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NGT. Tony Romo

Tim in Eternal Blue : 2/12/2024 10:55 am
is still talking.

Absolutely insufferable. We had a Super Bowl party of 20+ last night and turned on the Nickelodeon broadcast.
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SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/12/2024 10:56 am : link
He’s really regressed IMO.
not the first time  
KDavies : 2/12/2024 10:57 am : link
Romo sucked in a big game
The fact that he was explaining OT timing rules  
Mike from Ohio : 2/12/2024 10:58 am : link
as the Superbowl winning TD was scored in OT is all you need to know about Romo. He understand the intricacies of the game, but he doesn't understand his role as a broadcaster.

Another poster had a great analogy for him. He is a guy that is explaining the reproductive system during sex.
I am Ninja : 2/12/2024 11:01 am : link
He should not have tried to analyze the final play during the celebration. He stepped all over the moment.
thomasa510 : 2/12/2024 11:05 am : link
Was he the announcer (I don’t follow them closely) who kept saying - “there are so many permeations” again and again. Even with 6 secs left.

If so definitely insufferable
Something changed  
jvm52106 : 2/12/2024 11:10 am : link
with Romo these last few years and he has become an annoyance, a distraction during the game and even to the point now where it comes off as a "persona, as a gimmick" and he believes in that over the actual game he is broadcasting.

Yesterday was Romo at his worst, to the point he was a major detractor to not just the broadcast but the game itself. It was as I can remember- been watching football with a keen eye since the mid 70's.
Not to defend Romo  
AJ23 : 2/12/2024 11:11 am : link
but I think it's so weird how suddenly people are so critical of announcers. Most people who are hating on Romo today probably only have one or two guys in the sport that are acceptable to them. He had a couple of bad moments, most of which came during a boring-ass first three quarters.

I was neither impressed nor unimpressed with Romo. He's not as good as his first year, but I'll take some of the great he provides with the bad over a lot of guys. I wonder if people remember some of the goofy stuff the GOAT Madden used to do.
It's funny that he's was voicing his opinion of what Purdy should do..  
Fishmanjim57 : 2/12/2024 11:12 am : link
during the OT, yet Romo was never in the Super Bowl. Tony Romo was a loser, is a loser, and always will be a loser.
Hell, I thought Olsen did a better job in his broadcasts than Romo.
RE: Not to defend Romo  
Optimus-NY : 2/12/2024 11:16 am : link
In comment 16396552 AJ23 said:
but I think it's so weird how suddenly people are so critical of announcers. Most people who are hating on Romo today probably only have one or two guys in the sport that are acceptable to them. He had a couple of bad moments, most of which came during a boring-ass first three quarters.

I was neither impressed nor unimpressed with Romo. He's not as good as his first year, but I'll take some of the great he provides with the bad over a lot of guys. I wonder if people remember some of the goofy stuff the GOAT Madden used to do.

I refuse to believe  
djm : 2/12/2024 11:23 am : link
that there isn't some kind of mandate or order from the top that these broadcasters have to say 10000000 words per hour or else they don't get paid. They all regress to to the same level. Romo is reaching Collinsworth levels of annoying. Not every moments needs to be vocally exclaimed loudly and on such a highly verbose level.
RE: It's funny that he's was voicing his opinion of what Purdy should do..  
pjcas18 : 2/12/2024 11:28 am : link
In comment 16396556 Fishmanjim57 said:
during the OT, yet Romo was never in the Super Bowl. Tony Romo was a loser, is a loser, and always will be a loser.
Hell, I thought Olsen did a better job in his broadcasts than Romo.


Isn't this a little harsh? I mean you can think he's shitty at his broadcasting job, and you can even think he was a shitty NFL QB but he did rise pretty close to the pinnacle of the sports world (even to accomplish what he did puts him in the top 1% or less), so sure he's not Mahomes or Brady but relatively speaking compared to the average person, he's a loser?

How do you evaluate yourself? hopefully you're not as harsh as a self-critic or you'd probably be suicidal.

He loves being the star.  
MOOPS : 2/12/2024 11:28 am : link
He tries to always be the headliner when his job is just to be along for the ride.
Personally I hate listening to him.
RE: Not to defend Romo  
Mike from Ohio : 2/12/2024 11:31 am : link
In comment 16396552 AJ23 said:
but I think it's so weird how suddenly people are so critical of announcers. Most people who are hating on Romo today probably only have one or two guys in the sport that are acceptable to them. He had a couple of bad moments, most of which came during a boring-ass first three quarters.

