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Franchise tag window looming - what happens with Barkley?

Sean : 2/16/2024 8:42 am
So much of BBI has been a debate about Jones/QB draft options. But, Barkley will be telling on multiple fronts.

1. Is Schoen willing to tag Barkley again at a higher number than last year?
2. Would Schoen consider letting Barkley walk with no tag?
3. Would Schoen commit to Barkley beyond 2024 and offer a multi-year deal?

Another question is how much pressure does Daboll have in 2024? If he's expected to win with guys like Belichick & Vrabel out there, does Daboll push to bring Barkley back (which I believe he pushed to keep prior to the trade deadline).

The only way making long term moves works, is if the GM & HC have complete buy in from ownership that their jobs are safe regardless. Does Daboll have this? If he doesn't, I could see him wanting to keep Barkley.
The thing I think Daboll will be pushing for  
Section331 : 2/16/2024 8:48 am : link
is to draft a QB. That resets the clock a bit and buys him another year, barring a complete team wide meltdown. I think he realizes that Barkley doesn’t move the needle that much. How much did he help this year?
Tagging Barkley is simply a mistake. Not the same level of mistake  
nygiantfan : 2/16/2024 8:52 am : link
as what went down last offseason with the Jones contract but a mistake nonetheless.

Barkley is still an asset but one in decline and not providing anywhere near the impact plays he used to be able to do. The tag dollars are more than the value of Barkley provides. And it would be beneficial for the Giants to move towards a RB by Committee approach to spread those dollars among several backs and keep them more healthy and productive throughout a whole season.

Keeping Barkley ensures he stays the centerpiece of the Offense, mostly because the Giants can't help themselves. And that type of Offense has been an awful experiment to watch for years. Move on.
I don't think we're tagging him  
Chris684 : 2/16/2024 8:56 am : link
And I think both parties know it's time to move on.
if they would consider the tag  
Giantsfan79 : 2/16/2024 8:56 am : link
Then they should consider a 2-3 year deal instead for cash flow purposes
I think there is virtually no chance Barkley plays on the tag  
Blue The Dog : 2/16/2024 8:58 am : link
The Giants don't really have that much cap space, and taking a 12 million dollar cap hit no Barkley makes very little sense. There is a very slight possibility that they tag him while working to get a deal done, but I think the most likely scenario is Barkley hits FA. The Giants will offer him what he views as a lowball offer, and he will go out and see if there is a bigger contract out there. The more interesting question in my mind is what happens if a team like Baltimore offers him a sizable deal. Does Barkley even bring that contract to the Giants to match? Do the Giants have any interest in matching a deal he finds in FA?

My hope is that the team moves on from Barkley. I would much rather spend money on different positions. But if he says yes to the highest RB contract handed out last year (3 years 18 million), then sure bring him back. That is incredibly unlikely that he would agree to that, thus we should just move on
RE: The thing I think Daboll will be pushing for  
UConn4523 : 2/16/2024 8:59 am : link
In comment 16400307 Section331 said:
is to draft a QB. That resets the clock a bit and buys him another year, barring a complete team wide meltdown. I think he realizes that Barkley doesn’t move the needle that much. How much did he help this year?

When we actually had a player at QB, Barkley more than moved the needle. Going to be hard for Barkley to move the needle when we put out the worst QBs in the league in 2023 behind the worst OLine in the league.That being said it’s unfair to expect 2022 Barkley in 2024 and beyond so not signing him makes sense. As for the Tag? Who knows, but I doubt Schoen wants a repeat of last year and at $2m more (I think). And McKinney tag option is a wildcard scenario that should be on the table.
The best thing is probably for him to go test the market  
logman : 2/16/2024 9:00 am : link
and then let the Giants have an opportunity to match whatever he can get. You could maybe do the Transition Tag (IDK if you can even do that after using a Franchise Tag on a guy) and hope to get a pick back, but the time to deal him for draft picks was last season.

Unless he's now willing to take a huge hometown discount, I think he's playing somewhere else in 2024.
I really like Barkley  
UConn4523 : 2/16/2024 9:04 am : link
don’t think the Giants make sense for him anymore. Hit FA, control your own destiny for the first time in your career, and play where you want to play for as much money as you can.
No FT - No Transition Tag  
Tom in NY : 2/16/2024 9:12 am : link
As others have pointed out, give Barkley an offer, tell him to go shop around and bring it back to the Giants. There is likely to be a ceiling on what Schoen would be willing to spend at RB, but if a reasonable price re-sign him.

