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Pat Leonard: 'Joe Schoen is in charge'

KingBlue : 2/16/2024 8:09 am
Pat Leonard of the New York Daily News reports that despite Mara’s constant presence in the building, Schoen has been given near complete autonomy as the general manager. He makes the calls and is rarely, if ever, overruled.

“Joe Schoen is in charge,” one team source told Leonard. “It’s not like Rex Ryan and Mike Tannenbaum were with the Jets. No one questions who is in charge in the building. It’s a GM-centric organization. It’s not like Brian Daboll is Bill Belichick, where he’s drafting the players.”

Then again, typical Pat Leonard... the other side of the coin:

“This is still John Mara’s team,” another team source said. “Never forget that. John Mara runs the Giants.”

Joe Schoen - ( New Window )
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RE: RE: Interesting that there’s been multiple  
ajr2456 : 2/16/2024 9:37 am : link
In comment 16400362 JonC said:
In comment 16400357 ajr2456 said:


“It’s Joe’s choice” articles this week.

If people still don’t think Mara is swayed by fan criticism…

And, on the backside of the fan letter being discussed by media outlets. Not to mention what sure feels like burners posting alot lately.

RE: Mara is heavily involved with daily football operations  
Sean : 2/16/2024 9:37 am : link
In comment 16400351 JonC said:
"Pulling the strings" does not compute, and no one should bother trying to assert it. Drafting a #1 QB is a decision that will involve ownership to sign off, however.

This. QB is always going to be an ownership influenced decision. No one is more involved than Lurie as an owner, but as SFGF said in another thread, just win. The Mara criticism goes away when the team wins.
RE: Mara is heavily involved with daily football operations  
section125 : 2/16/2024 9:43 am : link
In comment 16400351 JonC said:
"Pulling the strings" does not compute, and no one should bother trying to assert it. Drafting a #1 QB is a decision that will involve ownership to sign off, however.

Of course it will when $160 mill is involved. But I think if Schoen and Daboll tell him it is likely time to move on, he will acquiesce.
Part of me says, that QB may not be on the front burner this year - sadly.
Let's hope they even have those honest conversations  
JonC : 2/16/2024 9:44 am : link
because it's past time to put those cards on the table.
In an ideal world  
56goat : 2/16/2024 9:49 am : link
owners would own and GMs would GM, but we all know better than that. In our jobs we all answer to someone and if the boss makes a request, even subtly, we all know what is in our best interest. Joe may be the GM, but he knows who signs his checks and controls his future.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I'm sure this is true  
rsjem1979 : 2/16/2024 9:51 am : link
In comment 16400354 RHPeel said:

The January 16 quote is absolutely damning here. Schoen's hands were completely tied by that.

The Giants have never been shy about the fact that they like to work backwards from a conclusion in deciding their plans for the future.

I didn't post the quote about believing they can win a Super Bowl with Jones, but that's from Mara too. He believed, as recently has 11 months ago, that Jones is the QB to win the next Giants Super Bowl.

I'm not absolving Schoen of blame, it's entirely possible he believes the same thing, which may be how he got the job in the first place. But either way, the message from his boss has been clear since the day he interviewed for the job.
Sammo85 : 2/16/2024 10:09 am : link
need to kind of take a back-seat on thinking the organization is sending burners onto BBI.

Most of the burners are obsessed fans just trying to rile up and get their jollies with what they want to happen.

And I think most of us know Schoen is in charge, and he's likely got a 2 year window to get the team restocked and situated going forward.
Giants have always promoted healthy discussion  
UberAlias : 2/16/2024 10:20 am : link
However if the GM and HC are in alignment, you have to imagine they'd be a very strong force to overcome. The intent is to come to a consensus, but if not, the owner could be more of a tie breaker. Those complaining about the owner sharing his views must be used to dealing with insecure people. JS and BD have many years of experience. They are going to have informed conviction of their views. You would expect them to be strong enough to stand by what they believe is right and not cave in out of fear. There is way too much chatter about this constantly.
"rarely overruled" lol means he gets overruled  
Manhattan : 2/16/2024 10:31 am : link
and therefore he's not in charge on big decisions. Yea we already get it that Schoen has the freedom to find inside linebackers.

