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Mahomes path to KC, what The Giants can learn from it (long)

Biteymax22 : 2/12/2024 9:20 am
Aside from my “next day” reviews, I very rarely start a thread unless I see a transaction/coaching hire etc… that hasn’t been reported. After watching Mahomes win yet another Super Bowl I went down a thought path that I’m sure many on this board did, which is how long are we going to have to wait until its “our turn” again.

The Giants Roster has holes, a lot of them, but still the biggest and most glaring one is at QB. We were 1-5 with Jones as a starter and 5-6 with the combination of Devito/Taylor. As many holes as we have, I firmly believe if we had the ability to go almost .500 with the Devito/Taylor combo, we’d be a playoff team with an actual franchise QB. The holes would need to be filled to get us to the Super Bowl.

Like everyone on this board, I have no clue what the Giants will do in the draft. There seems to be a collective nervousness surrounding this topic amongst fans of the team and rightfully so. We have a QB that has constant injury issues and has only produced one “successful” season out of six. He’s also coming off a torn ACL. Our QB situation is not good and there is no arguing this.

The good news is that despite things seeming dire, watching Pat Mahomes win the Super Bowl last night can provide us some hope. Why? Because there is a lot that our front office, particularly Mara, can learn from the events that lead to the Chiefs drafting Mahomes.

Let’s start by looking at the 2017 NFL draft. Mahomes wasn’t the first pick, he also didn’t go in the top 5, he was actually the 10th pick and also wasn’t even the first quarterback taken. What great QB went before Mahomes??? Mitch Trubisky…

This means that not only was the NFL’s top QB not the top QB prospect in his draft class, but he was behind a guy that kind of stunk… All these arguments about needing to take a certain player are irrelevant, picking the 1st QB off the board is no guarantee of success.

Let’s also look at the idea of drafting a QB with the first overall pick. Some of you may view things differently, but in my opinion, there is one goal of playing in the NFL and that is winning a Super Bowl. With that measure of success in mind, how many QBs over the last 25 years have been the first overall pick and won a Super Bowl for the team who drafted them? The answer, just 1 and that would be Peyton Manning. Matt Stafford won a Super Bowl but with another team, as did Peyton Manning once with The Broncos and Eli Manning 2x with The Giants (we didn’t draft him…).

So now we’ve established that you do not need to pick #1 to get a Pat Mahomes, nor does picking a QB at #1 increase your odds of drafting a Super Bowl winning QB. We don’t pick first this year, so this gives us some hope.

Move forward to something that our front office, particularly John Mara, really needs to take a look at, this is the circumstances around KC drafting Mahomes. In the 2015 and 2016 seasons, prior to 2017 when Mahomes was drafted, the Chiefs had a starting QB (Alex Smith) that won 22 games, threw for just under 7,000 yards and 35 TDs during that span. They didn’t need a QB…

KC still drafted Mahomes and decided to let him develop for a year while Smith started for them. Smith turned around and had the best season of his career while Mahomes was on the bench posting a 4042yd 26TD and 5INT season.

Where most teams would take this as a sign to stick with Smith, the Chiefs went with their own evaluations and decided that the back up Mahomes was a better player. They traded Smith, started Mahomes the next season and the rest is history.

How does this relate to the Giants???

There seems to be two different streams of thought regarding why we can’t pick a QB. The first being that since we are picking 6th all the good QBs will be gone and the second is that since Jones was given a big contract, we’re stuck with him.

On point one about picking 6th, we need to be a little bit more comfortable with the idea that the draft isn’t guaranteed, and you never know what you’re getting until they play a game for you. Pat Mahomes was drafted after Mitch Trubisky, really think long and hard about how absurd that sounds 7 years later, but it was consensus in 2017 that Mitch was “the guy” and the prize of the draft. Heck, Sam Darnold and Baker Mayfield were picked before Josh Allen the following year.

Picking 1st or even the 1st QB guarantees you nothing. There is always a gamble to drafting QBs which is why you shouldn’t bat an eye regarding moving on if you’ve picked the wrong one.

Next is the contract and viewing Jones as “stuck” here. While I won’t try and sell anyone on Smith as a high-end franchise QB, he was better than Daniel Jones has been for us. Smith was a legitimate starting QB in the NFL and had value, however, he was not a star nor would I call him a franchise QB. Kansas City recognized that unless you have a top shelf player at QB, winning a Super Bowl is rather difficult. They decided to try and upgrade the position despite having someone in place.

What is the lesson here? Unless you have Pat Mahomes, don’t let having a QB stop you from trying to draft the next Pat Mahomes.

Tying this all up, I still have no clue what the franchise will do in the draft, but I have no issue giving my opinion which is that if they see a guy available at QB they think has franchise potential, they should draft him. There is no reason that the 3rd or 4th QB drafted won’t wind up the best of the group and Jones shouldn’t prohibit you from taking one, just as Smith didn’t deter KC.

The Giants should take a long hard look from KC’s path to landing Mahomes and how it paid off. Staying with Jones and hoping he turns it around isn’t a way to run a franchise. A lot of the best front offices don’t get things right the first time but they’re honest with their evaluations and are willing to admit a mistake then try and fix it. Most importantly, they know the value of a franchise QB and don’t stand pat until they have one.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/12/2024 9:28 am : link
Good post. & yes, getting a franchise QB is the biggest need-without ?-for this team going forward.
Daniel Jones  
TommyWiseau : 2/12/2024 9:29 am : link
Is the next Mahomes
Good post as usual Bitey  
cosmicj : 2/12/2024 9:29 am : link
Good organizations operate from a position of clarity and honesty. Do the Giants even have the ability to do this? I think John Mara is a fool and, even worse, the organization has a politicized structure that handicaps the GM and coach from making very difficult and risky decisions. Sean has several times suggested that an imposing intimidating vet football guy is the only way to break through the franchise’s impasse and I am starting to suspect he is correct.
all due respect step #1 to mahomes was hiring andy reid  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 9:30 am : link
and his playcalling/decision making continues to have a huge impact.

the last year before reid they went 2-14.
they hadnt won a playoff game in 10 years (since vermeil)
over that decade post-vermeil they'd cycled through 3 head coaches and a few gms.

reid came in, blew out pioli the same day, and they have had winning records ever since. including 5 years (and 2 division titles) before mahomes.

w/ mahomes everything obviously went to another level but their success together like brady/belichek (and walsh/montana) is intertwined.
One quibble ...  
FStubbs : 2/12/2024 9:34 am : link
For all intents and purposes for any serious analysis, the Giants traded up to #1 in 2004 and drafted Eli. The weird sequence of events was because AJ Smith just wanted Eli to squirm a little.
To your point  
Keaton028 : 2/12/2024 9:36 am : link
I think getting a QB in here that is used to winning and performing well in big moments would be a good start. And those type of guys don’t always equal being the first QB taken. I do hope McCarthy and Penix get a real close examination, as they are winners who should be within our striking distance. Doesn’t mean they will be stellar pros, but I think there is something to a guy who knows how to play and win over a guy with great intangibles.
RE: One quibble ...  
Biteymax22 : 2/12/2024 9:40 am : link
In comment 16396340 FStubbs said:
For all intents and purposes for any serious analysis, the Giants traded up to #1 in 2004 and drafted Eli. The weird sequence of events was because AJ Smith just wanted Eli to squirm a little.

