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Dianna Russini: NYG ownership reluctant to move up for QB.

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 8:32 am
After giving Jones that contract. Just listened to her segment on The Athletic Football Show. Mays just excoriated that thought process…saying-& I’m paraphrasing-‘this is how bad teams stay bad.’

She also thinks it’s very possible we move back because of all the holes on the roster.

‘He (Schoen) had to figure out a way to win with Daniel Jones.’-Russini. She feels that Joe & Dabs need to win now to keep their jobs so could be acting in self preservation instead of long term building.
This team is circling the drain.  
Darwinian : 4/23/2024 8:33 am : link
I’ll say it: John fucking sucks as an owner  
The_Boss : 4/23/2024 8:35 am : link
Figuring out how to win with Jones is like trying to figure out how to pass the bar exam without going to law school…
So she’s really saying the owners are a lot smarter than BBI thinks  
Spider56 : 4/23/2024 8:35 am : link
they are.
I suggest  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 4/23/2024 8:36 am : link
we wait and see what happens. We're only a couple of days away at this point.
Rjanyg : 4/23/2024 8:36 am : link
Next we are bringing Eli out of retirement.

RE: This team is circling the drain.  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 8:37 am : link
In comment 16481052 Darwinian said:

why, because this person says so???
I agree  
Mike in NY : 4/23/2024 8:37 am : link
With the first sentence if ownership is trying to prove you can win with DJ. We have seen enough to know that you can’t especially with how Tommy DeVito looked better than him with the same limitations around him.

That being said, the overall state of the roster has not built up any clout for Schoen to say that we should trade already limited capital for a coin flip. Even if it is a QB that the scouts and coaches all think can succeed in the NFL, there are still lots of holes on this team and that is Schoen’s fault.
Dumb question  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 4/23/2024 8:37 am : link
who is Dianna Russini?
RE: I suggest  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 8:38 am : link
In comment 16481059 Eric from BBI said:
we wait and see what happens. We're only a couple of days away at this point.

RE: RE: This team is circling the drain.  
terz22 : 4/23/2024 8:38 am : link
In comment 16481062 jvm52106 said:
In comment 16481052 Darwinian said:



why, because this person says so???

Thursday can't get here fast enough
RE: I suggest  
UberAlias : 4/23/2024 8:38 am : link
In comment 16481059 Eric from BBI said:
we wait and see what happens. We're only a couple of days away at this point.
Yep. Two day window is prime grain of salt season.
If I was Joe Shoen  
Bob from Massachusetts : 4/23/2024 8:38 am : link
and I didn't have the right to do whatever I wanted with the first draft choice, I would resign before Round 2
RE: Dumb question  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 8:40 am : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?

YEP, my thinking as well. If you are on the edge and ready to kill Giant ownership and management at the drop of the hat then this report is for you. But, this seems HIGHLY guessing and possibly done very specifically (maybe someone's agent, ahem DJ) etc...

Except the owner has publicly said he's open to it  
UberAlias : 4/23/2024 8:40 am : link
But if Russini has a better source on this than Mara, I guess she's right.
RE: Dumb question  
Optimus-NY : 4/23/2024 8:42 am : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?

lol. No idea. Someone who's being used to muddy the waters.
It be lying season!  
Optimus-NY : 4/23/2024 8:42 am : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 8:42 am : link
Russini isn’t some quack. She used to work for ESPN and now The Athletic. I have no clue if she’s dialed in, but this isn’t some Twitter account with 10 followers.
RE: Dumb question  
Blue21 : 4/23/2024 8:43 am : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?
Just someone else with an opinion they write as fact.
RE: Dumb question  
aimrocky : 4/23/2024 8:43 am : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?

Former ESPN sideline reporter and semi insider. I believe she's moved onto the Athletic now. I also beloeve she's from NJ so she's provided intel on Jets and Giants.
RE: …  
aimrocky : 4/23/2024 8:44 am : link
In comment 16481082 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Russini isn’t some quack. She used to work for ESPN and now The Athletic. I have no clue if she’s dialed in, but this isn’t some Twitter account with 10 followers.

Ha, I like your summary better than mine.
From yesterday's Dianni Russini thread  
Mike from Ohio : 4/23/2024 8:44 am : link
when she said Kraft was interfering:


You see right there?
djm : 4/22/2024 3:09 pm : link : reply
That is when you know the owner is heavily involved in personnel decisions. When do you know? When reporters are literally saying, “the owner is heavily involved in personnel decision-making.” And how would reporters know this? Because owners can’t lie in the shadows quietly pulling strings, that’s why. Ego.

For intellectual consistency, I do hope this same poster will admit know that there is proof that Mara is involved in determining draft strategy.
I would move up for an elite QB  
US1 Giants : 4/23/2024 8:44 am : link
but would not pay a premium to draft a good QB prospect. Happy to see that the Giants ownership is reluctant to trade up.
RE: Dumb question  
JoeyBigBlue : 4/23/2024 8:45 am : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?

Russini is a trusted NFL insider, who worked at ESPN and now works at the Athletic. She’s not some random Twitter expert.
'After giving Jones that contract'  
ThomasG : 4/23/2024 8:47 am : link
And the hits just keep on coming with this thing.
Fully ready to be disappointed.  
Dave in Hoboken : 4/23/2024 8:47 am : link
(No QB). Yikes.
You beat me to it, SFGF  
Sean : 4/23/2024 8:48 am : link
I linked the full discussion, starts at the 20:20 minute mark.

Mays slammed this way of thinking as saying it's a reason bad teams stay bad. He outlines a very real scenario:

-NYG drafts Nabers at 6
-The team improves slightly and goes 8-9 in 2024
-Now you enter 2025 with Jones costing $47M against the cap

Drafting a QB here actually gives you a better chance to win in the next 2-3 years since you are resetting the QB clock.

Bad teams stay bad when they don't admit mistakes. As an aside, I don't think Russini has any idea what NYG is thinking.

Rapaport said yesterday NYG was trying to trade up. Sounds like Russini is working with old information.
Link - ( New Window )
It's speculation  
bc4life : 4/23/2024 8:50 am : link
Not as many holes on the roster as some think. Clearly, there are holes, some have been plugged in FA. What they need is a good draft to address the major holes and add depth.

Maras are going to let Schoen run the draft. Schoen knows what he's doing. Bit of a gamble on the Jones' contract though and he lost. Doesn't mean Jones is entirely worthless. He's just not the future.
It's going to be a fun couple days  
UberAlias : 4/23/2024 8:50 am : link
It's like having a week long game thread, lol.
ChrisRick : 4/23/2024 8:50 am : link
File this under: Information I agree with is true. Information I don't agree with is false.
She's a former ESPN employee, NJ girl  
JonC : 4/23/2024 8:51 am : link
now works for The Atlantic. She goes good work, very personable and easy on the eyes in person too.
At this point  
bc4life : 4/23/2024 8:51 am : link
They're not even sure DJ will have a successful rehab. Schoen himself has said they will take a QB. I think this "they have to win with DJ" is bullshit
RE: .  
Mike from Ohio : 4/23/2024 8:52 am : link
In comment 16481104 ChrisRick said:
File this under: Information I agree with is true. Information I don't agree with is false.

