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You optimistic about the '24 season?

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 8:15 pm
Yes, I know it is February 7th. We haven't hit free agency. The draft if more than two months away. Hell, we just hired our new DC two days ago.

But I've seen Eric allude in multiple posts that this upcoming season has '96 vibes & I agree. For you youngsters, the '96 season wasn't a good one. After coming off a shitty '95 campaign where we were supposed to contend, but got our doors blown off in a home opener vs. Dallas in primetime-sound familiar to '22?-, the Giants went 6-10 in '96 with Dave Brown-a QB who went to Duke of all places-playing piss poor. The end result was Dan Reeves getting fired & the beginning of the Fassel era. Brown eventually lost his job for good in '97 when he got injured.

Again, the season is 7 months away, but right now, my expectations for the '24 Giants are pretty low. The though of running it back with #8 & hoping against hope that he'll become something...I give up. And I'm resigned-after reading Sy's post earlier-that that's what the Giants think...its all so depressing.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 8:21 pm : link
Forgot to mention that Reeve-like Dabs-won COY his first season as Giants coach in '93.
Every time I try to think positive  
Lambuth_Special : 2/7/2024 8:29 pm : link
I remember - on top of all the other bad omens - that Jones is also going to rush back from an ACL to start week 1, and the team will oblige. There’s a bad history there with how the Giants manage his injuries.

Otherwise, I have some hopes for the defense, and a few of the young offensive skill guys will flash. Basically, it will look like 2023.
Go Terps : 2/7/2024 8:31 pm : link
I expect a new head coach next year, with Schoen moved up a slot on the scapegoat ladder.
Always Optimistic  
Giantimistic : 2/7/2024 8:34 pm : link
Just can’t decide if Jones will be the MVP, Super Bowl MVP or both.
Scooter185 : 2/7/2024 8:35 pm : link
I'll let you know after the draft
US1 Giants : 2/7/2024 8:39 pm : link
If they had not crippled themselves with the cap again, I would have more hope.
Manhattan : 2/7/2024 8:40 pm : link
if we run it back with Jones the best we can do is some moral victory. Play a bit better than we expect, compete for a wild card berth, maybe. That's not good enough.
Too experienced to be optimistic  
Festina Lente : 2/7/2024 8:40 pm : link
Just look forward to watch football games. Don't have expectations. If giants suck one again, still other footbal to watch at least.
Jack Bauer does it every time!  
SteelGiant : 2/7/2024 8:41 pm : link
How could you not be optimistic
I’m not.  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 2/7/2024 8:41 pm : link

The draft could possibly change my outlook but as of right now, we don’t have a viable starting QB and our O-line is bottom 5 in the league. JS has his work cut out for him to continue this roster turnover.
eric2425ny : 2/7/2024 8:43 pm : link
Last offseason was not good at all. The Jones contract, tagging Barkley instead of Jones which led to the Jones contract, Waller being Waller with his hamstring injuries, worst line in the league (second highest sacks given up in NFL history).

Daboll basically firing 2/3 top coordinators screams of panic and desperation. Not a good way to enter the upcoming season.
RE: No  
eric2425ny : 2/7/2024 8:44 pm : link
In comment 16392351 Go Terps said:
I expect a new head coach next year, with Schoen moved up a slot on the scapegoat ladder.

jtfuoco : 2/7/2024 8:47 pm : link
The Giants dont grab one if these QBs in this draft then i have zero hope. Jones will be terrible but now add he wont be able to run either. Dabs will get fired and they start over again the endless rebuild will continue until they get their franchise QB.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/7/2024 8:48 pm : link
Call me crazy, but gun to head...I think BB is our HC a year from today.
Talk to me September  
Sammo85 : 2/7/2024 8:50 pm : link
Labor Day weekend. As of now it’s too early. But am I enthused about Giants right now and the roster/vibe on team. Hell no. I am depressed.

I'm more concerned on how they approach this off-season  
Sean : 2/7/2024 8:51 pm : link
How does Mara view Daboll? Is he viewed as a long term solution and is there patience from ownership to fix this? Shanahan started in SF with a 6-10 and 4-12 record, but got to a super bowl in year three.

Daboll looks to be a good coach to me. You can't have it both ways, you can't say the QB sucks but then be critical of Daboll. If you think the QB sucks, then Daboll having a 16-19-1 record including a playoff win looks pretty damn good, doesn't it? After all, the best coaches tend to have the best QBs. It's not a coincidence.

So, assuming Daboll has assurances that this is a long term fix, I'd like to see one of the following:

1. NYG drafts a QB high in the first round either by trading up or staying at six.


2. NYG trades down multiple times and loads up on draft picks including an extra 2025 first round pick. I do NOT want to just stick at six and draft a WR. That's Barkley all over again. I'd be fine with this if they can't trade up or no QB meets the value at six. I'd hope they'd still be able to land a QB later on in the draft.

I also want to move on from Barkley. It's time to move off from this era of NYG football. Schoen admitted they decided to accelerate their process, the key is not doubling down further.