No, Eli was drafted by San Diego, we then drafted Rivers and swapped the players plus picks.

Either way, I'm open to Eli being considered as the other QB who won with the team that drafted him because of how things went down. Its all really semantics.
Good read Bitey  
ThomasG : 2/12/2024 9:42 am : link
Environment matters to a good degree. Kansas City was already consistent winner & playoff team under Reid. Replacing Smith with Mahomes put them over the top into basically being a consistent Super Bowl winner.

As Giant fans we should bring some realism into this. And hope that a top QB prospect will raise this team from a consistent loser and non-playoff team to a consistent winning team. More clearly has to be done with this team but that shouldn't mean waiting to draft a QB when it is all ready-to-go.

And most importantly, try to ignore the dumb BBI takes that suggest do not risk drafting someone new because it is unlikely they will be a franchise QB who wins super bowls.
Great Post Bitey  
Giants86 : 2/12/2024 9:49 am : link
We need a QB. Just hoping they make the right decision....
Agreed that Mara politicizes stability to his own detriment  
fanoftheteam : 2/12/2024 9:52 am : link
But like guys —- the KC Chiefs owned by the same family had some futile stretches since their first SB appearence and made only 1 conference chanpionship since 66’.

Yes - they now got a winning coach and qb combo so everything changes. Credit to them and their fate at this point in time. But no Giants fan would of traded positions with what the Hunts have accomplished just 4 years ago.

Its far easier said then done to get a generation coach paired with a generational qb.

You would think we learned in 2018  
90.Cal : 2/12/2024 9:54 am : link
When we passed on Shurmur’s QB1 in Josh Allen and we took a RB with the 2nd overall pick in the whole draft.

Giants learn from Mahomes/KC? We never learn… they will pencil Neal in as the starting Right Tackle again and run it back with DJ.

I wish they had the balls to stamp one of these QB’s as their must have guy and move heaven and earth to draft him…

6th overall + two 1st rounders (‘25 & ‘26) should be a deal Chicago can’t refuse.
I'm not sure what the Giants can learn  
Matt M. : 2/12/2024 9:59 am : link
The Chiefs were a playoff team with a balanced roster before they took him and a playoff team when he sat as a rookie.

The Giants aren't a stacked and consistent playoff team and Jones isn't even close to Alex Smith, who he is in this scenario.
yes, yes and no  
fkap : 2/12/2024 10:01 am : link
yes: "What is the lesson here? Unless you have Pat Mahomes, don’t let having a QB stop you from trying to draft the next Pat Mahomes."

yes: draft position is no guarantee of success. As pointed out, just because player X was drafted first does not mean he'll end up being the the best QB in the draft.

No: the implied notion it doesn't matter where you draft, or that because only a couple of #1s have won a SB, it is more advantageous to pick lower.

The draft is NOT a crap shoot. It's all about evaluation and then making the choice you think best based upon your evaluation and the choices available. The year Mahomes was drafted, the teams that passed on him made the wrong evaluation. Had they made the right evaluation, he would have been selected, and KC would be out in the cold. That's why you always want to be picking as high as possible, and that means #1.

sometimes, being sloppy second, third, or 4th works out because the guy you want drops. That's a lucky stroke of good fortune that the teams ahead of you were wrong. Sometimes it works out because the guy you want is taken before your turn, and he busts, while sloppy second you settled for works out, but that is more a lucky stroke of fortune than good planning. Sometimes, the guy you want is taken, and works out, while your sloppy second busts, and you're left wondering why you won those meaningless games in December, dropping you down in the draft order.

The road to a successful QB is paved with good evaluation AND being in a position to take him. You need both. McAdoo was right in his evaluation of Mahomes, but he was not in position to take him (whether or not he could convince the brass to take him had he been on the board when Giants picked is a different issue).
I feel like Mahomes being taken at 10  
Scooter185 : 2/12/2024 10:05 am : link
Has increased the magnifying glass on QBs so that "the next Mahomes" doesn't slip by. Obviously some guys are still going to get drafted later and be good while guys drafted earlier won't be, but you don't buy a house hoping to hit Powerball, and that's what hoping to find the QB outside of the first round really is.
This is a great post and it exemplifies a problem throughout the NFL  
Jarvis : 2/12/2024 10:05 am : link
For some reason teams like the Giants (giants aren’t the only ones that do it) feel the need top upgrade every position they don’t have a star except for QB. While the QB is the most important and has the single most influence on the outcome of a game, teams will rest on their laurels as soon as the cross the “adequate” threshold. For example, Slayton, Robinson, and Hyatt make up an adequate receiving corp yet most agree we should try and get a true difference maker at that position.
However, with QB, there seems to be an imaginary threshold that once crossed there is no need to try and upgrade. What’s worse is these teams not only keep these “adequate” QBs, they pay them franchise money. You hear the argument all the time. “That’s the price of a starting QB.”
The draft should not be about “best” player available, but most “impactful” player available. That varies from team to team. As mentioned in the OP post…the Chiefs should not drat a QB since it is virtually impossible to improve on Mahomes and it would yield little to no impact. The Giants on the other hand can create a great impact by drafting a QB if they see one as an improvement on Jones even if not he most pressing perceived need.
csb : 2/12/2024 10:08 am : link
Good post - fortune favors the bold. I remember the 2-3 years after the Eli trade and many thought it was a bad deal because SD got Rivers + Merriman. Fast forward 20 years, despite Merriman going to 3 pro bowls & having a damn good career, nobody would ever go back and not do that deal. It's a QB driven league - if the Giants have conviction in a QB in the first round they have to go get him, even if it is a trade up. To your point - KC traded up to get Mahomes despite having Alex Smith on the roster.
Whos to say the Giants werent trying/actively  
fanoftheteam : 2/12/2024 10:10 am : link
possessing the next Mahomes since 04’?

They traded up to 1 for their guy in 04 and selected their guy at 6 in 2019 before their 04 borderline HOFer retired. They are now in a position this year where they once again select a top 5 qb and may trade up for “the next Pat Mahomes”.

I get the point if the topic - but how can you deny our efforts to do such. We just stopped having a franchise qb hofer no more then 4 years ago.

Very good post  
GiantTuff1 : 2/12/2024 10:13 am : link
The Giants keep diluting themselves that something will come of Daniel Jones and rest on their laurels and personal affection for a player rather than cold hard facts. It's an abusive relationship because the end result is always more losing and frustration.

When a player is truly great, it's fairly obvious and does not take 6 years of debate and splitting hairs to convince others.

Instead of asking whether a QB is good, we should ask which QB can we not live without?

The Chiefs cannot live without Mahommes
The Bills cannot live without Allen
The Giants most certainly can live without Daniel Jones.

