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The Athletic:2024 NFL free agency rankings: Top 150

Sky King : 2/20/2024 3:52 pm
#5: Saquon Barkley
Barkley's natural instincts and vision to create beyond the play's design make him special. He finishes like a 232-pound back should, with power and lean, but has the rare trait to make defenders miss as well. He's also detailed and controlled as a route runner, which makes him the best three-down back available, even with durability concerns (25 games missed in six seasons, three in 2023). More than just a running back, he is a weapon. Other teams might value him more than the Giants do. — Mueller

#14: Xavier McKinney
McKinney plays like a traditional free safety. He transitions without any hiccups and shows sudden burst to close once redirected. He has great range and the ball skills to make plays when he gets there. His speed helps him catch up with almost anyone. Youth, athletic ability and instincts are all on his side. He's my favorite among the available safeties. Will the Giants consider the franchise tag (projected at $16.3 million)? — Mueller

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I would like Barkley back.....if they can secure OL  
George from PA : 2/20/2024 9:45 pm : link
J. Eluemunor would go a long way to make OL better
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/20/2024 9:49 pm : link
Giants missed the boat on trading Barkley a couple of times.

So at this point, I would consider Franchising him again. I would not give him a multi-year deal. Too big a risk.
RE: The  
bw in dc : 2/20/2024 10:27 pm : link
In comment 16403996 Eric from BBI said:
Giants missed the boat on trading Barkley a couple of times.

So at this point, I would consider Franchising him again. I would not give him a multi-year deal. Too big a risk.

At most, apply the Transition Tag so we can really see what Team Barkley is worth...

The FT is a colossal waste of time.
christian : 2/20/2024 10:32 pm : link
I must be watching a completely different player in the pass game than this guy.
RE: …  
monstercoo : 2/21/2024 2:00 am : link
In comment 16404013 christian said:
I must be watching a completely different player in the pass game than this guy.

Notice he says “the best three-down back available

Barkley is definitely middle of the pack when it comes to receiving, but the free agent RBs becoming available aren’t that great either.
F it  
Mattman : 2/21/2024 8:35 am : link
Give me Kevin Dobson or Robert Hunt at RG and Dalton Risner at LG for his pass blocking.

Bring back Barkley to run behind the revamped line.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 9:03 am : link
is dangerous in space and he has had numerous big plays in the passing game for the Giants throughout his career, including last year.

You may not like Barkley, but it serves no purpose to make up things about his game.
RE: RE: The  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 9:04 am : link
In comment 16404011 bw in dc said:
In comment 16403996 Eric from BBI said:


Giants missed the boat on trading Barkley a couple of times.

So at this point, I would consider Franchising him again. I would not give him a multi-year deal. Too big a risk.

At most, apply the Transition Tag so we can really see what Team Barkley is worth...

The FT is a colossal waste of time.

I'm not sure how the Franchise Tag is "waste of time."
RE: RE: RE: The  
bw in dc : 2/21/2024 9:19 am : link
In comment 16404093 Eric from BBI said:

I'm not sure how the Franchise Tag is "waste of time."

Because no team is coughing up the compensation to pry Barkley away from the Giants. He's a 27-year-old RB with a rich injury history. And I don't want to pay Barkley a guaranteed $12M+.

The Transition Tag requires no compensation from a team who wants to sign a player. So, in theory, this should bring more teams in to see what his true market value is.

If he gets a deal that is way too high, you let him go. Thanks for the memories. But if he gets an offer that is much more reasonable, you consider matching it.

Aren't you curious to know what Barkley's real value is?

And to be on the record, I would just let Barkley go without any tags. But the TT is the smarter play...
bw in dc  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 9:21 am : link
So to clarify, you just don't want Barkley.

You should have simply said that.
RE: bw in dc  
bw in dc : 2/21/2024 10:07 am : link
In comment 16404103 Eric from BBI said:
So to clarify, you just don't want Barkley.

You should have simply said that.

You brought up the FT.

I gave you, IMV, the better alternative to establish Barkley's real market value if Schoen wants to stay in the Barkley sweepstakes.
Barkley is easy  
WillieYoung : 2/21/2024 10:15 am : link
You let him hit free agency. When he gets a legitimate offer, you match if (1)you want him at that price and (2)he's serious about ending his career here. More likely, someone pays him more than you think he's worth and you bid farewell.
I just don't see  
mfjmfj : 2/21/2024 12:09 pm : link
anything in Barkley that makes me want him back at anywhere close to the tag amount. There is one running back in the last 5 or 7 years who has really been worth a big contract. And to me SB is not even close to that level.
RE: Barkley  
Cap'n Bluebeard : 2/21/2024 2:17 pm : link
In comment 16404092 Eric from BBI said:
is dangerous in space and he has had numerous big plays in the passing game for the Giants throughout his career, including last year.

You may not like Barkley, but it serves no purpose to make up things about his game.

I also feel like I'm watching a different back than this guy, but not because of his statements on the passing game. One of the big criticisms of Barkley is that he lacks vision in a cluttered field and he doesn't finish nearly as strongly as a 230lb+ back should. He's frequently tripped up and doesn't deliver punishing blows to defenders. If anything, he dances around contact instead of finishing strong. He's gotten somewhat better at it the last few seasons, but by and large, he still runs smaller and lighter than his actual size would indicate.
RE: The  
rnargi : 2/21/2024 2:25 pm : link
In comment 16403996 Eric from BBI said:
Giants missed the boat on trading Barkley a couple of times.

So at this point, I would consider Franchising him again. I would not give him a multi-year deal. Too big a risk.