If the Giants restructure Jones, I'll believe Mara is putting pressure to win this year. I'll be encouraged if Jones isn't restructured. So, to answer the thread - I'll be optimistic if all signs point to a long term approach in March & April. I'm not as worried about record, just show me you aren't doubling down on Jones & Barkley. Doubling down on Jones = restructuring. If NYG doesn't draft a QB high, it doesn't necessarily mean they are doubling down on Jones. Just trade down multiple times if that's the case. Nothing should be forced.
I'm NOT Drinking the  
mvftw : 2/7/2024 8:54 pm : link
Kool-Aid like I did last Year...Win the First game and then we'll
If Jones is on the field...  
bw in dc : 2/7/2024 8:54 pm : link
for 2024, I don't know if I can summons the energy to watch him attempt to play QB in the NFL for a sixth try.

What's the difference between that and...

GiantGrit : 2/7/2024 9:03 pm : link
They need to make serious moves for me to really be interested in the upcoming season.
No. They are going to suck the old hairy root!  
Gforce11 : 2/7/2024 9:05 pm : link
There is nothing, nothing this team has shown that is in anyway optimistic. I predict dark times and dark ages for the next 5 years...cause ownership is stupid.
Amtoft : 2/7/2024 9:05 pm : link
The reality is we should be better. With exception of maybe Barkley and Maybe McKinney we should return everyone and have a possible stud at pick 6 plus FA. Winning in the NFL is close margins so we can easily make the playoffs and easily have a top 10 pick.
Brown_Hornet : 2/7/2024 9:09 pm : link
...misery doesn't suit me.
At this point, I do not see anything to be optimistic about  
Hammer : 2/7/2024 9:21 pm : link
That might change, but it sure looks like business as usual at 1925 Giants Drive.
Daboll/Schoen Fired  
MojoEd : 2/7/2024 9:25 pm : link
Cowden next GM.
I am always optimistic…  
Vinny from Danbury : 2/7/2024 9:30 pm : link
For a new season, until the season proves otherwise at it’s conclusion.
Unless one of the qbs falls to pick 4 or we  
BleedBlue46 : 2/7/2024 9:32 pm : link
Get one of the other qbs and get lucky I'll be less excited for a Giants season than I have been in a long time. I gave up on DJ after the Seattle game this past year, completely loss all hope in him. I was actually excited when we had a chance at a top 3 pick but a few lousy wins ruined that (the Redskins wins from turnovers, the Pats game and the Packers game specifically come to mind). The blow out win vs. the Eagles was the high point of a terrible year and that was because we only dropped one slot in the draft while embarrassing a bitter rival.
Even if we believe in McCarthy or Pennix or Rattler  
BleedBlue46 : 2/7/2024 9:35 pm : link
And give them a chance to start the season then I will be excited again. I don't like Nix, I think he will be more of a game manager like a plus version of DJ perhaps. Jayden Daniels has been my favorite of the bunch since October or November of last year, we still have a prayer of somehow landing him with a tradeup via the Cardinals if we get lucky.
RE: If Jones is on the field...  
eric2425ny : 2/7/2024 9:54 pm : link
In comment 16392385 bw in dc said:
for 2024, I don't know if I can summons the energy to watch him attempt to play QB in the NFL for a sixth try.

What's the difference between that and...

Agreed, whenever I talk to the Lions fans I’m surrounded by in Michigan I summarize the Giants with one word: boring. They haven’t fielded a competent offense in years now. The league is basically begging for more yards, TD’s etc. with its big investments in fantasy football and gambling in general. And the Giants can still crack 20 points a few times a year.
MyNameIsMyName : 2/7/2024 10:01 pm : link
In fact, if Jones is leading this team again I’m not sure how much I’ll actually even watch.
State Your Name : 2/7/2024 10:06 pm : link
I’ve been burned before. If Daboll and his staff don’t have the team ready to play week one, I am out.

My season ticket invoice has been sitting in my inbox for weeks, and I can’t bring myself to pay for it. I honestly don’t know if I will. I see the 2024 season being a disaster.
eric2425ny : 2/7/2024 10:09 pm : link
In comment 16392437 State Your Name said:
I’ve been burned before. If Daboll and his staff don’t have the team ready to play week one, I am out.

My season ticket invoice has been sitting in my inbox for weeks, and I can’t bring myself to pay for it. I honestly don’t know if I will. I see the 2024 season being a disaster.

This is telling, I hope ownership starts paying attention to fans at some point. Jones has had 5 years now, it’s not like he’s some second year QB that the fans are impatient about. This is a scoring league. Even on Jones’ best day, do you ever envision a scenario where he matches up against Mahomes and wins a SB? No way, and that means you move on.
with a 6-11 baseline.....  
thrunthrublue : 2/7/2024 10:33 pm : link
...and their best coach leaving as he calls the HC a fu@king assh@le.....knowing this giants brain trust with zero aptitude at drafting at the offensive line positions..... a starting qb who has constantly demonstrated his total inability for effective game time decision making, always throwing to well covered safety valve dump offs not near the first down markers while wide open down field receivers are waving at him....this 80 million guaranteed inept journeyman qb with a history of neck and knee injuries being relied upon....a stating right tackle that struggles to jog two steps without stumbling....a 32nd rated offense that just promoted their incompetent "three and out" OC......with eight home games being played on their knee destroying artificial home turf....and all the coaching replacement decisions being so unknown, honestly, nope, optimistic?.....that is something that's gotta be earned not anointed.
too soon...  
Bill E : 2/7/2024 11:17 pm : link know.
I'll wait until after the draft.

