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NFT: All about me

Fred-in-Florida : 2/16/2024 9:32 am
This is a NFT but I put it out this way so BB56 will see it. Please don’t delete! Bruce (among quite a few other BBI’ers, too many to acknowledge here) reached out to me during my issue. Don’t know if he’s back from his self imposed ‘don’t post during the season’ and he doesn’t look at NFT threads either. Fickled ol’ man! LOL.
Anyway it’s all about ME!
I don’t know how much was out here, but I had a major health issue starting on August 29th. Developed an aneurism that backed up and burst into my Illac caused me to have my right leg amputated. At the same time I coded 2x’s but God was on my side and said “not yet”.
I then was able to check off one of my bucket list items.I got a helicopter ride from the hospital here in Clermont Fl. To Orlando Regional!! They prepared my wife to not expect me to come back. I was in ICU for a good month and then back to Clermont for another couple weeks. After two months I was back home but still had some issues.
Anyway, I’m doing very good. I’ve been released from all the doctors with 6 month check ups. Received a prosthetic leg and been going to Rehab to learn to walk with it. That’s been harder than I thought.
BETTER THAN A MEDIUM PEPSI! I’ve been a season ticket holder sInce 1975. Yeah! I’m a fool for buying the PSL. My son wrote the Giants about my issues and they sent me a miniature helmet Autographed by Eli. Limited edition, numbered. Thought that was a beautiful gesture.
My son said one of the first things I asked after I woke was “ Who did the Giants cut”! I didn’t watch much the first half of the season, but was able to get back into it. Tommy cutlets made it entertaining for a few weeks.
sorry your reward for survival  
Giantsfan79 : 2/16/2024 9:36 am : link
Was last season's NYG football but congrats on surviving
christian : 2/16/2024 9:36 am : link
God bless you Fred! Your optimism and sense of humor is an inspiration.
Wow, harrowing story  
section125 : 2/16/2024 9:38 am : link
Fred. Miracle you made it out after a rupture like that.

Glad you are feeling better.

One of my better moves was dropping my season tickets when PSLs started. Got to be there for the entirety of Giants Stadium and none of the Tuna starting college was my savior there.

Stay healthy and glad you are back.
Glad you're getting better Fred...  
KingBlue : 2/16/2024 9:42 am : link
Thanks for the update. I know you won't remember... but my wife and I met you at one of the "Florida Tailgates" you hosted in Jacksonville years ago. Anyway it sounds like you have been through a difficult stretch... Prayers for your continued recovery.
I’m happy to hear that you are doing well  
steve in ky : 2/16/2024 9:42 am : link
It certainly makes you appreciate life doesn’t it?

Take care of yourself and I hope the therapy goes well and walking once again becomes routine for you
Hey Fred!  
Dr. D : 2/16/2024 9:48 am : link
Very glad to hear you're recovering!

I happen to be reading a book on Near Death Experiences (NDEs). If you don't mind me asking, did you experience anything when you coded?

If you don't want to discuss that's fine. Glad you're healing!

God bless you!
Makes most peoples bad days look  
GIANTS128 : 2/16/2024 9:52 am : link
insignificant. Great to hear you are doing well!!
Thanks for posting this  
Des51 : 2/16/2024 9:55 am : link
It give me hope for my medical issues.
I've been asking Bill about how you've been doing since  
SicilianGMEN : 2/16/2024 10:00 am : link
the beginning of the season...glad you're doing much better...we've had good times hanging at the ATL tailgates and hope to see you here in ATL again in the fall
glad you are well  
RIZZBIZZ : 2/16/2024 10:31 am : link
appreciate all you do for florida meetups.
Good to hear  
Dankbeerman : 2/16/2024 10:38 am : link
Keep fighting forward.
winoguy : 2/16/2024 10:47 am : link
Best of health to you going forward Fred..
Good news  
Simms : 2/16/2024 10:52 am : link
Glad you are on the mend. I am within the same tenure as yourself and pondering punting and moving HA HA my PSL.

Our tailgate used to average 75 to 100 people now dwindling to around 30 to 40.

The distance I travel for over priced garbage is beginning to add up. Yet with in being the 100th season will probably hang on ... again.

Wishing you the best if your recovery Go Giants.
Wow. You are in my prayers for a full recovery.  
Matt M. : 2/16/2024 11:13 am : link
That is quite an ordeal. you are truly blessed to still be here.
Hey Fred  
gidiefor : Mod : 2/16/2024 11:18 am : link
Great to hear from you - We were all bummed out by your issues when it happened, I donl;t know if you received the thread with all the well wishes on it - but there were a significant number of posts on it. You have been missed my friend!
Damn...sorry to hear of your issue  
Chris684 : 2/16/2024 11:20 am : link
But glad you're doing better. Your attitude seems awesome considering what you went through.

