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NFT: Pitino melt down

Hilary : 2/20/2024 6:19 am
He came to St.John's and took away the scholarships of most of the students on the team-many of whom are doing well at other schools. He recruited players that may be no better than the ones he let go. He demands that the players fit his system rather than coaching to what they can do. He knocks the players in the press.
I would fire him with cause and not pay him another cent.
Pitino - ( New Window )
Good leaders do not ever do that...  
DefenseWins : 2/20/2024 6:48 am : link
he is basically farting and pointing his finger at the other people in the room.

Meanwhile, he did not look at game film to see the players before he accepted the job?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/20/2024 6:59 am : link
Not a good look.
And the season isn't even over...  
Gmaniac1 : 2/20/2024 7:35 am : link
... how does this team limp on after such an unprofessional tirade by their head coach?

Christ... he called out multiple players by name, basically calling them trash lacking in the physical requirements to play the game right.

Really remarkable (poor) display by Pitino. I don't know how you come back from this.
LOL @ firing him  
MookGiants : 2/20/2024 7:35 am : link
and even bigger LOL @ firing him with cause and not paying another cent.

St. Johns lost their court battle with Mike Anderson and had to pay him. They would have absolutely zero legal right to fire him with cause.

This is much ado about nothing. I found it refreshing how honest he was.

Yes, he recruited these players to st. johns mostly, but he had a very late start to putting this roster together and in normal circumstances a lot of the guys on the team now would not be if Pitino was at St. Johns earlier.

I had zero issue with his PC. These guys want all of the NIL money, with that money comes harsh criticism from all angles.

He's a great basketball coach. Not a good coach, a great coach. He will do big things at St. Johns in the next few years.
RE: LOL @ firing him  
Sean : 2/20/2024 7:40 am : link
In comment 16403016 MookGiants said:
and even bigger LOL @ firing him with cause and not paying another cent.

St. Johns lost their court battle with Mike Anderson and had to pay him. They would have absolutely zero legal right to fire him with cause.

This is much ado about nothing. I found it refreshing how honest he was.

Yes, he recruited these players to st. johns mostly, but he had a very late start to putting this roster together and in normal circumstances a lot of the guys on the team now would not be if Pitino was at St. Johns earlier.

I had zero issue with his PC. These guys want all of the NIL money, with that money comes harsh criticism from all angles.

He's a great basketball coach. Not a good coach, a great coach. He will do big things at St. Johns in the next few years.


Bizarre thread.
I’m always amazed these guys just don’t retire  
ThreePoints : 2/20/2024 7:48 am : link
He’s 71 years old. There was no need to coach this team.

Just retire. Give a speech every few months and get that bag. Play golf everyday. He’s earned enough that he can literally do anything he wants and he’ll be fine. Ride into the sunset. But no, he has to coach and be an asshole to these players.

Why these men can’t retire is beyond me.
RE: LOL @ firing him  
Heisenberg : 2/20/2024 7:58 am : link
In comment 16403016 MookGiants said:
and even bigger LOL @ firing him with cause and not paying another cent.

St. Johns lost their court battle with Mike Anderson and had to pay him. They would have absolutely zero legal right to fire him with cause.

This is much ado about nothing. I found it refreshing how honest he was.

Yes, he recruited these players to st. johns mostly, but he had a very late start to putting this roster together and in normal circumstances a lot of the guys on the team now would not be if Pitino was at St. Johns earlier.

I had zero issue with his PC. These guys want all of the NIL money, with that money comes harsh criticism from all angles.

He's a great basketball coach. Not a good coach, a great coach. He will do big things at St. Johns in the next few years.

It's a new era in college sports. It will be interesting to see if this kind of public outburst can encourage players to come to St Johns in the NIL era.
They can’t retire  
UConn4523 : 2/20/2024 7:58 am : link
likely due to a mix of narcissism, ego, needing a sense of worth, and probably fear no longer being useful and scared of boredom. It’s likely any or all of those.

You can’t fire a coach for this but that’s definitely a bad look. No idea how this effects the current team and future recruits but I don’t think it’ll help in this day and age.
you're all missing what's happening here. Pitino is a scumbag. A  
Victor in CT : 2/20/2024 8:05 am : link
serial contract jumper, manipulator. I'd wager his next contract with the next school ready to sell its soul is already in place. He's looking to get fired so he can jump. Or he's had enough and wants to get paid out and retire.

