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The case for taking QB at 6

Maijay : 2/18/2024 1:03 pm
It seems that the overwhelming need for selecting a QB early is a BBI obsession. Other teams such as Atlanta at 8, and Pittsburgh at 20 are in the search for a QB. That leaves a strong maybe for Tennessee at 7, Minny at 11 because of Cousins possible value to the team, Denver at 12 due to the strain between Wilson and Payton, and Las Vegas at 13.
I don't believe QBs McCarthy, Nix and Penix will be there for the Giants in the second round. The Giants should not use their draft capital to move up into the second round with some many other needs. Try to preserve your top 100 picks as much as feasible.
If one of these there QBs wow us at the combine and private workouts lets grab one of them at 6. If they all impress my choice would be JJ McCarthy. Penix scares me because of his past injuries and Nix is ok.The only caveat would be if one of the projected top three falls to us at 6 and then we would know if Schoen/Daboll really had one of those three in their sights. If we get our QB at 6 then the rest of the draft should be used to fill holes in the roster.
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If we don't take McCarthy...  
bluewave : 2/18/2024 1:04 pm : link
He will go anywhere from pick 7 to pick 16.
Daniels or McCarthy  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 1:08 pm : link
For me. Don't get cute, draft the wb at 6 or via slight trade up to 4 or 5. Get it done Schoen.
Its still so early in the process, but the buzz seems like  
Ben in Tampa : 2/18/2024 1:16 pm : link
JJ McCarthy is going to move into the "top 3" category and knock one of the current three down to 4.
RE: Its still so early in the process, but the buzz seems like  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 1:20 pm : link
In comment 16401944 Ben in Tampa said:
JJ McCarthy is going to move into the "top 3" category and knock one of the current three down to 4.

I prefer McCarthy to Maye myself. I would be elated if we could get Jayden Daniels. I think there is a chance NFL evaluators like Maye less than the media and fans think.
I will happy over the moon if the Giants get Daniels...  
Fishmanjim57 : 2/18/2024 2:05 pm : link
But if they were to draft, Maye or McCarthy it would also be excellent. I don't want Penix. It's not that he isn't a damn good QB, but the Giants have been killed for the past 5 seasons with an injury prone QB who was way overrated in the draft.
I'm pretty sure the first QB chosen will be Williams, and Chicago is asking for too damn much in future picks to take that gamble.
They must draft a QB, though. It's a strong draft for QB's, and the Giants are going nowhere but last place with Jones.
Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
giantstock : 2/18/2024 2:08 pm : link
Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.
Giants : 2/18/2024 2:10 pm : link
Aren't taking a QB at 6.
There has to be somebody worthy of the number 6 overall selection  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 2:12 pm : link
They three QBs you mentioned are all tricky evaluations. I want a QB who is going to elevate us to a championship caliber team, not simply someone who is not names Daniel Jones. If that guy is there at 6, that would be a best case scenario. If he's not, then it would be a mistake to draft one over a blue chip player at another position of need.
RE: Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
Manhattan : 2/18/2024 2:14 pm : link
In comment 16401982 giantstock said:
Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.

There has been buzz in the draft press that McCarthy's stock has risen. It's not just BBI. The PFF draft podcast guys have discussed it. They were at Senior Bowl and apparently it was an idea that got floated there. There was the report that some teams may have McCarthy as QB2. Doesn't mean he's going top 10, but there is some reason to wonder. Same thing happened to Anthony Richardson last year and he went #3. And same thing happened with Levis, and he went in the 2nd round. So take it as data, but not as gospel.
RE: There has to be somebody worthy of the number 6 overall selection  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 2:17 pm : link
In comment 16401986 UberAlias said:
They three QBs you mentioned are all tricky evaluations. I want a QB who is going to elevate us to a championship caliber team, not simply someone who is not names Daniel Jones. If that guy is there at 6, that would be a best case scenario. If he's not, then it would be a mistake to draft one over a blue chip player at another position of need.