Anyone living life with prosthetics is a fucking badass, and has my utmost respect.

God bless.
This is pretty bad ass  
pjcas18 : 2/16/2024 11:24 am : link
you were on death's doorstep facing the stranger and you said "not today, Grim Reaper" - not many people can claim this.

Needing to be helicoptered to the hospital  
Mike in Long Beach : 2/16/2024 11:45 am : link
and thinking of it as "checking something off my bucket list" is fucking legendary. That's the attitude we all should hope to have when we're facing something harrowing like you were and are.

Best of luck moving forward, pal.
Best of luck Fred,  
Tittle 9 20 64 : 2/16/2024 11:45 am : link
and may God bless. You are one tough son-of-a-gun!
Thanks Everyone  
Fred-in-Florida : 2/16/2024 12:16 pm : link
Prayers, Thoughts and well wishes like these responses have help get me thru!

Dr.D no I didn't have any experiences. Thought about that later, because I had heard people experienced it.

Gidie anyway I can search for the thread you mentioned. That was in my dark days and I wasn't on BBI for a while.

Glad this didn't turn into a DJ Thread!
BB56 has not even looked at the Fourm  
Sky King : 2/16/2024 12:25 pm : link
In 6 months. Is HE okay?
FatMan in Charlotte : 2/16/2024 12:36 pm : link
glad to hear you're doing better. I passed the info onto Bruce as he still hasn't checked in. He might now!

I really enjoyed meeting you and your wife at the Jax game and to see the old photos and memorabilia. It was a great day all around. Hope your recovery continues and we get to meet again at a future game. The Giants play in Carolina and Atlanta next year!!

By the way, the podcast still isn't a family show:)
JT039 : 2/16/2024 12:37 pm : link
Keep plugging baby! As someone who has their own issues - I know what it’s like. You’re an inspiration to us all!!!
May God bless you Fred  
gogiants : 2/16/2024 12:39 pm : link
Your attitude and faith are inspiring. I pray for God to bless you and your family.
Fred, glad to hear about your amazing recovery  
Sec 103 : 2/16/2024 12:40 pm : link
Was in touch with Capt. Bill but he knew very little. In any regard great to hear from you and looking forward to seeing you again at one of next years games.
Stay strong my friend!!!
Glad you're doing well...amazing stuff  
FranknWeezer : 2/16/2024 12:46 pm : link
Reminds me of a needlepoint my Mom made for me when I was little. It read "Please be patient...God isn't finished with me yet." Your situation gives that a whole new slant, but hope it will resonate with you. My best to you and yours!
allstarjim : 2/16/2024 1:01 pm : link
All the best to you for continued recovery and good health.

I live just outside of Tampa but have had the pleasure of visiting Clermont a couple of times...I really love your town. Do you get a chance to get on the lakes? I am in the Elks organization and you have a nice little Elks lodge in Clermont. The Elks trend more older folks and I've visited twice and everyone was super friendly. If you are not a member, youight check it out, you'd likely fit in well with them

I know they do have a charity poker boat run on the lake(s?) every year which seems like a blast.
RE: Fred...  
Fred-in-Florida : 2/16/2024 1:26 pm : link
In comment 16400626 FatMan in Charlotte said:
glad to hear you're doing better. I passed the info onto Bruce as he still hasn't checked in. He might now!

I really enjoyed meeting you and your wife at the Jax game and to see the old photos and memorabilia. It was a great day all around. Hope your recovery continues and we get to meet again at a future game. The Giants play in Carolina and Atlanta next year!!

By the way, the podcast still isn't a family show:)

Bruce emailed me. Thanks!
So glad to hear you're doing better, Fred  
rnargi : 2/16/2024 1:34 pm : link
We got some sporadic updates but frankly not a lot of info other than things were not good. This post made my year. Hope to spend some time with you next time we're in FL. L9oks like we're buying in The Villages soon.
Great to hear, Fred!  
Sean : 2/16/2024 1:38 pm : link
What an amazing attitude you have!
Keep fighting!!  
Chris in San Diego : 2/16/2024 1:50 pm : link
You are doing great!
giantstock : 2/16/2024 2:06 pm : link
Wow what a story.

As others have said keep fighting.

