment 16392422 bw in dc said:
In comment 16392415 Snorkels said:


You may disagree (although I will note that none of you folks have even come close to answering the other question: If not Jones Who? cause neither aybody would be better or just draft someone are real-world answers) but Schoen-Daboll whose jobs are on the line are not stupid people and they know a hell a lot more about football and Jones than you will ever will.

I answered this yesterday.

Cut Jones.

Sign Minshew, who is better than Jones right now, draft a day two QB, keep DeVito.
He isn't getting cut, though. That is probably the least likely scenario. I like the idea though. Minshew was the guy I wanted 2 years ago, instead of him going to Philly.
To me the if not Jones, who question is not that difficult  
Matt M. : 2/8/2024 12:32 am : link
if you are honest. Obviously, the draft is a crap shoot, regardless of the player. But, I think every one of the top 6 QBs and maybe a few more could be reasonably expected to be better than Jones right out of the gate. The same goes for some FA QBs.
bw in dc  
BigBlueCane : 2/8/2024 4:23 am : link
it will probably take someone with BB (or MV)'s gravitas and qualifications to convince Mara that DJ isn't working and they need to move on.
RE: To me the if not Jones, who question is not that difficult  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 7:10 am : link
In comment 16392481 Matt M. said:
if you are honest. Obviously, the draft is a crap shoot, regardless of the player. But, I think every one of the top 6 QBs and maybe a few more could be reasonably expected to be better than Jones right out of the gate. The same goes for some FA QBs.

You have to account for the logical fallacies that every one of the burners use. And if you won't give an exact name, it means that you're just a "DJ doubters" with an "agenda."

They're exhaustingly stupid, but I think that might actually be intentional. Very similar to Hanlon's tirades a couple of years ago or Papa's condescending Twitter rants about chat room fans. These burners all have the same douche tone that the franchise lifers do.
Well if that was a trial balloon  
section125 : 2/8/2024 7:16 am : link
on Jones, it should be plain and clear that the fans do not support another season of Jones.

So Pat, if you you are polling, let the FO know they need to start moving on from DJ - and now.
Vs above .500 teams  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 7:18 am : link
Daniel Jones record vs teams .500 or higher:

2019: 0-7
2020: 0-6
2021: 3-4
2022: 2-6
2023: 0-4

5-27 against teams .500

Vs defense ranked 16th or higher  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 7:20 am : link
Daniel Jones record vs defenses ranked 16th or higher:

2019: 0-7
2020: 2-6
2021: 1-5
2022: 4-4-1
2023: 0-3

Stats in wins vs defense ranked 16th or higher  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 7:22 am : link
Daniel Jones stats in wins vs defenses ranked top 16 or higher:

2019: N/A
2020: 35/53 (66%), 324 yards, 2 TDs, 1 INT (2 games)
2021: 28/40 (70%), 402 yards, 2 TDs, 1 INT (1 game)
2022: 58/89 (65.2%), 535 yards, 3 TDs, 0 INTs (3 games)
2023: N/A
Stats in losses vs teams above .500  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 7:23 am : link
Daniel Jones stats in losses vs teams who finished .500 or higher:

2019: 162/269 (60.2%), 1,261 yards, 7 TDs, 9 INTs (7 games)
2020: 134/220 (60.9%), 1,345 yards, 5 TDs, 6 INTs (6 games)
2021: 79/134 (58.9%), 729 yards, 3 TDs, 5 INTs (4 games)
2022: 133/216, 1,444 yards, 4 TDs, 4 INTs (6 games)
2023: 78/114 (68.4%), 563 yards, 0 TDs, 5 INTs (4 games)
10 pages of comments on a thread...  
DefenseWins : 2/8/2024 7:27 am : link
about a clickbait article that is all conjecture.
RE: 10 pages of comments on a thread...  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 7:44 am : link
In comment 16392516 DefenseWins said:
about a clickbait article that is all conjecture.

People fall for it every time on this site.
I can see where some  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/8/2024 7:55 am : link
of what this guy said is true. Schoen made it a point to say that DJ, SB, AT and Waller played about 50 plays together. I thought they were looking for a bump of 1k-1.3k yards in the passing game. Waller, Hyatt and Campbell were added.

Jones had almost identical rushing numbers to Allen's 2021 season whose breakout coincided with Diggs arrival. Giants plan went to crap. Both players and coaching factors.

JS/BD committed to Jones with the contract. One thing that also could have changed is the dynamic in the front office which could impact decision making. I also don't see this Mara forcing things. Tisch has looked awfully involved to me. Why would he not stop this if true?
Josh Allen was in year 3.  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 8:01 am : link
RE: RE: 10 pages of comments on a thread...  
ThomasG : 2/8/2024 8:12 am : link
In comment 16392526 JT039 said:
In comment 16392516 DefenseWins said:


about a clickbait article that is all conjecture.

People fall for it every time on this site.

What's it?

The article results in about 1 or 2 page of posts here...the rest are the what others would do about it. Some intellectually honest and others creating a CYA folder.
RE: RE: 10 pages of comments on a thread...  
BigBlueShock : 2/8/2024 8:15 am : link
In comment 16392526 JT039 said:
In comment 16392516 DefenseWins said:


about a clickbait article that is all conjecture.