There are no guarantees for anyone in the draft besides maybe MHJ barring injury imo. Especially with QBs they are drafted with the potential to be elite and win superbowls. There are 4 qbs with that potential in this draft imo and we need to take one of them between picks 4-6.
RE: RE: There has to be somebody worthy of the number 6 overall selection  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 2:23 pm : link
In comment 16401990 BleedBlue46 said:
In comment 16401986 UberAlias said:


They three QBs you mentioned are all tricky evaluations. I want a QB who is going to elevate us to a championship caliber team, not simply someone who is not names Daniel Jones. If that guy is there at 6, that would be a best case scenario. If he's not, then it would be a mistake to draft one over a blue chip player at another position of need.

There are no guarantees for anyone in the draft besides maybe MHJ barring injury imo. Especially with QBs they are drafted with the potential to be elite and win superbowls. There are 4 qbs with that potential in this draft imo and we need to take one of them between picks 4-6.
I never used the word guarantee so don't put that in my mouth. I said we should not take a QB at 6 who is not worthy of such a high selection, and your counter point is that you personally see potential in four of them so regardless of how they grade them they must take one even if it means trading up. I'll be honest, I don't even know how to respond to that. But thankfully I believe their decision will be more grounded in assessment opposed to if a guy has potential he's automatically worth trading into the top 5 for.
RE: RE: There has to be somebody worthy of the number 6 overall selection  
Manhattan : 2/18/2024 2:27 pm : link
In comment 16401990 BleedBlue46 said:
In comment 16401986 UberAlias said:


They three QBs you mentioned are all tricky evaluations. I want a QB who is going to elevate us to a championship caliber team, not simply someone who is not names Daniel Jones. If that guy is there at 6, that would be a best case scenario. If he's not, then it would be a mistake to draft one over a blue chip player at another position of need.

There are no guarantees for anyone in the draft besides maybe MHJ barring injury imo. Especially with QBs they are drafted with the potential to be elite and win superbowls. There are 4 qbs with that potential in this draft imo and we need to take one of them between picks 4-6.

Caleb Williams is almost a lock to go #1. No lower than #2. You seem to keep ignoring his status as the presumptive #1 pick, which he's been for more than a year. Ti suggest there is no guarantee that the league views him as a potential superstar just seems incorrect. He's the best prospect in the class and there is probably a bigger gap between him and QB2 than between MHJ and WR2
RE: Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
bw in dc : 2/18/2024 2:29 pm : link
In comment 16401982 giantstock said:
Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.

It's beyond BBI. And it's real. McCarthy's draft profile is getting a lot of discussion these last two weeks. I would say he's the hottest draft topic.

Now, I wouldn't touch the kid until round two, but it's looking like he's received a pretty firm first round grade from the NFL Draft Advisory Council.
RE: RE: Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
giantstock : 2/18/2024 2:32 pm : link
In comment 16401989 Manhattan said:
In comment 16401982 giantstock said:


Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.

There has been buzz in the draft press that McCarthy's stock has risen. It's not just BBI. The PFF draft podcast guys have discussed it. They were at Senior Bowl and apparently it was an idea that got floated there. There was the report that some teams may have McCarthy as QB2. Doesn't mean he's going top 10, but there is some reason to wonder. Same thing happened to Anthony Richardson last year and he went #3. And same thing happened with Levis, and he went in the 2nd round. So take it as data, but not as gospel.


Been trying to find anything. Cant find a thing.

As it stands right now it seems the JJ talk is nothing more than made-up stuff. The word "buzz" in February for a QB projected late rd 1 ealry rd 2 m,mving up so radically seems fantasy until "buzz" beocmes more than just a podcast "floating" something out there without much accountability if it is real or not.
Scooter185 : 2/18/2024 2:34 pm : link
It's funny how there's some who seem to hold both following beliefs:
"The first QB taken usually isn't the best, we shouldn't trade up"

But also

"Taking a lower QB is going to bust! We shouldn't take one at 6"

So the Giants shouldn't moved up because a lower rated QB could be better, but they shouldn't take one at 6 because they may not be as good as the first ones taken.
If our criteria for a QB is potential  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 2:34 pm : link
The I would rather take a shot at Spencer Rattler after already securing a couple of cornerstone pieces. And if there is any QB we are going to reach for, I would rather it be him. Why--? Because he has a high potential and reaching on day 2 or 3 is far less costly when you miss than reaching on a top 10 pick.
RE: RE: RE: There has to be somebody worthy of the number 6 overall selection  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 2:35 pm : link
In comment 16401993 Manhattan said:
In comment 16401990 BleedBlue46 said:


In comment 16401986 UberAlias said:


They three QBs you mentioned are all tricky evaluations. I want a QB who is going to elevate us to a championship caliber team, not simply someone who is not names Daniel Jones. If that guy is there at 6, that would be a best case scenario. If he's not, then it would be a mistake to draft one over a blue chip player at another position of need.

