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Public perception of Daboll

Jay7852 : 4/3/2024 8:22 am
I’m a huge fan of Daboll, but is anyone else a little concerned with the public perception if the defense takes a step back? The Wink vs Daboll stuff was a hot topic, if the defense drops off this year that could be really damaging to Dabolls perception. Maybe a dramatic improvement on offense could make up for it, but as a Daboll fan I am a little worried.
The good thing......I do not think Daboll cares about public perceptio  
George from PA : 4/3/2024 8:28 am : link
The defense should not be the problem....
BigBlueinDE : 4/3/2024 8:33 am : link
concerned about it at all. I have zero issues with Daboll's approach.
I’m worried about  
mittenedman : 4/3/2024 8:33 am : link
how he really is. Not just public perception.

The rift with Wink is the obvious sign, but the bullying stuff with Colt McCoy was disgusting to read. Aligns with what we heard about his behavior over the headsets, and exploding at people on the sideline. He had a rift with McDermott in BUF too. When the dude running the team is so out of control he’s disrupting the other coaches from calling the game, it’s a big problem.

Fiery personality or not, it’s no excuse and people don’t respond to it. Not everyone can get away with it like Parcells and Coughlin did.

And his offense and the overall preparation of the team was embarrassing last year and pissed Mara off. The team needs to look organized and well coached this year or he’s gone IMO.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 4/3/2024 8:37 am : link
Wink's defense was not good. In fact, against the run it was terrible.

I was a huge fan of hiring him and I was dead wrong. I'm not talking about the crap he pulled but he was a bad defensive coordinator here.

I was watching parts of the Giants-Eagles finale yesterday and the way this team played run defense was nauseating.

The weird thing is his kept saying his number 1 priority was stopping the run.
Winning is all that matters  
LW_Giants : 4/3/2024 8:38 am : link
Everything else is just noise.
I could give a rat's a$$....  
Johnny5 : 4/3/2024 8:38 am : link
... about public perception of Daboll.

He created his own issues last year, very tough year for him. I just hope he can self-scout and actually correct.

The guy clearly can coach his ass off (IMO). But aside from the personality conflicts with Wink and Kafka, etc. - the HORRIBLE roster (mis)management (especially with the OL) and utter lack of preparedness in preseason / beginning of the year doomed the Giants right out of the gate last season.

Last year really soured me on him, I'm hoping like hell he has learned from the hard lessons of last season and changes for the better.
I never care what the public perception of a coach  
mfjmfj : 4/3/2024 8:49 am : link
is and hopefully neither do Schoen and Mara. He either is doing his job or he is not. It is possible that he does not have the personality to be a head coach (i.e. people do not want to follow him) but who cares what you and I think about that?
Regarding Daboll  
Biteymax22 : 4/3/2024 8:49 am : link
Journalists are trained to pounce when they smell blood in the water. So on social media you saw a lot of negative stuff come out about Daboll during the Wink interaction, but a couple things I noticed:

1 - The fans didn't really seem phased by this and seemed to figure out quickly this was a poorly organized coupe by Wink

2 - When I talk to fans of other teams that don't follow the Giants closely, "you have a good coach but need talent" seems to be consensus take

With all that being said, yes if the team takes another step back his job is going to be evaluated. That has nothing to do with public perceptions, this is a results orientated league and if your results aren't good, the odds of you keeping your job aren't either.
I think Daboll needs a good year  
Sean : 4/3/2024 8:57 am : link
All this talk about a top 5 pick in 2025, that'll likely get Daboll fired. I think he's a good coach, but it's year 3 and he can't have another disappointing year. Mara has already said that Schoen & Daboll aren't a package deal.