Find the one you cannot live without and they will take you far.
randomly someone sent this to me yesterday  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 10:14 am : link
id never seen this report before, and since marks worked for the team at the time this probably became the basis for a lot of the mcadoo stories.

More confirmation today that the #Giants DID TRY AND TRADE UP for #Mahomes. Ben loves the kid. Very upset it didn't happen
3:07 PM · Apr 28, 2017
from Manhattan, NY

i've never really bought the ben mcadoo hero narrative, at the 2017 draft he had a ton of credibility having had the 11 win first season. the chiefs gave up #27, #91 and their 2018 first. the giants had #23 (engram), #87 (webb), and their 2018 first. so they had the ammo to win not just "try", but they made a bad decision not to do so.

and bad decisions are why he (and most coaches including the guys the nyg have hired since) end up not being andy reid part 2. and why reese hasnt gotten a job since nyg, and ross had to become a clown to get air time.

if daboll is the right guy they will start getting more decisions right, one of which will be finding a qb.

if daboll isnt the right guy they wont and the cycle will begin anew.

there is no magic wand anyone can wave to change that.
Not sure there are any key learnings from the Chiefs other than luck  
Jim in Tampa : 2/12/2024 10:18 am : link
Here's a story from Mel Kiper that I just heard on a Bears' podcast.

The Chiefs had the 28th pick in the 2016 draft and they made a trade offer to Seattle (which held the 26th pick) because KC wanted to draft QB Paxton Lynch. Denver (which held the 31st pick) made a better offer to Seattle, and they ended up taking Lynch at 26.

With Lynch no longer on the board, the Chiefs traded out of RD-1 down to pick 37 and took Chris Jones. Then of course in 2017 the Chiefs traded up to take Mahomes.

So if things had worked out for the Chiefs the way they originally wanted it to, it would have meant no Mahomes, no Chris Jones and Paxton Lynch would have been their QB.

Sometimes you just get lucky.
RE: This is a great post and it exemplifies a problem throughout the NFL  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 10:21 am : link
In comment 16396400 Jarvis said:
For some reason teams like the Giants (giants aren’t the only ones that do it) feel the need top upgrade every position they don’t have a star except for QB. While the QB is the most important and has the single most influence on the outcome of a game, teams will rest on their laurels as soon as the cross the “adequate” threshold. For example, Slayton, Robinson, and Hyatt make up an adequate receiving corp yet most agree we should try and get a true difference maker at that position.
However, with QB, there seems to be an imaginary threshold that once crossed there is no need to try and upgrade. What’s worse is these teams not only keep these “adequate” QBs, they pay them franchise money. You hear the argument all the time. “That’s the price of a starting QB.”
The draft should not be about “best” player available, but most “impactful” player available. That varies from team to team. As mentioned in the OP post…the Chiefs should not drat a QB since it is virtually impossible to improve on Mahomes and it would yield little to no impact. The Giants on the other hand can create a great impact by drafting a QB if they see one as an improvement on Jones even if not he most pressing perceived need.

this post exemplifies a problem throughout fan-thinking.

who do you believe were the mahomes' in the last 2 drafts (current FO)? did they have a realistic shot at drafting that player?

there is a vast difference between "no need to try and upgrade (QB)" and "no mahomes available" since players on mahomes level only seem to come along once or twice every 10 years or so.
I think before we anoint Pat Mahomes as the next solution  
chuckydee9 : 2/12/2024 10:22 am : link
we should realize that the only real difference between Mahomes and Jones is the following:
1. Stability at coaching.
2. The Turf at Met Life Stadium that keeps him for playing quite often
3. The players surrounding Jones.
4. The ability of our OC to have a proper game plan.

If we can fix all that I am not sure why Jones would be any worse than Mahomes.
RE: Not sure there are any key learnings from the Chiefs other than luck  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 10:23 am : link
In comment 16396419 Jim in Tampa said:
Here's a story from Mel Kiper that I just heard on a Bears' podcast.

The Chiefs had the 28th pick in the 2016 draft and they made a trade offer to Seattle (which held the 26th pick) because KC wanted to draft QB Paxton Lynch. Denver (which held the 31st pick) made a better offer to Seattle, and they ended up taking Lynch at 26.

With Lynch no longer on the board, the Chiefs traded out of RD-1 down to pick 37 and took Chris Jones. Then of course in 2017 the Chiefs traded up to take Mahomes.

So if things had worked out for the Chiefs the way they originally wanted it to, it would have meant no Mahomes, no Chris Jones and Paxton Lynch would have been their QB.

Sometimes you just get lucky.

that's a great story jim. also shows that reid wanted a qb but didnt force a qb in 2016 like jets did with hackenberg.

all decisions are a combo of skill/luck, so im pretty sure the only thing an nfl franchise can do to improve their odds of winning is hiring the most skilled decision makers they can. problem is those guys rarely hit the market.
All they need to learn  
giantsFC : 2/12/2024 10:27 am : link
Is to draft a QB who has elite arm strength, mobility and field presence. Not just whichduke qb who has family and manning ties looks the part for a golf shirt.
both the niners and KC were good teams  
kelly : 2/12/2024 10:27 am : link
that then got their qb.

If either of those qb's were on the Giants with our terrible o line neither would be successful. So it is a combination of having a good quarterback behind a good offense.

I never thought much of JJ in the draft but I am beginning to wonder if he does not end up as the best qb in the draft. I think the combine results for him will be interesting to watch.
This is "That" moment for Schoen  
GiantBlue : 2/12/2024 10:33 am : link
He gets it right and he is our GM for a while.

He gets it wrong and his star will fizzle like so many you don't hear about any more.

No pressure, Joe!
RE: Not sure there are any key learnings from the Chiefs other than luck  
Dinger : 2/12/2024 10:36 am : link
In comment 16396419 Jim in Tampa said:
Here's a story from Mel Kiper that I just heard on a Bears' podcast.

The Chiefs had the 28th pick in the 2016 draft and they made a trade offer to Seattle (which held the 26th pick) because KC wanted to draft QB Paxton Lynch. Denver (which held the 31st pick) made a better offer to Seattle, and they ended up taking Lynch at 26.

With Lynch no longer on the board, the Chiefs traded out of RD-1 down to pick 37 and took Chris Jones. Then of course in 2017 the Chiefs traded up to take Mahomes.

So if things had worked out for the Chiefs the way they originally wanted it to, it would have meant no Mahomes, no Chris Jones and Paxton Lynch would have been their QB.

Sometimes you just get lucky.

Sshh. this ruins the narrative that Reid is a genius, everyone knew Mahomes was the best QB in '17 and everyone knew Lynch would suck. They all knew that Watson was great but he was going to get in trouble off the field and signing him to a big contract was a mistake as well.
RE: I think before we anoint Pat Mahomes as the next solution  
Lambuth_Special : 2/12/2024 10:40 am : link
In comment 16396427 chuckydee9 said:
we should realize that the only real difference between Mahomes and Jones is the following:
1. Stability at coaching.
2. The Turf at Met Life Stadium that keeps him for playing quite often
3. The players surrounding Jones.
4. The ability of our OC to have a proper game plan.