There are no guarantees for anyone in the draft besides maybe MHJ barring injury imo. Especially with QBs they are drafted with the potential to be elite and win superbowls. There are 4 qbs with that potential in this draft imo and we need to take one of them between picks 4-6.

Caleb Williams is almost a lock to go #1. No lower than #2. You seem to keep ignoring his status as the presumptive #1 pick, which he's been for more than a year. Ti suggest there is no guarantee that the league views him as a potential superstar just seems incorrect. He's the best prospect in the class and there is probably a bigger gap between him and QB2 than between MHJ and WR2

It's just my perspective. You believe his floor is top 10 qb. I think he is more of a boom or bust qb. I'm interested to see what his actual height is. I do think he has a very high ceiling and immense potential and he will likely go #1 overall. I don't think there is a greater gap between him and the next qb vs MHJ and the next wr Odunze or Nabers. I like Jayden Daniels more than CW myself, a lot of the qb decisions are greatly reliant on in depth interviews which none of us have access to thus it's really tough to rank the QBs without that in depth analysis. I like what I see of all the top 4 qbs and I've gone back at forth about their rankings. At this point all I can really say is my top 3 is CW, JD and JJ in no particular order. We won't get CW and I would never mortgage the future for what I see as a big boom or bust prospect, we aren't in a good spot to mortgage the future for any prospect really we have too many holes. So realistically I'd like JD or JJ. I respect your opinion on CW being a generational talent, i just don't see it that way myself.
RE: RE: Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
giantstock : 2/18/2024 2:37 pm : link
In comment 16401995 bw in dc said:
In comment 16401982 giantstock said:


Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.

It's beyond BBI. And it's real. McCarthy's draft profile is getting a lot of discussion these last two weeks. I would say he's the hottest draft topic.

Now, I wouldn't touch the kid until round two, but it's looking like he's received a pretty firm first round grade from the NFL Draft Advisory Council.

You said "a lot of discsuuion."

-- Never mind I found something.

Thanks Manhhatan. Thanks Bw. I'll listen-- thanks again guys. I didnt want to appear arguementative. i raelly wnated to hear. I got soem I can lsiten to now. Thanks.
RE: If our criteria for a QB is potential  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 2:38 pm : link
In comment 16402000 UberAlias said:
The I would rather take a shot at Spencer Rattler after already securing a couple of cornerstone pieces. And if there is any QB we are going to reach for, I would rather it be him. Why--? Because he has a high potential and reaching on day 2 or 3 is far less costly when you miss than reaching on a top 10 pick.

When I say a qb has the real potential to be elite and win superbowls it means they have all the traits needed for that and are worth the pick at 4-6. I don't see that realistic potential with any of the other QBs. I would feel great with JD or JJ as our pick and I would feel good with Maye too although he is my 4th ranked of the bunch. I think a qb like Rattler has very little potential to be an elite superbowl winning qb and we could get a promising ol or wr or rb instead of him that would be much smarter.
RE: RE: RE: Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16401996 giantstock said:
In comment 16401989 Manhattan said:


In comment 16401982 giantstock said:


Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.

There has been buzz in the draft press that McCarthy's stock has risen. It's not just BBI. The PFF draft podcast guys have discussed it. They were at Senior Bowl and apparently it was an idea that got floated there. There was the report that some teams may have McCarthy as QB2. Doesn't mean he's going top 10, but there is some reason to wonder. Same thing happened to Anthony Richardson last year and he went #3. And same thing happened with Levis, and he went in the 2nd round. So take it as data, but not as gospel.


Been trying to find anything. Cant find a thing.

As it stands right now it seems the JJ talk is nothing more than made-up stuff. The word "buzz" in February for a QB projected late rd 1 ealry rd 2 m,mving up so radically seems fantasy until "buzz" beocmes more than just a podcast "floating" something out there without much accountability if it is real or not.

