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Ian O'Connor "confident" Barkley will be back

DanMetroMan : 2/27/2024 12:15 pm
Ian O'Connor
Saquon Barkley's CAA agent, Ed Berry, ex Kentucky football player, lived in New York City, works with Aaron Rodgers & understands the value of the NYC market. Barkley loves the Giants & John Mara loves him for the way he reps the franchise. Optimistic this gets done.
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 12:16 pm : link
They don’t learn
Let him walk  
Giantophile : 2/27/2024 12:17 pm : link
Time to turn the page. A 2-3 year deal for Barkley is so far from what this team needs.
"The way he reps the franchise."  
Go Terps : 2/27/2024 12:17 pm : link
Winning is not the priority. Selling shit is.
Sammo85 : 2/27/2024 12:19 pm : link
In comment 16409362 Go Terps said:
Winning is not the priority. Selling shit is.

Unlimited salad and breadsticks (and excuses for not winning).
Bob in VA : 2/27/2024 12:19 pm : link
In comment 16409362 Go Terps said:
Winning is not the priority. Selling shit is.

The way he reps the franchise lol  
j_rud : 2/27/2024 12:21 pm : link
There's a telling quote.
Sure i am in  
46and2Blue : 2/27/2024 12:23 pm : link
the minority. But he is their best player, why would you let him go, if they can negotiate a market fair deal? Not sure why so many want him gone.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/27/2024 12:23 pm : link
‘Reps the franchise’

Wow. Just wow. I give up if true.
Barkley was a disaster as a #2 overall pick  
Metnut : 2/27/2024 12:24 pm : link
but whether he comes back for a few years at around a $10M cap never isn’t exactly a make or break decision for the franchise at this point. He’s a nice offensive weapon and popular in the locker room. Giving him -4% or so of our cap room for a year or two isn’t going to prevent the team from adding elsewhere and it’s a move with a “high floor” IMO.
For the right price, why wouldn't they?  
Jint 77 : 2/27/2024 12:24 pm : link
Another question for the ones that want him to leave...

Is there a correlation with having Barkley on the team and losing, or you just want to move on for another reason?
RE: Barkley was a disaster as a #2 overall pick  
santacruzom : 2/27/2024 12:26 pm : link
In comment 16409377 Metnut said:
but whether he comes back for a few years at around a $10M cap never isn’t exactly a make or break decision for the franchise at this point. He’s a nice offensive weapon and popular in the locker room. Giving him -4% or so of our cap room for a year or two isn’t going to prevent the team from adding elsewhere and it’s a move with a “high floor” IMO.

I agree with this for the most part. It certainly is by no means a given that the Giants would invest the money they'd save by letting Barkley go towards acquisitions that improve the team meaningfully.
Schoen and Daboll are writing the sequel to the Gettleman classic  
The_Boss : 2/27/2024 12:26 pm : link
“How to get canned by the ny giants”

Dumping money into Barkley…
RE: Sure i am in  
Sammo85 : 2/27/2024 12:26 pm : link
In comment 16409374 46and2Blue said:
the minority. But he is their best player, why would you let him go, if they can negotiate a market fair deal? Not sure why so many want him gone.

1 year 4 million.
RE: For the right price, why wouldn't they?  
Mike from Ohio : 2/27/2024 12:27 pm : link
In comment 16409378 Jint 77 said:
Another question for the ones that want him to leave...

Is there a correlation with having Barkley on the team and losing, or you just want to move on for another reason?

Almost nobody just wants him off the team. They (including myself) don't want to pay $12M - $13M per year for an oft injured RB on a team with so many more pressing needs.
If he recognizes the value of NY...  
Chris in Philly : 2/27/2024 12:28 pm : link
and agrees to a cheap contract, I am fine with having him back. When healthy (which is a big if), he's still their best skill player. If he wants big money, then he can try and find that elsewhere...
RE: RE: For the right price, why wouldn't they?  
The_Boss : 2/27/2024 12:29 pm : link
In comment 16409384 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16409378 Jint 77 said:


Another question for the ones that want him to leave...

Is there a correlation with having Barkley on the team and losing, or you just want to move on for another reason?

Almost nobody just wants him off the team. They (including myself) don't want to pay $12M - $13M per year for an oft injured RB on a team with so many more pressing needs.

No- I want him off the team, period. I don’t care if he was here for free. He and Jones represent losing and melancholy. We need hope. Those 2 guys don’t bring that.
He doesn't need to leave  
Starke86 : 2/27/2024 12:30 pm : link
I would be in on 2 years 20 million guaranteed with incentives to 25.
AcidTest : 2/27/2024 12:31 pm : link
a tag and trade with someone. Somebody posted a rumor that the Texans might give a third for him. I'd do that.
Ian O'Connor is old as dirt.  
Dave in Hoboken : 2/27/2024 12:32 pm : link
Doubt he knows anything. But bringing him back would be hilarious.
RE: RE: For the right price, why wouldn't they?  
Jint 77 : 2/27/2024 12:32 pm : link
In comment 16409384 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16409378 Jint 77 said:


Another question for the ones that want him to leave...

Is there a correlation with having Barkley on the team and losing, or you just want to move on for another reason?

Almost nobody just wants him off the team. They (including myself) don't want to pay $12M - $13M per year for an oft injured RB on a team with so many more pressing needs.

Speak for yourself on that one. I've seen plenty of posters on this site state very clearly that they never liked the picked and want him gone, period.

It's certainly not "almost nobody".

My point is that his salary, even it if was at 12M a year does not hamper our salary cap in a major way at all...

And he's still a good player that other teams fear.
The drop off from him to RB2 is immense.
RE: For the right price, why wouldn't they?  
BillT : 2/27/2024 12:32 pm : link
In comment 16409378 Jint 77 said:
Another question for the ones that want him to leave...

Is there a correlation with having Barkley on the team and losing, or you just want to move on for another reason?

This is right. If he will sign here for market value then fine. What is market value. I think it's less than $10m per but what do I know.
For two  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/27/2024 12:33 pm : link
seasons, I've said the Giants should have traded Barkley before the deadline.

But that ship has sailed. In 2022 he was still on his rookie deal, last year he was on a FT with no bonus money.

Given where we are now, I see no reason to move on from Barkley as long as the terms are not outrageous. He's still an asset and this team has too many other needs to address at this point.
He should have been traded  
logman : 2/27/2024 12:36 pm : link
They might as well re-sign him, because, at best, they'd get a 3 as a comp pick, but that's probably wiped out by any FA they sign next month.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/27/2024 12:36 pm : link
I don’t mind him back at the right cost. I’d prefer to move on.

But the fact that Connor cites how Mara values him repping the franchise…come the fuck on.

This is probably why he wasn’t dealt last fall.
RE: RE: For the right price, why wouldn't they?  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 12:36 pm : link
In comment 16409384 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16409378 Jint 77 said:


Another question for the ones that want him to leave...

Is there a correlation with having Barkley on the team and losing, or you just want to move on for another reason?

Almost nobody just wants him off the team. They (including myself) don't want to pay $12M - $13M per year for an oft injured RB on a team with so many more pressing needs.

who in FA would you sign to fill the more pressing needs and for how much?

did more pressing needs get filled by 7m/year for glowinski? or 14m/year + 3rd round pick for waller? or 5m for campbell? the open market cost of those 3 in the prior 2 offseasons ended up double the AAV barkley is projected to get.

that isnt atypical of how FA usually works out.
RE: Ian O'Connor is old as dirt.  
DanMetroMan : 2/27/2024 12:36 pm : link
In comment 16409396 Dave in Hoboken said:
Doubt he knows anything. But bringing him back would be hilarious.

He's only 55 btw
I personally don't understand why so many want him gone  
ShockNRoll : 2/27/2024 12:37 pm : link
I am not saying I am in favor of a ridiculous "keep him at all costs" contract, but if the two sides can work out a fair deal, I definitely want him back. Yes, he has had his injury issues and is not the dynamic playmaker he was his rookie year, but he is still one of the best RB's in the league.
Bringing back Barkley signals a win now approach  
Sean : 2/27/2024 12:38 pm : link
If Mara is putting pressure on this regime to win in 2024, he's learned nothing from recent history.

I'd much prefer a long term approach but this franchise just loves a fucking sugar high.
RE: …  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 12:39 pm : link
In comment 16409406 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I don’t mind him back at the right cost. I’d prefer to move on.

But the fact that Connor cites how Mara values him repping the franchise…come the fuck on.

This is probably why he wasn’t dealt last fall.

put mara aside, how did bbi like the way mckinney's recent tweets repped the franchise?

how did bbi like the way he handled himself during the bye 2 years ago?

does how he's handled himself factor into the decision to guaranteeing him what will likely end up even more than barkley?
I am Ninja : 2/27/2024 12:41 pm : link
we'll be hearing about how saquon barkley is such an indispensable offensive talent when my grandkids have grandkids.
RE: _____________  
Jint 77 : 2/27/2024 12:44 pm : link
In comment 16409416 I am Ninja said:
we'll be hearing about how saquon barkley is such an indispensable offensive talent when my grandkids have grandkids.

For this Giants team, that assessment would be correct and would hold up over time.
Watching NYG extend Jones for four seasons  
JonC : 2/27/2024 12:44 pm : link
and continue to push an obviously declining SB out there as the feature cog on offense, demonstrates just how disconnected from reality (and making winning a priority) they are.
Unwatchable Product  
upnyg : 2/27/2024 12:46 pm : link
I can't speak for everyone, but I have no issues with SB coming back if its cheap/reasonable. I understand some want to move on and start a rookie...but if we get a Rookie QB and a Rookie RB and Jones is out or not ready for the start of the prepared for another 3-4 win year. Fans will turn off the TV with that kind of season.

Like it or not Barkley is one of their best players. If he plays a full season he's a 1200 yard rusher with 6-10 Tds throw in some receptions and a few more Tds. Hard to replace that.

If we all agree that this is a full re-boot and that's the way we go, then so be it. Should have traded him and not resigned Jones...but that's old news. Be prepared for another coaching change in 2025.
Eric on LI.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/27/2024 12:47 pm : link
Not defending X at all. But sorta sick of this ‘Well he represents the franchise so well’ shit. I want to win consistently again and have winning be the top priority.
RE: Watching NYG extend Jones for four seasons  
Sammo85 : 2/27/2024 12:48 pm : link
In comment 16409423 JonC said:
and continue to push an obviously declining SB out there as the feature cog on offense, demonstrates just how disconnected from reality (and making winning a priority) they are.

I'm holding fire until June - but if it's Jones, Barkley, a bunch of rookies and run it back mentality - it's playoffs or bust for this group. This is not a steady build strategy or approach. Schoen and Daboll better hope they win big and soon or the entire group gets swept out and deservedly so (no second HC for Schoen).

I remain convinced a QB is getting added here in draft until it doesn't happen.
nevermind the market here comes another huge overpay  
averagejoe : 2/27/2024 12:50 pm : link
And another losing season. DJ Barkley are such nice guys. They lose with a lot of class . So humble. With much to be humble about. The two or three games each year they look good against crappy teams make it all worthwhile .

Barkley would be a good RB for a passing team . He is a bad RB for a running team. But lets do it one more time. Lets also draft a 1st rd WR Jones will never throw to. That will finally unlock his vast potential. In year six.

Lets also fire the HC and GM at the end of the season and blame them for another losing season despite having a super talented QB .
RE: RE: Watching NYG extend Jones for four seasons  
JonC : 2/27/2024 12:50 pm : link
In comment 16409436 Sammo85 said:
In comment 16409423 JonC said:


and continue to push an obviously declining SB out there as the feature cog on offense, demonstrates just how disconnected from reality (and making winning a priority) they are.

I'm holding fire until June - but if it's Jones, Barkley, a bunch of rookies and run it back mentality - it's playoffs or bust for this group. This is not a steady build strategy or approach. Schoen and Daboll better hope they win big and soon or the entire group gets swept out and deservedly so (no second HC for Schoen).

I remain convinced a QB is getting added here in draft until it doesn't happen.

I just don't see how they can't add a QB, and do it early. Hopium it's all fibs and they had one early, but as Terps laid out tends to run with how they operate.

Time for The Schoen Reign to change course and put his imprint on the product.
I don't ever want to see Barkley play for this team again  
Go Terps : 2/27/2024 12:51 pm : link
Overrated, oft-injured, low-IQ player who even at his best had little impact on actually winning football games. He and Jones are the standard bearers for the worst era of Giants football I've seen.

Enough already.
Does Barkley have...  
bw in dc : 2/27/2024 12:51 pm : link
a Pepsi endorsement?

His face on a medium size Pepsi cup will be an extra bonus on free Pepsi day.

If we keep Barkley on a multi-year deal, I am closer to concluding that Schoen is not the true outsider we had hoped...
RE: Eric on LI.  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 12:52 pm : link
In comment 16409435 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Not defending X at all. But sorta sick of this ‘Well he represents the franchise so well’ shit. I want to win consistently again and have winning be the top priority.

ok put their own players aside how are you spending money to win more games?

do you think they tried to spend money on waller (14m aav), glowinski (7m aav), campbell, etc. to try to win more games? how did that go?

spending money in FA is not synonymous with winning the nfl. people seem to want to pretend it is a nyg decision when it's more the law of gravity.
At what point  
Blue The Dog : 2/27/2024 12:52 pm : link
Do we value players for their ability to contribute to winning, rather than the way they rep the franchise, or how hard they work?
Mock Ian O’Connor all ya want but  
bceagle05 : 2/27/2024 12:54 pm : link
he’s a highly respected reporter and author and has a good relationship with the Maras. Hopefully he’s just offering up an opinion here though - that rationale is absurd.
RE: I don't ever want to see Barkley play for this team again  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/27/2024 12:54 pm : link
In comment 16409446 Go Terps said:
Overrated, oft-injured, low-IQ player who even at his best had little impact on actually winning football games. He and Jones are the standard bearers for the worst era of Giants football I've seen.

Enough already.

I think sometimes you have to break with the past and this view should not be discounted.

On the flip side, I do think a lot of Giants fans have swung too far to the negative with Barkley. He's still a guy who scares the other team. And he is still popular in the locker room.

Honestly, this comes down to money to me.
RE: RE: Eric on LI.  
Go Terps : 2/27/2024 12:55 pm : link
In comment 16409449 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409435 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


Not defending X at all. But sorta sick of this ‘Well he represents the franchise so well’ shit. I want to win consistently again and have winning be the top priority.

ok put their own players aside how are you spending money to win more games?

do you think they tried to spend money on waller (14m aav), glowinski (7m aav), campbell, etc. to try to win more games? how did that go?

spending money in FA is not synonymous with winning the nfl. people seem to want to pretend it is a nyg decision when it's more the law of gravity.

Barkley is a FA. Spending money on him would be spending money in FA.

The frustration stems from not trading him for an asset that does matter: a draft pick.
RE: Unwatchable Product  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 12:56 pm : link
In comment 16409432 upnyg said:
I can't speak for everyone, but I have no issues with SB coming back if its cheap/reasonable. I understand some want to move on and start a rookie...but if we get a Rookie QB and a Rookie RB and Jones is out or not ready for the start of the prepared for another 3-4 win year. Fans will turn off the TV with that kind of season.

Like it or not Barkley is one of their best players. If he plays a full season he's a 1200 yard rusher with 6-10 Tds throw in some receptions and a few more Tds. Hard to replace that.

If we all agree that this is a full re-boot and that's the way we go, then so be it. Should have traded him and not resigned Jones...but that's old news. Be prepared for another coaching change in 2025.