If we can fix all that I am not sure why Jones would be any worse than Mahomes.

lol If I didn't check your posting history you almost convinced me this was sincere. Solid work.
RE: RE: Not sure there are any key learnings from the Chiefs other than luck  
blueblood : 2/12/2024 10:43 am : link
In comment 16396465 Dinger said:
In comment 16396419 Jim in Tampa said:


Here's a story from Mel Kiper that I just heard on a Bears' podcast.

The Chiefs had the 28th pick in the 2016 draft and they made a trade offer to Seattle (which held the 26th pick) because KC wanted to draft QB Paxton Lynch. Denver (which held the 31st pick) made a better offer to Seattle, and they ended up taking Lynch at 26.

With Lynch no longer on the board, the Chiefs traded out of RD-1 down to pick 37 and took Chris Jones. Then of course in 2017 the Chiefs traded up to take Mahomes.

So if things had worked out for the Chiefs the way they originally wanted it to, it would have meant no Mahomes, no Chris Jones and Paxton Lynch would have been their QB.

Sometimes you just get lucky.

Sshh. this ruins the narrative that Reid is a genius, everyone knew Mahomes was the best QB in '17 and everyone knew Lynch would suck. They all knew that Watson was great but he was going to get in trouble off the field and signing him to a big contract was a mistake as well.

Ben McAdoo knew...
RE: Not sure there are any key learnings from the Chiefs other than luck  
Biteymax22 : 2/12/2024 10:44 am : link
In comment 16396419 Jim in Tampa said:
Here's a story from Mel Kiper that I just heard on a Bears' podcast.

The Chiefs had the 28th pick in the 2016 draft and they made a trade offer to Seattle (which held the 26th pick) because KC wanted to draft QB Paxton Lynch. Denver (which held the 31st pick) made a better offer to Seattle, and they ended up taking Lynch at 26.

With Lynch no longer on the board, the Chiefs traded out of RD-1 down to pick 37 and took Chris Jones. Then of course in 2017 the Chiefs traded up to take Mahomes.

So if things had worked out for the Chiefs the way they originally wanted it to, it would have meant no Mahomes, no Chris Jones and Paxton Lynch would have been their QB.

Sometimes you just get lucky.

Jim, I'd look at the comment I made regarding there being no guarantees and this specifically should be one of the top reasons why teams should feel okay moving on from a bad pick and trying again.

Drafting Jones is one thing. The fact that we continue to go down this road with him at QB is another. Its time Mara/Schoen have a real conversation about cutting their losses.

I can't guarantee the next guy they draft will be a success, but I know Jones won't be. We have to keep swinging here until we have the next Eli Manning.
Andy Reid + a significantly better surrounding team  
CT Charlie : 2/12/2024 10:52 am : link
make the argument mostly irrelevant. I don't think the situations are comparable. Until we upgrade our O-line (personnel and/or coaching) to at least the NFL Average level, we won't score enough points to win many games.
The principle problem on the Giants is  
Dave on the UWS : 2/12/2024 11:03 am : link
and HAS BEEN, self evaluation. They suck balls at it, and get get their emotional attachments to players out of the equation.
There's NO way Barkley should be on this team this year, yet he probably will be.
They absolutely HAVE to move on from Jones, but probably won't
Mara's attachment to both players is a factor, but there are too many voices in the front office diluting the voice and power of the GM. I believe Schoen knows WHAT to do, but he may not be able to. Until this issue is resolved (and it may not be able to be), they will continue to be a bottom feeder in the league.
McAdoo loved Mahomes and wanted to trade up for him  
JonC : 2/12/2024 11:10 am : link
I shared it here way before April 28 that year, it was in March his name was out there and I shared it on BBI. Problem was Reese at al didn't want to burn the assets to trade up, and some pounded the table instead to give Davis Webb a chance.
a problem with keep on swinging...  
fkap : 2/12/2024 11:19 am : link
I agree with the overall sentiment that DJ is not the answer, and we need to try again.

The problem is at what cost? The most extreme anti DJ poster here screams every year to 'take a QB, any QB'. That approach would have brought in another lack luster QB, leaving much better value on the board. On the flip side, quality picks were spent on bad players like Toney, or Baker (and maybe Neal), and maybe should have been spent on taking a flier on a QB. We'd probably be in the same situation, but also probably no worse off. The point is, though, that much better value than taking a flier QB could have been had over a not likely to succeed QB. Trading up uses even more resources, and should not be done unless you have good conviction.

Still, the point still stands that we should be looking to replace DJ. There's plenty of reasons why we haven't, mostly revolving around lack of realistic options given the choices and/or draft position. This year is no different. We're in a bad situation. At some point, the Giants are going to have to decide that they can't keep treading water waiting for next year for improved options. What's pissing off BBI as a whole is that this may not be the year they come to that realization, and BBI isn't patient enough to wait for the draft/FA to unfold before bitching incessantly about the incompetence of Giant brass.
Great post, Bitey.  
Mike from Ohio : 2/12/2024 11:22 am : link
But I think of it a little differently.

I don't think drafting a QB at the top of the draft is as much of a "crapshoot" as people think it is. What you have to remember, is that the guys taken in the first few pick go to bad teams. Most often these are teams with constant turnover, impatient owners, and coaches in a "win now" situation. It is not surprising to me that so many never hit their potential.

Mahomes was picked by an organization that was winning and could afford to bring him along slowly. The saw the physical talent and could wait for the mind to catch up. Many teams can't and that is why the QBs fail. Consensus top picks rarely fool everybody.

What the Giants needs to do is determine which QB(s) they think can be a franchise guy - it can be more than one - and have a plan to go get them. And then they need to put the emphasis on grooming that player for success, whether that is starting Week 1 or not until his second year. Don't put him out there until he knows the offense and can read a defense. Some need to play to get that, some need to sit. You have to figure out which is which for your guy.

I don't care if Jones starts week 1 next year. He isn't important to this team's future. The injury guarantee is a problem so I would rather them start someone else who likely can't be much worse. But when the rookie plays should be decided on what is best for the rookie, not the season. This is a long term investment and you can't sell as soon as you need some quick cash.

This is the most important decision Schoen will make as Giants GM. If he gets it right it sets the team up for long term success. If he gets it wrong he won't be here to see the next QB.
Tell this to Mara.  
penkap75 : 2/12/2024 11:49 am : link
Since he is the president of the DJ fan club.
Mahomes is great but he also got lucky  
jeffusedtobeonwebtv : 2/12/2024 12:01 pm : link
He was lucky to end up with the Chiefs with Andy Reid as his coach and Alex Smith as someone he could sit behind for a year and learn from.

Let's say McAdoo got his way and the Giants drafted Mahomes. I guess he could have sat behind Eli for at least a year, but then what? Instead of Reid, he would have had McAdoo as his coach. That's the same Ben McAdoo who took a 2 time Super Bowl MVP and "corrected" his basics McAdoo would have taken away every trait from Mahomes that made him great.

