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Stapleton: Schoen & Daboll should not be on the hot seat

Sean : 2/18/2024 4:30 pm
Art Stapleton
The easy thing is to just keep people on the hot seat, keep firing them when they don’t win and it’s a vicious cycle that has engulfed this entire franchise going on 13 years and counting.
Joe Schoen and Brian Daboll don’t belong on the hot seat right now. Yes, there’s pressure to succeed and make smart decisions this year. They are accountable and on the clock.
But barring a total disaster, this should not be a make or break season. Let it play out, see where they are and assess at the end of 2024.
The perception is what it is, but I’m not falling for the banana in the tail pipe.

Art Stapleton
Giants have poisoned their own fan base and parts of their organization with all the bad decisions and losing that they’ve done for a decade. It’s such a warped sense of reality that in two years, one year that was praised, unbelievably across the league. Two years ago, the Giants hired one of the best candidates on the market for both their GM and head coaching jobs.
Sooner or later, they’re going to have to let talented people work through mistakes, shortcomings, and overall incompetence that lingers from previous failed regimes.
Get off the carousel, wake up and have some patience to see if they’re going to fail because of who they are, if they’re going to succeed because who they are and not because of what came before them.


Art Stapleton
The meddling stuff is folly. Fans want Mara to meddle when he doesn't, and if he doesn't, he gets ripped for not stepping in and meddling. He's the owner. He stays out of the way, but he's involved. He's not an ivory tower guy. Fans have seen him waiting in parking garages for his car at Town Hall. He flies commercial.
As with any owner, there are good decisions and bad decisions, and Mara owns all of them - he signs off on it all, either verbally or just allowing it to happen.
After Jerry Reese, Mara wanted a GM to be the voice for the football ops. Reese was not that guy. Thought he had that with Gettleman, and obviously we saw how that turned out.
There's a reason why Mara has stepped into the background: he wants the GM to be the face. That's Joe Schoen. Mara will talk on league matters and give an occasional State of the Giants, but those are more rare because he would rather Schoen be that representative for the organization.

I agree with the premise completely. I hope Mara gives both patience, the best thing for the franchise is approaching the 2024 offseason with the long view in mind and not any short term fixes.
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RE: …  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 7:42 pm : link
In comment 16402207 ryanmkeane said:
ajr - fans like you are tiresome. You want change and then aren’t willing to see it through. You wanted the Giants to make the NFC Championship game in 2022 when we were clearly undermanned and get demolished instead. Happens all the time. Happened to the Texans this year. They won a playoff game and then got destroyed by a superior opponent.

Where did I say I wanted them to make the NFC Championship game? I conceded that they were probably going to lose the Eagles game after they beat Minnesota. Another made up Ryan fantasy.

You want the Giants to trade a Kings ransom for a higher draft pick which A) you have absolutely no idea what that trade would look like and B) have absolutely no idea how Schoen and Daboll view the current QB situation.

And neither do you. Yes I’d prefer the Giants trade up for QB if the situation allows it. I’ve also said there’s a pretty realistic chance Maye will be there at 6 and I would be fine with McCarthy at 6. Another lie from you.

You wanted the Giants to somehow make the playoffs this year with a second and third string QB playing most of the season and a decimated and terrible OL for the first quarter of the year.

Another lie. I said they’d regress. I didn’t think it would be embarrassing though.

You blame pretty much everything on the quarterback that was one of the few people responsible for actually delivering the Giants a playoff win for the first time in 10 years. Instead of looking at deeper problems, you blame 1 person.

One of the few people. Always the hero, never his fault. The deeper problem is this team hasn’t been able to properly evaluate the quarterback position since 2018. The way you hang on to the wild card win in a fluke season is embarrassing.

You also blame the GM and head coach (both who were already more successful than Tom Coughlin was in his first 2 seasons with the team) for giving the quarterback what amounts to a 2 year deal, with baggage on that 3rd year, after he played good football for the first season with the team, had a working OL and shitty receivers and still played good ball for us.

