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ajr2456 : 2/26/2024 6:37 am
Says his sources say the Patriots are more open to trading #3 than people think.

Giants are very high on Caleb Williams and like Maye. He’s unsure their thoughts on Daniels
Throwing shit at the wall.  
robbieballs2003 : 2/26/2024 6:42 am : link
These guys have no idea who likes who. If the beats knew anything, they'd be breaking Giants news, not the national guys.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/26/2024 6:51 am : link
While robbie has a point, interesting nonetheless.
Sammo85 : 2/26/2024 6:54 am : link
Because early rumors are stronger and stronger Maye is going 2 to Washington. Ownership wants to get franchise QB in building.

Trading up to 3 only makes sense if you love Daniels or McCarthy and want him above all else possibly at 6.
Hilary : 2/26/2024 6:54 am : link
Pats are not going into the season with Jones and Zappe as the QB. If they do not sign a veteran in free agency the are picking a QB in the draft.
RE: Throwing shit at the wall.  
GiantGrit : 2/26/2024 6:56 am : link
In comment 16407959 robbieballs2003 said:
These guys have no idea who likes who. If the beats knew anything, they'd be breaking Giants news, not the national guys.

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. This is exactly what I heard awhile back.
RE: Pats  
leatherneck570 : 2/26/2024 7:00 am : link
In comment 16407966 Hilary said:
Pats are not going into the season with Jones and Zappe as the QB. If they do not sign a veteran in free agency the are picking a QB in the draft.

There’s a good chance Russel Wilson becomes available and maybe the Pats see him + the additional draft picks as a better option
GiantGrit : 2/26/2024 7:01 am : link
Regarding the Giants, the Pats info is new to me.
Pats being open for business at 3 doesn’t necessarily help us  
Chris684 : 2/26/2024 7:35 am : link
For Williams or Maye if that’s who they want though.
ajr2456 : 2/26/2024 7:42 am : link
Who limit themselves to just Williams and Maye are probably going to end up fired
the 3 hole is for MHJ  
stoneman : 2/26/2024 7:46 am : link
anybody wanting MHJ has to jump to 3 - not a bad Pats strategy if they are unwilling to give the ransom to move to #1 or #2.
Dunleavy has been right on a few  
Biteymax22 : 2/26/2024 7:57 am : link
things lately. I wouldn't be quick to write this off.
I don't get the report  
Sean : 2/26/2024 8:02 am : link
The Giants like Caleb Williams? Well, no shit he's going to be the first pick in the draft. The Giants like Drake Maye? He's likely going to be the second pick in the draft.

It's not the first we've heard of the Pats potentially trading down. I'm more interested in how NYG ranks Daniels-McCarthy-Nix-Penix. I'm sure the Giants would trade up to 3 for Maye, but would they trade for to 3 for Daniels?
RE: I don't get the report  
robbieballs2003 : 2/26/2024 8:04 am : link
In comment 16407995 Sean said:
The Giants like Caleb Williams? Well, no shit he's going to be the first pick in the draft. The Giants like Drake Maye? He's likely going to be the second pick in the draft.

It's not the first we've heard of the Pats potentially trading down. I'm more interested in how NYG ranks Daniels-McCarthy-Nix-Penix. I'm sure the Giants would trade up to 3 for Maye, but would they trade for to 3 for Daniels?

And all one has to do is just see all the times they visited Williams and Maye during the season. This regime only puts out the info they want out. They don't tell anyone who they want.
ryanmkeane : 2/26/2024 8:27 am : link
My thoughts exactly around the QBs, not too interested in anyone besides Maye or Williams at the top
RE: …  
Sean : 2/26/2024 8:31 am : link
In comment 16408010 ryanmkeane said:
My thoughts exactly around the QBs, not too interested in anyone besides Maye or Williams at the top

What would you do at QB? Even you have to admit Jones has a durability concern. Tyrod Taylor is a UFA.

How would you handle the position?
Stay at 6 if the NYG like Williams and Maye  
The_Boss : 2/26/2024 9:04 am : link
Neither will be there at 3.
MHJ’s measurables are simply terrific as reported  
cosmicj : 2/26/2024 9:08 am : link
Pre Combine. Together with outstanding production and Poles could legitimately say f*** it, select him #1 for the Bears and move on to his next pick. Harrison’s situation is reminding me of Deion Sanders, who everyone loved pre draft but somehow fell to #5.

Then you have Nabers, who may be almost as good a prospect as MHJ.

