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Daniel Jeremiah: Teams not high on 2025 QB class

Sean : 2/10/2024 5:17 pm
Daniel Jeremiah
I believe we'll see 4-5 teams look into moving up for a QB over the next few months. Teams aren't excited about next year's QB class.

Given how Schoen structured the Jones contract, a top 6 pick & a strong QB class vs next season - it's hard to imagine Schoen/Daboll not pursuing QB early.
We need Daniels, Maye or McCarthy  
BleedBlue46 : 2/10/2024 5:20 pm : link
Otherwise they will lose their jobs quickly imo.
This is the year  
Manhattan : 2/10/2024 5:38 pm : link
RE: We need Daniels, Maye or McCarthy  
Jay on the Island : 2/10/2024 5:49 pm : link
In comment 16394787 BleedBlue46 said:
Otherwise they will lose their jobs quickly imo.

This is why I don't understand people who claim there are too many holes to address the QB position. There is no bigger hole than at QB. When you are in position to draft a potential franchise QB you have to do it unless you have one in place already.
2025 is TBD, but it looks ordinary at best...  
bw in dc : 2/10/2024 5:51 pm : link
Sanders is very interesting. And I am curious to see Milroe and Jalon Daniels.

But then there is a cliff after that because Allar, Ewers, etc are major projects right now.
would anybody really be surprised  
TJ : 2/10/2024 5:52 pm : link
if, years from now, it turns out the '25 class was better than the'24?

Trying to predict next year's college season and next year's qb draft class is hard. Add that to the crapshoot that is drafting a qb in any year and it's anybody's guess.

I don't think it's reasonable to let guesses about the '25 draft affect the '24 picks.
Joe Burrow  
Giantsbigblue : 2/10/2024 6:04 pm : link
Was not thought of as a #1 overall draft pick at this time going into his last college season. These young men mature and can get drastically better in one off season.
PTL Daniel Jones Signed Through’26  
MojoEd : 2/10/2024 6:06 pm : link
Sucks for the QB needy teams though! :)
The more I look at these  
Dave on the UWS : 2/10/2024 6:13 pm : link
guys (not like I know anything), it seems to me that Maye and McCarthy are the guys JS will focus in on.
Maye may be QB3 and McCarthy QB4. Both guys have some issues that need to be coached up (more with JJ), and both will benefit sitting for at least 1/2 season, which is just fine since we are stuck with Jones for next year.
You grab one of them at 6, take a WR (like Leggett) at 39 and then whoever is the highest rated edge or guard with the other rd 2 pick.
This approach would move the needle I think.
AcidTest : 2/10/2024 6:29 pm : link
much too early for anyone to conclude about what the 2025 QB class will look like. One or two as yet unknown prospects could easily emerge.
Also, nice projection  
Dave on the UWS : 2/10/2024 6:35 pm : link
By DJ, but the league hasn’t finished evaluating THIS year yet. Jumping the gun just a bit.
Also, nice projection  
Dave on the UWS : 2/10/2024 6:36 pm : link
By DJ, but the league hasn’t finished evaluating THIS year yet. Jumping the gun just a bit.
To people dismissing this  
Sean : 2/10/2024 6:42 pm : link
This was said about the 2019 class which ended up correct.
RE: To people dismissing this  
bw in dc : 2/10/2024 6:50 pm : link
In comment 16394820 Sean said:
This was said about the 2019 class which ended up correct.

Here's the thing. If you watch enough college football you can see the talent pretty quickly. And if you follow recruiting like I do, a high % of these guys who end up being good prospects are/were 4-5 star recruits.

What you end up waiting for is the production to reflect the talent.
DJ in his podcast,  
Rave7 : 2/10/2024 7:02 pm : link
mentioned he hasn't really dug into the 2025 QBs yet. But apparently, NFL teams have already started their preliminary scouting. Unless some QB pops up out of nowhere like Burrows or Daniels did, it seems like the 2025 QB crew might not be as impressive overall compared to the 2024 bunch.
RE: Joe Burrow  
k2tampa : 2/10/2024 7:20 pm : link
In comment 16394801 Giantsbigblue said:
Was not thought of as a #1 overall draft pick at this time going into his last college season. These young men mature and can get drastically better in one off season.

And where did people have Daniels at this time last year?
jeff57 : 2/10/2024 7:25 pm : link
Doesn’t look like a great QB draft.
Been saying so for weeks  
The_Boss : 2/10/2024 7:26 pm : link
RE: Joe Burrow  
Blue21 : 2/10/2024 7:27 pm : link
In comment 16394801 Giantsbigblue said:
Was not thought of as a #1 overall draft pick at this time going into his last college season. These young men mature and can get drastically better in one off season.
yep and wasn't Rattler considered the cream of the crop last year at this time?
RE: We need Daniels, Maye or McCarthy  
GFAN52 : 2/10/2024 7:27 pm : link
In comment 16394787 BleedBlue46 said:
Otherwise they will lose their jobs quickly imo.