Who else’s fault would it be? They could have paid him half the contract they did, because there was no market for him. They fucked up and have to fix it.

And to cap it off, because you are so displeased with the previous 10 years, you just think well the Giants suck, Mara sucks, everyone is an idiot except for you.

This entire thing is just such garbage tired bullshit at this point.

The Giants do suck, and you’re the only one who I think is an idiot. And again, irony continues to evade you. Please buy a mirror.

RE: ...  
section125 : 2/18/2024 7:43 pm : link
In comment 16402200 christian said:
Forget what Mara *might* do for a second.

If they run it back with Jones, with no upgrade waiting in the wings, and they get a repeat of last season -- so they deserve to be back?

Because there wasn't a QB left worth drafting with the #6 pick?
Do not chase a bad QB with another bad QB at the #6 pick, again.
Hiring the wrong people is the problem  
HardTruth : 2/18/2024 7:45 pm : link
Not firing people after too little time

Does anyone believe McAdoo, Shurmur or Judge just needed more time?

Gettleman received too much time

If Schoen/Daboll cant show any progress in Y3 and resemble the mess they put out this season and it was mess - outscored 153-62 in the first 6 weeks. Then they will deserve to go as well

The Giants stick with people too long
I don’t think the guy who was supporting Gettleman  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 7:47 pm : link
Up until the very end should be telling people they can’t see the deeper problems and are spewing bullshit by the way.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/18/2024 7:50 pm : link
ryan was the same dude yesterday shilling Jones' performance vs. the Vikes in the WC.

That game-to the DJFC-is the greatest QB performance of all time. It is so sad.
Schoen/Daboll are lumped in  
HardTruth : 2/18/2024 7:50 pm : link
And they were the second they doubled down on Jones/Barkley

And Thats exactly what they did this year. And it blew up all over

They need to decide this offseason if they will finally turn the page
christian : 2/18/2024 7:52 pm : link
In comment 16402221 section125 said:
Forget what Mara *might* do for a second.

If they run it back with Jones, with no upgrade waiting in the wings, and they get a repeat of last season -- so they deserve to be back?

Because there wasn't a QB left worth drafting with the #6 pick?
Do not chase a bad QB with another bad QB at the #6 pick, again.

Scenarios I can imagine:

- Sign an UFA like Minshew
- Trade up or pick number 6
- Trade down in round one
- Trade up from round two into round one
- Use one of their round two picks

They have plenty of ammo and opportunity to create viable competition at the quarterback position.

If they hang their hat on Jones, and they are wrong, they're gone.
That last Art tweet about Mara  
Chris684 : 2/18/2024 7:52 pm : link
Should shut many of the usual suspects around here right up. Of course it won’t, and we’ll still get references to “Olive Garden“, “Jints Central” and all the other nonsense .
Schoen should 100% be on the hot seat...  
bw in dc : 2/18/2024 7:53 pm : link
It was his call to attach make a big re-investment in Jones.

Should we just look the other way at that huge accident on the Turnpike?? JFC.

And just wait if Schoen doubles-down on Jones by not grabbing a QB on day one or day two and/or in the free agency window.

Love the effort here to protect Teflon Joe.

At least give Daboll credit for having to coach the crummy team Schoen puts together...

RE: ajr.  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 7:56 pm : link
In comment 16402231 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
ryan was the same dude yesterday shilling Jones' performance vs. the Vikes in the WC.

That game-to the DJFC-is the greatest QB performance of all time. It is so sad.

It’s pathetic. One average season if you’re being generous cancels all the shit we’ve seen for 5 years. And that average season they finished 3-6-1 beating zero good teams in the process. I’m sick of hearing about the fluke season that started 6-1 because the league wasn’t caught up to Daboll/Kafka like it’s supposed to cancel everything else out, and then be accused of posting bullshit for being realistic about what the Giants are and have been.
I don't think beyond 2 years exists in the NFL  
Sean : 2/18/2024 7:56 pm : link
I'd be surprised if Daboll is fired after 2024. He'd need a Shurmur like losing streak which was a 9 game losing streak in 2019.