I don't believe Barkley is going to get a $12-$13M offer on the open market, nor should the Giants match if he does.

I'd bet Schoen offers $8M/year, with reasonably achievable incentives that can get him back to $10M/year, on a 3 year contract with a voidable 3rd year.
I think there will be minimal  
section125 : 2/16/2024 9:20 am : link
talks with Barkley's people. Ultimately I think he goes to FA and leaves the Giants for a better team.

I do not think Daboll is in any danger short of total collapse and internal strife. They cannot keep changing coaches when the roster is a disaster.

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/16/2024 9:25 am : link
I think both parties want to move on.
Can't imagine we tag him.  
mfjmfj : 2/16/2024 9:26 am : link
Not sure he can get a 3 year deal with that much guaranteed money. Still think his best case is in the 3/20/10 range. I would offer him that. But I am not sure he can get that on the open market. He is just not special at this point in his career and even special running backs don't get paid.
I would tag X-Man if we can't sign him to a fair deal/extension.  
GiantBlue : 2/16/2024 9:31 am : link
But I believe Mara/Schoen have already intimated that they wouldn't do that to him this season either hoping for a reasonable deal or that he finds another team that will pay him what he is looking for.

I like Saquon and appreciate all he has done for us Giants fans on the field.....but the business of the NFL has devalued second contracts on running backs.
Maybe Saquon Barkley  
M.S. : 2/16/2024 9:36 am : link

negotiates with other teams and goes back to the Giants to see if they match it, which they will.
M.S. : 2/16/2024 9:38 am : link
I hope Saquon Barkley finds another NFL team that deserves his talents and which he can win with and go deep into the playoffs. THAT is not the sorry Giants franchise.
AcidTest : 2/16/2024 9:38 am : link
yesterday cited a rumor that the Texans might be interested in trading a second or third round pick for Barkley in a tag and trade scenario. That is the only way I would tag him. Otherwise, I would let him go in FA. It's best for both parties to move on at this point.
Imo, Schoen tells his agent to check the open market  
Jim in Forest Hills : 2/16/2024 9:42 am : link
and come back. I think the Giants are 100% interested at the right price, say about $6M. We all know SB wants a lot more, if he can get it outside, he's gone.
RE: Imo, Schoen tells his agent to check the open market  
M.S. : 2/16/2024 9:47 am : link
In comment 16400373 Jim in Forest Hills said:
and come back. I think the Giants are 100% interested at the right price, say about $6M. We all know SB wants a lot more, if he can get it outside, he's gone.

Welp, if the Giants are only willing to pay $6 Million, then they are not willing to pay a thing because Barkley will command up to double that figure with a bottom-line floor of $9 - $10 Million.
RE: Imo, Schoen tells his agent to check the open market  
56goat : 2/16/2024 9:50 am : link
In comment 16400373 Jim in Forest Hills said:
and come back. I think the Giants are 100% interested at the right price, say about $6M. We all know SB wants a lot more, if he can get it outside, he's gone.

christian : 2/16/2024 9:55 am : link
I strongly feel the right answer is the transition tag, and let Barkley test the market. Another 10.1M and a swing at UFA next year might be a good outcome for him.
A lot of posters are still living in 2018  
cosmicj : 2/16/2024 9:59 am : link
Barkley v 2023 was an above average bank and nothing more and v 2024 may be JAG. Paying Barkley $3mm might be an overpay.
I think he's gone  
Sammo85 : 2/16/2024 10:00 am : link
and Texans might be a nice a landing spot for him. I don't see how Cowboys can afford him even on a 1 yr deal.

Texans can afford to fit him in given they have young talent still 2-3 yrs away from max/cap choking deals.

Highly doubtful the Giants tag him  
ZogZerg : 2/16/2024 10:17 am : link
if they do, Barkley should immediately sign it.
He is not getting 11.5 million to play this year from anyone.

If the Giants want him, they need to offer a reasonable multi year deal and then let him test his value as a FA.
I got the strong vibe last year  
SirYesSir : 2/16/2024 10:22 am : link
when barkley was kind of suggesting he'd be holding out - but then suddenly showed up on time - that he'd gotten an assurance from Schoen they wouldn't tag him two years in a row.

