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I think Penix should be the target

Jim in Forest Hills : 2/21/2024 10:02 am
Open to Daniels/Maye at 6 if they drop but assuming the top 3 QBs are taken, Penix at 6 or a trade down/up as needed. I'm no scout but he just looks like he's a dominant passer who will put points on the board. He can shuffle around to avoid pressure well enough but he gets the ball out quick (Jones biggest weakness). His upside looks through the roof.

I've heard Tua comps but to me I see more Herbert than Tua. I think Penix can really stress defenses with his arm and willingness to trust it.

If they are willing to risk it based on intel, a small trade down?

I know there are a million opinions out there but watching the top QBs he's the guy I think can drive peak offense.

Take Penix and let the best man win between him and Jones in camp (if Jones is ready).
Pennix has bust written all over him  
Eightshamrocks : 2/21/2024 10:04 am : link
A history of injuries and non athletic. Pass
NJBlueTuna : 2/21/2024 10:04 am : link
Byron Lefwich is the comp for Penix. Big arm, no mobility and injury prone.
I don't think so  
JonC : 2/21/2024 10:05 am : link
agree with the others above, he's got NFL bust written all over him.
RE: Pennix has bust written all over him  
Optimus-NY : 2/21/2024 10:07 am : link
In comment 16404140 Eightshamrocks said:
A history of injuries and non athletic. Pass

He worries me alone based on his injury history. Those other factors also make him a MAJOR risk to be taken in Round 1.
I think  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 10:09 am : link
we're going to spend a couple of months arguing over the QBs.

I also think someone who isn't supposed to be the best of the bunch will be the best of the bunch.

And you could put six names up there and you'd be just as likely as drawing from a hat to be right.

It's a crapshoot.
His injury history is a red flag  
logman : 2/21/2024 10:09 am : link
and unless you plan on moving Thomas to RT, there's no reason to expect he'd be protected at all.
RE: I think  
AcidTest : 2/21/2024 10:11 am : link
In comment 16404145 Eric from BBI said:
we're going to spend a couple of months arguing over the QBs.

I also think someone who isn't supposed to be the best of the bunch will be the best of the bunch.

And you could put six names up there and you'd be just as likely as drawing from a hat to be right.

It's a crapshoot.

^This. Fifty percent of first-round QBs bust. It's definitely a crapshoot. But I still don't want Penix. His injury history is preclusive IMO. We already have one injury-riddled QB. Why add another?
Quarterback draft history  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 10:11 am : link
... - ( New Window )
RE: RE: I think  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 10:12 am : link
In comment 16404149 AcidTest said:
In comment 16404145 Eric from BBI said:


we're going to spend a couple of months arguing over the QBs.

I also think someone who isn't supposed to be the best of the bunch will be the best of the bunch.

And you could put six names up there and you'd be just as likely as drawing from a hat to be right.

It's a crapshoot.

^This. Fifty percent of first-round QBs bust. It's definitely a crapshoot. But I still don't want Penix. His injury history is preclusive IMO. We already have one injury-riddled QB. Why add another?

I'm not arguing one way or the other. We've drafted guys who never got hurt in college (EVER) and become injury prone.

Penix might become an NFL ironman.
I don't think Penix has but written all over him  
Mike from Ohio : 2/21/2024 10:12 am : link
My biggest concern with him is the injury history. That is the primary reason I am hesitant about him being the pick.

The guy is the best pure passer in this class imv. We all know that is no guarantee of success at the next level, but it is a great place to start. He is not as mobile as most of the other top QBs, but he has pocket awareness and he can move around to avoid pressure.

He did not face top competition from defenses in the Pac-12 and that is something to think about. If I am a GM I am putting a lot on what he can diagnose on the board and how quickly he can do it. I think if he can stay healthy he can certainly be a good (not great) NFL starter.

I think when you draft a QB there has to be something they can do that jumps off the page. To me with Penix, it is his quick release, strong arm and accuracy from the pocket. He may buts, but I think some arm chair GMs never watched Penix play outside the NC against Michigan and are drawing a lot of conclusions from that single game.
Should be "bust" not "but" in my post  
Mike from Ohio : 2/21/2024 10:14 am : link
Maybe he will be a butt? Who knows?
Hilary : 2/21/2024 10:14 am : link
Did not look good against Michigan and will not get better protection in the Meadowlands
High risk  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/21/2024 10:15 am : link
You have the injury history and then in the championship game he was injured and didn't look good. He did face a lot of pressure but that is the NFL. As QB of the Giants, it is the norm.
Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
George from PA : 2/21/2024 10:16 am : link
Rather fix OL, get a top WR and strengthen the defense.....

Before we target a QB
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 10:19 am : link
I think fans have a problem evaluating QBs in general. There are clearly only a handful of "elite" quarterbacks playing in the NFL right now but if you read threads on BBI, a bunch of fans think those handful suck.
I feel like all the QBs have bust potential  
Jim in Forest Hills : 2/21/2024 10:21 am : link
its going to also be situational can Daboll make Penix better?

Watching Taylor run the offense and his willingness to go downfield changed the Giants, they were in all those games.
RE: Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 10:21 am : link
In comment 16404157 George from PA said:
Rather fix OL, get a top WR and strengthen the defense.....

Before we target a QB

You're not living in the real world.

The Giants don't have the stability that the Chiefs and Ravens do. Schoen and Daboll don't have the luxury of time. The fanbase is done with Jones.

You can't see it because you don't think Jones is the problem. We get it.
Every offseason now  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 10:22 am : link
1/4 of the coaches get fired.

That's the reality.
RE: Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
RHPeel : 2/21/2024 10:28 am : link
In comment 16404157 George from PA said:
Rather fix OL, get a top WR and strengthen the defense.....

Before we target a QB

Do quarterbacks bust at a higher rate than other positions?

I can think of several top 10 WRs and offensive linemen that have busted as well.