And so happy for you and family.
hey, Fred  
Bill in UT : 2/16/2024 2:24 pm : link
Great to have you around
Jeez Fred, there are easier ways to get helicopter rides.  
Giantgator : 2/16/2024 3:13 pm : link
Continued healing, brother!
Glad you're ok,  
Mad Mike : 2/16/2024 3:17 pm : link
and good to see that your post-op priorities were on point. Wish you continued good health.
Thanks for sharing Fred,  
Section331 : 2/16/2024 3:43 pm : link
so glad to hear you’re on the mend. And Fiddy is the bomb.
I remember your wife's post  
sb from NYT Forum : 2/16/2024 3:48 pm : link
...what she described sounded just awful for you and your family. I am so happy to hear that you pulled through!
Fred, you made my day!  
solarmike : 2/16/2024 4:53 pm : link

I was a tad feeling sorry for myself today for my "joint aches and pains" at age 70. I immediately got over it once I read your post. "Get my ass off of the couch" is my new game.

Solar Mike
Fox : 2/16/2024 7:29 pm : link
Wow Fred. You got a bunch of BBIers to all agree on something. Quite the miracle worker ;)

We’ve never met or interacted but this made my day nonetheless. Amazing story. Keep fighting the good fight.
Glad to hear you’re doing well!  
Jersey Heel : 2/16/2024 7:39 pm : link
Thanks for the read. Really happy for you.
Great stuff Fred.  
A-Train : 2/16/2024 11:50 pm : link
Someday we will meet again and toast to the Giants.
Your good spirits are an inspiration, thanks.
Looks like BB56 is still not reading?  
short lease : 2/17/2024 1:19 am : link
Hey Fred - congrats on your recovery. Good luck (and health) in the future.
RE: Fred  
Fred-in-Florida : 2/17/2024 5:43 am : link
In comment 16400687 allstarjim said:
All the best to you for continued recovery and good health.

I live just outside of Tampa but have had the pleasure of visiting Clermont a couple of times...I really love your town. Do you get a chance to get on the lakes? I am in the Elks organization and you have a nice little Elks lodge in Clermont. The Elks trend more older folks and I've visited twice and everyone was super friendly. If you are not a member, youight check it out, you'd likely fit in well with them

I know they do have a charity poker boat run on the lake(s?) every year which seems like a blast.

Have a couple of friends that belong to the Elks here in town. Went once to meet them. Everyone was super friendly.
'Downtown' Clermont has really become a vibrant area. Lots of places to get something to eat and drink. Today they are closing down the main street for a BBQ and Brew festival. Weather doesn't look likes it's going to cooperate. Suncreek Brewery is hosting its annual Irish festival, March 16th ad 17th. The town closes the street in front of the Brewery , sets up a stage and quiet a few Irish themed bands come and play. Everyone dresses in their finest Green.
RE: So glad to hear you're doing better, Fred  
Fred-in-Florida : 2/17/2024 5:46 am : link
In comment 16400764 rnargi said:
We got some sporadic updates but frankly not a lot of info other than things were not good. This post made my year. Hope to spend some time with you next time we're in FL. L9oks like we're buying in The Villages soon.

The Villages is about 25 miles nw of me. Let me know when you're down and we can meet up!
Hope you’re feeling well these days, Fred.  
Beezer : 2/17/2024 6:47 am : link
Nice to see you posting. All the best.
This was great to read Freddy!  
BigBlue in Keys : 2/17/2024 9:17 am : link
So proud of you for getting through it all. Love you my friend! All the best to Carol as well what a woman she is. Thanks to those who reached out and continued to do so checking up on Fred. You're a special person to a lot of people buddy, can't wait to have you back at the next tailgate.
Here's a link to the original thread.  
BigBlue in Keys : 2/17/2024 9:20 am : link
Thanks for all the support BBI. What a special community we all share here.
Fred's thread - ( New Window )
Hi Fred  
ChrisRick : 2/17/2024 9:56 am : link
We have never interacted but I wanted to say thank you for sharing your story. God bless.
Wow! Just read the original post  
Fred-in-Florida : 2/17/2024 10:02 am : link
Thanks Capt Bill for putting this out! Very emotional! I can’t believe all the prayers, support and encouragement you all sent my way. Definitely helps me to keep up a positive attitude!
All the best for as complete a recovery as possible.  
Crispino : 2/17/2024 10:06 am : link
Stay as strong as you have been already and you’ll have many good things ahead of you!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Hi Fred  
Jim in South Florida : 2/17/2024 10:58 am : link
So glad to hear you’re doing well after such a catastrophic condition
Hopefully we can get together for a game this upcoming season
Great to have you back Fred  
SomeFan : 2/17/2024 11:03 am : link
And you sound like a tough MFer!
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