You don’t think people have turned the tv when the seasons over by Halloween every year except 2022?
one other comment  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 2/27/2024 12:56 pm : link
I'd be a bit nervous of giving him more than a 2-year deal, which may be a deal breaker for Barkley.
RE: Do  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/27/2024 1:02 pm : link
In comment 16409395 AcidTest said:
a tag and trade with someone. Somebody posted a rumor that the Texans might give a third for him. I'd do that.

And what do you do if he refuses to sign the tag?
Tag is too big of a risk  
JonC : 2/27/2024 1:03 pm : link
$12M? No team is paying SB to that extreme.
RE: nevermind the market here comes another huge overpay  
Lambuth_Special : 2/27/2024 1:04 pm : link
In comment 16409444 averagejoe said:
And another losing season. DJ Barkley are such nice guys. They lose with a lot of class . So humble. With much to be humble about. The two or three games each year they look good against crappy teams make it all worthwhile .

I was really feeling positive this week with all the smoke surrounding the Giants looking to get a QB and the rumors that Barkley would not get the tag and would be allowed to hit the market, but with this report and Schoen's presser, seems like we're back at the same old bullsh*t.

I wouldn't be surprised actually if Schoen/Daboll get fired after 2024 and the next GM/coach go forward with Jones/Barkley again. As I've said, I have no idea what kind of vision ownership has for the team other than they love both of those guys and might make them Giants for life.
I really don’t get this love for Barkley from the organization  
The_Boss : 2/27/2024 1:05 pm : link
They’ve lost a lot of games with him. Odds are we are probably a last place team next year, with or without him. Is there a rule that says we have to dump money into this guy? Save the money..roll it into future years. I don’t give a fuck. As Terps said, he represents losing. Until he and Jones are gone, this franchise is going to remain a perennial doormat. I won’t feel bad or feel it was undeserved if/when Schoen and Daboll get fired. They are making their bed in real time.
RE: RE: RE: Eric on LI.  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 1:05 pm : link
In comment 16409458 Go Terps said:

Barkley is a FA. Spending money on him would be spending money in FA.

The frustration stems from not trading him for an asset that does matter: a draft pick.

even if you have the extra draft pick you still have $ to spend on FA.

and yes, the money is going to get spent. with very rare exceptions all teams spend 95%+ of their cap or more every year because they have to average at least 90% over multiple seasons, and any team that enters a year around 90% increases from there with churn from injuries alone.

practically you can only roll over so much money and right now in 2025 the nyg project to have 95m available even with jones under contract. jumps up another $20m without him.

they project to have more than 130m free in 2026 even with jones at a 58m cap #!!!!

how many recent draft picks do you see being worth big extensions from 2020-2022?

there is an amount of $ they need to spend on veterans in UFA because there is no other alternative or meaningful opportunity cost to doing so.
Would have been easier to move on  
Lines of Scrimmage : 2/27/2024 1:07 pm : link
with if the OL was much further along and they had a couple young backs already on the roster ready to step in.

If what Ian says is true I wonder if if this factored into Schoen's thinking.
RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 1:07 pm : link
In comment 16409475 JonC said:
$12M? No team is paying SB to that extreme.

brad speilberger projects his next contract at 3 years, 36.8m, 20m gtd.
RE: one other comment  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 1:08 pm : link
In comment 16409461 Eric from BBI said:
I'd be a bit nervous of giving him more than a 2-year deal, which may be a deal breaker for Barkley.

he was willing to sign what was effectively a 2 year deal last year. which would have made this upcoming year his last gtd year.

it was a predictably bad decision to pass on that last year if they continue to still like him enough to consider tag/extension this year.
RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
The_Boss : 2/27/2024 1:08 pm : link
In comment 16409484 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409475 JonC said:


$12M? No team is paying SB to that extreme.

brad speilberger projects his next contract at 3 years, 36.8m, 20m gtd.

And probably at least another 25-30 losses…
I don't understand talking about this guy like he'd be a loss  
Go Terps : 2/27/2024 1:08 pm : link
When people say he's the best player on the offense, they're forgetting that the offense sucks and needs to be intelligently rebuilt (i.e not built around putting the ball in Barkley's hands).

His supporters talk like he's a great Giant. He isn't. He's an incredibly forgettable Giant.

I don't understand the fear of change when we'd be changing from such a terrible product.
RE: Barkley was a disaster as a #2 overall pick  
Optimus-NY : 2/27/2024 1:09 pm : link
In comment 16409377 Metnut said:
but whether he comes back for a few years at around a $10M cap never isn’t exactly a make or break decision for the franchise at this point. He’s a nice offensive weapon and popular in the locker room. Giving him -4% or so of our cap room for a year or two isn’t going to prevent the team from adding elsewhere and it’s a move with a “high floor” IMO.

Adding Barkley only makes sense at a continuing lower number  
nygiantfan : 2/27/2024 1:09 pm : link
than he got last year. He's not accreting value to the team's football future.

It's not an awful decision to have Barkley on the roster for 2024. The awful decision would be to do that AND still not properly address the future at RB or create a productive committee to leverage away from him soon.
Building a winning team...  
bw in dc : 2/27/2024 1:11 pm : link
seems less important than keeping likeable team if Barkley is re-signed.
RE: I don't understand talking about this guy like he'd be a loss  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 1:12 pm : link
In comment 16409491 Go Terps said:
When people say he's the best player on the offense, they're forgetting that the offense sucks and needs to be intelligently rebuilt (i.e not built around putting the ball in Barkley's hands).

His supporters talk like he's a great Giant. He isn't. He's an incredibly forgettable Giant.

I don't understand the fear of change when we'd be changing from such a terrible product.

i dont understand why people cant grasp the concept of opporunity cost, and that for the cap dollars there are only rarely ANY positive ROI contracts produced from free agency.

what was the better use of cap space last year?

barkley or 3m more on glowinski/campbell?
RE: Watching NYG extend Jones for four seasons  
Scooter185 : 2/27/2024 1:13 pm : link
In comment 16409423 JonC said:
and continue to push an obviously declining SB out there as the feature cog on offense, demonstrates just how disconnected from reality (and making winning a priority) they are.

Sentimentality means more to this organization than winning
I want this team to care about winning  
Lambuth_Special : 2/27/2024 1:14 pm : link
And the long-term sacrifices and pain it might take to get there. I want them to stop caring so much about their precious clean-cut players.

They operate like a PR firm for their preferred players, not understanding that if they just won games the PR would take care of itself.
If he gets a Miles Sanders deal  
JoeyBigBlue : 2/27/2024 1:14 pm : link
4 years 25 million with 14 mil guaranteed, I’ll be ok with it. Essentially a 2 year 13 million dollar deal. But I’m sure he’ll probably get more in the open market.
Barkley isn’t giving you a positive ROI either  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 1:16 pm : link
And the opportunity cost was lost when they didn’t trade him at the deadline.

Does Okereke not provide any positive ROI?
RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
JonC : 2/27/2024 1:18 pm : link
In comment 16409484 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409475 JonC said:


$12M? No team is paying SB to that extreme.

brad speilberger projects his next contract at 3 years, 36.8m, 20m gtd.

I'm confident Brad will be incorrect.
RE: Barkley isn’t giving you a positive ROI either  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 1:22 pm : link
In comment 16409512 ajr2456 said:
And the opportunity cost was lost when they didn’t trade him at the deadline.

Does Okereke not provide any positive ROI?

there is no amazon prime where you can spend money in free agency and have good odds at getting positive ROI, yet FA money needs to get spent if you dont have players to extend from draft picks. there are no good options on free agency, it is "who can i overpay the least?".

okereke is the exception not the rule and among the top 20 most expensive players leaguewide in FA last year im pretty sure he is literally the only whose value was modeled by OTC to exceed his cost.

if it were easy to find more okerekes dont you think they would have done that instead of waller, glowinski, campbell?
Once again I see people correlating Barkley and the team losing.  
Jint 77 : 2/27/2024 1:25 pm : link
So I'll ask again.

Does Barkley being on the team or his contract negatively affect the team's roster or not?
ryanmkeane : 2/27/2024 1:27 pm : link
In 2022, Barkley was 4th in the NFL in rushing and 9th in rushing TDs. Instrumental all season long and the playoffs.

There’s a cult following on this message board that essentially refuses to remember things.
If I’m understanding correctly  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 1:28 pm : link
A move only has positive ROI if the contract is below what somewhere on the internet projects it be and the player plays well?
RE: ….  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 1:29 pm : link
In comment 16409529 ryanmkeane said:
In 2022, Barkley was 4th in the NFL in rushing and 9th in rushing TDs. Instrumental all season long and the playoffs.

There’s a cult following on this message board that essentially refuses to remember things.

It seems like the only thing you remember is 2022.
RE: I don't understand talking about this guy like he'd be a loss  
ryanmkeane : 2/27/2024 1:30 pm : link
In comment 16409491 Go Terps said:
When people say he's the best player on the offense, they're forgetting that the offense sucks and needs to be intelligently rebuilt (i.e not built around putting the ball in Barkley's hands).

His supporters talk like he's a great Giant. He isn't. He's an incredibly forgettable Giant.

I don't understand the fear of change when we'd be changing from such a terrible product.

Again, I ask, were you alive during the 2022 Saquon Barkley season, when he was officially removed from the ACL?
RE: RE: ….  
ryanmkeane : 2/27/2024 1:31 pm : link
In comment 16409534 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16409529 ryanmkeane said:


In 2022, Barkley was 4th in the NFL in rushing and 9th in rushing TDs. Instrumental all season long and the playoffs.

There’s a cult following on this message board that essentially refuses to remember things.

It seems like the only thing you remember is 2022.

No I actually remember 2018 and 2019 when it was evident he was one of the best playmakers in the entire sport.
RE: RE: I don't understand talking about this guy like he'd be a loss  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 1:31 pm : link
In comment 16409537 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16409491 Go Terps said:


When people say he's the best player on the offense, they're forgetting that the offense sucks and needs to be intelligently rebuilt (i.e not built around putting the ball in Barkley's hands).

His supporters talk like he's a great Giant. He isn't. He's an incredibly forgettable Giant.

I don't understand the fear of change when we'd be changing from such a terrible product.

Again, I ask, were you alive during the 2022 Saquon Barkley season, when he was officially removed from the ACL?

The offense still sucked.
RE: RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 1:32 pm : link
In comment 16409516 JonC said:
In comment 16409484 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409475 JonC said:


$12M? No team is paying SB to that extreme.

brad speilberger projects his next contract at 3 years, 36.8m, 20m gtd.

I'm confident Brad will be incorrect.

well that changes everything. hard to believe i took seriously a guy whose job is analyzing the salary cap for an organization employed by nfl teams and prior co-authored books w/ fitzgerald during his half decade at OTC.
RE: RE: RE: I don't understand talking about this guy like he'd be a loss  
ryanmkeane : 2/27/2024 1:33 pm : link
In comment 16409541 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16409537 ryanmkeane said:


In comment 16409491 Go Terps said:


When people say he's the best player on the offense, they're forgetting that the offense sucks and needs to be intelligently rebuilt (i.e not built around putting the ball in Barkley's hands).

His supporters talk like he's a great Giant. He isn't. He's an incredibly forgettable Giant.

I don't understand the fear of change when we'd be changing from such a terrible product.

Again, I ask, were you alive during the 2022 Saquon Barkley season, when he was officially removed from the ACL?

The offense still sucked.

And why was that?
2019… when he got hurt  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 1:36 pm : link
He was outplayed by Marlon Mack. He’s been hurt 4 of his 6 years here.

Pouring $12-13 million into a RB headed toward the wrong side of his career isn’t a winning move.
he’s far from the best player on the team  
hassan : 2/27/2024 1:36 pm : link
and he rarely plays big or smart when the moment requires it. oft injured and low iq situationally. He’s an above average back still. that’s worth 6 -8 million a year on a multi year deal. no more.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I don't understand talking about this guy like he'd be a loss  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/27/2024 1:36 pm : link
In comment 16409543 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16409541 ajr2456 said:


In comment 16409537 ryanmkeane said:


In comment 16409491 Go Terps said:


When people say he's the best player on the offense, they're forgetting that the offense sucks and needs to be intelligently rebuilt (i.e not built around putting the ball in Barkley's hands).

His supporters talk like he's a great Giant. He isn't. He's an incredibly forgettable Giant.

I don't understand the fear of change when we'd be changing from such a terrible product.

Again, I ask, were you alive during the 2022 Saquon Barkley season, when he was officially removed from the ACL?

The offense still sucked.

And why was that?

Because of you.
RE: RE: I don't understand talking about this guy like he'd be a loss  
Go Terps : 2/27/2024 1:36 pm : link
In comment 16409537 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16409491 Go Terps said:


When people say he's the best player on the offense, they're forgetting that the offense sucks and needs to be intelligently rebuilt (i.e not built around putting the ball in Barkley's hands).

His supporters talk like he's a great Giant. He isn't. He's an incredibly forgettable Giant.

I don't understand the fear of change when we'd be changing from such a terrible product.

Again, I ask, were you alive during the 2022 Saquon Barkley season, when he was officially removed from the ACL?

Do you remember that that team finished 16th in the NFL in scoring and 22nd in yards/play? Do you remember that the 2022 was outscored in the regular season, finished the season poorly, and only had a 9-7-1 record?

And do you remember that there's been a whole distributed and embarrassing season played since then?
RE: RE: RE: RE: I don't understand talking about this guy like he'd be a loss  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 1:37 pm : link
In comment 16409543 ryanmkeane said:

The offense still sucked.

And why was that?

Because they couldn’t trust your boy to throw over 10 yards.
Go Terps : 2/27/2024 1:37 pm : link
RE: If I’m understanding correctly  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 1:42 pm : link
In comment 16409530 ajr2456 said:
A move only has positive ROI if the contract is below what somewhere on the internet projects it be and the player plays well?

a contract has positive ROI if the player produces more than where they are paid.

by aav the 3x51m darren waller contract the giants traded for and are now paying out was the highest in nfl. is he the best TE in the NFL?

was mark glowinski the 18th best guard last year?

okere is the 9th highest paid off ball LB by aav and he played better than that last year - it is very rare that you can sign an expensive free agent and say that a year later. but hey your the expert not me, if im wrong about that im sure you have lots of examples of free agent signings that disprove that?
RE: RE: I don't ever want to see Barkley play for this team again  
Matt M. : 2/27/2024 1:42 pm : link
In comment 16409454 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16409446 Go Terps said:


Overrated, oft-injured, low-IQ player who even at his best had little impact on actually winning football games. He and Jones are the standard bearers for the worst era of Giants football I've seen.

Enough already.

I think sometimes you have to break with the past and this view should not be discounted.

On the flip side, I do think a lot of Giants fans have swung too far to the negative with Barkley. He's still a guy who scares the other team. And he is still popular in the locker room.

Honestly, this comes down to money to me.
It's been about money for 2 years. What do you consider reasonable $ for Barkley? I love him and would love to see him back. I just don't see how they can do it? I think the tag is too much at this point.
RE: Does Barkley have...  
Toth029 : 2/27/2024 1:42 pm : link
In comment 16409448 bw in dc said:
a Pepsi endorsement?

His face on a medium size Pepsi cup will be an extra bonus on free Pepsi day.

If we keep Barkley on a multi-year deal, I am closer to concluding that Schoen is not the true outsider we had hoped...

And unfortunately none of it changes until they have new owners. Fingers crossed.
If Barkley is concerned with Guaranteed Money  
Dankbeerman : 2/27/2024 1:46 pm : link
he is gone. If he wants to be here an get paid it will be most likely in the form of a lower base deal stocked with incentives.

something that plays as a 3 year 30+ mil deal to him and a 2 year 16-18 mill deal to the giants is the only way I can see them coming together.
RE: ….  
robbieballs2003 : 2/27/2024 1:50 pm : link
In comment 16409529 ryanmkeane said:
In 2022, Barkley was 4th in the NFL in rushing and 9th in rushing TDs. Instrumental all season long and the playoffs.