I think there’s a lot of movement ahead in the 1st round. One idea I haven’t seen touted is a team trading into the top 3 not to pick a QB but to get MHJ.
ryanmkeane : 2/26/2024 9:14 am : link
Sean - it’s tough because I really don’t want to give up future 1st round draft picks. The team isn’t deep playoff ready at the current time and keeping those picks is paramount. Not a secret - I also think Jones can and will be a good quarterback.

All that being said, if Maye is available at 6 the Giants absolutely have to draft him and I’d be very happy. Williams wont be available obviously, he won’t get past Washington.

And - I really don’t think that spending a 2nd or 3rd on a lesser QB makes sense.

So my thoughts are Maye/Williams or pretty much wait it out and continue to build the roster.
RE: RE: …  
gridirony : 2/26/2024 9:17 am : link
In comment 16408013 Sean said:
In comment 16408010 ryanmkeane said:


My thoughts exactly around the QBs, not too interested in anyone besides Maye or Williams at the top

What would you do at QB? Even you have to admit Jones has a durability concern. Tyrod Taylor is a UFA.

How would you handle the position?

What would I do at QB?

Hire a Hooker. Use the #6 pick on Nabers. If the QB doesn't work out, I'd hire a hooker.
It would be wise for NYG to have a plan in place with NE  
Rjanyg : 2/26/2024 9:20 am : link
If the first 2 picks are:

1. Williams to Chicago
2, Daniels to Washington

Then you pull the trigger and trade up for Mayes.

Otherwise stay at 6 and see what happens.

Maybe McCarthy is a viable target at 6?
Schoen's a pretty transparent guy.  
mittenedman : 2/26/2024 9:25 am : link
He was scouting the hell out of Caleb Williams.

I still think the Giants try to pull off a blockbuster. They need to do something huge to turn this org around.
Two different trains of thought  
jvm52106 : 2/26/2024 9:34 am : link
but not unrelated in overall context.

Giants love Williams and Maye. Assuming one or the either slips past 2 then being available at #3 becomes a target spot for us to move up.

Chicago most likely will do the smartest thing they can do- get their guy at #1 and trade their current guy for picks.

Atlanta, New England, Washington, Miami, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Tampa Bay and the NY Jets all could be landing places for Fields..

Washington is interesting. I know you can't say one school prospect is the same as a prospect from the same school a few years later but, Washington only has to look at Themselves/Chicago and the NY Giants to see a historical pattern that could scare them off Maye.

Bears- Trubisky, Wash- Howell both from NC- neither really proving they belong as starters.

Giants- Brown and Jones both from Duke, both showing major lack of NFL starter or difference level skills. (I know decades apart but still, it wasn't unnoticed at the time Jones was drafted.

It gets to be hard for to sell a fanbase on another QB prospect from the same school you previously selected a QB prospect from and that has seen other QB prospects with other teams as well, fail and fail miserably.

I could see Washington shying away from Maye here just for the optics alone. Right or wrong, this new ownership team wants to put its stamp on this team.

BTW- Fields destroyed Washington earlier last season.

I do believe the Giants love Williams but I also believe that Maye would be their Ideal physical choice.
RE: It would be wise for NYG to have a plan in place with NE  
Jay on the Island : 2/26/2024 9:34 am : link
In comment 16408088 Rjanyg said:
If the first 2 picks are:

1. Williams to Chicago
2, Daniels to Washington

Then you pull the trigger and trade up for Mayes.

Otherwise stay at 6 and see what happens.

Maybe McCarthy is a viable target at 6?

This isn't Gettleman, Schoen will work out every possible scenario for the top two picks if he wants to trade up to 3.
AcidTest : 2/26/2024 9:36 am : link
don't think it's groundbreaking to find out the Giants like Williams and Maye. As GG said, that was reported at least a month ago. Water is wet.
I never thought of Washington as a destination  
ajr2456 : 2/26/2024 9:40 am : link
For Fields but they do have some pieces. They could trade for Fields, add MHJ to an already solid WR room, and spend free agency upgrading the OLine
RE: RE: It would be wise for NYG to have a plan in place with NE  
56goat : 2/26/2024 9:40 am : link
In comment 16408125 Jay on the Island said:
In comment 16408088 Rjanyg said:


If the first 2 picks are:

1. Williams to Chicago
2, Daniels to Washington

Then you pull the trigger and trade up for Mayes.