This is nothing like'96. And Daboll is not Reeves. (thankfully)

Reeves and GY constantly butted heads *after* Reeves first year.
Daboll and Schoen are clearly on the same page.
And they did not inherit the veteran (albeit older) SB winning roster, that Reeves inherited.
RE: with a 6-11 baseline.....  
Festina Lente : 2/7/2024 11:53 pm : link
In comment 16392453 thrunthrublue said:
...and their best coach leaving as he calls the HC a fu@king assh@le.....knowing this giants brain trust with zero aptitude at drafting at the offensive line positions..... a starting qb who has constantly demonstrated his total inability for effective game time decision making, always throwing to well covered safety valve dump offs not near the first down markers while wide open down field receivers are waving at him....this 80 million guaranteed inept journeyman qb with a history of neck and knee injuries being relied upon....a stating right tackle that struggles to jog two steps without stumbling....a 32nd rated offense that just promoted their incompetent "three and out" OC......with eight home games being played on their knee destroying artificial home turf....and all the coaching replacement decisions being so unknown, honestly, nope, optimistic?.....that is something that's gotta be earned not anointed.

Well, damn... when you put it like that 😆
giantstock : 2/8/2024 12:08 am : link
Too many shortcomings in particular on the Offense. There is no reason to expect anything significant this early.
I'm always optimistic with my Giants but  
FranknWeezer : 2/8/2024 12:30 am : link
looking at the depth of talent on the top 8-10 teams in the league, we're not close...and I don't see that changing drastically enough this offseason (draft/FA) to make much of a difference, unfortunately.
No until the other players and coaches  
averagejoe : 2/8/2024 12:52 am : link
stop laughing at our QB .
I used to be an optimist about the Giants  
BH28 : 2/8/2024 1:14 am : link
But the last decade has smothered any remaining optimism. Now I'm in prive it mode. What I want them to do in the draft vs what I think they'll do will determine by optimism for next season.
darren in pdx : 2/8/2024 2:59 am : link
three team for the past decade. Nothing to be optimistic about until they have an NFL QB.
For some reason, i am pretty optimistic  
Gusto1903 : 2/8/2024 6:01 am : link
No really explanation or reason at all.
I convinced myself, like 5 years ago, that 2024 will be our year and push for the Super Bowl. 2022 season gave me hope, that we were on the right track, this season, we had 6 wins, despite our abysmal play and now we have a solid draft class in front of us with many picks and options, that could deeply strengthen our team, with also untapped potential left in the squad with the likes of Neal, our young WR Core, our DBs. I think this team can be good, and with a good offseason we can make a push for a strong playoff run next season.

Obviously, the 2023 season was disastrous, but nonetheless, we won some games still without and oline.

It only takes tweaks here and there to turn around a franchise.
This is the same team today...  
DefenseWins : 2/8/2024 6:44 am : link
that played last year. There is NOTHING that points to different results yet.

Even after we pickup some free agents and see who we drafted... those are just names on a piece of paper. Means about the same as the Eagle's dream team. Remember that?

The assessment cannot be made until we are a few games into the regular season.

This happens every year and this picture depicts what is going on here. Lucy (the Giants) continuously fool the Giants fans (Charlie Brown) and we fall for it every time.

RE: ...  
section125 : 2/8/2024 6:49 am : link
In comment 16392371 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Call me crazy, but gun to head...I think BB is our HC a year from today.

Not for nothing, but at this point and probably the last 5 years Belichick has been one of the worst coaches in football. He decimated the roster, hasn't a clue as how to run an offense and his choices for assistant coaches have been terrible.

So yeah, you are correct BB in '25
I think we show improvement in '24 and become a very good team in '25.  
Ira : 2/8/2024 6:59 am : link
gary_from_chester : 2/8/2024 7:06 am : link
Year three of Schoen-Daboll coming up. One good year, one bad year to date.

I am optimistic this year will be better than last year. Coaching dysfunction should not be as much of an issue this year. One more draft with some premium picks coming. A chance to bolster some weak areas with strategic FA pickups.

Expect QB to be addressed and believe it will be in the draft. That said, we have to wait and see what they do. So, CAUTIOUSLY optimistic is my stance right now.

NFW is Belichick the coach next year if things go south. His time has passed.
RE: Perspective  
DefenseWins : 2/8/2024 7:18 am : link
In comment 16392503 gary_from_chester said:

NFW is Belichick the coach next year if things go south. His time has passed.

They could hire him as some kind of consultant... for what I have no idea
KingBlue : 2/8/2024 7:29 am : link
Somebody post the Oompa Loompa pic.
Optimus-NY : 2/8/2024 7:33 am : link
Optimus-NY : 2/8/2024 7:35 am : link
In comment 16392437 State Your Name said:
I’ve been burned before. If Daboll and his staff don’t have the team ready to play week one, I am out.

My season ticket invoice has been sitting in my inbox for weeks, and I can’t bring myself to pay for it. I honestly don’t know if I will. I see the 2024 season being a disaster.

Save your money dude.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/8/2024 7:44 am : link
Haha. All that aside, I think Mara would hire BB in a second.
RE: section125.  
Sean : 2/8/2024 7:53 am : link
In comment 16392527 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Haha. All that aside, I think Mara would hire BB in a second.

