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The fan's point of view on Saquon Barkley

Ten Ton Hammer : 2/12/2024 5:25 pm
I wanted to have a conversation about this, because I saw this posted from Big Blue United, and I wanted to know if many other people felt the same way and why.

This is just me trying to understand the sentiment.

From BBU:
It’s rare to find players, let alone star players that badly want to be here. So many fans take
for granted for what he means to NYG. He isnt an ordinary RB. He’s much more. I hope he is a Giant for life.

Are there other people who feel this way? If so, why?

In my lifetime, I do not think of the Giants as a team that struggles to get players who want to be here.

I also don't know what is meant by 'what he means to the Giants'. This is not a player that has a long and storied history with the club. I think most people would struggle to remember more than 3 Saquon moments. And, this isn't trying to downplay his talent. I think he's a good football player, I just don't understand the attachment being shown here. I truly don't know what Saquon "means" to the Giants.

The phrase 'face of the franchise', if that's what we think of him as, has kinda lost all meaning, but it gets thrown around very commonly. Dexter Lawrence is a legitimate top of the league star. Why can't he be a face of the franchise? He's got personality, says all the right things, and is also a great, charitable guy whom his teammates love. He might not seek out commercials and interviews as much, but isn't that a *good* quality?

I’ll be happy  
GoDeep13 : 2/12/2024 5:27 pm : link
The day Saquon and DJ are no longer on the Giants roster. Nothing against the people. But a new page needs to be turned.
I love the guy...  
Chris in Philly : 2/12/2024 5:28 pm : link
and I would like to see him stay, but I understand the complexities of the cap and I know we can't keep everyone. It's not my job to worry about how to fit him in - I get to just root for him, which I will do if he is back.
He will want too much  
Blueworm : 2/12/2024 5:35 pm : link
Chart the peak MPH since 2018.

Explosive plays gone too.
RB in the NFL are discounted....  
George from PA : 2/12/2024 5:39 pm : link
Our OL ruin the 2nd half of Eli's career.

RBs also have short life cycles

I love Barkley...still think he can be special(probably more heart than brain).

The Giants can afford to keep a great RB.

Teams can not afford to pay middle of the road QBs big bucks.
RE: I’ll be happy  
Spider43 : 2/12/2024 5:43 pm : link
In comment 16397127 GoDeep13 said:
The day Saquon and DJ are no longer on the Giants roster. Nothing against the people. But a new page needs to be turned.

RE: He will want too much  
BillT : 2/12/2024 5:50 pm : link
In comment 16397138 Blueworm said:
Chart the peak MPH since 2018.

Explosive plays gone too.

It doesn't matter what he wants. It only matters what teams will offer. I don't know what that is but that's what will determine what he gets.
Barkely should find a home with a Super Bowl contender  
US1 Giants : 2/12/2024 5:58 pm : link
His time is running out.

He cost too much as a RB for the Giants.

Wish him the best.
Nothing wrong with fans liking players  
Go Terps : 2/12/2024 6:02 pm : link
The problem is when the people making the decisions act like fans.
OK, I'll go there. I love Barkley and want to keep him  
PatersonPlank : 2/12/2024 6:04 pm : link
I don't think people understand that he is the offense. Everything they do starts with him, and they do this because the defense gameplans for him. they fake it to him, then run or throw the other way continually. In fact a lot of Jones runs come that way. Plus the guy takes a beating out there. They make him run right into the DL over and over again with little or no blocking. Barkley averaged 4 yds or so per carry, anyone else we have is much lower.

I personally think we have ruined the guy. If he was on a good team, with other weapons, his stats would consistently be top of the league IMO. Even now he is close. The thing is the players know this, on both the Giants and and our opponents, even if the fans do not. We have heard them say it many times.

The other thing that pisses me off is when people just regurgitate things they hear that aren't true. For example PFF said he was one of the best passing blocking backs last season, yet people say he can't pass block. Also he has played 43 of 51 games since his injury, and in fact has played 13+ games every season except when he ripped up his knee. I would venture this is better than most RBs since they take a pounding. Yet I bet we see people on this thread who say he is injury prone
Love Saquon the person and representative of the Giants . But honestly  
Blue21 : 2/12/2024 6:04 pm : link
CMC and shouldn't be paid like him. Even at franchise money it's too much.
Too many wanna be GMs are blinded by the money and can’t get over the  
rasbutant : 2/12/2024 6:09 pm : link
Using the 2nd overall pick on him.

If he were free! You’d all love him.

Don’t let your basis of his cost affect your view of him as a player, he is a good player when healthy and a great teammate and a great Giant.

Doesn’t mean he is right for the team, or should be resigned, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t not want him on the team. Some times it doesn’t matter how good they are if the situation isn’t right, sometimes it just doesn’t work out.

