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Joe Alt

AROCK1000 : 2/24/2024 11:15 am
He seems to be the consensus top OL in the draft,and will likely be there at 6.
Are you ok with the fact that he played LT,can a guy switch over to the right side and be as effective?
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If the Giants draft a LT at 6  
Mike from Ohio : 2/24/2024 11:22 am : link
I will be hugely disappointed. We have a LT and we already have a top prospect struggling with the switch from LT to RT. Giving up on Neal after two years and then doing exactly what we did with Neal with another top pick is asinine.
Love him.  
Optimus-NY : 2/24/2024 11:27 am : link
His father was a fine pro for the Chiefs back in the day as well. I think there's a big chance that the Chargers choose him with the fifth overall pick at this point.
Giants : 2/24/2024 11:27 am : link
Will be a solid pro no matter what side he plays.He has experience on both sides as well as he has played TE. Not sure if I want the Giants to draft a OL or get one of top WR.
No I don’t want Alt  
Breeze_94 : 2/24/2024 11:28 am : link
I’m sure he’ll be a very good LT, it’s nothing about the player.

The issue I have is you are drafting a guy that high to play him out of his natural position. That adds risk - as you are projecting he can make the transition. Not as easy as people make it seem.

The other issue I have - while both tackle positions are valuable, RT is still significantly less valuable based on top contracts for each position. So the positional value of Alt takes a hit if the giants pick him.

Finally, Neal was a high pick just 2 years ago. Very similar scenario. Coaching and injuries have held him back. I think he can still develop into a starting caliber player.
RE: Alt  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/24/2024 11:33 am : link
In comment 16406903 Giants said:
Will be a solid pro no matter what side he plays.He has experience on both sides as well as he has played TE. Not sure if I want the Giants to draft a OL or get one of top WR.

Evan Neal will be a solid pro no matter what side he plays. He has experience on both sides as well as guard.
retiredmz : 2/24/2024 11:44 am : link
we've been down this road before...unless your 1-2 top picks are already gone, try to trade down(maybe in the 10-14 range) and get 2 more picks this year and go from there. We need so much more, that 1 stud isn't going to do it for 2024/2025
I'm going  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/24/2024 11:49 am : link
to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

Not impressed  
Spider43 : 2/24/2024 11:50 am : link

Gimme' WR or QB at #6.
I hope Harbaugh falls in love with the guy  
Chris684 : 2/24/2024 11:54 am : link
That would mean he along with Harrison and 3 of the other QBs means one of Daniels, Maye or McCarthy is there at 6.
No thanks.  
Rave7 : 2/24/2024 12:06 pm : link
Alt is a talented player, but he plays LT, and we already have Andrew Thomas in that position.
We need other impact player at other position, WR Naber or Odunze or Top 4 QB will do it for me.
Also this is why I believe that people suggesting Alt or Fashanu at 5 to the Chargers are misguided. While Harbaugh loves his OL and wants to win in the line of scrimmage, the Chargers already have an All-Pro LT in Slater, just like us.
As we know, changing from LT to RT is not easy, as Evan Neal can attest. I don't think the Chargers will make the same mistake we did by drafting an LT and putting him at RT. Hortiz Chargers GM, who is from Baltimore, takes the best player available approach. I believe the Chargers have a greater chance of drafting Nabers, who appears to be a consensus top 5 player in this draft.
Will be a fine OT but not on the Giants at 6  
GFAN52 : 2/24/2024 12:07 pm : link
They need a QB, WR or Edge that high in the draft.
RE: I'm going  
AcidTest : 2/24/2024 12:10 pm : link
In comment 16406924 Eric from BBI said:
to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

RE: I'm going  
El Pollo Diablo : 2/24/2024 12:22 pm : link
In comment 16406924 Eric from BBI said:
to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

What about Lane Johnson? That pick worked out very well for the Eagles.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/24/2024 12:25 pm : link
An ND dude so I love him. But I don't want us taking him at 6.
Don't see them taking a LT at 6  
bc4life : 2/24/2024 12:31 pm : link
They have Thomas. I don't see them taking TE either.