Do you think Daboll has done a bad job here?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/8/2024 7:55 am : link
Overall, no. He was superb in ‘22, but had a rough go in ‘23. But think there’s a very serious chance things go off the rails this fall and he gets the axe.
Kevin in Annapolis : 2/8/2024 7:59 am : link
What's the point of any of this otherwise. Really the question will be easier to answer after FA/Draft though.
Maybe the Giants will get lucky in 2024.  
ThomasG : 2/8/2024 8:06 am : link
Because they sure aren't going to get better based on their decision making.
I expect another 6-9 win season  
logman : 2/8/2024 8:19 am : link
Hopefully with a new QB learning the ropes vs a 6th year starter learning the ropes
Jints in Carolina : 2/8/2024 8:25 am : link
At this point...  
vonritz : 2/8/2024 8:25 am : link
I don't give two shits about the '24 season. Get back to me in '26 if they have made the playoffs in consecutive seasons. Otherwise, I may tune in for a quarter of football in '24 if they're lucky.
Put the never ending debate on DJ aside, if you’re a true Giants’ fan  
Spider56 : 2/8/2024 8:28 am : link
you probably follow seasonal mood disorders. The book on 2023 doesn’t close until after the SB so the calendar usually goes something like this:

Jan-Feb … a mix of anger, despair, frustration or ambivalence from last season
Mar-Apr … spring, along with free agency and the draft, plant the seeds of hope
May-June … optimism blooms (except for the chronically miserable amongst us)
July-Aug … hot summer nights rekindle unbridled passion for our heroes
Sept-Oct … starting 0 and whatever bring us crashing back to reality
Nov-Dec … tbd ….

Rinse and repeat.

RE: Sean.  
Scooter185 : 2/8/2024 8:28 am : link
In comment 16392531 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Overall, no. He was superb in ‘22, but had a rough go in ‘23. But think there’s a very serious chance things go off the rails this fall and he gets the axe.

My biggest fear since last March is that BD would get axed before we could see him develop his own QB.
RE: Put the never ending debate on DJ aside, if you’re a true Giants’ fan  
joe48 : 2/8/2024 8:43 am : link
In comment 16392568 Spider56 said:
you probably follow seasonal mood disorders. The book on 2023 doesn’t close until after the SB so the calendar usually goes something like this:

Jan-Feb … a mix of anger, despair, frustration or ambivalence from last season
Mar-Apr … spring, along with free agency and the draft, plant the seeds of hope
May-June … optimism blooms (except for the chronically miserable amongst us)
July-Aug … hot summer nights rekindle unbridled passion for our heroes
Sept-Oct … starting 0 and whatever bring us crashing back to reality
Nov-Dec … tbd ….
Agree. How can anyone predict the season will go off the rails? Based on what?

Rinse and repeat.

RE: Put the never ending debate on DJ aside, if you’re a true Giants’ fan  
Dnew15 : 2/8/2024 8:48 am : link
In comment 16392568 Spider56 said:
you probably follow seasonal mood disorders. The book on 2023 doesn’t close until after the SB so the calendar usually goes something like this:

Jan-Feb … a mix of anger, despair, frustration or ambivalence from last season
Mar-Apr … spring, along with free agency and the draft, plant the seeds of hope
May-June … optimism blooms (except for the chronically miserable amongst us)
July-Aug … hot summer nights rekindle unbridled passion for our heroes
Sept-Oct … starting 0 and whatever bring us crashing back to reality
Nov-Dec … tbd ….

Rinse and repeat.

I feel very much the same.
Coming into last season  
Biteymax22 : 2/8/2024 8:51 am : link
I thought we had a chance for similar success to 2022, with the caveat that we needed our offensive line to stay healthy. Not only did it not, it was the biggest disaster its been in the past 10 years.

Coming into this season I'm less optimistic. Yes getting burned last year is part of this, but the main reason is that even if the offensive line is better, Jones is going to be our starting QB and the ACL has to hamper his ability to run with the football which is one of his biggest assets.

In my mind I looked at Jones as a 2 year stop gap until we could find a real QB (yes I'm someone that views the contract that way), without the weapon his legs provide, I'm not so sure I even see him as a stop gap. If we don't replace him, we don't win.
RE: Put the never ending debate on DJ aside, if you’re a true Giants’ fan  
joe48 : 2/8/2024 8:52 am : link
In comment 16392568 Spider56 said:
you probably follow seasonal mood disorders. The book on 2023 doesn’t close until after the SB so the calendar usually goes something like this:

Jan-Feb … a mix of anger, despair, frustration or ambivalence from last season
Mar-Apr … spring, along with free agency and the draft, plant the seeds of hope
May-June … optimism blooms (except for the chronically miserable amongst us)
July-Aug … hot summer nights rekindle unbridled passion for our heroes
Sept-Oct … starting 0 and whatever bring us crashing back to reality
Nov-Dec … tbd ….

Rinse and repeat.