And if the Bears had picked him instead of Trubisky, he probably would have had to play immediately instead of sitting the first year to learn.
I take a couple lessons from Mahomes  
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 12:20 pm : link
1. Be honest with yourself. In 2016 the Chiefs went 12-4 and scored 24 PPG with Smith. But if you look at Smith's numbers they were pretty pedestrian: 15/8, 7.2 Y/A. If he'd been playing for the Giants that probably would have gotten him a $200M deal.

2. If the guy you drafted is going to be good, he's probably going to be good early. Mahomes was an MVP in year 2. Jackson, Burrow, Herbert, and Stroud are other examples that come to mind of guys playing very well immediately. It doesn't take many years; if you aren't seeing it by the end of year 2, it's time to start exploring options.
I also don't buy that Mahomes benefitted much by sitting in year 1  
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 12:22 pm : link
If anything I think Reid made a mistake not starting him from the outset. Mahomes didn't learn to play the way he does by watching Alex Smith. Mahomes was a great NFL QB the day he was drafted.
Mahomes played in a couple of games his rookie season.  
cosmicj : 2/12/2024 12:24 pm : link
I remember sitting up when I saw his play that year because it was so electrifying.
RE: I take a couple lessons from Mahomes  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 12:27 pm : link
In comment 16396701 Go Terps said:
if you aren't seeing it by the end of year 2, it's time to start exploring options.

guess the year 2:

59%, 3100 yards, 20 tds, 9 ints, 6.7 y/a, +500 rushing 4.7 y/c.
RE: I also don't buy that Mahomes benefitted much by sitting in year 1  
Mike from Ohio : 2/12/2024 12:27 pm : link
In comment 16396705 Go Terps said:
If anything I think Reid made a mistake not starting him from the outset. Mahomes didn't learn to play the way he does by watching Alex Smith. Mahomes was a great NFL QB the day he was drafted.

There is more to sitting that learning from the starter. What you see in the NFL from defenses is not what you saw in college. Some guys get that right away, some need time. Mahomes played in an air raid system that does not translate to the NFL as easy, and so he may have needed more mental reps and coaching than someone coming from a pro-style offense.

I have no idea if that was the case. All of us can only guess. But I think you need to determine what a specific player needs, not simply assume what you want is what will make them succeed.
RE: RE: I take a couple lessons from Mahomes  
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 12:30 pm : link
In comment 16396716 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16396701 Go Terps said:


if you aren't seeing it by the end of year 2, it's time to start exploring options.

guess the year 2:

59%, 3100 yards, 20 tds, 9 ints, 6.7 y/a, +500 rushing 4.7 y/c.

I think Josh Allen is an exception in a lot of ways. The improvement he's shown as a passer isn't something I'd use as a model.
RE: RE: I also don't buy that Mahomes benefitted much by sitting in year 1  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 12:30 pm : link
In comment 16396717 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16396705 Go Terps said:


If anything I think Reid made a mistake not starting him from the outset. Mahomes didn't learn to play the way he does by watching Alex Smith. Mahomes was a great NFL QB the day he was drafted.

There is more to sitting that learning from the starter. What you see in the NFL from defenses is not what you saw in college. Some guys get that right away, some need time. Mahomes played in an air raid system that does not translate to the NFL as easy, and so he may have needed more mental reps and coaching than someone coming from a pro-style offense.

I have no idea if that was the case. All of us can only guess. But I think you need to determine what a specific player needs, not simply assume what you want is what will make them succeed.

sitting is a lot more about learning the playbook/scheme and learning how to prepare in the NFL from the coach than whoever the starting qb is.
RE: RE: RE: I take a couple lessons from Mahomes  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 12:37 pm : link
In comment 16396720 Go Terps said:
In comment 16396716 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16396701 Go Terps said:


if you aren't seeing it by the end of year 2, it's time to start exploring options.

guess the year 2:

59%, 3100 yards, 20 tds, 9 ints, 6.7 y/a, +500 rushing 4.7 y/c.

I think Josh Allen is an exception in a lot of ways. The improvement he's shown as a passer isn't something I'd use as a model.

i agree except for the fact that the giants are coached by the guy who made the right assessments on allen before it was obvious to the rest of us - which circles back to the point of my first post that these decisions always start with the guy making them more than anything else.
The OP qualifers on a number 1 pick QB are pretty narrow  
BH28 : 2/12/2024 1:05 pm : link
If you look at Super Bowl winning QBs, I believe the number one spot produces the most Super Bowl winning QBs irrespective of what team it was for. It's not the first pick vs the other 31 combined, it's the first pick vs every other indiviudal slot in the first round of the draft.

But yeah, you don't need the first pick in the draft to be successful, but I don't think that means you go out of your way to avoid a first overall QB just becasue more often that not, they don't end up being the best QB in the draft. Probably holds true for most positions; but statistically speaking, the higehr the draft pick, the more likely they are to be successful.

RE: RE: RE: RE: I take a couple lessons from Mahomes  
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 1:09 pm : link
In comment 16396745 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16396720 Go Terps said:


In comment 16396716 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16396701 Go Terps said:


if you aren't seeing it by the end of year 2, it's time to start exploring options.

guess the year 2:

59%, 3100 yards, 20 tds, 9 ints, 6.7 y/a, +500 rushing 4.7 y/c.

I think Josh Allen is an exception in a lot of ways. The improvement he's shown as a passer isn't something I'd use as a model.

i agree except for the fact that the giants are coached by the guy who made the right assessments on allen before it was obvious to the rest of us - which circles back to the point of my first post that these decisions always start with the guy making them more than anything else.

These same guys saw fit to pay Jones though, so one has to wonder about their acumen scouting QBs.
I think your learning is off  
flyswimwalk : 2/12/2024 1:33 pm : link
The better learning is that teams can win SB with a QB like Purdy. 49ers had a great chance winning it all if not for a blocked kick.

How many Mahomes are there in the past 10, 20, 30 years? How likely are Giants or any NFL team find a Mahomes level QB in the future drafts? How likely they can find a Purdy level QB in the future drafts?
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I take a couple lessons from Mahomes  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 1:43 pm : link
In comment 16396805 Go Terps said:
In comment 16396745 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16396720 Go Terps said:


In comment 16396716 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16396701 Go Terps said:


if you aren't seeing it by the end of year 2, it's time to start exploring options.

guess the year 2:

59%, 3100 yards, 20 tds, 9 ints, 6.7 y/a, +500 rushing 4.7 y/c.

I think Josh Allen is an exception in a lot of ways. The improvement he's shown as a passer isn't something I'd use as a model.

i agree except for the fact that the giants are coached by the guy who made the right assessments on allen before it was obvious to the rest of us - which circles back to the point of my first post that these decisions always start with the guy making them more than anything else.

These same guys saw fit to pay Jones though, so one has to wonder about their acumen scouting QBs.

same guys also won a road playoff game with jones. and games against more than 1 playoff team this year with 2 different backup qbs. but i get it, harder to do the hyperbole schtick when opening both eyes.
In general I agree with the conclusion  
Mike from Ohio : 2/12/2024 1:43 pm : link
that you normally know what you have in a QB after two years of starting. Allen was still very much rough around the edges, but he was showing glimpses of being a special player. There was stuff to clean up - and there still is - but you could see why you would give him year 3.

