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Good take from BBV on offensive line

Since1965 : 2/24/2024 12:00 pm
I think they need to sign two very good veteran guards as free agents to solidify the line (that is if Neal is going to be at RT again). They also need to find a tight end who can block. They need to get as close as they can with "sure things" rather than more time needed to develop draft picks, that is if they don't whiff on them. The OL should be the top priority this off-season as it is the biggest reason why this team doesn't win. And that has been the case for several years now. They have to stop screwing around and they need to finally get this fixed.

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Like Glowinski? Zeitler? Skura? Solder?  
fanoftheteam : 2/24/2024 12:29 pm : link
Fleming? Etc….

No - we need to just get the right players.
They haven't screwed around  
GiantGrit : 2/24/2024 12:30 pm : link
Reese, Gettleman and Schoen haven't neglected the OL, they've just straight up failed at drafting the right guys and the coaching has been sub par.

I totally agree with what you shared though, there is zero excuse in year 3 for this OL to not at least be average. The most important hire this offseason was Bricillo, I hope for this regimes sake they got it right.

Don't wanna hear the Andrew Thomas excuse from Schoen again either, yes he's an all pro but you also know now he gets banged up. Not saying you can mitigate a drop off if he's out but a semblance of a functioning OL is pretty fair floor.
RE: Like Glowinski? Zeitler? Skura? Solder?  
GiantGrit : 2/24/2024 12:31 pm : link
In comment 16406949 fanoftheteam said:
Fleming? Etc….

No - we need to just get the right players.

What they need is to find a top tier OL coach and compensate him enough to make it near impossible to leave. Like Stoutland in Philly.
bc4life : 2/24/2024 12:32 pm : link
is still playing isn't he?
RE: Like Glowinski? Zeitler? Skura? Solder?  
Jint Fan in Buc Land : 2/24/2024 12:54 pm : link
In comment 16406949 fanoftheteam said:
Fleming? Etc….

No - we need to just get the right players.

What's the point of this post? Zeitler is still playing at a high level and obviously the premise is to get the right players. What is the "no" in reference to? If the implication is to draft players high... please don't.
This idea has been all over this board since the season ended  
BillT : 2/24/2024 1:13 pm : link
Yes. A quality GA OG or two is the #1 priority. Read that here dozens of times. Duh.
RE: This idea has been all over this board since the season ended  
BillT : 2/24/2024 1:14 pm : link
In comment 16407000 BillT said:
Yes. A quality GA OG or two is the #1 priority. Read that here dozens of times. Duh.

FA OG (speaking of Duh!)
2 players  
Hilary : 2/24/2024 3:04 pm : link
Eleumonor from the raiders or a player with similar skills should be high priority in FA. He could start the season at guard and move over to tackle if Neal is floundering again. One of the 2 picks in round two could be a highly rated guard. That would give the team a decent line with Ezeudu Mckethan and possibly re sign of Bredeson as depth
David B. : 2/24/2024 4:32 pm : link
If there are any decent starters, yes, go get them. Duh. And they should STILL draft more of them.

From what I saw if this year's FA list, the best available FA guards all have issues. The under 30s have injury histories, and the over 30s aren't studs. That is, they're still band aids.

As for Zeitler, he looked old, slow, and DONE when he played here. Since he left, he's looked better in better OL units.

Perhaps that's the problem. Every OL who comes to the Giants gets/plays worse. The fucking 49ers got mileage out Feliciano last year.
I doubt they sign two OGs  
JonC : 2/24/2024 4:36 pm : link
One OG and/or they need a swing tackle, preferably one who can legitimately push Neal, and start at OG.
A rookie high draft pick is not going to fix it  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/24/2024 4:39 pm : link
can we at least agree on that?

Any rookie they bring in is going to need a year or two to develop.

they need to bring in a veteran.
RE: A rookie high draft pick is not going to fix it  
section125 : 2/24/2024 4:55 pm : link
In comment 16407167 Ten Ton Hammer said:
can we at least agree on that?

Any rookie they bring in is going to need a year or two to develop.

they need to bring in a veteran.

No not necessarily true. There are rookie OGs start and play well.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/24/2024 5:13 pm : link
I would like to field a competent OL sometime before 2060.
RE: RE: A rookie high draft pick is not going to fix it  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/24/2024 5:28 pm : link
In comment 16407174 section125 said:
In comment 16407167 Ten Ton Hammer said:


can we at least agree on that?

Any rookie they bring in is going to need a year or two to develop.

they need to bring in a veteran.

No not necessarily true. There are rookie OGs start and play well.

That hasn't happened here in, I think, 20 years. Who was the last one? I'm filtering my opinions through the lens of what the Giants do. I'll beleive they can produce a day 1 positive draft pick at OL when I see it happen.

And this is not to say I'm down on Schmitz, I think he did well enough at a very difficult position, but I have no confidence any player they pick as a rookie is going to step in and be a net positive impact player immediately.
What could've been.....  
mittenedman : 2/24/2024 5:53 pm : link
Thomas - Ezeudu - Schmitz - ??? - Neal should be a kickass OL, had the players lived up to their status. They've invested heavily - if the new OL Coach can work some magic, maybe it isn't too late.
It’s not magic  
Dave on the UWS : 2/24/2024 6:32 pm : link
They need to be coached to their strengths and the blocking schemes employed has to fit what they CAN do, not the reverse.
(Ex: Daboll wants a certain with to his passing pocket, so from day 1 Johnson had the tackles setting at a 45 degree angle.
So as a rookie, Neal was switching from left to right tackle AND had to learn a new technique for pass protection he had never done. He struggled, then got hurt and struggled some more.
Thomas had a similar situation as a rookie, where he was being asked to use different techniques by Columbo. When that dude was fired, Judge had him go back to what worked for him in college.
Doesn’t seem like Neal has gotten the same break. An excellent RT is still in there, I’m hopeful Bricilo can unlock it.
RE: …  
Cyrus the Great : 2/24/2024 6:37 pm : link
In comment 16407185 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I would like to field a competent OL sometime before 2060.

