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NFT: Knicks get jobbed in Houston.

Beezer : 2/12/2024 10:51 pm
Worst one-sided officiating I’ve seen all season.

Knicks score 58 in the paint yet take 12 free throws.

Rockets take 33 free throws.

Wally and Hahn going off post-game.

Thibs the most livid I’ve seen him. Rick Brunson pissed.

Phantom bullshit call on Brunson on a 35-foot chuck with .3 left.

Just an unreal screw job tonight.
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ryanmkeane : 2/13/2024 10:22 am : link
That foul call was absolutely insane
the whole game was a farce  
djm : 2/13/2024 10:23 am : link
from the 1st quarter to the final foul call. I was incredulous from early on. What a bunch of bullshit. I don't kill the refs often but last night was a special kind of bullshit.
If you want get even angrier  
ajr2456 : 2/13/2024 10:29 am : link
Same ref as this call in the opener
Goble - ( New Window )
RE: RE: I've never thought there  
Strahan91 : 2/13/2024 10:32 am : link
In comment 16397629 nygiants16 said:
In comment 16397612 Enzo said:


was anything sinister going on. But I think a lot of these guys are just flat out bad at their jobs, the game moves to fast for some of them to make calls in real time, and the replay system is a joke.

I get that but 33-12 free throw disparity is not bad at your job, its blatant..

that call last night is not bad at your job, ita deciding the game when no one would of said anything if he didnt make a call, not a single person on either team, not a single fan..but instead the ref decided to take the game in his hands..

Not only that but the Knicks live in the paint. That's why they're second in the league in free throws. Houston commits more fouls than almost any other team and the Knicks are amongst the lowest in the league. With that context, it's absolutely asinine that the refs would so blatantly call the game the way that they did. With legalized gambling, this problem isn't going away for the NBA.
Adam Silver  
Pete44 : 2/13/2024 10:33 am : link
Adam Silver is not going to do anything to help the Knicks. He hates Dolan! As blatant as his was and the calls were terrible all game, it will blow over, as it always does. It just takes all the enjoyment out of an NBA game. It was funny that they said the line moved due to Segun playing. Segun is good, but not that good.
RE: Adam Silver  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 10:34 am : link
In comment 16397740 Pete44 said:
Adam Silver is not going to do anything to help the Knicks. He hates Dolan! As blatant as his was and the calls were terrible all game, it will blow over, as it always does. It just takes all the enjoyment out of an NBA game. It was funny that they said the line moved due to Segun playing. Segun is good, but not that good.

If you think ita going to blow over you dont understand Knicks twitter
You're right. Ultimately it will blow over  
aimrocky : 2/13/2024 10:36 am : link
and the Knicks looked gassed most of the night, so in all likelyhood OT would have resulted in more energy spent and the same result. But, you still want the opportunity, and the entire clusterfuck of the night coupled with the late line movement really leaves a bitter taste.
RE: RE: Adam Silver  
Pete44 : 2/13/2024 10:41 am : link
In comment 16397742 nygiants16 said:
In comment 16397740 Pete44 said:


Adam Silver is not going to do anything to help the Knicks. He hates Dolan! As blatant as his was and the calls were terrible all game, it will blow over, as it always does. It just takes all the enjoyment out of an NBA game. It was funny that they said the line moved due to Segun playing. Segun is good, but not that good.

If you think ita going to blow over you dont understand Knicks twitter

I understand Knicks twitter, I follow many of the posters, but this will blow over!

Tell me what do you think is going to happen? Knicks twitter is going to force the NBA to redo the final 8 seconds? They are going to actually uncover a gambling conspiracy? This will blow over by tomorrow's game when Orlando beats us for a 3rd time and we are frustrated by Thibs' playing Alec Burks 45 mins when Divo misses the game.
No none of that  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 10:55 am : link
its just not going blow over, everytime this POS official makes a bad call, it will be brought up, everytime something happens with pfficiating in general this will be brought uo...