How are you suppose to accomplish that from the #6 draft slot, if the other teams ahead of the Knicks also want those three?
RE: RE: We need Daniels, Maye or McCarthy  
JT039 : 2/10/2024 7:35 pm : link
In comment 16394833 GFAN52 said:
In comment 16394787 BleedBlue46 said:


Otherwise they will lose their jobs quickly imo.

How are you suppose to accomplish that from the #6 draft slot, if the other teams ahead of the Knicks also want those three?

Knicks? Lol
RE: RE: RE: We need Daniels, Maye or McCarthy  
GFAN52 : 2/10/2024 7:46 pm : link
In comment 16394835 JT039 said:
In comment 16394833 GFAN52 said:


In comment 16394787 BleedBlue46 said:


Otherwise they will lose their jobs quickly imo.

How are you suppose to accomplish that from the #6 draft slot, if the other teams ahead of the Knicks also want those three?

Knicks? Lol

Giants LOL. Still basking in that trade deal line deal the Knicks made.
I don't see who they're trading up with for a QB  
JonC : 2/10/2024 7:48 pm : link
and would be shocked if they actually pulled the trigger.
Maybe if their QB is available at #4  
JonC : 2/10/2024 7:49 pm : link
they could convince AZ to swap picks, but it's likely to cost AZ MHJ if he's their target.
RE: I don't see who they're trading up with for a QB  
Sean : 2/10/2024 7:57 pm : link
In comment 16394841 JonC said:
and would be shocked if they actually pulled the trigger.

Then the question becomes Nix or McCarthy at six.
I don't think so  
JonC : 2/10/2024 8:17 pm : link
RE: RE: I don't see who they're trading up with for a QB  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/10/2024 8:20 pm : link
In comment 16394849 Sean said:
In comment 16394841 JonC said:


and would be shocked if they actually pulled the trigger.

Then the question becomes Nix or McCarthy at six.

Not crazy about taking a a 2nd tier QB at 6, I would def take McCarthy. McCarthy has won, won it all, is young has all the attributes that you need im terms of arm strenth and athleticism, is highly accurate when he throws. 44 TDs and 9 picks in 2 years as full time starter is nuts and Harbaugh was never mistaken for a QB whisperer. Letting Daboll, Tierney and Kafka coach him for an offseason 0lus could yield big things AND we can keep all our picks. McCarthy didnt blow anybody away because of the offense they were in and its not like he had Alabama's or OSU's receivers.

Nix, we would have to trade down a ton and amass lots of picks gor me to be happy with. He just strikes me as a guy that will likely produce, but throw a ton of picks and get hirt a lot.
RE: I don't think so  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/10/2024 8:21 pm : link
In comment 16394862 JonC said:

I too am still in this boat. But if any of the next tier. I like JJ
So…if/when we don’t draft a QB in April  
The_Boss : 2/10/2024 8:26 pm : link
Imagine if Jones is the QB here until week 18 of the 2025 season? That would be early 2026…
Get me Rattler  
UberAlias : 2/10/2024 8:31 pm : link
Tons of talent for Dabs to work with and won’t be a massive reach like reaching for one of the second tier guys at 6.
RE: I don't see who they're trading up with for a QB  
Toth029 : 2/10/2024 8:32 pm : link
In comment 16394841 JonC said:
and would be shocked if they actually pulled the trigger.

New England and I thought this prior to the thread from today. They have a lot of holes and a new staff.
Way way too early  
Giant John : 2/10/2024 8:35 pm : link
To judge the 2025 QB class.
I’m sure Jones is a good guy..hard working, etc  
The_Boss : 2/10/2024 8:35 pm : link
But when his time here is mercifully done, he’ll be long remembered as a franchise killer who left 2 GM’s and 3 Head Coaches in his wake…
RE: Maybe if their QB is available at #4  
BleedBlue46 : 2/10/2024 9:20 pm : link
In comment 16394844 JonC said:
they could convince AZ to swap picks, but it's likely to cost AZ MHJ if he's their target.

If one of the top 3 qbs falls to 4 then MHJ is gone imo, I don't see that happening any other way unless Pats surprise everyone and take Nix or McCarthy
RE: RE: We need Daniels, Maye or McCarthy  
BleedBlue46 : 2/10/2024 9:24 pm : link
In comment 16394833 GFAN52 said:
In comment 16394787 BleedBlue46 said:


Otherwise they will lose their jobs quickly imo.

How are you suppose to accomplish that from the #6 draft slot, if the other teams ahead of the Knicks also want those three?