The Giants seem to have evaluated him with their hearts and not their heads.
RE: I think your learning is off  
Manhattan : 2/12/2024 1:46 pm : link
In comment 16396842 flyswimwalk said:
The better learning is that teams can win SB with a QB like Purdy. 49ers had a great chance winning it all if not for a blocked kick.

How many Mahomes are there in the past 10, 20, 30 years? How likely are Giants or any NFL team find a Mahomes level QB in the future drafts? How likely they can find a Purdy level QB in the future drafts?

oh brother...
We'll always have that win in Minnesota  
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 1:47 pm : link
RE: In general I agree with the conclusion  
santacruzom : 2/12/2024 1:52 pm : link
In comment 16396860 Mike from Ohio said:
that you normally know what you have in a QB after two years of starting. Allen was still very much rough around the edges, but he was showing glimpses of being a special player. There was stuff to clean up - and there still is - but you could see why you would give him year 3.

Exactly. Allen wasn't some guy who completely unexpectedly revoked what appeared to be a sure bust label in year 3. His year 2 wasn't awesome statistically, but they made the playoffs in what was his first full season starting and he led the league in some promising categories (such as 4th quarter comebacks).
Thanks, Bitey, Great Post,  
clatterbuck : 2/12/2024 1:56 pm : link
One cautionary point about going for a Mahomes even if you have a QB that, well doesn't stink, is that the Niners went that route with the trade up for Trey Lance, which cost them three number 1s and a number 3 and just were incredibly lucky when and where they found Purdy after Lance failed. I absolutely, positively think the Giants should invest in a QB in this draft if they think he has a chance to become really good. Doesn't have to be the next Mahomes. Could even be the next Eli Manning.
RE: Thanks, Bitey, Great Post,  
Biteymax22 : 2/12/2024 2:04 pm : link
In comment 16396888 clatterbuck said:
One cautionary point about going for a Mahomes even if you have a QB that, well doesn't stink, is that the Niners went that route with the trade up for Trey Lance, which cost them three number 1s and a number 3 and just were incredibly lucky when and where they found Purdy after Lance failed. I absolutely, positively think the Giants should invest in a QB in this draft if they think he has a chance to become really good. Doesn't have to be the next Mahomes. Could even be the next Eli Manning.

Something to learn for the 49ers is that if you whiff, you whiff. Trotting the same guy out for 6 years hoping it will finally click is insanity. 49ers drafted Lance, but kept bringing in QBs right up until the point where they found one they were happy with as a starter.

The failure rate on QBs is high. Teams need to get comfortable with this and realize that you may need to draft more than one guy before you find your next franchise QB.
RE: We'll always have that win in Minnesota  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 2:04 pm : link
In comment 16396870 Go Terps said:

1/3 of the league hasnt won a playoff game since the reese administration including pittsburgh.

RE: In general I agree with the conclusion  
cosmicj : 2/12/2024 2:06 pm : link
In comment 16396860 Mike from Ohio said:
that you normally know what you have in a QB after two years of starting. Allen was still very much rough around the edges, but he was showing glimpses of being a special player. There was stuff to clean up - and there still is - but you could see why you would give him year 3.

The Giants seem to have evaluated him with their hearts and not their heads.

Allen was sensational in September of his year 3.

I know this has been discussed but there’s only been one 21st century QB I could spot who emerged as an upper tier player in their year 4 and that was Drew Brees. You could say Cousins except he was on the bench for his first 3 seasons but the moment he got the starting job, he posted good numbers. As part of the Jones debate in 2021, I combed through pro football reference looking for examples of QBs who took over 3 years to emerge, not as pro bowlers but as high level quality starters, and that’s the best I could come up with. It just doesn’t happen.
RE: RE: We'll always have that win in Minnesota  
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 2:10 pm : link
In comment 16396909 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16396870 Go Terps said:



1/3 of the league hasnt won a playoff game since the reese administration including pittsburgh.


I don't know what your point is here. Are you saying the Giants have handled/are handling the QB position well?
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 2:17 pm : link
The way the Giants handle the QB position, they would not have drafted Mahomes. They would have made Alex Smith one of the richest QBs in the league and said "We're back."

Shit, they were basically doing that with Eli because they won the Super Bowl five years earlier. The one guy in the building smart enough to want to trade for Mahomes got thrown out on his ass, and some people that preferred to draft Davis Webb (probably in part because he wouldn't threaten Eli) are likely still in the building.
RE: RE: We'll always have that win in Minnesota  
ThomasG : 2/12/2024 2:26 pm : link
In comment 16396909 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16396870 Go Terps said:



1/3 of the league hasnt won a playoff game since the reese administration including pittsburgh.

That wildcard playoff win cost the Giants $92M in guarantees to Jones and another potential $23M in injury guarantees. For what, a couple of regular season wins?

But I guess that's what a B+/A type QB contract looks like these days.

RE: RE: RE: We'll always have that win in Minnesota  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 2:40 pm : link
In comment 16396916 Go Terps said:
In comment 16396909 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16396870 Go Terps said:



1/3 of the league hasnt won a playoff game since the reese administration including pittsburgh.


I don't know what your point is here. Are you saying the Giants have handled/are handling the QB position well?

reread my first post in the thread, and maybe every post on the subject in our exchanges for the last 3+ years.

you fall hook line sinker thinking there's some savior at qb just around the corner when in reality it all comes down to finding the same thing 2/3's of the league is looking for at the same time - a coach who can get that pick (and a bunch of other stuff) right. failure rate on coaches has probably surpassed qbs at this point.
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 2:52 pm : link
I'm saying there's isn't a savior. I'm saying (and have been forever) that the QB position needs investment, competition, and turnover at all 3 spots on the depth chart. A plan needs to be put in place to try to separate the wheat from the chaff.

You (and the Giants) have it reversed. The Giants anoint a savior and then make excuses if the savior isn't producing. That's been the policy for 20 years.

Everyone will talk about the importance of a number 1 WR  
Sean : 2/12/2024 2:59 pm : link
The Chiefs traded Tyreek Hill and have won the Super Bowl twice since. I really don't want to hear how badly the Giants need a number 1 WR.
RE: Everyone will talk about the importance of a number 1 WR  
Scooter185 : 2/12/2024 3:04 pm : link
In comment 16396976 Sean said:
The Chiefs traded Tyreek Hill and have won the Super Bowl twice since. I really don't want to hear how badly the Giants need a number 1 WR.

Also found a pretty good RB in the 7th round
RE: .  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 3:10 pm : link
In comment 16396928 Go Terps said:
The way the Giants handle the QB position, they would not have drafted Mahomes. They would have made Alex Smith one of the richest QBs in the league and said "We're back."