People fall for it every time on this site.

And yet, you show up on every single one of these threads. You never have anything of value to add, but here you are.

Your self awareness absolutely sucks.
RE: RE: RE: 10 pages of comments on a thread...  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 8:18 am : link
In comment 16392553 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16392526 JT039 said:


In comment 16392516 DefenseWins said:


about a clickbait article that is all conjecture.

People fall for it every time on this site.

And yet, you show up on every single one of these threads. You never have anything of value to add, but here you are.

Your self awareness absolutely sucks.

I really don’t post on Jones threads. Good try though.
He's never coming back JT026...  
ThomasG : 2/8/2024 8:22 am : link

I wish the Eli revenge tour thread  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 8:25 am : link
Was findable. Classic.
We need more stupidity  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 8:27 am : link
On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?
christian : 2/8/2024 8:33 am : link
In a little while
I'll be gone
The moment's already passed
Yeah, it's gone
And I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here
I'm not here
RE: We need more stupidity  
ThomasG : 2/8/2024 8:36 am : link
In comment 16392567 JT039 said:
On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

I can assure you we don't need any more stupidity.

So we appreciate that you don't really post on Jones threads.
RE: RE: We need more stupidity  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 8:38 am : link
In comment 16392579 ThomasG said:
In comment 16392567 JT039 said:


On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

I can assure you we don't need any more stupidity.

So we appreciate that you don't really post on Jones threads.

Oh he’s already posting on this thread you mean? Thanks.

Looking forward to the same posts for the 34,451,873rd time. Very informative.
Jones threads...  
Brown_Hornet : 2/8/2024 8:52 am : link
...oof, I'm done with them.
If he plays, I hope he's great.
I'd prefer a replacement.
The threads are not worth the nastiness that comes with them.
RE: Well if that was a trial balloon  
Eightshamrocks : 2/8/2024 9:05 am : link
In comment 16392506 section125 said:
on Jones, it should be plain and clear that the fans do not support another season of Jones.

So Pat, if you you are polling, let the FO know they need to start moving on from DJ - and now.
Good thing the fans are not the GM. Everyone wants to be an armchair Quarterback, don't they? Look, if Jones stinks again this year, he is done. Everyone knows this. Due to his contract, he has one more shot at this. Deal with it and move on.
He hasn’t earned another shot  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 9:09 am : link
Using the contract as a crutch doesn’t make that true
RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
Eightshamrocks : 2/8/2024 9:14 am : link
In comment 16392605 ajr2456 said:
Using the contract as a crutch doesn’t make that true

Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.
RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 9:14 am : link
In comment 16392605 ajr2456 said:
Using the contract as a crutch doesn’t make that true

This is the correct take. He’s going to be a career backup once he is cut here. And that’s probably a good role for him. He can fill in for a couple games and maybe win a game coming off the bench.
RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 9:15 am : link
In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392605 ajr2456 said:


Using the contract as a crutch doesn’t make that true

Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

Denver just did this. Sometimes it’s better to cut bait and move on.
RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
christian : 2/8/2024 9:20 am : link
In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:
Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.
RE: RE: Well if that was a trial balloon  
Greg from LI : 2/8/2024 9:24 am : link
In comment 16392597 Eightshamrocks said:
Look, if Jones stinks again this year, he is done.

This is the third straight year I've been told this 🤣
RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
Eightshamrocks : 2/8/2024 9:32 am : link
In comment 16392621 christian said:
In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.
Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.
Almost 10 pages of posts  
Lambuth_Special : 2/8/2024 9:37 am : link
And we've all almost collectively forgot that this scenario means that they will essentially rush Jones back from an ACL, and given past history, I would bet money that he won't actually be ready.

If this franchise has a functioning brain somewhere in the building, they will bring in a starter-level QB this offseason.
RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
Scooter185 : 2/8/2024 9:38 am : link
In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392621 christian said:


In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

And what happens when they go 4-13 with Jones?

More excuses
Anyone ever see the South Park episode with the timeshare?  
Greg from LI : 2/8/2024 9:38 am : link
Where they leave the timeshare pitch to go skiing, and the chair lift brings them right back to the pitch meeting? That's what this is feeling like.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
Eightshamrocks : 2/8/2024 9:39 am : link
In comment 16392655 Scooter185 said:
In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16392621 christian said:


In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

And what happens when they go 4-13 with Jones?

More excuses
They won't. Anywhere from 9-8 to 1106 is where they will be if Jones is healthy. He already proved that in 2022.
christian : 2/8/2024 9:39 am : link
In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:
The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

That's an unrelated point, and debatable point.

Back to original statement re: eating a 69M cap hit, you are simply just wrong about that.
RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
Scooter185 : 2/8/2024 9:40 am : link
In comment 16392610 JT039 said:
In comment 16392605 ajr2456 said:


Using the contract as a crutch doesn’t make that true

This is the correct take. He’s going to be a career backup once he is cut here. And that’s probably a good role for him. He can fill in for a couple games and maybe win a game coming off the bench.