You didn't read carefully I said we need Daniels, Maye or McCarthy not we need Daniels, Maye or Williams. I'm a big fan of McCarthy and I have a gut feeling he will be the pick at 6 unless something surprising happens with the top 3.
RE: Way way too early  
Sammo85 : 2/10/2024 10:04 pm : link
In comment 16394875 Giant John said:
To judge the 2025 QB class.

It’s simply not as top heavy and lacks depth already and that assumes all prospects eligible stay healthy and play well.
RE: RE: Way way too early  
BleedBlue46 : 2/10/2024 10:06 pm : link
In comment 16394931 Sammo85 said:
In comment 16394875 Giant John said:


To judge the 2025 QB class.

It’s simply not as top heavy and lacks depth already and that assumes all prospects eligible stay healthy and play well.

Yeah. It isn't way too early to say 2025 will be a below average year for qb prospects. Sure. Some guys could sneak up the board, but it's not a good year for qb prospects. That is known.
RE: RE: RE: Way way too early  
Sammo85 : 2/10/2024 10:11 pm : link
In comment 16394934 BleedBlue46 said:
In comment 16394931 Sammo85 said:


In comment 16394875 Giant John said:


To judge the 2025 QB class.

It’s simply not as top heavy and lacks depth already and that assumes all prospects eligible stay healthy and play well.

Yeah. It isn't way too early to say 2025 will be a below average year for qb prospects. Sure. Some guys could sneak up the board, but it's not a good year for qb prospects. That is known.

Ewers if he came out would be in a fight with McCarthy, Nix to go in the first. I don’t see a NFL QB with Sanders. Milroe is likely to stay 2 more years. Allar is to me too soft mentally and underdeveloped. He’s going to be a multi year project.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Way way too early  
BleedBlue46 : 2/10/2024 10:19 pm : link
In comment 16394938 Sammo85 said:
In comment 16394934 BleedBlue46 said:


In comment 16394931 Sammo85 said:


In comment 16394875 Giant John said:


To judge the 2025 QB class.

It’s simply not as top heavy and lacks depth already and that assumes all prospects eligible stay healthy and play well.

Yeah. It isn't way too early to say 2025 will be a below average year for qb prospects. Sure. Some guys could sneak up the board, but it's not a good year for qb prospects. That is known.

Ewers if he came out would be in a fight with McCarthy, Nix to go in the first. I don’t see a NFL QB with Sanders. Milroe is likely to stay 2 more years. Allar is to me too soft mentally and underdeveloped. He’s going to be a multi year project.

I'm not a big fan of Ewers but I think he would go ahead of Nix/Pennix. McCarthy is going top 12 imo. He's being slept on, at some point the media will catch up on what nfl teams are thinking probably, but he's going top 12 without a doubt imo.
RE: We need Daniels, Maye or McCarthy  
ryanmkeane : 2/10/2024 11:08 pm : link
In comment 16394787 BleedBlue46 said:
Otherwise they will lose their jobs quickly imo.

BleedBlue : 2/11/2024 2:37 am : link
People are sleeping on j Milton. You want tools? Kid has em. He has a rocket arm, can move, and throws a good ball

I think he will test well and if they can’t get top 3 guy or move up into teens or 20s for JJ then Milton in 3rd - 4th may be a good move
If Quinn Ewers can stay healthy  
Matt G : 2/11/2024 6:05 am : link
There is an awful lot to like about his skill set... Carson Beck had an excellent first season as a starter as well.
Joe Milton has a cannon  
Matt G : 2/11/2024 6:13 am : link
But he's not a good passer and makes a lot of bad decisions... It's plagued him throughout his college career... He even showed it in the Senior Bowl.
A little early to be downgrading the 2025 QB class  
Rick in Dallas : 2/11/2024 7:38 am : link
There are some interesting prospects.
But maybe it does somewhat effect 2024 draft as Jeremiah knows top NFL FO personnel
RE: A little early to be downgrading the 2025 QB class  
DavidinBMNY : 2/11/2024 8:09 am : link
In comment 16394995 Rick in Dallas said:
There are some interesting prospects.
But maybe it does somewhat effect 2024 draft as Jeremiah knows top NFL FO personnel
exactly. Look at the years Daniels and Burrow had as they finished up at LSU. I am keeping an eye on Ward @ the U.
RE: The more I look at these  
DavidinBMNY : 2/11/2024 8:13 am : link
In comment 16394804 Dave on the UWS said:
guys (not like I know anything), it seems to me that Maye and McCarthy are the guys JS will focus in on.
Maye may be QB3 and McCarthy QB4. Both guys have some issues that need to be coached up (more with JJ), and both will benefit sitting for at least 1/2 season, which is just fine since we are stuck with Jones for next year.
You grab one of them at 6, take a WR (like Leggett) at 39 and then whoever is the highest rated edge or guard with the other rd 2 pick.
This approach would move the needle I think.
. I really don't think , unless it's a true #1 wr they can go wr day 1 or 2.

