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NFL Stadium Study: we’re too sober to handle these Giants

FranknWeezer : 2/14/2024 10:08 am
31/32 most sober in-stadium fan base. Jets are last.

Link/Chart attached.
NFL Stadium breathalyzer results - ( New Window )
Actually Jets had no reading  
FranknWeezer : 2/14/2024 10:10 am : link
so that’s why they’re listed last. We’re still second lowest. Chiefs are (at least, to me) surprisingly the most sober fans.
According to that study  
Shecky : 2/14/2024 10:20 am : link
virtually every single person they tested was legally drunk.

How many of those they tested then hopped in a car and drove home?
Is it really a stadium study?  
BH28 : 2/14/2024 10:30 am : link
It reads that they just asked people what team they root for and correlated with their BAC results. That means the readings could be from anywhere and anytime.

That's just my take on the X post, not sure if there is a narrative that clarifies the methodology.
Ron Johnson : 2/14/2024 10:34 am : link
Philly and Buffalo are way too low
Agree with Ron Johnson  
Angus : 2/14/2024 10:40 am : link
Having been to both Bills and Eagles games.....
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/14/2024 10:41 am : link
I can’t watch the Giants sober.
RE: Is it really a stadium study?  
BigBlueShock : 2/14/2024 10:42 am : link
In comment 16398694 BH28 said:
It reads that they just asked people what team they root for and correlated with their BAC results. That means the readings could be from anywhere and anytime.

That's just my take on the X post, not sure if there is a narrative that clarifies the methodology.

Agreed. It doesn’t say anything about being done at stadiums. On the surface it sounds more like them testing people randomly and then asking who their favorite NFL team is
The data is completely ridiculous.  
Mad Mike : 2/14/2024 12:09 pm : link
Here's what their website says:
Data was collected anonymously from users of the BACtrack app, which syncs with smartphone compatible BACtrack breathalyzers. Data used in this report was collected from U.S. users who opted into sharing their data by activating the BACtrack App data storage, having location services turned on, and allowing the BACtrack app to access their smartphone’s Bluetooth.

To identify where fans of each NFL team are located, we utilized a map of NFL fan allegiance using Twitter data created by Matt Sorenson in order to associate BAC results with NFL teams across the country.

Data represents positive BAC readings. Regular season game data represents unique BAC tests collected anonymously at 6AM the day of game to 6AM the day after the game.

Each team’s specific game schedule was used for their respective fans’ data. Regular season 2023-24 NFL games ran from September 2023 to January 2024.

So it counts you as a Giants fan if your test was in whatever they define as the NYG fan area, presumably metro NYC, parts of upstate, Jersey and CT, and your test data came in the 24 hour window around one of our games. (Unclear how they assign a test to Giants vs Jets when we both play on Sunday - maybe they assumed all tests were ours, and that's why they don't have data for the Jets?). So the tests have no connection to being at the game, watching the game, or even being a fan of the team - they're just tests of people in a team's local area on a day of a game.

And I don't know who uses a portable breathalyzer, I assume people who drive to wherever they're going to be drinking, and want to check if they're ok to drive home. (Can you be court ordered to use them if you get a dui?) So people in the NYG area driving to go out do a better job keeping their drinking in control than most other NFL cities. That seems like a good thing to me.
RE: The data is completely ridiculous.  
Festina Lente : 2/14/2024 4:07 pm : link
In comment 16398838 Mad Mike said:
Here's what their website says:


Data was collected anonymously from users of the BACtrack app, which syncs with smartphone compatible BACtrack breathalyzers. Data used in this report was collected from U.S. users who opted into sharing their data by activating the BACtrack App data storage, having location services turned on, and allowing the BACtrack app to access their smartphone’s Bluetooth.

To identify where fans of each NFL team are located, we utilized a map of NFL fan allegiance using Twitter data created by Matt Sorenson in order to associate BAC results with NFL teams across the country.

Data represents positive BAC readings. Regular season game data represents unique BAC tests collected anonymously at 6AM the day of game to 6AM the day after the game.

Each team’s specific game schedule was used for their respective fans’ data. Regular season 2023-24 NFL games ran from September 2023 to January 2024.

So it counts you as a Giants fan if your test was in whatever they define as the NYG fan area, presumably metro NYC, parts of upstate, Jersey and CT, and your test data came in the 24 hour window around one of our games. (Unclear how they assign a test to Giants vs Jets when we both play on Sunday - maybe they assumed all tests were ours, and that's why they don't have data for the Jets?). So the tests have no connection to being at the game, watching the game, or even being a fan of the team - they're just tests of people in a team's local area on a day of a game.

And I don't know who uses a portable breathalyzer, I assume people who drive to wherever they're going to be drinking, and want to check if they're ok to drive home. (Can you be court ordered to use them if you get a dui?) So people in the NYG area driving to go out do a better job keeping their drinking in control than most other NFL cities. That seems like a good thing to me.

This is as close to a study as astrology is to a science.
Pete in MD : 2/14/2024 5:58 pm : link
SomeFan : 2/14/2024 6:43 pm : link
Some said the Jags and Jets fans have fied.
The way I read this study is...  
Jim in Tampa : 2/14/2024 6:44 pm : link
no matter how drunk someone gets, they still can't admit to being a Jets' fan.
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