Here's how I see the rest of Jones career:
2024: either because of injury or ineffectiveness he loses the starting job
Early 2025: Cut by NYG. Signed as a starter elsewhere on a 1-2 year deal
Late 2025: either because of injury or ineffectiveness he's benched and/or cut
2026: signed as a backup QB
RE: RE: RE: Well if that was a trial balloon  
Lambuth_Special : 2/8/2024 9:40 am : link
In comment 16392629 Greg from LI said:
In comment 16392597 Eightshamrocks said:


Look, if Jones stinks again this year, he is done.

This is the third straight year I've been told this 🤣

Also the word "stinks" leaves the door open that Jones will be the QB again in 25' if he's merely below average.
cosmicj : 2/8/2024 9:43 am : link
That’s very plausible.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
Scooter185 : 2/8/2024 9:45 am : link
In comment 16392657 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392655 Scooter185 said:


In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16392621 christian said:


In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

And what happens when they go 4-13 with Jones?

More excuses

They won't. Anywhere from 9-8 to 1106 is where they will be if Jones is healthy. He already proved that in 2022.

In a remedial smoke and mirrors offense bolstered by Saquon. They're not running that again, because it's been figured out by the entire league. Plus if Jones running is hindered at all he's effectively toast. 6 wins max next year with DJ as qb1
RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
nygiantfan : 2/8/2024 9:45 am : link
In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392621 christian said:


In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

It is possible that Daboll gets fired for only winning 4 games with a rookie QB.

But it is still better than ABSOLUTELY getting fired because they only won 4 games with Jones at QB.
I can see Jones having a post-Giants revival  
Lambuth_Special : 2/8/2024 9:48 am : link
Similar to Jake Plummer once he left the Cardinals. He needs distance from being starting QB of the Giants.

Ironically, I think one of Jones's major issues right now is he's wound up too tight leaning into this "first in the gym at 5 a.m." workout warrior archetype. He's rushed back from 3 separate injuries too early at various points in his career.

I think his game would benefit more from going to the desert and taking psychedelics rather than constantly trying to be the perfect student.
christian : 2/8/2024 9:48 am : link
Well since the past is a perfect indicator of the future, I vote the Giants dust off Blake Bortles. He went 10-6 and was within striking distance of a Super Bowl appearance. He'll surely do that with the Giants.
RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
bw in dc : 2/8/2024 10:34 am : link
In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392605 ajr2456 said:


Using the contract as a crutch doesn’t make that true

Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Broncos are about to swallow a canyon full of money to jettison Wilson. Why? Because Payton doesn't want to screw around wasting time for a QB who he doesn't like in his system. And Wilson is a great QB headed to Canton.

When in doubt, cut bait and quit searching for the perfect conclusion.

BTW, who do you think is going to get it right first? Denver or NYG?
RE: We need more stupidity  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 10:37 am : link
In comment 16392567 JT039 said:
On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

If we can't find Jimmy, I'd even settle for dep. He could satisfy the stupidity quota pretty easily, I'm sure.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 10:38 am : link
In comment 16392657 Eightshamrocks said:

They won't. Anywhere from 9-8 to 1106 is where they will be if Jones is healthy. He already proved that in 2022.

The other years don’t count?
RE: RE: We need more stupidity  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 10:47 am : link
In comment 16392747 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16392567 JT039 said:


On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

If we can't find Jimmy, I'd even settle for dep. He could satisfy the stupidity quota pretty easily, I'm sure.

Don’t count yourself out sparky. You’re always good for a few moronic takes a day.
RE: RE: We need more stupidity  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 10:48 am : link
In comment 16392747 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16392567 JT039 said:


On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

If we can't find Jimmy, I'd even settle for dep. He could satisfy the stupidity quota pretty easily, I'm sure.

And you know Googs is here. You just don’t have the balls to call him out.
RE: RE: RE: We need more stupidity  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 10:49 am : link
In comment 16392764 JT039 said:
In comment 16392747 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16392567 JT039 said:


On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

If we can't find Jimmy, I'd even settle for dep. He could satisfy the stupidity quota pretty easily, I'm sure.

Don’t count yourself out sparky. You’re always good for a few moronic takes a day.

Why are you getting so defensive? I thought we were just talking about posters who aren't here any more. You already said you're not dep.

Don't you feel like lying takes more effort and energy than honesty?
RE: RE: RE: We need more stupidity  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 10:50 am : link
In comment 16392766 JT039 said:
In comment 16392747 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16392567 JT039 said:


On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

If we can't find Jimmy, I'd even settle for dep. He could satisfy the stupidity quota pretty easily, I'm sure.

And you know Googs is here. You just don’t have the balls to call him out.

I don't have any desire to. It has nothing to do with balls.

I just think it's silly when dupes try to play the righteous card and call out other dupes.

All of you are too soft to stick around on a single handle.
RE: Vs above .500 teams  
The Mike : 2/8/2024 10:57 am : link
In comment 16392507 ajr2456 said:
Daniel Jones record vs teams .500 or higher:

2019: 0-7
2020: 0-6
2021: 3-4
2022: 2-6
2023: 0-4

5-27 against teams .500

This is the most stinging indictment of all... At his absolute best, DJ has been terrible.
RE: RE: RE: RE: We need more stupidity  
ChrisRick : 2/8/2024 10:59 am : link
In comment 16392769 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16392766 JT039 said:


In comment 16392747 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16392567 JT039 said:


On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

If we can't find Jimmy, I'd even settle for dep. He could satisfy the stupidity quota pretty easily, I'm sure.