There’s a cult following on this message board that essentially refuses to remember things.

In 2023, he was 16th in rushing and an abysmal 3.9 ypc. He was 19th in TDs with 6.

He is always injured. I don't get the comments that he scares defenses. He doesn't scare anyone but Giants fans.
I would rather this organization...  
bw in dc : 2/27/2024 1:50 pm : link
continue to fail spending money trying to fix the massive sieve - aka the OL - than waste the same money to keep the face of the franchise.
RE: RE: If I’m understanding correctly  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 1:52 pm : link
In comment 16409565 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409530 ajr2456 said:


A move only has positive ROI if the contract is below what somewhere on the internet projects it be and the player plays well?

a contract has positive ROI if the player produces more than where they are paid.

by aav the 3x51m darren waller contract the giants traded for and are now paying out was the highest in nfl. is he the best TE in the NFL?

was mark glowinski the 18th best guard last year?

okere is the 9th highest paid off ball LB by aav and he played better than that last year - it is very rare that you can sign an expensive free agent and say that a year later. but hey your the expert not me, if im wrong about that im sure you have lots of examples of free agent signings that disprove that?

lol, here you go again.

Football isn’t played with spreadsheets and PFF projections. Its not an individual stat sport like baseball. “Produces more than they are paid” seems like a pretty arbitrary grading system on if a move has positive ROI.

If you pay someone like the 10th best WR, they produce like the 20th but are instrumental in winning you a Super Bowl - does that free agent contract not have a positive ROI?

Slightly overpaying a Guard that plays like the 16th best guard instead of 12th but helps the Giants line hit an average threshold that doesn’t have a positive ROI?

If they pay Saqoun $13 milllion and he has a 2022 season but the Giants are 5-12, that has a positive ROI?
The math here is simple  
Mike from Ohio : 2/27/2024 1:54 pm : link
You can't build your team's foundation on unreliable players. Putting aside their physical gifts and production, neither one of them can be counted on to start 17 games in a season. Jones is coming off an ACL and a second neck injury. Barkley has started every game in a season twice in six years.

Smart, tough, dependable.

Neither of these guys is dependable, unless that means "they show up to the facility and work hard." When the bullets fly, too often they are watching from the sidelines.

These are not guys you build your team around.

RE: RE: ….  
Mike from Ohio : 2/27/2024 1:56 pm : link
In comment 16409580 robbieballs2003 said:
In comment 16409529 ryanmkeane said:


In 2022, Barkley was 4th in the NFL in rushing and 9th in rushing TDs. Instrumental all season long and the playoffs.

There’s a cult following on this message board that essentially refuses to remember things.

In 2023, he was 16th in rushing and an abysmal 3.9 ypc. He was 19th in TDs with 6.

He is always injured. I don't get the comments that he scares defenses. He doesn't scare anyone but Giants fans.

They say on every broadcast that the defensive game plan for the other team is to stop Barkley. They have to say that because nobody could say with a straight face that they need to stop Jones. Jones never started.
RE: ….  
FStubbs : 2/27/2024 1:58 pm : link
In comment 16409529 ryanmkeane said:
In 2022, Barkley was 4th in the NFL in rushing and 9th in rushing TDs. Instrumental all season long and the playoffs.

There’s a cult following on this message board that essentially refuses to remember things.

Tiki Barber rushed for 1860 yards in the past, I hear he's available.
RE: ….  
cosmicj : 2/27/2024 2:02 pm : link
In comment 16409529 ryanmkeane said:
In 2022, Barkley was 4th in the NFL in rushing and 9th in rushing TDs. Instrumental all season long and the playoffs.

There’s a cult following on this message board that essentially refuses to remember things.

Barkley hasn’t been the same since that 30+ rush game v Houston in 2022. He’s not a plus player anymore. Many posters and Mara are living in the past.
RE: I personally don't understand why so many want him gone  
Wiggy : 2/27/2024 2:07 pm : link
In comment 16409409 ShockNRoll said:
I am not saying I am in favor of a ridiculous "keep him at all costs" contract, but if the two sides can work out a fair deal, I definitely want him back. Yes, he has had his injury issues and is not the dynamic playmaker he was his rookie year, but he is still one of the best RB's in the league.
there are people here that will never ever get over where he was picked. They act like their kids won’t have supper if he is retained. And mostly it just proves them wrong. I’ve never seen a player that easier to root for and more likeable get blasted like him. I’ll take 22 Barkleys any day .
I’ll take winning  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 2:08 pm : link
The fact that posters think Barkley is the teams best  
cosmicj : 2/27/2024 2:11 pm : link
Player leaves me speechless. Thomas? Lawrence? If you think that, you literally don’t know what you’re talking about.

At this stage, I think Deonte Banks is a better player than Barkley and I don’t think it’s close.
Go rewatch the games from last year with and without Barkley  
UberAlias : 2/27/2024 2:12 pm : link
I feel like many fans are being completely dishonest about how important he has been to this offense. What more evidence? Listen to any player on other teams talk about him and you can see that Barkley is looked at FAR more favorably around the league than by the fanbase.

All of that said, that is really in the past. Barkley's reputation is probably a bigger threat to defenses than the actual player at this point because he not the break away threat he once was. When it comes to handing out money, it's not about you did, it's about what you will do. So while I do believe there are some completely off based remarks towards Saquon who has been a model teammate and leader, the future of this team cannot be about the running back. It should come down to money, and likely not as much as Saquon deserves but that's the business of the game, unfortunately.
RE: RE: ….  
bw in dc : 2/27/2024 2:13 pm : link
In comment 16409600 cosmicj said:

Barkley hasn’t been the same since that 30+ rush game v Houston in 2022. He’s not a plus player anymore. Many posters and Mara are living in the past.

Intrinsic value, my friend. That's what Barkley has to 1925 Giants Way.
RE: The fact that posters think Barkley is the teams best  
bceagle05 : 2/27/2024 2:15 pm : link
In comment 16409612 cosmicj said:
Player leaves me speechless. Thomas? Lawrence? If you think that, you literally don’t know what you’re talking about.

At this stage, I think Deonte Banks is a better player than Barkley and I don’t think it’s close.

Feel the same way - when I think about the core of this team (if there even is one) the first names that come to mind are Thomas, Lawrence, Banks, Okereke, maybe Thibs. I don't consider Barkley or Jones to be part of any solution going forward - they should both be replaced with cheaper alternatives.
RE: The math here is simple  
Wiggy : 2/27/2024 2:16 pm : link
In comment 16409587 Mike from Ohio said:
You can't build your team's foundation on unreliable players. Putting aside their physical gifts and production, neither one of them can be counted on to start 17 games in a season. Jones is coming off an ACL and a second neck injury. Barkley has started every game in a season twice in six years.

Smart, tough, dependable.

Neither of these guys is dependable, unless that means "they show up to the facility and work hard." When the bullets fly, too often they are watching from the sidelines.

These are not guys you build your team around.
a good thread would be a look at how much each player plays and correlate that to their salary. I m not smart enough to do that but I feel like every player on the giants every year is injured. Although, I will say it seemed our defense was actually noticeably less injured last year.
Barkley can be looked at favorably by his teammates and the league  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 2:20 pm : link
But the Giants offense is bad with him and bad without him. It’ll be the same if they got 70% of Barkley from a rookie this year.

Why spend $13 million a year on a 3 year deal?
Barkley and Jones are likely to never play in a NYG playoff game again  
The_Boss : 2/27/2024 2:22 pm : link
Isn’t the point to find guys who will? Or is it to sell fucking jerseys with 8’s and 26’s on them?
Spider43 : 2/27/2024 2:25 pm : link
Fucked. In case you didn't already know.
I'm confident in that too  
rsjem1979 : 2/27/2024 2:30 pm : link
Because the Giants are stodgy, sentimental, predictable pack rats.
“If we’re going to lose consistently,  
Silver Spoon : 2/27/2024 2:31 pm : link
we’ll do it the nice way.” Johnny Boy
I can't relate to all the shade that "so called fans"  
gpat1031 : 2/27/2024 2:46 pm : link
throw Barkley's way. Somehow all the losing gets layed at his feet, yet he's the best offensive weapon on the team.
Newsflash, The team does not get better by letting there best offensive player walk out the door. That makes no sense.
Barkley is only 27 so he's very much in his prime.
For the most part most players get hurt, just part of playing in a collision sport.
I still think a deal gets done, because both sides want to make that happen.
Just a matter of agreeing on a fair number.
Resigning Barkley leaves 1 less issue on this team to resolve.
27 isn't "very much in his prime" for a RB  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/27/2024 2:47 pm : link
It's very much on the precipice of decline, typically.
So many false equivalencies here  
Mike from Ohio : 2/27/2024 3:23 pm : link
Nobody is claiming that the Giants lose because Saquon Barkley is a bad player. He is a good player and a position where good players are not difficult to find, and that have a very short shelf life due to the physical pounding they take.

The point is that Barkley is not worth what he likely wants on the open market. If he signs a 3 year deal worth $15M with $5M guaranteed, nobody here would complain about it. The problem is he won't sign for something like that. He will likely want money commensurate with the top RBs in the league, and the Giants simply can't afford that luxury given the state of the team and his injury history.

I feel like I have to repeat this like I do with Jones. Nobody here hates Saquon Barkley the person. Nobody.
RE: So many false equivalencies here  
ChrisRick : 2/27/2024 3:29 pm : link
In comment 16409732 Mike from Ohio said:
Nobody is claiming that the Giants lose because Saquon Barkley is a bad player. He is a good player and a position where good players are not difficult to find, and that have a very short shelf life due to the physical pounding they take.

The point is that Barkley is not worth what he likely wants on the open market. If he signs a 3 year deal worth $15M with $5M guaranteed, nobody here would complain about it. The problem is he won't sign for something like that. He will likely want money commensurate with the top RBs in the league, and the Giants simply can't afford that luxury given the state of the team and his injury history.

I feel like I have to repeat this like I do with Jones. Nobody here hates Saquon Barkley the person. Nobody.

I think you give people too much credit, although maybe I am not giving people enough. People hate other people for the slightest things especially when passion is involved, sports definitely brings out the passion.
RE: RE: RE: ….  
robbieballs2003 : 2/27/2024 3:33 pm : link
In comment 16409591 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16409580 robbieballs2003 said:


In comment 16409529 ryanmkeane said:


In 2022, Barkley was 4th in the NFL in rushing and 9th in rushing TDs. Instrumental all season long and the playoffs.

There’s a cult following on this message board that essentially refuses to remember things.

In 2023, he was 16th in rushing and an abysmal 3.9 ypc. He was 19th in TDs with 6.

He is always injured. I don't get the comments that he scares defenses. He doesn't scare anyone but Giants fans.

They say on every broadcast that the defensive game plan for the other team is to stop Barkley. They have to say that because nobody could say with a straight face that they need to stop Jones. Jones never started.

That's the argument for Barkley is he is OUR best weapon. What is the comparison? Lol.
Mike from Ohio : 2/27/2024 3:39 pm : link
You may be right in that I am assigning too much credit to people in general and on this site in particular. We have posters who definitely have an emotional devotion to certain players so it could be true others have something bordering on hatred for players. I just haven't seen it.
RE: So many false equivalencies here  
UConn4523 : 2/27/2024 3:40 pm : link
In comment 16409732 Mike from Ohio said:
Nobody is claiming that the Giants lose because Saquon Barkley is a bad player. He is a good player and a position where good players are not difficult to find, and that have a very short shelf life due to the physical pounding they take.

The point is that Barkley is not worth what he likely wants on the open market. If he signs a 3 year deal worth $15M with $5M guaranteed, nobody here would complain about it. The problem is he won't sign for something like that. He will likely want money commensurate with the top RBs in the league, and the Giants simply can't afford that luxury given the state of the team and his injury history.

I feel like I have to repeat this like I do with Jones. Nobody here hates Saquon Barkley the person. Nobody.

I agree but my only caveat is that Barkley is worth it if Jones is playing and healthy. That said that creates the problem of 2023, one I do not wish a chance to repeat in 2024.

I think Barkley is better and more useful than many think. But I agree that we need to focus on QB. But if Barkley is actually cheaper than I think and wants to come back, I’m good with it too.
I don't hate Barkley and I don't hate Jones  
Go Terps : 2/27/2024 3:44 pm : link
I'm angry at the idiots who drafted and paid them like they were cornerstone players.

Jones and Barkley will be forgotten five minutes after they're gone.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
JonC : 2/27/2024 3:48 pm : link
In comment 16409542 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409516 JonC said:


In comment 16409484 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409475 JonC said:


$12M? No team is paying SB to that extreme.

brad speilberger projects his next contract at 3 years, 36.8m, 20m gtd.

I'm confident Brad will be incorrect.

well that changes everything. hard to believe i took seriously a guy whose job is analyzing the salary cap for an organization employed by nfl teams and prior co-authored books w/ fitzgerald during his half decade at OTC.

So, Brad gets to be right and an NFL team is proven stupid. So what?
In 2023 the O-line regressed ,,,,  
Manny in CA : 2/27/2024 3:57 pm : link

To the level of stinky garbage, the "pretender" corps of RB back-ups proved to be just that. Every Giants' opponent knew that just two players to worry about - Dex and Saquon.

Now you're talking about sending Saquon down-the-road, giving, McKinny $17M+ franchise tag, etc. etc., then pinning all the hopes on a rookie QB, when you just gave Dan Jones $40M. My advice, stand back, throw those rose colored glasses down and come back to reality.
RE: ChrisRick  
ChrisRick : 2/27/2024 3:58 pm : link
In comment 16409756 Mike from Ohio said:
You may be right in that I am assigning too much credit to people in general and on this site in particular. We have posters who definitely have an emotional devotion to certain players so it could be true others have something bordering on hatred for players. I just haven't seen it.

Gotcha, thanks for your response Mike.
I don’t think Eric is taking about or cares  
UConn4523 : 2/27/2024 3:59 pm : link
whether giving the contract is the correct move (unless of course it’s the giants). Rather, that the figures thrown out for RBs tend to not be what he’s predicting. Everyone keeps saying no one will pay for RBs - we’ll see.
RE: I don't hate Barkley and I don't hate Jones  
ChrisRick : 2/27/2024 4:00 pm : link
In comment 16409772 Go Terps said:
I'm angry at the idiots who drafted and paid them like they were cornerstone players.

Jones and Barkley will be forgotten five minutes after they're gone.

I certainly have not seen any comments from you that indicate you have something personal against the players.

There have been posts from others who have expressed a desire to see players injured, serious injuries. I don't have a problem categorizing those as personal hate.
RE: RE: RE: If I’m understanding correctly  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 4:08 pm : link
In comment 16409584 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16409565 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409530 ajr2456 said:


A move only has positive ROI if the contract is below what somewhere on the internet projects it be and the player plays well?

a contract has positive ROI if the player produces more than where they are paid.

by aav the 3x51m darren waller contract the giants traded for and are now paying out was the highest in nfl. is he the best TE in the NFL?

was mark glowinski the 18th best guard last year?

okere is the 9th highest paid off ball LB by aav and he played better than that last year - it is very rare that you can sign an expensive free agent and say that a year later. but hey your the expert not me, if im wrong about that im sure you have lots of examples of free agent signings that disprove that?

lol, here you go again.