While a lot of fans concede that 2024 will be a bad year, Schoen didn't trade draft capital for Brian Burns and pay him to go 4-13 this upcoming season.
RE: Regarding Daboll  
Ivan15 : 4/3/2024 8:58 am : link
In comment 16454601 Biteymax22 said:
Journalists are trained to pounce when they smell blood in the water. So on social media you saw a lot of negative stuff come out about Daboll during the Wink interaction, but a couple things I noticed:

1 - The fans didn't really seem phased by this and seemed to figure out quickly this was a poorly organized coupe by Wink

2 - When I talk to fans of other teams that don't follow the Giants closely, "you have a good coach but need talent" seems to be consensus take

With all that being said, yes if the team takes another step back his job is going to be evaluated. That has nothing to do with public perceptions, this is a results orientated league and if your results aren't good, the odds of you keeping your job aren't either.
There is no allowance for this team to take a step back. That happened in 2023. This team MUST move forward or Daboll is gone, maybe Schoen too. The offense has to be better and the defense has to be at least solid. There can’t be another 6 win season. 7 wins is not acceptable Need at least 8 wins or more to show that 2022 wasn’t a fluke. And it doesn’t matter who the QB is. Jones, Lock, a rookie doesn’t matter. If the o-line is fixed and the defense is solid, any starting QB should be able to get 8 wins.
Whenever I think we re gonna miss Wink I remember  
Blue21 : 4/3/2024 9:06 am : link
How he was bad against the run and how he left his last team and didn't get another NFL job after this one.
I fear Daboll is a great coordinator and bad head coach  
3rd and a cab ride : 4/3/2024 9:09 am : link
The evidence against him being a good head coach is beginning to stack up, he has pissed off both coordinators, ranted at players and had multiple terrible game management calls. While being a good leader doesn't equate to being the most popular guy in the room, clashing with all your lieutenants is bad for long term success.

Big year for Daboll, I hope he has self scouted and takes a step forward for the sake of the Giants
Another pointless thread  
Gruber : 4/3/2024 9:11 am : link
in the run-up to the draft.
Andrew in Austin : 4/3/2024 9:13 am : link
We weren't a very good defense in CY23, so probably not an issue.
RE: I fear Daboll is a great coordinator and bad head coach  
Mbavaro : 4/3/2024 9:21 am : link
In comment 16454618 3rd and a cab ride said:
The evidence against him being a good head coach is beginning to stack up, he has pissed off both coordinators, ranted at players and had multiple terrible game management calls. While being a good leader doesn't equate to being the most popular guy in the room, clashing with all your lieutenants is bad for long term success.

Big year for Daboll, I hope he has self scouted and takes a step forward for the sake of the Giants

Pissed off both coordinators?

You are finding fault with him in the Wink situation? Wow….seriously?

Ranted at players?

People loved his fire when he won coach of the year

Now it is a detriment?

Maybe not believing a Pat Leonard driven narrative is a good starting point

Good Topic  
KennyHill48 : 4/3/2024 9:23 am : link
I was thinking about this the other day in the context of the Vikings since they are the team most have pegged to jump us in the draft for a QB. All I hear in the media about the Vikings is that any QB that is in O'Connell's system will do great and there is not similar mention of Daboll.

Comparing the two, while O'Connell had a better record in his first year, Daboll beat him head to head in the playoffs and the offense of the Vikings was not leaps and bounds better than the Giants statistically. Cousins, in fact, did not have his best year in 2022 and arguably had his worst Pro Bowl year. Then in 2023 the Vikings and Giants' offenses were fairly close statistically. Both teams had season ending injuries to their QBs. The Vikings really fell apart in their last 7 games going 1-6. The Giants were not much better, but Daboll had by far the worst backup QB between the group of backups that played for the two teams in DeVito and managed to make him look competent. In terms of development, Daboll is credited for playing a big role in developing Allen, who was very raw coming out of college, and also worked with Hurts and Tua in the year before coming to Buffalo. The QBs that O'Connell worked with recently, Stafford and Cousins, were largely finished products when he got them.

Maybe I am missing something, but I don't get why Daboll is not being mentioned at least on the same level as O'Connell in terms of a QB guru that would be an ideal teacher for any rookie QB.
RE: I’m worried about  
MotownGIANTS : 4/3/2024 9:26 am : link
In comment 16454587 mittenedman said:
how he really is. Not just public perception.