And you know Googs is here. You just don’t have the balls to call him out.

I don't have any desire to. It has nothing to do with balls.

I just think it's silly when dupes try to play the righteous card and call out other dupes.

All of you are too soft to stick around on a single handle.

I am a returning handle, you think I am soft for that? Oh fucking well.
Yeah sure  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 11:00 am : link
You just pick and choose who to call out as dupes. Just found it amusing you leave certain people out. Hmm….

And does it matter what I claim? You and the 6-7 posters who attack, ridicule, mock anyone who disagrees with you or god forbid likes a certain player. And when people mention the times you have been wrong - you’re the ones who get all sensitive and the attacks intensify. Time to grow up.

It seems to me...  
bw in dc : 2/8/2024 11:00 am : link
the question that needs to be asked about Jones, or any QB, is do you think that QB can lead you to a SB and win it.

I watch the Bills play, for example, and I am 100% convinced Allen can.

On the other hand, I watch Tua play for Miami and think he's not their solution and they need to pivot.

So, to my friends in the DJFC, after five years and all of the games played, most of you seem convinced that Jones can to that. Am I wrong in that conclusion?

RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
BigBlueShock : 2/8/2024 11:02 am : link
In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392621 christian said:


In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

Tommy DeVito won 3 games in a row with this OL. Why would you assume a rookie with much, much more talent would somehow be worse? In fact, DeVito won 3 times more games than Jones did this season. But yeah, excuses…
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
Eightshamrocks : 2/8/2024 11:06 am : link
In comment 16392793 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16392621 christian said:


In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

Tommy DeVito won 3 games in a row with this OL. Why would you assume a rookie with much, much more talent would somehow be worse? In fact, DeVito won 3 times more games than Jones did this season. But yeah, excuses…
With a completely different O-line than Jones had and a healthy Saquan, but other than that do carrry on.
Devitos per game numbers  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 11:14 am : link
Weren’t too far off from Jones’ 2022 numbers.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 11:16 am : link
In comment 16392799 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392793 BigBlueShock said:


In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16392621 christian said:


In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

Tommy DeVito won 3 games in a row with this OL. Why would you assume a rookie with much, much more talent would somehow be worse? In fact, DeVito won 3 times more games than Jones did this season. But yeah, excuses…

With a completely different O-line than Jones had and a healthy Saquan, but other than that do carrry on.

You know what, you have convinced me. The QB doesn't matter, he's just a product of his environment.

Let's improve the supporting cast. And to really lean into that, let's free up DJ's cap value as soon as possible to help accomplish that.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: He hasn’t earned another shot  
BigBlueShock : 2/8/2024 11:18 am : link
In comment 16392799 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392793 BigBlueShock said:


In comment 16392641 Eightshamrocks said:


In comment 16392621 christian said:


In comment 16392608 Eightshamrocks said:


Yea sure. The Giants are just going to eat that $69 Million cap hit by cutting him before the season. Seems like a great business model right there.

The Giants can cut Jones at the point he can pass a physical, which will certainly be after June 1, and not increase his 2024 cap charge.

If they pick a quarterback in the first round, this is a very plausible outcome.

Another plausible outcome would be the Giants going 4-13 starting a rookie QB with this roster, and this O-line. Mara is not going to care that it's a rookie QB. Daboll would still get fired, because he would be one of the one's to sgin off on starting a rookie and getting rid of Jones.

Tommy DeVito won 3 games in a row with this OL. Why would you assume a rookie with much, much more talent would somehow be worse? In fact, DeVito won 3 times more games than Jones did this season. But yeah, excuses…

With a completely different O-line than Jones had and a healthy Saquan, but other than that do carrry on.

You’re the one that said a rookie will only win 4 games “with this OL”. DeVito won 3 in a row “with this OL”. Did he not?
RE: It seems to me...  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 11:19 am : link
In comment 16392787 bw in dc said:
the question that needs to be asked about Jones, or any QB, is do you think that QB can lead you to a SB and win it.

I watch the Bills play, for example, and I am 100% convinced Allen can.

On the other hand, I watch Tua play for Miami and think he's not their solution and they need to pivot.

So, to my friends in the DJFC, after five years and all of the games played, most of you seem convinced that Jones can to that. Am I wrong in that conclusion?

The problem is how many QBs currently in the NFL fit that void the giants have left.

Maybe Burrow - not even sure he can.

So the next part of your question is - if Schoen looks at these QBs and doesn’t think any in this draft are that QB - what does he do?
RE: Yeah sure  
ChrisRick : 2/8/2024 11:31 am : link
In comment 16392786 JT039 said:
You just pick and choose who to call out as dupes. Just found it amusing you leave certain people out. Hmm….

