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Where does Kirk Cousins end up in 2024?

DC Gmen Fan : 2/14/2024 1:25 pm
Kirk's a free agent coming off achilles tear but is a proven vet and could fill either a starter or a mentor roll.

There's talk of him going to SF to reunite with Shanahan, and there's also rumblings of WAS bringing him in in exchange for a haul of picks for the #2 overall pick.

Could the Giants sign him to a 1 or 2 year deal to start while Jones rehabs (or to mentor a new QB taken in the draft). Or sign him and trade #6 pick for a load of picks?

I think he  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 2/14/2024 1:39 pm : link

Goes to Atlanta.

Maybe the Raiders? Possibly resign with Minnesota?
He is going to cost 40+  
Amtoft : 2/14/2024 1:41 pm : link
million on the cap... so no the Giants can't sign him and wouldn't sign him.
1 year deal  
Capt. Don : 2/14/2024 1:44 pm : link
New England
He's not going to SF or Washington  
ZogZerg : 2/14/2024 1:45 pm : link
He will command over 40 million
Giants are not paying that.

I think he may stay in Minny.
Re: Where does Kirk Cousins end up in 2024?  
JohnF : 2/14/2024 1:45 pm : link
Kirk's a free agent coming off achilles tear but is a proven vet and could fill either a starter or a mentor roll.

I have yet to see any evidence of a starting QB be a "mentor" to a backup/draft choice..other than being a good example to follow. Starting QB's know their jobs are often on the bubble, they are NOT going to spend valuable time coaching when there are actual QB coaches hired by the team.

There's talk of him going to SF to reunite with Shanadan, and there's also rumblings of WAS bringing him in in exchange for a haul of picks for the #2 overall pick.

Cousins limitations are well known. He simply hasn't had good games in the playoffs. And he's not going to be more valuable to Washington than one of the top three QB's in the draft this year. In addition, Cousins won't come cheap, unlike one of the cost controlled Draft QB's. It makes no sense for them.

SF is a possibility, but they are going to have to start paying players, so they may not be able to afford him and Purdy. The Titans or Steelers might be possible landing points.

Could the Giants sign him to a 1 or 2 year deal to start while Jones rehabs (or to mentor a new QB taken in the draft). Or sign him and trade #6 pick for a load of picks?

Nope, there isn't room in the Cap for Cousins. Cousins will go for at least $40 million plus. The Giants aren't going to put $80 plus in the QB position.
$80 million in the cap position  
JohnF : 2/14/2024 1:46 pm : link
If not Minnesota  
Rod in St Cloud : 2/14/2024 1:46 pm : link
Then it will be Pittsburg. Think about it! Not in position to draft high, and need to upgrade through free agency. Best one available is Cousins.
Makes no sense  
Bruner4329 : 2/14/2024 1:49 pm : link
Atlanta, Pitt or Vegas all make sense as they are teams that need a QB to lift them above mediocrity. Cousins is not going to sign in a backup role.

I don't get the Washington point. They will target a QB with the second pick and even if they signed Cousins they would more than likely pick Harrison at 2.
I would love for him to wind up in Washington or NE  
Chris684 : 2/14/2024 1:51 pm : link
for obvious reasons, but Pittsburgh and Atlanta make a lot of sense on paper.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/14/2024 1:52 pm : link
Wash is going to trade the #2 pick  
Section331 : 2/14/2024 1:52 pm : link
for a 36 yr old QB coming off an Achilles injury? Come on, even in the lowest depths of the Snyder years they would never have done anything that freaking stupid.

I think he stays in Minny. They want him, he doesn’t want to uproot his family, I’d be surprised if he plays anywhere else.
I read recently that Justin Jefferson won't negotiate a new deal with  
GiantBlue : 2/14/2024 1:56 pm : link
Minnesota until they have a discussion on who the QB will be next year.

Cousins was also reported to be saying that he is financially secure so wants to play for a team he is comfortable....He lives in the St. Paul area, so it would seem it could be the Vikings.