Yep. This story will literally confirm what everyone believes, regardless of what they believe. People who agree with me are proof, people who don't are stupid, and or making stuff up for clicks.
I would really hate to  
section125 : 4/23/2024 8:52 am : link
see some of you get put in a true pressure situation. Blowing up because some reporter makes a quip statement is beyond foolish. Click bait reports that are against the grain are the only way to get people to look and share at this late stage of the pre-draft hoopla.

It is 100% correct that the owners would "balk" at moving up after giving a huge contract - that doesn't mean they wouldn't do it. They would actually be stupid to not at least be questioning.
I’ve read that ownership supports moving down.  
Giant John : 4/23/2024 8:53 am : link
Look I believe nothing I hear right now.
RE: Dumb question  
nygiants16 : 4/23/2024 8:54 am : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?

She is one of those insiders who over exaggerates everything..

For example she said Rodgers gave the Jets a list of players that he wanted them to sign, in reality the Jets probably asked him who he likes that is available...

I am guessing she heard Giants Ownership said they dont want to kverpay for a QB because they still have jones and overexaggerated the story to make headlines
Oh, I fully believe  
UberAlias : 4/23/2024 8:55 am : link
she was told what she said.
I’m not envious of Schoen’s position  
JoeyBigBlue : 4/23/2024 8:56 am : link
I think it’s obvious at this point that the main target in this draft is Drake Maye. While his footwork is flawed, he has the making of a franchise QB with his size, arm, and play making ability. The issue is that you aren’t getting him unless you give up next year’s first and more. This is a thin roster, and giving away picks and Maye being a disappointment could lead the franchise into further despair. (I.e the Carolina Panthers). I’m sure that’s the last thing Mara wants.

The main point is that Schoen and Daboll have to be 200% certain they can make Maye work. They have to have a plan that makes sense and can be executed without certainty. We’ll have to wait and see come Thursday.
I'm sticking by the mantra  
Biteymax22 : 4/23/2024 8:58 am : link
to not believe anything I hear within 7 days of the draft
If they do trade up and get Maye  
JoeyBigBlue : 4/23/2024 9:01 am : link
I really wonder if they keep Jones on the roster. Having Maye and Jones on the roster would not ideal, as the fans and media will pressure the Giants to start Maye as soon as Jones makes a mistake. You also risk the injury guarantee for 2025 if you play Jones. I would not be surprised if Jones is cut as a post June 1st cut, and the Giants take his cap hits over 2 seasons.

The plan would then be to start Drew Lock, until Maye is ready midway through the season.
RE: So she’s really saying the owners are a lot smarter than BBI thinks  
cokeduplt : 4/23/2024 9:02 am : link
In comment 16481058 Spider56 said:
they are.

If ownership thinks we can still win with Jones we are doomed. This report just seems like speculation though.
I have no doubt that these reporters with conflicting stories  
logman : 4/23/2024 9:02 am : link
have, indeed, heard what they say they've heard. That does not speak to its accuracy in either direction
RE: I would move up for an elite QB  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 9:02 am : link
In comment 16481090 US1 Giants said:
but would not pay a premium to draft a good QB prospect. Happy to see that the Giants ownership is reluctant to trade up.

dear god- you have NO idea who is Elite..
RE: Oh, I fully believe  
JonC : 4/23/2024 9:02 am : link
In comment 16481117 UberAlias said:
she was told what she said.

Quite likely, as I doubt they'll outspend the Vikes to trade up.
Is Russini being used for false info?  
HardTruth : 4/23/2024 9:02 am : link
Ill be honest I looked these up expecting her to be accurate

Dianna Russini: Giants going QB or RB tomorrow night
BeckShepEli (4/25/2018 2:39 pm

Just because we want more rumors. She was just on ESPN NFL Live. She said Team sources tell Dianna Russini that the Giants will select QB or RB tomorrow night. She also reports scouts an
d assistants dont even know who will be drafted as they havent been told.


Dianna Russini: Giants will not draft Haskins, no QB at 6

3/12/2019 9:13 am
take it for what it's worth, but she was just on ESPN New York saying from team sources she has heard, QB is not in play for them this year, and they'll continue to bolster the defense through th
e draft, especially DL, with emphasis on OL as well if the value is there.


Dianna Russini: Jones deal 50/50, Barkley talks have stalled
No1MDGiantsFan am

“ The Giants are working towards getting a long-term contract done with Daniel Jones. As of this now, sources share “it’s truly 50/50…if a deal isn’t struck by today’s deadline, he will be tagged

As for Saquon Barkley, I’m told negotiations started but have been stalled”


“ Saquon Barkley has made it clear the franchise tag is undesirable. I’m told his availability for Week 1 against the Dallas Cowboys will be in serious question if he does not get a long-term deal from the Giants.” - Russini


Dianna Russini: Giants are "not done"
3/14/2023 3:51 pm
adding skill players. Said WR is up next. Did not mention trade or FA but I think the healthy bet
is trade. Eyes on Jeudy with some unsubstantiated twitter noise on Aiyuk

RE: Dumb question  
barens : 4/23/2024 9:05 am : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?

Exactly my thoughts. She knows this how?
Could be true  
UConn4523 : 4/23/2024 9:05 am : link
but i have a hard time believing that ownership told her what their preference is in the draft.
AcidTest : 4/23/2024 9:06 am : link
don't think Maye or JJM are worth trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up and get, but I would be more comfortable doing so if the roster was otherwise in better shape. But it isn't, and that's on Schoen. After two full offseasons, he really hasn't improved it much. I'm willing to give him more time, but the simple truth is that many of his player personnel decisions have so far not worked out well. And that includes being at least partially responsible for giving Jones that idiotic contract. He therefore hasn't earned the right to give up a lot of draft capital and players to move up for anyone. His track record simply isn't good enough right now.
I like Russini, she’s good at her job  
UConn4523 : 4/23/2024 9:08 am : link
but it so are others and I don’t really take their opinion at face value the week of the draft either.
We say that there are still a lot of holes to fill,  
Reese's Pieces : 4/23/2024 9:09 am : link
but if they were to draft another disruptive player to add to the defensive front seven, there really are not many hole left in that defense. With three or four legit pass rushers to occupy the other team's offense, Simmons could probably sneak up to the line and have a couple of free runs at the QB, and he closes fast. Corner the main problem left.