If a QB you like is available at 6 you have to take the guy.
RE: RE: Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
logman : 2/21/2024 10:29 am : link
In comment 16404168 RHPeel said:

I can think of several top 10 WRs and offensive linemen that have busted as well.

Don't even need to look at any other team than the Giants to find them, either.
RE: RE: Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 10:30 am : link
In comment 16404168 RHPeel said:
In comment 16404157 George from PA said:


Rather fix OL, get a top WR and strengthen the defense.....

Before we target a QB

Do quarterbacks bust at a higher rate than other positions?

I can think of several top 10 WRs and offensive linemen that have busted as well.

If a QB you like is available at 6 you have to take the guy.


Somehow George missed Evan Neal and Kadarius Toney.
In the second round  
Spider43 : 2/21/2024 10:31 am : link
I'm down with it.
One of the great things about Eli is that he stayed healthy. The  
Ira : 2/21/2024 10:35 am : link
opposite has been true about Jones and I expect will be true about Penix. He's a talented guy but all the talent in the world doesn't help if he's not on the field.
RE: Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
regulator : 2/21/2024 10:38 am : link
In comment 16404157 George from PA said:
Rather fix OL, get a top WR and strengthen the defense.....

Before we target a QB

I learned my lesson in 2004 when I was a staunch Robert Gallery supporter.

Get the right QB and the rest follows. We don't have the right QB now, so that is clearly Job 1. All the rest is smoke.
I am really concerned Penix was made to look much better  
cosmicj : 2/21/2024 10:47 am : link
by a superb college receiving corps.

No one knows what will happen but Penix has major risk factors.
RE: Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
Milton : 2/21/2024 10:47 am : link
In comment 16404157 George from PA said:
Rather fix OL, get a top WR and strengthen the defense..... Before we target a QB
This is the year to target a QB for several reasons.
1) With the 6th and 39th overall picks to go along with the 47th overall pick from Seattle, this is a year in which the Giants have the draft capital that they hopefully won't have in 2025 and 2026. If they were to spend assets on fixing the OL, getting a top WR, and strengthening the defense (as you say), that could put them squarely in the land of mediocrity: not good enough to go deep in the playoffs, but too good to be drafting within striking range of the top QB prospects.
2) This is a year in which there appears to be severak appealing QB prospects. No guarantee that 2025 and/or 2026 will offer up as many worthwhile options to choose from.
3) With Jones in year two of his four year deal and "uncuttable" at this time due to the nature of the contract, it's a good year for the rookie to sit and learn rather than be thrown into the fire before he's ready. Joe Montana, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Philip Rivers are four excellent examples of QBs who weren't handed the starting job until year two or three of their careers and it worked out pretty well for them and their teams. Assuming the Giants use a 1st round pick (either the 6th overall or later in round one), it still gives them another four years of team control beyond the prospect's rookie year. That's still plenty of time to take advantage of having your starting QB on his rookie contract.

p.s.--I love the idea of having both Jones and a highly regarded QB prospect under contract for the next three years. They have the salary cap room and the 2024 draft capital to make it work in a way that doesn't leave them short in terms of improving the rest of the team (as in the OL, WR, and defense needs).
There are issues with all of the prospects  
Go Terps : 2/21/2024 10:48 am : link
If I look at the talent and how it aligns with the Giants, I think Penix is a great fit. He throws the ball well in bad weather and he can utilize the deep speed we have with Slayton and Hyatt.

You don't need 4 or 5 receivers running routes for this guy. 3 will do. 12 personnel and play action on early downs and this guy will be effective.
Andy in Boston : 2/21/2024 10:49 am : link
Lamar Jackson … 5th QB taken . Amazing .
RE: Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
cosmicj : 2/21/2024 10:50 am : link
In comment 16404157 George from PA said:
Rather fix OL, get a top WR and strengthen the defense.....

Before we target a QB

There appear to be 4 (count ‘em 4!) top 6 worthy QBs coming out this year. This is the year to strike.

And counting on Jones to improve & become an above avg QB is the ultimate crapshoot.
Dolphins should draft penix and dump tua  
Tuckrule : 2/21/2024 10:55 am : link
Restart the rookie contract and penix in that offense will be much better than tua
Just a Hypothetical  
varco : 2/21/2024 11:03 am : link
I like the idea of a rookie QB having an "understudy" year. However, if your veteran QB goes down with an injury, does the rookie get thrown into the fire or do you also sign a veteran backup to salvage the season? At that point, does the cap space for a QB become untenable? I believe that's the scenario that the Giants' front office and coaching staff have to plan out.
Penix is a guy who wouldn't surprise me at all  
widmerseyebrow : 2/21/2024 11:05 am : link
if he turned out to be good. The plus attributes pop out on the screen. Possibly being injury prone is a big hurdle though. The guy was "healthy" this last year but was actually playing with busted ribs from at least the first Oregon game on. Might just be too fragile.
I’m definitely open to this,  
Section331 : 2/21/2024 11:06 am : link
provided his medicals pan out, and I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Players in positions that need a lot more speed and elusiveness come back from ACL injuries, and the shoulder injuries (1 of which was to his non-throwing shoulder) haven’t prevented him from having a phenomenal 2-season run.

If Schoen isn’t thrilled with any of the QB’s left at 6, then trading back into the 1st to take Penix could be a great idea. I think he’s more pro-ready than most, even if his ceiling isn’t quite as high.
Not me. Top 3 or nothing  
David B. : 2/21/2024 11:13 am : link
Your odds of hitting outside of the top of round 1 drop off a cliff.

Either you're go after a top guy or you wait till you can.

Besides, I don't want a QB who's name one typo away from Penis. 😆
RE: RE: I think  
k2tampa : 2/21/2024 11:17 am : link
In comment 16404149 AcidTest said:
In comment 16404145 Eric from BBI said:


we're going to spend a couple of months arguing over the QBs.

I also think someone who isn't supposed to be the best of the bunch will be the best of the bunch.

And you could put six names up there and you'd be just as likely as drawing from a hat to be right.