I think that's about to play out. They won't give him big money...he's going to FA

IF he doesn't get nearly the offer he expects I don't think it's impossible he'd come back, but I think he'll be gone
It's time for a parting  
JonC : 2/16/2024 10:25 am : link
The only route I could see a tag is if they want to trade him, and even that is a suspect strategy.
If they plan to let him walk  
Ned In Atlanta : 2/16/2024 10:42 am : link
Then not trading him at the deadline looks even dumber. Maybe there were no offers, but I find it hard to believe
I would bet they apply Transition Tag...  
bw in dc : 2/16/2024 10:43 am : link
That essentially gives Schoen the ability to match or decline versus the stricter rules of the FT.

I think it's a great way to gauge the market. Hell, we may find out that Team Barkley's value is not that great and match a deal more affordable than imagined.

Barkley needs to see FA  
UberAlias : 2/16/2024 10:46 am : link
He needs to see what the market says. After that maybe they can talk and work something out, but I doubt it. It has to be about a running game, not a running back. So it's hard to see how this works unless Barkley is willing to take a discount. But why should he?
RE: I would bet they apply Transition Tag...  
Sean : 2/16/2024 10:53 am : link
In comment 16400460 bw in dc said:
That essentially gives Schoen the ability to match or decline versus the stricter rules of the FT.

I think it's a great way to gauge the market. Hell, we may find out that Team Barkley's value is not that great and match a deal more affordable than imagined.

What should have happened with Jones which you stated in real time.
I’d tag McKinney  
JoeyBigBlue : 2/16/2024 10:57 am : link
Before Barkley. Let Barkley test his worth in the open market and then decide to match or let him go. I doubt he’d get much at his age and injury history.
RE: RE: I would bet they apply Transition Tag...  
bw in dc : 2/16/2024 11:06 am : link
In comment 16400473 Sean said:
In comment 16400460 bw in dc said:


That essentially gives Schoen the ability to match or decline versus the stricter rules of the FT.

I think it's a great way to gauge the market. Hell, we may find out that Team Barkley's value is not that great and match a deal more affordable than imagined.

What should have happened with Jones which you stated in real time.

Not to deviate from your topic here, but I'll always believe ajr's intel about Jones's open market value was reliable. That Jones was worth < $25M per. And maybe closer to $20M.

I think that win over Minnesota carried more weight than it should have...
I don't think Barkley gets tagged.  
BigBlueNH : 2/16/2024 11:09 am : link
He either signs here, or elsewhere. I think McKinney gets tagged.
Look at the free agent RB market  
Rjanyg : 2/16/2024 11:25 am : link
It is loaded with big names: Barkley, Jacobs, Henry, Swift.

If anything. JS should tell Barkley to go shop himself and see if the Giants can match or beat the deal he gets.

That said, I want Estime out of ND in round 3.
does it matter what D & S want?  
jestersdead : 2/16/2024 11:36 am : link
If Mara wants Barkley to be a Giant, its going to happen. John Mara is the one pulling the strings on all FA and draft decisions, not the head coach or GM.

RE: does it matter what D & S want?  
UConn4523 : 2/16/2024 11:41 am : link
In comment 16400530 jestersdead said:
If Mara wants Barkley to be a Giant, its going to happen. John Mara is the one pulling the strings on all FA and draft decisions, not the head coach or GM.

Of course it matters. If the above was true the Giants would have caved and given Barkley is asking price. But we didn’t. How do you explain that?
RE: I’d tag McKinney  
jeff57 : 2/16/2024 12:07 pm : link
In comment 16400479 JoeyBigBlue said:
Before Barkley. Let Barkley test his worth in the open market and then decide to match or let him go. I doubt he’d get much at his age and injury history.

Yes. Need McKinney far more than Barkley.
RE: RE: does it matter what D & S want?  
jestersdead : 2/16/2024 12:26 pm : link
In comment 16400538 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16400530 jestersdead said:


If Mara wants Barkley to be a Giant, its going to happen. John Mara is the one pulling the strings on all FA and draft decisions, not the head coach or GM.

Of course it matters. If the above was true the Giants would have caved and given Barkley is asking price. But we didn’t. How do you explain that?

Im being sarcastic. All BBI talks about is how much influence Mara has on the decision making process, see Daniel Jones.

That being said, the Giants offered Barkley an extension last season that he and his team turned down. Mara wanted Jones to be the main FA signing and didn't want to tag him and in hindsight, would have been the smarter play.