The rift with Wink is the obvious sign, but the bullying stuff with Colt McCoy was disgusting to read. Aligns with what we heard about his behavior over the headsets, and exploding at people on the sideline. He had a rift with McDermott in BUF too. When the dude running the team is so out of control he’s disrupting the other coaches from calling the game, it’s a big problem.

Fiery personality or not, it’s no excuse and people don’t respond to it. Not everyone can get away with it like Parcells and Coughlin did.

And his offense and the overall preparation of the team was embarrassing last year and pissed Mara off. The team needs to look organized and well coached this year or he’s gone IMO.

This is seems pretty spot on. I think people are not understanding that a HUGE portion of his job is people skills and people management. The guise of well in football there are no feelings arrgh me cave man ....uuggghh nope is not valid. How does a man explain to his son he got got totally embarrassed by another man on NATIONAL TV?. How do you tell you child to stand up for yourself and demand respect from people in all situations? When you are allowing all types of disrespect. Let alone tell your players to have composure on the field when you have none on the sidelines. All the while being an offensive GURU/QB whisperer with a crappy output offensively.
RE: Winning is all that matters  
Sec 103 : 4/3/2024 9:33 am : link
In comment 16454592 LW_Giants said:
Everything else is just noise.

While I agree, he hsn't won shit yet... And I am hopeful it's "YET" (yeah, yeah first year luck) but this year will tell me a lot. If there are more of these internal rumblings than either he changes like Coughlin or he gets the boot. Personally I think he's a bit of a bully and bullies need to be taken down a notch.
it's always going to be about the defense here with NYG  
djm : 4/3/2024 9:34 am : link
the day this franchise realizes that the better off we will be. I think Schoen does which is good news.

Wink didn't do a great job here. HIs track record is OK. We need to do better.
I like Daboll  
Harvest Blend : 4/3/2024 9:41 am : link
and am glad he's the Giants HC. Some rough edges, but he'll work it out.

I'm way more worried about Schoen.
RE: RE: Winning is all that matters  
LW_Giants : 4/3/2024 9:47 am : link
In comment 16454640 Sec 103 said:
In comment 16454592 LW_Giants said:


Everything else is just noise.

While I agree, he hsn't won shit yet... And I am hopeful it's "YET" (yeah, yeah first year luck) but this year will tell me a lot. If there are more of these internal rumblings than either he changes like Coughlin or he gets the boot. Personally I think he's a bit of a bully and bullies need to be taken down a notch.

The point i was trying to make is that if he starts winning, the rest of the outside noise about his attitude will go away.
RE: Winning is all that matters  
UConn4523 : 4/3/2024 9:49 am : link
In comment 16454592 LW_Giants said:
Everything else is just noise.

Not really. Winning cures everything but what you think is just noise as a fan isn’t reality. See Joe Judge who probably gets a year 3 if he conducted himself better as a perfect example.
RE: RE: RE: Winning is all that matters  
Harvest Blend : 4/3/2024 9:52 am : link
In comment 16454663 LW_Giants said:
In comment 16454640 Sec 103 said:


In comment 16454592 LW_Giants said:


Everything else is just noise.

Personally I think he's a bit of a bully and bullies need to be taken down a notch.

What did you think about Parcells?
RE: RE: Winning is all that matters  
LW_Giants : 4/3/2024 9:58 am : link
In comment 16454668 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16454592 LW_Giants said:


Everything else is just noise.

Not really. Winning cures everything but what you think is just noise as a fan isn’t reality. See Joe Judge who probably gets a year 3 if he conducted himself better as a perfect example.

Joe Judge was 4-13 his second year. That's just proving my point. If he had won 8-9 games he wouldn't have been fired.
Even losing a bunch of games, Judge probably would have returned  
Greg from LI : 4/3/2024 10:01 am : link
if not for the bizarre press conference meltdown. Everything just spiraled after that.
He just needs to  
Howyadoin : 4/3/2024 10:02 am : link
Get this team to a competitive level and start winning some games. That will change my perception of him.
How can the defense take a step back?  
an_idol_mind : 4/3/2024 10:03 am : link
It was awful under Wink.