It's a crapshoot.

^This. Fifty percent of first-round QBs bust. It's definitely a crapshoot. But I still don't want Penix. His injury history is preclusive IMO. We already have one injury-riddled QB. Why add another?

For perspective, what percentage of QBs taken in the second round never start? The third? Fourth?

Since 2015, what QBs taken after the first round have become starters? Minshew because of injuries, Hurts, Purdy, Ridder (sort of), and Levis. Hooker probably will at some point, but he was taken in the third because of an injury.

Now, how many 1st round QBs have become starters in that time? 21, though a couple of those might be losing their starting jobs.

Every once in a while there is a bad year for QBs in the first round, such as 2013, 2014, 2022. But for the most part you have a much better chance of getting a quality starting QB in the first round than in all other rounds combined.
perhaps we should do  
fkap : 2/21/2024 11:21 am : link
a Costanza:

Do all due diligence scouting/evaluation, determine which are thought to be the top candidates, then take someone else.

Or, if it's all a crapshoot, don't bother with the scouting/evaluation.
RE: RE: Great.....our next 4/5 years based on a pure crapshoot.  
JoeSchoens11 : 2/21/2024 11:24 am : link
In comment 16404168 RHPeel said:
In comment 16404157 George from PA said:


Rather fix OL, get a top WR and strengthen the defense.....

Before we target a QB

Do quarterbacks bust at a higher rate than other positions?

I can think of several top 10 WRs and offensive linemen that have busted as well.

If a QB you like is available at 6 you have to take the guy.
You still have to grade the player. If they have an end-of the-1st round grade (even taking into account positional value) then taking that player at 6 does not make sense.

Trust your scouting.
Penix can really throw a football...  
bw in dc : 2/21/2024 11:28 am : link
and much better than Jones. So, that's a positive. And he will take risks to throw receivers open. That's a plus.

Does that one plus tool offset the medical and average athleticism/mobility to invest a high pick?

Day one? Too much of a stretch.

Day two? Maybe.

Day three? That seems more reasonable to me.

ryanmkeane : 2/21/2024 11:33 am : link
RE: Quarterback draft history  
Johnny5 : 2/21/2024 11:41 am : link
In comment 16404150 Eric from BBI said:
... - ( New Window )

Ooopha. I knew it was bad but... wow
I think this is the year to draft a QB in round 1  
Rjanyg : 2/21/2024 11:41 am : link
Here is why.

1. We are picking in a position where we probably don't have to give up any draft capital to get one.

2. We know we have Daniel Jones for at least 2024. He is the vet presence and he will then have pressure to perform with a rookie behind him. This is ideal for the position.

3. The rookie can learn and develop for a year if Jones plays decent and stays healthy.

4. They still have DeVito who showed he can step in and compete.

5. There are 4 QB who may actually be worth the 6th pick. ( Williams, Daniels, Maye and McCarthy )

6. We still have 3 more picks in the top 70 spots. If Schoen can hit on 2 of those and find viable starters it would go a long way to fixing this mess. WR, ER or OL would be positions I'd expect address on day 2.
if we go qb...  
BigBlueDawg56 : 2/21/2024 11:41 am : link
at 6 it will be JJ. book it
RE: Not me. Top 3 or nothing  
Milton : 2/21/2024 11:46 am : link
In comment 16404237 David B. said:
I don't want a QB who's name one typo away from Penis. 😆
Why not?
It's a badge of honor! - ( New Window )
RE: I think  
DaveInTampa : 2/21/2024 11:51 am : link
In comment 16404145 Eric from BBI said:
we're going to spend a couple of months arguing over the QBs.

I also think someone who isn't supposed to be the best of the bunch will be the best of the bunch.

And you could put six names up there and you'd be just as likely as drawing from a hat to be right.

It's a crapshoot.

This is exactly why I am opposed to giving up assets to move up.
RE: Not me. Top 3 or nothing  
FStubbs : 2/21/2024 11:55 am : link
In comment 16404237 David B. said:
Your odds of hitting outside of the top of round 1 drop off a cliff.

Either you're go after a top guy or you wait till you can.

Besides, I don't want a QB who's name one typo away from Penis. 😆

There was a guy named Dick Butkus who was pretty good.
My concerns are  
Dankbeerman : 2/21/2024 12:02 pm : link
he holds the ball a long time and relies on pure arm strength to overcome poor timing.

His movement is suspect and he doesn't use his lower body to drive the ball. I don't know if its a result of his knee injuries but he puts it all on his arm, which he got away with in College.

I don't think he can be late on throws and get away with it in the NFL. I don't think he can get away with poor footwork in the NFL.

I do think his arm will provide positive plays and throw for a large number of yards.

My feel is he is Jameis Winston in that he is capable of passing for 4,000 yards while throwing 20-25 TDs and picks.

I don't think he is a 1st rounder or even a 2nd rounder but some QB needy team will take him top 12/15 at worst.
RE: RE: I think  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/21/2024 12:02 pm : link
In comment 16404277 DaveInTampa said:
In comment 16404145 Eric from BBI said:


we're going to spend a couple of months arguing over the QBs.

I also think someone who isn't supposed to be the best of the bunch will be the best of the bunch.

And you could put six names up there and you'd be just as likely as drawing from a hat to be right.

It's a crapshoot.

This is exactly why I am opposed to giving up assets to move up.

Certainly a valid reason.

On the flip side, if your organization is convinced one player can turn your entire team around...
Talk in Vegas is Raiders have QB as #1 target and they are willing  
gtt350 : 2/21/2024 12:04 pm : link
to pay the price to move up. If we want to move back to 13 we could have a trading partner. They are considering any of the top 5 qb's
I am starting to warm up to the idea of McCarthy  
GiantTuff1 : 2/21/2024 12:09 pm : link
I think he has a winning aura about him that I just don’t feel with the other QBs.