Agree. People predicting the season will go off the rails in February with so much yet to play out is par for the course for some folks.
I think we finish last in the East and Mara cleans house again  
The_Boss : 2/8/2024 9:00 am : link
And when interviewing potential HC/GM’s next January, he makes it clear the only way they get hired if they commit to Daniel Jones…the treadmill continues on…
If Daboll can tailor his offense  
Eightshamrocks : 2/8/2024 9:09 am : link
To be the one that Jones was so successful with in the second half of the Cardinals game, then I am very optimistic. Jones was unstoppable that second half. Was it because Daboll was calling plays? Kafa has to step up his game plans. It's up to Daboll and Kaka to figure out why Jones was so inconsistent after that game. Not having Barkley and having a trash O-line obviously contributed to Jones's struggles.
rsjem1979 : 2/8/2024 9:14 am : link
But I wasn't optimistic going into last season either, so why would this year be any different?
I don’t think Jones passes a physical soon enough  
cosmicj : 2/8/2024 9:14 am : link
To start at the beginning of the season. I also don’t think he isn’t reinsured when he does make it on the field.

The Giants backup QB is an important role.

Am I optimistic? I think Daboll is a good coach and drives the team to 7, 8 or 9 wins. It’ll be ok.
No, I'm not optimistic  
UberAlias : 2/8/2024 9:16 am : link
Not getting into the whole DJ debate, I won't be optimistic until we have have a proven franchise QB in place. I'm excited for having the #6 pick, but Schoen has yet to deliver an elite player (maybe Thibs will become, but he is not that yet) in his two swings thus far at top 10 pick.

You want optimism? Get us a QB we can believe in and nail the draft. I have yet to see that.
About 24 in wins and losses? no  
Jim in Forest Hills : 2/8/2024 9:17 am : link
If they hit on a QB in the draft? Then yes.
As things stand today, not at all.  
BLUATHRT : 2/8/2024 9:20 am : link
Ask me after FA and the draft and I'll have a better answer. Going into the season with DJ as the starter and the o-line as constituted, I don't how anyone could feel optimistic.
The more I pay attention to football  
Dnew15 : 2/8/2024 9:21 am : link
and the older I get I think you have to have three main elements in place and it's really ideal if they all grow together at the same time:

1.) GM
2.) HC
3.) QB

We are going to find out a lot about #1 this year.
I'm beginning to doubt #2.
We aren't even close on #3.
No I'm not  
TyreeHelmet : 2/8/2024 9:34 am : link
Jones is not only a below average quarterback, he's very boring to watch.

As for the hot seat discussion, I think Schoen deserves more blame than Dabs at this point. Daboll has his flaws but he has overperformed with a flawed roster overall.

What has Schoen done that's impressive?
RE: No I'm not  
Eightshamrocks : 2/8/2024 9:37 am : link
In comment 16392645 TyreeHelmet said:
Jones is not only a below average quarterback, he's very boring to watch.

As for the hot seat discussion, I think Schoen deserves more blame than Dabs at this point. Daboll has his flaws but he has overperformed with a flawed roster overall.

What has Schoen done that's impressive?
Boring to watch? A QB with the ability to rush for over 700 yards and 7 TD's in a season is boring? To me a boring QB are the one's who are statues back there ala Drew Bledsoe, etc.
David B. : 2/8/2024 9:56 am : link
I was last year, but not this year. I've kind of reached ambivalence. I don't care who they hire as new coaches. Until the players are better, the staff could be Belichick, Parcells, Coughlin, Walsh, Lombard, Shula -- whoever, and it won't matter.

I think Schoen and Daboll are probably going to be fine if they can rebuild the roster, but I won't be optimistic about the Giants until I see a CORE group of players who can string together consecutive seasons of above average starter play. Until they have that, they're not going to compete. They're going to yo-yo.

Good teams -- those that compete every year -- have core groups of good/great players that they build around for years. Everyone here can rattle of the names of the core guys of the Parcells and Coughlin eras. Everyone here can probably rattle off the names of the core guys of any good teams of this season.

Right now, there's only TWO guys on the team you can say have had consecutive good seasons. Thomas and Lawrence. That's not a core. The Giants have no reliable core group of good/great players who are difference makers.

They need the recent Schoen picks to develop into those kind of guys. Thibodeaux, Neal, Schmitz, Hyatt, Banks. Those guys need to become year in, year out difference makers. And even if they all do (which they won't), they're still too short on OL and pass rush talent.

Right now, they are largely a team of JAGs or tease guys who can't stay on the field.

All of these issues remain true without even discussing the QB situation.

We say this every year: until they fix the OL, they're going nowhere -- with ANY QB.

Until these things change, it's hard to be optimistic.
RE: Sure  
Ron Johnson : 2/8/2024 10:10 am : link
In comment 16392536 Kevin in Annapolis said:
What's the point of any of this otherwise. Really the question will be easier to answer after FA/Draft though.

RE: RE: No I'm not  
TyreeHelmet : 2/8/2024 10:19 am : link
In comment 16392648 Eightshamrocks said:
In comment 16392645 TyreeHelmet said:


Jones is not only a below average quarterback, he's very boring to watch.

As for the hot seat discussion, I think Schoen deserves more blame than Dabs at this point. Daboll has his flaws but he has overperformed with a flawed roster overall.

What has Schoen done that's impressive?

Boring to watch? A QB with the ability to rush for over 700 yards and 7 TD's in a season is boring? To me a boring QB are the one's who are statues back there ala Drew Bledsoe, etc.

yeah I enjoy a quarterback that can properly read the field through his progressions and is aggressive taking shots down the field.