And does it matter what I claim? You and the 6-7 posters who attack, ridicule, mock anyone who disagrees with you or god forbid likes a certain player. And when people mention the times you have been wrong - you’re the ones who get all sensitive and the attacks intensify. Time to grow up.

christian : 2/8/2024 11:33 am : link
I just want to say if we're picking teams, I want to be with GD and ThomasG. I don't know what we're arguing about, but I'm on that side.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: We need more stupidity  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 11:40 am : link
In comment 16392784 ChrisRick said:
In comment 16392769 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16392766 JT039 said:


In comment 16392747 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16392567 JT039 said:


On these threads. Anyone see Jimmy Googs lately?

If we can't find Jimmy, I'd even settle for dep. He could satisfy the stupidity quota pretty easily, I'm sure.

And you know Googs is here. You just don’t have the balls to call him out.

I don't have any desire to. It has nothing to do with balls.

I just think it's silly when dupes try to play the righteous card and call out other dupes.

All of you are too soft to stick around on a single handle.

I am a returning handle, you think I am soft for that? Oh fucking well.

Your new handle is a variation on your old handle and you immediately told people that you were Crick, but on a new handle.

That seems materially different to me, and the opposite of what I'm defining as soft in this case. Soft is coming back under a new handle, pretending to be a completely new poster, denying your previous handle, and still somehow getting defensive about getting called out while calling out others who are doing the exact same thing.

JT has repeatedly claimed that he's not dep. Yet as soon as someone mentions dep, his diaper gets all twisted. Meanwhile he thinks he's got the high road to call out Jimmy Googs.

I think Googs was a far smarter poster than dep, but if JT isn't dep, I don't see why my opinion on that matters to him.
RE: It seems to me...  
Snorkels : 2/8/2024 11:45 am : link
In comment 16392787 bw in dc said:
the question that needs to be asked about Jones, or any QB, is do you think that QB can lead you to a SB and win it.

I watch the Bills play, for example, and I am 100% convinced Allen can.

On the other hand, I watch Tua play for Miami and think he's not their solution and they need to pivot.

So, to my friends in the DJFC, after five years and all of the games played, most of you seem convinced that Jones can to that. Am I wrong in that conclusion?

Its kind of a rhetorical question that's hard to answer. I don't think anyone is prepared to say Jones is anywhere near the category of a Mahomes type player who is going to get have his team in the hunt every year. But then neither does anybody else in the league these days. Even Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian until they got him some weapons. What I do believe, and it seems the Giants do too, is that Jones is at least good enough to get you to the playoffs most years given a competent OL and a weapon or two. In fact he did so in 2022 with a less than super talented team and I also believe that he stayed healthy this past season the Giants would have won 8-9 games and at least been in the hunt. And getting to the playoffs is a big part of the game because as we've seen once you get there anything can happen.

That certainly should not preclude the Giants from continuing to look to upgrade the position. Which also is what they have pretty much said they'll be doing.
RE: RE: It seems to me...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 11:49 am : link
In comment 16392923 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392787 bw in dc said:


the question that needs to be asked about Jones, or any QB, is do you think that QB can lead you to a SB and win it.

I watch the Bills play, for example, and I am 100% convinced Allen can.

On the other hand, I watch Tua play for Miami and think he's not their solution and they need to pivot.

So, to my friends in the DJFC, after five years and all of the games played, most of you seem convinced that Jones can to that. Am I wrong in that conclusion?

Its kind of a rhetorical question that's hard to answer. I don't think anyone is prepared to say Jones is anywhere near the category of a Mahomes type player who is going to get have his team in the hunt every year. But then neither does anybody else in the league these days. Even Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian until they got him some weapons. What I do believe, and it seems the Giants do too, is that Jones is at least good enough to get you to the playoffs most years given a competent OL and a weapon or two. In fact he did so in 2022 with a less than super talented team and I also believe that he stayed healthy this past season the Giants would have won 8-9 games and at least been in the hunt. And getting to the playoffs is a big part of the game because as we've seen once you get there anything can happen.

That certainly should not preclude the Giants from continuing to look to upgrade the position. Which also is what they have pretty much said they'll be doing.

"Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian" as a rookie.

Dan Jones is going into year six. That's not the same. Deep down, you know it.
RE: RE: RE: Well if that was a trial balloon  
Matt M. : 2/8/2024 11:53 am : link
In comment 16392629 Greg from LI said:
In comment 16392597 Eightshamrocks said:


Look, if Jones stinks again this year, he is done.

This is the third straight year I've been told this 🤣
The difference is, I think, this year it would mean Jones is gone and the people who hitched their wagons to him are likely gone (Schoen and Daboll). I know ownership doesn't want to keep firing coaches, but in my opinion a complete disaster by Jones should spell the end for this regime...even if you believe it was mandated from above.
christian : 2/8/2024 11:54 am : link
The Josh Allen comparison thing is a little tired. Josh Allen's second year in the league (first as a full time starter) with Josh Brown and Cole Beasley as the leading receivers compares very favorably with Jones's high water mark.
RE: RE: RE: It seems to me...  
Snorkels : 2/8/2024 11:58 am : link
In comment 16392938 Gatorade Dunk said:

"Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian" as a rookie.

Dan Jones is going into year six. That's not the same. Deep down, you know it.