HE's a piece of shit and always was. It's sickening to see these supposed Catholic institutions tripping over themselves to pay this serial cheat, liar, untrustworthy adulterer.
I was sorta shocked when I heard the comments  
Tony in Tampa : 2/20/2024 8:14 am : link
Over the years I have become much more of a causal college basketball fan, but this season I started watching some of the St Johns games when I could catch them and of course they had a great start. The wheels have now flown off the bus.

On the one hand Pitino was way out of line with his rant. You can't be pointing fingers when you are responsible for the players on the team. Also not a big fan of calling out players in public.

On the other, man times have changed. This used to be called old school, hard nose coaching. And was much more typical back in the day. I'm sure some find it refreshing.
RE: RE: LOL @ firing him  
MookGiants : 2/20/2024 8:20 am : link
In comment 16403024 Heisenberg said:
In comment 16403016 MookGiants said:


and even bigger LOL @ firing him with cause and not paying another cent.

St. Johns lost their court battle with Mike Anderson and had to pay him. They would have absolutely zero legal right to fire him with cause.

This is much ado about nothing. I found it refreshing how honest he was.

Yes, he recruited these players to st. johns mostly, but he had a very late start to putting this roster together and in normal circumstances a lot of the guys on the team now would not be if Pitino was at St. Johns earlier.

I had zero issue with his PC. These guys want all of the NIL money, with that money comes harsh criticism from all angles.

He's a great basketball coach. Not a good coach, a great coach. He will do big things at St. Johns in the next few years.

It's a new era in college sports. It will be interesting to see if this kind of public outburst can encourage players to come to St Johns in the NIL era.

No one is even going to remember what he said in a week never mind through the off-season, this will have zero impact on anything.
This team is and always will be a chronic underachieving team  
GiantBlue : 2/20/2024 8:27 am : link
Year after year after year there is mediocrity and under-performance...blah blah doesn't change....with every new coach, blather about a top recruiting class or the supposed invorigoration of Pitino to the post......the results are the same.....middling to bottom looking up at the likes of UCONN, Villanova, etc.

What is the answer? It has to be the players! They come and go and the same crap happens out on the court.

RE: you're all missing what's happening here. Pitino is a scumbag. A  
MookGiants : 2/20/2024 8:27 am : link
In comment 16403028 Victor in CT said:
serial contract jumper, manipulator. I'd wager his next contract with the next school ready to sell its soul is already in place. He's looking to get fired so he can jump. Or he's had enough and wants to get paid out and retire.

HE's a piece of shit and always was. It's sickening to see these supposed Catholic institutions tripping over themselves to pay this serial cheat, liar, untrustworthy adulterer.

The part where you would wager his next contract with the next school is already in place, where do people come up with this shit? He's not looking to get fired. He's not looking to retire.

I'm not going to pretend that Pitino is some great guy. I'm assuming you're a UConn fan so hearing a UConn fan call a coach a scumbag is quite funny. You guys worshipped the ground Calhoun walked on for years and Calhoun will never be mistaken for a good human being.

These guys are getting paid now. Kids can leave their current school and go to the highest bidder every off-season. Time to put the big boy pants on. This is not a big deal at all and the hysteria from some people over it is mind boggling
RE: This team is and always will be a chronic underachieving team  
MookGiants : 2/20/2024 8:29 am : link
In comment 16403046 GiantBlue said:
Year after year after year there is mediocrity and under-performance...blah blah doesn't change....with every new coach, blather about a top recruiting class or the supposed invorigoration of Pitino to the post......the results are the same.....middling to bottom looking up at the likes of UCONN, Villanova, etc.

What is the answer? It has to be the players! They come and go and the same crap happens out on the court.

Not one of the coaches that they've had since Jarvis got fired are a pimple on Pitino's ass. Pitino has won everywhere he has gone, St. Johns will be no different in time.
RE: RE: you're all missing what's happening here. Pitino is a scumbag. A  
Victor in CT : 2/20/2024 8:42 am : link
In comment 16403047 MookGiants said:
In comment 16403028 Victor in CT said:


serial contract jumper, manipulator. I'd wager his next contract with the next school ready to sell its soul is already in place. He's looking to get fired so he can jump. Or he's had enough and wants to get paid out and retire.

