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Giants bring back Isaiah Simmons

bigblue12 : 4/5/2024 1:48 pm
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I like it.  
section125 : 4/5/2024 2:36 pm : link
I think he has more than we saw. He was getting better as the year went on..
Klaatu : 4/5/2024 2:38 pm : link
In comment 16457626 widmerseyebrow said:

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Another guy that misses tackles....  
Simms11 : 4/5/2024 2:45 pm : link
He was a marginal player IMO.
Better be for the minimum  
GiantsFan84 : 4/5/2024 2:50 pm : link
He’s just a name. Not a good player
RE: Snore  
Danny Kanell : 4/5/2024 2:50 pm : link
In comment 16457573 JonC said:

I like Simmons, he's a useful player  
PatersonPlank : 4/5/2024 2:51 pm : link
Can cover TE and RB, also can be effective in blitz packages. Not every player can be a star, in fact most players are only useful in the right situations. He can help us if used properly.
He’s a useful player  
Breeze_94 : 4/5/2024 2:51 pm : link
I’m dime packages on 3rd down. Glad he’s back, I thought he was a + contributor in his role last year. PFF seems to agree FWIW
As a Clemson parent I like this.  
RDJR : 4/5/2024 2:53 pm : link
The more Tigers in blue the better.
You can never have too many pass rushers  
Ben in Tampa : 4/5/2024 2:54 pm : link
I like him as a situational player and he's cheap
he's not a good football player  
Victor in CT : 4/5/2024 3:03 pm : link
another supposed "swiss army knife" that can't play.
RE: Snore  
Mike from Ohio : 4/5/2024 3:06 pm : link
In comment 16457573 JonC said:


Like Daniel Jones, enough time has passed to conclude that what he has been his whole NFL career is actually what he is.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/5/2024 3:10 pm : link
Sure, but I hope it’s on the cheap.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 4/5/2024 3:18 pm : link
he's back. First, we gave up a pick for him so I'd hate to just cut bait. Second, he's good on special teams (think replacement for Cam Brown). Third, he is a decent role player.
I would blitz and stunt him with Thibs & Burns!  
GiantBlue : 4/5/2024 3:20 pm : link
Three headed pass rushing monster!!!
Like. Everything it seems these days  
Festina Lente : 4/5/2024 3:22 pm : link
It seems to me that people are overstating things. This is a GOOD AND SMART move by the Giants FO. Happy he's still around. Hope the DC is creative enough to use him well.
I don’t understand the negative comments this move.  
Spider56 : 4/5/2024 3:49 pm : link
True he’s not the star some thought he’d be coming out of Clemson, but he’s a decent backup who adds speed and flexibility to the defense … and with his athleticism, there’s still some hope that he can be more.
Carl Banks  
Torn Tendon : 4/5/2024 3:55 pm : link
mentions all the time that he thinks Simmons could be phenomenal. Banks thinks it would be beneficial if he had some time in the film room with Simmons. Hope it happens!
If Bowens D in Tennessee is any indication  
j_rud : 4/5/2024 4:19 pm : link
Simmons can be a fun/versatile piece for a D featuring a lot of fire zone/zone blitzes
Count me in as being happy here too  
5BowlsSoon : 4/5/2024 4:28 pm : link
Two great signings today. What a great day indeed. Go NY.

Oh, and just for the record, I would prefer one of the great WRs at 6 instead of either McCarthy, Nix, or Pennix. Thanks for listening…it’s okay if you disagree.
RE: he's not a good football player  
Milton : 4/5/2024 4:42 pm : link
In comment 16457704 Victor in CT said:
another supposed "swiss army knife" that can't play.
And what did the Swiss Army ever win?
RE: There Giants app listed him as a LB/S.  
Joe Beckwith : 4/5/2024 4:44 pm : link
In comment 16457589 Vin_Cuccs said:
I wonder how Bowen will use him.

That’s what he is: a short area guy:
Blitz on 3rd downs as a down low S
Cover TEs , RBs out of the backfield as LB.
Stay with them, try to keep them from catching the ball and tackle them if they do.
Even if His Performance Has Declined,  
OntheRoad : 4/5/2024 4:48 pm : link

Simmons has shown that he still has a few big plays in him. Great to have him back. The team also needs his enthusiasm.
some reporters  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 4/5/2024 5:08 pm : link
have tweeted that Simmons is not a good fit for Bowen.