No need to diminish the player just because it didn’t work out here like I see so many on here do.

Two things can be true at the same time, he can be a good player and he can not be right for the team.

But purely as a fan why would you not want him on your team, he is fun to watch and an easy root for off the to answer the question to a fan that doesn’t care about the business side, what is there not to like about the guy???
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/12/2024 6:19 pm : link
Seems like a good dude, but need to move on. & I think both parties feel the same.
Let's ask ourselves a simple question  
GiantTuff1 : 2/12/2024 6:26 pm : link
If we were to lose "he who means so much to the Giants", how much worse are the Giants? Seriously ask this question. Are we 1 game worse? 3 games? Quantify it.

Then ask based on this is he a player the Giants cannot live without?

The only reason he is the offense for this team is because the Giants been utterly incapable of fielding a franchise player at QB.
RE: Nothing wrong with fans liking players  
Mike from Ohio : 2/12/2024 6:30 pm : link
In comment 16397165 Go Terps said:
The problem is when the people making the decisions act like fans.


Fans can be sentimental and root for players because they seem like hard working good guys. The people running the team need to be more cold in their evaluation of who helps you win games.

Saquon is a talented player and I hope he has an amazing career, but the Giants can’t afford the luxury of his next contract.
Sammo85 : 2/12/2024 6:45 pm : link
was the wrong player at the wrong time for the wrong team.

Hope he can salvage a year or two elsewhere.
Barkley is a better man than a player at this point  
Rudy5757 : 2/12/2024 6:45 pm : link
He was drafted #2 overall and to live up to that slot as a RB he needed to be a HOFer. He was being paid too 5 money at his position before he took a snap. He had the rookie year to be that HOFer but injuries have sapped him of his special abilities. He unfortunately is an average back at this point living off his rookie season. He has not come close to his rookie year since. This year at 3.9 ypc is really telling of where he is as a player.

He is a great role model and I think a lot of people blame the team for his underwhelming seasons. So many still view him as a great player. My view is he still can be great in spurts but I don’t think we will ever see the same player we saw as a rookie. I was against drafting him for that reason, it would be too hard to live up to his draft position and I don’t think he has. As of today he is not a HOFer and I don’t think he will be going forward. I’d like to see him on a good team where he doesn’t have to be the star and doesn’t carry the weight of the #2 pick.

He’s a great guy, just wasn’t a great pick for a bad team and couldn’t lift the team up. I think both sides benefit from parting ways.
KC found Pacheco  
Scooter185 : 2/12/2024 7:00 pm : link
In round 7

Why are we holding on to and paying Saquon?
The standard for a Hall of Fame runningback is extremely high  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/12/2024 7:10 pm : link
He'd have to have like 5-7 more seasons like 2022 to be in that kind of air.

Saw special in Saquon during 2018 season. Very little special since  
ThomasG : 2/12/2024 7:41 pm : link
and certainly not enough to ever justify that pick on a RB.

Nothing against Saquon, but his time in NY just overlapped during a period of horrendous GM decisions and overall bad QB & OL play, none of which was his fault.

If he is on the team next season then I hope they don't have to wind up making him the centerpiece of the Offense. That experiment has failed enough to bury it forever.

Turn the page.
Cheech d : 2/12/2024 7:57 pm : link
He recently said he would be good with a handshake agreement with the Giants and he would seek a contract as a free agent and give them a chance to match.
I think that’s the best case scenario.
I doubt he gets an offer that exceeds 9 million average guaranteed money
Then it’s up the Schoen to decide if he’s worth it.
I’m good either way.
With Barkley  
DavidinBMNY : 2/12/2024 8:16 pm : link
He is not a difference making player that consistently makes the differences between winning and losing. Over recent years, notably 2 or 3 games total the past 2 years he is carried the team on his back.

He appears on the decline, athletically and statistically. He is not close to a HOF gold jacket player, although injury plays a part in what he was vs. what he was. He has always been a limited receiver, and drops a lot of easy balls as compared to other rbs and he really tried to his credit this offseason to change that to be more on par with CMC.

Barkley is not helped by the OL for sure he’s a capable above average starter. In the right situation he can really help a tea,.