So, in that sense I don't think this regime is on the hot seat, but I do think they need to be competing by 2025 seriously. It's hard to imagine that path without picking the QB this year.
RE: That last Art tweet about Mara  
bw in dc : 2/18/2024 8:01 pm : link
In comment 16402235 Chris684 said:
Should shut many of the usual suspects around here right up. Of course it won’t, and we’ll still get references to “Olive Garden“, “Jints Central” and all the other nonsense .

I couldn't help but get the sense that Art received a call today from 1925 Giants Way asking for a favor...
RE: Also agree 100%  
HomerJones45 : 2/18/2024 8:02 pm : link
In comment 16402174 Jim in NH said:
In comment 16402062 Ned In Atlanta said:


Takes the job with the benefit of hindsight. Meddling owner, front office filled with family members whose biggest qualification is winning the genetic lottery and being born into an NFL family

The Dodgers had two managers until I was 44 years old. Changing the coach every two years guarantees disaster, and disaster is what the Maras have given us.
The Dodgers were also competitive for the vast majority of those seasons. they had 8 losing seasons and made the WS 11 times in that 44 years. There is no comparison to this opera bouffe going on around here.

They got "immediate results" for about 8 or games. They were under .500 for the rest of the season and have been under .500 ever since. This is McAdoo redux.

Judas Priest, stop making excuses, rallying around the flag every time the slightest criticism is uttered and start raising your expectations for players, coaches and GM's. Stop thinking average and below average is great. Average and below average is average and below average. Quit listening to the fat-headed owner and his "we're back" baloney followed by the usual bungling in evaluation and free agency.
RE: Schoen should 100% be on the hot seat...  
section125 : 2/18/2024 8:03 pm : link
In comment 16402237 bw in dc said:
It was his call to attach make a big re-investment in Jones.

Should we just look the other way at that huge accident on the Turnpike?? JFC.

And just wait if Schoen doubles-down on Jones by not grabbing a QB on day one or day two and/or in the free agency window.

Love the effort here to protect Teflon Joe.

At least give Daboll credit for having to coach the crummy team Schoen puts together...

Rinse and repeat. Keep getting rid of GMs and HCs like they grow on trees. Never get stability. Never get the team going in one direction just continue knee jerk reactions.

I don't disagree on Jones, but I am hoping they don't grab a round 1 QB just to grab one unless it fits what they plan on doing..I don't think for a minute that they will be reckless.
RE: RE: Schoen should 100% be on the hot seat...  
bw in dc : 2/18/2024 8:16 pm : link
In comment 16402251 section125 said:

Rinse and repeat. Keep getting rid of GMs and HCs like they grow on trees. Never get stability. Never get the team going in one direction just continue knee jerk reactions.

I don't disagree on Jones, but I am hoping they don't grab a round 1 QB just to grab one unless it fits what they plan on doing..I don't think for a minute that they will be reckless.

I believe one of the major requirements for an NFL GM is to solve the QB position. Because if you don't do that, the rest really doesn't matter much...

How much time do you want to give Schoen? Six years? ;)
Spider43 : 2/18/2024 8:17 pm : link
Should be sleeping with Margot Robbie every night as well. But the world is a cruel place. And both dudes might very well be on the hot seat this coming season. Dabes more so than Schoen, which might surprise some.
RE: Hiring the wrong people is the problem  
HomerJones45 : 2/18/2024 8:21 pm : link
In comment 16402225 HardTruth said:
Not firing people after too little time

Does anyone believe McAdoo, Shurmur or Judge just needed more time?