The question on Kirk is always....good enough to get them to the playoffs, but not to the SB.

Chris in Philly : 2/14/2024 1:57 pm : link
with JJ pushing so hard for him I think he ends up back in Minnesota...
My friend, a big Minny fan, says  
Sky King : 2/14/2024 2:02 pm : link
A 1 year deal with Minny.
Cousins plays the right position  
johnnyb : 2/14/2024 2:11 pm : link
and with more than a few teams in the market for a QB, Cousins will land a two year deal at least.

Minnesota makes the most sense.
mpinmaine : 2/14/2024 2:39 pm : link
on the Vikings
IMO he's going back to the Vikings  
Jay on the Island : 2/14/2024 2:43 pm : link
but nothing would make me happier than him going to Washington who then pass on a QB at 2.
RE: My friend, a big Minny fan, says  
Festina Lente : 2/14/2024 3:07 pm : link
In comment 16398994 Sky King said:
A 1 year deal with Minny.

They'd what i would expect
RE: My friend, a big Minny fan, says  
MojoEd : 2/14/2024 3:14 pm : link
In comment 16398994 Sky King said:
A 1 year deal with Minny.

I am not knocking him, but contrary to his public statements, all of Cousins’ football decisions have been designed to maximize his $$. I would take his current statements indicating his openness to a team friendly resolution with a grain of salt. I expect him to sign with whoever gives him the most money.
No way he comes to Washington  
j_Booker : 2/14/2024 3:26 pm : link
altho we as Giants fans would love it.

But here in DC, fans would flip out. They are expecting a fresh start after the Danny Boy/Ron Rivera era, when they brought in a ragtag bunch of QBs: Haskins, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Heineke, Carson Wentz, Sam Howell, etc. Captain Kirk would be a continuation of that line, instead of a new potential franchise QB, such as Maye.

Not to mention that they could have had Cousins all these years anyway, if they had not bungled his contract talks year after year.
Why would SF sign him?  
eric2425ny : 2/14/2024 11:21 pm : link
Purdy is cheap and will very likely continue to improve. Cousins hasn’t won anything in his NFL career despite decent stats.
He is basically a healthy version of DJ  
AROCK1000 : 2/14/2024 11:37 pm : link
RE: He is basically a healthy version of DJ  
eric2425ny : 2/15/2024 12:01 am : link
In comment 16399432 AROCK1000 said:

I wouldn’t go that far, but he’s definitely not a proven winner.
RE: He is basically a healthy version of DJ  
Manhattan : 2/15/2024 12:48 am : link
In comment 16399432 AROCK1000 said:

Ate you saying Cousins is like Jones? They couldn't be more different. Cousins is a top 10 NFL passer. His passing stats are excellent. He can't run. He has no 2nd reaction play ability. And he has often come up very short on 3rd and 4th down and distance situations. But as a pure passer he's great. Also is numbers vs pressure in 2023 were fantastic.
RE: RE: He is basically a healthy version of DJ  
HomerJones45 : 2/15/2024 8:45 am : link
In comment 16399436 eric2425ny said:
In comment 16399432 AROCK1000 said:



I wouldn’t go that far, but he’s definitely not a proven winner.
"Healthy version of DJ"- LOL. DJ couldn't carry Cousins' socks.

Since, he's been the Vikings starter, he has averaged completing 2/3 of his passes for 4000 yards and 30 td's a season. (he was on his way to those numbers last year before he got hurt). He averaged 4000 yards and 27 td's the 3 years he was Washington starter. Prior to last season, he had missed 1 game in the last 8 years. The Vikings offense scored over 400 points for 3 straight years before he got hurt this season . Their problems have been stopping anyone else.

He's going back to the Vikings.
RE: My friend, a big Minny fan, says  
Section331 : 2/15/2024 8:53 am : link
In comment 16398994 Sky King said:
A 1 year deal with Minny.