I'm not sure this is correct.

Bowen liks split safety coverage and often uses dime with a "money" LB/S hybrid to replace a linebacker. That could be Simmons.
I like it  
eric2425ny : 4/5/2024 5:35 pm : link
another player that can move all over the place. Outside of CB2 I think the defense could be very good. I’m still hopeful they bring Adoree back on a one year deal.

What’s scary is the offense. This may be like the mid-90’s when the defense was rock solid, but the offense was anemic and we were scratching at .500 records every year.
RE: I like Simmons, he's a useful player  
KeoweeFan : 4/5/2024 5:48 pm : link
In comment 16457685 PatersonPlank said:
Can cover TE and RB, also can be effective in blitz packages. Not every player can be a star, in fact most players are only useful in the right situations. He can help us if used properly.

Yes situational in the pros. He is not great at taking on blocks so other teams could plan against him if he were a regular rusher.

He excelled at Clemson in mirroring agile QBs; a nice tool to have on D.
Tom the Giants fan. : 4/5/2024 5:54 pm : link
I disagree. He never lived up to his draft status, then again we didn't spend a first round pick on him but he is a good role player that I'm happy will return. We need players like him.

Obviously the Giants agree.

Papa and Banks on Simmons. - ( New Window )
I don't like these comments...  
DonQuixote : 4/5/2024 6:04 pm : link
He's JAG and all that...

If he can help the team great, if not, move on.

But even if he is a JAG, he has performed at a pretty high level in his discipline, which is football. So if he didn't get to a higher level, don't insult the guy.

I can pretty much guarantee that the people who shrug him off have not been among the top 1% of their discipline in the entire world.

RE: RE: he's not a good football player  
SirLoinOfBeef : 4/5/2024 6:20 pm : link
In comment 16457883 Milton said:
In comment 16457704 Victor in CT said:


another supposed "swiss army knife" that can't play.

And what did the Swiss Army ever win?

Didn't they beat Italy?

I mean Greece beat Italy...
Vin Cuccs  
bc4life : 4/5/2024 6:30 pm : link
You asked the million-dollar question - how is Bowen planning to use him. Giants would not have brought him back if new DC did not have a plan.
A JAG?  
jtfuoco : 4/5/2024 6:30 pm : link
He is not a JAG he has elite speed and can cover and spy unlike most if the LBs on the roster. He is good on specials and can blitz and did more for the defense then Ward, caughlin and Brown did combined.
Have to weigh this signing based  
bc4life : 4/5/2024 6:41 pm : link
on what he is and is good at, not based on his draft status - that's history.
RE: A JAG?  
shyster : 4/5/2024 6:54 pm : link
In comment 16457999 jtfuoco said:
He is not a JAG he has elite speed and can cover and spy unlike most if the LBs on the roster. He is good on specials and can blitz and did more for the defense then Ward, caughlin and Brown did combined.

Simmons was put on the field for 33% of defensive snaps; Coughlin, 87%. Doesn't seem the coaches agreed with you about who was more valuable.

Ward weighs 285 pounds; not really a comparable player. But he did have 5 sacks to Simmons 1.

As for Cam Brown, since he didn't play a single defensive snap in all of 2023 (STs only), yes, you can safely say Simmons did more for the NYG defense than Brown did.
bc4life : 4/5/2024 7:05 pm : link
Simmons did not come to team until August so he didn't have the offseason to learn the defense.
RE: Glad  
Joey in VA : 4/5/2024 8:05 pm : link
In comment 16457720 Eric from BBI said:
he's back. First, we gave up a pick for him so I'd hate to just cut bait. Second, he's good on special teams (think replacement for Cam Brown). Third, he is a decent role player.
This. I don't get the hate, he made several drive ending plays last year in big spots in really limited time with no camp or pre-season with us. He's still fast, big and talented, nothing to hate about this.
I think the issue is he never lived up to his ceiling.  
robbieballs2003 : 4/5/2024 8:08 pm : link
With that said, he is so unique so he can absolutely help a team. We can kind of use him as a microcosm of our OL the last 10+ years. People call him a Swiss Army knife. He can play multiple roles. Well, the problem is that he's never mastered any role. With our OL we are so worried about flexibility in case of an injury that we never seem to develop our guys at one main position. I think that has been Simmons' biggest issue.
RE: RE: he's not a good football player  
Klaatu : 4/5/2024 8:22 pm : link
In comment 16457883 Milton said:
In comment 16457704 Victor in CT said:


another supposed "swiss army knife" that can't play.

And what did the Swiss Army ever win?

Ask the Habsburgs.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 4/5/2024 8:59 pm : link
Klaatu just make the the first references of the Habsburgs in the history of BBI?
knowledgetimmons : 4/5/2024 9:00 pm : link
Posters calling him a JAG. Reminds me not to listen to the insane, incessant posts about QBs and RBs and Safety’s.
RE: did  
Angel Eyes : 4/5/2024 9:00 pm : link
In comment 16458174 Eric from BBI said:
Klaatu just make the the first references of the Habsburgs in the history of BBI?

Habsburgs or Hapsburgs? I've seen both spellings used.
RE: Delusional  
Joey in VA : 4/5/2024 9:25 pm : link
In comment 16458175 knowledgetimmons said:
Posters calling him a JAG. Reminds me not to listen to the insane, incessant posts about QBs and RBs and Safety’s.
I'm with you, this is a specialized league and he's a good tool to have, unlike the tools here. Badambisss..I'm here all week, tip your servers.
RE: RE: did  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 4/5/2024 9:42 pm : link
In comment 16458176 Angel Eyes said:
In comment 16458174 Eric from BBI said:


Klaatu just make the the first references of the Habsburgs in the history of BBI?

Habsburgs or Hapsburgs? I've seen both spellings used.

I've always seen as Habsburgs.
Not every player is going to be a star  
kelly : 4/5/2024 10:12 pm : link
But they can be put in situations where they can contribute as a star.

Good on special teams. Good at covering tight ends.
RE: Love this  
GruningsOnTheHill : 4/5/2024 10:50 pm : link
In comment 16457570 mac attack said:
He earned it last year. Hopefully he continues to play well.

Agree--I like the hell out of this guy. He made some great plays last year.
RE: did  
Klaatu : 4/6/2024 6:56 am : link
In comment 16458174 Eric from BBI said:
Klaatu just make the the first references of the Habsburgs in the history of BBI?

It had to be done.

File it under "Stupid Question Answered."
Just so you get it right on Eric’s history test … the Swiss victories  
Spider56 : 4/6/2024 7:33 am : link
over the Austrians came without the benefit of their beloved knife. They last fought in 1499 and the knife wasn’t invented until nearly 400 years later. 😎
More of a whatever than anything.  
ThomasG : 4/6/2024 7:51 am : link
Don't have an issue with it but would like to see more football instincts on the field of play as somebody noted above.
I dont question his size speed or athelticism  
blueblood : 4/6/2024 7:52 am : link
I question his football IQ and instincts
RE: RE: RE: did  
DonQuixote : 4/6/2024 8:51 am : link
In comment 16458227 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16458176 Angel Eyes said:


In comment 16458174 Eric from BBI said:


Klaatu just make the the first references of the Habsburgs in the history of BBI?

Habsburgs or Hapsburgs? I've seen both spellings used.

I've always seen as Habsburgs.

The German spelling of the name is Habsburg. The American spelling has been Hapsburg, but I think that is based on some incorrect dictionary or something.
stretch234 : 4/6/2024 8:55 am : link
He is an exceptional athlete who really has a hard time understanding how to play football

For every good play he makes he leaves just as many on the field

That said - he is cost effective and athletic and can help

where does it hurt bringing him to camp?  
Dave on the UWS : 4/6/2024 11:30 am : link
If Bowen can make use of him, then its a benefit. If not, adios. They still need to fill out the roster, and as some have said he IS a good special teams player and his athleticism will be helpful with the new KO rules.
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