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NFT: Knicks get jobbed in Houston.

Beezer : 2/12/2024 10:51 pm
Worst one-sided officiating I’ve seen all season.

Knicks score 58 in the paint yet take 12 free throws.

Rockets take 33 free throws.

Wally and Hahn going off post-game.

Thibs the most livid I’ve seen him. Rick Brunson pissed.

Phantom bullshit call on Brunson on a 35-foot chuck with .3 left.

Just an unreal screw job tonight.
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scotepsu22 : 2/12/2024 10:54 pm : link
From one of the worst refs in the league (Ed Malloy) who regularly screws the Knicks whenever possible. He had to have bet on the Rockets tonight - there is no other explanation.
At the end of the 3rd  
nygiants16 : 2/12/2024 10:57 pm : link
Josh Hart was talking to the ref and you cna see him point to the stat line and show him the ft disparoty and you can see Ed Malloy say they are playing good defense...

and that foul at the end of the game is absolutely ridiculous, thats the ref saying i am deciding the game, you can see to Holiday kicks his leg into Brunson and outs a forearm into Brunson to clear space...

Oh BTW the line moved from -4.5 Knicks to -1 Rockets...Rockets won by 2
Any link to  
Carl in CT : 2/12/2024 10:59 pm : link
Thiibs post game?
Chris684 : 2/12/2024 10:59 pm : link
Houston wasn’t playing basketball tonight, they were playing fucking rugby.

Ballsy effort by the Knicks only to get boned by the refs.
RE: Any link to  
nygiants16 : 2/12/2024 11:02 pm : link
In comment 16397449 Carl in CT said:
Thiibs post game?

He didnt say anything you can tell he was absolutely fuming, even said refs did a great job ssrcastically..

Furthest he went was if your going to call it tight or loose whatever just be consistent
Needed that one too.  
bceagle05 : 2/12/2024 11:08 pm : link
@Orlando and (after the break) @Philly and home for Boston. Schedule eases a little after that.
RE: At the end of the 3rd  
aimrocky : 2/12/2024 11:09 pm : link
In comment 16397448 nygiants16 said:
Josh Hart was talking to the ref and you cna see him point to the stat line and show him the ft disparoty and you can see Ed Malloy say they are playing good defense...

and that foul at the end of the game is absolutely ridiculous, thats the ref saying i am deciding the game, you can see to Holiday kicks his leg into Brunson and outs a forearm into Brunson to clear space...

Oh BTW the line moved from -4.5 Knicks to -1 Rockets...Rockets won by 2

The MSG pregame show mentioned this as well. Guys were shocked that the Knicks were +1 after opening the day -5.5. Smelled like a rat from the start and when I saw Malloy and his crooked Philly ties doing the game it was obvious how this would play out. There’s no doubt there should be an investigation on this crew.
I dont know how Thibs didnt punch Malloy in the face  
nygiants16 : 2/12/2024 11:13 pm : link
after he walked over to tell him game was over, i woukdnt of been able to hold back
Watch the replay  
nygiants16 : 2/12/2024 11:18 pm : link
the ref who called the foul wasnt evem looking at the play, he was looking at the ball to see if it was going in and then called the fould
The no call on Hart at the end of the third was classic too.  
bceagle05 : 2/12/2024 11:20 pm : link
Sengun nearly decapitated him at the rim.
The line moving before tipoff  
moespree : 2/12/2024 11:21 pm : link
Is pretty suspicious. I can understand fluctuations but not an almost 5 point swing like 5 minutes before the game starts and for no real reason either. It's not like some major injury in warmups or something. Pretty eyebrow raising for sure.
RE: The no call on Hart at the end of the third was classic too.  
nygiants16 : 2/12/2024 11:23 pm : link
In comment 16397461 bceagle05 said:
Sengun nearly decapitated him at the rim.

and Malloy told him the Rockets play good defense so thats why the free throw disparity, meanwhile the Rockets are one of the worst teams in the league in the amount of fouls they commit
Thanks, Ed.  
bceagle05 : 2/13/2024 12:12 am : link
Ed Malloy: "After seeing it during postgame review, the offensive player was able to return to a normal playing position on the floor. The contact which occurred after the release of the ball therefore is incidental & marginal to the shot attempt & should not have been called."
Officials jist admitted it wasnt a foul  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 12:12 am : link
they said they called it because of the contact into Holidays legs but after lokking at it again they said it was incidental and shouldnt of been cLled
you would think this might  
Enzo : 2/13/2024 12:15 am : link
inspire the league to maybe come up with replay rules that make sense - but I wouldn't hold your breath.
It almost felt  
santacruzom : 2/13/2024 12:26 am : link
Like watching a Warriors game with that FT disparity.
is it common for them  
Enzo : 2/13/2024 12:37 am : link
to flat out admit a mistake before the L2M even comes out? And of course the only reason Thibs didn't have his challenge was because of a questionable blocking call earlier. Although he probably would have used it prior to the last play anyway as there were plenty of opportunities...
RE: is it common for them  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 12:40 am : link
In comment 16397480 Enzo said:
to flat out admit a mistake before the L2M even comes out? And of course the only reason Thibs didn't have his challenge was because of a questionable blocking call earlier. Although he probably would have used it prior to the last play anyway as there were plenty of opportunities...