I sort of promised myself not to respond to the stupidity around here but then along comes Gatorade Drunk!

You know what I said was Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian until they went out and got Stephan Diggs. Jones has never ever had a receiver anywhere near as good as Diggs with the Giants! Sheesh
RE: RE: It seems to me...  
bw in dc : 2/8/2024 12:04 pm : link
In comment 16392824 JT039 said:

The problem is how many QBs currently in the NFL fit that void the giants have left.

Maybe Burrow - not even sure he can.

So the next part of your question is - if Schoen looks at these QBs and doesn’t think any in this draft are that QB - what does he do?

The process should still be to settle the Jones question first. He's on the team and you have five years of data, granted there are some challenging circumstances to consider.

So, using the hypothetical, if Schoen concludes Jones the odds of Jones bringing a SB are just too long, he should move on right away. And begin the process of finding the answer.

Otherwise, we're just a car stuck in the mud, spinning wheels, and spraying mud all of the place.
RE: RE: RE: It seems to me...  
JT039 : 2/8/2024 12:07 pm : link
In comment 16392974 bw in dc said:
In comment 16392824 JT039 said:


The problem is how many QBs currently in the NFL fit that void the giants have left.

Maybe Burrow - not even sure he can.

So the next part of your question is - if Schoen looks at these QBs and doesn’t think any in this draft are that QB - what does he do?

The process should still be to settle the Jones question first. He's on the team and you have five years of data, granted there are some challenging circumstances to consider.

So, using the hypothetical, if Schoen concludes Jones the odds of Jones bringing a SB are just too long, he should move on right away. And begin the process of finding the answer.

Otherwise, we're just a car stuck in the mud, spinning wheels, and spraying mud all of the place.

I don’t disagree. I think you and both agree that if we draft a QB at 6, trade back in the first for one, or draft one in the second - they should start immediately. If Jones is healthy - let him be the backup. And then cut him after the year. I think that’s a viable route.
RE: RE: RE: It seems to me...  
Matt M. : 2/8/2024 12:08 pm : link
In comment 16392974 bw in dc said:
In comment 16392824 JT039 said:


The problem is how many QBs currently in the NFL fit that void the giants have left.

Maybe Burrow - not even sure he can.

So the next part of your question is - if Schoen looks at these QBs and doesn’t think any in this draft are that QB - what does he do?

The process should still be to settle the Jones question first. He's on the team and you have five years of data, granted there are some challenging circumstances to consider.

So, using the hypothetical, if Schoen concludes Jones the odds of Jones bringing a SB are just too long, he should move on right away. And begin the process of finding the answer.

Otherwise, we're just a car stuck in the mud, spinning wheels, and spraying mud all of the place.
The problem is apparently Schoen does NOT think that and/or his boss does NOT. That means fill the roster around him.

This is why I say if this is a bust year with Jones, Schoen and Daboll have to be held accountable. Even if the Jones stuff is coming from Mara, as some suspect, because that would mean they only failed because of the personnel and coaching, which is on Schoen and Daboll.
RE: RE: It seems to me...  
Scooter185 : 2/8/2024 12:11 pm : link
In comment 16392923 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392787 bw in dc said:


the question that needs to be asked about Jones, or any QB, is do you think that QB can lead you to a SB and win it.

I watch the Bills play, for example, and I am 100% convinced Allen can.

On the other hand, I watch Tua play for Miami and think he's not their solution and they need to pivot.

So, to my friends in the DJFC, after five years and all of the games played, most of you seem convinced that Jones can to that. Am I wrong in that conclusion?

Its kind of a rhetorical question that's hard to answer. I don't think anyone is prepared to say Jones is anywhere near the category of a Mahomes type player who is going to get have his team in the hunt every year. But then neither does anybody else in the league these days. Even Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian until they got him some weapons. What I do believe, and it seems the Giants do too, is that Jones is at least good enough to get you to the playoffs most years given a competent OL and a weapon or two. In fact he did so in 2022 with a less than super talented team and I also believe that he stayed healthy this past season the Giants would have won 8-9 games and at least been in the hunt. And getting to the playoffs is a big part of the game because as we've seen once you get there anything can happen.

That certainly should not preclude the Giants from continuing to look to upgrade the position. Which also is what they have pretty much said they'll be doing.

So at his best you think Jones is...Dak Prescott? Someone good enough to get to the playoffs but that's about all? Talk about embracing mediocrity
Jones v Allen  
Snorkels : 2/8/2024 12:15 pm : link
Not to belabor the point but the Jones-Allen comparison actually kind of proves our case. In their first two years Jones had a completion % of just over 62%, Allen 56%. Jones had 35 TD passes to 21 picks; Allen 30 TDs to 22 picks. Then Allen got Diggs and his numbers took geometrically.

More to the point bw I don't understand the need to get rid of Jones in order to get a rookie especially one of the second-tier guys.

Lastly, let's not be firing people until after the season!
RE: RE: RE: RE: It seems to me...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 12:16 pm : link
In comment 16392963 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392938 Gatorade Dunk said:


"Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian" as a rookie.

Dan Jones is going into year six. That's not the same. Deep down, you know it.