Hard to project the draft until after FA
RE: RE: I'm going  
LauderdaleMatty : 2/24/2024 12:35 pm : link
In comment 16406942 El Pollo Diablo said:
In comment 16406924 Eric from BBI said:


to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

What about Lane Johnson? That pick worked out very well for the Eagles.

Johnson was supposed to be their LT. Then they stuck lightning w Jason Peters who Buffalo let walk for some unfathomable reason
He isn't my first cboice  
mpinmaine : 2/24/2024 12:40 pm : link
However I wouldn't be upset.
We have to fix OL
RE: RE: RE: I'm going  
El Pollo Diablo : 2/24/2024 12:48 pm : link
In comment 16406961 LauderdaleMatty said:
In comment 16406942 El Pollo Diablo said:


In comment 16406924 Eric from BBI said:


to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

What about Lane Johnson? That pick worked out very well for the Eagles.

Johnson was supposed to be their LT. Then they stuck lightning w Jason Peters who Buffalo let walk for some unfathomable reason

That's not the correct timeline. Peters was already with the Eagles for a couple of years at that point and they drafted Johnson as their RT.

Anyway, not saying we should pick Alt. But after all those years of having a miserable OL, I would not be mad if we picked the best OL on the board at #6. Even if that would mean moving Neal to guard.
RE: Will be a fine OT but not on the Giants at 6  
56goat : 2/24/2024 1:02 pm : link
In comment 16406934 GFAN52 said:
They need a QB, WR or Edge that high in the draft.

Agree. At some point we need to be able to develop OL talent or sign FA wisely instead of spending high draft picks.
RE: RE: I'm going  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/24/2024 1:05 pm : link
In comment 16406942 El Pollo Diablo said:
In comment 16406924 Eric from BBI said:


to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

What about Lane Johnson? That pick worked out very well for the Eagles.

Don't care. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/24/2024 1:07 pm : link
the only way the Evan Neal selection would have ever made sense is if he became one of the best RTs in the game. Anything less than that, and it would have been a waste of an opportunity.

This isn't hindsight either. I argued against draft an OL in the first round of that draft.
AROCK1000 : 2/24/2024 1:09 pm : link
I agree you don't pick RT in top 10.
The fact that he never played the right side gives me even more hesitancy
We also aren't sure if Neal is our guy and or if Neal can be switched to Guard.
All that said
Alt is a beast!!!
RE: I'm going to make the same argument  
David B. : 2/24/2024 1:11 pm : link
I'm going
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11:49 am : link : reply
to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

Ordinarily I might agree, but not after 10+ years of horrid OL play. IMO, you CANNOT have too many OTs. They're never BOTH healthy for a whole season. Draft an OT and let them figure out who slides inside until someone inevitably gets hurt. Then maybe it doesn't wreck the season.

I'd have no problem drafting an OT whatsoever. If they could trade down to around 10 to do it and acquire up more picks, so much the better.

Don't worry, it won't happen.

That said, I believe they'll take a blue chip WR at 6.
RE: and  
El Pollo Diablo : 2/24/2024 1:29 pm : link
In comment 16406993 Eric from BBI said:
the only way the Evan Neal selection would have ever made sense is if he became one of the best RTs in the game. Anything less than that, and it would have been a waste of an opportunity.

This isn't hindsight either. I argued against draft an OL in the first round of that draft.

I feel like you can say that about most positions though. What matters is that the pick pans out and develops into a good player.

Again, not saying that Alt is the answer. But if the Giants think that he is worth a top 10 pick as a player and that they want to fix one of the absolute worst OL over the last decade, I won't be mad.

Ultimately (at least in my mind), when deciding whether it's worth to pick a certain position comes down to one question: how easy is it to find a quality player later in the draft or outside of the draft?
It's the reason why RBs don't get picked high anymore, because you can find your starter in the mid to late rounds. And with a shortage of quality OL in the league, it's not easy to find your starter in free agency either.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/24/2024 1:35 pm : link
Drafting a RT a couple of years ago was stupid.

And doing it again would be stupid.
RE: I'm going  
ajr2456 : 2/24/2024 1:36 pm : link
In comment 16406924 Eric from BBI said:
to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

You don’t take a tackle 3 times in 5 years in the top 10
You guys  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/24/2024 1:38 pm : link
have been traumatized by the OL play. But RT is not a premium position.

