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BBV review Joe Schoen

Hilary : 2/27/2024 6:26 am
The Giants made the playoffs and beat the Vikings. Can't take that away from JS and BD. The squad he inheritied was more than a year or two away from competing with the NFL's best.
2022 draft was not good considering the picks he had to work with. 2023 maybe better if Schmitz and Hyatt improve. Most free agent signings good. Jones and Barkley contracts not handled well. Trade for Waller gives up too much cap space for a player who can't stay healthy.
He now has more of his people around him to help with scouting and the draft. Needs a better draft this year.
JS - ( New Window )
The squad he inherited was probably four years away at least.  
BillT : 2/27/2024 6:56 am : link
The destruction that Reese and Gettleman engineered was almost complete. It’s also too early to tell how good his draft classes are. Injuries continue to be a central issue that span multiple regimes. Not sure he knew what he got himself into.
if the talent was that bad  
Shirk130 : 2/27/2024 7:07 am : link
they could not have made the playoffs in their first year. It wasn't good, but it shouldn't take almost half a decade to improve.
I know, fans tend to be black and white.....  
George from PA : 2/27/2024 7:14 am : link
We can bash Gettleman for FA and cap mgt ans especially coaches...but his drafts were not horrible.

Big Dex and Thomas were great picks.

If all our 1st RD picks were like those 2....we would be dancing.
RE: I know, fans tend to be black and white.....  
section125 : 2/27/2024 7:15 am : link
In comment 16408994 George from PA said:
We can bash Gettleman for FA and cap mgt ans especially coaches...but his drafts were not horrible.

Big Dex and Thomas were great picks.

If all our 1st RD picks were like those 2....we would be dancing.

And yet it took almost three years for both to reach their level of excellence...
RE: I know, fans tend to be black and white.....  
Sammo85 : 2/27/2024 7:20 am : link
In comment 16408994 George from PA said:
We can bash Gettleman for FA and cap mgt ans especially coaches...but his drafts were not horrible.

Big Dex and Thomas were great picks.

If all our 1st RD picks were like those 2....we would be dancing.

Life is great in isolation huh?

Gettleman had three picks the one year and took Daniel Jones on a reach and Deandre Baker (trading multiple later picks to trade up).

He also couldn’t draft after Round 1 to save his life. And let’s not forget the Toney boondoggle.
christian : 2/27/2024 7:27 am : link
There's a good chance the only Gettleman holdovers are Jones, Thomas, Lawrence, Slayton, Ojulari, and Gano.

In 3 off seasons Schoen will have replaced ~90% of the 53 man roster. He'll have made commitments to 5/6 of the remaining guys.

If he stays put this year he'll have picked 12 times in the top 100, and spent heavily in free agency and extending his own players.

This is in every way his team.
One thing overlooked  
k2tampa : 2/27/2024 7:32 am : link
With all the high picks and free agent signings aimed at the O line it's meant other positions have been neglected, which is one reason for the rosterwide issues. Imagine if they could have used the Thomas and Neal picks on a WR, edge or CB.
This is the main reason they must pass on OL in the first round. Not to mention the financial implications of having a third top 7 pick and a second rounder (and a third, or a medium-high free agent) on the OL. If they all get second contracts it will mean less money for other positions.
The real problem is why can't they get starting OL in the third round or later like most teams. Scouting? Coaching?
Making the playoffs in today’s NFL isn’t an achievement  
cosmicj : 2/27/2024 7:36 am : link
A lot of mediocre teams are doing it. But they aren’t actual championship contenders.
I think where Schoen has erred  
logman : 2/27/2024 8:00 am : link
(DJ contract aside) was not moving Barkley, Jackson, McKinney, etc for draft picks last season
Took over an untalented team with a QB problem and salary cap  
nygiantfan : 2/27/2024 8:22 am : link
issues. Schoen's moves so far have been a mix of good, average and bad. And that weighted average has moved the needle some to the positive but would suggest not enough based on how much "available improvement there was on the table to work with.

The not enough is specifically represented in the fact that his new investments on the OL and DL haven't been very impactful, at least- not in the short term. And the Jones contract decision was a flat out miss, and a bad one.

Now he faces the ultimate issue once again, what is he going to do at QB and will it put momentum on this rebuild.
RE: I think where Schoen has erred  
upnyg : 2/27/2024 8:31 am : link
In comment 16409009 logman said:
(DJ contract aside) was not moving Barkley, Jackson, McKinney, etc for draft picks last season
I agree with that...which would have had us lose a few more game as well in that process. We might be drafting in the 2 slot.