However, he is now consistently caught from behind and he doesn’t hit the whole with violence,

At this point I prefer they spend the $ on McKinney and upgrade OL. If there was no cap implications of note I would want him back on the team. I do want him back, but not @ $10mm or so.
This years RB draft class  
viggie : 2/12/2024 8:35 pm : link
Is kind of barren too. Corum being 1st and Daniel Jeremiah doesn’t even have him in the top 50 prospects. It’s a down RB year.
Fresh out of college  
thrunthrublue : 2/12/2024 9:51 pm : link
His rookie season, SB was a phenom. Sadly….the years, and compounding injuries have taken his magical, unequalled speed away….now , when he gets free, he is stopped. When defenses key on him along with the putrid blocking opening nothing, hitting him during the handoffs….it’s sad to watch. Rumors that the Chargers may want him are really a good placement for SB….warm weather, good venue…a new winning head coach….give this all round classy player a new chance, hell, they traded Toney to KC, and shoeless KT now has two SB rings!
I hesitate to say this, since many do not want Jones back  
Reese's Pieces : 2/12/2024 10:41 pm : link
but I think that Jones and Saquon complimented each other in 2022. Two capable running threats in the backfield and the defense did not know whether Jones would keep the ball or give it to Barkley.

Barkley was also a pretty reliable dump-off for Jones.

He has lost his ability to break the 50 yarder, but he is still a threat to make 20 or 30 yards and that has to be respected. He is better now running between the tackles, getting four or five yards. He is better in short yardage situations.

He only lost one fumble in his career going into last season, which is a stat that should be given its due. But he added two lost fumbles this season.

As a free agent, he will not get top dollar, but he will get enough so that he doesn't have to come crawling back to the Giants.
I like  
darren in pdx : 2/12/2024 11:22 pm : link
Saquon but it's time to move on.
Keep Barkley  
Maijay : 2/13/2024 6:03 am : link
but only at a team friendly cost. I believe he is an asset for a team that has limited talent.
RE: Let's ask ourselves a simple question  
Gusto1903 : 2/13/2024 6:25 am : link
In comment 16397186 GiantTuff1 said:
If we were to lose "he who means so much to the Giants", how much worse are the Giants? Seriously ask this question. Are we 1 game worse? 3 games? Quantify it.

Then ask based on this is he a player the Giants cannot live without?

The only reason he is the offense for this team is because the Giants been utterly incapable of fielding a franchise player at QB.

Its not only the QBs Fault, that the whole offense literally depends on Saquon.
Barkley being this productive, while being the sole focus for defenses is huge. If the Giants could take some of the load off of Barkley, he would feast on defenses and lead us to a lot of wins.

We aren't flexible as a team and thats not only the QBs fault. I see Bryce Young for example as a good QB, but his team fn sucks, how productive has he been? Would that team be significantly better, if theyonly had a better QB? Or is there more holes in the offense?

Its the same with Barkley. Barkley opens up a lot for the rest of the offense by his sheer presence on the field.
Saquan is a great guy and a great representative  
JFIB : 2/13/2024 1:40 pm : link
However, he really is not a special player at this point. He does not seem to fight for yardage, have particularly good vision and doesn't have the speed anymore to bust the big runs that help you overlook all of the 1 and 2 yard gains. I would let him hit FA and wish him luck but I wouldn't bring him back for anymore than $4mil or $5 mil. We need more consistent production from the position.
RE: RE: Let's ask ourselves a simple question  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/13/2024 5:26 pm : link
In comment 16397502 Gusto1903 said:
In comment 16397186 GiantTuff1 said:


If we were to lose "he who means so much to the Giants", how much worse are the Giants? Seriously ask this question. Are we 1 game worse? 3 games? Quantify it.

Then ask based on this is he a player the Giants cannot live without?

The only reason he is the offense for this team is because the Giants been utterly incapable of fielding a franchise player at QB.

Its the same with Barkley. Barkley opens up a lot for the rest of the offense by his sheer presence on the field.

But he doesn't open up a lot for the rest of the offense. The Giants have been a bottom of the league offensive team most of the 5 years he's been here.

When people say "Barkley is the offense"  
Go Terps : 2/13/2024 5:31 pm : link
They're leaving out a key word:

"Barkley is a poor offense."

Instead of continuing to pay him to be the centerpiece of a poor offense, why don't we try to build a good offense?
The offense sucks because we have a lousy QB, lousy OL, and lousy  
PatersonPlank : 2/13/2024 5:45 pm : link
WRs. I don't think Daboll wants Barkley to be the offense its just they have no choice. In fact remember at the beginning of the year Barkley said he was asked to drop weight because they were going to use him differently, and then they did try to come out passing more and playing a more wide open offense. Of course that fell flat, so in an effort to win a few games Daboll went back to running Barkley all the time.

Look the offense sucks. However lets not throw out the few guys who can actually play. The point is to get rid of the guys who can't.
RE: Keep Barkley  
Fishmanjim57 : 2/14/2024 11:24 am : link
In comment 16397499 Maijay said:
but only at a team friendly cost. I believe he is an asset for a team that has limited talent.

I agree 100%! Saquon Barkley is a team leader. He get's his teammates to focus within the games by shouting encouragement to them. He also get's his teammates to compete with him when it comes to making great plays.
The man is an asset to the Giants!
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