Otherwise stay at 6 and see what happens.

Maybe McCarthy is a viable target at 6?

This isn't Gettleman, Schoen will work out every possible scenario for the top two picks if he wants to trade up to 3.

This. I imagine JS is exploring scenarios involving trading up and trading down depending on how things shake out. I also hope they are finally using smokescreens to hide their true intentions (yes I'm looking at you DG!).
AcidTest : 2/26/2024 9:44 am : link
still think Williams and Maye go #1 and #2. Washington has new ownership, a new GM, and a new coach. They want their own QB and can get one without having to do an RGIII type trade. My guess is that Daniels would likely remind them of RGIII in terms of his frame. Maye is a lot more thickly built and likely reminds them of Josh Allen.
RE: I  
Manhattan : 2/26/2024 9:45 am : link
In comment 16408153 AcidTest said:
still think Williams and Maye go #1 and #2. Washington has new ownership, a new GM, and a new coach. They want their own QB and can get one without having to do an RGIII type trade. My guess is that Daniels would likely remind them of RGIII in terms of his frame. Maye is a lot more thickly built and likely reminds them of Josh Allen.

I agree. I still think it is William/Maye at 1/2.
RE: RE: Throwing shit at the wall.  
Jay on the Island : 2/26/2024 9:49 am : link
In comment 16407968 GiantGrit said:
In comment 16407959 robbieballs2003 said:


These guys have no idea who likes who. If the beats knew anything, they'd be breaking Giants news, not the national guys.

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. This is exactly what I heard awhile back.

Grit, have you heard anything about their interest in McCarthy or Daniels?
ryanmkeane : 2/26/2024 9:57 am : link
Dunleavy tends to be more right than others.

And Maye is the most toolsy of the QBs and would have the size that Daboll probably covets.
Ok. JJ McCarthy it is.  
GiantTuff1 : 2/26/2024 10:04 am : link
RE: Ok. JJ McCarthy it is.  
JonC : 2/26/2024 10:09 am : link
In comment 16408188 GiantTuff1 said:

RE: RE: Ok. JJ McCarthy it is.  
JT039 : 2/26/2024 10:10 am : link
In comment 16408193 JonC said:
In comment 16408188 GiantTuff1 said:




I am not a McCarthy fan at 6. But throwing shit to the media about liking others will only help their chances at staying at 6 and getting the guy they want - am I reading this right?
It's still early but  
JonC : 2/26/2024 10:18 am : link
I would expect JS would prefer to get a QB at #6 rather than burn the cache of draft picks to trade up. And, that's IF the Bears or perhaps the Pats are willing dancer partners. Alot needs to fall into place for the Giants to trade up. A "better" solution would be to stay put at #6.
RE: It's still early but  
AcidTest : 2/26/2024 10:22 am : link
In comment 16408201 JonC said:
I would expect JS would prefer to get a QB at #6 rather than burn the cache of draft picks to trade up. And, that's IF the Bears or perhaps the Pats are willing dancer partners. Alot needs to fall into place for the Giants to trade up. A "better" solution would be to stay put at #6.

RE: Schoen's a pretty transparent guy.  
djm : 2/26/2024 10:23 am : link
In comment 16408108 mittenedman said:
He was scouting the hell out of Caleb Williams.

I still think the Giants try to pull off a blockbuster. They need to do something huge to turn this org around.

They traded a good player in Williams for a second round pick. Probably for good reason. The only good reason in my view is to trade up for a player you feel can make a mark on this team for a long time.

Sure seems like they have something up their sleeve.
christian : 2/26/2024 10:27 am : link
If three of the blue chip guys (MHJ, Daniels, Williams) don't participate in the charade, they don't risk falling.

That gives an opportunity for someone on the parameter to make a statement and get in the conversation for the top 5.

If a player like Nabers blows the doors off the drills, maybe the Cardinals roll the dice for a trade down to 6 on draft day, if 1-4 is QBs.

The more supply at the top actually drives down the cost to trade up. Hopefully Nabers makes a case as the best WR.
This is where it gets interesting  
UberAlias : 2/26/2024 10:33 am : link
The buzz at the sr bowl was about how to break into the top 3. With so many QB needy teams, if that's not an option you have to wonder if any of them have the conviction to deal into 4 or 5? Four QBs in the top 5 would be something, but if there is desperation it could happen. We'll need a plan B, at least.
RE: RE: Ok. JJ McCarthy it is.  
Jay on the Island : 2/26/2024 10:35 am : link
In comment 16408193 JonC said:
In comment 16408188 GiantTuff1 said:




Have you heard this or is it your preference?
ryanmkeane : 2/26/2024 10:41 am : link
Not gonna pretend to know who will be great and who will be a bust, it’s always a crapshoot.