Shit, they were basically doing that with Eli because they won the Super Bowl five years earlier. The one guy in the building smart enough to want to trade for Mahomes got thrown out on his ass, and some people that preferred to draft Davis Webb (probably in part because he wouldn't threaten Eli) are likely still in the building.

read jonc's post above and anita marks' tweet from 2017, apparently they had a coach who loved mahomes and as an organization made a failed effort to trade up. likely bc the coach didnt have the juice, the gm didnt have the fortitude, and the head of the draft was made more for tv than reality - which is why all involved havent held those positions since.
Instead of talking about Mahomes shouldn't  
kelly : 2/12/2024 3:18 pm : link
We really be talking about Purdy?

Instead of thinking the best qb has to be one of the top three maybe its one of the others?

JJ, Pratt, Rattler, Penix, Nix etc

I am not sold on any of the qb,s let alone the top three.

I am wondering if somehow JJ has the "it" factor.
RE: Savior?  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 3:18 pm : link
In comment 16396967 Go Terps said:
I'm saying there's isn't a savior. I'm saying (and have been forever) that the QB position needs investment, competition, and turnover at all 3 spots on the depth chart. A plan needs to be put in place to try to separate the wheat from the chaff.

You (and the Giants) have it reversed. The Giants anoint a savior and then make excuses if the savior isn't producing. That's been the policy for 20 years.

a) i've never declared anyone a savior (eli is prob going to the hof but nowhere near mahomes level)
b) he still won the giants 2 sbs in the last 20 years
c) as usual you are conflating some small scale bumper sticker tactics (competition! a plan! investment!) with a plan. pick the head coach wrong (as nyg clearly did between coughlin and daboll) and none of those things matter.
RE: RE: .  
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 3:19 pm : link
In comment 16396987 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16396928 Go Terps said:


The way the Giants handle the QB position, they would not have drafted Mahomes. They would have made Alex Smith one of the richest QBs in the league and said "We're back."

Shit, they were basically doing that with Eli because they won the Super Bowl five years earlier. The one guy in the building smart enough to want to trade for Mahomes got thrown out on his ass, and some people that preferred to draft Davis Webb (probably in part because he wouldn't threaten Eli) are likely still in the building.

read jonc's post above and anita marks' tweet from 2017, apparently they had a coach who loved mahomes and as an organization made a failed effort to trade up. likely bc the coach didnt have the juice, the gm didnt have the fortitude, and the head of the draft was made more for tv than reality - which is why all involved havent held those positions since.

Or because Eli was a sacred cow. Gettleman was hired shortly after to build around Eli, starting with drafting a RB #2 overall.
RE: .  
Biteymax22 : 2/12/2024 3:26 pm : link
In comment 16396928 Go Terps said:
The way the Giants handle the QB position, they would not have drafted Mahomes. They would have made Alex Smith one of the richest QBs in the league and said "We're back."

Shit, they were basically doing that with Eli because they won the Super Bowl five years earlier. The one guy in the building smart enough to want to trade for Mahomes got thrown out on his ass, and some people that preferred to draft Davis Webb (probably in part because he wouldn't threaten Eli) are likely still in the building.

In essence, this is the TL:DR version of my post and why I made it. I think the Giants would have done exactly what you think, held on to Smith, overpaid him and then acted shocked when it was 5 years later and they still haven't won a Super Bowl.

At some point in time Mara needs to realize these are players he's paying to perform a task, whenever we draft someone top 10 it isn't for John to make a new friend. If you can't see your QB winning you a Super Bowl, you need to move on from him. If Mara can see Jones driving down the field and beating Pat Mahomes next February, this franchise has bigger problems.
RE: RE: RE: .  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 3:30 pm : link
In comment 16397004 Go Terps said:
In comment 16396987 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16396928 Go Terps said:


The way the Giants handle the QB position, they would not have drafted Mahomes. They would have made Alex Smith one of the richest QBs in the league and said "We're back."

Shit, they were basically doing that with Eli because they won the Super Bowl five years earlier. The one guy in the building smart enough to want to trade for Mahomes got thrown out on his ass, and some people that preferred to draft Davis Webb (probably in part because he wouldn't threaten Eli) are likely still in the building.

read jonc's post above and anita marks' tweet from 2017, apparently they had a coach who loved mahomes and as an organization made a failed effort to trade up. likely bc the coach didnt have the juice, the gm didnt have the fortitude, and the head of the draft was made more for tv than reality - which is why all involved havent held those positions since.

Or because Eli was a sacred cow. Gettleman was hired shortly after to build around Eli, starting with drafting a RB #2 overall.

eli was so sacred they tried to trade up for mahomes ('17), drafted webb ('17)/lauletta ('18)/jones ('19) (competition! turnover! investment!), and then benched eli 18 games into the gettleman era.
Quite clearly,  
Ron Johnson : 2/12/2024 3:34 pm : link
what the Giants must do is ask Ben McAdoo who he likes.

Throw him a few bucks for old times sake.
Good post Bitey  
The Mike : 2/12/2024 3:37 pm : link
The most important point, and Terps has made this clear repeatedly for years, is that you put a process in place to annually draft, effectively deploy and rapidly determine what you have at the quarterback position every year. The primary lesson of Mahomes, Trey Lance and Bryce Young is that it doesn't take long to know what you have in terms of talent at the NFL level. One year is more than enough time to make an effective determination as to what you have.

The first time Mahomes faced NFL defenses, it was clear he was a superb talent with an elite ceiling. Even with Josh Allen, despite his difficult first year, his enormous ceiling was plainly in evidence. Alternatively, the first time Lance and Young faced NFL defenses, it was crystal clear that neither will ever be elite. Could they develop into modest or below average starters in the NFL? Of course. But who cares? How pointless is it to invest in these types of players who will never accomplish anything in the league, other than to vindicate the original sin of drafting them in the first place.

So the proper course of action with these kinds of players is to cut bait asap, as the Niners did with Lance despite the fireable offense of a grossly excessive initial price tag. Tepper is making the same slow moving train wreck mistakes with his franchise, due to denial and self-preservation in support of his misguided opinion of Young, as Mara has made with DJ for years. It is a road to organization and franchise ruin.

We keep hearing "trust the process" from Schoen. But there is no process here as it relates to the quarterback position. Only double and triple downing with head scratching decisions to justify prior stupid decisions. Getting our elite quarterback will ultimately be delivered by implementing a process of positional fast failure where "trust the progress" in a competitive meritocracy, rather than an "emperor has no clothes" anointment, will be the only thing that matters.
The OP's last paragraph...  
bw in dc : 2/12/2024 3:40 pm : link
is the most salient part - when in doubt, move to upgrade the QB position as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, I just don't think Schoen has the doubt he should have about Jones to start that process of change.

But that will be answered definitively in this 45-day window: March 13th (start of free agency) and April 27th (end of the draft).

Like the Giants, the Chiefs are clearly a family business. Unlike the Giants, it seems like the Hunts stay the hell out of the way and let Reid and Veach be the football experts they are.