Gettleman received too much time

If Schoen/Daboll cant show any progress in Y3 and resemble the mess they put out this season and it was mess - outscored 153-62 in the first 6 weeks. Then they will deserve to go as well

The Giants stick with people too long
When you are bad team, this is what you have to do- keep firing guys until you find people who have the skills to right the ship. That means being able to dispassionately and logically evaluate the team, managing people, and solving problems and issues and not getting a swelled head with a little success. Do we have those people in place yet? I have my doubts.
You have to make decisions with intelligence  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 8:21 pm : link
Not emotions. I wouldn't expect fans to understand.
I don’t think they should be fired  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 8:24 pm : link
I actually like both, and think they’re a victim of having a bad QB. But if next season starts off like it did in 2023, and Jones is behind center they’ll be on the hot seat. If they finish 6-11 in a similar fashion to 2023, the odds Daboll gets fired are probably greater than 50%. They could finish 6-11 or worse and keep their jobs if they have a future QB on the roster and don’t have as many of the embarrassing blowouts they had in 2023.

It’s just the reality of the NFL though, you don’t get 5 years to prove it as a coach and GM - especially not after making what was a giant miscalculation in the Jones contract.
Some receipts on the Jones contract breakdowns  
Sean : 2/18/2024 8:25 pm : link

The overwhelming opinion on the Jones contract last year was that it was a good deal by Schoen who hedged his bet. And this includes some of the biggest Jones critics too.

Knowing what we know after 2023, it was a bad contract by Schoen. It's just odd to me how so many think Schoen won't draft a QB because of the Jones contract now a year later.
RE: Some receipts on the Jones contract breakdowns  
BrettNYG10 : 2/18/2024 8:26 pm : link
In comment 16402267 Sean said:

The overwhelming opinion on the Jones contract last year was that it was a good deal by Schoen who hedged his bet. And this includes some of the biggest Jones critics too.

Knowing what we know after 2023, it was a bad contract by Schoen. It's just odd to me how so many think Schoen won't draft a QB because of the Jones contract now a year later.

Don't we want someone in charge smarter than the overwhelming number of BBIers?
RE: RE: Schoen should 100% be on the hot seat...  
HomerJones45 : 2/18/2024 8:27 pm : link
In comment 16402251 section125 said:
In comment 16402237 bw in dc said:


It was his call to attach make a big re-investment in Jones.

Should we just look the other way at that huge accident on the Turnpike?? JFC.

And just wait if Schoen doubles-down on Jones by not grabbing a QB on day one or day two and/or in the free agency window.

Love the effort here to protect Teflon Joe.

At least give Daboll credit for having to coach the crummy team Schoen puts together...

Rinse and repeat. Keep getting rid of GMs and HCs like they grow on trees. Never get stability. Never get the team going in one direction just continue knee jerk reactions.

I don't disagree on Jones, but I am hoping they don't grab a round 1 QB just to grab one unless it fits what they plan on doing..I don't think for a minute that they will be reckless.
Sorry but this is what bad franchises have to go through. In the 70's we cycled through coaches until George Young tapped Ray Perkins who came from a franchise that had been successful for 20 years so he had an idea as to how things should be run. That's when this franchise started to turn around. Stick with hambones for the sake of "stability" and you will stabilize as a hambone franchise.

Not impressed with Daboll or Schoen. They had a chance to build and instead they walked around like they were geniuses and faceplanted. Did they learn anything? I hope so. If not, NFL will mean "Not for Long" where they are concerned.
I wonder how many people will own up to their statements a year from  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 8:30 pm : link
now. Not many, I suspect.
Sean : 2/18/2024 8:30 pm : link
Probably should be you. You were all over this from the beginning.
GMs and HCs  
Sammo85 : 2/18/2024 8:31 pm : link
earn tenure based on strong vision, evaluation, and adjustment in decision making. Implementation is difficult but it’s half the battle, you have to put some foundation and conviction in place and make sound decisions.

As of right now I don’t really know what Daboll and Schoen want to do and how they are going to consistently challenge in division and get roster that is on the better half/side of the league, nevermind a true SB contender. I don’t see the strong decisions and gaming theory in play.

This is such a huge offseason for them. Can’t be understated.