I think he can be a guy in the mold of Brady and Mahommes in that they make others around them better because they have a voracious appetite to win and be the best.
Other than the injuries...  
Milton : 2/21/2024 12:13 pm : link
I like Penix a lot. He's my type of QB, but I'm not sure he's Daboll's type. I prefer a strong armed QB who will manipulate the pocket rather than break from it when he's feeling pressure. I think that's what Penix gives you (based on what I've read about him). I'll leave it to the doctors and AI analytics to assign him a proper injury-risk factor.
Penix should be available in the 3rd  
AROCK1000 : 2/21/2024 12:17 pm : link
Which makes trading BACK from #6 make even more sense.
especially to the maniacal we need a QB crowd.
RE: Penix should be available in the 3rd  
Section331 : 2/21/2024 12:21 pm : link
In comment 16404301 AROCK1000 said:
Which makes trading BACK from #6 make even more sense.
especially to the maniacal we need a QB crowd.

Barring any injury red flags and/or a disastrous combine, there is zero chance Penix is available in the 3rd round. I doubt he would be available for the Giants with their 2nd pick.
no way at 6...  
retiredmz : 2/21/2024 12:23 pm : link
..late 2nd or 3rd maybe...and many need to realize that the Giants may not go QB at all this draft. But I would not mind trading back from 6 a little and maybe get a QB anywhere from 7-12ish.
There is no position with a 100% draft success rate  
Go Terps : 2/21/2024 12:23 pm : link
The Giants don't have a quarterback, and people are suggesting it's too risky to draft a quarterback in a strong quarterback draft. Time to dust this off...

RE: Pennix has bust written all over him  
JerrysKids : 2/21/2024 12:25 pm : link
In comment 16404140 Eightshamrocks said:
A history of injuries and non athletic. Pass

Non athletic is way off the mark, he has a top flight arm and pocket skills, he is sneaky athletic, injuries are always a concern. If his combine is confirming all the attributes that are known he will be a top 10 pick.
RE: I am starting to warm up to the idea of McCarthy  
cosmicj : 2/21/2024 12:26 pm : link
In comment 16404292 GiantTuff1 said:
I think he has a winning aura about him that I just don’t feel with the other QBs.

I think he can be a guy in the mold of Brady and Mahommes in that they make others around them better because they have a voracious appetite to win and be the best.

You see some of McCarthys plays and he looks like he’ll be a great NFL player. But the sample size of “qualified” plays (which can be used to project his NFL performance - eg not passes against the Bowling Greens of the world) are so small.

So many risks but I strongly feel that Schoen needs to bite the bullet and pick a QB at 6.
RE: RE: RE: I think  
DaveInTampa : 2/21/2024 12:27 pm : link
In comment 16404287 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16404277 DaveInTampa said:


In comment 16404145 Eric from BBI said:


we're going to spend a couple of months arguing over the QBs.

I also think someone who isn't supposed to be the best of the bunch will be the best of the bunch.

And you could put six names up there and you'd be just as likely as drawing from a hat to be right.

It's a crapshoot.

This is exactly why I am opposed to giving up assets to move up.

Certainly a valid reason.

On the flip side, if your organization is convinced one player can turn your entire team around...

In that case, you had better be right. Imagine how Panther fans feel right now. They could have stayed put at #9 last year, drafted Jalen Carter, kept DJ Moore and be in position to draft Caleb or Maye this year.
cosmicj : 2/21/2024 12:28 pm : link
Totally agree. This team is utterly rudderless. We are going nowhere. A 1st rounder that can instill a sense of destiny into the franchise is a small price to pay.
RE: Just a Hypothetical  
Mayo2JZ : 2/21/2024 12:32 pm : link
In comment 16404215 varco said:
I like the idea of a rookie QB having an "understudy" year. However, if your veteran QB goes down with an injury, does the rookie get thrown into the fire or do you also sign a veteran backup to salvage the season? At that point, does the cap space for a QB become untenable? I believe that's the scenario that the Giants' front office and coaching staff have to plan out.

But who is going to mentor Penix? Jones?
RE: I think  
JerrysKids : 2/21/2024 12:33 pm : link
In comment 16404145 Eric from BBI said:
we're going to spend a couple of months arguing over the QBs.

I also think someone who isn't supposed to be the best of the bunch will be the best of the bunch.

And you could put six names up there and you'd be just as likely as drawing from a hat to be right.

I think this QB class will have more than one QB that is a impact player

It's a crapshoot.
I watched a ton of Penix, Nix, and Maye this season  
Go Terps : 2/21/2024 12:35 pm : link
No one is convincing me that Maye was a better player than the other two. You want to tell me his lofty draft status is based on projection, that's fair...but he wasn't a better quarterback than Nix and certainly not Penix.

I think if you take that view it's great for the Giants, because there will definitely be a quarterback there at 6 worth taking.
RE: perhaps we should do  
Mayo2JZ : 2/21/2024 12:36 pm : link
In comment 16404252 fkap said:
a Costanza:

Do all due diligence scouting/evaluation, determine which are thought to be the top candidates, then take someone else.

Or, if it's all a crapshoot, don't bother with the scouting/evaluation.

That's pretty much been the Giants' philosophy that past ten years

RE: Terps  
Go Terps : 2/21/2024 12:37 pm : link
In comment 16404313 cosmicj said:
Totally agree. This team is utterly rudderless. We are going nowhere. A 1st rounder that can instill a sense of destiny into the franchise is a small price to pay.

I think that's a point being missed. If the Giants draft Nabers or Odunze, what good is that doing them? That'll just be another wasted player.