Pretty much the opposite of Danny check downs.
JonC : 2/8/2024 10:33 am : link
read David B's post.
not really no  
djm : 2/8/2024 10:37 am : link
and I am usually very easily talked into hopeful cautious optimism. To me fair the off-season hasn't processed yet. IF they added OL talent in FA and somehow added more D I could be swayed. Even then, a lot of moving parts. NEed to see what goes down first.
I can always find something to get me Optomistic  
John In CO : 2/8/2024 10:52 am : link
for the season. Usually some glowing camp reports, everybody is in their best shape ever, qb's going 22 for 22 with 4 TD's, a positive preseason game from someone, etc......I know its all the same BS that comes out of every teams camp, but it doesnt take much convincing sometimes for me to buy in to it.

Annnnndddd then the season starts. And its over. Things are as they always are.
RE: with a 6-11 baseline.....  
The Mike : 2/8/2024 11:10 am : link
In comment 16392453 thrunthrublue said:
...and their best coach leaving as he calls the HC a fu@king assh@le.....knowing this giants brain trust with zero aptitude at drafting at the offensive line positions..... a starting qb who has constantly demonstrated his total inability for effective game time decision making, always throwing to well covered safety valve dump offs not near the first down markers while wide open down field receivers are waving at him....this 80 million guaranteed inept journeyman qb with a history of neck and knee injuries being relied upon....a stating right tackle that struggles to jog two steps without stumbling....a 32nd rated offense that just promoted their incompetent "three and out" OC......with eight home games being played on their knee destroying artificial home turf....and all the coaching replacement decisions being so unknown, honestly, nope, optimistic?.....that is something that's gotta be earned not anointed.

Classic post! Brute honesty at its finest. I agree. Unless some very positive personnel moves occur in free agency or the draft, 2024 may very well be the worst performing year for this franchise in the Super Bowl Era.
RE: I don’t think Jones passes a physical soon enough  
Sean : 2/8/2024 11:13 am : link
In comment 16392611 cosmicj said:
To start at the beginning of the season. I also don’t think he isn’t reinsured when he does make it on the field.

The Giants backup QB is an important role.

Am I optimistic? I think Daboll is a good coach and drives the team to 7, 8 or 9 wins. It’ll be ok.

Good post. I agree.
Not sure yet.  
Matt M. : 2/8/2024 12:02 pm : link
I think last year was the anomaly, not 2022, with this regime. But, they need ton prove it. And that will 100% be predicated on this offseason, both draft and FA. If the rumors of us sticking with Jones AND not drafting a QB are true, then this offseason has to be a monster HR. Precious needs completely perfect conditions to play well, is what I gather from the arguments. This means we need to crush it with at least 2 new OL, Neal has to be coached up in a big way, we need a true #1 WR, we need a TE, and we need a RB. If all those hit AND WRs can get "Alabama open", then we should be OK.
Of course  
Thegratefulhead : 2/8/2024 1:25 pm : link
I pity those that deny optimism in fear of disappointment.

It is a life choice.

I choose optimism and positivity.

No fear of disappointment  
JonC : 2/8/2024 1:28 pm : link
but rather an expectation, until demonstrated otherwise.

There's always some degree of optimism with a new season approaching. But, do I expect them to pull 180 on gameday yet? Not so much. Alot of fundamental problems inside 1925.
which David B captured  
JonC : 2/8/2024 1:30 pm : link
rather well.
RE: Of course  
Go Terps : 2/8/2024 1:33 pm : link
In comment 16393122 Thegratefulhead said:
I pity those that deny optimism in fear of disappointment.

It is a life choice.

I choose optimism and positivity.


RE: Not sure yet.  
Lambuth_Special : 2/8/2024 1:34 pm : link
In comment 16392969 Matt M. said:
I think last year was the anomaly, not 2022, with this regime. But, they need ton prove it. And that will 100% be predicated on this offseason, both draft and FA. If the rumors of us sticking with Jones AND not drafting a QB are true, then this offseason has to be a monster HR. Precious needs completely perfect conditions to play well, is what I gather from the arguments. This means we need to crush it with at least 2 new OL, Neal has to be coached up in a big way, we need a true #1 WR, we need a TE, and we need a RB. If all those hit AND WRs can get "Alabama open", then we should be OK.

Yeah, I think the main thing is Jones can't look like he did in 2023. Basically no team can succeed with that level of QB play.

But Jones won't likely be able to run like he did in 2022, so the main road to success for me would be the first four games of 2021, when he actually threw the ball reasonably well and ranked in the top 15 of DVOA (which doesn't rate running) before he got concussed against Dallas.
Anyone can choose to be optimistic or pessimistic in any scenario  
Go Terps : 2/8/2024 1:53 pm : link
If a grizzly bear is charging at me or if I'm on a plane flying straight down into the ground, I can choose to be optimistic. That isn't going to change the outcome to a positive one.

If you want to know what a supposed "pessimistic" outlook is based upon, it's this:

Not pessimism. Not fear.

RE: RE: I don’t think Jones passes a physical soon enough  
Dnew15 : 2/8/2024 2:03 pm : link
In comment 16392809 Sean said:
In comment 16392611 cosmicj said:


To start at the beginning of the season. I also don’t think he isn’t reinsured when he does make it on the field.

The Giants backup QB is an important role.

Am I optimistic? I think Daboll is a good coach and drives the team to 7, 8 or 9 wins. It’ll be ok.