I like Barkley, he's the biggest offensive weapon the Giants have. Not sure how Jones can succeed without Barkley in the lineup
That offer was team favorable  
UConn4523 : 2/16/2024 1:48 pm : link
and came what, 1.5 years ago and mid season? They weren’t raising their offer which hurts the Mara narrative.
The NYG Front Office hasn't quite figured out how to properly utilize  
ThomasG : 2/16/2024 2:30 pm : link
the concept of the tag and when to apply and when not to. This feels like another error in judgment coming.

An intelligent front office doesn't tag Barkley. Be honest as to what his value is and give him an offer if he feels it is in his zipcode. If it isn't, say goodbye.

This isn't difficult.
RE: …  
Big Rick in FL : 2/16/2024 3:08 pm : link
In comment 16400342 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I think both parties want to move on.

I don't think so. I'm not sure how the Giants feel, but I just spoke to Saquon in Vegas last week. He wants to stay in NY and told me he will come back to the Giants with any contract offer he gets to see if they want to match or even come close to the offer.

Don't think he'd be willing to take a ton less, but hypothetically if he got an offer from the Broncos for say 2 years 20 million I think he would stay with the Giants if they offered 2 years 19 million.
On the open market, Barkley will get around $7 mil per year  
Rudy5757 : 2/16/2024 3:46 pm : link
with about $14 Mil guaranteed. It will probably be a 4 year $28 Mil contract. he may not even get that much. He had a down year in a contract year. He's 27 years old and showing signs of slowing down.

He rushed for 100 yards 1 time last year. ONE. That was a game where he had 36 carries.

I can't imagine any scenario where the Giants Tag him for the right to pay him more money than he made last year. People need to take off the rose colored glasses from his rookie year. He's not a special player anymore, he's good. When was the last time he looked special? Maybe a few games last year, maybe a game this year. In the losses he averaged 3.9 yards per carry and in the wins he averaged 3.9 yards per carry. He is what he is.

Time to part ways for both sides. He's not making the Giants a better team but he has the ability to help a good team as long as he doesnt have to be the guy.
We are rebuilding  
kelly : 2/16/2024 5:10 pm : link
Barkley isn't a great fit given that reality.

Time to move on
RE: I would bet they apply Transition Tag...  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/16/2024 5:36 pm : link
In comment 16400460 bw in dc said:
That essentially gives Schoen the ability to match or decline versus the stricter rules of the FT.

I think it's a great way to gauge the market. Hell, we may find out that Team Barkley's value is not that great and match a deal more affordable than imagined.

IIRC, there's no comp picks attached to an unmatched offer sheet on the transition tag. For that reason alone, I'd rather roll the dice on a gentleman's agreement with Ed Perry that the Giants get a chance to match whatever the market comes back with. Even if Perry/Barkley refuse (or renege) on that, so be it.

I think the potential comp picks may be the largest remaining value to the Giants for Barkley, and the guaranteed right of first refusal (at a not insignificant tender) doesn't move me off of that position. Especially if Schoen has a hard limit on the price he's willing to pay for Barkley, I'd hate to tag him above that number solely for a benefit (matching) that Schoen might ultimately prefer to decline anyway.
Spider43 : 2/16/2024 6:12 pm : link
C Ya  
AROCK1000 : 2/16/2024 7:02 pm : link
He didn't live up to the tag this year;  
BH28 : 2/16/2024 9:32 pm : link
Barkley should jump at the chance if the Giants offer it to him again.

It would be an over pay by the Giants to tag him again.
They should tag him  
AROCK1000 : 2/16/2024 9:40 pm : link
Just to fuck with him
RE: RE: I would bet they apply Transition Tag...  
Gregorio : 2/17/2024 12:55 am : link
In comment 16401017 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16400460

IIRC, there's no comp picks attached to an unmatched offer sheet on the transition tag. For that reason alone, I'd rather roll the dice on a gentleman's agreement ……

If this is right, that you get no compensation pick value with an unmatched offer on a transition tag, then I agree with Gatorade…. It’s not worth the risk.

Let Barkley enter free agency without a tag. Put the money saved on a Barkley contract toward a proven guard in free agency.
Somewhere I saw  
upnyg : 2/17/2024 8:28 am : link
where SB was asked if he would entertain 3 years at 8m a year. Not sure I remember where.

Id say 3 years now is too long.
The overvaluation of Saquon here  
cosmicj : 2/17/2024 8:45 am : link
Is unbelievable. He’s close to being a replacement level back.
RetroJint : 2/17/2024 9:13 pm : link
I’m a fan . Let him enter free agency . Let the league establish his worth. The Giants can offer or pass .
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