Rome wasn't built in a day
Been screaming this same take for years.  
djm : 2/24/2024 6:45 pm : link
Use FA. Vet OL. Period.
RE: I doubt they sign two OGs  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/24/2024 6:45 pm : link
In comment 16407164 JonC said:
One OG and/or they need a swing tackle, preferably one who can legitimately push Neal, and start at OG.

I agree, I think 1 guard 8n FA, re then we grab another in the draft. Bring back bredeson and maybe re-sign Peart to a light contract as he appeared to be getting better
AcidTest : 2/24/2024 6:51 pm : link
the starters, only Thomas, Neal, and Schmitz should return. Ezeudu and McKethan can come to camp. Everyone else should be cut or not resigned. That's how bad the OL still is, even after 10 years and a ton of FA and draft resources. Schoen and company look no better at finding event decent OL than their predecessors.
Biggest need this offseason  
Mattman : 2/24/2024 7:33 pm : link
Other than qb is a rg. I would like a very good vet rg to play between JMS and Neal. A veteran swing tackle is huge need considering Neal’s struggles (I still have faith in him) and Thomas getting banged up. It is more important than the second guard. I would bring bredeson back and let him compete with Ezuedo. I would resign Phillips and work him in at the guards and rt as another depth piece. I would sign Dotson for RG and Eluemunor for swing tackle. The 3/4 rounds could be used on another iol to develop.

LT Thomas / Eluemunor
LG Bredeson / Ezuedu /Rookie
C JMS / Bredeson / Rookie
Rg Dotson / Bredeson / Phillips
RT Neal / Eluemunor / Phillips

MCKethan would go to the PS, glowinski would be cut.
RE: Biggest need this offseason  
smshmth8690 : 2/24/2024 11:35 pm : link
In comment 16407266 Mattman said:
Other than qb is a rg. I would like a very good vet rg to play between JMS and Neal. A veteran swing tackle is huge need considering Neal’s struggles (I still have faith in him) and Thomas getting banged up. It is more important than the second guard. I would bring bredeson back and let him compete with Ezuedo. I would resign Phillips and work him in at the guards and rt as another depth piece. I would sign Dotson for RG and Eluemunor for swing tackle. The 3/4 rounds could be used on another iol to develop.

LT Thomas / Eluemunor
LG Bredeson / Ezuedu /Rookie
C JMS / Bredeson / Rookie
Rg Dotson / Bredeson / Phillips
RT Neal / Eluemunor / Phillips

MCKethan would go to the PS, glowinski would be cut.

I don't think Eluemunor would come here, and not start.
RE: Among  
DefenseWins : 2/25/2024 5:45 am : link
In comment 16407248 AcidTest said:
the starters, only Thomas, Neal, and Schmitz should return. Ezeudu and McKethan can come to camp. Everyone else should be cut or not resigned. That's how bad the OL still is, even after 10 years and a ton of FA and draft resources. Schoen and company look no better at finding event decent OL than their predecessors.

I agree with you, but you need those replacement bodies here before you cut those guys.

Too many posters here get confused between needing to focus on improving the OL, vs having spent picks or FA signings on that area in the past. This car will not run without an improved OL. It is not fixed yet so we must continue to spend resources until the offense can function.
I actually disagree  
Shirk130 : 2/25/2024 6:25 am : link
they have spent a ton of capital on the OL and have some young players they obviously liked in college. I would focus on development with who we already have. I know it's not a popular opinion but it has more to do with coaching than talent in my opinion.
RE: …  
56goat : 2/25/2024 8:32 am : link
In comment 16407185 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I would like to field a competent OL sometime before 2060.

Me too, especially since I would be 100 in 2060!
Is this really a good take?  
nygiantfan : 2/25/2024 8:48 am : link
Yes, fairly obvious the teams needs improvement at the Guard level and some backup plan if year 3 of Project Neal goes awry.

But who are the sure things that they advise on? I didn't see sure thing type of names.
stretch234 : 2/25/2024 10:03 am : link
In a league that struggles to find enough competent OL to fill out 5 starters where are you finding 2 good veteran guards. Most of those guys already have jobs. You are likely looking at shuffling guys coming off their 1st contracts.

Draft a G and get better coaching
Giants' failures at IOL since Snee, Seubert and O'Hara are crazy  
sb from NYT Forum : 2/25/2024 10:36 am : link
...Is Baas the only good one they've had? And he was injured pretty much the whole time except the Super Bowl run.

I guess Kevin Boothe was pretty reliable. But man, what a revolving door of shit it's been for well over a decade.
RE: Like Glowinski? Zeitler? Skura? Solder?  
Jack Stroud : 2/25/2024 1:51 pm : link
In comment 16406949 fanoftheteam said:
Fleming? Etc….

No - we need to just get the right players.
Any suggestions on how the Giants do that?
It's baffling to me...  
Johnny5 : 2/25/2024 6:30 pm : link
... that so many BBI'ers don't see this. I hope everyone reads this, even though it's stating the obvious.
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