Normally officials do a thing with 1 reporter, especially when there is a controvrsial call
Foolish play by Brunson  
kcgiants : 2/13/2024 12:42 am : link
Unfortunately, Brunson didn't play smart on that play. Knowing that you are getting robbed at the FT disparity, with .03 seconds left and the refs are against you, you just don't give the refs a chance to call anything on you. Brunson should not have tried to block the shot and he probably couldn't have anyway. Just hope Brunson lives and learn
ElitoCanton : 2/13/2024 12:44 am : link
that another shit call in a long night of shit calls. This was a ref job from the start. No wonder on the line on this game moved so drastically. Money was made by someone.
RE: Foolish play by Brunson  
bceagle05 : 2/13/2024 1:27 am : link
In comment 16397483 kcgiants said:
Unfortunately, Brunson didn't play smart on that play. Knowing that you are getting robbed at the FT disparity, with .03 seconds left and the refs are against you, you just don't give the refs a chance to call anything on you. Brunson should not have tried to block the shot and he probably couldn't have anyway. Just hope Brunson lives and learn

The shot almost went in - he had to contest it.
RE: Thanks, Ed.  
aimrocky : 2/13/2024 7:05 am : link
In comment 16397474 bceagle05 said:
Ed Malloy: "After seeing it during postgame review, the offensive player was able to return to a normal playing position on the floor. The contact which occurred after the release of the ball therefore is incidental & marginal to the shot attempt & should not have been called."

Great… Admission means nothing. The score isn’t changing and these crooks made their money.
That was one of those games that makes  
mfsd : 2/13/2024 7:09 am : link
that makes it hard not to believe at least some NBA games are rigged for gambling purposes
yeah that was bullshit  
Victor in CT : 2/13/2024 7:18 am : link
they wuz robbed
RE: Foolish play by Brunson  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 7:59 am : link
In comment 16397483 kcgiants said:
Unfortunately, Brunson didn't play smart on that play. Knowing that you are getting robbed at the FT disparity, with .03 seconds left and the refs are against you, you just don't give the refs a chance to call anything on you. Brunson should not have tried to block the shot and he probably couldn't have anyway. Just hope Brunson lives and learn

So dont play defense then? he played perfect defense, junping to the side of Holiday and allowing him to land..
If people believe the NBA is rigged, why would you watch?  
Sean : 2/13/2024 8:04 am : link
That would immediately make the league lose all credibility and would be questionable to spend time watching an 82 game season for a rigged product, no?
RE: If people believe the NBA is rigged, why would you watch?  
BigBlueShock : 2/13/2024 8:11 am : link
In comment 16397518 Sean said:
That would immediately make the league lose all credibility and would be questionable to spend time watching an 82 game season for a rigged product, no?

I’m guessing you didn’t watch the game. I’m not sure about the “rigged” thing but you have to admit the line moving from -4.5 for the Knicks to -1 for Houston just 5 minutes before tip, followed by that travesty of an officiating game should at least raise some eyebrows, no?
RE: If people believe the NBA is rigged, why would you watch?  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 8:18 am : link
In comment 16397518 Sean said:
That would immediately make the league lose all credibility and would be questionable to spend time watching an 82 game season for a rigged product, no?

I have never thought the nba was rigged but last night felt like a fixed game, line moved from -4.5 Knicks to -1 Rockets, 33-12 free theow disparity and tie game they call a foul on a heave from half court and the rockets cover on that call...

The refs officiated that game like they needed the rockets to win
Sean : 2/13/2024 8:21 am : link
Again, what you are implying (and maybe it's true, it's happened before) would suggest the NBA has a league integrity issue. Again, I'm not disputing it rather just questioning why you'd invest in a product if this was the case.
RE: The line moving before tipoff  
Really : 2/13/2024 8:33 am : link
In comment 16397462 moespree said:
Is pretty suspicious. I can understand fluctuations but not an almost 5 point swing like 5 minutes before the game starts and for no real reason either. It's not like some major injury in warmups or something. Pretty eyebrow raising for sure.