Football isn’t played with spreadsheets and PFF projections. Its not an individual stat sport like baseball. “Produces more than they are paid” seems like a pretty arbitrary grading system on if a move has positive ROI.

If you pay someone like the 10th best WR, they produce like the 20th but are instrumental in winning you a Super Bowl - does that free agent contract not have a positive ROI?

Slightly overpaying a Guard that plays like the 16th best guard instead of 12th but helps the Giants line hit an average threshold that doesn’t have a positive ROI?

If they pay Saqoun $13 milllion and he has a 2022 season but the Giants are 5-12, that has a positive ROI?

i have to say it's absolutely hilarious for a guy who likes to tout his profession as an agent to then say that "games arent played on spreadsheets and with numbers". what do you think your profession is if it isn't quantifying the cost/value of pro athletes?

however you want to calculate production vs what people are paid is up to you. you can accept or not accept validated sources (pff, otc) who have more credibility than anyone on BBI times 100, but as a concept individual value is literally what your profession is tasked to represent from the players side and nowhere more transparently than on a free agent market.

if you want to reduce down any individuals performance to whether a team wins or loses, is okereke a worse move than the bradberry who looked cooked, or the jawaan taylor contract that made him the 5th highest paid tackle in football even though he gave up as many sacks/pressures as neal/phillips combined? here's last years top 22 players from FA, by a rough count 7 of them played for playoff teams (including bradberry and taylor). were the other 15 including okereke failures because those teams didnt win? in your expert opinion what % of these are good contracts today?

RE: I personally don't understand why so many want him gone  
clatterbuck : 2/27/2024 4:08 pm : link
In comment 16409409 ShockNRoll said:
I am not saying I am in favor of a ridiculous "keep him at all costs" contract, but if the two sides can work out a fair deal, I definitely want him back. Yes, he has had his injury issues and is not the dynamic playmaker he was his rookie year, but he is still one of the best RB's in the league.

+1. It's about time some people get over their pique at where Barkley was drafted.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 4:13 pm : link
In comment 16409780 JonC said:
In comment 16409542 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409516 JonC said:


In comment 16409484 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409475 JonC said:


$12M? No team is paying SB to that extreme.

brad speilberger projects his next contract at 3 years, 36.8m, 20m gtd.

I'm confident Brad will be incorrect.

well that changes everything. hard to believe i took seriously a guy whose job is analyzing the salary cap for an organization employed by nfl teams and prior co-authored books w/ fitzgerald during his half decade at OTC.

So, Brad gets to be right and an NFL team is proven stupid. So what?

your confidence will have been wrong and whatever happens with barkley in the future will still be unwritten?

why do you suppose schoen said today that the tag at $12m gtd is still on the table? how does that in any way help him in a negotiation if it isnt pretty close to what barkleys market value is?
We'll see  
JonC : 2/27/2024 4:18 pm : link
I don't see a performance gap of $4-5M AAV between SB and other RBs on the market. At $12M AAV, it's an idiot negotiating against himself.
I have to believe  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/27/2024 4:20 pm : link
That this talk of bring back Barkley is to generate front office interest. Then when it comes time to tag him, its because we have gotten suitable offers to trade for his rights pending a new contract.

I cannot fathom the Giants bringing him back basedd on last years production. It would ne eye-poppingly stupid.
RE: We'll see  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 4:21 pm : link
In comment 16409832 JonC said:
I don't see a performance gap of $4-5M AAV between SB and other RBs on the market. At $12M AAV, it's an idiot negotiating against himself.

so i take it you see the comments schoen made today as idiotic?

"the tag still on the table"
"we still value him the same" (presumably as when they offered him extensions in that ballpark)

unless he was completely dishonest in their interest in negotiating with barkley, what purpose do those comments serve unless they are already self evident?
Pages of pages...  
Chris in Philly : 2/27/2024 4:23 pm : link
of pre-outrage. If the deal is reasonable, there's no downside. He's not symbolic of anything. That is in your head. When healthy he can be an impact player. He's not healthy all the time anymore. That's why the contract can be reasonable.
RE: RE: We'll see  
JonC : 2/27/2024 4:27 pm : link
In comment 16409840 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409832 JonC said:


I don't see a performance gap of $4-5M AAV between SB and other RBs on the market. At $12M AAV, it's an idiot negotiating against himself.

so i take it you see the comments schoen made today as idiotic?

"the tag still on the table"
"we still value him the same" (presumably as when they offered him extensions in that ballpark)

unless he was completely dishonest in their interest in negotiating with barkley, what purpose do those comments serve unless they are already self evident?

Yep, love the kid but the player on the field isn't worth that coinage.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
CMc in 342 : 2/27/2024 4:30 pm : link
In comment 16409821 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409780 JonC said:


In comment 16409542 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409516 JonC said:


In comment 16409484 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409475 JonC said:


$12M? No team is paying SB to that extreme.

brad speilberger projects his next contract at 3 years, 36.8m, 20m gtd.

I'm confident Brad will be incorrect.

well that changes everything. hard to believe i took seriously a guy whose job is analyzing the salary cap for an organization employed by nfl teams and prior co-authored books w/ fitzgerald during his half decade at OTC.

So, Brad gets to be right and an NFL team is proven stupid. So what?

your confidence will have been wrong and whatever happens with barkley in the future will still be unwritten?

why do you suppose schoen said today that the tag at $12m gtd is still on the table? how does that in any way help him in a negotiation if it isnt pretty close to what barkleys market value is?

I’ll pass on getting involved in this pissing match, but I have to say anyone who cites someone’s “half decade” of experience at anything is on thin ice. What are you six years old ?
RE: RE: RE: We'll see  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 4:35 pm : link
In comment 16409852 JonC said:
In comment 16409840 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409832 JonC said:


I don't see a performance gap of $4-5M AAV between SB and other RBs on the market. At $12M AAV, it's an idiot negotiating against himself.

so i take it you see the comments schoen made today as idiotic?

"the tag still on the table"
"we still value him the same" (presumably as when they offered him extensions in that ballpark)

unless he was completely dishonest in their interest in negotiating with barkley, what purpose do those comments serve unless they are already self evident?

Yep, love the kid but the player on the field isn't worth that coinage.

in free agency i think you are choosing from the best of non-ideal options. barkley may not be worth that coinage but it's hard to find who is at the high end (10m aav+) on the open market, even with the benefit of hindsight. a year later most FA deals look bad, really bad, or worse. a smaller percentage are tolerable and an even smaller percentage look good.

the 3 big signings in 2016 had diminishing rewards but in hindsight those were all reasonably good outcomes to the point where each of them retained trade value 3-4 years later.
That's why you have to see what SB is on gameday  
JonC : 2/27/2024 4:37 pm : link
and walk away, if it's purely a football decision.

Don't disagree on your other points. I'm just tired of watching NYG double down on crucial mistakes, and at the same time I'm not certain another NFL would do the same.
RE: Pages of pages...  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/27/2024 4:39 pm : link
In comment 16409846 Chris in Philly said:
of pre-outrage. If the deal is reasonable, there's no downside. He's not symbolic of anything. That is in your head. When healthy he can be an impact player. He's not healthy all the time anymore. That's why the contract can be reasonable.

The problem is, Chris, what would you call "reasonable"? He "took" 10 mill last year for triple digit rushing yards and single digit total TDs.

Sign Zach Moss, draft another in mid rounds you likely save about 7-8 mill in cap space and have more horses (not ponies) for your running attack.
RE: RE: RE: RE: If I’m understanding correctly  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 4:40 pm : link
In comment 16409813 Eric on Li said:

i have to say it's absolutely hilarious for a guy who likes to tout his profession as an agent to then say that "games arent played on spreadsheets and with numbers". what do you think your profession is if it isn't quantifying the cost/value of pro athletes?

however you want to calculate production vs what people are paid is up to you. you can accept or not accept validated sources (pff, otc) who have more credibility than anyone on BBI times 100, but as a concept individual value is literally what your profession is tasked to represent from the players side and nowhere more transparently than on a free agent market.

if you want to reduce down any individuals performance to whether a team wins or loses, is okereke a worse move than the bradberry who looked cooked, or the jawaan taylor contract that made him the 5th highest paid tackle in football even though he gave up as many sacks/pressures as neal/phillips combined? here's last years top 22 players from FA, by a rough count 7 of them played for playoff teams (including bradberry and taylor). were the other 15 including okereke failures because those teams didnt win? in your expert opinion what % of these are good contracts today?

I think I know way more about my profession than you do, and no NFL team is worried about “how is the ROI going to look on PFF” or what Brad Spielberger thinks when negotiating contracts. You seem to once again be arguing something that isn’t being argued. Negotiating contracts and the impact/role of the player on the team are not the same thing.

Of course quantifying the value of a player by dollars is done on spreadsheets, however the impact of a player isn’t only measured on a spreadsheet. The results on the field matter and individual players don’t play in a vacuum. That’s not even getting into the fact that it’s extremely difficult to quantify some positions by simply using data.

Saying you’re not getting a positive ROI from a player because they don’t meet some arbitrary production metric is leaving out a lot of different factors, one including their role in the scheme.

By OTC valuation metric Dexter Lawrence is underperforming his contract by $5 million. Are the Giants not getting a positive ROI from Dexter Lawrence?
Are the Dolphins not getting positive ROI from Hill’s contract because the OTC valuation is only $19 million?

Deebo Samuel was 36th in receiving yards and the 7th highest paid WR in the league. San Fran isn’t getting positive ROI from that contract? Metcalf doesn’t give Seattle positive ROI?

PFF has TJ Watt rated as the fifth best edge defender but he’s the second highest paid ED. Pittsburgh isn’t getting positive ROI from that deal?

Sometimes you pay higher for a play because what they can do in your system has more value than data and analytics can show. Judging if a contract was good and has a good return on investment solely based off production numbers compared to players in different schemes, roles and situations is limiting yourself. Data and analytics are only a piece of the puzzle, not the whole puzzle.
RE: RE: Pages of pages...  
Chris in Philly : 2/27/2024 4:42 pm : link
In comment 16409869 NormanAllen_95 said:
In comment 16409846 Chris in Philly said:


of pre-outrage. If the deal is reasonable, there's no downside. He's not symbolic of anything. That is in your head. When healthy he can be an impact player. He's not healthy all the time anymore. That's why the contract can be reasonable.

The problem is, Chris, what would you call "reasonable"? He "took" 10 mill last year for triple digit rushing yards and single digit total TDs.

Sign Zach Moss, draft another in mid rounds you likely save about 7-8 mill in cap space and have more horses (not ponies) for your running attack.

We don't know yet. The market should set the rate. If he is too expensive, then fine, you move on. But if he realizes he is being naive about his wants, then he takes less to stay in NY. But getting outraged now over what you -think will happen- is dumb.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 4:45 pm : link
In comment 16409857 CMc in 342 said:

I’ll pass on getting involved in this pissing match, but I have to say anyone who cites someone’s “half decade” of experience at anything is on thin ice. What are you six years old ?

this is the only post in your activity history so you have an interesting way of "passing on getting involved".

having a specific job at what is probably the preeminent expert site for the salary cap for 5 years doesn't seem like a 6-year-old type of thing to say but if you think it's more mature to post his fuller resume it includes the more recent half decade at PFF and a quick hit as a legal intern with the minnesota vikings. would finding his LSAT score be more of a 6 year old thing to post or does that age things up?
It's tough with Barkley  
Lambuth_Special : 2/27/2024 4:52 pm : link
Good player, great guy, but when I hear stuff that Mara wants to bring him back because of "how he reps the franchise," and you combine it with some of the stuff he says about Jones, it all just screams to me that Mara doesn't want to let go and admit that the post Eli-benching Gettleman pivot was a failure.

It all lines up with Gettleman getting that generous send-off at the end of the 2021 season. It's like holding on to Barkley and Jones allows him to believe that whole period wasn't for nothing (ironically, Thomas and Lawrence are the ones who show that).
jeff57 : 2/27/2024 5:00 pm : link
Poor allocation of resources whatever the price.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: If I’m understanding correctly  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 5:03 pm : link
In comment 16409872 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16409813 Eric on Li said:


i have to say it's absolutely hilarious for a guy who likes to tout his profession as an agent to then say that "games arent played on spreadsheets and with numbers". what do you think your profession is if it isn't quantifying the cost/value of pro athletes?

however you want to calculate production vs what people are paid is up to you. you can accept or not accept validated sources (pff, otc) who have more credibility than anyone on BBI times 100, but as a concept individual value is literally what your profession is tasked to represent from the players side and nowhere more transparently than on a free agent market.

if you want to reduce down any individuals performance to whether a team wins or loses, is okereke a worse move than the bradberry who looked cooked, or the jawaan taylor contract that made him the 5th highest paid tackle in football even though he gave up as many sacks/pressures as neal/phillips combined? here's last years top 22 players from FA, by a rough count 7 of them played for playoff teams (including bradberry and taylor). were the other 15 including okereke failures because those teams didnt win? in your expert opinion what % of these are good contracts today?

I think I know way more about my profession than you do, and no NFL team is worried about “how is the ROI going to look on PFF” or what Brad Spielberger thinks when negotiating contracts. You seem to once again be arguing something that isn’t being argued. Negotiating contracts and the impact/role of the player on the team are not the same thing.

Of course quantifying the value of a player by dollars is done on spreadsheets, however the impact of a player isn’t only measured on a spreadsheet. The results on the field matter and individual players don’t play in a vacuum. That’s not even getting into the fact that it’s extremely difficult to quantify some positions by simply using data.

Saying you’re not getting a positive ROI from a player because they don’t meet some arbitrary production metric is leaving out a lot of different factors, one including their role in the scheme.

By OTC valuation metric Dexter Lawrence is underperforming his contract by $5 million. Are the Giants not getting a positive ROI from Dexter Lawrence?
Are the Dolphins not getting positive ROI from Hill’s contract because the OTC valuation is only $19 million?

Deebo Samuel was 36th in receiving yards and the 7th highest paid WR in the league. San Fran isn’t getting positive ROI from that contract? Metcalf doesn’t give Seattle positive ROI?

PFF has TJ Watt rated as the fifth best edge defender but he’s the second highest paid ED. Pittsburgh isn’t getting positive ROI from that deal?

Sometimes you pay higher for a play because what they can do in your system has more value than data and analytics can show. Judging if a contract was good and has a good return on investment solely based off production numbers compared to players in different schemes, roles and situations is limiting yourself. Data and analytics are only a piece of the puzzle, not the whole puzzle.

strawman on top of strawman on top of strawman.

nobody cares what brad spielberger has to say, myself included, if he's wrong. do you find it in the slightest bit coincidental that his projection lines up exactly with the comments made by schoen today that the 12m tag is still on the table, and they still value him the way they did previously (which was right around 12m)? generally speaking with all the resources top publishers have not to mention all the publicly available data from sites that really only started in the last decade of this CBA, contract projections ahead of free agency have gotten pretty good. teams pay pff as an organization for a reason and even if what they are paying for is different than their publicly posted content as an organization they have credibility.

nowhere have i argued that you dont need to overpay to some extent in free agency or extensions if you want good players. 2nd contracts for starting level players are expensive bc there are fewer good players than $ available. so you are arguing a strawman pointing to dex or watt or deebo as slightly under water. we all know they are among the best of their positions providing a lot more value over replacement than can otherwise be found - which is why they got paid premiums without ever reaching UFA. the OTC value calculation is factoring in the value produced by players on rookie contracts which are always going to be artificially cheaper production.

good draft picks are where you get the bulk of your surplus value,
extensions of good draft picks are where you retain quality players at premium prices,
open free agency is where you generally pay premium prices for players who werent good enough to get extended or tagged/traded.
You accuse of strawman  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 5:17 pm : link
And then write a paragraph like this:

nobody cares what brad spielberger has to say, myself included, if he's wrong. do you find it in the slightest bit coincidental that his projection lines up exactly with the comments made by schoen today that the 12m tag is still on the table, and they still value him the way they did previously (which was right around 12m)? generally speaking with all the resources top publishers have not to mention all the publicly available data from sites that really only started in the last decade of this CBA, contract projections ahead of free agency have gotten pretty good. teams pay pff as an organization for a reason and even if what they are paying for is different than their publicly posted content as an organization they have credibility.