Good post. I agree.

There are zero other fan bases of good NFL teams waiting to see who the backup QBs and then making a determination on whether they will be excited or not excited about the season...

Make that ANY other fan base.
Like my good friend, Go Terps, I'm neither optimistic...  
Milton : 2/8/2024 2:11 pm : link
...nor pessimistic. The "reality" is we won't know what we have until we open the box at the start of the season. I'm hopeful that inside the box is a Super Bowl victory as it was in 2007 and 2011 when nobody was predicting anything good.
RE: RE: Not sure yet.  
Matt M. : 2/8/2024 2:13 pm : link
In comment 16393136 Lambuth_Special said:
In comment 16392969 Matt M. said:


I think last year was the anomaly, not 2022, with this regime. But, they need ton prove it. And that will 100% be predicated on this offseason, both draft and FA. If the rumors of us sticking with Jones AND not drafting a QB are true, then this offseason has to be a monster HR. Precious needs completely perfect conditions to play well, is what I gather from the arguments. This means we need to crush it with at least 2 new OL, Neal has to be coached up in a big way, we need a true #1 WR, we need a TE, and we need a RB. If all those hit AND WRs can get "Alabama open", then we should be OK.

Yeah, I think the main thing is Jones can't look like he did in 2023. Basically no team can succeed with that level of QB play.

But Jones won't likely be able to run like he did in 2022, so the main road to success for me would be the first four games of 2021, when he actually threw the ball reasonably well and ranked in the top 15 of DVOA (which doesn't rate running) before he got concussed against Dallas.
Well, apparently, the only way he can look good is if everything around him is perfect. So, a Hello of a lot has to go right this off season and on the field.
RE: No fear of disappointment  
Milton : 2/8/2024 2:18 pm : link
It's not fear of disappointment, but fear of success for many on BBI. If Jones were to lead the Giants deep into the playoffs, where will they go, what will they do?
RE: RE: No fear of disappointment  
Scooter185 : 2/8/2024 2:22 pm : link
In comment 16393203 Milton said:
It's not fear of disappointment, but fear of success for many on BBI. If Jones were to lead the Giants deep into the playoffs, where will they go, what will they do?
I'm vastly more afraid of being struck by a lightning bolt on a sunny day than of that
Jones has every chance to prove us wrong  
JonC : 2/8/2024 2:27 pm : link
and we would WELCOME IT.

Alas, he's never shown "it".
RE: RE: No fear of disappointment  
Matt M. : 2/8/2024 2:27 pm : link
In comment 16393203 Milton said:
It's not fear of disappointment, but fear of success for many on BBI. If Jones were to lead the Giants deep into the playoffs, where will they go, what will they do?
I think it's more the other way around. If Jones leads them deep in the playoffs, I will be thrilled. I just have no reason to reasonably expect that to happen. I want nothing more than for him to earn his contract and for this coaching staff to succeed. Right now, it seems the two are tied together. And, there really is only this year to achieve that level of success.

I'm optimistic  
fkap : 2/8/2024 2:36 pm : link
that there is a road to middle of the pack. We are not jumping to the front end of the pack.

IF we can improve the OL to mediocrity, we're there.

there are FA improvements.

Draft will give us a couple of upgrades.

All that is reasonable to expect/hope for.

IF DJ can stay upright, I think we see improvement. He may not lead us to the promised land, but I don't think he's as bad as the hysteria around here would lead you to believe.

The problem is that we're in QB hell. Stuck with DJ, who isn't good enough. Seemingly out of reach of the top prospects, and taking a second tier QB likely isn't good value.

RE: I'm optimistic  
Matt M. : 2/8/2024 2:39 pm : link
In comment 16393229 fkap said:
that there is a road to middle of the pack. We are not jumping to the front end of the pack.

IF we can improve the OL to mediocrity, we're there.

there are FA improvements.

Draft will give us a couple of upgrades.

All that is reasonable to expect/hope for.

IF DJ can stay upright, I think we see improvement. He may not lead us to the promised land, but I don't think he's as bad as the hysteria around here would lead you to believe.

The problem is that we're in QB hell. Stuck with DJ, who isn't good enough. Seemingly out of reach of the top prospects, and taking a second tier QB likely isn't good value.
That's a fair assessment. I have been coming down hard on Jones the last couple of days, but I more agree with this. I don't hate him and I don't think he sucks. However, I also don't think he's the guy. That's the problem and there is no great solution without a VERY drastic move.
Mara is counting on your optimism as the Titanic is sinking  
The Mike : 2/8/2024 2:50 pm : link
It is his best strategy for self-preservation. Until the fan base gets a clue about reality, how can you blame him? He surrounds himself with people he likes and makes a fortune. Winning is neither a priority nor frankly a necessity to preserve his way of life.

I can almost hear him laughing like Mutley reading the proud proclamations of fans claiming they choose optimism over misery. It is frankly the same as choosing insanity over sanity. And if the fanbase is this resilient after a decade of gross incompetence, who's to say it can't go on for a century? See the Chicago Cubs fanbase circa 1908...
My reality  
Thegratefulhead : 2/8/2024 2:51 pm : link
Is that I am not so confident in my ability to evaluate football without knowing what is going on in training rooms meetings and practices. It completes the picture. I go into each season hopeful and allow reality to happen.