The same arguments you are making now were made two years ago with me. "We have to, we have to fix the OL."

It's the same shit you guys were arguing with me when I said the Nate Solder contract was a dumb idea.

Neal will be our RT. Or we will sign one in FA. Or we will draft one later in the draft. Drafting a RT at #6 is stupid.
Looking to have 5 pro bowlers on the line isn’t realistic  
ajr2456 : 2/24/2024 1:42 pm : link
If Neal can become average with new coaching that’s more than fine. Just sign an above average guard and play him next to him.

There’s no reason to give up on him a use another premium resource on the oline.
Agree with you Eric  
El Pollo Diablo : 2/24/2024 1:50 pm : link
the giants should not make the mistake of overpaying guys like Solder in FA and neither should they draft a guy like Neal who might turn out to be a bad OT in the pros. Those were bad decisions that hurt the giants for years (although Neal might have a shot at turning the corner, possibly at guard).

I think the question of this thread should not be if RT is worth a top 10 pick, because I don't think you can make such a general statement. The question should be if Joe Alt can be a player of the caliber of Lane Johnson. Because if he is, i think he would be well worth the pick.
ryanmkeane : 2/24/2024 2:02 pm : link
Clearly Schoen took Neal at 7 because he was likely a top 4-5 player on their board. If Neal went to the Panthers instead of Icky, Garrett Wilson is probably a Giant right now.
ryanmkeane : 2/24/2024 2:05 pm : link
Alt is not my favorite choice but I wouldn’t say I’d argue with it. If they think he’s a star tackle and they think Neal is a left guard, like Stapleton said it solves 2 positions with 1 draft pick.

That being said, they think Neal is a tackle and will give him another year with the new OL coach to figure it out. So that likely makes picking Alt or Fashunu a moot point.
Does it solve two positions?  
ajr2456 : 2/24/2024 2:10 pm : link
What if Neal is a bad guard and Alt isn’t a good RT?

Then you wasted a premium pick on another tackle, and likely passed up on signing a FA guard with a track record of good performance. Now you still have two holes.
ryanmkeane : 2/24/2024 2:16 pm : link
Just saying you take the best player. RT is likely down on the list of the position they want to take, but the QBs and maybe as many as 2 receivers could be gone by the time they pick.
AROCK1000 : 2/24/2024 2:33 pm : link
You weren't ok with us drafting Neal or any of the other 2 OL a few years ago?
That makes no sense..
I can understand giving Neal 1 more year to prove himself.
But if we find ourselves in the exact same position next season...we would go OL..
No No No No No No  
averagejoe : 2/24/2024 2:35 pm : link
and No
Taking the perceived best player at the spot  
ajr2456 : 2/24/2024 2:35 pm : link
Is what led the Giants to take Saqoun.
RE: You guys  
Milton : 2/24/2024 2:37 pm : link
In comment 16407019 Eric from BBI said:
have been traumatized by the OL play. But RT is not a premium position.
In general, it's not a premium position, but if you can get All-Pro at any position, they are by my definition, a premium position player. This goes for guards, centers, safeties, tight ends, and running backs as well. In my opinion, that is, it's a discussion open to debate and open to the specifics of each team's strengths and weaknesses and the offensive and defensive systems they play. I think it's a mistake to look at it as black and white. Ultimately it comes down to the individual prospect and all the things he brings to the table for your team and its needs.

All that being said, I think the Giants have enough youth at OL and should be looking to free agency, not the top of the draft, to improve it. On top of that, from what I've read about Alt and Fashanu, neither is worthy of a top ten selection. Their scouting reports read like mid-first rounders at best. When it comes to the non-QB's, only Harrison Jr, Nabers, and Bowers are reading like top six picks to me, with Odunze and Verse knocking on the door. I'm not saying others like Latu, Turner, and Arnold aren't attractive prospects if the Giants were to trade down, but (based on all that I've read up until now) they come with concerns that make them unworthy of the 6th overall pick in my book.