NFL front offices and professional scouts are widely reported to be much higher on JJ than previously thought. Sy agrees with this too. I've been doing a deep dive on researching JJ over the past month and I too think he has incredible potential with a relatively safe floor. These aren't just rumors, it's based on more in depth studies of the player.
There are a LOT of definitive statements being  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/18/2024 2:45 pm : link
Repeated over and over on this board regarding the top 6 QBs by the same people, every single day. Im not saying any of them are wrong, I just hope that there is enough fortitude to answer the delige of criticisms and mockery that will be sure to ensue if they are wrong. Although something tells me that won't japp3n.

Its one thing to have an opinion, but to drown out any other conversation on the topic with the same position everybody knows you have is another.
Here is the case for taking a QB  
pjcas18 : 2/18/2024 2:54 pm : link
it's really simple:

If Schoen/Daboll feel like one of the QB's that *could* be available to them either at 6 or even in a trade up are the prototypical QB they look for to run their system and fit their criteria of a franchise QB *and* they don't have that conviction with Daniel Jones - then you get the QB.

that simple. If not, you don't take a QB. It's their jobs on the line with this decision.

I'm OK with a QB at 6  
56goat : 2/18/2024 2:55 pm : link
as long as it isn't another Hail Mary, Dave Brown, Jesse Palmer, Duke QB maneuver. If they are right, the arrow points up, if they are wrong, clean out your desks.
RE: Here is the case for taking a QB  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 2:56 pm : link
In comment 16402019 pjcas18 said:
it's really simple:

If Schoen/Daboll feel like one of the QB's that *could* be available to them either at 6 or even in a trade up are the prototypical QB they look for to run their system and fit their criteria of a franchise QB *and* they don't have that conviction with Daniel Jones - then you get the QB.

that simple. If not, you don't take a QB. It's their jobs on the line with this decision.

Agreed, succinct was of putting it. That is my idea behind the real potential of the top 4 qbs.
Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
giantstock : 2/18/2024 2:57 pm : link
In comment 16402007 BleedBlue46 said:
In comment 16401996 giantstock said:


In comment 16401989 Manhattan said:


In comment 16401982 giantstock said:


Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.

There has been buzz in the draft press that McCarthy's stock has risen. It's not just BBI. The PFF draft podcast guys have discussed it. They were at Senior Bowl and apparently it was an idea that got floated there. There was the report that some teams may have McCarthy as QB2. Doesn't mean he's going top 10, but there is some reason to wonder. Same thing happened to Anthony Richardson last year and he went #3. And same thing happened with Levis, and he went in the 2nd round. So take it as data, but not as gospel.


Been trying to find anything. Cant find a thing.

As it stands right now it seems the JJ talk is nothing more than made-up stuff. The word "buzz" in February for a QB projected late rd 1 ealry rd 2 m,mving up so radically seems fantasy until "buzz" beocmes more than just a podcast "floating" something out there without much accountability if it is real or not.

NFL front offices and professional scouts are widely reported to be much higher on JJ than previously thought. Sy agrees with this too. I've been doing a deep dive on researching JJ over the past month and I too think he has incredible potential with a relatively safe floor. These aren't just rumors, it's based on more in depth studies of the player.

Yes I found some stuff.

But you also have what SY said? Was it just a one sentence comment or did he do some mini-analysis somehere?

I was skeptical by teh comments initally but now that I found soem stuff - at leats now I can see the pov of getting him. - I'm no scout so I'll let others discuss good or bad of JJ etc.
Want a QB but hope that don't reach for one  
US1 Giants : 2/18/2024 3:05 pm : link
A new QB would reset the clock on Schoen & Daboll so they may reach.
RE: Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 3:14 pm : link
In comment 16402024 giantstock said:
In comment 16402007 BleedBlue46 said:


In comment 16401996 giantstock said:


In comment 16401989 Manhattan said:


In comment 16401982 giantstock said:


Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.