If the defense is somehow worse under the new guy, the team will finish with double digit losses again and Daboll and his staff will sent packing.
ryanmkeane : 4/3/2024 10:08 am : link
Daboll made the playoffs in year 1 and was beating teams/competitive with second and third string QBs. The Giants beat the Packers with DeVito at QB, a team that ended up destroying. The Cowboys in the playoffs.

Daboll is a good football coach. He will be here while.
RE: Even losing a bunch of games, Judge probably would have returned  
Sean : 4/3/2024 10:11 am : link
In comment 16454690 Greg from LI said:
if not for the bizarre press conference meltdown. Everything just spiraled after that.

Daboll did a good job re-steering the ship. It could have gotten really bad at 2-8.
I lost respect for Daboll  
CTGiants : 4/3/2024 10:17 am : link
when he walked away from DJ and threw the clip board. That was bullshit. Especially with a guy like Jones who never once in his career pointed the finger at the OL even though they've been one of the worse in the league his entire career.
RE: Jay7852  
g56blue10 : 4/3/2024 10:22 am : link
In comment 16454591 Eric from BBI said:
Wink's defense was not good. In fact, against the run it was terrible.

I was a huge fan of hiring him and I was dead wrong. I'm not talking about the crap he pulled but he was a bad defensive coordinator here.

I was watching parts of the Giants-Eagles finale yesterday and the way this team played run defense was nauseating.

The weird thing is his kept saying his number 1 priority was stopping the run.

This right there. I was really excited when we hired Wink but our defense has not been good. I believe we finished like 28th last year. I am not worried about a drop off in defensive play
RE: I lost respect for Daboll  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/3/2024 10:28 am : link
In comment 16454712 CTGiants said:
when he walked away from DJ and threw the clip board. That was bullshit. Especially with a guy like Jones who never once in his career pointed the finger at the OL even though they've been one of the worse in the league his entire career.

I loved that moment from Dabs.
RE: I lost respect for Daboll  
Johnny5 : 4/3/2024 10:28 am : link
In comment 16454712 CTGiants said:
when he walked away from DJ and threw the clip board. That was bullshit. Especially with a guy like Jones who never once in his career pointed the finger at the OL even though they've been one of the worse in the league his entire career.

Funny, I always think that was overblown by both sides of the DJ debate. He made a bad play there and Daboll called him out, and he didn't really throw the (I believe it was either an iPad or a Surface), he just kind of dropped it back into that assistant coach's hands. It was clearly an act of frustration by Daboll but I didn't really have a problem with it, and I still like DJ (although I am pretty confident he is likely done as a Giant after '24).
I think Davoli is not necessarily  
eric2425ny : 4/3/2024 10:30 am : link
on the hot seat yet, but his seat is getting warmer. Whether the 2022 team overachieved or not, any regression on a young team is not a great sign. If they pass on QB and turn in another 4-6 win season he’s probably gone. A rookie QB would buy him at least one more year unless they completely collapse.
Whether this teams wins or not  
gpat1031 : 4/3/2024 10:38 am : link
is all that matters for me. Don't care about the warm and fuzzy feelings anymore since this is more of a business than ever before.
RE: Winning is all that matters  
Thegratefulhead : 4/3/2024 10:50 am : link
In comment 16454592 LW_Giants said:
Everything else is just noise.
we can be friends :) +1000
Public perception of Daboll will be based  
Section331 : 4/3/2024 10:52 am : link
solely on wins and losses. No one is going to care if the Giants have a top 10 defense and go 6-11, or if they have a bottom 10 defense and go 11-6.
Thegratefulhead : 4/3/2024 10:58 am : link
Needs to win. The Belichick way needs winning or it gets old fast. See the tree for evidence. World is changing.
RE: RE: I lost respect for Daboll  
LW_Giants : 4/3/2024 10:59 am : link
In comment 16454730 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
In comment 16454712 CTGiants said:


when he walked away from DJ and threw the clip board. That was bullshit. Especially with a guy like Jones who never once in his career pointed the finger at the OL even though they've been one of the worse in the league his entire career.