Where was any of this part of the argument? Was it ever said that PFF doesn’t do good stuff? How is saying that quantifying whether a contract is giving a good ROI has more to do with what data and valuations say a strawman? Data doesn’t tell the full story about what happens on the field, it’s why NFL teams don’t put much stock into PFFs individual player grades.

This literally is the point

we all know they are among the best of their positions providing a lot more value over replacement than can otherwise be found - which is why they got paid premiums

You could sign the top free agent pass rusher, his sack numbers could drop making his contract look like it’s giving off a poor ROI but if what if adding that player to the group of 11 players on the field, increased someone else’s production? That contract is a poor ROI then? Absolutely not.

It’s also very interesting that experience matters, only when it’s something you agree with.
I wouldn't mind Barkley staying under a fair deal that brings  
ThomasG : 2/27/2024 5:48 pm : link
his annual pay way down from his expectations. And then also add a decent free agent and maybe even another draft pick to build out the RB unit and make it a true committee.

Giving Barkley something close to Franchise Tag value or even tagging him is a mistake. If another team wants to pay to that level then good for Saquon and goodbye. If the Giants want to do it then we just need to wait for the morons on this site to promote themselves in their usual self-aggrandizing manner and say "See, I told you he would get paid. And this is an A-grade deal for the Giants".

Just like what happened on here with Jones.
RE: I wouldn't mind Barkley staying under a fair deal that brings  
NormanAllen_95 : 2/27/2024 5:59 pm : link
In comment 16409930 ThomasG said:
his annual pay way down from his expectations. And then also add a decent free agent and maybe even another draft pick to build out the RB unit and make it a true committee.

Giving Barkley something close to Franchise Tag value or even tagging him is a mistake. If another team wants to pay to that level then good for Saquon and goodbye. If the Giants want to do it then we just need to wait for the morons on this site to promote themselves in their usual self-aggrandizing manner and say "See, I told you he would get paid. And this is an A-grade deal for the Giants".

Just like what happened on here with Jones.

Again, what does that look like? I would value him at 6 mill per, AT THE HIGH END.

There is no scenario I can see in which Saq takes an almost 50% salary drop when there very well could be teams willing to take a flyer on his resurrgence.
RE: The math here is simple  
PatersonPlank : 2/27/2024 6:00 pm : link
In comment 16409587 Mike from Ohio said:
You can't build your team's foundation on unreliable players. Putting aside their physical gifts and production, neither one of them can be counted on to start 17 games in a season. Jones is coming off an ACL and a second neck injury. Barkley has started every game in a season twice in six years.

Smart, tough, dependable.

Neither of these guys is dependable, unless that means "they show up to the facility and work hard." When the bullets fly, too often they are watching from the sidelines.

These are not guys you build your team around.

I keep bringing this up, Barkley has player 43 out of the last 51 games. He's played 13 or more games every season except for the season he tore up his knee. He is as dependable, and healthy, as just about any other back in the league. This "injury prone" thing was true after year 2, but not now.
RE: RE: I wouldn't mind Barkley staying under a fair deal that brings  
ThomasG : 2/27/2024 6:09 pm : link
In comment 16409940 NormanAllen_95 said:
In comment 16409930 ThomasG said:


his annual pay way down from his expectations. And then also add a decent free agent and maybe even another draft pick to build out the RB unit and make it a true committee.

Giving Barkley something close to Franchise Tag value or even tagging him is a mistake. If another team wants to pay to that level then good for Saquon and goodbye. If the Giants want to do it then we just need to wait for the morons on this site to promote themselves in their usual self-aggrandizing manner and say "See, I told you he would get paid. And this is an A-grade deal for the Giants".

Just like what happened on here with Jones.

Again, what does that look like? I would value him at 6 mill per, AT THE HIGH END.

There is no scenario I can see in which Saq takes an almost 50% salary drop when there very well could be teams willing to take a flyer on his resurrgence.

Then let them. It has no bearing on what is best for the longer term future of the NY Giants.
RE: You accuse of strawman  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 6:14 pm : link
In comment 16409906 ajr2456 said:
Was it ever said that PFF doesn’t do good stuff?

is that not implied in a comment like this?

I think I know way more about my profession than you do, and no NFL team is worried about “how is the ROI going to look on PFF” or what Brad Spielberger thinks when negotiating contracts.

or was that comment meant only in it's literal interpretation that nfl teams arent grading their deals based on brad speilberger (which nobody alleged and, duh, no shit)?

as far as the rest of your post there are value degrees to all of this which is what is seemingly lost on you. the example you described was basically olivier vernon, and most people would say that scenario was a bust (i wouldnt) bc a top edge rusher in FA is probably a player who is a fringe pro bowler getting paid top of market like vernon did. but paying mark glowinski 7m to get benched game 2 year 2 is a contract that is a bust. that was their top acquisition in 2022. in 2023 they gave up a 3rd for waller they didnt have to give up for okereke and took on a contract with a higher AAV including a higher 2 year cash flow (unless they cut him). do you think if they had another 5 years younger player as good as okereke they would have spent less, saved the pick, and done that instead?

that has been my core point in discussions relating to free agency - there simply arent easy places to spend money well in FA unless you are looking back with hindsight, and its not even easy to do with hindsight. that's why barkleys value is projected where it is not just bc lolgiants but the market. not because it will definitely be a good use of money (nobody knows that without a crystal ball and if anyone smart was betting, they would probably bet against bc free agency more often leads to bad deals than good deals). i've not once argued that the giants have handled the barkley situation correctly (in fact ive argued the opposite since last july) but there is an irrational understanding of what his cost is projected to be and how easy it would be to redeploy that $ well elsewhere. which is why the nyg are still considering keeping him.
RE: RE: You accuse of strawman  
ajr2456 : 2/27/2024 6:38 pm : link
In comment 16409952 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409906 ajr2456 said:


Was it ever said that PFF doesn’t do good stuff?

is that not implied in a comment like this?


I think I know way more about my profession than you do, and no NFL team is worried about “how is the ROI going to look on PFF” or what Brad Spielberger thinks when negotiating contracts.

or was that comment meant only in it's literal interpretation that nfl teams arent grading their deals based on brad speilberger (which nobody alleged and, duh, no shit)?

Stunning, really that that would be interpreted as “PFF doesn’t do anything good”.

And no, that situation would not be Vernon. Who got better because Vernon was on the team? The Giants were middle of the road in sacks his first.

You once again continue to change the argument though. The argument was that ROI can’t be quantified by just looking at valuations and production. By a metrics standpoint Saqoun probably provided a good ROI last season, but did the Giants actually get a good return on their investment?

Saqoun could put up 1200 yards next year is the ROI really that good? Or is better for the Giants to use that money on a player who may put up a lower ROI based just on metrics but makes his unit better plus adding a rookie that runs for 900 yards?

The metrics alone may say Saqoun at $13 million produces a good ROI, but spending that money somewhere where the metrics alone say they produced a worse ROI, or none at all at a position that has a bigger impact at winning may produce a higher ROI for the team as a whole.
See if you can make longer posts in making your points.  
ThomasG : 2/27/2024 6:41 pm : link
They are really compelling eric.
They have to  
HomerJones45 : 2/27/2024 6:53 pm : link
can you imagine running Dan Jones out there without any credible threat in the running game? It would be a disaster, and would give aid and comfort to the faction that perpetually cries "weapons!"

They need to prove to themselves that Jones is not the guy and that contract was truly a mistake, and the only way to do that is get him a running game and a wideout and some new interior linemen.
RE: It's tough with Barkley  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/27/2024 7:12 pm : link
In comment 16409885 Lambuth_Special said:
Good player, great guy, but when I hear stuff that Mara wants to bring him back because of "how he reps the franchise," and you combine it with some of the stuff he says about Jones, it all just screams to me that Mara doesn't want to let go and admit that the post Eli-benching Gettleman pivot was a failure.

It all lines up with Gettleman getting that generous send-off at the end of the 2021 season. It's like holding on to Barkley and Jones allows him to believe that whole period wasn't for nothing (ironically, Thomas and Lawrence are the ones who show that).

I still can't get over Reese getting fired midseason while that clown Gettleman was allowed to 'retire' & take photos with his family before the season finale. John Mara is such a tool.
RE: I don't ever want to see Barkley play for this team again  
uconngiant : 2/27/2024 7:50 pm : link
In comment 16409446 Go Terps said:
Overrated, oft-injured, low-IQ player who even at his best had little impact on actually winning football games. He and Jones are the standard bearers for the worst era of Giants football I've seen.

Enough already.

No low IQ are fans like you.

being as miserable as you are, how do you deal with life day to day?

Barkley should be a Giant for life. You were one that wanted Manning gone as well.
AcidTest : 2/27/2024 7:58 pm : link
I've said before, unless I could do a tag and trade, I would let him go. Great person as others have noted, but he's not worth anywhere near what he earned last year, let alone a 20% increase to $12.1M, plus a big signing bonus.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/27/2024 8:08 pm : link
Why should Barkley be a 'Giant for life?'

Yeah, he seem like a good dude. He says the right things. But he isn't irreplaceable. We've mostly sucked with him here & he's on the back nine for a RB. Again, I'd bring him back @ the right price-ala not breaking the bank-but if he leaves, whatever.

People-are you reading this John Mara?-have got to stop these emotional connections with players who don't deserve it. I get emotional connections with the Elis, Strahans, Tucks, of the world...Saquon Barkey? GTFO. DJ? Even more GTFO.
RE: RE: RE: You accuse of strawman  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 8:18 pm : link
In comment 16409980 ajr2456 said:

The metrics alone may say Saqoun at $13 million produces a good ROI, but spending that money somewhere where the metrics alone say they produced a worse ROI, or none at all at a position that has a bigger impact at winning may produce a higher ROI for the team as a whole.

That is all possible but it doesn’t change my point - however we quantify the roi it is not as easy to spend that $13m as most imply (reread my posts prior to our back and forth). on the 23 cap they spent 13m on glowinski + Campbell, i don’t think they did that expecting to have them both benched. we all knew spending $14m on Waller could backfire if he got hurt, and he wasn’t just a free agent signing, he cost a 3rd rd pick on top. I’m not saying they would be right to extend Barkley now, that depends entirely on what the cost is - just that wherever else they put the $ is going to carry risk too.

Every team wants to and expects the free agents they sign to be the next okereke - the problem is most aren’t. The challenge is figuring out who that player is ahead of time. Most gms get that wrong so I think most pretend it’s a lot easier than it is.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
CMc in 342 : 2/27/2024 9:04 pm : link
In comment 16409879 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16409857 CMc in 342 said:


I’ll pass on getting involved in this pissing match, but I have to say anyone who cites someone’s “half decade” of experience at anything is on thin ice. What are you six years old ?

this is the only post in your activity history so you have an interesting way of "passing on getting involved".

having a specific job at what is probably the preeminent expert site for the salary cap for 5 years doesn't seem like a 6-year-old type of thing to say but if you think it's more mature to post his fuller resume it includes the more recent half decade at PFF and a quick hit as a legal intern with the minnesota vikings. would finding his LSAT score be more of a 6 year old thing to post or does that age things up?

Dude, find something more to do with your life. It really is a shame.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Tag is too big of a risk  
Eric on Li : 2/27/2024 9:13 pm : link
In comment 16410083 CMc in 342 said:
In comment 16409879 Eric on Li said:


In comment 16409857 CMc in 342 said:


I’ll pass on getting involved in this pissing match, but I have to say anyone who cites someone’s “half decade” of experience at anything is on thin ice. What are you six years old ?

this is the only post in your activity history so you have an interesting way of "passing on getting involved".

having a specific job at what is probably the preeminent expert site for the salary cap for 5 years doesn't seem like a 6-year-old type of thing to say but if you think it's more mature to post his fuller resume it includes the more recent half decade at PFF and a quick hit as a legal intern with the minnesota vikings. would finding his LSAT score be more of a 6 year old thing to post or does that age things up?

Dude, find something more to do with your life. It really is a shame.

doing just fine but thanks for breaking your bbi sock puppet silence to check in.
RE: Pages of pages...  
Brown_Hornet : 2/28/2024 8:00 am : link
In comment 16409846 Chris in Philly said:
of pre-outrage. If the deal is reasonable, there's no downside. He's not symbolic of anything. That is in your head.
Four pages of this.
It is amazing to me that so many people watch Barkley play  
Essex : 2/28/2024 11:19 am : link
and think they are seeing anything more than an above average player (meaning he is a good player but not nearly great).
As lomg as they don't overpay  
bc4life : 2/29/2024 10:40 am : link
it makes sense.

He accounted for 26% of their offensive yards. It makes sense to draft another back, break them in slowly, and reduce SB's mileage in run game and increase it in passing game.
Keep in mind  
bc4life : 2/29/2024 10:42 am : link
How bad the OLine was last year and no help blocking from TEs for the most part.
RE: As lomg as they don't overpay  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 10:48 am : link
In comment 16411430 bc4life said:
it makes sense.

He accounted for 26% of their offensive yards. It makes sense to draft another back, break them in slowly, and reduce SB's mileage in run game and increase it in passing game.

people get real riled up about barkley's cost but the real sin is that since bradshaw in 07 the org hasnt drafted a single competent rb and then been forced to overpay mediocre or worse ones (jennings, vereen, etc). wilson, andre williams, andre brown, gallman, brightwell, jury obviously out on gray.

thinking its easy to find a pacheco is up there on the list of things bbi is underestimates in difficulty.
djm : 2/29/2024 10:49 am : link
who are you giving that Barkley money to? Stop being so fucking dramatic and emotional. "HE represents melancholy." Uhh ok? HE can't just be a top 5 or so RB that is saddled with a losing roster? You can't LOSE games even if you have a good or great RB? The last 50 years of NFL football hasn't clearly debunked this myth?

The Giants lost plenty of games with Rodney Hampton while in his prime. Dallas lost games when their roster decayed despite Emmitt Smith still playing at a high level.

I give up with some of you. Cut Barkley and extract your pound of flesh and everything will be all better. Sure it will. And when you pay that 11 million or so to a guard, or TE or DB in FA and don't move the needle, enjoy that.

Who we using that whopping 11 million on? This isn't a lot of money. You guys get that right?
RE: logic  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 10:53 am : link
In comment 16411447 djm said:
who are you giving that Barkley money to? Stop being so fucking dramatic and emotional. "HE represents melancholy." Uhh ok? HE can't just be a top 5 or so RB that is saddled with a losing roster? You can't LOSE games even if you have a good or great RB? The last 50 years of NFL football hasn't clearly debunked this myth?

The Giants lost plenty of games with Rodney Hampton while in his prime. Dallas lost games when their roster decayed despite Emmitt Smith still playing at a high level.

I give up with some of you. Cut Barkley and extract your pound of flesh and everything will be all better. Sure it will. And when you pay that 11 million or so to a guard, or TE or DB in FA and don't move the needle, enjoy that.

Who we using that whopping 11 million on? This isn't a lot of money. You guys get that right?