There has been buzz in the draft press that McCarthy's stock has risen. It's not just BBI. The PFF draft podcast guys have discussed it. They were at Senior Bowl and apparently it was an idea that got floated there. There was the report that some teams may have McCarthy as QB2. Doesn't mean he's going top 10, but there is some reason to wonder. Same thing happened to Anthony Richardson last year and he went #3. And same thing happened with Levis, and he went in the 2nd round. So take it as data, but not as gospel.


Been trying to find anything. Cant find a thing.

As it stands right now it seems the JJ talk is nothing more than made-up stuff. The word "buzz" in February for a QB projected late rd 1 ealry rd 2 m,mving up so radically seems fantasy until "buzz" beocmes more than just a podcast "floating" something out there without much accountability if it is real or not.

NFL front offices and professional scouts are widely reported to be much higher on JJ than previously thought. Sy agrees with this too. I've been doing a deep dive on researching JJ over the past month and I too think he has incredible potential with a relatively safe floor. These aren't just rumors, it's based on more in depth studies of the player.

Yes I found some stuff.

But you also have what SY said? Was it just a one sentence comment or did he do some mini-analysis somehere?

I was skeptical by teh comments initally but now that I found soem stuff - at leats now I can see the pov of getting him. - I'm no scout so I'll let others discuss good or bad of JJ etc.

Here is some stuff he's said about how "many here haven't studied McCarthy and it shows, he is qb1 in terms of his stats when under pressure etc."
Link, I think some on his Twitter too - ( New Window )
JonC : 2/18/2024 3:23 pm : link
RE: Here is the case for taking a QB  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/18/2024 3:29 pm : link
In comment 16402019 pjcas18 said:
it's really simple:

If Schoen/Daboll feel like one of the QB's that *could* be available to them either at 6 or even in a trade up are the prototypical QB they look for to run their system and fit their criteria of a franchise QB *and* they don't have that conviction with Daniel Jones - then you get the QB.

that simple. If not, you don't take a QB. It's their jobs on the line with this decision.

This has been my position since I wrote that article.

In addition, there are two risks with Jones: one is his ability, the second is his injury history. Both are significant.

It's not impossible for Jones to play his best football in 2024. But it's also not impossible for him to be done for the season by Halloween.
RE: RE: Where is all this MCCarthy moving ealry to mid rd 1 talk coming from?  
giantstock : 2/18/2024 3:30 pm : link
In comment 16402029 BleedBlue46 said:
In comment 16402024 giantstock said:


In comment 16402007 BleedBlue46 said:


In comment 16401996 giantstock said:


In comment 16401989 Manhattan said:


In comment 16401982 giantstock said:


Can anyone provide? Other than Harbaugh -- where else is there talk he is going to go early to mid 1st round?

Or is this Giants fans imagining things by trying to make themselves feel better on draft day that the Giants will take a QB early?

Inventing fantasies is not reality.

There has been buzz in the draft press that McCarthy's stock has risen. It's not just BBI. The PFF draft podcast guys have discussed it. They were at Senior Bowl and apparently it was an idea that got floated there. There was the report that some teams may have McCarthy as QB2. Doesn't mean he's going top 10, but there is some reason to wonder. Same thing happened to Anthony Richardson last year and he went #3. And same thing happened with Levis, and he went in the 2nd round. So take it as data, but not as gospel.


Been trying to find anything. Cant find a thing.

As it stands right now it seems the JJ talk is nothing more than made-up stuff. The word "buzz" in February for a QB projected late rd 1 ealry rd 2 m,mving up so radically seems fantasy until "buzz" beocmes more than just a podcast "floating" something out there without much accountability if it is real or not.

NFL front offices and professional scouts are widely reported to be much higher on JJ than previously thought. Sy agrees with this too. I've been doing a deep dive on researching JJ over the past month and I too think he has incredible potential with a relatively safe floor. These aren't just rumors, it's based on more in depth studies of the player.

Yes I found some stuff.

But you also have what SY said? Was it just a one sentence comment or did he do some mini-analysis somehere?

I was skeptical by teh comments initally but now that I found soem stuff - at leats now I can see the pov of getting him. - I'm no scout so I'll let others discuss good or bad of JJ etc.