I sort of promised myself not to respond to the stupidity around here but then along comes Gatorade Drunk!

You know what I said was Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian until they went out and got Stephan Diggs. Jones has never ever had a receiver anywhere near as good as Diggs with the Giants! Sheesh

It's Dunk, you fucking loser.

Unlike your idiot VP of comms, I don't drink.
RE: Jones v Allen  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 12:18 pm : link
In comment 16392991 Snorkels said:
Not to belabor the point but the Jones-Allen comparison actually kind of proves our case. In their first two years Jones had a completion % of just over 62%, Allen 56%. Jones had 35 TD passes to 21 picks; Allen 30 TDs to 22 picks. Then Allen got Diggs and his numbers took geometrically.

More to the point bw I don't understand the need to get rid of Jones in order to get a rookie especially one of the second-tier guys.

Lastly, let's not be firing people until after the season!


Do you have a fucking mouse in your pocket, or do you keep using the plural form for some other reason?
Reading comprehension - very important  
Snorkels : 2/8/2024 12:24 pm : link
Please Scooter et al read carefully. What I said is that I believe is that Jones is AT LEAST good enough to get the Giants to the playoffs on a regular basis. That's a pretty good start. How much actual upside he has nobody knows because nobody has ever seen him in an offense with a reasonably competent OL and a couple of really good weapons comparable with what all the other good QBs in the league have.

What I think, and what I think the Giants are thinking, is that while Jones may never be a prototype pocket passer, he does have some unique talent in that he has at least decent arm talent along with really good athleticism and what the hope is that with an offence with a couple of deep threats plus an underneath receiver or two (and we are actually pretty close to that) combined with the running threat of Jones and Barkley it just might be a very difficult offence for other team to defend. We shall see.
RE: Reading comprehension - very important  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/8/2024 12:28 pm : link
In comment 16393002 Snorkels said:
Please Scooter et al read carefully. What I said is that I believe is that Jones is AT LEAST good enough to get the Giants to the playoffs on a regular basis. That's a pretty good start. How much actual upside he has nobody knows because nobody has ever seen him in an offense with a reasonably competent OL and a couple of really good weapons comparable with what all the other good QBs in the league have.

What I think, and what I think the Giants are thinking, is that while Jones may never be a prototype pocket passer, he does have some unique talent in that he has at least decent arm talent along with really good athleticism and what the hope is that with an offence with a couple of deep threats plus an underneath receiver or two (and we are actually pretty close to that) combined with the running threat of Jones and Barkley it just might be a very difficult offence for other team to defend. We shall see.

20% = "regular basis" at 1925 Giants Drive.
RE: Jones v Allen  
bw in dc : 2/8/2024 12:31 pm : link
In comment 16392991 Snorkels said:
Not to belabor the point but the Jones-Allen comparison actually kind of proves our case. In their first two years Jones had a completion % of just over 62%, Allen 56%. Jones had 35 TD passes to 21 picks; Allen 30 TDs to 22 picks. Then Allen got Diggs and his numbers took geometrically.

More to the point bw I don't understand the need to get rid of Jones in order to get a rookie especially one of the second-tier guys.

Lastly, let's not be firing people until after the season!

Again, if the conclusion is Jones is no longer the answer, keeping him is just superfluous. Are his intangibles that important to keep him around? Cut the ties and play either a rookie or free agent like Minshew.

Re: Jones and Allen. While the numbers after two years may show similar players, this is where the eye test should come in. And if you apply that fairly, I don't see how anyone could have watched both after their first two years and conclude anything other than Allen is a special talent and Jones is an ordinary talent.
Seems like some of what  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/8/2024 12:33 pm : link
Snorkels said is what the Giants did last offseason. It just did not pan out as expected for multiple reasons. Waller, Campbell and Hyatt. Then the JMS.

Giants don't need a Bortles clone but I would take the number 1 rushing offense and number two D that Jax had in 2017. Whether Jones or someone else at QB, they will benefit.
RE: ...  
ThomasG : 2/8/2024 12:36 pm : link
In comment 16392885 christian said:
I just want to say if we're picking teams, I want to be with GD and ThomasG. I don't know what we're arguing about, but I'm on that side.

Awww, that brought a tear to my eye christian.

Good thing I have a lot of Kleenex on hand from advice on last week's threads!
RE: Seems like some of what  
ajr2456 : 2/8/2024 12:37 pm : link
In comment 16393014 Lines of Scrimmage said:
Snorkels said is what the Giants did last offseason. It just did not pan out as expected for multiple reasons. Waller, Campbell and Hyatt. Then the JMS.

Giants don't need a Bortles clone but I would take the number 1 rushing offense and number two D that Jax had in 2017. Whether Jones or someone else at QB, they will benefit.

And how long did that work in Jacksonville?
christian : 2/8/2024 12:37 pm : link
If the Giants are aiming for a great running game, multiple dangerous pass catchers, a competent offensive line, and a great defense -- can we also just throw in cheap talented rookie quarterback?
RE: Reading comprehension - very important  
ThomasG : 2/8/2024 12:40 pm : link
In comment 16393002 Snorkels said:
Please Scooter et al read carefully. What I said is that I believe is that Jones is AT LEAST good enough to get the Giants to the playoffs on a regular basis. That's a pretty good start. How much actual upside he has nobody knows because nobody has ever seen him in an offense with a reasonably competent OL and a couple of really good weapons comparable with what all the other good QBs in the league have.