Is anything goingnto happen to this guy? probably not but the NBA will never stop hearing about it
DanMetroMan : 2/13/2024 10:59 am : link
sign Thad Young
Knicks have the lowest  
ajr2456 : 2/13/2024 11:14 am : link
Ppg in games Goble has reffed. His hometown Heat are near the top
Not that it matters but…  
Mike in St. Louis : 2/13/2024 11:27 am : link
the league just admitted it was a bad call by the refs…should have been no foul…
Anakim : 2/13/2024 11:36 am : link
RE: If you want get even angrier  
JoeSchoens11 : 2/13/2024 5:31 pm : link
In comment 16397734 ajr2456 said:
Same ref as this call in the opener Goble - ( New Window )
An optimist would say that he learned from it and called a defensive foul this time around :-)

…or maybe he learned after calling the offensive foul on DDV’s 3 at the end of the 1st half
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/13/2024 5:39 pm : link
NBA officiating has been a joke since I started watching basketball. I have said this before, but I remember the fourth quarter of Game 6 of Kings Lakers ‘02 WCF…in real time, I was thinking…’This is a farce. The officials are giving this game to LA.’

Or how about no calls on Chicago in the Charles Smith Game 5 of ‘93 ECF???
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 5:42 pm : link
Donte is questionable and so is Hartenstein..

Just rest them, get a nice break with the all star break and come back ready to go, Orlando will be on a back to back..

Team has to start thinking like an elite team that is built for playoffs
Pool report confirms what we already knew  
Strahan91 : 2/13/2024 6:08 pm : link
Link - ( New Window )
Knicks filed a protest  
ajr2456 : 2/13/2024 6:33 pm : link
But I doubt it gets upheld
RE: Knicks filed a protest  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 6:36 pm : link
In comment 16398356 ajr2456 said:
But I doubt it gets upheld

The only thing that could help is Ed Malloy admitted they messed up and the NBA in the last 2 minute report admitted to messing it up..

If there was ever a situation where it would make sense for the league  
Strahan91 : 2/13/2024 8:32 pm : link
to reverse the outcome, this would be it. I don’t expect it to happen though, hasn’t happened since Stern was the commissioner.
RE: If there was ever a situation where it would make sense for the league  
Anakim : 2/13/2024 8:42 pm : link
In comment 16398462 Strahan91 said:
to reverse the outcome, this would be it. I don’t expect it to happen though, hasn’t happened since Stern was the commissioner.

Reversing the outcome would mean that both teams would head into overtime, though. So it would mean the Knicks would have to fly down to Houston on a day off and play the Rockets.
RE: RE: If there was ever a situation where it would make sense for the league  
Strahan91 : 2/13/2024 8:51 pm : link
In comment 16398470 Anakim said:
In comment 16398462 Strahan91 said:


to reverse the outcome, this would be it. I don’t expect it to happen though, hasn’t happened since Stern was the commissioner.

Reversing the outcome would mean that both teams would head into overtime, though. So it would mean the Knicks would have to fly down to Houston on a day off and play the Rockets.

Last time it happened in 07 they replayed the final minute of a game
Yeah, IDK how feasible that is  
Anakim : 2/13/2024 8:53 pm : link
Flying down on a day off to Houston to play 5 minutes of basketball?

Just comp us a second round pick and be over with it. Haha
I really just cant wait til this team is healthy again  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 8:57 pm : link
I really think this team can make a lot of noise if they can be healthy..
They aren’t replaying that game  
BigBlueShock : 2/13/2024 8:57 pm : link
As much as we all know that call was BS, the league isn’t going to go to that extreme on what was a judgement call. That would open Pandora’s box
RE: They aren’t replaying that game  
Strahan91 : 2/13/2024 9:00 pm : link
In comment 16398480 BigBlueShock said:
As much as we all know that call was BS, the league isn’t going to go to that extreme on what was a judgement call. That would open Pandora’s box

I don’t understand why it would open up Pandora’s box. How many times is there a blown call where there aren’t any other variables because it’s a tie game at the end of regulation? I don’t think they’ll overturn it because Adam Silver doesn’t have any guts but if there was ever a situation where it was warranted this would be it.
Miami beating the Bucks by 17  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 9:03 pm : link
no Jimmy Butler
RE: They aren’t replaying that game  
nygiants16 : 2/13/2024 9:04 pm : link
In comment 16398480 BigBlueShock said:
As much as we all know that call was BS, the league isn’t going to go to that extreme on what was a judgement call. That would open Pandora’s box