Everyone is so offense-oriented. Many here I suppose were not engaged with the Giants back in that watershed year of 1981.

RE: Is Russini being used for false info?  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 9:10 am : link
In comment 16481138 HardTruth said:
Ill be honest I looked these up expecting her to be accurate

Dianna Russini: Giants going QB or RB tomorrow night
BeckShepEli (4/25/2018 2:39 pm

Just because we want more rumors. She was just on ESPN NFL Live. She said Team sources tell Dianna Russini that the Giants will select QB or RB tomorrow night. She also reports scouts an
d assistants dont even know who will be drafted as they havent been told.


Dianna Russini: Giants will not draft Haskins, no QB at 6

3/12/2019 9:13 am
take it for what it's worth, but she was just on ESPN New York saying from team sources she has heard, QB is not in play for them this year, and they'll continue to bolster the defense through th
e draft, especially DL, with emphasis on OL as well if the value is there.


Dianna Russini: Jones deal 50/50, Barkley talks have stalled
No1MDGiantsFan am

“ The Giants are working towards getting a long-term contract done with Daniel Jones. As of this now, sources share “it’s truly 50/50…if a deal isn’t struck by today’s deadline, he will be tagged

As for Saquon Barkley, I’m told negotiations started but have been stalled”


“ Saquon Barkley has made it clear the franchise tag is undesirable. I’m told his availability for Week 1 against the Dallas Cowboys will be in serious question if he does not get a long-term deal from the Giants.” - Russini


Dianna Russini: Giants are "not done"
3/14/2023 3:51 pm
adding skill players. Said WR is up next. Did not mention trade or FA but I think the healthy bet
is trade. Eyes on Jeudy with some unsubstantiated twitter noise on Aiyuk

no offense but she didn't break any of that news- many people were reporting those things. The tea leaves on Barkley were there after the midseason unable to get a deal done and we didn't trade him (2022), thus Jones getting his deal was FAR more likely to happen and a necessity for "ownership" to keep Barkley..

That is the one blame I will squarely lay at Mara's feet, he wanted Barkley to stay no matter what and the only way they could (Schoen and Dabs) could do that was get Jones signed (bigger numbers but left themselves an out) and tag Barkley.. I hate it but that is what it is...

For a staff being forced to win with Jones  
j_rud : 4/23/2024 9:12 am : link
they sure did spend a ton of time with the QB prospects. I've been a vocal critic of Mara but it's 2 days before the draft. Time for the Heard it Through the Grapevine approach. Half of what you see and none of what you hear.
RE: I'm sticking by the mantra  
MojoEd : 4/23/2024 9:12 am : link
In comment 16481126 Biteymax22 said:
to not believe anything I hear within 7 days of the draft

That is the sane approach. Unfortunately this story hits right on the paranoia that Mara is only giving lip service to finding a DJ replacement and wants to give him another season. Ugh
Ownership is not going to give away any secrets to a journalist  
Marty in Albany : 4/23/2024 9:13 am : link
so when they say "reluctant" it does not mean that they won't. It just means that they realize that there are risks to doing it. The rest of it is only Dianna's opinion.
RE: RE: Oh, I fully believe  
GFAN52 : 4/23/2024 9:15 am : link
In comment 16481137 JonC said:
In comment 16481117 UberAlias said:


she was told what she said.

Quite likely, as I doubt they'll outspend the Vikes to trade up.

Vikings and their three #1s are probably too rich for the Giants to top.
RE: Lol  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 4/23/2024 9:16 am : link
In comment 16481060 Rjanyg said:
Next we are bringing Eli out of retirement.

We Need Chad Powers!!
Why are some falling for this?  
jc in c-ville : 4/23/2024 9:17 am : link
Just over 48 hours… The climax of BS, mis- direction and smoke / mirrors.
RE: RE: Lol  
eric2425ny : 4/23/2024 9:20 am : link
In comment 16481174 Rich_Houston_1971 said:
In comment 16481060 Rjanyg said:


Next we are bringing Eli out of retirement.

We Need Chad Powers!!

“Think fast, run fast. Fast Chad!”
She is Hot!!. I can't post a pic but wow!!  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 4/23/2024 9:20 am : link
really beautiful Cyndi crawford type eyes!!
RE: We say that there are still a lot of holes to fill,  
Gatorade Dunk : 4/23/2024 9:21 am : link
In comment 16481153 Reese's Pieces said:
Everyone is so offense-oriented. Many here I suppose were not engaged with the Giants back in that watershed year of 1981.

And clearly some who haven't watched the NFL since 1981.
Bad teams stay bad  
bigblueny : 4/23/2024 9:21 am : link
When they make desperate moves. We see it all the time with teams trading the farm to draft a QB. The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB, and they shouldn’t be
RE: RE: Dumb question  
gidiefor : Mod : 4/23/2024 9:22 am : link
In comment 16481091 JoeyBigBlue said:

Russini is a trusted NFL insider, who worked at ESPN and now works at the Athletic. She’s not some random Twitter expert.

Who never gets it right
RE: Bad teams stay bad  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 9:23 am : link
In comment 16481187 bigblueny said:
When they make desperate moves. We see it all the time with teams trading the farm to draft a QB. The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB, and they shouldn’t be

The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB? They should be.
RE: Bad teams stay bad  
Sean : 4/23/2024 9:24 am : link
In comment 16481187 bigblueny said:
When they make desperate moves. We see it all the time with teams trading the farm to draft a QB. The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB, and they shouldn’t be

RE: RE: RE: Oh, I fully believe  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 9:24 am : link
In comment 16481172 GFAN52 said:
In comment 16481137 JonC said:


In comment 16481117 UberAlias said:


she was told what she said.

Quite likely, as I doubt they'll outspend the Vikes to trade up.

Vikings and their three #1s are probably too rich for the Giants to top.

I keep hearing this and it is bullshit. 100% bullshit. The Patriots won't move down to 11 and 23 from 3- that is a huge drop down from where they are. That is why the Giants with AZ involved makes sense.

New England wants a QB and it sounds like JJM. They know the Giants want Maye (clearly its been discussed between them). Arizona isn't interested in a QB, they want a stud WR for their QB. New England can fill extra holes in this scenario by simply moving back 1 spot (AZ's) and AZ is still guaranteed of getting 1 of the top TWO WR's (if they want WR here). Keep in mind, AZ has another 1st pick already this year.

Minneosta COULD beat the Giants with one piece and one piece only0 sending JJ to AZ for the 4th pick (probably have to include pick 23 as well). That gives Vikings their QB and still leaves them with another pick in rd 1 to add another receiver if they want. I DOUBT THEY DO THIS but the option is there if they wanted..