How about a better RB? Derrick Henry is a FA.
do you really think  
djm : 2/29/2024 10:54 am : link
if the Giants let Barkley go, shit, if they traded him down the stretch of 22 for an amazing 3rd round pick, and then used that 12 million or so in 23 on lets say a guard, are we really any better in 23? Really? You're telling me we sign some B- 28 year old guard in FA last spring, he stays healthy (big IF as we know) --the Giants go 10-7 in 23? WHo is the RB?

This is not an addition by subtraction thing. Cmon already. Barkley is a good player stop acting butt hurt because the Giants didn't draft Bradley Chubb or Darnold or Jackson and be objective for one moment. You telling me with some roster upgrades Barkley can't subsequently improve as a result? 2022 never happened I take it. HE wasn't the only worthwhile player to watch in 23 I take it. Those 1400 or so all purpose yards and 10 total TDs playing for the 1980 Saints offense was my imagination.

I want to hear a plan. Not hyperbole drama queen nonsense if we're letting Barkley walk.
RE: RE: logic  
djm : 2/29/2024 10:56 am : link
In comment 16411450 Go Terps said:
In comment 16411447 djm said:


who are you giving that Barkley money to? Stop being so fucking dramatic and emotional. "HE represents melancholy." Uhh ok? HE can't just be a top 5 or so RB that is saddled with a losing roster? You can't LOSE games even if you have a good or great RB? The last 50 years of NFL football hasn't clearly debunked this myth?

The Giants lost plenty of games with Rodney Hampton while in his prime. Dallas lost games when their roster decayed despite Emmitt Smith still playing at a high level.

I give up with some of you. Cut Barkley and extract your pound of flesh and everything will be all better. Sure it will. And when you pay that 11 million or so to a guard, or TE or DB in FA and don't move the needle, enjoy that.

Who we using that whopping 11 million on? This isn't a lot of money. You guys get that right?

How about a better RB? Derrick Henry is a FA.

Really. You'd pivot off a RB with 1200 rushing attempts and spend the same money on a guy with 2000+ carries and a guy who clearly showed some signs of slowing down. I love Henry and I love stealing older players in FA more than anyone, I have even advocated for this strategy and been mocked here for it, but this is a beauty. By that I mean, NO.
If you trust Barkley as a worker and dedicated to his craft  
djm : 2/29/2024 10:58 am : link
and you think his injuries were more bad luck and the only bad one, the knee, is now 3 years behind him, you have every reason to believe Barkley has 2-3-4 elite seasons in those legs of his. Great RBs don't hit the wall this soon.

Henry has 1. Maybe.
Here are there 2023 seasons  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 11:01 am : link

You want to pay for a RB? Fine...are you interested in the better player or in being a superfan?
maybe 2 years for Henry  
djm : 2/29/2024 11:02 am : link
I don't want to limit his potential I love the guy as a player. Point is why move off a younger RB. for an older one with 900 more carries.

Also, Henry would be a different back behind this OL and you know it.
RE: RE: As lomg as they don't overpay  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/29/2024 11:03 am : link
In comment 16411446 Eric on Li said:
Thinking its easy to find a Pacheco is up there on the list of things BBI is underestimates in difficulty.

I agree that it's not as easy to find a Pacheco as some make it seem, but it's definitely inexpensive to try. Using 7th round picks and UDFA to grab 2-3 RB prospects every year is bound to bear enough fruit over a couple of years to fill out an adequate RBBC depth chart beneath a decent mid-round RB.

When you have a RB like Barkley, you're probably less likely to keep trying to churn the RB depth chart as often because there aren't enough reps to justify the effort, and the UDFAs are more likely to seek opportunity with teams that don't have a bellcow RB at the top of the depth chart. But if you have carries to go around and can lure some good UDFA RB prospects, there's a real market inefficiency there to take advantage of, IMO.

I don't think it's easy to find a Pacheco. But I think it's easy to find 8-10 sleeper RB prospects over any 3-year period and keep shuffling through them until you hit on a few for a committee.

Am I missing a downside in that approach? It obviously relies on having a functional OL, but honestly so does having Barkley if you're going to maximize that expense anyway.
RE: do you really think  
rsjem1979 : 2/29/2024 11:07 am : link
In comment 16411451 djm said:
if the Giants let Barkley go, shit, if they traded him down the stretch of 22 for an amazing 3rd round pick, and then used that 12 million or so in 23 on lets say a guard, are we really any better in 23? Really? You're telling me we sign some B- 28 year old guard in FA last spring, he stays healthy (big IF as we know) --the Giants go 10-7 in 23? WHo is the RB?

This is not an addition by subtraction thing. Cmon already. Barkley is a good player stop acting butt hurt because the Giants didn't draft Bradley Chubb or Darnold or Jackson and be objective for one moment. You telling me with some roster upgrades Barkley can't subsequently improve as a result? 2022 never happened I take it. HE wasn't the only worthwhile player to watch in 23 I take it. Those 1400 or so all purpose yards and 10 total TDs playing for the 1980 Saints offense was my imagination.

I want to hear a plan. Not hyperbole drama queen nonsense if we're letting Barkley walk.

"Better in '23" is the clue that you don't actually want a plan. You want simplistic short-term answers. With or without Barkley in 2023 (and now in 2024) the Giants have no shot at competing for a championship. None.

Many of us told you the Giants had no chance of winning 10 games in 2023 before the season even started. Is there a move that would have changed that? Probably not. Are there moves that would have begun to benefit the Giants in 2024 and beyond? Absolutely, and all of them involve acquiring as many good value players and draft picks as you can in the hopes of building a foundation that can actually compete.

If they had traded Barkley for a 3rd round pick in 2022, spent that money elsewhere they would be better off now, absolutely.

So now 2023 was a waste, and the same people are here telling us we need to run it back with the same basic cast of characters in 2024. Guess the outcome?

RE: Here are there 2023 seasons  
PatersonPlank : 2/29/2024 11:45 am : link
In comment 16411458 Go Terps said:

You want to pay for a RB? Fine...are you interested in the better player or in being a superfan?

The reason you don't draft a rb #2 is because he is dependant on the OL for performance. If the OL is not functioning no back can perform (sanders is the only one I can think of that did). Henry's OL was a much better line. IMO on the Giants Henry would be much worse since he is only a north/south guy, getting hit in the backfield would be even worse for him than Barkley. Plus the passing game would suffer, since Daboll likes to throw to backs. Look at the games when the Tenn OL was outplayed, Henry had like 5 games under 40 yds (or close). Sure give Henry a crease and he's a truck, but we don't have many of those.

My point is comparing raw stats in a vacuum is meaningless. Situations are different, surrounding cast is different, strategies are different, and use is different. IMO Barkley is a much better back, if they were on the same team and conditions were the same.
RE: RE: RE: As lomg as they don't overpay  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 11:55 am : link
In comment 16411461 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16411446 Eric on Li said:


Thinking its easy to find a Pacheco is up there on the list of things BBI is underestimates in difficulty.

I agree that it's not as easy to find a Pacheco as some make it seem, but it's definitely inexpensive to try. Using 7th round picks and UDFA to grab 2-3 RB prospects every year is bound to bear enough fruit over a couple of years to fill out an adequate RBBC depth chart beneath a decent mid-round RB.

When you have a RB like Barkley, you're probably less likely to keep trying to churn the RB depth chart as often because there aren't enough reps to justify the effort, and the UDFAs are more likely to seek opportunity with teams that don't have a bellcow RB at the top of the depth chart. But if you have carries to go around and can lure some good UDFA RB prospects, there's a real market inefficiency there to take advantage of, IMO.

I don't think it's easy to find a Pacheco. But I think it's easy to find 8-10 sleeper RB prospects over any 3-year period and keep shuffling through them until you hit on a few for a committee.

Am I missing a downside in that approach? It obviously relies on having a functional OL, but honestly so does having Barkley if you're going to maximize that expense anyway.

who said not to try? i dont think theres been a draft season where there hasnt been a rb i wanted to draft in the 3rd/4th/5th round range (2 years ago it happened to be kyren who was on the clock when they took belton/bellinger).

Kyren Williams and Charlie Kolar are probably my 2 preferences here
Eric on Li : mute : 4/30/2022 12:12 pm : link
with bellinger, spiller, and a few others.

100% agree draft rbs every year until someone hits. until then i dont mind keeping any productive player if the cost makes sense.
RE: RE: Here are there 2023 seasons  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/29/2024 11:55 am : link
In comment 16411495 PatersonPlank said:
The reason you don't draft a rb #2 is because he is dependant on the OL for performance.

That's *a* reason, but not simply *the* reason.

An even bigger reason is that you are paying close to top of the league pricing scale for RBs right out of the gate and never get any cheap years out of the RB. The rookie wage scale is position-agnostic; you pay based on draft slot, not position.

If you take a rookie at a very expensive position (QB, Edge, OT, CB, WR, etc.), you are getting 4+ years of that player for well below market rate. If he hits, you have a massive bargain. If he misses, you're still not in a terrible place as long as that player represents halfway decent depth on that rookie contract.

If you take a rookie at a very inexpensive position (RB is near the bottom and trending downward), you're basically paying close to the 2nd contract rate for the entirety of that player's career (and you get very little leverage toward an early extension, which you'd likely want to do right after the 3rd season if you have a successful, healthy RB).

The cap/position economics are a much bigger reason for not taking a RB at #2 overall than the position's dependency on the OL, IMO.
RE: maybe 2 years for Henry  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 11:57 am : link
In comment 16411459 djm said:
I don't want to limit his potential I love the guy as a player. Point is why move off a younger RB. for an older one with 900 more carries.

Also, Henry would be a different back behind this OL and you know it.

Man we love to blame the OL to protect our sacred cows.

Henry is a better player than Barkley. That's as close to a fact borne out by years of proof as you can get. He's also more durable; sure he could hit a wall but Barkley has a propensity to get hurt, too.

If you had to pay a RB, you pay Henry over Barkley. Of course the smart move is too pay neither and replace Barkley with a Day 2/3 draft pick.

RE: RE: RE: RE: As lomg as they don't overpay  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/29/2024 11:59 am : link
In comment 16411504 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16411461 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16411446 Eric on Li said:


Thinking its easy to find a Pacheco is up there on the list of things BBI is underestimates in difficulty.

I agree that it's not as easy to find a Pacheco as some make it seem, but it's definitely inexpensive to try. Using 7th round picks and UDFA to grab 2-3 RB prospects every year is bound to bear enough fruit over a couple of years to fill out an adequate RBBC depth chart beneath a decent mid-round RB.

When you have a RB like Barkley, you're probably less likely to keep trying to churn the RB depth chart as often because there aren't enough reps to justify the effort, and the UDFAs are more likely to seek opportunity with teams that don't have a bellcow RB at the top of the depth chart. But if you have carries to go around and can lure some good UDFA RB prospects, there's a real market inefficiency there to take advantage of, IMO.

I don't think it's easy to find a Pacheco. But I think it's easy to find 8-10 sleeper RB prospects over any 3-year period and keep shuffling through them until you hit on a few for a committee.

Am I missing a downside in that approach? It obviously relies on having a functional OL, but honestly so does having Barkley if you're going to maximize that expense anyway.

who said not to try? i dont think theres been a draft season where there hasnt been a rb i wanted to draft in the 3rd/4th/5th round range (2 years ago it happened to be kyren who was on the clock when they took belton/bellinger).


Kyren Williams and Charlie Kolar are probably my 2 preferences here
Eric on Li : mute : 4/30/2022 12:12 pm : link
with bellinger, spiller, and a few others.

100% agree draft rbs every year until someone hits. until then i dont mind keeping any productive player if the cost makes sense.

Well that's just it - I think the Giants tend to view certain positions as "addressed" and others as "open" and I think they have a tendency to ignore positions that they consider to be addressed.

We saw it years ago with not pursuing Whitworth because they had already addressed OLT with Flowers. We've seen them not draft any QBs at all since drafting DJ. We've seen them not even look at RBs earlier than the 5th round since drafting Barkley (and that was only last year).

I think they rest on their laurels too much, which is a systemic issue in their roster construction over the past decade, IMO.
djm : 2/29/2024 12:03 pm : link
it's not super fan at all but ok. Whatever you say.

If we swapped Barkley out for Henry we aren't likely to see much of upgrade on offense. I won't sit here and proclaim that a certainty as we all know Henry is a fantastic player. He also did his thing 1000 miles away from the NYG offense. Different staff. Different OL. Different team. He's also got nearly double the mileage on those legs.

RE: RE: maybe 2 years for Henry  
djm : 2/29/2024 12:05 pm : link
In comment 16411512 Go Terps said:
In comment 16411459 djm said:


I don't want to limit his potential I love the guy as a player. Point is why move off a younger RB. for an older one with 900 more carries.

Also, Henry would be a different back behind this OL and you know it.

Man we love to blame the OL to protect our sacred cows.

Henry is a better player than Barkley. That's as close to a fact borne out by years of proof as you can get. He's also more durable; sure he could hit a wall but Barkley has a propensity to get hurt, too.

If you had to pay a RB, you pay Henry over Barkley. Of course the smart move is too pay neither and replace Barkley with a Day 2/3 draft pick.

Sacred cows! Are you that stubborn and hell bent on being right or argumentative that you can't acknowledge that OL makes a difference and the NYG OL isn't that good? Even if it is THAT good, Barkley hasn't failed as player here. He's done his part. PLease sit here and convince us all that Henry makes things all better in 2024. Please. Sell me that.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: As lomg as they don't overpay  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 12:06 pm : link
In comment 16411516 Gatorade Dunk said:

Well that's just it - I think the Giants tend to view certain positions as "addressed" and others as "open" and I think they have a tendency to ignore positions that they consider to be addressed.

We saw it years ago with not pursuing Whitworth because they had already addressed OLT with Flowers. We've seen them not draft any QBs at all since drafting DJ. We've seen them not even look at RBs earlier than the 5th round since drafting Barkley (and that was only last year).

I think they rest on their laurels too much, which is a systemic issue in their roster construction over the past decade, IMO.

whitworth was 3 gms ago. im pretty sure this regime has used multiple top 30 visits on rbs both previous draft seasons - including rbs who went day 1/2. james cook, tyjae spears, keondre miller, i think even jahmyr gibbs last year?
2100 fuckng carries  
djm : 2/29/2024 12:09 pm : link
shows signs of wearing down in 23. His offense was bad too. Did you watch them play? Did you watch the countless times in 23 where Henry didn't make the big play when needed? Of course you didn't. You just found a new rallying cry to latch on to.

So that's one pla. Let BArkley go and take that money saved and wait for it.....SPEND IT ON a RB with 2100 carries.

I love it. At least it's interesting.
djm : 2/29/2024 12:12 pm : link
you managed to turn someone who loves to sign older FAs against that very idea. Impressive.

I was thinking more use the money on a big time guard but even that is probably unrealistic. Not sure you're getting a younger guard who is considered "good" for that money. You'd have to sign an older player. Maybe that is worth it.

I guess improved blocking won't help. I wonder why Tiki went from good to great as 2000-03 turned into 04-06. I guess it was all Tiki and Coughlin. Not Snee. Not Ohara. Certainly not KMAC.
RE: RE: RE: maybe 2 years for Henry  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 12:13 pm : link
In comment 16411538 djm said:
In comment 16411512 Go Terps said:


In comment 16411459 djm said:


I don't want to limit his potential I love the guy as a player. Point is why move off a younger RB. for an older one with 900 more carries.

Also, Henry would be a different back behind this OL and you know it.

Man we love to blame the OL to protect our sacred cows.

Henry is a better player than Barkley. That's as close to a fact borne out by years of proof as you can get. He's also more durable; sure he could hit a wall but Barkley has a propensity to get hurt, too.