A Judgement call that was admitted by the ekague and official that was wrong and directly effected the end of the game, this isnt a call with 30 seconds left, it is a call with no time left that directly changed the outcome of the game
RE: RE: They aren’t replaying that game  
BigBlueShock : 2/13/2024 9:36 pm : link
In comment 16398484 nygiants16 said:
In comment 16398480 BigBlueShock said:


As much as we all know that call was BS, the league isn’t going to go to that extreme on what was a judgement call. That would open Pandora’s box

A Judgement call that was admitted by the ekague and official that was wrong and directly effected the end of the game, this isnt a call with 30 seconds left, it is a call with no time left that directly changed the outcome of the game

Haha, ok. Let me know when you find out the Knicks are traveling to Houston to finish the game…
RE: They aren’t replaying that game  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/13/2024 10:00 pm : link
In comment 16398480 BigBlueShock said:
As much as we all know that call was BS, the league isn’t going to go to that extreme on what was a judgement call. That would open Pandora’s box

The idea of replaying the game is stupid. Howeveer the league publicly putting Malloy in pergatory (no more knicks games, bare minimum playoff games) should certainly be considered.
They aren't going to do a thing. Knicks got screwed  
Larry in Pencilvania : 2/13/2024 10:00 pm : link
IMHO what will happen is the Knicks come back healthy, Brunson plays with a huge chip, the team wreaks havoc the playoffs... No matter where they're seeded. No team is going to want to play this team.

On the good side the Magic lost and the Bucks are getting pounded
Last successful protest in 2007  
shyster : 2/13/2024 10:27 pm : link
involved an Atlanta official scorer who incorrectly counted fouls and fouled out Shaq, playing for Miami.

The official scorer was employed by the Hawks, who were fined $50K.

The previous successful protest before that one was back in 1982. Lakers were in the "deliberate miss" situation: Laker player (Norm Nixon) about to attempt his second free throw, down two with a couple of seconds left in regulation.

Nixon faked shooting and held onto the ball, bringing players from both teams into the lane. Ref called a double lane violation and a jump ball. Ball went to Nixon and he hit a basket to tie game.

Spurs successfully protested on grounds the double violation/jump ball ruling was wrong per rule book because Nixon never shot the free throw attempt.

Neither successful protest involved a judgment call, not much hope for NYK.
RE: Last successful protest in 2007  
Mike from SI : 2/13/2024 10:41 pm : link
In comment 16398510 shyster said:
involved an Atlanta official scorer who incorrectly counted fouls and fouled out Shaq, playing for Miami.

The official scorer was employed by the Hawks, who were fined $50K.

The previous successful protest before that one was back in 1982. Lakers were in the "deliberate miss" situation: Laker player (Norm Nixon) about to attempt his second free throw, down two with a couple of seconds left in regulation.

Nixon faked shooting and held onto the ball, bringing players from both teams into the lane. Ref called a double lane violation and a jump ball. Ball went to Nixon and he hit a basket to tie game.

Spurs successfully protested on grounds the double violation/jump ball ruling was wrong per rule book because Nixon never shot the free throw attempt.

Neither successful protest involved a judgment call, not much hope for NYK.

I was going to ask about this. Thank you. They can't start overturning results on judgment calls, unless they want to make a new rule limiting it to this exact scenario.
maybe coaches  
Enzo : 2/14/2024 9:26 am : link
should be granted an additional challenge for the last two minutes? Or have Secaucus initiate reviews on their own? Just fix the replay/challenge system and this becomes a non-issue.
RE: maybe coaches  
Stu11 : 2/14/2024 9:32 am : link
In comment 16398615 Enzo said:
should be granted an additional challenge for the last two minutes? Or have Secaucus initiate reviews on their own? Just fix the replay/challenge system and this becomes a non-issue.