I was neither impressed nor unimpressed with Romo. He's not as good as his first year, but I'll take some of the great he provides with the bad over a lot of guys. I wonder if people remember some of the goofy stuff the GOAT Madden used to do.

I don't think most announcers are bad at all. I think Romo's problem is he sees the game analytically, and doesn't realize that some things you say in the second and third quarter of a week 7 game to explain it are out of place in OT in the Superbowl. He seems to just want to talk about whatever he sees.

He'd be better suited to a Youtube channel where he breaks down game situations and plays the next day as opposed to broadcasting live, when people want to enjoy the emotion of the game. You don't start breaking down the game winning play 2 seconds after the Superbowl winning play just happened and everyone is celebrating or in agony.
RE: Not to defend Romo  
gersh : 2/12/2024 11:34 am : link
In comment 16396552 AJ23 said:
but I think it's so weird how suddenly people are so critical of announcers. Most people who are hating on Romo today probably only have one or two guys in the sport that are acceptable to them. He had a couple of bad moments, most of which came during a boring-ass first three quarters.

I was neither impressed nor unimpressed with Romo. He's not as good as his first year, but I'll take some of the great he provides with the bad over a lot of guys. I wonder if people remember some of the goofy stuff the GOAT Madden used to do.

Too many words  
rsjem1979 : 2/12/2024 11:42 am : link
It's not just Romo, but football broadcasts across the board suffer from the belief that every second of the game needs to be filled with commentary or information - relevant or not.

DO LESS. Talk less. Let the game breathe. We're already watching the damn thing, you don't have to bombard us with production pieces and graphics and analysis.

Every 3-yard run or incomplete pass doesn't need a breakdown. Just let it go in silence and wait for the next play to happen.
As an older fan  
pjcas18 : 2/12/2024 11:45 am : link
we're (or at least me speaking for myself) am always going to long for the days of Summerall and Madden.

maybe my father couldn't stand Summerall and Madden because he had his crew before them. We never discussed it since neither of us are bothered by announcers enough to make it a topic.

I do notice Romo talks a lot but the way some of you mention it, it sounds like it ruins the game for you. If you rely on or just generally like the announcers that much I can see that.

Not sure why, but I don't pay that much attention to the announcers, especially in football where it's not as fast moving as hockey or basketball.

baseball announcers have the hardest job, they have to fill a lot of air time since it's such a slow game. Maybe Romo would be good at that.
RE: I refuse to believe  
bw in dc : 2/12/2024 11:46 am : link
In comment 16396581 djm said:
Romo is reaching Collinsworth levels of annoying. Not every moments needs to be vocally exclaimed loudly and on such a highly verbose level.

Collinsworth's is the worst. His non-stop nasally sound is excruciating. He sees no red or yellow lights in the booth. It's all green lights.

But Romo is closing the gap. He doesn't understand that less is more, and he often speaks without thinking. On top of that, his boyfriend Nance enables him by egging him on.
Romo simply talks too much.  
ThomasG : 2/12/2024 11:47 am : link
Often using up every single second between plays with what 1) just happened and 2) what he would do next.

And what is really annoying is that based on the formations or guys going in motion on each play, Romo continues to try and guess and critique what he thinks is about to happen (real-time) before the snap.

It's just too much, all of the time.

Danny Kanell : 2/12/2024 11:47 am : link
Romo's biggest problem is not only does he talk way too much, he babbles. He tries to say something but the words rarely connect in the moment, and he sounds like an idiot (Or a geek trying to insert himself in a conversation).

Sometimes excitement like this from an announcer can be enjoyable and charming (Madden for example) but Romo just sounds like he's trying too hard to make it about him and he just ends up getting caught up in it and never cleanly saying what he's trying to say.

In other words, he fucking sucks.
Romo Is The Worst Color / Commentary Guy  
Trainmaster : 2/12/2024 11:55 am : link
Not even close.
RE: The fact that he was explaining OT timing rules  
jhibb : 2/12/2024 11:57 am : link
In comment 16396523 Mike from Ohio said:
as the Superbowl winning TD was scored in OT is all you need to know about Romo. He understand the intricacies of the game, but he doesn't understand his role as a broadcaster.