20/20 though
RE: I know, fans tend to be black and white.....  
BillT : 2/27/2024 9:10 am : link
In comment 16408994 George from PA said:
We can bash Gettleman for FA and cap mgt ans especially coaches...but his drafts were not horrible.

Big Dex and Thomas were great picks.

If all our 1st RD picks were like those 2....we would be dancing.

Is this a joke. He made two good picks in four years and that excuses the rest of his picks and his terrible FA acquisitions. Alrighty then.
Giants haven't had a  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/27/2024 9:25 am : link
good GM for over a decade. The great destruction of the LOS started by Reese and continued with Dave still persists.

Mistake not using the NEFT with Jones. Drafts look average at best imv. FA additions not good enough. Did he get the HC right? If not, how does he address it moving forward. What does he do at the QB spot?

He can still turn things around but will need to be a lot better moving forward imv. At least the Giants have a fancy draft board now in the draft war room.
RE: RE: I know, fans tend to be black and white.....  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 9:33 am : link
In comment 16408996 Sammo85 said:
In comment 16408994 George from PA said:


We can bash Gettleman for FA and cap mgt ans especially coaches...but his drafts were not horrible.

Big Dex and Thomas were great picks.

If all our 1st RD picks were like those 2....we would be dancing.

Life is great in isolation huh?

Gettleman had three picks the one year and took Daniel Jones on a reach and Deandre Baker (trading multiple later picks to trade up).

He also couldn’t draft after Round 1 to save his life. And let’s not forget the Toney boondoggle.

Yea thank god Gettleman wasn’t dumb enough to miss on all three picks that year. Could have been dumb luck though
RE: I know, fans tend to be black and white.....  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/27/2024 9:50 am : link
In comment 16408994 George from PA said:
We can bash Gettleman for FA and cap mgt ans especially coaches...but his drafts were not horrible.

Big Dex and Thomas were great picks.

If all our 1st RD picks were like those 2....we would be dancing.

Wow... just wow.
Schoen has had two drafts  
Shirk130 : 2/27/2024 9:57 am : link
and he's yet to draft a player as good as either Dex or Thomas.
AcidTest : 2/27/2024 10:01 am : link
was terrible.

Reached for Jones at #6.

Never fixed the OL.

Traded B.J. Hill and a seventh for Billy Price.

Traded a fourth and a sixth for Alec Ogletree and a seventh.

Drafted Kyle Lauletta.

Used tons of draft picks on CBs, and we still ended up with two (Bradberry, Jackson) expensive FAs as our starters.

Thomas and Lawrence were first round picks. A GM is supposed to get those right.

As far as Schoen is concerned, I'd give him a B- so far. The Jones contract was a huge mistake. My concern is that he will try and rectify that by doing a massive trade up for a QB, even though 50% of first-round QBs bust. He also hasn't fixed the OL despite signing Glowinski and drafting Neal, Ezeudu, and McKethan. But he has made some good draft picks and signed Okereke.
I'll never understand people who defend gettleman  
Ned In Atlanta : 2/27/2024 10:07 am : link
It's beyond baffling to me
Typical fans  
Rjanyg : 2/27/2024 10:35 am : link
Schoen is a pretty good GM. We all know how bad this team was before he got here. They were in cap hell.

They overachieve in 2022 and underwhelm in 2023.

Many say it takes 3-4 years to evaluate a draft class yet everyone is bashing his draft picks.

Everyone wants stability yet we are ready to fired Schoen, trade Kayvon and Neal and let McKinney walk.

This is a critical year no doubt. How about we let is play out and see what they do. We have cap space and create more.

We have draft capital with a high pick.

This should be an exciting time for this team.

truth is, if 4 plays go a different way, NYG would have made the play offs last year.

How far away is any team from being a playoff team? We as Giant fans should know that if you can get in the playoffs anything can happen.
A big whiff on the OL.  
Since1965 : 2/27/2024 10:46 am : link
Many of us thought the OL would be big trouble before the season began, but the Giants' staff seemed to think otherwise. A huge miscalculation, and the number one reason for a lousy season - again. OL should be number 1 priority. Unfixed, nothing else they do will matter.
Schoen has not exactly set him self apart from otyher rookie GM's  
JFIB : 2/27/2024 4:10 pm : link
He has definitely made some questionable moves thus far. Waller, overconfidence in the OL last year. Neal, Jones and Barkley moves were bad last year. Having said that the book is still open and he has at least this off season to impress.
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