It's the very big decisions that matter. And that's where Mara comes in.
UberAlias : 2/16/2024 10:39 am : link
In comment 16400446 Manhattan said:
and therefore he's not in charge on big decisions. Yea we already get it that Schoen has the freedom to find inside linebackers.

It's the very big decisions that matter. And that's where Mara comes in.
That's not what he's saying, but keep spinning.
It sure would be interesting to hear of the times where Schoen  
nygiantfan : 2/16/2024 10:56 am : link
was overruled in these rare instances and how material they were. If it was just an emotional immaterial one like keeping Shepard one more year that is one thing. If it is, for example, we are keeping Jones longer so go restructure his contract if you need more cap room that is another.

"rarely overruled" lol means he gets overruled
Manhattan : 10:31 am : link : reply
and therefore he's not in charge on big decisions. Yea we already get it that Schoen has the freedom to find inside linebackers.

It's the very big decisions that matter. And that's where Mara comes in.

ChrisRick : 2/16/2024 11:07 am : link
Mara is swayed by fans, a majority of fans are finished with Daniel Jones. Does that mean Mara is to? How do we decide which decisions Mara is influenced by? I don't mean this come off as snarky. Mara also had to have an idea that his fans were not going to be happy with a quarterback from Duke at 6 in '19.
I think the “this is Mara’s team” stuff is overblown  
BillT : 2/16/2024 11:26 am : link
He’s the owner and team president. Of course it’s “his team”. Duh. That can be true and Schoen have full autonomy. Not mutually exclusive.
It’s funny how  
mittenedman : 2/16/2024 11:35 am : link
much people trip over themselves about this.

Mara owns the team. Just like any other business, the owner’s opinion matters. Yet some fly off the handle whenever it’s suggested he has any involvement whatsoever.

Welcome to the world. It isn’t working now, but a similar approach lead to 4 Lombardis in the case. They’ve just failed miserably to create their next contender. It happens. If it was easy you wouldn’t see multiple teams without Lombardis.
RE: I'm sure this is true  
averagejoe : 2/16/2024 11:39 am : link
In comment 16400276 Biteymax22 said:
I don't think Mara is the "I'm going to tell you who to sign" type.

I do think Mara is the "Hey Joe you have full power. Hopefully you can find a way to resign Daniel, he's such a great kid. I get it if you can't, but it would really be best if we found a way for him to stay. Again, your decision, I just hope it works out for Daniel" type of meddler.

Spot on. Same thing with SB and our cheerleader Sterling Shepard.
mittenedman : 2/16/2024 11:46 am : link
in every business. Kraft was meddling with Belichick too during their run. Don’t waste your time complaining about it.
RE: It’s funny how  
rsjem1979 : 2/16/2024 11:57 am : link
In comment 16400528 mittenedman said:
much people trip over themselves about this.

Mara owns the team. Just like any other business, the owner’s opinion matters. Yet some fly off the handle whenever it’s suggested he has any involvement whatsoever.

Welcome to the world. It isn’t working now, but a similar approach lead to 4 Lombardis in the case. They’ve just failed miserably to create their next contender. It happens. If it was easy you wouldn’t see multiple teams without Lombardis.

The approach that lead to 4 Lombardi's was Wellington and Tim Mara being suck fuckups that Pete Rozelle had to step in and force them to hire George Young.

If not for that, the Giants would have the franchise history of the Detroit Lions.
Good post Uber  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/16/2024 11:59 am : link
I think Schoen is in charge and Mara (and Tisch) also have the right to not be happy about a lot of things last season that played out outside of Jones. I hope this was discussed.

The plan for 2023 never really materialized. On top of that, you had turmoil with the staff playing out in the press.
If you can be overruled then  
HardTruth : 2/16/2024 12:01 pm : link
You are not in charge
RE: RE: I'm confused  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/16/2024 12:02 pm : link
In comment 16400338 GIANTS128 said:
In comment 16400297 Eric from BBI said:


the article contradicts itself.

I think it means Schoen is in charge until he is not :)

I wonder  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/16/2024 12:03 pm : link
if the fan letter is having a similar impact as my daughter's meme.
RE: RE: I'm confused  
santacruzom : 2/16/2024 12:20 pm : link
In comment 16400320 k2tampa said:
In comment 16400297 Eric from BBI said:


the article contradicts itself.

Actually, the team sources contradict each other. The article just reports what they said.