I loved that moment from Dabs.

Me too, I think I gained respect for him in that moment. Jones wasn't a rookie or even a second year QB. Some of the shit he was doing last year was absurd.
RE: I think Daboll needs a good year  
TinVA : 4/3/2024 12:21 pm : link
In comment 16454607 Sean said:
All this talk about a top 5 pick in 2025, that'll likely get Daboll fired. I think he's a good coach, but it's year 3 and he can't have another disappointing year. Mara has already said that Schoen & Daboll aren't a package deal.

While a lot of fans concede that 2024 will be a bad year, Schoen didn't trade draft capital for Brian Burns and pay him to go 4-13 this upcoming season.

If we have another losing season Daboll is gone.
RE: RE: I think Daboll needs a good year  
Mbavaro : 4/3/2024 12:23 pm : link
In comment 16454961 TinVA said:
In comment 16454607 Sean said:


All this talk about a top 5 pick in 2025, that'll likely get Daboll fired. I think he's a good coach, but it's year 3 and he can't have another disappointing year. Mara has already said that Schoen & Daboll aren't a package deal.

While a lot of fans concede that 2024 will be a bad year, Schoen didn't trade draft capital for Brian Burns and pay him to go 4-13 this upcoming season.

If we have another losing season Daboll is gone.

Might want to rethink that one a bit….especially if a rookie QB is starting the majority of the games
Not very concerned  
Lines of Scrimmage : 4/3/2024 12:42 pm : link
about public perception. What matters is how well he prepares the team and then how they execute on game day. Offense philosophy is too much passing and not enough of a run game via the RB's imv.

The tablet toss was a little showy imv. Jones knew he messed up and the QBC/OC can go over it. Yell at him when he comes off the field and move on.

Big year for him and if we don't see very substantial progress I think they should find another HC. Defensive HC this time.
Very few people...  
Chris in Philly : 4/3/2024 12:44 pm : link
outside the Giants fan bubble knows much about the Daboll v Wink drama. And most of the people inside the bubble know Wink was a snake and his defense was severely overrated. I'm not worried about public perception. And as LW says, if they win nobody else will care either...
Does anyone here really pay attention?  
Dave on the UWS : 4/3/2024 3:45 pm : link
Daboll has ALREADY said he's done some self reflecting, talked with management (Schoen and Mara), and recognizes he needs to "tone it down a bit". Whether he can or not, will likely be what keeps him as coach or not.
Don't think the win total is the absolute measuring stick you think. If they have ANOTHER horrendous injury year, where they have a hard time just fielding a team the second half, play hard, are competitive, but finish below 500, there won't be a change.
Mara is looking for stability, not changing coaches every 2-3 years.
RE: I lost respect for Daboll  
Blue Dream : 4/3/2024 5:03 pm : link
In comment 16454712 CTGiants said:
when he walked away from DJ and threw the clip board. That was bullshit. Especially with a guy like Jones who never once in his career pointed the finger at the OL even though they've been one of the worse in the league his entire career.

Disagree. That throw was unacceptable coming from a practice squad qb never mind your starter that you just invested 9 figures in. I saw him stare Campbell down and knew the result when the ball left his hand. DJ has to know better. Saying oh well we'll get them next time doesn't work there
The public isn't even talking about this.  
Ten Ton Hammer : 4/3/2024 5:06 pm : link
RE: I lost respect for Daboll  
Section331 : 4/3/2024 5:07 pm : link
In comment 16454712 CTGiants said:
when he walked away from DJ and threw the clip board. That was bullshit. Especially with a guy like Jones who never once in his career pointed the finger at the OL even though they've been one of the worse in the league his entire career.