RE: Brett  
BrettNYG10 : 2/18/2024 8:33 pm : link
In comment 16402274 Sean said:
Probably should be you. You were all over this from the beginning.

LOL. I'd add, Vegas knew this too, our O/U going into the year was 7.5 IIRC. The world outside of NYG fandom saw the obvious.

This is why I sort of disagree with Art's characterization of this being different. Yeah, the names are, but the issues remain the same.
RE: RE: Brett  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 8:40 pm : link
In comment 16402276 BrettNYG10 said:
In comment 16402274 Sean said:


Probably should be you. You were all over this from the beginning.

LOL. I'd add, Vegas knew this too, our O/U going into the year was 7.5 IIRC. The world outside of NYG fandom saw the obvious.

This is why I sort of disagree with Art's characterization of this being different. Yeah, the names are, but the issues remain the same.

It’s why saying you have to separate the previous regimes from the current doesn’t track in my opinion. They still are making the same mistakes, the two biggest being:

1) they can’t properly evaluate the QB position
2) they continue to swap out names on the oline with similar results
BD and JS may not be the guys  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 8:42 pm : link
That remains to be seen. But anyone who can't see that both are upgrades over Joe Judge and DG is clueless.
BrettNYG10 : 2/18/2024 8:44 pm : link
ajr, and I'd add: poor self scouting and making the easy short-term decisions rather than the hard, correct ones.

It's so frustrating.
ryanmkeane : 2/18/2024 8:45 pm : link
Again, Jones had a bad start to the year, a lot due to the fact that he had the worst OL in football over the past 25 years and then he tore his knee.

Plenty of posters all of a sudden changed their mind and said oh actually Daniel Jones sucks.

RE: ...  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 8:47 pm : link
In comment 16402283 BrettNYG10 said:
ajr, and I'd add: poor self scouting and making the easy short-term decisions rather than the hard, correct ones.

It's so frustrating.

Yup. See, Sterling Sheppard.
RE: BD and JS may not be the guys  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 8:48 pm : link
In comment 16402282 UberAlias said:
That remains to be seen. But anyone who can't see that both are upgrades over Joe Judge and DG is clueless.

Nobody has said they aren’t though.
RE: …  
Go Terps : 2/18/2024 8:50 pm : link
In comment 16402284 ryanmkeane said:
Plenty of posters all of a sudden changed their mind and said oh actually Daniel Jones sucks.

We agreed there.

He always sucked. What changed was the level of denial.
You are literally arguing in that veign  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 8:50 pm : link
right now.
ryanmkeane : 2/18/2024 8:51 pm : link
Terps, you came back to the message board after the Seattle game. And you’ll be gone again next season. Good stuff.
RE: You are literally arguing in that veign  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 8:55 pm : link
In comment 16402289 UberAlias said:
right now.

I said they aren’t an improvement? Where?
RE: RE: You are literally arguing in that veign  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 9:01 pm : link
In comment 16402295 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16402289 UberAlias said:


right now.

I said they aren’t an improvement? Where?

Well, Brett says he disagrees with Art's characterization that things are different. Says the names are different, but the issues are the same.

Then you jump in in agreement saying it’s why you don't agree with separating out this from the previous regimes, adding they still are making the same mistakes.

So yes, every point here is that they're the same.
ryanmkeane : 2/18/2024 9:03 pm : link
ajr - are they an improvement or not?
There are very strong connotative suggestions in this discussion  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 9:03 pm : link
that are hard to overlook.
Nowhere there does it say they aren’t an improvement  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 9:08 pm : link
I even said I like Schoen and Daboll and they’ve been a victim of a bad QB.

But it’s factual that they’ve made some of the same mistakes that their predecessors have made. Like Reese and Gettleman they so far have misevaluated the QB position. Like Reese and Gettleman, they’ve so far failed at addressing the oline, they did draft Neal. That’s not saying they aren’t an improvement, they could very well be better at their jobs but not end up being good enough to be the long term answer here. We’ll have to see what unfolds over the next 12-24 months.

