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NGT: Vikings suspend OC for 3 weeks

GFAN52 : 4/2/2024 1:34 pm
The Minnesota Vikings suspended offensive coordinator Wes Phillips for three weeks without pay following the legal resolution of a 2023 traffic stop in Minneapolis, the team confirmed.

The suspension began Tuesday and will conclude April 22, with Phillips returning to work on April 23. He'll miss a key portion of draft preparation as the Vikings pursue their next quarterback, as well as the first week of the team's offseason strength and conditioning program, which begins April 14.
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Dr. D : 4/2/2024 4:33 pm : link
Only $378 for a DUI? Am I missing something?

I've never gotten one, but some of my friends have and I thought the fines were about 10 X that. Maybe it was the lawyer fees.
RE: Dang  
Gman11 : 4/2/2024 5:50 pm : link
In comment 16454069 Dr. D said:
Only $378 for a DUI? Am I missing something?

I've never gotten one, but some of my friends have and I thought the fines were about 10 X that. Maybe it was the lawyer fees.

It's the increase in his insurance premium that will hurt the worst.
Why would you suspend him  
section125 : 4/2/2024 5:55 pm : link
right before the draft? Do it May 1st...
RE: Why would you suspend him  
GFAN52 : 4/2/2024 6:26 pm : link
In comment 16454137 section125 said:
right before the draft? Do it May 1st...

They want him to start working with "their new QB" I assume right after the draft.
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