Without that I can't see NE or AZ switching with Minnesota because it doesn't benefit either of them as much.

RE: I suggest  
Shecky : 4/23/2024 9:25 am : link
In comment 16481059 Eric from BBI said:
we wait and see what happens. We're only a couple of days away at this point.

Are you trying to tank your own sites traffic!?!?!?
RE: RE: Bad teams stay bad  
Mike from Ohio : 4/23/2024 9:25 am : link
In comment 16481193 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
In comment 16481187 bigblueny said:


When they make desperate moves. We see it all the time with teams trading the farm to draft a QB. The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB, and they shouldn’t be

The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB? They should be.

There are a handful of posters on this site that would be fine sticking with Jones at QB after he announced his retirement.
RE: I would move up for an elite QB  
River Mike : 4/23/2024 9:25 am : link
In comment 16481090 US1 Giants said:
but would not pay a premium to draft a good QB prospect. Happy to see that the Giants ownership is reluctant to trade up.

+1 ^ And admittedly only going just by what I read, I don't see any elite QB prospects available.
I love the people that bury their heads in the sand  
Ned In Atlanta : 4/23/2024 9:29 am : link
And act like Mara isn't being the scenes meddling. Brother and nephew are in appointed front office positions, but yeah, they do not get in the way of the actual professionals
I am getting sick of this debate already  
Shecky : 4/23/2024 9:29 am : link
Drafting a QB doesn't guarantee you anything.

Drafting a FRANCHISE QB guarantees you will be at elast competitive.

A frachise QB on a rookie deal isby far the greatest value in all of sports.

If you are 100% convinced there is a franchise QB available, you give up whatever it takes. If they bust, you are effed, unless you are the Niners.

If youa re convinced, you move up. If youa ren't convinced, you don't force it and either take the BPA or trade down if you see multiple BPA's on your board.

How can anyone say things in absolute terms without knowing what the scouts feel about each player? As much as we think we do, we don't know more than them.
If the Giants were in win now mode  
Big Rick in FL : 4/23/2024 9:33 am : link
Interested in only self preservation I feel like they would have got a deal done with Saquon & McKinney. I also feel like they would have brought in a bunch of high priced free agents and backloaded the deals. Their actions seem to point to them building this team long term.

Russini definitely gets info on certain teams. Can't remember any correct NYG info she's had.
Trading Up  
dannyman3131 : 4/23/2024 9:35 am : link
In this case, you’re not getting Caleb Williams or Daniels so it’s just a bad decision to trade up. JJM and Maye are not worth the cost to move up especially since they can get Penix or Nix later in the first. Also, if you did move up and spend the draft capital, who is the rookie QB throwing too??

If this report is accurate, it’s smart to stay put or trade back to continue building this team and hopefully add some weapons.
RE: RE: I would move up for an elite QB  
AcidTest : 4/23/2024 9:35 am : link
In comment 16481204 River Mike said:
In comment 16481090 US1 Giants said:


but would not pay a premium to draft a good QB prospect. Happy to see that the Giants ownership is reluctant to trade up.

+1 ^ And admittedly only going just by what I read, I don't see any elite QB prospects available.

As an analyst, none of this is the least bit surprising.  
mittenedman : 4/23/2024 9:41 am : link
We've covered all this before, but unless you're completely consumed by DJ hate, this is a pretty obvious direction the team could go.

*It's been 6 games since they gave him the big contract.

*They've still never given him a good OL

*They've still never given him a WR1.

*If his knee & neck are medically cleared, he's cleared.


The Giants just made a major strategic & financial commitment to him and then watched everything around him fall to pieces. If you listen to the people in charge, it seems like the "theme" is - last year was a comedy of errors (everything that could've went wrong, did, and quickly). Almost like they're taking a mulligan.

Mara's said before, as had Schoen, it was the GM's decision to re-sign Jones. And as such, you can see why the owner would be reluctant to change course so quickly. Yes, asses are on the line, but large corporations turn like aircraft carriers. The decision-makers made their bed when they committed to Jones, and there may be no turning back.
White noise  
Stars_and_stripes : 4/23/2024 9:42 am : link
The guy I spoke with also told me when it comes to the draft a lot is white noise , most local beats are used for misinformation or misleading information mixed in with occasional truth. He didnt mention the national or major network reporters but did say Schefter is the 'man'. However even he has to be given 'green light' to release info when 'it's time'. He did specifically say watch out for Vacchiano. Apparently he is Mara's mouthpiece especially on the draft.

I just searched for his latest report. He talks about 'reluctance' of ownership yet they still moved on from Kerry 20 years ago when a new regime wanted their own QB.
RE: Trading Up  
Big Rick in FL : 4/23/2024 9:44 am : link
In comment 16481222 dannyman3131 said:
In this case, you’re not getting Caleb Williams or Daniels so it’s just a bad decision to trade up. JJM and Maye are not worth the cost to move up especially since they can get Penix or Nix later in the first. Also, if you did move up and spend the draft capital, who is the rookie QB throwing too??

If this report is accurate, it’s smart to stay put or trade back to continue building this team and hopefully add some weapons.

They aren't worth trading up for according to who?
I'll try to say this nicely.  
Roto_Wizard : 4/23/2024 9:48 am : link
I wouldn't put a lot of stock in what Russini reports. Often, she's used as a mouthpiece by teams around the league to report bombastic things to gauge reactions rather than actual truths. The "leaks" that she comes away with are frequently dated, or contrary to the actual story.

She's a lovely lady, and she reports what she is given. But her "sources" aren't particularly inspiring and never have been.
g56blue10 : 4/23/2024 9:49 am : link
Doesn’t mean won’t. As Eric said we are so close and just need to wait and see at this stage. You can’t get worked up over anything you hear about the draft. It’s all just static till it happens
RE: RE: Trading Up  
River Mike : 4/23/2024 9:50 am : link
In comment 16481243 Big Rick in FL said:
In comment 16481222 dannyman3131 said:


In this case, you’re not getting Caleb Williams or Daniels so it’s just a bad decision to trade up. JJM and Maye are not worth the cost to move up especially since they can get Penix or Nix later in the first. Also, if you did move up and spend the draft capital, who is the rookie QB throwing too??

If this report is accurate, it’s smart to stay put or trade back to continue building this team and hopefully add some weapons.

They aren't worth trading up for according to who?

I think it's according to his opinion ... as are most posts on this thread.
RE: Trading Up  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 9:50 am : link
In comment 16481222 dannyman3131 said:
In this case, you’re not getting Caleb Williams or Daniels so it’s just a bad decision to trade up. JJM and Maye are not worth the cost to move up especially since they can get Penix or Nix later in the first. Also, if you did move up and spend the draft capital, who is the rookie QB throwing too??