But man, McCarthy at 6 would be disappointing to me.
RE: RE: RE: Ok. JJ McCarthy it is.  
JonC : 2/26/2024 10:48 am : link
In comment 16408229 Jay on the Island said:
In comment 16408193 JonC said:


In comment 16408188 GiantTuff1 said:




Have you heard this or is it your preference?

Educated guess.
christian : 2/26/2024 10:54 am : link
In comment 16408201 JonC said:
A "better" solution would be to stay put at #6.

Given the dearth of talent on the Giants, I'd prefer them to draw a hard line on what they would spend to move up.

I'd limit to either 1) next year's 1st round pick or 2) the two 2024 2nd round picks.

That probably limits them to moving to 3rd or 4th overall.
RE: …  
Jay on the Island : 2/26/2024 11:01 am : link
In comment 16408239 ryanmkeane said:
Not gonna pretend to know who will be great and who will be a bust, it’s always a crapshoot.

But man, McCarthy at 6 would be disappointing to me.

I disagree, I have a gut feeling that McCarthy is going to be a damn good starting QB in the NFL.
If I had to guess  
Sean : 2/26/2024 11:02 am : link
Schoen would love to get Drake Maye. If NE is on the clock after WSH takes Daniels, I'd think there would be an aggressive offer made to move up.

Otherwise, McCarthy would be scouted against present day Jones and the 2025 QB class, if Schoen/Daboll like him enough, they'll pick him at 6. Otherwise it will be Nabers imo.

The wildcard is Daniels. I don't know how this regime feels about him. I don't see 4 QB's going before NYG picks, so I'd guess one of those will be available at 6, but would NYG risk that? Would they trade a third to move up one spot?
RE: I  
Biteymax22 : 2/26/2024 11:03 am : link
In comment 16408153 AcidTest said:
still think Williams and Maye go #1 and #2. Washington has new ownership, a new GM, and a new coach. They want their own QB and can get one without having to do an RGIII type trade. My guess is that Daniels would likely remind them of RGIII in terms of his frame. Maye is a lot more thickly built and likely reminds them of Josh Allen.

My logic tells me this is correct, but the hiring of Kingsbury leads me to believe they are looking at more of an off script vs on script player which would point to Daniels or, if in a horrible situation for us, Williams falls to 2...
Staying put  
UberAlias : 2/26/2024 11:25 am : link
And drafting one of Maye, Daniels, JJ, Harrison, or Nabers seems about right to me.
I am hoping the Giants draft a QB or WR  
arniefez : 2/26/2024 11:33 am : link
with the #6 pick. I'm hoping they draft EDGE, DT or OL with their 2 picks in round 2. I'm hoping they draft a RB with either pick 3 or 4. I'm hoping the draft a TE with pick 4 or 5.

I understand that the value may not lineup, it's just my wish list if it does.

I would like to see the Giants build a competent OL without investing anymore premium draft capital but this a very deep OT class and Neal is too big a question mark, literally, to ignore OT. FA OT's are way too expensive. FA guards are where I hope the Giants focus a major percentage of their available cap money.
So the Giants like the top 2 QB prospects in the draft  
ZogZerg : 2/26/2024 11:34 am : link

Schoen and co don't leak info, they leak smoke.  
BleedBlue46 : 2/26/2024 11:50 am : link
They attended games of each of the top 4 QBs I think they are hoping for Daniels or Mccarthy if they are leaking info about liking Maye and Williams. Notice how all the asshats haven't had any scoops since with this regime? I don't buy that they are keying in on Maye and Williams one bit. In fact, if that's what people are hearing then I think it's more likely they like Daniels and McCarthy just as much or more if the leaks point toward JM and CW.
RE: Staying put  
Jay on the Island : 2/26/2024 12:12 pm : link
In comment 16408298 UberAlias said:
And drafting one of Maye, Daniels, JJ, Harrison, or Nabers seems about right to me.