How fast did the 5 point swing occur? Over the course of an hour, few hours? the day?

The swing altogether is interesting to say the least, great insight
BigBlueShock : 2/13/2024 8:36 am : link
In comment 16397536 Sean said:
Again, what you are implying (and maybe it's true, it's happened before) would suggest the NBA has a league integrity issue. Again, I'm not disputing it rather just questioning why you'd invest in a product if this was the case.

Were we supposed to see into the future and avoid watching last nights game? What you’re saying is ludicrous. You didn’t watch the game so you should probably just sit this one out
RE: RE: The line moving before tipoff  
aimrocky : 2/13/2024 8:37 am : link
In comment 16397550 Really said:
In comment 16397462 moespree said:


Is pretty suspicious. I can understand fluctuations but not an almost 5 point swing like 5 minutes before the game starts and for no real reason either. It's not like some major injury in warmups or something. Pretty eyebrow raising for sure.

How fast did the 5 point swing occur? Over the course of an hour, few hours? the day?

The swing altogether is interesting to say the least, great insight

Within a half hour of tip. It was late money thay came in.

The MSG pre-game, who have a partnership with a gambling show, were talking about the line right before tip. Their notes said -5.5 Knicks but the screen showed +1, so Alan Hahn said "Is that correct? There must be late line movement for Houston."
I'm admittedly a blame the refs guy  
aimrocky : 2/13/2024 8:44 am : link
but as I've aged I can be much more realistic in my assessment. I can probably count on one hand how many times this season I was upset with the officiating.

Last night was a travesty. I wasn't even upset that they allowed physical play. I was trying to stay unbiased, knowing the Knicks play a physical style of D, like the Rockets. But, the shoulder Brunson took from Dillon Brooks (actually, I think it was two, but one got caught clearly by the telecast) and the inconsistancy in calls really swung the pendulum in Houston's favor.

Then, Breen points out how Malloy is from that same crook area in PA that Joe Crawford, Scott Foster and Tim Donaghey are from and all signs pointed to a major consipracy.
RE: I'm admittedly a blame the refs guy  
Dr. D : 2/13/2024 8:53 am : link
In comment 16397567 aimrocky said:

Then, Breen points out how Malloy is from that same crook area in PA that Joe Crawford, Scott Foster and Tim Donaghey are from and all signs pointed to a major consipracy.

I watched the game, but missed Breen saying that. Interesting. And I'm not a gambler, but the line moving that drastically right before tip off for no good reason seems very fishy.

The league should look into Malloy and any other questionable ref.

The ref that made that call  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 9:08 am : link
is the same ref that botched that Lebron call against the celtics last year when Pat Bev brought the camera over...

He also officisted the first game against the celtics where Tatum clearly fouls brunson but instead calls a flop on Brunson and then makes anotber bs call on the other end and changed the entire outcome of that game and they had to come out afterwards and say they got it wrong..

So either he is an incompetent official or he is on the take
I've never thought there  
Enzo : 2/13/2024 9:10 am : link
was anything sinister going on. But I think a lot of these guys are just flat out bad at their jobs, the game moves to fast for some of them to make calls in real time, and the replay system is a joke.
RE: Thanks, Ed.  
Anakim : 2/13/2024 9:14 am : link
In comment 16397474 bceagle05 said:
Ed Malloy: "After seeing it during postgame review, the offensive player was able to return to a normal playing position on the floor. The contact which occurred after the release of the ball therefore is incidental & marginal to the shot attempt & should not have been called."

Great. Thanks for the mea culpa and costing us the game.
RE: The ref that made that call  
Enzo : 2/13/2024 9:14 am : link
In comment 16397608 nygiants16 said:

He also officisted the first game against the celtics where Tatum clearly fouls brunson but instead calls a flop on Brunson and then makes anotber bs call on the other end and changed the entire outcome of that game and they had to come out afterwards and say they got it wrong..

come on - that's the same guy? Jesus. That was one of the worst calls I've ever seen. Brunson clearly landed on his foot - which is essentially an automatic foul on the defense these days.
RE: I've never thought there  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 9:14 am : link
In comment 16397612 Enzo said:
was anything sinister going on. But I think a lot of these guys are just flat out bad at their jobs, the game moves to fast for some of them to make calls in real time, and the replay system is a joke.

I get that but 33-12 free throw disparity is not bad at your job, its blatant..

that call last night is not bad at your job, ita deciding the game when no one would of said anything if he didnt make a call, not a single person on either team, not a single fan..but instead the ref decided to take the game in his hands..