Here is some stuff he's said about how "many here haven't studied McCarthy and it shows, he is qb1 in terms of his stats when under pressure etc." Link, I think some on his Twitter too - ( New Window )

Love to read it. Thanks!! Go get him if they love him.
RE: two risks with Jones: one is his ability, the second is his injury  
Trainmaster : 2/18/2024 3:45 pm : link
Eric as usual is spot on.

I’d be shocked if the Giants don’t draft a QB with one of their current first three picks (I.E. first or one of the seconds). Jones multiple major injury history demands it.

I assume QBs will go 1st, 2nd & 3rd overall with WR Harrison go at 4th or maybe ahead of one or more of the QBs. I think the cost to trade up into the top 3 will be too high. They likely need to trade with Chicago as Wash and NE will be taking QBs. First overall will be VERY expensive.

So I think with the 3 QBs and Harrison gone, a trade back is the way to go. Pick up enough “draft capital” to move to take BPA with whatever first rounder they get in the trade back and move back into late first round to grab a QB or need WR, EDGE, IOL or CB.
RE: RE: If our criteria for a QB is potential  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 4:00 pm : link
In comment 16402004 BleedBlue46 said:
In comment 16402000 UberAlias said:


The I would rather take a shot at Spencer Rattler after already securing a couple of cornerstone pieces. And if there is any QB we are going to reach for, I would rather it be him. Why--? Because he has a high potential and reaching on day 2 or 3 is far less costly when you miss than reaching on a top 10 pick.

When I say a qb has the real potential to be elite and win superbowls it means they have all the traits needed for that and are worth the pick at 4-6. I don't see that realistic potential with any of the other QBs. I would feel great with JD or JJ as our pick and I would feel good with Maye too although he is my 4th ranked of the bunch. I think a qb like Rattler has very little potential to be an elite superbowl winning qb and we could get a promising ol or wr or rb instead of him that would be much smarter.
Fair enough if that’s how you evaluate them. But my comments are exclusively about how the team evaluates the QBs. I’m perfectly fine with them taking any of them, but only if they grade them sufficiently high. When you say they need to take a QB at 6 or higher, that’s based on your evaluation. What I can’t tell is what you think they should do if let’s say the have only a late first round grade on JJ. Do they still nerd to pass up on a blue chip player and reach for the QB?
Let’s draft a QB at 6  
Mike in NY : 2/18/2024 4:01 pm : link
Because Maijay doesn’t think one will fall to Round 2. That is airtight logic right there.
AcidTest : 2/18/2024 4:06 pm : link
buzz around McCarthy seems very real, as it is coming from a number of sources, but we are still a long way from the draft. But I expect that rise to continue because the combine and his pro day are perfect places for him to showcase his strong arm and athleticism.

The "big three" are now apparently the "big four," so it appears if the Giants want him, they will have to take him at #6. Somebody in fact might trade with Arizona or San Diego to take him. I'd be fine taking him between 15 - 20 after a trade down, but doubt he will last that long. But taking him at #6 would be better than trading up for Williams, Maye, or Daniels.
simpler case- if you get a chance at a possible franchise qb u take it  
Eric on Li : 2/18/2024 4:07 pm : link
there are only ever rare exceptions to that statement (if ever) and this nyg team isnt one of them.
RE: RE: RE: If our criteria for a QB is potential  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 4:11 pm : link
In comment 16402043 UberAlias said:
In comment 16402004 BleedBlue46 said:


In comment 16402000 UberAlias said:


The I would rather take a shot at Spencer Rattler after already securing a couple of cornerstone pieces. And if there is any QB we are going to reach for, I would rather it be him. Why--? Because he has a high potential and reaching on day 2 or 3 is far less costly when you miss than reaching on a top 10 pick.

When I say a qb has the real potential to be elite and win superbowls it means they have all the traits needed for that and are worth the pick at 4-6. I don't see that realistic potential with any of the other QBs. I would feel great with JD or JJ as our pick and I would feel good with Maye too although he is my 4th ranked of the bunch. I think a qb like Rattler has very little potential to be an elite superbowl winning qb and we could get a promising ol or wr or rb instead of him that would be much smarter.

Fair enough if that’s how you evaluate them. But my comments are exclusively about how the team evaluates the QBs. I’m perfectly fine with them taking any of them, but only if they grade them sufficiently high. When you say they need to take a QB at 6 or higher, that’s based on your evaluation. What I can’t tell is what you think they should do if let’s say the have only a late first round grade on JJ. Do they still nerd to pass up on a blue chip player and reach for the QB?