This is what really bothers me, so called Giant fans seeing that episode and blaming Daboll. Jones completely ignored him and wouldn’t look at the tablet. Can anyone imagine your boss walking into your office to show you something you did wrong, and you closing the door in his face? You’d be out on your ass. Jones should too.
RE: RE: I lost respect for Daboll  
CTGiants : 4/3/2024 5:20 pm : link
In comment 16455368 Blue Dream said:
In comment 16454712 CTGiants said:


when he walked away from DJ and threw the clip board. That was bullshit. Especially with a guy like Jones who never once in his career pointed the finger at the OL even though they've been one of the worse in the league his entire career.

Disagree. That throw was unacceptable coming from a practice squad qb never mind your starter that you just invested 9 figures in. I saw him stare Campbell down and knew the result when the ball left his hand. DJ has to know better. Saying oh well we'll get them next time doesn't work there

I saw it as Daboll putting all the blame on Jones and not taking accountability for the poor excuse of an offensive line he and Schoen put on the field. Sure, it was a bad read but when you're constantly running for your life what do you expect
If you didn't grow up in football  
Ten Ton Hammer : 4/3/2024 5:23 pm : link
You are sensitive to the idea of a coach losing his cool.

If you played any football in high school and college it would have happened to you at some point, and it's normal to your experience. There are lots of emotional coaches out there.

I dont know why there's any strong feelings about this. All of you were around when tom Coughlin publicly humiliated Matt dodge.
RE: If you didn't grow up in football  
CTGiants : 4/3/2024 5:39 pm : link
In comment 16455406 Ten Ton Hammer said:
You are sensitive to the idea of a coach losing his cool.

If you played any football in high school and college it would have happened to you at some point, and it's normal to your experience. There are lots of emotional coaches out there.

I dont know why there's any strong feelings about this. All of you were around when tom Coughlin publicly humiliated Matt dodge.

thru college
not football, baseball was my thing thru college so I had all kinds of coaches. But if you remember the year before when the Giants were winning. Jones thru an INT in the end zone, can't remember which game.. but it was either he threw back shoulder or should have. maybe it was to Slayton, not sure. But my point is he went up to Jones after that and even though obviously frustrated he kept his cool, and the announcers even praised him for that. Forget how Coughlin humiliated Dodge, but I'd like to hear that one again
RE: RE: RE: I lost respect for Daboll  
Blue Dream : 4/3/2024 6:40 pm : link
In comment 16455393 CTGiants said:
In comment 16455368 Blue Dream said:


In comment 16454712 CTGiants said:


when he walked away from DJ and threw the clip board. That was bullshit. Especially with a guy like Jones who never once in his career pointed the finger at the OL even though they've been one of the worse in the league his entire career.

Disagree. That throw was unacceptable coming from a practice squad qb never mind your starter that you just invested 9 figures in. I saw him stare Campbell down and knew the result when the ball left his hand. DJ has to know better. Saying oh well we'll get them next time doesn't work there

I saw it as Daboll putting all the blame on Jones and not taking accountability for the poor excuse of an offensive line he and Schoen put on the field. Sure, it was a bad read but when you're constantly running for your life what do you expect

Well that is one way of seeing it I suppose.
I have serous doubts about Daball  
JerrysKids : 4/3/2024 11:21 pm : link
those rumors are very concerning, fiery is different than being completely manic psycho, that is Anti Leadership as a matter of fact. Reading about what he did to Colt McCoy is very disturbing, sounds like he has serious problems.
RE: RE: RE: Winning is all that matters  
UConn4523 : 4/3/2024 11:23 pm : link
In comment 16454684 LW_Giants said:
In comment 16454668 UConn4523 said:


In comment 16454592 LW_Giants said:


Everything else is just noise.

Not really. Winning cures everything but what you think is just noise as a fan isn’t reality. See Joe Judge who probably gets a year 3 if he conducted himself better as a perfect example.

Joe Judge was 4-13 his second year. That's just proving my point. If he had won 8-9 games he wouldn't have been fired.

If your only take is just win then why bother discussing anything? It’s been pretty well rumored that had Judge not conducted himself the way he did completely melting down and kneeling away games he was going to get a 3rd season.
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