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NFT: Pizza Rec

Matt M. : 2/18/2024 12:01 pm
If you are in the Brooklyn area, there is a relatively new place that you must try. I love pizza and this place shot to the top of the list for our household. Check out La Rose on Smith Street in Boerum Hill/Cobble Hill. They are a Detroit style, which I may not have necessarily gone for. But, 2 weeks ago my wife took my kids and texted me on my way home from work that I had to stop in (it was National Pizza Day, if I needed an excuse) and have a slice. I had two and loved every drop. We loved it so much that we added it to our Super Bowl menu. Crispy thick crust with burnt cheese at the edges, great sauce, a great mix of a few different cheeses that melts great. These are masterpieces.

Now a question. I don't really check out Barstool Sport, but I watch the pizza reviews. How do I get a recommendation for a review to them?
pjcas18 : 2/18/2024 12:12 pm : link
won't like it (or won't rate it well) Detroit style is like Sicillian and it's not one he generally rates well (if at all).

I think from the app (one bite) you can request them to go to specific places. I think they get thousands of requests.

Speaking of pizza reviews. My buddy from high school, Johnny Mong (Johnny Mongillo) who I grew up with and he spent 20 years as a pizza cook at Sally's in New Haven opened a place called Mangia in North Haven, CT and he got Portnoy to do a review. it's funny. good score too.

link - ( New Window )
pjcas18 : 2/18/2024 12:16 pm : link
you can leave your own review on the app. it's crowd sourced so instead of just Portnoy's reviews you can see reviews from all reviewers.
Detroit style is definitely  
oghwga : 2/18/2024 12:39 pm : link
An acquired taste. The best pizza is the one that you like the best.

I will forever die on the Dilorenzos in Robbinsville NJ hill.
Portnoy gave a good review  
SomeFan : 2/18/2024 12:47 pm : link
to a pizza place in my town that is really very mediocre. It is a place you take the u10 soccer team to and then GTFO. I don't have confidence in his reviews now. My daughter also worked as a waitress there one summer and did not like the way the food was prepared.
RE: Portnoy gave a good review  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/18/2024 1:35 pm : link
In comment 16401924 SomeFan said:
to a pizza place in my town that is really very mediocre. It is a place you take the u10 soccer team to and then GTFO. I don't have confidence in his reviews now. My daughter also worked as a waitress there one summer and did not like the way the food was prepared.

I have started to feel the same. A couple of NJ places I used to go to, he rated Ralph's in Nutley over Star Tavern in Orange. Im sorry, but Star is not only far superior to Ralph's but also is exactly the kind of pizza Dave claimed to have liked.
I disagree  
pjcas18 : 2/18/2024 2:14 pm : link
with some of Portnoy reviews, that's the good thing about the one bite app - it's kind of like yelp or google reviews for pizza places and you get to see pizza fan reviews besides his.

You see Dave's score and the community score, kind of like rotten tomatoes or IMDB for movie reviews.

Dave has a specific style he likes. thin, crispy crust, new haven style is his favorite.

I do tend to align with most of his high scores, since that's my favorite too, but not all the time.

Even New Haven though, somtimes places are inconsistent. I went to Pepe's a couple months ago - the original on Wooster street and it was awful. So who knows how the place was when he went, he doesn't always let them know he's coming and who makes the pie sometimes matters.
RE: RE: Portnoy gave a good review  
SomeFan : 2/18/2024 4:06 pm : link
In comment 16401955 NormanAllen_95 said:
In comment 16401924 SomeFan said:


to a pizza place in my town that is really very mediocre. It is a place you take the u10 soccer team to and then GTFO. I don't have confidence in his reviews now. My daughter also worked as a waitress there one summer and did not like the way the food was prepared.

I have started to feel the same. A couple of NJ places I used to go to, he rated Ralph's in Nutley over Star Tavern in Orange. Im sorry, but Star is not only far superior to Ralph's but also is exactly the kind of pizza Dave claimed to have liked.
ha, I grew up near Star Tavern. To this day, it is certainly the restaurant/ bar I have spent more time in than any in the world. My friends and I have a huge history there. It was a family pizzeria in 1968, then went through a bunch of iterations (including an old man bar and a pseudo-disco) until it went back to a family pizzeria. In all thise years, the pizza stayed exactly the same including the sign saying white clam pizza special on Tuesday nights. Best thin crust pizza in Northern NJ.
I live in Maplewood NJ  
terptacular : 2/18/2024 6:34 pm : link
I have been to Star Tavern a few times. I enjoyed it. But I always feel like I can eat like a bakers dozen of those pies.