RE: Good post Bitey  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 3:45 pm : link
In comment 16397019 The Mike said:

We keep hearing "trust the process" from Schoen. But there is no process here as it relates to the quarterback position. Only double and triple downing with head scratching decisions to justify prior stupid decisions. Getting our elite quarterback will ultimately be delivered by implementing a process of positional fast failure where "trust the progress" in a competitive meritocracy, rather than an "emperor has no clothes" anointment, will be the only thing that matters.

how many elite qbs do you believe are available on average in any draft class?

how would 'fast failure' have helped schoen secure 1 from the last 2 classes?

stroud is probably the only player that can be argued as a potentially elite qb in the last couple drafts and his team was doing the opposite of trading backwards last year.
RE: The OP's last paragraph...  
Sean : 2/12/2024 3:57 pm : link
In comment 16397025 bw in dc said:
is the most salient part - when in doubt, move to upgrade the QB position as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, I just don't think Schoen has the doubt he should have about Jones to start that process of change.

But that will be answered definitively in this 45-day window: March 13th (start of free agency) and April 27th (end of the draft).

Like the Giants, the Chiefs are clearly a family business. Unlike the Giants, it seems like the Hunts stay the hell out of the way and let Reid and Veach be the football experts they are.

And Reid would have never come had they not provided a structure where the GM reported to Reid. Hunt obliged and success followed. He also knew to hire Reid as soon as he was available.

An owner is bad until they are good. The Chiefs were a rudderless forgetful franchise until they weren't. And now they are viewed as well run. A lot of it is just Reid & Mahomes. I think the Chiefs were 1-15 in 2011 with countless forgettable head coaches.

If the Giants ever got HC & QB right (I like Daboll and think he can be good), you'll hear people say about the Maras what they say about the Hunts now.

They'll need to figure out QB. Not to make excuses for Schoen, but had the 2022 draft had top ten QB prospects, I have no doubt Schoen would have drafted one. Last year, he couldn't trade up from 25 to draft Stroud or Richardson.

This is the spring we will find out.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/12/2024 4:04 pm : link
Joe has to do two things: 1) acknowledge via actions that he fucked up with Jones & 2) get a legit QB.
RE: Not sure there are any key learnings from the Chiefs other than luck  
NINEster : 2/12/2024 4:17 pm : link
In comment 16396419 Jim in Tampa said:
Here's a story from Mel Kiper that I just heard on a Bears' podcast.

The Chiefs had the 28th pick in the 2016 draft and they made a trade offer to Seattle (which held the 26th pick) because KC wanted to draft QB Paxton Lynch. Denver (which held the 31st pick) made a better offer to Seattle, and they ended up taking Lynch at 26.

With Lynch no longer on the board, the Chiefs traded out of RD-1 down to pick 37 and took Chris Jones. Then of course in 2017 the Chiefs traded up to take Mahomes.

So if things had worked out for the Chiefs the way they originally wanted it to, it would have meant no Mahomes, no Chris Jones and Paxton Lynch would have been their QB.

Sometimes you just get lucky.

That's all it is.

After 40 years, I can say the 49er dynasty of the '80s was all LUCK as well.

Better to be lucky than good.

That's the only comforting thing in this.....luck or lack thereof is something people can accept. Not getting the job done because you assume incompetence is very hard to deal with.

The way the NFL is now, you need luck more than ever.
The Mike  
cosmicj : 2/12/2024 4:23 pm : link
great post. And thank you for proofreading it.

RE: McAdoo loved Mahomes and wanted to trade up for him  
Blue21 : 2/12/2024 4:30 pm : link
In comment 16396547 JonC said:
I shared it here way before April 28 that year, it was in March his name was out there and I shared it on BBI. Problem was Reese at al didn't want to burn the assets to trade up, and some pounded the table instead to give Davis Webb a chance.
Imagine how it may have effected McAdoos career too.
RE: RE: Good post Bitey  
The Mike : 2/12/2024 4:33 pm : link
In comment 16397033 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16397019 The Mike said:


We keep hearing "trust the process" from Schoen. But there is no process here as it relates to the quarterback position. Only double and triple downing with head scratching decisions to justify prior stupid decisions. Getting our elite quarterback will ultimately be delivered by implementing a process of positional fast failure where "trust the progress" in a competitive meritocracy, rather than an "emperor has no clothes" anointment, will be the only thing that matters.

how many elite qbs do you believe are available on average in any draft class?

how would 'fast failure' have helped schoen secure 1 from the last 2 classes?

stroud is probably the only player that can be argued as a potentially elite qb in the last couple drafts and his team was doing the opposite of trading backwards last year.

The right choice for the Giants in 2020 was Herbert. So the search for an elite talent would have been over then. And don't talk to me about hindsight - many on this board including myself and JonC were screaming for the Giants to do precisely this at the time.

In 2021, the Giants could have traded DJ and drafted someone like Davis Mills as a solid young backup to compete with Herbert. In 2022, they could have drafted Purdy or Howell and traded Mills. This past year, they could have drafted a Hendon Hooker and traded Purdy.

This year, they simply have to get a quarterback. One could even argue they should draft more than one as the Redskins did in 2012 with RGIII and Cousins. So if one of the top three doesn't fall to them, (and by the way, if one of the top three falls to them and Schoen doesn't select him, Schoen needs to be fired on the spot), then perhaps go BPA at six and then trade up into the first round to get Nix/Penix/McCarthy. And then take someone like Pratt/Rattler/Hartman in the fourth round.

And if none of these guys show elite, do it again next year. And again. And again. Everything else is just moving deck chairs on the Titanic for this franchise.
RE: RE: RE: Good post Bitey  
Eric on Li : 2/12/2024 5:58 pm : link
In comment 16397084 The Mike said:
In comment 16397033 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16397019 The Mike said:


We keep hearing "trust the process" from Schoen. But there is no process here as it relates to the quarterback position. Only double and triple downing with head scratching decisions to justify prior stupid decisions. Getting our elite quarterback will ultimately be delivered by implementing a process of positional fast failure where "trust the progress" in a competitive meritocracy, rather than an "emperor has no clothes" anointment, will be the only thing that matters.

how many elite qbs do you believe are available on average in any draft class?

how would 'fast failure' have helped schoen secure 1 from the last 2 classes?

stroud is probably the only player that can be argued as a potentially elite qb in the last couple drafts and his team was doing the opposite of trading backwards last year.

The right choice for the Giants in 2020 was Herbert. So the search for an elite talent would have been over then. And don't talk to me about hindsight - many on this board including myself and JonC were screaming for the Giants to do precisely this at the time.

thank you for answering and dont worry about hindsight, i trust you said what you say you did at the time.

what i will mention is that 2020 is 4 drafts ago. so if your better path boils down to 1 qb out of about 40 who got drafted in the last 4 years you can say "pick a qb, and again, and again" and it sounds great - unless you are the coach forcing picks in the off years with pickett, willis, ridder, levis and then getting canned long before getting a shot at someone like herbert.

your initial comment i replied to was directed a gm who has been here for 2 years and needless to say in that time there's been no good answer in the last 2 drafts. which is why you went back 4 drafts to herbert. this year's draft is different so i suspect we will see something different play out.
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