If you had to pay a RB, you pay Henry over Barkley. Of course the smart move is too pay neither and replace Barkley with a Day 2/3 draft pick.

Sacred cows! Are you that stubborn and hell bent on being right or argumentative that you can't acknowledge that OL makes a difference and the NYG OL isn't that good? Even if it is THAT good, Barkley hasn't failed as player here. He's done his part. PLease sit here and convince us all that Henry makes things all better in 2024. Please. Sell me that.

He doesn't. Neither does Barkley. That's why you don't pay either.

Barkley's done his part in contributing to the worst era of Giants football in a couple generations. Now he can go.
I will be blunt  
djm : 2/29/2024 12:16 pm : link
if you don't think one single upgrade along the OL and everyone else holding firm would help Barkley and anyone else on offense, you're a fucking moron.

If the OL is good, everyone else on offense has an easier go. It's football dude.

But wait, I forgot, our OL is fine.

Finding productive running backs in the draft is not difficult.  
nygiantfan : 2/29/2024 12:17 pm : link
It is not just a slam-dunk and still requires scouting and attention to detail in reviewing prospects like every other draft position. But it certainly shouldn't be described as difficult to build a committee of running backs with the large supply of credible backs coming out of college each year and cheap, experienced free agents that still have mileage to provide. And with learning curve being much easier at RB, many young talented prospects can often be plugged in very soon. Unless of course you have this crazy idea to build your offense around a bell-cow RB these days.

The Giants not being good at building a credible RB unit is absolutely a function of the clowns they had making free agent acquisitions/roster decisions in previous years. And GM hesitancy in using up draft picks on other RBs since Barkley was drafted because they didn't want to spread carries and snaps to other guys with their "golden-child" available.

Both of which are simply self-inflicted wounds with the thinking of the NYG Front Office/Coaching, and not factors to support that it is difficult to find productive RBs.
Engram contributed to bad football here too  
djm : 2/29/2024 12:18 pm : link
he's making pro bowls now for a super bowl winning HC. Feliciano sucked here and helped the OL suck. Then he became serviceable for the Niners.

Good players never play for bad teams.

RE: I will be blunt  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 12:19 pm : link
In comment 16411576 djm said:
if you don't think one single upgrade along the OL and everyone else holding firm would help Barkley and anyone else on offense, you're a fucking moron.

If the OL is good, everyone else on offense has an easier go. It's football dude.

But wait, I forgot, our OL is fine.

So take the money you would have given Barkley and give it to an FA offensive lineman. Sound good?
RE: RE: I will be blunt  
bw in dc : 2/29/2024 12:26 pm : link
In comment 16411583 Go Terps said:

So take the money you would have given Barkley and give it to an FA offensive lineman. Sound good?


I'd rather the team fail trying to fix the OL than fail by signing Barkley due to the most dangerous emotion that has swirled in the halls of 1925 Giants Way for way too long - sentimentality.
cosmicj : 2/29/2024 12:31 pm : link
Rd your sacred cows comment, I think you’re dead on about Jones and Barkley treated as checked boxes. And maybe this is my Maranoia speaking, but that status points to owner interference. I can’t view it in any other way, even with a dearth of hard evidence.
Last thing I’ll add  
djm : 2/29/2024 12:33 pm : link
I’ve always been a firm believer in talent. Even if that talent is under performing or underachieving I’m a huge proponent of working with that talent. Coaching that talent. If the fit appears to be a problem, figure out how to make that talent fit in better. Fix the team. Fix the roster. Adjust your coaching to better utilize the talent that you have because talent is hard to find.

I took this exact same approach with Julius Randal on the Knicks the year before thibs arrived. Randal posted a bunch of “empty stats” the year prior. The team was horrible. Many calls for Randal to be traded or dumped. a losing player after all, he posted a bunch of empty stats, his team only won 20 or so games. New coach came in and turned Randle into an All-Star and the Knicks have been winning ever since.

This is just how I’m wired. I’m a believer in talent. I believe you work with that talent and get the most out of it. You don’t give up on it because of melancholy or whatever the fuck that means.
JonC : 2/29/2024 12:43 pm : link
Nice job, doing yeoman's work here.
djm : 2/29/2024 12:43 pm : link
I don’t have to defend or prop Barkley up. He’s been a good player. When healthy he’s a productive running back.
RE: Also  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 12:51 pm : link
In comment 16411652 djm said:
I don’t have to defend or prop Barkley up. He’s been a good player. When healthy he’s a productive running back.

But because the OL is a problem, we'd be better off spending the money there than Barkley, right?
Love the logic going on here.  
LawrenceTaylor56 : 2/29/2024 12:53 pm : link
Let's blame the OL, yet defend resigning a RB who only succeeds behind a good OL.
RE: RE: Also  
djm : 2/29/2024 12:54 pm : link
In comment 16411674 Go Terps said:
In comment 16411652 djm said:


I don’t have to defend or prop Barkley up. He’s been a good player. When healthy he’s a productive running back.

But because the OL is a problem, we'd be better off spending the money there than Barkley, right?

Didn't say that. I am done spinning around on this. I said my peace. You did yeoman work so you've got that going for you. Let's sign Henry instead. I am sure our running game will improve dramatically and he won't hit the wall anytime soon.

You offered nothing but platitudes and rallying cry nonsense. Fits right in here.
RE: Love the logic going on here.  
djm : 2/29/2024 12:56 pm : link
In comment 16411681 LawrenceTaylor56 said:
Let's blame the OL, yet defend resigning a RB who only succeeds behind a good OL.

Yep because obviously that is EXACTLY what I said. Except we all know I didn't say that. Not once. Offer more.

Win the debate. Accomplish nothing. Just win the debate. Hey, have at it. You guys win.
RE: RE: RE: Also  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 12:57 pm : link
In comment 16411682 djm said:
In comment 16411674 Go Terps said:


In comment 16411652 djm said:


I don’t have to defend or prop Barkley up. He’s been a good player. When healthy he’s a productive running back.

But because the OL is a problem, we'd be better off spending the money there than Barkley, right?

Didn't say that. I am done spinning around on this. I said my peace. You did yeoman work so you've got that going for you. Let's sign Henry instead. I am sure our running game will improve dramatically and he won't hit the wall anytime soon.

You offered nothing but platitudes and rallying cry nonsense. Fits right in here.

I don't want to sign Henry instead. I want to put the money Basket would all for into the offensive line. Surely you agree with that, based on what you've said about the state of the OL. Am I wrong?
*money Barkley would ask for  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 12:58 pm : link
if you ahve been reading even one of my random offseason takes  
djm : 2/29/2024 12:58 pm : link
I have been screaming to sign a vet guard in FA or even two.

But you know what? On second thought, I think we should ignore the OL, it's fine as is. Just Let Barkley walk, sign DERRICK HENRY INSTEAD, and watch this offense grow into something special, overnight.

Yeoman's work.
RE: if you ahve been reading even one of my random offseason takes  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16411696 djm said:
I have been screaming to sign a vet guard in FA or even two.

But you know what? On second thought, I think we should ignore the OL, it's fine as is. Just Let Barkley walk, sign DERRICK HENRY INSTEAD, and watch this offense grow into something special, overnight.

Yeoman's work.

Did you see above where I said I don't want to sign Henry?
..of course I would love to spend money on the OL  
djm : 2/29/2024 1:02 pm : link
I am done. Not sure why we can't have both a FA guard and resign BArkley but if we could only have one? ANd I am nearly guaranteed to sign a in his prime guard that plays at a high level for 2-3 years here? I may take the guard. As I have said 100 times here lately.

Stay with me here, I don't know for sure if that guard exists for that cost. I know Barkley is worth the money because I have seen him do it here. I'd like to think we can have both.

Moving on. Peace.
and you don't get to just walk it back  
djm : 2/29/2024 1:07 pm : link
You stirred this shit up with the Henry nonsense. And yes I didn't think you meant it but when you use it as an argument it's going to bring push back.

The OL is more important than the RB. I have learned that painful lesson. I just don't understand and believe we can't have both. Other teams do. We just freed up money from LW. May not even keep McKinney. DJ's deal is cuttable in one year. We are very cap clean here now and the years to come. We can't pay one guard and Barkley? WHy? LEt me see that play out first. Again, call me crazy but I think Barkley shines with a better OL, lol, even typing that out as if it is actually needed makes me laugh. How on earth someone wouldn't get that I will never know. You do get it. You just don't want to.
Why not two guards?  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 1:07 pm : link
Why not two guards and a swing tackle?

Is the OL one player away from being good, or is it a catastrophe that keeps Barkley from being all that he can be? I'm just trying to get this straight.
djm : 2/29/2024 1:12 pm : link
I am far too aware of this team's failure to replace a vet talent via the draft. And I know full well they aren't replacing Barkley via FA unless they pay the same money. You want Josh Jacobs instead? He's flawed too and will cost a mint. HEnry is old. You want the Dallas RB who couldn't handle full time duties playing in a better offense? Good luck there.

OK, no vet RB? Fine. We draft one. When? When is acceptable to draft a RB these days? BBI told me round 1, early is flat out sacrilege. Round 2? Maybe? So we draft a RB in round 2 and hope this guy is an NFL player.

It's risky. We have a good player here. 10-12 million for good players is not that much anymore. It's good value. We just paid 7-8 million for Parris fucking Campbell. We just paid 10 for Waller. Yet this place loses its mind because a workhorse RB gets the same money. It's weird.
RE: Why not two guards?  
djm : 2/29/2024 1:14 pm : link
In comment 16411715 Go Terps said:
Why not two guards and a swing tackle?

Is the OL one player away from being good, or is it a catastrophe that keeps Barkley from being all that he can be? I'm just trying to get this straight.

What point are you trying to make now. Just make it.
who the fuck knows  
djm : 2/29/2024 1:19 pm : link
there's nuance there is grey area. MAybe the OL only needs 1 more player and maybe Neal improves along with JMS. Maybe if Thomas isn't out most of the year the offense doesn't break in half. Why is everything so black and white and fucking weird? It's not complicated there Yeoman. It's me saying Barkley is worth bringing back and if you helped him with more OL and offensive talent he would subsequently improve as a result. It's fucking football not some weird mystery. Good players help other good players. BAD players hinder good players. JFC man, cmon.

Why did Tiki improve so much in 2004-05? Why did Eli's stats go from pretty solid to MVP caliber in 2011? Why did Rodney Hampton go from a good RB on a bad team to a good RB on a good team from 92-93? Context. Dynamics. Things can change.

IN a vacuum, Barkley can play at a high level. Even here in this mess of a team he's played at a pretty high level and at times a very high level. He's rushed for 5211 yards despite things being very messy here. Simple enough?
RE: RE: Why not two guards?  
Go Terps : 2/29/2024 1:22 pm : link
In comment 16411719 djm said:
In comment 16411715 Go Terps said:


Why not two guards and a swing tackle?

Is the OL one player away from being good, or is it a catastrophe that keeps Barkley from being all that he can be? I'm just trying to get this straight.

What point are you trying to make now. Just make it.

My point is why would you spend money on Barkley (or any other RB) when the OL is so bad? Why wouldn't you spend the Barkley money on the OL?

You've suggested spending on both Barkley and one guard. If the OL is only one guard away from being good enough to justify paying Barkley, is the OL actually a problem?

And I don't want to pay Henry. I brought him up to make the point that you aren't actually interested in getting better at RB; you're interested in keeping a player you like.

As the Giants have descended into garbage I've learned there's a segment of fans that don't really care about wins and losses.
Spend the $ on the OL  
JonC : 2/29/2024 1:23 pm : link
rather than SB (or Henry). Concise, sound strategy.

I understood what he was saying.
I am obsessed with winning  
djm : 2/29/2024 1:24 pm : link
that is all I want here. I don't need to be right. I think Barkley can help that cause but the offense needs less bad players and more good ones. Let him walk, fine, but fuck man I feel like I am taking crazy pills. I see the guy play and I see a big talent. You don't. Fine. Just know there's more to the team game than just one player.
RE: Spend the $ on the OL  
djm : 2/29/2024 1:25 pm : link
In comment 16411734 JonC said:
rather than SB (or Henry). Concise, sound strategy.

I understood what he was saying.

That's fair. I want both.
RE: also  
rsjem1979 : 2/29/2024 1:26 pm : link
In comment 16411718 djm said:

It's risky. We have a good player here. 10-12 million for good players is not that much anymore. It's good value. We just paid 7-8 million for Parris fucking Campbell. We just paid 10 for Waller. Yet this place loses its mind because a workhorse RB gets the same money. It's weird.

Maybe they should stop doing dumb shit like that across the board. They should stop pretending they are 2-3 players away from being a contender, because they are not - so act accordingly.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: As lomg as they don't overpay  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/29/2024 1:27 pm : link
In comment 16411540 Eric on Li said:
Whitworth was 3 GMs ago. I'm pretty sure this regime has used multiple top 30 visits on RBs both previous draft seasons - including RBs who went day 1/2. James Cook, Tyjae Spears, Keondre Miller, I think even Jahmyr Gibbs last year?

I'm aware that Whitworth was multiple GMs ago, but when I see similar behavior with positions being ignored because they're deemed to be addressed, it is something that I consider worth keeping an eye on. Gettleman seemed to treat OC similarly as an addressed position with Halapio. I don't know if we can say that the same is going on with Schoen, but I don't think we can definitively say that it isn't.

Your point about the visits is definitely a very valid counter, and I agree that it's too short of a sample in just two drafts with this regime to say that the same problems from past GMs are still happening. But they haven't quite stopped happening just yet, IMO, so I consider it an open question until it has demonstrably stopped or the sample size grows enough to determine that it's still going on.
to be fair  
djm : 2/29/2024 2:11 pm : link
if you are someone who thinks it's harder to find the OL, be it via FA in this case, and you'd prefer NYG sign THAT guy over the RB, in this case Barkley? I can totally respect that take but I question if it's the way to go. I can't argue how hard it is to find good OLmenen. We all see it. I still say get me one guard and keep BArkley and get healthy with Thomas and JMS and this running game can look more like 22 than 23 and maybe even better. I don't think that's unreasonable.
Let him walk and use the $$$ on OL  
Formerly TD : 2/29/2024 2:16 pm : link
Se hear time and again from the DJ and SB fan clubs about how NO RB or QB could succeed behind this OL. Well… why spend the money on SB then? Why not use the money to bring in the OL talent we need? Not to mention that by the time we are competitive, SB will be over the hill (he’s declining already).

Let SB walk, spend the $$$ on OL in free agency and draft a couple of mid-late round 22 year olds with fresh legs. Maybe add a cheap vet to provide some stability while the rookies learn to block, etc. That’s the smart move.
RE: RE: do you really think  
djm : 2/29/2024 2:20 pm : link
In comment 16411466 rsjem1979 said:
In comment 16411451 djm said:


if the Giants let Barkley go, shit, if they traded him down the stretch of 22 for an amazing 3rd round pick, and then used that 12 million or so in 23 on lets say a guard, are we really any better in 23? Really? You're telling me we sign some B- 28 year old guard in FA last spring, he stays healthy (big IF as we know) --the Giants go 10-7 in 23? WHo is the RB?

This is not an addition by subtraction thing. Cmon already. Barkley is a good player stop acting butt hurt because the Giants didn't draft Bradley Chubb or Darnold or Jackson and be objective for one moment. You telling me with some roster upgrades Barkley can't subsequently improve as a result? 2022 never happened I take it. HE wasn't the only worthwhile player to watch in 23 I take it. Those 1400 or so all purpose yards and 10 total TDs playing for the 1980 Saints offense was my imagination.

I want to hear a plan. Not hyperbole drama queen nonsense if we're letting Barkley walk.