Exactly. Interpreting this as some kind of Pat Leonard shit-stirring is likely not accurate -- he's just quoting people.
Strikes deep  
mako J : 2/16/2024 12:29 pm : link
Into your life it will creep…..
If you have to tell people  
Mattman : 2/16/2024 12:31 pm : link
You are in charge you are not in charge
the commonly held view  
fkap : 2/16/2024 12:36 pm : link
is that Tisch and some of the other owners have basically put their shares into a blind trust and don't interact with the football, or business, sides of the Giants.

Many fans want John (and Chris) Mara to be the same. This is unrealistic, since John is the President. Of course, he's going to have a voice in the football conversations. The question is whether he's an overbearing boss micromanaging football decisions and not allowing opposing viewpoints, or whether he's a guy who says his peace, then let's Schoen manage. It's highly doubtful Schoen can do whatever the hell he wants regardless of whether Mara approves, but that isn't the same as Schoen being Mara's rubber stamp toady.
team source = Chris Mara  
Dnew15 : 2/16/2024 12:49 pm : link
what a joke.
RE: Lmao funny thread  
widmerseyebrow : 2/16/2024 12:52 pm : link
In comment 16400278 Tuckrule said:
He’s in charge. Another source says he’s not. Weather at 10pm stay tuned

I know, wtf? Maybe the first source was John Mara and the second source was Joe Schoen.
I would need a very good reason to pay any attention to Pat Leonard  
Marty in Albany : 2/16/2024 3:34 pm : link
To call him "swine" would be an insult to pigs.
RE: If you can be overruled then  
AcidTest : 2/16/2024 4:01 pm : link
In comment 16400560 HardTruth said:
You are not in charge

John actually "sort of "  
Dave on the UWS : 2/16/2024 4:26 pm : link
answered this question over a year ago. He publicly stated he does NOT get involved in football decisions, that is what he hires a GM for. Where he does get involved, is for "face of the franchise decisions" like QB.
He also is involved if their is a character question (like with Parsons and Toney), he gives his feelings, but STILL lets the GM make the call.
I don't believe he's as much an impediment as people think. He's sucked at hiring GMs and coaches and that's largely, why we have the mess we do.
If he finally got it right with Schoen and Daboll, he will give them all the time and resources they need to get this thing turned around.
This makes me laugh  
4xchamps : 2/16/2024 4:28 pm : link
I've been saying it here for two years and have been getting dogged for it.
RE: RE: RE: I'm confused  
jhibb : 2/16/2024 4:32 pm : link
In comment 16400594 santacruzom said:
In comment 16400320 k2tampa said:


In comment 16400297 Eric from BBI said:


the article contradicts itself.

Actually, the team sources contradict each other. The article just reports what they said.

Exactly. Interpreting this as some kind of Pat Leonard shit-stirring is likely not accurate -- he's just quoting people.

If we got to hear the full context of what each source said, you might have a better point. As it stands, Leonard picks and chooses little snippets of quotes that fit the narrative he wants to push... constantly. That's what a shit-stirrer like him does, where when criticized he can just shrug his shoulders and say he's just reporting what sources told him.

And then we have b.s. misleading comments like this that Leonard comes up with on his own in that article: "Lots of staff members ran for the hills after the season, and Schoen had to block others from escaping." He can't help himself.
RE: I'm sure this is true  
FStubbs : 2/16/2024 5:53 pm : link
In comment 16400276 Biteymax22 said:
I don't think Mara is the "I'm going to tell you who to sign" type.

I do think Mara is the "Hey Joe you have full power. Hopefully you can find a way to resign Daniel, he's such a great kid. I get it if you can't, but it would really be best if we found a way for him to stay. Again, your decision, I just hope it works out for Daniel" type of meddler.

Yeah. "We've done everything we could to screw up this kid" type of influence.

His brother was more the type to show up at the draft with a list of players and ask why you don't want to draft them.
Hey Joe, you've got full power here  
Spider43 : 2/16/2024 6:16 pm : link
"Just run things by me first, okay, thanks, buh-bye now."
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/16/2024 6:24 pm : link
To allude to Eric's earlier post, I think Strahan91's letter/post got people on edge @ 1925. I don't know if its just dawning on them, but I think the powers that be realize how out the fan base is on Jones. & I get the whole 'You can't listen to the fan base' argument most of the time, but let's face it...99.9% of fan base is done with Jones because we have fucking eyes & can see that the dude is a JAG, at best. It's the John Maras of the world who are deluding themselves into thinking it can still work with Jones. The fans are the realists here.
Go Terps : 2/16/2024 6:26 pm : link
I don't think there's a team in the NFL where ownership doesn't weigh in on the QB.