If this report is accurate, it’s smart to stay put or trade back to continue building this team and hopefully add some weapons.

See, you started out with 100% your opinion but framed in like that is the general consensus. How would you even know?

Sorry but I think Williams is the top QB (though I have major concerns with him) but for me it has been Maye 1, Williams 2 all along. *Doesn't make me right- yet but it is what I have felt and have said all along. So, what makes you think there are some GM's, teams etc that think the same thing??

This idea at Daniels is Elite but Maye isn't is a joke. But again, we won't know what is right or true until these guys actually play in the league.
Stars and Stripes  
UberAlias : 4/23/2024 9:53 am : link
You should have talked your guy into signing up for account on BBI, lol.
Two points  
AnnapolisMike : 4/23/2024 9:56 am : link
1. Mara is an owner and gets a say if he wants it. He pays the bills. He should be able to voice his opinion and let the football people know what he thinks. If he forces moves...that is the issue.

2. The Giants should be reluctant to give up assets to move up and better have conviction on the player they do it for.
If I was the owner of the team and my GM just committed a 80 million  
Essex : 4/23/2024 9:58 am : link
to this guy, I would be very afraid that he wanted to change course so quickly. I am not saying that is not the right move, it probably is, but I am also saying that it is a monumental error and why would I have faith in that person to get it right this time, if he wants to bail after one year. I would definitely lose confidence in my GM if he wants to bail so early.
RE: RE: Trading Up  
dannyman3131 : 4/23/2024 10:00 am : link
In comment 16481264 jvm52106 said:
In comment 16481222 dannyman3131 said:


In this case, you’re not getting Caleb Williams or Daniels so it’s just a bad decision to trade up. JJM and Maye are not worth the cost to move up especially since they can get Penix or Nix later in the first. Also, if you did move up and spend the draft capital, who is the rookie QB throwing too??

If this report is accurate, it’s smart to stay put or trade back to continue building this team and hopefully add some weapons.

See, you started out with 100% your opinion but framed in like that is the general consensus. How would you even know?

Sorry but I think Williams is the top QB (though I have major concerns with him) but for me it has been Maye 1, Williams 2 all along. *Doesn't make me right- yet but it is what I have felt and have said all along. So, what makes you think there are some GM's, teams etc that think the same thing??

This idea at Daniels is Elite but Maye isn't is a joke. But again, we won't know what is right or true until these guys actually play in the league.

Of course, it’s all opinion but that’s what this forum.

I’ve seen a ton of Michigan games and do not believe he’s a top tier QB. I haven’t seen Maye as much but last year he was not great and the analysis I’ve seen regarding his accuracy and missing far too many open targets is a huge red flag. In my opinion, Penix is just as good or better than both.
RE: I suggest  
Thegratefulhead : 4/23/2024 10:01 am : link
In comment 16481059 Eric from BBI said:
we wait and see what happens. We're only a couple of days away at this point.
Very sober
RE: RE: Oh, I fully believe  
Thegratefulhead : 4/23/2024 10:04 am : link
In comment 16481137 JonC said:
In comment 16481117 UberAlias said:


she was told what she said.

Quite likely, as I doubt they'll outspend the Vikes to trade up.
The price might be too high and not moving up is very likely the right call, no need to make Mara a fool over. I have noticed a few people who were QB only at the start have more recently felt we should let the draft come to us. I would not pay a ransom because the player we can draft at 6 might wear a gold jacket someday. It might be wrong not to trade up for QB. It certainly is not stupid to stay put and draft one of the WRs.
If true…then ownership is plain fucking dumb  
Rick in Dallas : 4/23/2024 10:05 am : link
This team will be doomed to be a bottom dweller
RE: So she’s really saying the owners are a lot smarter than BBI thinks  
56goat : 4/23/2024 10:10 am : link
In comment 16481058 Spider56 said:
they are.

Like that famous quote about lawyers, Mara acting as a GM has an idiot for a GM.
I just went back and listened to this again  
Biteymax22 : 4/23/2024 10:10 am : link
She hedges her bets a lot in her statements. A lot of "I think X happens, but Y can also happen, just X is more likely" type of statements.

She also presented this as more of her opinions than anything she was definitively told. She prefaced it with "I'm getting the sense by talking to people around the organization". Around the organization can mean a lot of different things.

I don't think her statements warrant the reaction they're getting.
She reported something  
Scooter185 : 4/23/2024 10:12 am : link
Before FA and I laughed at it but I think she ended up being correct, I just don't remember what it was
On the one hand, this wouldn't surprise me at all  
LW_Giants : 4/23/2024 10:14 am : link
Mara has awful instincts, and this is in line with what we've seen from him in the past. On the other hand, this is exactly the type of thing you'd leak to a reporter if you want other teams trying to move up to think you're not as big of a threat as media has been saying.
RE: I  
bw in dc : 4/23/2024 10:16 am : link
In comment 16481147 AcidTest said:
don't think Maye or JJM are worth trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up and get, but I would be more comfortable doing so if the roster was otherwise in better shape. But it isn't, and that's on Schoen. After two full offseasons, he really hasn't improved it much. I'm willing to give him more time, but the simple truth is that many of his player personnel decisions have so far not worked out well. And that includes being at least partially responsible for giving Jones that idiotic contract. He therefore hasn't earned the right to give up a lot of draft capital and players to move up for anyone. His track record simply isn't good enough right now.

These are good observations on Schoen's job performance thus far as GM. He isn't meeting expectations as far as I'm concerned. I have said numerous times that Daboll coached the 2022 team to the playoffs largely composed of the players Gettleman selected.

But we diverge on precluding Schoen from making an aggressive move for a QB by selling draft capital. That's silly. GMs can make mistakes (like the Jones contract), but they need to be given the freedom to correct them, especially at the QB position. You can't take the bat out of his hands on this...
RE: RE: RE: Bad teams stay bad  
Thegratefulhead : 4/23/2024 10:16 am : link
In comment 16481200 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16481193 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


In comment 16481187 bigblueny said:


When they make desperate moves. We see it all the time with teams trading the farm to draft a QB. The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB, and they shouldn’t be

The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB? They should be.

There are a handful of posters on this site that would be fine sticking with Jones at QB after he announced his retirement.
Strawman and hyperbole. I have not seen one person on BBI even attempt to battle the argument :

The Giants should draft a QB because we cannot trust Jones to stay healthy.

Who on this site has a problem with that?



Is there anyone here that would be UPSET if the Giants draft a QB in the first round?

Can we stop making up disagreements at least?

The real argument on this site is could Jones win with a top half of the league roster.

Many believe he could and many do not.

There is room for disagreement there.

Jones actually won a playoff game and has also been often injured and played poorly at times.
RE: RE: Dumb question  
Johnny5 : 4/23/2024 10:18 am : link
In comment 16481141 barens said:
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:


who is Dianna Russini?

