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KC , SF Supper bowl

kickoff : 2/21/2024 3:29 pm
My son in law just showed me a video of SB. 4th Qtr with 1:53 to go. Kc has ball on 35, 1st and 10. Mahomes carries to 37 for 2-yard gain, which should make it 2nd and 8. However, when they line up for next play at the 37, they make it 1st and 10 instead of 2nd and 8. Anyone else see this who can clarify or was it just a big goof up. If goof up surprised SF didn't Challange. Also, maybe tape altered?
The play at 1:53 left in Q4  
logman : 2/21/2024 3:39 pm : link
was an 11 yard pass to Kelce
9 yards  
logman : 2/21/2024 3:41 pm : link
Below is a link the game log from - ( New Window )
The next play was a 3 yard run by Mahomes  
logman : 2/21/2024 3:42 pm : link
to pick up the first at the 37.

My guess is that the video you saw was edited.
RE: 9 yards  
rsjem1979 : 2/21/2024 4:18 pm : link
In comment 16404586 logman said:
Below is a link the game log from - ( New Window )

It was a bad spot, which is why CBS initially had the next play as 1st-and-10, which they corrected before the next 1st-down play after the Mahomes run.
I live the Supper Bowl,  
Section331 : 2/21/2024 6:42 pm : link
it’s delicious.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/21/2024 7:11 pm : link
I knew it was a conspiracy for KC to win it all. They wanted the Swifties!

'Back & to the left. Back & to the left. Back & to the left. Back & to the left.'
Everyone loves a good conspiracy  
leatherneck570 : 2/21/2024 7:29 pm : link
The amount of gaslighting taking place on social media is scary.
Good lord  
sb from NYT Forum : 2/21/2024 7:54 pm : link
...the thread makes me weep for humanity on so many levels
That video was definitely edited  
eric2425ny : 2/22/2024 7:27 am : link
However, there were a handful of plays in that game (critical plays) where literally both of KC’s tackles were blatantly holding SF’s edge rushers at the same time. How can you miss two opportunities to call a holding penalty on the same play multiple times?

I’m not saying the NFL is scripted like the WWE, but when you see stuff like that it makes you wonder if there is something odd going on in certain situations. Keep in mind KC had the most holding penalties in the league this season and they have zero in the SB? Doesn’t add up.
RE: That video was definitely edited  
section125 : 2/22/2024 7:41 am : link
In comment 16404995 eric2425ny said:
However, there were a handful of plays in that game (critical plays) where literally both of KC’s tackles were blatantly holding SF’s edge rushers at the same time. How can you miss two opportunities to call a holding penalty on the same play multiple times?

I’m not saying the NFL is scripted like the WWE, but when you see stuff like that it makes you wonder if there is something odd going on in certain situations. Keep in mind KC had the most holding penalties in the league this season and they have zero in the SB? Doesn’t add up.

There is holding on every play - period. It is only blatant when you are rooting for one team and the opponent is not getting called. Wanna go watch the holds on Chris Jones? I am not saying there are plays that perhaps should/could have been called. But you are likely to see just as many in one team's favor as the other.

There have always been biases in favor the good teams. Better teams get away with more. Put two good teams on the field and penalties are less frequently called and thank heavens for that.
Supper bowl  
nochance : 2/22/2024 9:31 am : link
KFC has a good one with chicken, french fries, mashed potatoes,
bacon and cheese
RE: RE: That video was definitely edited  
NINEster : 2/22/2024 1:24 pm : link
In comment 16405004 section125 said:
In comment 16404995 eric2425ny said:


However, there were a handful of plays in that game (critical plays) where literally both of KC’s tackles were blatantly holding SF’s edge rushers at the same time. How can you miss two opportunities to call a holding penalty on the same play multiple times?

I’m not saying the NFL is scripted like the WWE, but when you see stuff like that it makes you wonder if there is something odd going on in certain situations. Keep in mind KC had the most holding penalties in the league this season and they have zero in the SB? Doesn’t add up.

There is holding on every play - period. It is only blatant when you are rooting for one team and the opponent is not getting called. Wanna go watch the holds on Chris Jones? I am not saying there are plays that perhaps should/could have been called. But you are likely to see just as many in one team's favor as the other.

There have always been biases in favor the good teams. Better teams get away with more. Put two good teams on the field and penalties are less frequently called and thank heavens for that.

The Chiefs won the Super Bowl so there's no interest from their fans, but I'd love to see a video of them showing all the Niner OL holds.

This one and SB 54.

I mean, how is it possible that the only holding call in the game was on the Niners? It should have never been called and was a big first down throw to Kittle.

If you can't beat KC by double digits cleanly, you ain't beating them with any high probability.

JJ Watt was suggesting offensive holding get reduced to a 5 yard penalty so officials could call it more often. Given how many drives have false starts and illegal motion penalties, seems rather fair to me.

I'm not sure there's egregious holding on every play, but at least if you can eliminate those via 5 yard penalty and "let em play" for the rest, then good DLs won't have to get penalized versus elite QBs.

As I said before, the 2019 49ers and 2022 Eagles were the only teams with 55+ regular season sacks that lost the Super Bowl.

Two #1 seeds with stacked rosters losing to the same QB. Both had 10 point leads in the game as well.

RE: Everyone loves a good conspiracy  
NINEster : 2/22/2024 1:36 pm : link
In comment 16404810 leatherneck570 said:
The amount of gaslighting taking place on social media is scary.

I think there's always some element of truth to these things.

I'm not buying nor do I ever want to buy the idea of the league completely scripting wins/losses (this is the last form of Santa Claus many of us have, and if this were ever true, it would hit hard AF).

However, I definitely buy into the notion that certain teams winning benefits the league more than true parity would (oh, the irony). All you see in the social media comments are "we need a Buffalo vs. Detroit" super bowl, yet the league still only cares about a handful of teams from each conference....and then in February only 1 team.

So they merely instituted free agency and salary cap 30 years ago to end dynasties in the league and allow perennial losers like the Tampa Bay Bucs to become Super Bowl champions in under ten years. Noble cause, but now it's gotten too far that without the marquee QB, it's a super long shot to do it.

Instead of rewarding great GMing for a 53 man roster, now we reward the GM with the best QB.

If Mahomes is truly the best ever, he should be able to win it on his own. I laugh at the Super Bowl he lost vs was already enough that he had zero OL, and yet because of Brady, they had to call tons of penalties on KC for every little infraction.


For whatever reason, Brady was/is/will always be the guy, and he got calls left and right unnecessarily.

This thread is starting to make me think it's the same guys  
Mad Mike : 2/22/2024 1:39 pm : link
behind the Chiefs win in the SB who targeted cell networks today.
People shouldn't start threads while  
SirLoinOfBeef : 2/22/2024 2:49 pm : link

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