Like in 2018, this is the time to set the direction. They eschewed the opportunity then, and I expect them to do the same now.
if it really is a crapshoot then we should draft  
markky : 2/21/2024 12:45 pm : link
a QB while we have a chance, even if it's not one of the "top 3". AND you should probably draft a QB every year somewhere in the draft.
RE: Quarterback draft history  
Fifty Six : 2/21/2024 1:22 pm : link
In comment 16404150 Eric from BBI said:
... - ( New Window )

This is disheartening. The number of years none of the QBs develop into plus starters is unreal.
Dank sees alot of what I see  
JonC : 2/21/2024 1:24 pm : link
RE: RE: Quarterback draft history  
djm : 2/21/2024 1:35 pm : link
In comment 16404272 Johnny5 said:
In comment 16404150 Eric from BBI said:


... - ( New Window )

Ooopha. I knew it was bad but... wow

Ask yourself why it's so bad. Ask yourself why other positions don't bust at the insanely high rate QBs bust at.

Perhaps the whole team game thing impacts the QB more than some want to believe. If it was so simple, that all you need to do is "find the right QB and everything else falls into place" you wouldn't see so many talented and highly regarded QBs fail at the NFL level.

Bad teams that draft talented QBs and stay bad ruin talented QBs. Didn't draft the right OL? Your QB faces an uphill battle. Didn't build a defense? Your QB aint winning a fucking thing. Didn't add good WRs? Good luck with that.

The roster matters.

RE: Quarterback draft history  
SomeFan : 2/21/2024 1:41 pm : link
In comment 16404150 Eric from BBI said:
... - ( New Window )
2007, 2010 and 2013 were some lean QB years.
RE: RE: RE: Quarterback draft history  
Fifty Six : 2/21/2024 1:45 pm : link
In comment 16404367 djm said:
In comment 16404272 Johnny5 said:


In comment 16404150 Eric from BBI said:


... - ( New Window )

Ooopha. I knew it was bad but... wow

Ask yourself why it's so bad. Ask yourself why other positions don't bust at the insanely high rate QBs bust at.

Perhaps the whole team game thing impacts the QB more than some want to believe. If it was so simple, that all you need to do is "find the right QB and everything else falls into place" you wouldn't see so many talented and highly regarded QBs fail at the NFL level.

Bad teams that draft talented QBs and stay bad ruin talented QBs. Didn't draft the right OL? Your QB faces an uphill battle. Didn't build a defense? Your QB aint winning a fucking thing. Didn't add good WRs? Good luck with that.

The roster matters.

Totally agree
its just grab a QB  
Dave on the UWS : 2/21/2024 1:57 pm : link
ANY QB. Schoen and Daboll have to identify THE guy who fits what they want to do. Then go get him.
Schoen has been good at preparing multiple contingencies.
He needs to work at this biggest of all projects, to change the trajectory of the organization.
If he doesn't, and Jones flames out, he could be out too.
RE: if we go qb...  
blueblood : 2/21/2024 1:59 pm : link
In comment 16404274 BigBlueDawg56 said:
at 6 it will be JJ. book it

what makes you say this ?
RE: RE: RE: Quarterback draft history  
Johnny5 : 2/21/2024 2:17 pm : link
In comment 16404367 djm said:
In comment 16404272 Johnny5 said:


In comment 16404150 Eric from BBI said:


... - ( New Window )

Ooopha. I knew it was bad but... wow

Ask yourself why it's so bad. Ask yourself why other positions don't bust at the insanely high rate QBs bust at.

Perhaps the whole team game thing impacts the QB more than some want to believe. If it was so simple, that all you need to do is "find the right QB and everything else falls into place" you wouldn't see so many talented and highly regarded QBs fail at the NFL level.

Bad teams that draft talented QBs and stay bad ruin talented QBs. Didn't draft the right OL? Your QB faces an uphill battle. Didn't build a defense? Your QB aint winning a fucking thing. Didn't add good WRs? Good luck with that.

The roster matters.

I agree, 100%. And it's not just roster, health of said roster, system and coaching plus the match they have with said QB.
Talent impacts any QB  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/21/2024 2:39 pm : link
not even sure where anyone can dispute this.

Dak started his rookie year with three AP OL. He had a PB'er in Witten in TE. Wentz had a outstanding OL and then some really good skill talent. So good that the back up QB winds up winning the SB MVP.

Hurts has had one of if not the best OL in the league. Three AP/PB players. Good TE and a star at WR with a really good number 2.

I think all those QB's would have fared quite differently on the Giants.
I agree with Eric it's a total crap shoot  
kelly : 2/21/2024 2:57 pm : link
None of these qb's are a sure thing.

The question I have is if Jones is gone in 2025 for what ever reason who do we have waiting in the wings to take over?

And who ever it is I am not saying they would be an improvement but at least a game manager which at least frees up cap space.

I could see that guy being Pratt or Rattler. Giant may essentially just try to find a warm body lower in the draft and at least keep the fan base from imploding.
RE: Talent impacts any QB  
Rudy5757 : 2/21/2024 3:01 pm : link
In comment 16404472 Lines of Scrimmage said:
not even sure where anyone can dispute this.

Dak started his rookie year with three AP OL. He had a PB'er in Witten in TE. Wentz had a outstanding OL and then some really good skill talent. So good that the back up QB winds up winning the SB MVP.

Hurts has had one of if not the best OL in the league. Three AP/PB players. Good TE and a star at WR with a really good number 2.

I think all those QB's would have fared quite differently on the Giants.

I agree 100%. Throwing a rookie QB into the Giants offensive shit show will be a disaster. We won’t have a lot of cap space to get the positions we need to help a young QB. For whatever reason, the Giants don’t use the cap effectively to spread out costs and sign players like other teams. It seems like no matter how bad we are we are always in cap trouble. If you draft a QB we have to deal with Jones contract. Then where are we going to find talent to help the young QB? The same pattern of bargain Wrs, RBs and TEs that have not worked.

If you are going to take a QB and you feel like there is a clear #1 then you have to trade picks to get him. Don’t wait and don’t take the best of what’s available.

I personally don’t think any QB can have success on the Giants until they improve the skill positions and OL. Which is basically 8-9 players on O. We have Thomas and an injury prone Robinson and not much else. JMS was up and down, the rest of the OL is meh, our WRs are terrible. TEs didn’t play well last year. You’re asking a very tall task of a rookie QB and if you trade away multiple picks to get the QB where is the rest of the improvement on the O coming from?