Exactly my thoughts. She knows this how?

lol exactly. This is all just draft noise. And predictably this sends people into cliff jumping mode... lol
This report could very accurate,  
BleedBlue46 : 4/23/2024 10:19 am : link
Obviously taken with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, sounds like it could be very accurate to me.
RE: RE: I  
AcidTest : 4/23/2024 10:28 am : link
In comment 16481322 bw in dc said:
In comment 16481147 AcidTest said:


don't think Maye or JJM are worth trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up and get, but I would be more comfortable doing so if the roster was otherwise in better shape. But it isn't, and that's on Schoen. After two full offseasons, he really hasn't improved it much. I'm willing to give him more time, but the simple truth is that many of his player personnel decisions have so far not worked out well. And that includes being at least partially responsible for giving Jones that idiotic contract. He therefore hasn't earned the right to give up a lot of draft capital and players to move up for anyone. His track record simply isn't good enough right now.

These are good observations on Schoen's job performance thus far as GM. He isn't meeting expectations as far as I'm concerned. I have said numerous times that Daboll coached the 2022 team to the playoffs largely composed of the players Gettleman selected.

But we diverge on precluding Schoen from making an aggressive move for a QB by selling draft capital. That's silly. GMs can make mistakes (like the Jones contract), but they need to be given the freedom to correct them, especially at the QB position. You can't take the bat out of his hands on this...

I would definitely "take the bat out of his hands" and not allow him to make a major move up for Maye or JJM. Partly because most of these massive move ups for QBs fail. Partly because I don't think either QB is good enough to justify giving up a ton of draft capital and possibly players to move up to get. And yes partly because his player personnel record isn't nearly good enough to trust his judgment that Maye or JJM will be a franchise QB and therefore justify the cost to move up to get either one of them. But given that QBs are quintessentially important, and that he is the GM, I would absolutely let him take either at #6, or maybe with a small move up that only cost #70. In fact, I would encourage him to do so, even if Nabers was also still available. That seems to be a good compromise between trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up to get one of them and doing nothing.
gameday555 : 4/23/2024 10:33 am : link
Is plugged in and pretty well known. A lot of these comments disparaging her are a little odd.
I sincerely hope this report is erroneous.  
Vin_Cuccs : 4/23/2024 10:33 am : link
This frustrates me beyond measure.

If the team does not trade up for a QB, so be it.

But that decision should come from the general manager, the assistant general manager, the scouting department, and the coaching staff....NOT OWNERSHIP!

I am not naive...I understand that bosses get what bosses want, but I honestly believe that if this is true, the process is still flawed.
RE: If I was the owner of the team and my GM just committed a 80 million  
j_rud : 4/23/2024 10:34 am : link
In comment 16481282 Essex said:
to this guy, I would be very afraid that he wanted to change course so quickly. I am not saying that is not the right move, it probably is, but I am also saying that it is a monumental error and why would I have faith in that person to get it right this time, if he wants to bail after one year. I would definitely lose confidence in my GM if he wants to bail so early.

You're omitting a major piece of info, which is that Mara likely pushed to retain the core of Barkley and Jones.
RE: RE: RE: I  
LW_Giants : 4/23/2024 10:34 am : link
In comment 16481349 AcidTest said:
In comment 16481322 bw in dc said:


In comment 16481147 AcidTest said:


don't think Maye or JJM are worth trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up and get, but I would be more comfortable doing so if the roster was otherwise in better shape. But it isn't, and that's on Schoen. After two full offseasons, he really hasn't improved it much. I'm willing to give him more time, but the simple truth is that many of his player personnel decisions have so far not worked out well. And that includes being at least partially responsible for giving Jones that idiotic contract. He therefore hasn't earned the right to give up a lot of draft capital and players to move up for anyone. His track record simply isn't good enough right now.

These are good observations on Schoen's job performance thus far as GM. He isn't meeting expectations as far as I'm concerned. I have said numerous times that Daboll coached the 2022 team to the playoffs largely composed of the players Gettleman selected.

But we diverge on precluding Schoen from making an aggressive move for a QB by selling draft capital. That's silly. GMs can make mistakes (like the Jones contract), but they need to be given the freedom to correct them, especially at the QB position. You can't take the bat out of his hands on this...

I would definitely "take the bat out of his hands" and not allow him to make a major move up for Maye or JJM. Partly because most of these massive move ups for QBs fail. Partly because I don't think either QB is good enough to justify giving up a ton of draft capital and possibly players to move up to get. And yes partly because his player personnel record isn't nearly good enough to trust his judgment that Maye or JJM will be a franchise QB and therefore justify the cost to move up to get either one of them. But given that QBs are quintessentially important, and that he is the GM, I would absolutely let him take either at #6, or maybe with a small move up that only cost #70. In fact, I would encourage him to do so, even if Nabers was also still available. That seems to be a good compromise between trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up to get one of them and doing nothing.

This doesn't make much sense. IF you trust him enough to pick a QB at 6, you have to trust him enough to identify who of the QB's after 1-2 will be good and do what it takes to get that person.
It's likely she got one person's opinion  
JonC : 4/23/2024 10:34 am : link
which may or may not match reality, or the actual execution on Thursday night. Info can be right, wrong, outdated, and it can and will change on a dime. This is what a chunk of BBI often misses. Info is fluid and changing, until it's not at approx 9pm Thurs night.
The hotter the chick asking the questions, the more factual  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 4/23/2024 10:36 am : link
the information is IMO. I totally believe Dianna's info on the draft for the Giants.
RE: It's likely she got one person's opinion  
UberAlias : 4/23/2024 10:39 am : link
In comment 16481367 JonC said:
which may or may not match reality, or the actual execution on Thursday night. Info can be right, wrong, outdated, and it can and will change on a dime. This is what a chunk of BBI often misses. Info is fluid and changing, until it's not at approx 9pm Thurs night.
Or she's been leaked something the teams wants to be out there. This close to Chicago being on the clock, we should be cautions about what we hear.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I  
AcidTest : 4/23/2024 10:41 am : link
In comment 16481366 LW_Giants said:
In comment 16481349 AcidTest said:


In comment 16481322 bw in dc said:


In comment 16481147 AcidTest said:


don't think Maye or JJM are worth trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up and get, but I would be more comfortable doing so if the roster was otherwise in better shape. But it isn't, and that's on Schoen. After two full offseasons, he really hasn't improved it much. I'm willing to give him more time, but the simple truth is that many of his player personnel decisions have so far not worked out well. And that includes being at least partially responsible for giving Jones that idiotic contract. He therefore hasn't earned the right to give up a lot of draft capital and players to move up for anyone. His track record simply isn't good enough right now.