Yeah the system needs to be revamped. They need to maybe adopt the NFL rule- 2 challenges and if you win both you get a 3rd.
Things about to get real interesting with Philly this summer  
ajr2456 : 2/14/2024 11:17 am : link
Many seem to think the leaks are because Embiid has already asked out.
We need more bodies  
Anakim : 2/14/2024 11:47 am : link
Taj Gibson reminds me of that old line about Biyombo:

He'd lose a 1-on-0 game against himself
Embiid's game against the Knicks earlier this year  
bceagle05 : 2/14/2024 11:58 am : link
scared the hell outta me - he was moving like a 90-year-old. Then he missed a couple of games with a knee issue. Then he scores 70 points. Then he gets shut down with the meniscus. It would be quite a rollercoaster with him over the next few years.
RE: Embiid's game against the Knicks earlier this year  
BigBlueShock : 2/14/2024 12:05 pm : link
In comment 16398823 bceagle05 said:
scared the hell outta me - he was moving like a 90-year-old. Then he missed a couple of games with a knee issue. Then he scores 70 points. Then he gets shut down with the meniscus. It would be quite a rollercoaster with him over the next few years.

He’s been dealing with a knee injury most of the season and he was playing through it. That should be commended, not held against him
Oh I like Embiid  
bceagle05 : 2/14/2024 12:14 pm : link
but this won’t be the last extended absence, that’s all. I’d still send Randle, Mitch and all the picks in a blink though.
From Fred Katz  
nygiants16 : 2/14/2024 12:49 pm : link
He was on with Macri and said he doesnt expect OG to be out much longer after the 3 weeks from surgery. He exoects him to return not long after he resumes on court activities..

He said with randle its harder to report because Randle is pushing to come back after the all star break. He said he has to be clesred obviously but Randle is a maniac
I don't know how you can  
Enzo : 2/14/2024 1:03 pm : link
even properly value Embiid. He's on the very short list of the best players (Giannis, Jokic, Luka) and he'd fit on almost every team in the league. But he misses time every year and he usually sucks in the playoffs.
RE: I don't know how you can  
nygiants16 : 2/14/2024 1:09 pm : link
In comment 16398898 Enzo said:
even properly value Embiid. He's on the very short list of the best players (Giannis, Jokic, Luka) and he'd fit on almost every team in the league. But he misses time every year and he usually sucks in the playoffs.

Here is the problem, when he plays henis playing 37 or 38 minutes a night and on some of those crazy nights hr is going to play 43..

He needs tk be managed like Kawhi was in toronto..Around 30 minutes, if you need a night he takes it..

If you have Embiid and Brunson your a title contender seeding should not matter as much
Why are the Sixers trading Embiid to the Knicks?  
Sean : 2/14/2024 1:21 pm : link
Rivals, same division, separated by a half game in the standings. I'll believe it when I see it.
RE: Why are the Sixers trading Embiid to the Knicks?  
ajr2456 : 2/14/2024 1:27 pm : link
In comment 16398919 Sean said:
Rivals, same division, separated by a half game in the standings. I'll believe it when I see it.

They may have no choice.
RE: From Fred Katz  
ajr2456 : 2/14/2024 1:27 pm : link
In comment 16398877 nygiants16 said:
He was on with Macri and said he doesnt expect OG to be out much longer after the 3 weeks from surgery. He exoects him to return not long after he resumes on court activities..

He said with randle its harder to report because Randle is pushing to come back after the all star break. He said he has to be clesred obviously but Randle is a maniac

He’s right on both
Katz is the best reporter on the Knicks beat  
bceagle05 : 2/14/2024 1:29 pm : link
in a long, long time.
RE: Katz is the best reporter on the Knicks beat  
Enzo : 2/14/2024 1:33 pm : link
In comment 16398935 bceagle05 said:
in a long, long time.

meanwhile on twitter, Berman is making snarky comments about OG's injury and Isola is feuding with Robert Randolph. And Bondy just sucks.
RE: RE: From Fred Katz  
nygiants16 : 2/14/2024 1:37 pm : link
In comment 16398934 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16398877 nygiants16 said:


He was on with Macri and said he doesnt expect OG to be out much longer after the 3 weeks from surgery. He exoects him to return not long after he resumes on court activities..

He said with randle its harder to report because Randle is pushing to come back after the all star break. He said he has to be clesred obviously but Randle is a maniac

He’s right on both

I could see OG come back march 8th, that would be 8 more games, they play march 5th and then have 2 days off..
Bogdanovic questionable with left calf soreness.  
bceagle05 : 2/14/2024 2:09 pm : link
Becoming a farce at this point.
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