Another poster had a great analogy for him. He is a guy that is explaining the reproductive system during sex.

That call at the end of the game pretty well sums him up for me. I actually appreciated that he addressed the OT timing rules, but he could have done it much more quickly. Instead, he went on about why he felt he had to explain it and then the game was over, feeling almost anticlimactic without a good announcer buildup for the play.
Romo rambling on and on after the Chiefs won the game  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 2/12/2024 11:58 am : link

Was egregious.

A walk off TD with the a stadium going apeshit in celebration and Romo was explaining how the sausage was made. Nobody and I mean nobody gives a shit in that moment.
RE: As an older fan  
jhibb : 2/12/2024 12:04 pm : link
In comment 16396621 pjcas18 said:
we're (or at least me speaking for myself) am always going to long for the days of Summerall and Madden.

maybe my father couldn't stand Summerall and Madden because he had his crew before them. We never discussed it since neither of us are bothered by announcers enough to make it a topic.

I do notice Romo talks a lot but the way some of you mention it, it sounds like it ruins the game for you. If you rely on or just generally like the announcers that much I can see that.

When it's a game in which I don't have a strong personal rooting interest (like the SB last night), I can leave the sound on and they don't bother me so much, mostly because I can just laugh at things they say that I find annoying, ridiculous, or that I simply don't agree with. But if it's a Giants game, at least half of these guys (Collinsworth & Romo for sure) are getting muted.
He was awful last night  
Jay on the Island : 2/12/2024 12:08 pm : link
He wouldn't stop talking especially immediately after the Chiefs won the game. Every broadcaster knows to shut their mouth in that moment but Romo just kept on talking.

He was at his worst at the end of the 4th quarter. He said how huge it was that the clock went from 9 seconds to 10 because the Chiefs can run two plays to go for the TD and then kick a FG if they don't succeed as long as there were "6 or 7" seconds on the clock after the first attempt. There was 6 seconds left on the clock after the first attempt to Kelce then seconds later Romo said that the Chiefs have to kick the field goal because 6 seconds is too risky to run the play.
RE: It's funny that he's was voicing his opinion of what Purdy should do..  
Mayo2JZ : 2/12/2024 12:11 pm : link
In comment 16396556 Fishmanjim57 said:
during the OT, yet Romo was never in the Super Bowl. Tony Romo was a loser, is a loser, and always will be a loser.
Hell, I thought Olsen did a better job in his broadcasts than Romo.

Holy shit brother. Ease up on the hate there. Do you personally know him? What was your childhood like?
RE: Too many words  
Mayo2JZ : 2/12/2024 12:12 pm : link
In comment 16396619 rsjem1979 said:
It's not just Romo, but football broadcasts across the board suffer from the belief that every second of the game needs to be filled with commentary or information - relevant or not.

DO LESS. Talk less. Let the game breathe. We're already watching the damn thing, you don't have to bombard us with production pieces and graphics and analysis.

Every 3-yard run or incomplete pass doesn't need a breakdown. Just let it go in silence and wait for the next play to happen.

Right on brother!
Announcers don't bother me...  
Chris in Philly : 2/12/2024 12:18 pm : link
nearly as much as some of you guys. I don't really mind too many of them. But I do find it fascinating that by most accounts he was really good in his rookie announcing year and has seemingly gotten worse every year since. Unusual pattern...
It surprises me that Tony Romo is a poor announcer  
Jay on the Island : 2/12/2024 12:28 pm : link
but Mark Sanchez is excellent at it.
It's anecdotal to modern entertainment  
JonC : 2/12/2024 12:32 pm : link
Way too much playing to the LCD, eg, constant talking, the TOUCHDOWN graphics on the screen, the lame half-time performances, etc. They're more concerned with going to the greatest extent of trying to keep attention spans on the product. It's everywhere on TV.

Talk less, let the product breath rather than try to stuff shite down the throat.

Now, get off my lawn!
Apparently over the years  
JohnF : 2/12/2024 12:35 pm : link
Announcer contracts have changed so that you're paid by how many words you can fit into a broadcast. That would explain Romo.