What I think, and what I think the Giants are thinking, is that while Jones may never be a prototype pocket passer, he does have some unique talent in that he has at least decent arm talent along with really good athleticism and what the hope is that with an offence with a couple of deep threats plus an underneath receiver or two (and we are actually pretty close to that) combined with the running threat of Jones and Barkley it just might be a very difficult offence for other team to defend. We shall see.

Snorkels - still waiting for your response on why the franchise moved on from Eli after 2 games in 2019 if you all felt he had his best year in 2018? Surely, a future HoF would get more time to work out any kinks in his game after an 0-2 start.

Since things appear slow again for you at your workplace, let me know.
RE: RE: ...  
bw in dc : 2/8/2024 12:52 pm : link
In comment 16393021 ThomasG said:
In comment 16392885 christian said:


I just want to say if we're picking teams, I want to be with GD and ThomasG. I don't know what we're arguing about, but I'm on that side.

Awww, that brought a tear to my eye christian.

Good thing I have a lot of Kleenex on hand from advice on last week's threads!

I think christian is just being nice including you.

The old saying in professional tennis used to be that the best doubles team ever was McEnroe and whomever he played with.

I think this is similar. The best BBI duo to argue is GD and whomever he decides to include for the day... ;)

RE: RE: RE: ...  
ThomasG : 2/8/2024 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16393060 bw in dc said:
In comment 16393021 ThomasG said:


In comment 16392885 christian said:


I just want to say if we're picking teams, I want to be with GD and ThomasG. I don't know what we're arguing about, but I'm on that side.

Awww, that brought a tear to my eye christian.

Good thing I have a lot of Kleenex on hand from advice on last week's threads!

I think christian is just being nice including you.

The old saying in professional tennis used to be that the best doubles team ever was McEnroe and whomever he played with.

I think this is similar. The best BBI duo to argue is GD and whomever he decides to include for the day... ;)

You're getting me all choked up with these nice words. Need more kleenex now.
RE: Reading comprehension - very important  
Scooter185 : 2/8/2024 1:04 pm : link
In comment 16393002 Snorkels said:
Please Scooter et al read carefully. What I said is that I believe is that Jones is AT LEAST good enough to get the Giants to the playoffs on a regular basis. That's a pretty good start. How much actual upside he has nobody knows because nobody has ever seen him in an offense with a reasonably competent OL and a couple of really good weapons comparable with what all the other good QBs in the league have.

What I think, and what I think the Giants are thinking, is that while Jones may never be a prototype pocket passer, he does have some unique talent in that he has at least decent arm talent along with really good athleticism and what the hope is that with an offence with a couple of deep threats plus an underneath receiver or two (and we are actually pretty close to that) combined with the running threat of Jones and Barkley it just might be a very difficult offence for other team to defend. We shall see.

Ah the "we don't know what Jones is" defense. He got pro-level coaching in college, and now 5 years of NFL coaching. He was described as NFL ready coming out of Duke, and yet we don't know his ceiling? His ceiling was 2022, and he'll be lucky to ever sniff that again
ignore all the bullshit  
Thegratefulhead : 2/8/2024 1:06 pm : link
The bottom line is a subjective evaluation of Daniel Jones past play and a projection of his production with average talent around him.

We are still arguing about the circumstances surrounding both his good and bad play.

I have an opinion on that is overridden by a more immediate concern. We cannot trust that Jones will be the same guy after injury. We must accept the possibility they he could become even less durable.

I don't care if he is given a shot to retain his position. The only thing I REALLY want is viable option if Jones career ends the next time he tweeks his neck.

That just is.

I don't have to whine about whether Jones sucks or not or have an unquenchable need to respond to every single post that contradicts my opinion with some form of....

(I'm right and you are wrong) this is contextually most of the BBI debates.

Peace :)
RE: RE: RE: RE: It seems to me...  
rsjem1979 : 2/8/2024 1:25 pm : link
In comment 16392963 Snorkels said:
In comment 16392938 Gatorade Dunk said:


"Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian" as a rookie.

Dan Jones is going into year six. That's not the same. Deep down, you know it.

I sort of promised myself not to respond to the stupidity around here but then along comes Gatorade Drunk!

You know what I said was Josh Allen was kind of pedestrian until they went out and got Stephan Diggs. Jones has never ever had a receiver anywhere near as good as Diggs with the Giants! Sheesh

He also doesn't have nearly the physical skills Allen has, with the possible exception of straight line speed.

Allen does literally everything else better than Jones. Absolutely everything. And it's not debatable unless you want to look foolish.

So let's ask this question, since they have nearly identical cap figures in 2024 - for $47 million which QB would you rather have?
in other words, Jones is the best QB  
xtian : 2/8/2024 4:04 pm : link
currently under contract, and given its size DJ will be on the roster no matter what. And we have heard there will be at least one more QB signed, either a free agent or through the draft. So, everyone relax.
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