Just go back and watch Daniel Jones's pro day. You'll see Chris Mara in the front row acting like a scout.
RE: .  
Mike in NY : 2/16/2024 6:29 pm : link
In comment 16401055 Go Terps said:
I don't think there's a team in the NFL where ownership doesn't weigh in on the QB.

Just go back and watch Daniel Jones's pro day. You'll see Chris Mara in the front row acting like a scout.

The QB is the face of the franchise so many owners don’t want people like Deshaun Watson in that role
"Joe Schoen is in charge"  
ghost718 : 2/16/2024 6:54 pm : link
That could be a Mara bumper sticker
RE: ...  
bw in dc : 2/16/2024 6:58 pm : link
In comment 16401053 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
To allude to Eric's earlier post, I think Strahan91's letter/post got people on edge @ 1925. I don't know if its just dawning on them, but I think the powers that be realize how out the fan base is on Jones. & I get the whole 'You can't listen to the fan base' argument most of the time, but let's face it...99.9% of fan base is done with Jones because we have fucking eyes & can see that the dude is a JAG, at best. It's the John Maras of the world who are deluding themselves into thinking it can still work with Jones. The fans are the realists here.

I think Mara's firewall in Schoen.

Give me some rope to theorize...

While Mara really likes Jones, he wanted to re-organize the process (after Gettleman left) with a new GM having much more say. Which required finding a candidate without any ties to 1925 Giants Way. So, along comes Schoen; and Mara looks like he's making the changes demanded.

Then, as luck would have it, Schoen really liked Jones, too, and thought he could be the long-term solution with the right coaching and development. Low and behold, Schoen knows a guy in Buffalo who did excellent work with a QB named Josh Allen. Brian Daboll is hired. The 2022 season is a surprising success.

While the 2023 season was an oil spill for the team and Jones, Schoen at al have a myriad of excuses at their disposal to give Jones cover.  

So even if fans are rightfully sick of the Daniel Jones Experience, if Schoen still believes in his biggest decision ever as the GM, then expect to see #8 as soon as possible in 2024. And Mara can always fall back on the fact that this is/was Schoen's call...

Thus, the firewall.
RE: Hey Joe, you've got full power here  
mittenedman : 2/16/2024 7:20 pm : link
In comment 16401045 Spider43 said:
"Just run things by me first, okay, thanks, buh-bye now."

Says every business owner to their GM.
RE: RE: ...  
BleedBlue46 : 2/16/2024 11:07 pm : link
In comment 16401062 bw in dc said:
In comment 16401053 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


To allude to Eric's earlier post, I think Strahan91's letter/post got people on edge @ 1925. I don't know if its just dawning on them, but I think the powers that be realize how out the fan base is on Jones. & I get the whole 'You can't listen to the fan base' argument most of the time, but let's face it...99.9% of fan base is done with Jones because we have fucking eyes & can see that the dude is a JAG, at best. It's the John Maras of the world who are deluding themselves into thinking it can still work with Jones. The fans are the realists here.

I think Mara's firewall in Schoen.

Give me some rope to theorize...

While Mara really likes Jones, he wanted to re-organize the process (after Gettleman left) with a new GM having much more say. Which required finding a candidate without any ties to 1925 Giants Way. So, along comes Schoen; and Mara looks like he's making the changes demanded.

Then, as luck would have it, Schoen really liked Jones, too, and thought he could be the long-term solution with the right coaching and development. Low and behold, Schoen knows a guy in Buffalo who did excellent work with a QB named Josh Allen. Brian Daboll is hired. The 2022 season is a surprising success.

While the 2023 season was an oil spill for the team and Jones, Schoen at al have a myriad of excuses at their disposal to give Jones cover.  

So even if fans are rightfully sick of the Daniel Jones Experience, if Schoen still believes in his biggest decision ever as the GM, then expect to see #8 as soon as possible in 2024. And Mara can always fall back on the fact that this is/was Schoen's call...