What you're hearing from Tony is interesting, though. Romo is projecting to an extent what was happening in his head when he was playing it's not as much a broadcast as listening to what a QB is seeing and thinking at the line of scrimmage, during, and after a play.

And yes, if you're going to be successful enough to make and start for an NFL team, you HAVE to be able to think/react at a fast level.

Tony's problem is that he really needs to switch gears, and understand he's not a QB anymore...he's an announcer. If he is wise, he'll listen and take notes from the great announcers...Ray Scott, John Madden, Summerall, etc. and adapt elements of their style (how to enhance a game, not interupt) while still sounding modern.
RE: It surprises me that Tony Romo is a poor announcer  
Mike from Ohio : 2/12/2024 12:38 pm : link
In comment 16396718 Jay on the Island said:
but Mark Sanchez is excellent at it.

Why? I don't think football talent necessarily translates to broadcast talent. I think Romo's problem is that he can't stop analyzing the details of the game to understand that a 3 hour football master class is not why most people tune into a game.

I don't care much about announcers, but I notice very good ones and very bad ones. Romo is distracting.
RE: RE: It's funny that he's was voicing his opinion of what Purdy should do..  
MNP70 : 2/12/2024 12:40 pm : link
In comment 16396681 Mayo2JZ said:
In comment 16396556 Fishmanjim57 said:


during the OT, yet Romo was never in the Super Bowl. Tony Romo was a loser, is a loser, and always will be a loser.
Hell, I thought Olsen did a better job in his broadcasts than Romo.

Holy shit brother. Ease up on the hate there. Do you personally know him? What was your childhood like?

Like him or not, he's made $127mm as a UFA player out of a AA school and has a contract for another $170mm from CBS to be a color analyst. I'd say he's winning right now
RE: Announcers don't bother me...  
ChrisRick : 2/12/2024 12:43 pm : link
In comment 16396696 Chris in Philly said:
nearly as much as some of you guys. I don't really mind too many of them. But I do find it fascinating that by most accounts he was really good in his rookie announcing year and has seemingly gotten worse every year since. Unusual pattern...

I think part of it is that Romo brought a fresh style to the booth: enthusiasm, sharper insight than most that I had heard. I think fans have just grown tired of him/and perhaps he has regressed some. I still like him, but I understand he ain’t for everyone.
RE: RE: It surprises me that Tony Romo is a poor announcer  
Jay on the Island : 2/12/2024 12:56 pm : link
In comment 16396751 Mike from Ohio said:

Why? I don't think football talent necessarily translates to broadcast talent. I think Romo's problem is that he can't stop analyzing the details of the game to understand that a 3 hour football master class is not why most people tune into a game.

I don't care much about announcers, but I notice very good ones and very bad ones. Romo is distracting.

It's doesn't have anything to do with on field talent. I don't know if you saw the Jets on Hard knocks when Sanchez was the QB. He was just so socially awkward and you could tell a few players didn't like him. Erik Ainge was on the team and he once confirmed this and even mentioned how awkward Sanchez is in social setting around women.
Apparently producers have tried to reel him in  
Sky King : 2/12/2024 1:12 pm : link
And at times he slows down, but once he gets started, look out!
Let's be honest  
mfjmfj : 2/12/2024 1:21 pm : link
Romo has never been good in the playoffs.
He's not half as insufferable as Collinsworth  
HomerJones45 : 2/12/2024 1:27 pm : link
or Greg Olsen.
How to call the end of a game  
Jim in Fairfax : 2/12/2024 1:27 pm : link
Note the two minutes after it’s over.

A little roller up along first…. - ( New Window )
If he says leverage one more time  
averagejoe : 2/12/2024 1:39 pm : link
Clearly his favorite new word. They need to leverage him and his rug right out of the booth . He was awful . And every player that made a play last night was the best in the league. Just awful .
RE: Not to defend Romo  
Festina Lente : 2/12/2024 1:39 pm : link
In comment 16396552 AJ23 said:
but I think it's so weird how suddenly people are so critical of announcers. Most people who are hating on Romo today probably only have one or two guys in the sport that are acceptable to them. He had a couple of bad moments, most of which came during a boring-ass first three quarters.

I was neither impressed nor unimpressed with Romo. He's not as good as his first year, but I'll take some of the great he provides with the bad over a lot of guys. I wonder if people remember some of the goofy stuff the GOAT Madden used to do.

