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NGT: Cam Newton involved in fight at a youth football camp

MNP70 : 2/25/2024 6:14 pm
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SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/25/2024 6:16 pm : link
I first read this as Newton getting into a fight with a youth at a football camp. That'd be, uh, bad.
I am not going to blame him for this,..  
DefenseWins : 2/25/2024 6:17 pm : link
because we dont know who started it. Looks like there are a few thugs there.

The most offensive thing in that video is that fucking hat he is wearing. He looks like a rooster
RE: I am not going to blame him for this,..  
Don from CT : 2/25/2024 6:45 pm : link
In comment 16407790 DefenseWins said:
because we dont know who started it. Looks like there are a few thugs there.

The most offensive thing in that video is that fucking hat he is wearing. He looks like a rooster

He deserves to get beat up for wearing that hat
lol, it would be pretty funny if it was over the hat  
widmerseyebrow : 2/25/2024 7:10 pm : link
Guy shows up to his football camp in a pimp hat  
ghost718 : 2/25/2024 7:23 pm : link
than proceeds to get into a fight,and doesn't think to take it off.

Because when people see the video,they aren't gonna side with the clown.
He was jumped  
uconngiant : 2/25/2024 7:37 pm : link
from eye witness accounts. Terrible as he was there to raise $5000 dollars for the youth
This is the second time I've seen him have issues at a camp  
Don from CT : 2/25/2024 7:43 pm : link
The 1st time (several years ago), was nothing like this, just some sh*t talking between him and some disrespectful young punks (back and forth)

I really don't think he's a bad guy, other than that hat
RE: RE: I am not going to blame him for this,..  
Spider43 : 2/25/2024 8:08 pm : link
In comment 16407817 Don from CT said:
In comment 16407790 DefenseWins said:


because we dont know who started it. Looks like there are a few thugs there.

The most offensive thing in that video is that fucking hat he is wearing. He looks like a rooster

He deserves to get beat up for wearing that hat

BigBlueShock : 2/25/2024 8:19 pm : link
It’s amazing how emboldened some people are when you’ve got five of your buddies against one dude. That bitch ass punk that ran up and blind sided him with a punch wouldn’t have the balls to take a swing on Newton if it was just the two of them standing there. Instead he’d be kissing his ass
RE: RE: I am not going to blame him for this,..  
Joey in VA : 2/25/2024 8:42 pm : link
In comment 16407817 Don from CT said:
In comment 16407790 DefenseWins said:


because we dont know who started it. Looks like there are a few thugs there.

The most offensive thing in that video is that fucking hat he is wearing. He looks like a rooster

He deserves to get beat up for wearing that hat
You're an idiot. That is all.
Is he a Pilgrim?  
Matt M. : 2/25/2024 9:07 pm : link
''When you buy a hat like that  
BigBlue in Keys : 2/25/2024 9:18 pm : link
I bet you get a free bowl of soup" - RIP Rodney
christian : 2/25/2024 9:25 pm : link
I hope no one was hurt, and if someone did anything dangerous they are held responsible.

On a completely separate note, why is Cam Newton wearing a witch hat?
RE: ...  
Don from CT : 2/25/2024 9:42 pm : link
In comment 16407889 christian said:
I hope no one was hurt, and if someone did anything dangerous they are held responsible.

On a completely separate note, why is Cam Newton wearing a witch hat?

Joey gave him that hat
Just weird.  
Del Shofner : 2/25/2024 9:47 pm : link
It does look like a witch's hat.
RE: Just weird.  
christian : 2/25/2024 9:50 pm : link
In comment 16407892 Del Shofner said:
It does look like a witch's hat.

Maybe we'll see Cam at Sinterklaas next year.
RE: RE: ...  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/25/2024 9:52 pm : link
In comment 16407891 Don from CT said:
In comment 16407889 christian said:


I hope no one was hurt, and if someone did anything dangerous they are held responsible.

On a completely separate note, why is Cam Newton wearing a witch hat?

Joey gave him that hat

Was it possible  
Jersey Heel : 2/25/2024 10:06 pm : link
The other people were angry because he cast a spell on them?
RE: Was it possible  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/25/2024 10:51 pm : link
In comment 16407905 Jersey Heel said:
The other people were angry because he cast a spell on them?

Turned them into a newt?

RE: Lol  
Banks : 2/26/2024 12:59 am : link
In comment 16407868 BigBlueShock said:
It’s amazing how emboldened some people are when you’ve got five of your buddies against one dude. That bitch ass punk that ran up and blind sided him with a punch wouldn’t have the balls to take a swing on Newton if it was just the two of them standing there. Instead he’d be kissing his ass

It looks like he's wearing  
eclipz928 : 2/26/2024 7:08 am : link
a regular black wide-brim hat, but one with an opening at the top that allows his hair to come through.
The hat is fine...  
Brown_Hornet : 2/26/2024 8:09 am : link
...just needs a hole because of his hair.

The fat kid with the backpack needs to have the shit beat out of him. Few things in this world deserve a beat down more than a sucker punch.
I’m friends with a Dad on Cam’s football team (not 7v7)  
DCGMan : 2/26/2024 1:37 pm : link
Is this Cam Asshat info?

He texted me that Cam and the other guy used to coachtogether and had some falling out.

They were both walking up the stairs.

The other guy allegedly said, “what you was saying?”

Cam responded, “I made you.” Then Cam pointed his finger in the other guys’s face and it was on.
From the video  
Ceez2.0 : 2/26/2024 2:15 pm : link
it doesn't seem like Cam threw a single punch. He was just throwing people around. The security at that event sucks. That shouldn't happen, especially to the person hosting.
Black Gandalf  
giantsFC : 2/26/2024 9:29 pm : link
You. Shall. Not. dab!

RE: I’m friends with a Dad on Cam’s football team (not 7v7)  
christian : 2/26/2024 9:37 pm : link
In comment 16408435 DCGMan said:
Cam responded, “I made you.” Then Cam pointed his finger in the other guys’s face and it was on.

This supports the witch and spell angle.
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