I just don’t see a rookie QB as a good investment this year unless their #1 falls to 6 which I doubt.
How much better is Penix going to get  
Jint Fan in Buc Land : 2/21/2024 4:30 pm : link
After already having 6(!) years of college football experience?

If we pick Penix it better be after 1-2 trade downs
The Dank post sums it all up  
Skittlebish : 2/21/2024 6:02 pm : link
I actually think he is being generous, in the past Penix's flaws would mean 3rd-4th rd pick at most, but teams are needy. When demand heavily outweighs supply things like this will happen. Just remember we have 2 QB's in this draft with inflated stats due to historically bad defenses in their conference, and those stats should be ignored, and instead focus on traits, thats what matters
RE: The Dank post sums it all up  
Milton : 2/21/2024 6:16 pm : link
In comment 16404730 Skittlebish said:
Just remember we have 2 QB's in this draft with inflated stats due to historically bad defenses in their conference, and those stats should be ignored, and instead focus on traits, thats what matters
Isn't it 3 QB's (Williams, Penix, Nix) whose stats are inflated playing in the Pac 12? On top of that, Daniels had the luxury of throwing to two 1st round quality receivers in Nabers and Thomas. Which leaves on McCarthy and Maye as QB prospects with uninflated stats.
So let me understand something  
Go Terps : 2/21/2024 6:33 pm : link
Penix and Nix have inflated stats from playing in the Pac-12, but Williams somehow doesn't? Did the opponents only play good defense against USC? And what great defenses did Drake Maye play against?

Here is the list of the top 20 defenses in college football last season.

Penix played five games against these teams, including the conference championship, playoff semifinal, and national championship game. His average in these five huge games was 26/41, 328 yards, 8.0 YPA, 2 TDs/1 INT.

What else do you want?
RE: So let me understand something  
BleedBlue46 : 2/21/2024 6:36 pm : link
In comment 16404756 Go Terps said:
Penix and Nix have inflated stats from playing in the Pac-12, but Williams somehow doesn't? Did the opponents only play good defense against USC? And what great defenses did Drake Maye play against?

Here is the list of the top 20 defenses in college football last season.

Penix played five games against these teams, including the conference championship, playoff semifinal, and national championship game. His average in these five huge games was 26/41, 328 yards, 8.0 YPA, 2 TDs/1 INT.

What else do you want?

I like Pennix a lot, but a pocket passer with an injury history paired with our inability to put an even average offensive line seems like a match made in hell.
RE: RE: The Dank post sums it all up  
Section331 : 2/21/2024 6:38 pm : link
In comment 16404744 Milton said:
In comment 16404730 Skittlebish said:


Just remember we have 2 QB's in this draft with inflated stats due to historically bad defenses in their conference, and those stats should be ignored, and instead focus on traits, thats what matters

Isn't it 3 QB's (Williams, Penix, Nix) whose stats are inflated playing in the Pac 12? On top of that, Daniels had the luxury of throwing to two 1st round quality receivers in Nabers and Thomas. Which leaves on McCarthy and Maye as QB prospects with uninflated stats.

Playing with good WR’s is now “inflated stats”? WTF? And sure, JJ had such a shit roster.

Joe Burrow had better WR’s at LSU than Daniels did, CJ Stroud had Wilson and Olave, does that mean they’ll be failed NFL QB’s too? Make it stop.
RE: RE: So let me understand something  
Go Terps : 2/21/2024 6:39 pm : link
In comment 16404760 BleedBlue46 said:
In comment 16404756 Go Terps said:


Penix and Nix have inflated stats from playing in the Pac-12, but Williams somehow doesn't? Did the opponents only play good defense against USC? And what great defenses did Drake Maye play against?

Here is the list of the top 20 defenses in college football last season.

Penix played five games against these teams, including the conference championship, playoff semifinal, and national championship game. His average in these five huge games was 26/41, 328 yards, 8.0 YPA, 2 TDs/1 INT.

What else do you want?

I like Pennix a lot, but a pocket passer with an injury history paired with our inability to put an even average offensive line seems like a match made in hell.

Draft a QB that can actually run an offense and watch the offensive line improve by leaps and bounds.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/21/2024 6:43 pm : link
Amazing how some can't grasp that an elite QB can cover a lot of sins on the OL.
RE: RE: Talent impacts any QB  
BleedBlue46 : 2/21/2024 6:45 pm : link
In comment 16404517 Rudy5757 said:
In comment 16404472 Lines of Scrimmage said:


not even sure where anyone can dispute this.

Dak started his rookie year with three AP OL. He had a PB'er in Witten in TE. Wentz had a outstanding OL and then some really good skill talent. So good that the back up QB winds up winning the SB MVP.

Hurts has had one of if not the best OL in the league. Three AP/PB players. Good TE and a star at WR with a really good number 2.

I think all those QB's would have fared quite differently on the Giants.

I agree 100%. Throwing a rookie QB into the Giants offensive shit show will be a disaster. We won’t have a lot of cap space to get the positions we need to help a young QB. For whatever reason, the Giants don’t use the cap effectively to spread out costs and sign players like other teams. It seems like no matter how bad we are we are always in cap trouble. If you draft a QB we have to deal with Jones contract. Then where are we going to find talent to help the young QB? The same pattern of bargain Wrs, RBs and TEs that have not worked.

If you are going to take a QB and you feel like there is a clear #1 then you have to trade picks to get him. Don’t wait and don’t take the best of what’s available.

I personally don’t think any QB can have success on the Giants until they improve the skill positions and OL. Which is basically 8-9 players on O. We have Thomas and an injury prone Robinson and not much else. JMS was up and down, the rest of the OL is meh, our WRs are terrible. TEs didn’t play well last year. You’re asking a very tall task of a rookie QB and if you trade away multiple picks to get the QB where is the rest of the improvement on the O coming from?

I just don’t see a rookie QB as a good investment this year unless their #1 falls to 6 which I doubt.