Shout out to Artie's in Maplewood. Also, the Grandma pie at Sabatino's in Maplewood is also great(especially if you get the meatball topping! yum!)
RE: RE: Portnoy gave a good review  
GruningsOnTheHill : 2/18/2024 8:00 pm : link
In comment 16401955 NormanAllen_95 said:
In comment 16401924 SomeFan said:


I have started to feel the same. A couple of NJ places I used to go to, he rated Ralph's in Nutley over Star Tavern in Orange. Im sorry, but Star is not only far superior to Ralph's but also is exactly the kind of pizza Dave claimed to have liked.

I used to go to Star Tavern as a kid with my parents in the late '70s. It was smoky & dark; there was an old 1950s bowling pin game in the corner where you slid this heavy chrome puck down the long table. The waiter for years was a skinny old guy who always wore a collared shirt with a pocket protector to guard against pen marks, and their meatball & garlic pie was the best I've ever had.

I was back in NJ @10 years ago and I had to get back to Star Tavern for some pizza. The place was nothing like it used to be, however. It was more of a generic sports bar with "Welcome to the World Famous Star Tavern" signs up on the walls. I went with a four-cheese pizza, and it turned out one of the four was cheddar.

Needless to say, I wish I hadn't made the pilgrimage back there.
RE: I live in Maplewood NJ  
GruningsOnTheHill : 2/18/2024 8:02 pm : link
In comment 16402134 terptacular said:
I have been to Star Tavern a few times. I enjoyed it. But I always feel like I can eat like a bakers dozen of those pies.

Shout out to Artie's in Maplewood. Also, the Grandma pie at Sabatino's in Maplewood is also great(especially if you get the meatball topping! yum!)

Is the Roman Gourmet still there? They went a little heavy on the oregano, but still very good, crispy crust.
RE: Detroit style is definitely  
smshmth8690 : 2/19/2024 8:43 am : link
In comment 16401918 oghwga said:
An acquired taste. The best pizza is the one that you like the best.

I will forever die on the Dilorenzos in Robbinsville NJ hill.

oghwga - if you are going to choose a hill, that's a great one.
I never had Detroit style before  
Matt M. : 2/19/2024 10:09 am : link
The owner/chef said it was "Detroit inspires". I'm not sure what the difference is. All I know is, it was one of the best square slices I've ever had. The right balance of dough, perfectly crisped, but not burnt; 4 cheese blend that was perfectly melted, nice additional sauce on top. It was really good.
RE: Detroit style is definitely  
Justlurking : 2/19/2024 10:11 am : link
In comment 16401918 oghwga said:
An acquired taste. The best pizza is the one that you like the best.

I will forever die on the Dilorenzos in Robbinsville NJ hill.

The mercer county trifecta of DiLorenzos, Papa's and Conte's is up there with New Haven. Growing up I didn't realize how spoiled I was.
Forgot about Conte's  
oghwga : 2/19/2024 10:30 am : link
I'm going to have to hit that next time I'm in the state.

The whole vibe of that place is epic.

Never heard of Papa's though, will have to look that up.
DanMetroMan : 2/19/2024 1:44 pm : link
My money Scarr’s is the best pizza place in NYC but a number of people have told me about a place in Ridgewood that supposedly is incredible called Mano’s. I’ve yet to try it
I wanted to try Mano's for a while now  
KevinBBWC : 2/19/2024 6:04 pm : link
Might give it a try this week.
I love  
Amtoft : 2/19/2024 6:57 pm : link
the crispy cheese edges of the Detroit style, but I hate sauce on top. Same with Chicago style also.

I am also not a plain cheese guy, but I like that he does the same type everywhere, so the ratings are the same. Never been to New Haven so I have to make a trip one day.
RE: RE: RE: Portnoy gave a good review  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/19/2024 7:28 pm : link
In comment 16402245 GruningsOnTheHill said:
In comment 16401955 NormanAllen_95 said:


In comment 16401924 SomeFan said:


I have started to feel the same. A couple of NJ places I used to go to, he rated Ralph's in Nutley over Star Tavern in Orange. Im sorry, but Star is not only far superior to Ralph's but also is exactly the kind of pizza Dave claimed to have liked.

I used to go to Star Tavern as a kid with my parents in the late '70s. It was smoky & dark; there was an old 1950s bowling pin game in the corner where you slid this heavy chrome puck down the long table. The waiter for years was a skinny old guy who always wore a collared shirt with a pocket protector to guard against pen marks, and their meatball & garlic pie was the best I've ever had.

I was back in NJ @10 years ago and I had to get back to Star Tavern for some pizza. The place was nothing like it used to be, however. It was more of a generic sports bar with "Welcome to the World Famous Star Tavern" signs up on the walls. I went with a four-cheese pizza, and it turned out one of the four was cheddar.

Needless to say, I wish I hadn't made the pilgrimage back there.

That sounds like a disppointing trip to say the least.

Although ordering Quattro Formaggio at Star was your first mistake. Lol.

My point was not that Star was the graleatest of all time, but its better than Ralphs in Nutlet.
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