This is only one man’s opinion. The volume and amount of complaining some of you engage in does not appear happy or pleasant. The reality some of you have created for yourselves seems to lead to inevitable unhappiness. Your lives
JonC : 2/8/2024 3:23 pm : link
You're free to yours as others are to theirs. You are projecting a fair bit in here btw.
Banks : 2/8/2024 3:29 pm : link
i haven't been optimistic since 2012 and that season left me worried for 2013. been a poop show since
To break from watching Giants football will be good for me  
jc in c-ville : 2/8/2024 3:30 pm : link
Need a few more months , haha. Sure, I expect next year to be better assuming they draft well and sign some quality players in FA. One thing I’m really looking forward to is the intensity in training, or hopefully not, lack of…
christian : 2/8/2024 3:31 pm : link
Literally the only thing missing on my happiness index in life is the Giants being good.
RE: head  
Thegratefulhead : 2/8/2024 4:01 pm : link
In comment 16393328 JonC said:
You're free to yours as others are to theirs. You are projecting a fair bit in here btw.
Jon ,there is significant time and energy spent by a vocal minority repeating the same the same thing over and over and when strangers do not agree, they get very angry. It isn’t a good look and it is not healthy.

My take
RE: …  
Go Terps : 2/8/2024 4:13 pm : link
In comment 16393335 christian said:
Literally the only thing missing on my happiness index in life is the Giants being good.

This is where I am. Couldn't be happier, except the Giants are a mess.

I recently watched the 1986 and 1990 America's Game shows...they were great. I want to get back to that. It's been a real loss every fall.
‘86 America’s Game is as good as it gets.  
bceagle05 : 2/8/2024 4:16 pm : link
I watched it the night before each playoff game in 2007 for good luck.
RE: My reality  
BleedBlue46 : 2/8/2024 4:37 pm : link
In comment 16393257 Thegratefulhead said:
Is that I am not so confident in my ability to evaluate football without knowing what is going on in training rooms meetings and practices. It completes the picture. I go into each season hopeful and allow reality to happen.

This is only one man’s opinion. The volume and amount of complaining some of you engage in does not appear happy or pleasant. The reality some of you have created for yourselves seems to lead to inevitable unhappiness. Your lives

Just because people are unhappy with ineptitude in ownership and general malaise of the franchise doesn't mean it spills over into their life. Not for me at least, I've got a lot more to my life than NYG football even though I'm a full-fledged fanatic.
RE: Not sure yet.  
BleedBlue46 : 2/8/2024 4:42 pm : link
In comment 16392969 Matt M. said:
I think last year was the anomaly, not 2022, with this regime. But, they need ton prove it. And that will 100% be predicated on this offseason, both draft and FA. If the rumors of us sticking with Jones AND not drafting a QB are true, then this offseason has to be a monster HR. Precious needs completely perfect conditions to play well, is what I gather from the arguments. This means we need to crush it with at least 2 new OL, Neal has to be coached up in a big way, we need a true #1 WR, we need a TE, and we need a RB. If all those hit AND WRs can get "Alabama open", then we should be OK.

So far Schoen seems to create a lot of smoke; I don't believe those rumors at all based on the coaching choices and many instances of our beat writers thinking one thing only for Schoen to do something they completely didn't expect. I believe Schoen and Dabs are going to do everything in their power to get a young qb they believe in. If they don't, they will be fired within 1-2 years and we will have unexciting football to cheer for until they get qb right.
Jones will make any OL in front of him  
cosmicj : 2/8/2024 4:45 pm : link
Look bad. He’s a real impediment to improving one of the teams big deficiencies. That’s one big reason to see him gone.

There’s no resuscitating the OL when he’s a starter.
Never optimistic  
exiled : 2/8/2024 6:02 pm : link
but always hopeful, every season, every game
Optimistic .....  
Manny in CA : 2/9/2024 9:20 pm : link

"Kamakazi" Wink gone; O-line coach Bobby Johnson gone; we're picking 6th over-all; our young guys looking good already.

With Eagles falling apart, Cowboys remaining "snake-bit", it's our turn to win the East
Some of you are obsessed  
djm : 2/9/2024 9:36 pm : link
RE: RE: head  
giantstock : 2/10/2024 10:08 pm : link
In comment 16393361 Thegratefulhead said:
In comment 16393328 JonC said:


You're free to yours as others are to theirs. You are projecting a fair bit in here btw.

Jon ,there is significant time and energy spent by a vocal minority repeating the same the same thing over and over and when strangers do not agree, they get very angry. It isn’t a good look and it is not healthy.

My take

You're taking this way over-the-top -- these are just preseason precitions nothing more. There is no reason to bury your head in the sand.
christian : 2/10/2024 10:16 pm : link
In comment 16393367 Go Terps said:
Literally the only thing missing on my happiness index in life is the Giants being good.

This is where I am. Couldn't be happier, except the Giants are a mess.

I recently watched the 1986 and 1990 America's Game shows...they were great. I want to get back to that. It's been a real loss every fall.

Super Bowl 21 is one of my first childhood memories, it's etched in my brain alongside my wedding and my son being born. I really love the Giants, and it's been such a bummer to be talking about the draft, the salary cap, and free agency before it's cold 9 out of the last 11 years.
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