Thus, the firewall.

JJ McCarthy could be the perfect fit to sit until he shows he's better than Jones. DJ gets every chance to succeed while a promising young qb sits and learns. Schoen and Daboll get a fallback if things inevitably don't go great with DJ while Mara is happy because they don't fully give up on DJ and give him a chance in his 6th season. DJ doesn't prove he is worth 40 million per year in a so-so year and Schoen n co get owner approval to part ways with him without looking like idiots and losing their jobs. JJ starts 2025 (and probably a good chunk of 2024 too after DJ is injured or proves inferior to JJ), giving Daboll and Schoen a chance to work some magic with their own guy at QB. This could be the ideal for everyone involved: DJ gets once last hoorah; Mara is satisfied; JJ gets to develop until ready; and Schoen/Dabs don't get fired after DJ doesn't produce.

Maye could fit the bill for that too. Jayden Daniels is the guy I want, but he would likely start out the gate and I don't know how Mara would feel about that. JD likely won't make it past pick 3 anyways. I could also see Mara really being wooed by JJ via interviews and a steak dinner. That alone might be enough for him to sign off on it if Schoen and Daboll like him enough.
He said.. "near" complete autonomy..  
DefenseWins : 2/17/2024 6:30 am : link
words matter.

So, on most decisions except the most important ones like the QB? Does he "weigh in" on the first selection in the draft?

When the owner says that he likes a certain guy but you make the decision... you don't think that is an influential statement?

If we step back and look at it, we have been one of the worst franchises in the league for the last dozen years. Thee GM's, a revolving door of coaches, etc. At some point you have to look at the top. You may disagree now, but if this continues for another 5 years with a new GM and two more coaches, then I am sure more of you may begin to think differently about this.
RE: RE: ...  
FStubbs : 2/17/2024 6:56 am : link
In comment 16401062 bw in dc said:
In comment 16401053 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


To allude to Eric's earlier post, I think Strahan91's letter/post got people on edge @ 1925. I don't know if its just dawning on them, but I think the powers that be realize how out the fan base is on Jones. & I get the whole 'You can't listen to the fan base' argument most of the time, but let's face it...99.9% of fan base is done with Jones because we have fucking eyes & can see that the dude is a JAG, at best. It's the John Maras of the world who are deluding themselves into thinking it can still work with Jones. The fans are the realists here.

I think Mara's firewall in Schoen.

Give me some rope to theorize...

While Mara really likes Jones, he wanted to re-organize the process (after Gettleman left) with a new GM having much more say. Which required finding a candidate without any ties to 1925 Giants Way. So, along comes Schoen; and Mara looks like he's making the changes demanded.

Then, as luck would have it, Schoen really liked Jones, too, and thought he could be the long-term solution with the right coaching and development. Low and behold, Schoen knows a guy in Buffalo who did excellent work with a QB named Josh Allen. Brian Daboll is hired. The 2022 season is a surprising success.

While the 2023 season was an oil spill for the team and Jones, Schoen at al have a myriad of excuses at their disposal to give Jones cover.  

So even if fans are rightfully sick of the Daniel Jones Experience, if Schoen still believes in his biggest decision ever as the GM, then expect to see #8 as soon as possible in 2024. And Mara can always fall back on the fact that this is/was Schoen's call...

Thus, the firewall.

I mean if you take this theory to its logical conclusion, once Mara knew he couldn't just install Kevin Abrams as GM, he expressly went for a GM that believed in Daniel Jones.
We can speculate all we want right now...  
DefenseWins : 2/17/2024 7:11 am : link
but we will all KNOW whether they truly believe in Jones once we see what happens in the first round of this draft. That will tell us the story because they would not waste a first rounder on a QB if they dont plan to play the guy very soon.
RE: I'm sure this is true  
BlueVinnie : 2/17/2024 8:16 am : link
In comment 16400276 Biteymax22 said:
I don't think Mara is the "I'm going to tell you who to sign" type.

I do think Mara is the "Hey Joe you have full power. Hopefully you can find a way to resign Daniel, he's such a great kid. I get it if you can't, but it would really be best if we found a way for him to stay. Again, your decision, I just hope it works out for Daniel" type of meddler.

I've been saying this since the Jones contract was signed. It ^might* have been Schoen's "decision" to resign Jones but not without Mara stating (probably early and often) of his strong preference for Jones remaining with the Giants.