Would you do 2 years at 8M a year? That's about 3.8M more than franchising him this year and calling it a career here. The RB market is saturated and not going to command big money, I believe. Thoughts?
RE: RE: The  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 2:27 pm : link
In comment 16404433 rnargi said:
In comment 16403996 Eric from BBI said:


Giants missed the boat on trading Barkley a couple of times.

So at this point, I would consider Franchising him again. I would not give him a multi-year deal. Too big a risk.

Would you do 2 years at 8M a year? That's about 3.8M more than franchising him this year and calling it a career here. The RB market is saturated and not going to command big money, I believe. Thoughts?

Yes, but I doubt he would do that.
While I like Barkley  
Gman11 : 2/21/2024 2:30 pm : link
I don't see the vision and the power. I've seen smaller backs move the pile to pick up that yard on 3rd and 4th and 1. Not Barkley.

Whether the Giants keep him or let him go is fine with me. He's a good back, but not worth wrecking the cap for.
RE: RE: Barkley  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 2:30 pm : link
In comment 16404415 Cap'n Bluebeard said:
In comment 16404092 Eric from BBI said:


is dangerous in space and he has had numerous big plays in the passing game for the Giants throughout his career, including last year.

You may not like Barkley, but it serves no purpose to make up things about his game.

I also feel like I'm watching a different back than this guy, but not because of his statements on the passing game. One of the big criticisms of Barkley is that he lacks vision in a cluttered field and he doesn't finish nearly as strongly as a 230lb+ back should. He's frequently tripped up and doesn't deliver punishing blows to defenders. If anything, he dances around contact instead of finishing strong. He's gotten somewhat better at it the last few seasons, but by and large, he still runs smaller and lighter than his actual size would indicate.

There is truth in much of what you write, but the pendulum has swung way too far the other way with fans. Look, I was the guy who took shit two years ago when I said they should trade him. But he's still a guy who the other team game plans for. He's never going to be the same player he was, but he is still very dangerous.

I suspect what will happen is he is going to walk, and we'll be left at the mercy of the compensatory pick formula (if we are active in free agency, we won't even get a comp pick for him).
RE: RE: RE: The  
rnargi : 2/21/2024 2:32 pm : link
In comment 16404439 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16404433 rnargi said:


In comment 16403996 Eric from BBI said:


Giants missed the boat on trading Barkley a couple of times.

So at this point, I would consider Franchising him again. I would not give him a multi-year deal. Too big a risk.

Would you do 2 years at 8M a year? That's about 3.8M more than franchising him this year and calling it a career here. The RB market is saturated and not going to command big money, I believe. Thoughts?

Yes, but I doubt he would do that.

If so, then handshake the deal, wish him luck in securing a deal for more elsewhere with an opportunity to match if he can't find a better deal if he so desires. Either that or TT him. 12+M this year seems like a bigger risk. And open kimono, I want him back.
RE: RE: RE: Barkley  
Cap'n Bluebeard : 2/21/2024 2:36 pm : link
In comment 16404444 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16404415 Cap'n Bluebeard said:


In comment 16404092 Eric from BBI said:


is dangerous in space and he has had numerous big plays in the passing game for the Giants throughout his career, including last year.

You may not like Barkley, but it serves no purpose to make up things about his game.

I also feel like I'm watching a different back than this guy, but not because of his statements on the passing game. One of the big criticisms of Barkley is that he lacks vision in a cluttered field and he doesn't finish nearly as strongly as a 230lb+ back should. He's frequently tripped up and doesn't deliver punishing blows to defenders. If anything, he dances around contact instead of finishing strong. He's gotten somewhat better at it the last few seasons, but by and large, he still runs smaller and lighter than his actual size would indicate.

There is truth in much of what you write, but the pendulum has swung way too far the other way with fans. Look, I was the guy who took shit two years ago when I said they should trade him. But he's still a guy who the other team game plans for. He's never going to be the same player he was, but he is still very dangerous.

I suspect what will happen is he is going to walk, and we'll be left at the mercy of the compensatory pick formula (if we are active in free agency, we won't even get a comp pick for him).

Oh, for sure. To be perfectly clear, I like Barkley and I'd like to have him back if the price is right. He's a difference maker when he's healthy. I just don't think the person who wrote up the description actually watches Barkley all that much. The description of his running style matches what you'd expect to see of a 235lb back, not what you actually get with Barkley.

That said, I would be fine letting him test the waters and matching the offer if he gets something reasonable. Say in the 9-10m-ish/year for 3-4 years range.
RE: The  
Rudy5757 : 2/22/2024 1:09 am : link
In comment 16403996 Eric from BBI said:
Giants missed the boat on trading Barkley a couple of times.

So at this point, I would consider Franchising him again. I would not give him a multi-year deal. Too big a risk.

So you want to give Barkley a 20% salary increase over this year??? He had a sub par year. 3.9 yards per carry. Very few big plays. Very few big plays towards the end of last year.

On the open market Barkley is a $7mil maybe $8mil a year player. That’s the going rate in FA. I think the Barkley team knows this and wants the Giants to offer the deal they did last year before FA. He hasn’t approached his rookie year numbers, his yards per carry is going down year over year.

I’d take Barkley back on a similar deal that Sanders got in Carolina. 4 years about $14 mil guaranteed. If not let him see what FA is like, it only takes one team to make him rich I just don’t want that team to be the Giants. $12 mil tied up in a RB is crazy and the Tag allows no cap flexibility.

I personally don’t want him back. I feel like his best days are behind him and we can get similar production for less money by signing multiple FAs like what the Lions did with Montgomery.
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