These are good observations on Schoen's job performance thus far as GM. He isn't meeting expectations as far as I'm concerned. I have said numerous times that Daboll coached the 2022 team to the playoffs largely composed of the players Gettleman selected.

But we diverge on precluding Schoen from making an aggressive move for a QB by selling draft capital. That's silly. GMs can make mistakes (like the Jones contract), but they need to be given the freedom to correct them, especially at the QB position. You can't take the bat out of his hands on this...

I would definitely "take the bat out of his hands" and not allow him to make a major move up for Maye or JJM. Partly because most of these massive move ups for QBs fail. Partly because I don't think either QB is good enough to justify giving up a ton of draft capital and possibly players to move up to get. And yes partly because his player personnel record isn't nearly good enough to trust his judgment that Maye or JJM will be a franchise QB and therefore justify the cost to move up to get either one of them. But given that QBs are quintessentially important, and that he is the GM, I would absolutely let him take either at #6, or maybe with a small move up that only cost #70. In fact, I would encourage him to do so, even if Nabers was also still available. That seems to be a good compromise between trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up to get one of them and doing nothing.

This doesn't make much sense. IF you trust him enough to pick a QB at 6, you have to trust him enough to identify who of the QB's after 1-2 will be good and do what it takes to get that person.

Why doesn't it make sense? The damage is a lot less if he picks the wrong QB at #6 than if he does so after spending a ton of draft capital and possibly players to move up to get that same player.
RE: RE: It's likely she got one person's opinion  
JonC : 4/23/2024 10:42 am : link
In comment 16481375 UberAlias said:
In comment 16481367 JonC said:


which may or may not match reality, or the actual execution on Thursday night. Info can be right, wrong, outdated, and it can and will change on a dime. This is what a chunk of BBI often misses. Info is fluid and changing, until it's not at approx 9pm Thurs night.

Or she's been leaked something the teams wants to be out there. This close to Chicago being on the clock, we should be cautions about what we hear.

It could be, perhaps NYG is trying to tip the scales and get NE or AZ to accept an offer.

I think it's obvious NYG is looking for a QB. The issue is they might get boxed out of pulling it off.
RE: RE: RE: I  
bw in dc : 4/23/2024 10:45 am : link
In comment 16481349 AcidTest said:
don't think Maye or JJM are worth trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up and get, but I would be more comfortable doing so if the roster was otherwise in better shape. But it isn't, and that's on Schoen. After two full offseasons, he really hasn't improved it much. I'm willing to give him more time, but the simple truth is that many of his player personnel decisions have so far not worked out well. And that includes being at least partially responsible for giving Jones that idiotic contract. He therefore hasn't earned the right to give up a lot of draft capital and players to move up for anyone. His track record simply isn't good enough right now.

These are good observations on Schoen's job performance thus far as GM. He isn't meeting expectations as far as I'm concerned. I have said numerous times that Daboll coached the 2022 team to the playoffs largely composed of the players Gettleman selected.

But we diverge on precluding Schoen from making an aggressive move for a QB by selling draft capital. That's silly. GMs can make mistakes (like the Jones contract), but they need to be given the freedom to correct them, especially at the QB position. You can't take the bat out of his hands on this...

I would definitely "take the bat out of his hands" and not allow him to make a major move up for Maye or JJM. Partly because most of these massive move ups for QBs fail. Partly because I don't think either QB is good enough to justify giving up a ton of draft capital and possibly players to move up to get. And yes partly because his player personnel record isn't nearly good enough to trust his judgment that Maye or JJM will be a franchise QB and therefore justify the cost to move up to get either one of them. But given that QBs are quintessentially important, and that he is the GM, I would absolutely let him take either at #6, or maybe with a small move up that only cost #70. In fact, I would encourage him to do so, even if Nabers was also still available. That seems to be a good compromise between trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up to get one of them and doing nothing.

I just can't get there with you. The GM can't be handcuffed like that. Otherwise, he's a lame duck and needs to be fired.

If Schoen feels a conviction on one of these QBs and we have to spend future capital, he needs to be given that freedom.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 10:47 am : link
In comment 16481386 bw in dc said:
In comment 16481349 AcidTest said:


don't think Maye or JJM are worth trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up and get, but I would be more comfortable doing so if the roster was otherwise in better shape. But it isn't, and that's on Schoen. After two full offseasons, he really hasn't improved it much. I'm willing to give him more time, but the simple truth is that many of his player personnel decisions have so far not worked out well. And that includes being at least partially responsible for giving Jones that idiotic contract. He therefore hasn't earned the right to give up a lot of draft capital and players to move up for anyone. His track record simply isn't good enough right now.

These are good observations on Schoen's job performance thus far as GM. He isn't meeting expectations as far as I'm concerned. I have said numerous times that Daboll coached the 2022 team to the playoffs largely composed of the players Gettleman selected.

But we diverge on precluding Schoen from making an aggressive move for a QB by selling draft capital. That's silly. GMs can make mistakes (like the Jones contract), but they need to be given the freedom to correct them, especially at the QB position. You can't take the bat out of his hands on this...

I would definitely "take the bat out of his hands" and not allow him to make a major move up for Maye or JJM. Partly because most of these massive move ups for QBs fail. Partly because I don't think either QB is good enough to justify giving up a ton of draft capital and possibly players to move up to get. And yes partly because his player personnel record isn't nearly good enough to trust his judgment that Maye or JJM will be a franchise QB and therefore justify the cost to move up to get either one of them. But given that QBs are quintessentially important, and that he is the GM, I would absolutely let him take either at #6, or maybe with a small move up that only cost #70. In fact, I would encourage him to do so, even if Nabers was also still available. That seems to be a good compromise between trading a ton of draft capital and players to move up to get one of them and doing nothing.

I just can't get there with you. The GM can't be handcuffed like that. Otherwise, he's a lame duck and needs to be fired.

If Schoen feels a conviction on one of these QBs and we have to spend future capital, he needs to be given that freedom.

I agree with you, the idea that Schoen can't do what he thinks is best is just wrong and he shouldn't be here then.
I have the same self preservation concern  
PHX Giants Fan : 4/23/2024 10:47 am : link
Joe and Dabs desperately need wins more than anything else at this point.
RE: Russini  
UConn4523 : 4/23/2024 10:48 am : link
In comment 16481359 gameday555 said:
Is plugged in and pretty well known. A lot of these comments disparaging her are a little odd.

I think it more has to do with the info being told to her vs her making things up which I don’t think she’s doing. I don’t think anyone thinks that either. What she hears isn’t necessarily legit, if you think it is you have to ask yourself why we’d tell her.

