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NFT: Introducing the best person of the day: Dr. Ruth Gottesman

DanMetroMan : 2/26/2024 11:23 am
The 93-year-old widow of a Wall Street financier has donated $1 billion to a Bronx medical school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, with instructions that the gift be used to cover tuition for all students going forward.

The donor, Dr. Ruth Gottesman, is a former professor at Einstein, where she studied learning disabilities, developed a screening test and ran literacy programs. It is one of the largest charitable donations to an educational institution in the United States and most likely the largest to a medical school.

The fortune came from her late husband, David Gottesman, known as Sandy, who was a protégé of Warren Buffett and had made an early investment in Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate Mr. Buffett built.

The donation is notable not only for its staggering size, but also because it is going to a medical institution in the Bronx, the city’s poorest borough. The Bronx has a high rate of premature deaths and ranks as the unhealthiest county in New York. Over the past generation, a number of billionaires have given hundreds of millions of dollars to better-known medical schools and hospitals in Manhattan, the city’s wealthiest borough.

Dr. Gottesman said her donation would enable new doctors to begin their careers without medical school debt, which often exceeds $200,000. She also hoped it would broaden the student body to include people who could not otherwise afford to go to medical school.

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That is  
Chris in San Diego : 2/26/2024 11:30 am : link
Cool! Much respect!
Very cool!  
Jints in Carolina : 2/26/2024 11:32 am : link
There should be a lot more of this  
Pork Chop : 2/26/2024 11:44 am : link
and less of donating $100M to some Ivy League school with a $50B endowment in order to get your name carved on another gothic building.
I've done some work at that facility  
MNP70 : 2/26/2024 11:54 am : link
and it is not in good condition. I hope that the people responsible for divvying that money out uses it wisely.
Love this!  
GiantBlue : 2/26/2024 11:55 am : link
Thanks for posting!

We need good news!
The Gottesman family in general are very philanthropic  
Anakim : 2/26/2024 11:58 am : link
THANK YOU so much for posting this Dan  
Terry in CO : 2/26/2024 12:34 pm : link
I was faculty at Einstein for 8 years and wasn't aware of this donation. So incredible.
Unfortunately many years ago the college finances were one of the many victims of Bernie Madoff.
DanMetroMan : 2/26/2024 12:39 pm : link
just had to post it. Every morning reading 99% negative stories, it really gets to you. Doesn't even really matter what paper or website you're reading, the news can be pretty depressing which is why stories like this are incredible. Reminder, there are still some pretty amazing human being out there.
I might go the best person of the month`  
Essex : 2/26/2024 12:55 pm : link
!!! Very generous!
God Bless Her  
varco : 2/26/2024 1:51 pm : link
This story restores one's faith in humanity. What a noble deed!
Exactly Pork Chop!  
X : 2/26/2024 2:10 pm : link
RE: THANK YOU so much for posting this Dan  
Anakim : 2/26/2024 2:12 pm : link
In comment 16408376 Terry in CO said:
I was faculty at Einstein for 8 years and wasn't aware of this donation. So incredible.
Unfortunately many years ago the college finances were one of the many victims of Bernie Madoff.

Yeshiva University as a whole was hit VERY hard by Madoff
Thanks for posting this.  
Matt M. : 2/26/2024 2:38 pm : link
I will have to let my son know, to keep this in mind when applying.
Great act of kindness and intelligence. The world needs more like her  
Ira : 2/26/2024 2:53 pm : link
How about person of the  
Dave on the UWS : 2/26/2024 3:08 pm : link
"YEAR". The very definition of putting your money where your mouth is. This was obviously very important to her.
RE: There should be a lot more of this  
regischarlotte : 2/26/2024 6:24 pm : link
In comment 16408320 Pork Chop said:
and less of donating $100M to some Ivy League school with a $50B endowment in order to get your name carved on another gothic building.

Speaking as a Harvard grad (no buildings named for me though), could not agree more.

Also my niece graduated from Einstein last year (ouch so close!) and absolutely adored it.
Festina Lente : 2/26/2024 6:37 pm : link
People do not understand just how ridiculous the cost of medicicak training is
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/26/2024 6:44 pm : link
Awesome to read!
RE: Great act of kindness and intelligence. The world needs more like her  
56goat : 2/26/2024 8:23 pm : link
In comment 16408549 Ira said:

+1, this is a true hero.
Even if the funds are restricted only to financial aid,  
CT Charlie : 2/27/2024 4:59 pm : link
a massive gift often inspires others. I think the theory for donors is "I might as well ride a winner." So there's a good chance that Einstein will receive big-time gifts to help upgrade buildings – especially from folks who are eager to see their names in big block letters.
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