HE's a piece of shit and always was. It's sickening to see these supposed Catholic institutions tripping over themselves to pay this serial cheat, liar, untrustworthy adulterer.

The part where you would wager his next contract with the next school is already in place, where do people come up with this shit? He's not looking to get fired. He's not looking to retire.

I'm not going to pretend that Pitino is some great guy. I'm assuming you're a UConn fan so hearing a UConn fan call a coach a scumbag is quite funny. You guys worshipped the ground Calhoun walked on for years and Calhoun will never be mistaken for a good human being.

These guys are getting paid now. Kids can leave their current school and go to the highest bidder every off-season. Time to put the big boy pants on. This is not a big deal at all and the hysteria from some people over it is mind boggling

I am not a UCONN nor any other college BB fan. Just a long time observer. Jumped Providence for the Knicks, jumped the Knicks for Kentucky, Kentucky for the Celtics, Celtics for L'ville, caught is sex for players scandal at L'ville, his own sex scandal being blackmailed by the woman, the Adidas scandal (in fairness was not charged). This is what he is.
There is no guarantee Pitino will win at St Johns  
UConn4523 : 2/20/2024 8:44 am : link
he’s an extremely old 71, turning 72 this year.
I found his comments interesting.  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/20/2024 9:03 am : link
The lack of physicality seemed to be a call out with maybe the intent to try to reach the player. The lack of athletic ability is a head scratcher as that is something that is not going to change.

I don't like coaches calling out players in public UNLESS it is with a player who is very talented and efforts in practice have not reached him so you up the ante. Ditto if this is a team issue.

Really not sure of his motives here were.
His comments were a shot across the bow  
Section331 : 2/20/2024 9:12 am : link
to the administration. St John’s has let their facilities deteriorate badly, they are well behind BE competitors. Pitons should have, and probably did, realize this when taking the job, but he’s not wrong. He should leave his players out of it though.
RE: There is no guarantee Pitino will win at St Johns  
MookGiants : 2/20/2024 9:22 am : link
In comment 16403061 UConn4523 said:
he’s an extremely old 71, turning 72 this year.

He'll win at St. Johns. I dont think he'll win a national title, but he will have them as a top 15 type team starting next season. Yes he's in his 70s but he still has plenty of energy and doesn't seem to be slowing down mentally at all.

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/20/2024 9:49 am : link
I agree with Mook. He will eventually win at St. John’s.
Pitino is blaming his assistants and his players ...  
Csonka : 2/20/2024 9:51 am : link
... when these are his assistants and and he brought in 14 new players this year! He recruited all these guys who he now says are too slow and not tough enough.

Sorry, Rick. You're the Head Coach. The buck stops with you. Man up and take responsibility.
Besides Soriano, who he brough back  
JayBinQueens : 2/20/2024 10:27 am : link
the only player from last year I'd like to have seen on the roster was Posh. Glad to see he's doing well
RE: Besides Soriano, who he brough back  
KayvonOjulari515 : 2/20/2024 10:58 am : link
In comment 16403178 JayBinQueens said:
the only player from last year I'd like to have seen on the roster was Posh. Glad to see he's doing well

He never should have let AJ Storr go. Storr is a big reason Wisconsin is having a really good year.
The one thing I will add to the OP,  
Section331 : 2/20/2024 11:11 am : link
firing Pitino “for cause” because he said something in a presser? Good luck with that, Pitino would sue, and he would win.
RE: The one thing I will add to the OP,  
Heisenberg : 2/20/2024 11:45 am : link
In comment 16403242 Section331 said:
firing Pitino “for cause” because he said something in a presser? Good luck with that, Pitino would sue, and he would win.