Daboll and Schoen have been in the league for a while. It's hard to believe they could have analyzed Jones' body of work and decided to tie their Giants future to Jones. The only possible exception is if Dabol got a big head over reports of how he developed Josh Allen and he convinved Schoen he could work miracles with Jones.
RE: RE: ...  
56goat : 2/17/2024 9:27 am : link
In comment 16401062 bw in dc said:
In comment 16401053 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


To allude to Eric's earlier post, I think Strahan91's letter/post got people on edge @ 1925. I don't know if its just dawning on them, but I think the powers that be realize how out the fan base is on Jones. & I get the whole 'You can't listen to the fan base' argument most of the time, but let's face it...99.9% of fan base is done with Jones because we have fucking eyes & can see that the dude is a JAG, at best. It's the John Maras of the world who are deluding themselves into thinking it can still work with Jones. The fans are the realists here.

I think Mara's firewall in Schoen.

Give me some rope to theorize...

While Mara really likes Jones, he wanted to re-organize the process (after Gettleman left) with a new GM having much more say. Which required finding a candidate without any ties to 1925 Giants Way. So, along comes Schoen; and Mara looks like he's making the changes demanded.

Then, as luck would have it, Schoen really liked Jones, too, and thought he could be the long-term solution with the right coaching and development. Low and behold, Schoen knows a guy in Buffalo who did excellent work with a QB named Josh Allen. Brian Daboll is hired. The 2022 season is a surprising success.

While the 2023 season was an oil spill for the team and Jones, Schoen at al have a myriad of excuses at their disposal to give Jones cover.  

So even if fans are rightfully sick of the Daniel Jones Experience, if Schoen still believes in his biggest decision ever as the GM, then expect to see #8 as soon as possible in 2024. And Mara can always fall back on the fact that this is/was Schoen's call...

Thus, the firewall.

Bingo. If Joe REALLY wanted to trade for Watson, does anybody think Mara would let him do it? Not a chance, Mara has already admitted he has at times over-ruled GM decisions.
RE: ...  
ColHowPepper : 2/17/2024 1:28 pm : link
In comment 16401053 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
To allude to Eric's earlier post, I think Strahan91's letter/post got people on edge @ 1925. I don't know if its just dawning on them, but I think the powers that be realize how out the fan base is on Jones. & I get the whole 'You can't listen to the fan base' argument most of the time, but let's face it...99.9% of fan base is done with Jones because we have fucking eyes & can see that the dude is a JAG, at best. It's the John Maras of the world who are deluding themselves into thinking it can still work with Jones. The fans are the realists here.

And we saw how outraged the fanbase were on the Eli benching...that worked out well. I don't say that in support of DJ, at all, just that Mara can use 2017 as a 'well, lookee here'
RE: Giants have always promoted healthy discussion  
ColHowPepper : 2/17/2024 1:32 pm : link
In comment 16400431 UberAlias said:
However if the GM and HC are in alignment, you have to imagine they'd be a very strong force to overcome. The intent is to come to a consensus, but if not, the owner could be more of a tie breaker. Those complaining about the owner sharing his views must be used to dealing with insecure people. JS and BD have many years of experience. They are going to have informed conviction of their views. You would expect them to be strong enough to stand by what they believe is right and not cave in out of fear. There is way too much chatter about this constantly.

Yes. Up to 2023, Mara is on record with his "[W]e've done everything possible..." position. What's different now, and it's been said, and is actionable, is his injuries, even his wheels. That 'should' be enough to nudge Mara to a realistic appraisal.
If John Mara really cares  
BrianLeonard23 : 2/17/2024 2:20 pm : link
about the fanbase and his family business he would wake up and realize the best way to keep both happy & healthy is to win football games. Daniel Jones is not the guy to do that for him.
Even though Mara is still part of the ownership....  
Fishmanjim57 : 2/18/2024 3:41 pm : link
Let's not forget that he is a co-owner! Steve Tisch is the other half of the ownership committee, and Mr. Tisch should never be ruled out about having a say in what goes on with this organisation. Mara has been overstepping his boundary when it comes to demanding that a player he likes to be kept.
Joe Schoen and Brandon Brown should always have the final say.
Mara needs to put his Jerry Jones attitude on waivers!
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