Im on board with SY in believing a rookie first round pick qb would be better off starting on the bench with how our team is right now. Let Daniel Jones play, hopefully he does well enough to garner something in a trade before the deadline. If not, then at least Jones and his 47 million dollar salary for the year bought the rookie some time to learn and adapt, maybe the offensive line starts to gel finally with new coach and rookie is ready to go at the same time after 4-8 games? That would be ideal for any rookie QB we could draft imo.
RE: ...  
JT039 : 2/21/2024 6:48 pm : link
In comment 16404771 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Amazing how some can't grasp that an elite QB can cover a lot of sins on the OL.

Or how 6 all pro offensive players took an average QB to a SB this year.
RE: RE: ...  
BleedBlue46 : 2/21/2024 6:51 pm : link
In comment 16404778 JT039 said:
In comment 16404771 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


Amazing how some can't grasp that an elite QB can cover a lot of sins on the OL.

Or how 6 all pro offensive players took an average QB to a SB this year.

Hmm what is harder to get 5 all pro offensive players and a bunch on defense too or one elite qb? Both sound hard but I'll take my chances on qbs this year..the 49ers traded 3 1sts for Trey Lance, at least if we swung and missed it wouldn't cost us anything more than this year's 1st. Imagine if we hit a homerun tho? We could finally be good again!
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/21/2024 6:52 pm : link
Yes, that's what DJ needs to be average: All Pros at EVERY position. That's super doable!

I'd rather have an elite QB that doesn't need to propped up with studs all over.
I forgot  
JT039 : 2/21/2024 6:58 pm : link
Elite QBs grow on trees.

Such an easy concept.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/21/2024 7:02 pm : link
Who is saying they grow on trees?

We need a legit QB. We don't have one. It's the most important position in sports & we're spinning our wheels with Jones.

But yes, I get you're a card carrying member of the cult known as the DJFC so ya know, let's ride with that fraud for the next decade.
RE: ...  
JT039 : 2/21/2024 7:11 pm : link
In comment 16404786 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Who is saying they grow on trees?

We need a legit QB. We don't have one. It's the most important position in sports & we're spinning our wheels with Jones.

But yes, I get you're a card carrying member of the cult known as the DJFC so ya know, let's ride with that fraud for the next decade.

See this how stupid you are. I’ve been panning the giants to lose games all year so they could get s top pick to draft either Williams, Maye, or Daniels.

But keep making up shit as if you know what the fuck you’re talking about.
RE: I forgot  
BleedBlue46 : 2/21/2024 7:16 pm : link
In comment 16404782 JT039 said:
Elite QBs grow on trees.

Such an easy concept.

No, you misunderstood me. I'm saying should we take a shot since we are within reach or just keep trying to add like 10 more all pros to the team? It's hard to hit on other positions too, and we won't have the cap room to sign any all pros so I'd say it would be best to take a shot at getting an elite qb, even if the odds are 25% or less it's worth it imo. I think the top 4 all have the potential to be elite. One or two will be within reach.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/21/2024 7:17 pm : link
I'm sorry JT if that's what you been pushing for. I admittingly don't really follow your takes since it looks like you registered 6 months ago & I have no real interactions with you.
RE: RE: I forgot  
JT039 : 2/21/2024 7:19 pm : link
In comment 16404801 BleedBlue46 said:
In comment 16404782 JT039 said:


Elite QBs grow on trees.

Such an easy concept.

No, you misunderstood me. I'm saying should we take a shot since we are within reach or just keep trying to add like 10 more all pros to the team? It's hard to hit on other positions too, and we won't have the cap room to sign any all pros so I'd say it would be best to take a shot at getting an elite qb, even if the odds are 25% or less it's worth it imo. I think the top 4 all have the potential to be elite. One or two will be within reach.

I’m more than ok taking a QB at 6. But if the giants don’t love one there… get some top tier talent. Especially on offense.
Just for the record Im all for drafting a QB  
Dankbeerman : 2/21/2024 7:37 pm : link
But Devito winning games cost us the ability to take one at the top of the draft. If they want to draft a QB pay the price and move up.

But there will be very good players available at 6. They also have a chance to add 4 impact players in the top70 and we all know this team is more thwn 1 player away.

My Dream is to find a way to Daniels and have him be the best veraion of whay he can be. The celing on him is so freaking high. Williams will struggle to be as good as ge is being billed to be and everyone will want to tear him down.

I am all for giving away a 2025 1st but want retain our picks this year. Draft a WR and multiple pieces on the lines. Let Jones play trying to keep him on the pine. Maybe he plays well enough you can get a pick for him to help offset the missing 1st rounder.
RE: RE: RE: I forgot  
BleedBlue46 : 2/21/2024 7:44 pm : link
In comment 16404804 JT039 said:
In comment 16404801 BleedBlue46 said:


In comment 16404782 JT039 said:


Elite QBs grow on trees.

Such an easy concept.

No, you misunderstood me. I'm saying should we take a shot since we are within reach or just keep trying to add like 10 more all pros to the team? It's hard to hit on other positions too, and we won't have the cap room to sign any all pros so I'd say it would be best to take a shot at getting an elite qb, even if the odds are 25% or less it's worth it imo. I think the top 4 all have the potential to be elite. One or two will be within reach.

I’m more than ok taking a QB at 6. But if the giants don’t love one there… get some top tier talent. Especially on offense.

What about if MHJ goes top 3 and one is there at 4 I'd say we trade up to 4 in that case. Or if MHJ goes to the cards and they like the 4th QB available then I would trade up to 5 to avoid getting jumped. I think we will most likely have to trade up, hopefully not higher than 4, to secure a QB even if it's JJM I think the safest route would be to jump up to 5 for him.
RE: Just for the record Im all for drafting a QB  
BleedBlue46 : 2/21/2024 7:47 pm : link
In comment 16404817 Dankbeerman said:
But Devito winning games cost us the ability to take one at the top of the draft. If they want to draft a QB pay the price and move up.