Yeah, UConn tried to do this to Ollie and lost.
Wait til you guys...  
Chris in Philly : 2/20/2024 12:00 pm : link
see what he said about Daniel Jones. Your heads will explode at this convergence...
You have no idea what went on last year behind the scenes  
viggie : 2/20/2024 1:04 pm : link
Rick needed to clean up a disaster. Everything he says is calculated. Doubt him if you want but don’t get on the bandwagon in 2024/5. Rest I’ll keep to myself. Issues at SJU ran deep.
Did the douche, scumbag bring up 9/11 as an excuse again?  
bwitz : 2/20/2024 7:05 pm : link
RE: Wait til you guys...  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/20/2024 7:11 pm : link
In comment 16403343 Chris in Philly said:
see what he said about Daniel Jones. Your heads will explode at this convergence...

Haha. I saw that Tweet the other night.
RE: Did the douche, scumbag bring up 9/11 as an excuse again?  
marbles : 2/20/2024 7:18 pm : link
In comment 16403903 bwitz said:

When did Pitino ever mention 9/11? Fran Fraschilla did when he was coach of New Mexico against Air Force.
RE: RE: Did the douche, scumbag bring up 9/11 as an excuse again?  
bwitz : 2/20/2024 9:27 pm : link
In comment 16403909 marbles said:
In comment 16403903 bwitz said:


When did Pitino ever mention 9/11? Fran Fraschilla did when he was coach of New Mexico against Air Force.

Clearly you have zero knowledge of his past. Google is your friend.
I am still struggling to understand how Pitino..  
DefenseWins : 2/21/2024 7:38 am : link
did not already know about his player's shortcomings BEFORE he took the job. It is all on film. Why is he complaining. It is on him to change the roster at this point and recruit better players. He should be commenting on the prior regime.. not so much the kids.
RE: I am still struggling to understand how Pitino..  
Csonka : 2/21/2024 8:55 am : link
In comment 16404053 DefenseWins said:
did not already know about his player's shortcomings BEFORE he took the job. It is all on film. Why is he complaining. It is on him to change the roster at this point and recruit better players. He should be commenting on the prior regime.. not so much the kids.

These are pretty much all his kids. He cleaned house and brought in 14 new players. Mostly transfers.
RE: RE: I am still struggling to understand how Pitino..  
DefenseWins : 2/21/2024 11:06 am : link
In comment 16404088 Csonka said:
In comment 16404053 DefenseWins said:


did not already know about his player's shortcomings BEFORE he took the job. It is all on film. Why is he complaining. It is on him to change the roster at this point and recruit better players. He should be commenting on the prior regime.. not so much the kids.

These are pretty much all his kids. He cleaned house and brought in 14 new players. Mostly transfers.

okay thanks for the perspective because I have not been following it. To me, he has nobody to blame but himself. He knew these kids and brought these "unathletic" players to St Johns. He did not know they were unathletic? He is basically the GM and the coach of the team.

I dont mind a coach laying into his players, but this is his fault.
I much prefer this candid approach then the old  
PatersonPlank : 2/21/2024 1:42 pm : link
"well we looked at the tape and there were just a few mistakes we have to clean up" crap. If its a dumpster fire, then call it a dumpster fire.
For what it's worth  
JayBinQueens : 2/21/2024 1:55 pm : link
Everyone is talking about Pitino. No one is talking about the team. Maybe they'll do better w less pressure
I'm a BC fan...  
BC Eagles94 : 2/21/2024 2:06 pm : link
and wish BC would have stepped off the moral high ground and brought in Pitino. I know someone who is close with Cluess and apparently Pitino wanted the BC job the last time it opened up a few years ago, but BC had no interest. NC hasn't made the tourney in 15 years. I'd be happy to have Pitino coaching the pussy ass players these days at BC, and calling them out. Who cares. He'll makes winner, that's all anyone should care about at St. John's. They've been as irrelevant as BC the past decade plus.
RE: I much prefer this candid approach then the old  
Matt M. : 2/21/2024 3:14 pm : link
In comment 16404375 PatersonPlank said:
"well we looked at the tape and there were just a few mistakes we have to clean up" crap. If its a dumpster fire, then call it a dumpster fire.
But, it's his dumpster fire. He recruited all those kids.
He's got a billionaire funding the team  
LauderdaleMatty : 2/21/2024 10:42 pm : link
And was dumb enough to think these kids care? Most think they will be in the NBA next year or in another team stealing some other Billionaire's cash.

Welcome to the fake NIL drive t world Rick. You were better off down a level w kids who wanted to to play and he coached.
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