RE: RE: The ref that made that call  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 9:15 am : link
In comment 16397625 Enzo said:
In comment 16397608 nygiants16 said:


He also officisted the first game against the celtics where Tatum clearly fouls brunson but instead calls a flop on Brunson and then makes anotber bs call on the other end and changed the entire outcome of that game and they had to come out afterwards and say they got it wrong..

come on - that's the same guy? Jesus. That was one of the worst calls I've ever seen. Brunson clearly landed on his foot - which is essentially an automatic foul on the defense these days.

yup same guy
If anyone cares  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 9:17 am : link
his name is jacyn goble and has a history of bad calls
Even Alan Hahn is talking about curious officiating  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 9:25 am : link
and the league needs to look at it
RE: If anyone cares  
Greg from LI : 2/13/2024 9:39 am : link
In comment 16397638 nygiants16 said:
his name is jacyn goble and has a history of bad calls

And I've read he's from the same corrupt little PA town as Tim Donaghy and a bunch of other refs.
That was beyond awful  
Stu11 : 2/13/2024 9:46 am : link
I've been watching the NBA since 1977 or so. That Knicks game last night was probably the biggest screw job I've ever seen. The free throws were like 33-12 and that "foul" call with .3 left. Just horrendous. It was so bad the crew chief admitted they fucked up after the game! They didn't even wait for the 2 minute report from the league. I've never in my life seen them do that. The points in the paint were like 58-50 Knicks so it's not like they were chucking 3's all night. Just an utter disgrace.
RE: RE: I'm admittedly a blame the refs guy  
aimrocky : 2/13/2024 9:53 am : link
In comment 16397577 Dr. D said:
In comment 16397567 aimrocky said:


Then, Breen points out how Malloy is from that same crook area in PA that Joe Crawford, Scott Foster and Tim Donaghey are from and all signs pointed to a major consipracy.

I watched the game, but missed Breen saying that. Interesting. And I'm not a gambler, but the line moving that drastically right before tip off for no good reason seems very fishy.

The league should look into Malloy and any other questionable ref.

It wasn't as pronounced as I phrased it. He said Malloy went to Cardinal O'Hara in Philadelphia, the same high school as Joe Crawford.

If you know Tim Donoghy, you know he went to that same high school and is a hot bed for officials. He also claimed that the officials from that area were corrupt, like him, although it was never substantiated.
NBA has a real problem right now  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 9:56 am : link
because usually when a bad call happens its the team it happens against and it blows over..

With the line moving the way it did, the free throw disparity, the last second call and not to mention the team it happened to, this sint just going to go away..

You got media calling out the NBA, you got Ben Stiller on twitter ripping the NBA and the worst part you got people saying the game was rigged jncludong media people who keep mentioning the Line..

This shit isnt just going to blow over, especially when you got a ref who js from the same town as Donaghy and who has a history kf questionable calls
I am absolutely not a blame the ref guy  
Mike from Ohio : 2/13/2024 10:02 am : link
But the point movement just prior to tip is something that certainly puts a could over what is typically just bad refereeing.

I still struggle with the conspiracy angle because it is very difficult for the refs alone to manage an outcome to that extent. How do you keep a game that close without some terrible calls that just make no sense. I didn’t watch the game, but it sounds like the FT disparity may have been part of it. But on the last shot, it sounds like Brunson made some incidental contact. The refs can’t make that happen. If they called a foul when he wasn’t touched? Now I am on board.

We have seen an NBA ref manage games for gambling purposes before so I will not say it can’t or didn’t happen. But if I were the NBA commissioner I would be doing a lot of behind the scenes work to make sure there is not a potential scandal going on here given that late line movement and the “Sorry I made a call that directly changed the outcome of the game” the next day.
The NBA wont' do anything publicly, it's not how they operate.  
LW_Giants : 2/13/2024 10:09 am : link
If they are displeased with the performance of the officials, you'll see it in other less obvious ways like: not having this crew together again, not allowing Goble or Malloy to be crew chiefs, taking away playoff games, keeping the crew off Knick games. It'll be stuff like that if the league is actually unhappy.
RE: The NBA wont' do anything publicly, it's not how they operate.  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 10:13 am : link
In comment 16397711 LW_Giants said:
If they are displeased with the performance of the officials, you'll see it in other less obvious ways like: not having this crew together again, not allowing Goble or Malloy to be crew chiefs, taking away playoff games, keeping the crew off Knick games. It'll be stuff like that if the league is actually unhappy.

This is a fanbase that made Candace Parker tweet for the first time in over 6 months, this fanbase is not going to let it just go..
Congratulations on making a competitive team  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/13/2024 10:15 am : link
Now meet the final boss of the NBA: The Refs.
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