They’re an improvement over Gettleman, but they still have mistakes they need to correct and have a lot to prove if they want to be a long term answer.
RE: …  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 9:08 pm : link
In comment 16402299 ryanmkeane said:
ajr - are they an improvement or not?

Do you still want to pat Dave on the back?
Giants had a lot of adversity this year  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 9:10 pm : link
But by the end of the season they were playing their best football of the year and largely competitive football. The final six games of Judges term were horrendous. The train had so clearly fallen off the rails.
Again, there are very strong connotative suggestions  
UberAlias : 2/18/2024 9:13 pm : link
and Brett's response comes pretty damn close. So either you agree they're the same, or want to suggest as much for hyperbolic effect.
RE: Again, there are very strong connotative suggestions  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 9:17 pm : link
In comment 16402307 UberAlias said:
and Brett's response comes pretty damn close. So either you agree they're the same, or want to suggest as much for hyperbolic effect.

Or you’re just twisting a post for it to say what you want it to say. I’ve laid out pretty clearly that I like Schoen and Daboll.

How can I like Schoen and Daboll and think they’re the same as Gettleman and Judge?

Multiple things are allowed to be true at the same time. I like them and they’re an improvement and they’ve still made some of the same mistakes the previous regime has made. We’ll see if they can fix those mistakes over the next 12 months.
ryanmkeane : 2/18/2024 9:24 pm : link
Ok so you aren’t answering the question. Got it.

You can’t bring yourself to say “Joe Schoen and Brian Daboll are an upgrade over the past 2 coaches/GM regime.”
RE: …  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 9:25 pm : link
In comment 16402315 ryanmkeane said:
Ok so you aren’t answering the question. Got it.

You can’t bring yourself to say “Joe Schoen and Brian Daboll are an upgrade over the past 2 coaches/GM regime.”

Can you not read? I literally said it. Imbecile.
If it makes it easier for you  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 9:29 pm : link
They’re an improvement over Gettleman, but they still have mistakes they need to correct and have a lot to prove if they want to be a long term answer.

I like them and they’re an improvement and they’ve still made some of the same mistakes the previous regime has made. We’ll see if they can fix those mistakes over the next 12 months
RE: Again, there are very strong connotative suggestions  
BrettNYG10 : 2/18/2024 9:35 pm : link
In comment 16402307 UberAlias said:
and Brett's response comes pretty damn close. So either you agree they're the same, or want to suggest as much for hyperbolic effect.

It does not come close to suggesting Schoen and Gettleman are the same in any capacity. Dave Gettleman was a unique plague on this franchise.

I liked Reese/Coughlin, and they had the same issues toward the end.

To be clear, I'm not one of the 'Mara is the boogieman' people--I'm not suggesting I know the issue--but it's been a decade plus of poor self-scouting that stumbled us into repeated bad decisions.

Outside of Jones and Barkley (which I don't care to discuss much), I think Schoen's done a decent job of asset management, something Gettleman totally bungled. Rather than trading for Ogletree and Williams, Schoen dumps Toney and Williams for nice hauls. Gettleman couldn't see beyond his nose--I don't think Schoen has exhibited a strong strategic mind, but he can at least see the next step.
BrettNYG10 : 2/18/2024 9:37 pm : link
Also, since Gettleman was brought up, the biggest issue was keeping that clown for four years. It was obvious when he was trading for Ogletree in March of his first year that he was clueless.

I can still see the Schoen/Daboll era ending well for us. I never really could for Gettleman.
RE: ....  
ajr2456 : 2/18/2024 9:43 pm : link
In comment 16402320 BrettNYG10 said:
Also, since Gettleman was brought up, the biggest issue was keeping that clown for four years. It was obvious when he was trading for Ogletree in March of his first year that he was clueless.

I can still see the Schoen/Daboll era ending well for us. I never really could for Gettleman.

Agreed. They’ve made mistakes but I still think it could end up well for the Giants if they can figure out the QB position.

If people want to to twist that into something negative, whatever.
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