I don’t see it being a one-year deal, the cap hit would be too high. Maybe 3 with the first 2 guaranteed, something like 3/$125M with ~$80M guaranteed.
RE: He is basically a healthy version of DJ  
MyNameIsMyName : 2/15/2024 8:59 am : link
In comment 16399432 AROCK1000 said:

I have no idea what you are watching, but they aren’t even close as players. The only thing close is their salaries.
RE: He is basically a healthy version of DJ  
SomeFan : 2/15/2024 9:49 am : link
In comment 16399432 AROCK1000 said:
He is a much better passer. Not close.
RE: He is basically a healthy version of DJ  
leatherneck570 : 2/15/2024 10:22 am : link
In comment 16399432 AROCK1000 said:

Very insightful post as it definitely put into perspective your other QB takes.
RE: IMO he's going back to the Vikings  
djm : 2/15/2024 10:38 am : link
In comment 16399033 Jay on the Island said:
but nothing would make me happier than him going to Washington who then pass on a QB at 2.

The odds that the #2 QB taken this April being a better or equal player to Cousins are not as high as you might think. You can make a case that the #1 QB taken won't have the career Cousins has had.

stop with the hyperbole  
djm : 2/15/2024 10:42 am : link
COusins has consistency on his side and yea his numbers put DJ's to shame, but lets we forget DJ did outplay Cousins in that playoff game.

Everything equal? Both QBs playing for the same team? I have a hard time saying COusins is miles better than DJ. But that's football, susan, where the team game aspects come into play. For some, that is too much to ponder. Far easier to just bash DJ and avoid any critical thinking.
RE: stop with the hyperbole  
Section331 : 2/15/2024 11:42 am : link
In comment 16399635 djm said:
COusins has consistency on his side and yea his numbers put DJ's to shame, but lets we forget DJ did outplay Cousins in that playoff game.

Everything equal? Both QBs playing for the same team? I have a hard time saying COusins is miles better than DJ. But that's football, susan, where the team game aspects come into play. For some, that is too much to ponder. Far easier to just bash DJ and avoid any critical thinking.

Oooh, Jones outplayed him in a playoff game. So what? The Giants pass D was better than Minny’s. Cousins has thrown for more than 4,000 yards in 7 of his 9 seasons as a starter, something Jones hasn’t come even close to. 25 or more TD’s in each season as a starter, another thing Jones has never done. 3 of those seasons were with Washington, so it wasn’t just having great WR’s around him.
BrettNYG10 : 2/15/2024 11:58 am : link
Vikings make the most sense to me. Steelers second, Falcons third.
RE: RE: stop with the hyperbole  
rsjem1979 : 2/15/2024 12:16 pm : link
In comment 16399692 Section331 said:
In comment 16399635 djm said:


COusins has consistency on his side and yea his numbers put DJ's to shame, but lets we forget DJ did outplay Cousins in that playoff game.

Everything equal? Both QBs playing for the same team? I have a hard time saying COusins is miles better than DJ. But that's football, susan, where the team game aspects come into play. For some, that is too much to ponder. Far easier to just bash DJ and avoid any critical thinking.

Oooh, Jones outplayed him in a playoff game. So what? The Giants pass D was better than Minny’s. Cousins has thrown for more than 4,000 yards in 7 of his 9 seasons as a starter, something Jones hasn’t come even close to. 25 or more TD’s in each season as a starter, another thing Jones has never done. 3 of those seasons were with Washington, so it wasn’t just having great WR’s around him.

People's obsession with that game never fails to astound me.
It’ll be interesting to see what Cousins and Mayfield get  
Metnut : 2/15/2024 12:44 pm : link
compared to what Schoen gave DJ.
RE: It’ll be interesting to see what Cousins and Mayfield get  
BrettNYG10 : 2/15/2024 1:10 pm : link
In comment 16399753 Metnut said:
compared to what Schoen gave DJ.

I think paying Mayfield anything more than the Geno deal would be a huge mistake. He had a good year, but they feasted on a shit division and a dying Eagles team. They are an average-ish football team and he is not that good.
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