But there will be very good players available at 6. They also have a chance to add 4 impact players in the top70 and we all know this team is more thwn 1 player away.

My Dream is to find a way to Daniels and have him be the best veraion of whay he can be. The celing on him is so freaking high. Williams will struggle to be as good as ge is being billed to be and everyone will want to tear him down.

I am all for giving away a 2025 1st but want retain our picks this year. Draft a WR and multiple pieces on the lines. Let Jones play trying to keep him on the pine. Maybe he plays well enough you can get a pick for him to help offset the missing 1st rounder.

Agreed, some of those meaningless wins really hurt but it did help Daboll and team comradry. Beating the snot out of the Eagles was worth dropping one slot behind the Chargers imo. We will most likely have to make a slight trade up even if they think JJM is worthy. And I'm all for it.
RE: I watched a ton of Penix, Nix, and Maye this season  
Tuckrule : 2/21/2024 9:05 pm : link
In comment 16404319 Go Terps said:
No one is convincing me that Maye was a better player than the other two. You want to tell me his lofty draft status is based on projection, that's fair...but he wasn't a better quarterback than Nix and certainly not Penix.

I think if you take that view it's great for the Giants, because there will definitely be a quarterback there at 6 worth taking.

Do you actually look at the full picture or just stats. Do you compare the rosters they had to work with? Experience/age in college. To say this guy wasn’t a better qb is insane and just a reckless statement. Based off what? The stats because the 2 guys you mentioned have been in college for 62 years and landed in perfect spots. Penix behind a good line with 3 nfl WRs. The guy is a statue who can’t move and can’t take a hit. The chuck and duck crap penix does doesn’t work in the nfl. I can’t say it again and again. Wider hashes create more space for him to loft balls under pressure. If you watch him play so many of those throws aren’t there in the nfl and they should have been picked in college. Nix is a career backup. It’s so obvious. Maye has insane upside. He played behind a crappy line with zero talent. I suggest you watch the games again and maybe take into consideration the talent on the rosters they played with.
If the GMen go Penix  
SleepyOwl : 2/22/2024 7:34 am : link
He would be the best arm talent the franchise has ever had. Kerry Collins 2 Eli Manning 3.
RE: RE: RE: So let me understand something  
Now Mike in MD : 2/22/2024 8:10 am : link
In comment 16404765 Go Terps said:
In comment 16404760 BleedBlue46 said:


In comment 16404756 Go Terps said:


Penix and Nix have inflated stats from playing in the Pac-12, but Williams somehow doesn't? Did the opponents only play good defense against USC? And what great defenses did Drake Maye play against?

Here is the list of the top 20 defenses in college football last season.

Penix played five games against these teams, including the conference championship, playoff semifinal, and national championship game. His average in these five huge games was 26/41, 328 yards, 8.0 YPA, 2 TDs/1 INT.

What else do you want?

I like Pennix a lot, but a pocket passer with an injury history paired with our inability to put an even average offensive line seems like a match made in hell.

Draft a QB that can actually run an offense and watch the offensive line improve by leaps and bounds.

I really disagree with this. The OL has significant issues that are independent of the QB as is evidenced by the fact that the same problems occurred with all 3 QBs this year.

However, I do agree on Penix completely.

I'll also say you don't not draft a QB because current deficiencies would limit that QB otherwise you'd never draft a Qb until all of the pieces are in place for that QB to succeed. You draft a QB for the future.
RE: If the GMen go Penix  
Tuckrule : 2/22/2024 9:17 am : link
In comment 16404997 SleepyOwl said:
He would be the best arm talent the franchise has ever had. Kerry Collins 2 Eli Manning 3.

Wow now I’ve heard it all. Penix has a better arm than Eli manning and Kerry Collins
Lets be honest here.  
Gusto1903 : 2/22/2024 9:49 am : link
While i can see the top 3 picks surely being QBs, i cant for the love of god see a scenario, where one of the top 3 QBs drops outside of the Top 4 or at the very least 5.

The worst thing, that happened for my conclusion is, that the Cardinals are at 4. They dont necessarily need a QB and therefore are a sure target for other teams to trade down and open a spot for the QB that drops out of the Top 3. (or even JJ Mccarthy, who knows). There are teams not so far away, that will look to draft a qb in this draft. Im looking at the Vikings, the Broncos, the Raiders, the Saints, the Seahawks, heck even the Falcons i can see either trading up for a QB. They could probably offer the best package aswell, but i think they will look at a vet qb instead).

If the Cardinals for some reason pass on trading away from 4 if theres a QB left, and even select another non-qb, i can see the Chargers trade down with said teams, as they have Herbert. Of course they can just pick the guy they need instead, but i dont think itll be a QB.

The Chargers probably get their guy later in the draft aswell, so.

I see close to no chance at drafting a popular QB at 6, like at all.

So we either trade up (which im not a fan of) or we pick another stud at 6. Preferably one of those WRs
Big fan of Penix  
Formerly TD : 2/22/2024 12:17 pm : link
Would be happy with him if it came to that. We need to fix RT asap if we draft him, though. He would be starting by midseason and we can’t have Neal protecting his blind side.
Penix can sling it  
Giantophile : 2/22/2024 2:10 pm : link
as well as anyone I've seen coming out in a long time. Don't want him at 6 but I'm surprised no one has been pitching the Burrow/Chase formula of taking the WR and QB and pairing them together at the next level.

Rome at 6, trade back into mid first or sit tight in 2nd and take Penix.
Currently who do the Giants have at QB?  
Fishmanjim57 : 2/23/2024 10:31 am : link
Daniel Jones (5 year veteran who is constantly injured)
Tyrod Taylor ( 13 year veteran who is constantly injured)
Tommy DeVito (1 year undrafted QB, who was injured in his rookie season)

Do the Giants need to continue with a drafted QB. who has been injured throughout his college career?
Absolutely not! Avoid Penix!!
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