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NFT: 'The Fugitive' is such a damn good movie.

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/21/2024 8:29 pm
Just watched it for the first time in awhile. I saw it in the theaters when it came out in the summer '93 & saw it on cable once or twice, but not recently. It came up on my YouTube page earlier free with ads & I just watched it again. Wow, what a great movie. Harrison Ford & Tommy Lee Jones are incredible. I never watched the '60s TV series the movie was based on. I was more of a 'Kolchak: The Night Stalker' dude growing up, even though both shows predate me.

'I thought you didn't care.'

'I don't. (Laughs). 'Don't tell anybody okay?'
Watching it right now on cable  
MetsAreBack : 2/21/2024 8:44 pm : link
Dr Kimble could never walk into an industry conference these days without several security checks! And that’s because homeless people regularly got free lunches … and protesters had fun too…. for decades at those things

But yes, those two - apparently TLJ played football at Harvard - were fantastic
noro9 : 2/21/2024 8:51 pm : link
It was
Watched some.  
LauderdaleMatty : 2/21/2024 9:14 pm : link
jones was a bit over the top but was a great foil for Ford. I've definitely seen it 10 times
Wow- Kolchack  
CRinCA : 2/21/2024 9:50 pm : link
There’s a distant childhood memory. I had to look it up- 74 to 75. I was 12 years old and loved that show,
Awesome movie...  
BC Eagles94 : 2/21/2024 9:52 pm : link
was 14 when it came out. Remember being entirely gripped while watching. Movie has aged well too.
Don't forget, Jones  
sshin05 : 2/21/2024 9:59 pm : link
won an oscar for supporting actor award for that role in Fugitive.
It is an all time perfect action movie  
oghwga : 2/21/2024 10:04 pm : link
Not a wasted line or set piece
It just moves. Eminently rrwatchable.
Always liked the film  
DonQuixote : 2/22/2024 6:52 am : link
on rewatch the Tommy Lee Jones character is kind of cartoonish. To be fair, sometimes when I watch a movie like this, it can seem tired because it has been imitated so much.
Classic movie  
Spyder : 2/22/2024 9:05 am : link
I have rewatched it many times. I saw a "behind the scenes" clip about the film recently. Lots of cool insights, including the fact that the director let the actors improv many of their lines to seem more natural and have the natural comedy flow...It worked great! "I didn't kill my wife!" Jones, "I don't care!" (not in the script)

And the scene where Ford escapes in the St. Patrick's Day parade was also not in the script, the parade was real, and they just decided to see if they could make the scene work. Ford was worried he might be recognized in the crowd, but the hair dye worked, he said, "for the most part."
I loved Ford in Fugitive, as well as the Indy movies  
mfsd : 2/22/2024 9:21 am : link
Star Wars movies and the others he was in back then, because he wasn't the typical brawny invincible action hero like so many others of the era.

Don't get me wrong, I love Arnold and Sly and Chuck Norris and others, but Ford's characters took a beating, and had to get by on brains, wits, balls and some luck

One of my favorite all time movie lines is from Raiders, when Indy says he's going after the truck, gets asked how, and says "I dunno, I'm making this up as I go"

Tommy Lee Jones was great in Fugitive too. The sequel was a little too goofy, but still entertaining
26.2 : 2/22/2024 11:02 am : link
If anyone listens to Bill Simmons/Ringer podcast, "The Rewatchables," they just did this movie a couple of weeks ago.
those 2 Chicago cops  
John in Loudoun : 2/22/2024 11:52 am : link
are so perfectly cast. I believe they are cops in several different movies.
RE: I loved Ford in Fugitive, as well as the Indy movies  
Rob in Rockaway : 2/22/2024 12:04 pm : link
In comment 16405059 mfsd said:
Star Wars movies and the others he was in back then, because he wasn't the typical brawny invincible action hero like so many others of the era.

Don't get me wrong, I love Arnold and Sly and Chuck Norris and others, but Ford's characters took a beating, and had to get by on brains, wits, balls and some luck

One of my favorite all time movie lines is from Raiders, when Indy says he's going after the truck, gets asked how, and says "I dunno, I'm making this up as I go"

Tommy Lee Jones was great in Fugitive too. The sequel was a little too goofy, but still entertaining

No to miller the thread, but that's a great comment about Ford being somewhat vulnerable at least. The scene in Raiders where the big German boxer is just annihilating him is great.
Movies now are not HALF as good  
Sy'56 : 2/22/2024 12:11 pm : link
as they were back then
RE: Movies now are not HALF as good  
Victor in CT : 2/22/2024 2:41 pm : link
In comment 16405284 Sy'56 said:
as they were back then

so true!!

I saw it in the movies and it so riveting. problem today is the writing generally stinks.
The Fugutive was good  
UConn4523 : 2/22/2024 2:52 pm : link
but there are so many bad 90’s movies, lol. We get the benefit now of picking and choosing what to watch and not watch, but pre internet you kinda just rolled the dice and showed up at the theater and got what you got. For every Fugitive you got a few US Marshalls.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/22/2024 2:54 pm : link
I remember being so pumped to go see ‘US Marshals’. I walked out extremely disappointed, Haha.
RE: UConn.  
UConn4523 : 2/22/2024 3:29 pm : link
In comment 16405475 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I remember being so pumped to go see ‘US Marshals’. I walked out extremely disappointed, Haha.

I was about 12/13 at the time. I enjoyed it because of my age, was a staple movie for sleepovers because it was PG13. But watching that 5 years later in college and it was a joke.

Sticking to Harrison Ford for a moment I remember my parents letting me see that on vacation in 1997 and loved that as well. Rewatching that as an adult is rough, haha. The action wasn’t good enough to justify the awful script.
Sorry, letting me see  
UConn4523 : 2/22/2024 3:30 pm : link
Air Force One*
Rewatchables just did a re-watch live show in Chicago  
Bobby Humphrey's Earpad : 2/23/2024 7:44 am : link
The one movie if it's on I will leave on even if commercials.

Great trivia note: The original actor cast as Dr. Charles Nichols was Richard Jordan. Jordan was actually filming The Fugitive in April 1993 when he was diagnosed with the brain tumor and dies shortly thereafter.

Richard Jordan as Nichols would have been amazing.
RE: Rewatchables just did a re-watch live show in Chicago  
mfsd : 2/23/2024 7:47 am : link
In comment 16405865 Bobby Humphrey's Earpad said:
The one movie if it's on I will leave on even if commercials.

Great trivia note: The original actor cast as Dr. Charles Nichols was Richard Jordan. Jordan was actually filming The Fugitive in April 1993 when he was diagnosed with the brain tumor and dies shortly thereafter.

Richard Jordan as Nichols would have been amazing.

Interesting, he was good in a lot of roles in the 80s/90s
"Movies now are not HALF as good as they were back then"  
Marty in Albany : 2/23/2024 1:50 pm : link

Wasamatter? You don't like explosions and music so loud that it drowns out the insipid dialogue??!!

Gonna watch the Fugitive tonight. Thanks.
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