Ideally the Giants stay at 6 and either JJ McCarthy or Drake Maye are on the board. My top 6 wish list in order is Caleb Williams, Drake Maye, JJ McCarthy, Jayden Daniels, Marvin Harrison Jr. Malik Nabers.
Dave on the UWS : 2/26/2024 12:25 pm : link
Schoen and Daboll gave some hints shortley after they arrived here. They like a big, strong QB (like Allen). Its one of the things they liked about Jones.
Caleb is a different story. He is SO creative, he transcends "types". I can "somewhat" see McCarthy fitting into their mold. Can't see Daniels.
RE: RE: Ok. JJ McCarthy it is.  
blueblood : 2/26/2024 12:43 pm : link
In comment 16408193 JonC said:
In comment 16408188 GiantTuff1 said:




This is my expectation if they go QB. I dont think they want to trade the assets it will take to get to #1 or #3.
RE: RE: …  
Big Rick in FL : 2/26/2024 1:06 pm : link
In comment 16408263 Jay on the Island said:
In comment 16408239 ryanmkeane said:


Not gonna pretend to know who will be great and who will be a bust, it’s always a crapshoot.

But man, McCarthy at 6 would be disappointing to me.

I disagree, I have a gut feeling that McCarthy is going to be a damn good starting QB in the NFL.

A lot of people much smarter than me says he has a great arm and is deadly accurate. Which is evident in his 72.3 completion percentage. He was also insanely good on 3rd down (Check the Pic below)
ryanmkeane : 2/26/2024 1:09 pm : link
My guess would be that Daboll would absolutely love to work with Maye considering the arm talent and size. Not necessarily Allen but similar to Allen in that regard.
RE: RE: RE: …  
Big Rick in FL : 2/26/2024 1:14 pm : link
In comment 16408400 Big Rick in FL said:
In comment 16408263 Jay on the Island said:


In comment 16408239 ryanmkeane said:


Not gonna pretend to know who will be great and who will be a bust, it’s always a crapshoot.

But man, McCarthy at 6 would be disappointing to me.

I disagree, I have a gut feeling that McCarthy is going to be a damn good starting QB in the NFL.

Also Lance Zierlein said NFL Evaluators he's talked to have said JJ has elite processing.

on Michigan QB J.J. McCarthy: "NFL evaluators have described McCarthy's processing as "elite" in my conversations with them." #NFLDraft
RE: Believable  
4xchamps : 2/26/2024 2:24 pm : link
In comment 16407965 Sammo85 said:
Because early rumors are stronger and stronger Maye is going 2 to Washington. Ownership wants to get franchise QB in building.

Curious, ownership nor GM has ever stated they "want a franchise QB in the building." This is your speculation, right?
RE: RE: RE: …  
Ten Ton Hammer : 2/26/2024 3:27 pm : link
In comment 16408400 Big Rick in FL said:
In comment 16408263 Jay on the Island said:


In comment 16408239 ryanmkeane said:


Not gonna pretend to know who will be great and who will be a bust, it’s always a crapshoot.

But man, McCarthy at 6 would be disappointing to me.

I disagree, I have a gut feeling that McCarthy is going to be a damn good starting QB in the NFL.

A lot of people much smarter than me says he has a great arm and is deadly accurate. Which is evident in his 72.3 completion percentage. He was also insanely good on 3rd down (Check the Pic below)

I wanna know more. High completion percentage is one thing. How long distance are these throws. Doesn't mean as much if he's checking it down and driving the bus.
RE: RE: Believable  
Mike from Ohio : 2/26/2024 3:30 pm : link
In comment 16408503 4xchamps said:
In comment 16407965 Sammo85 said:


Because early rumors are stronger and stronger Maye is going 2 to Washington. Ownership wants to get franchise QB in building.

Curious, ownership nor GM has ever stated they "want a franchise QB in the building." This is your speculation, right?

Is there an organization that doesn't want a franchise QB in the building?

If someone posted that the Giants want to win more football games, would you ask if it was someone's speculation?
RE: RE: I  
AcidTest : 2/26/2024 10:03 pm : link
In comment 16408269 Biteymax22 said:
In comment 16408153 AcidTest said:


still think Williams and Maye go #1 and #2. Washington has new ownership, a new GM, and a new coach. They want their own QB and can get one without having to do an RGIII type trade. My guess is that Daniels would likely remind them of RGIII in terms of his frame. Maye is a lot more thickly built and likely reminds them of Josh Allen.

My logic tells me this is correct, but the hiring of Kingsbury leads me to believe they are looking at more of an off script vs on script player which would point to Daniels or, if in a horrible situation for us, Williams falls to 2...

Certainly possible.
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