This is a great post. I am tired of people complaining about romo. Does he have an annoying and happy voice? Sure, but At least he says some pertinent things about the plays. I prefer Aikman bc i like how he doesn't give a crap and says when something sucks.

Personally, i wish there was like an ex qb/coach who would break down each play as it develops. I was kind of hoping the manning cast would be like that but it that was a big miss.

RE: RE: Not to defend Romo  
Optimus-NY : 2/12/2024 2:13 pm : link
In comment 16396853 Festina Lente said:
In comment 16396552 AJ23 said:


but I think it's so weird how suddenly people are so critical of announcers. Most people who are hating on Romo today probably only have one or two guys in the sport that are acceptable to them. He had a couple of bad moments, most of which came during a boring-ass first three quarters.

I was neither impressed nor unimpressed with Romo. He's not as good as his first year, but I'll take some of the great he provides with the bad over a lot of guys. I wonder if people remember some of the goofy stuff the GOAT Madden used to do.

This is a great post. I am tired of people complaining about romo. Does he have an annoying and happy voice? Sure, but At least he says some pertinent things about the plays. I prefer Aikman bc i like how he doesn't give a crap and says when something sucks.

Personally, i wish there was like an ex qb/coach who would break down each play as it develops. I was kind of hoping the manning cast would be like that but it that was a big miss.

Banks : 2/12/2024 2:19 pm : link
I honestly don't care all that much. This seems to happen with every announcer. People mocked Madden the last few years with Summerall(I still loved the guy). People loved Simms and first and then hated him. Same with Aikman, same with Collinsworth, and now with Romo. Everyone that was initially liked is hated shortly after. I'm sure Brady will yield similar results
Why get caught up in announcers  
fanatic II : 2/12/2024 2:28 pm : link
Any sporting event I watch I tune in for the games. The announcers are irrelevant, no matter what the sport.

I know enough about most sports that I don't really listen indepth to what is being said because I am doing my own analysis as it's happening.

Get over yourselves and just watch the games.
Anyone else remember the Jets-Miami experiment with no announcers?  
steve in ky : 2/12/2024 2:45 pm : link
Just had the stadium PA announcer go out over the air

I liked it but apparently not too many did
NFL Analysts  
ghost718 : 2/12/2024 2:47 pm : link
None of these guys are educating the average drunken NFL fan.If they were,the NFL might be in deep shit.A lot of it is fancy talk that doesn't add up to much.

As for Romo,he sounds like he should be should be selling Air Fryers,expandable hoses,and cleaning products.
RE: Anyone else remember the Jets-Miami experiment with no announcers?  
Victor in CT : 2/12/2024 2:49 pm : link
In comment 16396953 steve in ky said:
Just had the stadium PA announcer go out over the air

I liked it but apparently not too many did

Yes. it was good.

Romo, and even worse Olsen, like most of them just plain talk too much. They never shut up but they tell you nothing, and invariably contradict themselves eventually. It's a visual medium. There's no dead time like on radio.
Imagine him broadcasting Tennis  
gtt350 : 2/12/2024 3:08 pm : link
RE: RE: I refuse to believe  
djm : 2/12/2024 3:21 pm : link
In comment 16396626 bw in dc said:
In comment 16396581 djm said:


Romo is reaching Collinsworth levels of annoying. Not every moments needs to be vocally exclaimed loudly and on such a highly verbose level.

Collinsworth's is the worst. His non-stop nasally sound is excruciating. He sees no red or yellow lights in the booth. It's all green lights.

But Romo is closing the gap. He doesn't understand that less is more, and he often speaks without thinking. On top of that, his boyfriend Nance enables him by egging him on.

Yep--couldn't say it any better. I really want to like Romo as early on I thought he was terrific. I still take him over COllinsworth but yea, the gap is narrowing.
Am I the only one not offended by Romo?  
penkap75 : 2/12/2024 3:25 pm : link
He's not the greatest, but I never felt the need to mute to TV.
Like most of them  
Mike in Marin : 2/12/2024 4:44 pm : link
he does talk too much, but I find him to be pretty insightful, unbiased, and entertaining. I wanted to hate him as a former Cowboy, but I find him to be among the best.
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