They need to add edge and and another young DT. From a team building perspective if they truly believe in Jones for some reason, get a QB in fa, get a top WR, Edge, DT and OG.

They allocated a 2nd and 3rd rd pick to WR already. The most they have allocated to DT is a rd 5 pick.
RE: A little early to be downgrading the 2025 QB class  
ThomasG : 2/11/2024 8:43 am : link
In comment 16394995 Rick in Dallas said:
There are some interesting prospects.
But maybe it does somewhat effect 2024 draft as Jeremiah knows top NFL FO personnel

It is early obviously to think much about that 2025 class. But at least several of the QB prospects in this 2024 draft were being talked about (and talked about a lot) a year ago so would suggest the quality may indeed be stronger.

Further, you strike if/when you can. Have no idea what will happen next year in terms of NYG draft position or that QB class, so if Schoen likes one or more of this current group and can navigate things adeptly then he should grab one.
Isn't that how the Giants like to it?  
barens : 2/11/2024 2:58 pm : link
RE: 2025 is TBD, but it looks ordinary at best...  
barens : 2/11/2024 3:00 pm : link
In comment 16394799 bw in dc said:
Sanders is very interesting. And I am curious to see Milroe and Jalon Daniels.

But then there is a cliff after that because Allar, Ewers, etc are major projects right now.

What about the Duke QB? He he
RE: RE: 2025 is TBD, but it looks ordinary at best...  
bw in dc : 2/11/2024 3:23 pm : link
In comment 16395289 barens said:
In comment 16394799 bw in dc said:


Sanders is very interesting. And I am curious to see Milroe and Jalon Daniels.

But then there is a cliff after that because Allar, Ewers, etc are major projects right now.

What about the Duke QB? He he

He's included in the "etc" part. ;)

Leonard is coming off a horrible year complicated by injuries. He has a lot of work to do.
RE: RE: The more I look at these  
BleedBlue46 : 2/11/2024 6:01 pm : link
In comment 16395011 DavidinBMNY said:
In comment 16394804 Dave on the UWS said:


guys (not like I know anything), it seems to me that Maye and McCarthy are the guys JS will focus in on.
Maye may be QB3 and McCarthy QB4. Both guys have some issues that need to be coached up (more with JJ), and both will benefit sitting for at least 1/2 season, which is just fine since we are stuck with Jones for next year.
You grab one of them at 6, take a WR (like Leggett) at 39 and then whoever is the highest rated edge or guard with the other rd 2 pick.
This approach would move the needle I think.

. I really don't think , unless it's a true #1 wr they can go wr day 1 or 2.

They need to add edge and and another young DT. From a team building perspective if they truly believe in Jones for some reason, get a QB in fa, get a top WR, Edge, DT and OG.

They allocated a 2nd and 3rd rd pick to WR already. The most they have allocated to DT is a rd 5 pick.

It's a passing offense league and our defense is much better than our passing game. I'd like to see qb rd1 then ol and wr rd2.
RE: RE: The more I look at these  
BleedBlue46 : 2/11/2024 6:02 pm : link
In comment 16395011 DavidinBMNY said:
In comment 16394804 Dave on the UWS said:


guys (not like I know anything), it seems to me that Maye and McCarthy are the guys JS will focus in on.
Maye may be QB3 and McCarthy QB4. Both guys have some issues that need to be coached up (more with JJ), and both will benefit sitting for at least 1/2 season, which is just fine since we are stuck with Jones for next year.
You grab one of them at 6, take a WR (like Leggett) at 39 and then whoever is the highest rated edge or guard with the other rd 2 pick.
This approach would move the needle I think.

. I really don't think , unless it's a true #1 wr they can go wr day 1 or 2.

They need to add edge and and another young DT. From a team building perspective if they truly believe in Jones for some reason, get a QB in fa, get a top WR, Edge, DT and OG.

They allocated a 2nd and 3rd rd pick to WR already. The most they have allocated to DT is a rd 5 pick.

Plus, ol and wr are the strengths of this draft along with 4 top qb prospects.
RE: RE: A little early to be downgrading the 2025 QB class  
BleedBlue46 : 2/11/2024 6:03 pm : link
In comment 16395010 DavidinBMNY said:
In comment 16394995 Rick in Dallas said:


There are some interesting prospects.
But maybe it does somewhat effect 2024 draft as Jeremiah knows top NFL FO personnel

exactly. Look at the years Daniels and Burrow had as they finished up at LSU. I am keeping an eye on Ward @ the U.

I like Ward a lot too but I still think JJ goes as 1st qb taken if he stayed a year.
No offense  
David B. : 2/11/2024 6:54 pm : link
But we hear this every year -- especially this early.
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