If they don't have a top 15 grade on JJ and we weren't able to get Daniels I would trade down or select Nabers. I have faith in Schoen to not make a reach like that. I wouldn't trade up for Maye either. It's definitely an exciting and pivotal offseason that's for sure.
It always comes down to need and value  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 4:13 pm : link
On a team with MANY needs, a franchise QB is our biggest need. I say franchise QB not just QB because in general that’s what it takes to win superbowls. Best case scenario is that need and value align and the team has an option to select a QB they believe is a franchise caliber prospect. But there will be blue chip prospects on the board when they pick at 6. So if drafting a QB who they believe is a franchise caliber prospect is not an option for them, then they should not pass on a blue chip prospect at some other position of need in favor of a QB reach. That is it.
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 4:14 pm : link
I agree with you in that case.
I’m intrigued by McCarthy but not enough yet to pick him at  
Simms11 : 2/18/2024 4:18 pm : link
#6. This is the Daniel Jones dilemma all over again. Not that the QBs in that draft turned out any better, but we apparently grabbed a guy at #6 that was not rated that highly and bypassed blue chip talent for him. I’d consider trading down, if there were a partner and then possibly grabbing him. But to pass on blue chip talent for a questionable QB is how we got in the shape we’re currently in. If we’re looking for a developmental QB, given the top 3 guys being gone, then look no further then Rattler in the second round.
AcidTest : 2/18/2024 4:18 pm : link
is such a difficult position to evaluate, maybe the hardest in sports. Professionals who have being doing so for decades are wrong at least half the time. Fifty percent of first round QBs are busts, or at least never live up to their draft status.

That is one reason I am skeptical about trading up for any QB, especially given the draft capital required to do so. Another reason is that Schoen and Daboll have not earned the right to do so, not after signing Jones to that ridiculous contract.
I agree  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/18/2024 4:20 pm : link
that there is a good chance those QB's will be available later in round 1. Perhaps Penix, but his medicals could impact him.

I am fine with whatever they do. Just be right.

The wildcard for me is if the dynamic has changed between BD/JS and how that impacts decisions moving forward.
RE: I’m intrigued by McCarthy but not enough yet to pick him at  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 4:24 pm : link
In comment 16402053 Simms11 said:
#6. This is the Daniel Jones dilemma all over again. Not that the QBs in that draft turned out any better, but we apparently grabbed a guy at #6 that was not rated that highly and bypassed blue chip talent for him. I’d consider trading down, if there were a partner and then possibly grabbing him. But to pass on blue chip talent for a questionable QB is how we got in the shape we’re currently in. If we’re looking for a developmental QB, given the top 3 guys being gone, then look no further then Rattler in the second round.

I was banging the table for Josh Allen that year and when we got DJ instead I was infuriated >.< Josh Allen had the best pass rush win % of any player this past season. That is a good example of not reaching for QB over blue chip talent and I agree. I think JJ's floor is a plus DJ with a really high potential ceiling so I would take him at 6 myself. I still believe in Schoen and Daboll so I will trust what they feel is best ultimately. If we end up with Pennix or Rattler later on and a guy like Nabers in rd1 then I trust them.
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/18/2024 4:28 pm : link
Won’t be available.
RE: I’m intrigued by McCarthy but not enough yet to pick him at  
BlueVinnie : 2/18/2024 5:15 pm : link
In comment 16402053 Simms11 said:
#6. This is the Daniel Jones dilemma all over again. Not that the QBs in that draft turned out any better, but we apparently grabbed a guy at #6 that was not rated that highly and bypassed blue chip talent for him. I’d consider trading down, if there were a partner and then possibly grabbing him. But to pass on blue chip talent for a questionable QB is how we got in the shape we’re currently in. If we’re looking for a developmental QB, given the top 3 guys being gone, then look no further then Rattler in the second round.