"Better in '23" is the clue that you don't actually want a plan. You want simplistic short-term answers. With or without Barkley in 2023 (and now in 2024) the Giants have no shot at competing for a championship. None.

Many of us told you the Giants had no chance of winning 10 games in 2023 before the season even started. Is there a move that would have changed that? Probably not. Are there moves that would have begun to benefit the Giants in 2024 and beyond? Absolutely, and all of them involve acquiring as many good value players and draft picks as you can in the hopes of building a foundation that can actually compete.

If they had traded Barkley for a 3rd round pick in 2022, spent that money elsewhere they would be better off now, absolutely.

So now 2023 was a waste, and the same people are here telling us we need to run it back with the same basic cast of characters in 2024. Guess the outcome?

I don't know how you reached that conclusion. No one said that.

We're talking about one good player on a bad team. I want that player back.
RE: RE: also  
djm : 2/29/2024 2:22 pm : link
In comment 16411748 rsjem1979 said:
In comment 16411718 djm said:


It's risky. We have a good player here. 10-12 million for good players is not that much anymore. It's good value. We just paid 7-8 million for Parris fucking Campbell. We just paid 10 for Waller. Yet this place loses its mind because a workhorse RB gets the same money. It's weird.

Maybe they should stop doing dumb shit like that across the board. They should stop pretending they are 2-3 players away from being a contender, because they are not - so act accordingly.

Sorry this is ...i don't even know what word to use. SO we can't keep or sign a good player who could play another 3 years because we suck?

OK. We can move on. Sign bad players then.
take a strength  
djm : 2/29/2024 2:27 pm : link
and build on it. Don't blame the strength. Don't blame Patrick Ewing for all the missed title moments. Get him a better guard. Guess what happened....they never did or it was too late in PE's career.

Barkley is a winning player despite losing a lot here in NY. Sometimes I will relent. Not now. I'll die on this hill. He's an elite talent. To be fair he's gotten hurt a lot but he's now 3 years removed from the brutal knee. I can live with missing 2-3 games like last season and maybe he doesn't step on someone's foot in 2024.

Don't dump the baby out with the bathwater. You need OL without or without Barkley. You ain't signing 2 high priced guards and we all know that. Good luck even finding one in FA but it's not crazy to think we can find one. Draft another one.
and if the coaches see shit on film  
djm : 2/29/2024 2:30 pm : link
indicating that BArk is leaving meat on the bone? LEt him walk! I'd live with it. I trust the coaches to see that sort of shit even though I didn't see it last season.
RE: RE: RE: also  
rsjem1979 : 2/29/2024 2:31 pm : link
In comment 16411834 djm said:

Sorry this is ...i don't even know what word to use. SO we can't keep or sign a good player who could play another 3 years because we suck?

OK. We can move on. Sign bad players then.

Because that's what I said. Good god.

So now you want Barkley back for 3 years, presumably at $10+ million per year. And you don't think that money could be better spend elsewhere and an adequate replacement can be found for Barkley at significant savings?

You should have stuck with the dramatic "bye" you offered three hours ago.
RE: RE: I will be blunt  
Carl in CT : 2/29/2024 2:43 pm : link
In comment 16411583 Go Terps said:
In comment 16411576 djm said:


if you don't think one single upgrade along the OL and everyone else holding firm would help Barkley and anyone else on offense, you're a fucking moron.

If the OL is good, everyone else on offense has an easier go. It's football dude.

But wait, I forgot, our OL is fine.

So take the money you would have given Barkley and give it to an FA offensive lineman. Sound good?

Cap went up $30m we can get our interior OL. I loved the center last year. Just wish he was bigger. Them Dt’s are not getting smaller
One thing that bothers me about SB  
Carl in CT : 2/29/2024 2:45 pm : link
Could be third and three biggest play of the game 4th qtr and sometimes he just takes himself out. I can’t understand.
RE: take a strength  
nygiantfan : 2/29/2024 2:46 pm : link
In comment 16411840 djm said:
and build on it. Don't blame the strength. Don't blame Patrick Ewing for all the missed title moments. Get him a better guard. Guess what happened....they never did or it was too late in PE's career.

Barkley is a winning player despite losing a lot here in NY. Sometimes I will relent. Not now. I'll die on this hill. He's an elite talent. To be fair he's gotten hurt a lot but he's now 3 years removed from the brutal knee. I can live with missing 2-3 games like last season and maybe he doesn't step on someone's foot in 2024.

Don't dump the baby out with the bathwater. You need OL without or without Barkley. You ain't signing 2 high priced guards and we all know that. Good luck even finding one in FA but it's not crazy to think we can find one. Draft another one.

Honestly djm, you have died on this hill/thread about 8 times already. It's like looking at the Gettysburg battlefield the day after at this point.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: As lomg as they don't overpay  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 2:56 pm : link
In comment 16411749 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16411540 Eric on Li said:


Whitworth was 3 GMs ago. I'm pretty sure this regime has used multiple top 30 visits on RBs both previous draft seasons - including RBs who went day 1/2. James Cook, Tyjae Spears, Keondre Miller, I think even Jahmyr Gibbs last year?

I'm aware that Whitworth was multiple GMs ago, but when I see similar behavior with positions being ignored because they're deemed to be addressed, it is something that I consider worth keeping an eye on. Gettleman seemed to treat OC similarly as an addressed position with Halapio. I don't know if we can say that the same is going on with Schoen, but I don't think we can definitively say that it isn't.

Your point about the visits is definitely a very valid counter, and I agree that it's too short of a sample in just two drafts with this regime to say that the same problems from past GMs are still happening. But they haven't quite stopped happening just yet, IMO, so I consider it an open question until it has demonstrably stopped or the sample size grows enough to determine that it's still going on.

wasnt paying nate solder a pretty big tell that the organization was using their resources very differently than the year prior when they passed on an older whitworth at lower $? each of those 3 different regimes has had different priorities with resource allocation and there are lots of examples that would prove so. the linkage is bad overall results.

specific to the RB position, each of them took shots at rbs in the draft. david wilson in 12, michael cox 13, andre williams in 14, paul perkins 16, wayne gallman 17, barkley 18, gary brigthwell 21, eric gray 23. all of them i think picked higher than the chiefs picked pacheco.

the core problem as it is on repeat in many of these conversations around each different position is that finding talent is hard even if you invest resources. every team is spending 10's of millions looking for the same things. fans expectations exceed the reality of the bust rates leaguewide.

a few other points on barkley specifically - in his full sample of 32 games under this regime (incl playoffs) the team's record is 16-15-1 and he leads the team with 22 tds. in many of those wins i can think of plays he made from their first win in ten, to the gb game in london, to him closing out the washington game in 22, to the tds vs minny in the playoffs, to the catch in the arizona comeback, to the 2 td catches vs wash this year. there are probably others im forgetting too but the bottom line is in a league where many games are won/lost on 1 play he was the difference in a bunch of wins for this coach and this gm forgetting whatever other history he's had.

this year he was on field for 5 wins with 2 different backup qbs, with 2 of those 5 wins against playoff teams (GB, PHI). Very close to 2 more against LAR, BUF. i bring that up because the "tear it down to the studs" crew dismisses the fact that doing that puts a rookie QB in the position bryce young was in last year, and i dont think that's ideal. there is a price where barkley doesnt make sense but there is also a price where he does make sense. anyone as productive as he is will likely cost similar in FA and neither he nor a FA should stop them from still trying to do better to find a quality future alternative in the draft.
Why can’t a rookie RB  
ajr2456 : 2/29/2024 3:15 pm : link
Provide the same security for a rookie QB?
If Marshall Faulk  
BigBlueCane : 2/29/2024 3:29 pm : link
could be traded, there was and is no reason to keep SB.

None except Mara and his inability to make the hard choices.
RE: Why can’t a rookie RB  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 4:33 pm : link
In comment 16411901 ajr2456 said:
Provide the same security for a rookie QB?

they picked eric gray #172 last year and forget barkley, hs 2.8 ypc couldnt beat out breida (whose was 2.7). like most rookies he had pass pro issues all preseason. in the 3 games barkley didnt play the highest rushing total either put up was 30 yards. gray got 12 carries vs miami he put up 25 yards.

nyg have 6 picks higher than that this year, are you using one of them to hope to get a better outcome than gray?

what if the highest 3 picks get traded for a QB and now the rest of your draft is picks #70, #108, #140, #185?

this years RB class is generally considered weaker than last year's too.
There’s a lot better RBs than Eric Gray in this years draft  
ajr2456 : 2/29/2024 4:58 pm : link
And not sure how drafting him in the 5th round is relevant. Saqoun hasn’t really lit it up in pass protection his time either, and not every rookie struggles in pass protection.

They should be able to get 1 of the 2-5 ranked backs between 80-110. Paying Saqoun because you’re scared you could draft Eric Gray instead of Kyren Williams or Pacheco isn’t a good way to run a team. And if you’re concerned about missing out on one in the draft, sign a cheaper vet.

They don’t need to get 100% of Barkley’s production from the backfield next year, they’d be fine with 75% of it. Swfit’s market value is around $5 million, same with Singletary and Moss. Maybe Rico Dowdle for $2-3 million is budding good back that has been buried on the depth chart.
Barkley was the 6th best RB in pass pro out of 52 qualifiers in 2023  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 5:09 pm : link
also the 6th best in 2022. and if you look at the column labeled "PBLK" he took more pass pro reps than anyone graded ahead of him, 3 of whom are FBs.

thinking the probability of outcomes is in any way similar between finding a steal like pacheco or a typical rookie year like gray just had is quite the naive false equivalence. i dont think most teams are banking on finding starter level players at any position in the mid-rounds of the draft 2 months ahead of the draft no less.
Starting running backs come out of the mid rounds every  
ajr2456 : 2/29/2024 5:19 pm : link
Year sometimes multiple. If they’re worried about not finding one in the draft, sign a guy like Swift or Dowdle for a third of the price. Both are younger and Swift was the better player this year.
RE: Starting running backs come out of the mid rounds every  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 5:31 pm : link
In comment 16412136 ajr2456 said:
Year sometimes multiple. If they’re worried about not finding one in the draft, sign a guy like Swift or Dowdle for a third of the price. Both are younger and Swift was the better player this year.

if any player were younger and better than another player and on the same open market why would they get paid less?

i have never and do not endorse paying barkley something crazy, but if they stay disciplined to the market rate it should be in accordance with the rest of the market. if not then you let him walk and angle for the comp pick.
RE: RE: Starting running backs come out of the mid rounds every  
Gatorade Dunk : 2/29/2024 5:37 pm : link
In comment 16412152 Eric on Li said:
if any player were younger and better than another player and on the same open market why would they get paid less?

You don't think there are certain instances where a player's brand name gets him a little bit of a surcharge benefit?
Was Swift not a better player than Barkley last year?  
ajr2456 : 2/29/2024 5:39 pm : link
And the reason he would be getting paid less is that he only has one season of RB1 production, that seems pretty obvious.

He also has a higher career YPC, and only 12 less touchdowns in 18 less games. Swift at $5-7 million is a better use of cap dollars than Barkley at $13 million.
RE: Was Swift not a better player than Barkley last year?  
UConn4523 : 2/29/2024 5:43 pm : link
In comment 16412160 ajr2456 said:
And the reason he would be getting paid less is that he only has one season of RB1 production, that seems pretty obvious.

He also has a higher career YPC, and only 12 less touchdowns in 18 less games. Swift at $5-7 million is a better use of cap dollars than Barkley at $13 million.

Other GMs know the disparity in OL and QB play from the Eagles and Giants, and its effects on production. Do you think the Texans want Swift and the cost savings over Barkley? I don’t.

And I’d rather just pass on swift entirely at $7m. He’s likely going to look like Miles Sanders unless he goes somewhere with a plus OL. Ohh and he will go back to being injured all the time again.
RE: RE: RE: Starting running backs come out of the mid rounds every  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 5:54 pm : link
In comment 16412155 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16412152 Eric on Li said:


if any player were younger and better than another player and on the same open market why would they get paid less?

You don't think there are certain instances where a player's brand name gets him a little bit of a surcharge benefit?

of course - bad deals happen all the time. but it's not a foregone conclusion. like i said he could end up getting a bigger deal than wherever they peg his value, in that case then they have to let him walk.
Swift has been healthier than Barkley  
ajr2456 : 2/29/2024 5:56 pm : link
He averaged 4.6 ypc on the average Lions 2020 oline. Right in line with his career average.

The lions were ranked 22nd last year when he averaged 5.5 ypc.
RE: RE: Was Swift not a better player than Barkley last year?  
Eric on Li : 2/29/2024 5:57 pm : link
In comment 16412167 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16412160 ajr2456 said:


And the reason he would be getting paid less is that he only has one season of RB1 production, that seems pretty obvious.

He also has a higher career YPC, and only 12 less touchdowns in 18 less games. Swift at $5-7 million is a better use of cap dollars than Barkley at $13 million.

Other GMs know the disparity in OL and QB play from the Eagles and Giants, and its effects on production. Do you think the Texans want Swift and the cost savings over Barkley? I don’t.

And I’d rather just pass on swift entirely at $7m. He’s likely going to look like Miles Sanders unless he goes somewhere with a plus OL. Ohh and he will go back to being injured all the time again.

totally agree about swift at that $. it is exactly like sanders. there's a reason detroit moved on so cheaply (and then went and spent a 1st on gibbs and added montgomery for more $ than swift).

moss is the most appealing name for me, only big negative is that last year he had a bunch of injuries in high usage.
I’d treat Eagles FAs  
UConn4523 : 2/29/2024 6:02 pm : link
a lot like the Pats FA when they were putting anyone on the line and behind it and getting high production.
RE: Swift has been healthier than Barkley  
UConn4523 : 2/29/2024 6:05 pm : link
In comment 16412178 ajr2456 said:
He averaged 4.6 ypc on the average Lions 2020 oline. Right in line with his career average.

The lions were ranked 22nd last year when he averaged 5.5 ypc.

$7m is a lot for 120 carries, which is what he handled every year until Philly. If you want to bet on him repeating Philly, my guess is you’ll regret it. If it’s $7m for Swift or a mid round pick and a more reasonable vet, I’m going the later route.
No argument there  
ajr2456 : 2/29/2024 6:08 pm : link
I wouldn’t sign a RB for more than $2-3 million and draft one.

But if they want someone more productive, I think $7 million is worth the risk to see if he repeats his Philly year, as long as it’s a 1 year deal or a second year that has limited guarantees.
RE: RE: Why can’t a rookie RB  
nygiantfan : 2/29/2024 9:29 pm : link
In comment 16412049 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16411901 ajr2456 said:


Provide the same security for a rookie QB?

they picked eric gray #172 last year and forget barkley, hs 2.8 ypc couldnt beat out breida (whose was 2.7). like most rookies he had pass pro issues all preseason. in the 3 games barkley didnt play the highest rushing total either put up was 30 yards. gray got 12 carries vs miami he put up 25 yards.

nyg have 6 picks higher than that this year, are you using one of them to hope to get a better outcome than gray?

what if the highest 3 picks get traded for a QB and now the rest of your draft is picks #70, #108, #140, #185?

this years RB class is generally considered weaker than last year's too.

Yeah, Gray must be a bust. What an opportunity he was given and obviously blew it.

Just keep signing Barkley until he is dead. No one else can run the ball for the Giants.
Nothing wrong with spending a day 3 pick on a RB about  
nygiantfan : 2/29/2024 9:34 pm : link
every other year. That should be more than adequate for a competent GM and his scouts to build up and maintain a productive RB unit.

If we did, we wouldn’t need Barkley at all.
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