If it's not a QB, I want Harrison Jr, Nabers, or Bowers--and not necessarily in that order. I have mixed feelings about using the 6th overall pick on a QB and would prefer they trade back into the middle or late first round for one.
RE: No No No No No No  
AROCK1000 : 2/24/2024 2:38 pm : link
In comment 16407074 averagejoe said:
and No

So your saying there's a chance....
RE: You guys  
BleedBlue46 : 2/24/2024 2:46 pm : link
In comment 16407019 Eric from BBI said:
have been traumatized by the OL play. But RT is not a premium position.

The same arguments you are making now were made two years ago with me. "We have to, we have to fix the OL."

It's the same shit you guys were arguing with me when I said the Nate Solder contract was a dumb idea.

Neal will be our RT. Or we will sign one in FA. Or we will draft one later in the draft. Drafting a RT at #6 is stupid.

You were so right when you said this before we took Evan Neal instead of Garretr Wilson and you're still right.
The Giants are not drafting an OT  
Section331 : 2/24/2024 3:11 pm : link
in the first round. Maybe next year, but not now. They will give Neal another year with a new OL coach.
RE: Taking the perceived best player at the spot  
ryanmkeane : 2/24/2024 3:27 pm : link
In comment 16407075 ajr2456 said:
Is what led the Giants to take Saqoun.

And he ended up being a better pro than Darnold and Josh Rosen, and is one of the best weapons in football. Why was Barkley a bad draft pick again?
AROCK1000 : 2/24/2024 3:31 pm : link
In comment 16407112 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16407075 ajr2456 said:


Is what led the Giants to take Saqoun.

And he ended up being a better pro than Darnold and Josh Rosen, and is one of the best weapons in football. Why was Barkley a bad draft pick again?

I'm with you on Saquon...we was exactly what we needed at the time...
Folks just wanna hate
He was BPA at an area of severe need
RE: Eric  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/24/2024 3:41 pm : link
In comment 16407071 AROCK1000 said:
You weren't ok with us drafting Neal or any of the other 2 OL a few years ago?
That makes no sense..
I can understand giving Neal 1 more year to prove himself.
But if we find ourselves in the exact same position next season...we would go OL..

I don't know how I can be more clear.

RT is not a premium position.

You don't use a #6 pick on a RT. Same as not using a #2 pick on a RB.

Beyond all of that, you guys do realize that if Evan Neal was in this draft, not knowing what we know now, he may be ranked ahead of Alt by some.

A decent  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/24/2024 3:42 pm : link
front office doesn't have to spend a top 10 pick on a RT.

If we are in a situation where Schoen and Daboll can't find a solution to RT without picking a second RT in the top 6, then we have the wrong guys running the team.
RE: RE: Eric  
bw in dc : 2/24/2024 3:51 pm : link
In comment 16407126 Eric from BBI said:

Beyond all of that, you guys do realize that if Evan Neal was in this draft, not knowing what we know now, he may be ranked ahead of Alt by some.

Would you draft a G in the top ten?
I wish I had a dime  
Bruner4329 : 2/24/2024 3:51 pm : link
For every poster on this board who 2 years ago was totally happy with Neal and Tibs being picked. Now 2 years later so many of the same say picking Neal was a mistake. What a joke.
RE: RE: Taking the perceived best player at the spot  
ajr2456 : 2/24/2024 3:52 pm : link
In comment 16407112 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16407075 ajr2456 said:


Is what led the Giants to take Saqoun.

And he ended up being a better pro than Darnold and Josh Rosen, and is one of the best weapons in football. Why was Barkley a bad draft pick again?

He doesn’t stay healthy
Elite running backs don’t have the impact on winning like some other postions

What did the Giants gain from drafting Barkley?
RE: I'm going  
JonC : 2/24/2024 4:20 pm : link
In comment 16406924 Eric from BBI said:
to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

And, certainly not two RTs in three years ffs.
RE: RE: I'm going  
JonC : 2/24/2024 4:21 pm : link
In comment 16407148 JonC said:
In comment 16406924 Eric from BBI said:


to make the same argument I made a couple of years ago. You don't draft a RT in the top 10.

And, certainly not two RTs in three years ffs.

... in the top 10.
i think its a bad idea  
blueblood : 2/24/2024 4:23 pm : link
to keep spending top ten picks on OL.
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