I may be wrong but I don't recall Jones receiving the type of buzz that that we are starting to hear regarding McCarthy. I don't believe Jones was regarded as a "franchise" type QB (excepting for one former Giants GM).
RE: RE: I’m intrigued by McCarthy but not enough yet to pick him at  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 5:20 pm : link
In comment 16402074 BlueVinnie said:
In comment 16402053 Simms11 said:


#6. This is the Daniel Jones dilemma all over again. Not that the QBs in that draft turned out any better, but we apparently grabbed a guy at #6 that was not rated that highly and bypassed blue chip talent for him. I’d consider trading down, if there were a partner and then possibly grabbing him. But to pass on blue chip talent for a questionable QB is how we got in the shape we’re currently in. If we’re looking for a developmental QB, given the top 3 guys being gone, then look no further then Rattler in the second round.

I may be wrong but I don't recall Jones receiving the type of buzz that that we are starting to hear regarding McCarthy. I don't believe Jones was regarded as a "franchise" type QB (excepting for one former Giants GM).

Yes that is correct. JJ has a stronger arm, quicker mind, and is much more athletic than DJ. It's a lazy comparison, but I understand the sentiment of having ptsd over the DJ pick. McCarthy is not comparable imo.
Sure let's pick the 52nd best guy  
AROCK1000 : 2/18/2024 5:30 pm : link
With our #6
Folks...seriously if one of the top 3 QBs drop to us at 6,great if not either take WR or trade down..
Don't get get caught up in the JJ no sense
My McCarthy Comp  
Reeses Pieces : 2/18/2024 5:37 pm : link
Ties to the 6th overall pick is not Daniel Jones at 6. It’s Derek Jeter who was drafted 6th. These guys are winners, they get it done on the big stage and are both good with the media.

I do believe that that QBs will be drafted 1-3. Cardinals may likely keep their pick and pair MHJ with Kyler. Chargers scare me, as a team that will trade out for a team looking for a QB. Imagine Harbaugh having some sort of control of JJ’s landing spot.
RE: My McCarthy Comp  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 5:41 pm : link
In comment 16402089 Reeses Pieces said:
Ties to the 6th overall pick is not Daniel Jones at 6. It’s Derek Jeter who was drafted 6th. These guys are winners, they get it done on the big stage and are both good with the media.

I do believe that that QBs will be drafted 1-3. Cardinals may likely keep their pick and pair MHJ with Kyler. Chargers scare me, as a team that will trade out for a team looking for a QB. Imagine Harbaugh having some sort of control of JJ’s landing spot.

I think Schoen is very good with communication and he will know if he needs to trade up to 4 or 5 to get his guy. He already showed this ability in his move to secure Deonte Banks last year. I don't think a team will be able to jump us for a qb unless they severely overpay to the point of Schoen deciding to trade back or go Nabers.
RE: There are a LOT of definitive statements being  
Mike from Ohio : 2/18/2024 5:43 pm : link
In comment 16402012 NormanAllen_95 said:
Repeated over and over on this board regarding the top 6 QBs by the same people, every single day. Im not saying any of them are wrong, I just hope that there is enough fortitude to answer the delige of criticisms and mockery that will be sure to ensue if they are wrong. Although something tells me that won't japp3n.

Its one thing to have an opinion, but to drown out any other conversation on the topic with the same position everybody knows you have is another.

What is the point of this word salad?

So you don’t like people having opinions and expressing them? Not sure why you are on a fan message board where that is the description of 80% of the posts.

“Gee, I hope the Giants draft good players and win more games! Yay! Go Giants!”

RE: Sure let's pick the 52nd best guy  
BleedBlue46 : 2/18/2024 5:44 pm : link
In comment 16402081 AROCK1000 said:
With our #6
Folks...seriously if one of the top 3 QBs drop to us at 6,great if not either take WR or trade down..
Don't get get caught up in the JJ no sense

I'll quote SY here: "some of you guys haven't studied McCarthy and it shows". I know you don't like him because of the team he played for, but i really don't think you've done any significant research on the player with an open mind. I thought he was just a game manager mediocre prospect myself when watching some of his games casually, but my perspective changed completely after really researching him. I do think he would do best sitting for a while before being thrown into the fire, but his ceiling is sky high with a safe floor imo. At worst we get a better version of DJ, at best we get a franchise qb winning superbowls. Just imo, I know we disagree and that's part of the fun!
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