She’s just doing her job, and fans are getting want they want. It’s on us if we flip out about it and take it with a grain of salt.
OK, that's not true.  
Rico : 4/23/2024 10:48 am : link
RE: RE: RE: It's likely she got one person's opinion  
gameday555 : 4/23/2024 10:50 am : link
In comment 16481381 JonC said:
In comment 16481375 UberAlias said:


In comment 16481367 JonC said:


which may or may not match reality, or the actual execution on Thursday night. Info can be right, wrong, outdated, and it can and will change on a dime. This is what a chunk of BBI often misses. Info is fluid and changing, until it's not at approx 9pm Thurs night.

Or she's been leaked something the teams wants to be out there. This close to Chicago being on the clock, we should be cautions about what we hear.

It could be, perhaps NYG is trying to tip the scales and get NE or AZ to accept an offer.

I think it's obvious NYG is looking for a QB. The issue is they might get boxed out of pulling it off.

You don’t spend as much time on QBs both during the NCAAF season and the draft process as the giants have unless you are looking to upgrade. Period. Where we’re all collectively holding our breaths is will ownership meddle? It’s possible the pats simply won’t move off of 3. Fans can’t seem to understand that. But if the Vikings move into that spot, all of the beats and insiders need to start prying into the org to uncover why exactly the giants didn’t beat the offer. If it was in any way shape or form tied to ownership, this will be ugly.

I don’t think ownership realizes how precarious the situation is. The energy of this fanbase is draining. You can feel it.
RE: OK, that's not true.  
gameday555 : 4/23/2024 10:50 am : link
In comment 16481394 Rico said:

He speaks!
RE: RE: Dumb question  
Section331 : 4/23/2024 10:54 am : link
In comment 16481141 barens said:
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:


who is Dianna Russini?

Exactly my thoughts. She knows this how?

She has whether those sources are telling her the truth is another story, but she’s not making this up.
JonC : 4/23/2024 10:55 am : link
I don't doubt for a minute there's an ownership element involved here that we're all dreading rearing its ugly head. It certainly could happen, it could also just be Schoen saying no to the trade up cost. We'll know more in two days as tea leaves continue to drop.
More to the point is  
JonC : 4/23/2024 10:56 am : link
this person is probably one of 10,000 different voices trying to sound important to a journalist.
RE: Bad teams stay bad  
Section331 : 4/23/2024 10:57 am : link
In comment 16481187 bigblueny said:
When they make desperate moves. We see it all the time with teams trading the farm to draft a QB. The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB, and they shouldn’t be

No, bad teams stay bad when they refuse to acknowledge mistakes. Those teams are helped by fans who prefer to stick their heads in the sand and say, “year 6 will be different, I know it will!”
RE: OK, that's not true.  
OBJRoyal : 4/23/2024 10:59 am : link
In comment 16481394 Rico said:

And there it is
AcidTest : 4/23/2024 11:06 am : link
sure the Giants are trying extremely hard to move up for Maye or JJM, probably the former. Whether they can or not is the question. And even if they can, they may decide the cost is too high. Schoen admitted that he overpaid a little moving up for Banks last year, so would presumably be willing to do so this year for a QB. But as we've seen in his contract negotiations, he does have a "walk away" number or amount.
RE: OK, that's not true.  
BleedBlue46 : 4/23/2024 11:09 am : link
In comment 16481394 Rico said:

Ayyyyye Ricoooooooo. Thanks!!!
FWIW, Pretty Rickey  
logman : 4/23/2024 11:09 am : link
says this is bad intel. Cant access X on this device, but Tweets are there from this AM
RE: OK, that's not true.  
Sean : 4/23/2024 11:12 am : link
In comment 16481394 Rico said:

Now I take notice. We are about 55 hours out!
RE: OK, that's not true.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 11:14 am : link
In comment 16481394 Rico said:

I saw Rico chime in  
Biteymax22 : 4/23/2024 11:20 am : link
PrettyRickey213 also has a tweet that echo's Rico's sentiment. Not so much saying what they'll do, but stating ownership knows Jones isn't the answer.
JonC : 4/23/2024 11:21 am : link
PrettyRickey213 = Rico ?

RE: Does  
jvm52106 : 4/23/2024 11:23 am : link
In comment 16481463 JonC said:
PrettyRickey213 = Rico ?


ha ha..
RE: Does  
Biteymax22 : 4/23/2024 11:28 am : link
In comment 16481463 JonC said:
PrettyRickey213 = Rico ?


I had the same thought...
I am not kidding when I say  
Blue Dream : 4/23/2024 11:50 am : link
That Zach Wilson would give us a better shot of winning than Jones. And that isn't much of a shot.
RE: Dumb question  
sb from NYT Forum : 4/23/2024 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?

I think she has a show on WFAN at 2am on weekends every other week. But only if the regular host calls in sick.

RE: RE: RE: RE: Bad teams stay bad  
Mike from Ohio : 4/23/2024 1:01 pm : link
In comment 16481323 Thegratefulhead said:
In comment 16481200 Mike from Ohio said:
There are a handful of posters on this site that would be fine sticking with Jones at QB after he announced his retirement.

Strawman and hyperbole.

Well no shit that was hyperbole. Are you daft, son?
Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
GFAN52 : 4/23/2024 1:06 pm : link
from Paul Schwatz -- Giants would be inviting chaos if they use a high draft pick on a QB

"If the Giants go in this direction, they had better be prepared for the maelstrom that follows."

"There is nothing more distracting to a team than having two quarterbacks for one job. Wait until Jones looks rusty in a training camp practice or he misses an open receiver in the season opener, or — heaven forbid — throws the ball up for grabs for an interception. From the moment the Giants are off the clock after taking a quarterback at No. 6, Jones’ ownership of the starting job is on the clock. It is almost always an irrevocable decree: Your time is nearing an end."
Link - ( New Window )
RE: Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
gameday555 : 4/23/2024 1:09 pm : link
In comment 16481702 GFAN52 said:
from Paul Schwatz -- Giants would be inviting chaos if they use a high draft pick on a QB

"If the Giants go in this direction, they had better be prepared for the maelstrom that follows."

"There is nothing more distracting to a team than having two quarterbacks for one job. Wait until Jones looks rusty in a training camp practice or he misses an open receiver in the season opener, or — heaven forbid — throws the ball up for grabs for an interception. From the moment the Giants are off the clock after taking a quarterback at No. 6, Jones’ ownership of the starting job is on the clock. It is almost always an irrevocable decree: Your time is nearing an end." Link - ( New Window )

What a bizarre take. "Wait until Jones looks rusty in a training camp practice or he misses an open receiver in the season opener, or — heaven forbid — throws the ball up for grabs for an interception."

Uhhhh wait until he consistently does all of those things, as he will, and you have no viable long term competition on the field with him. Surely that won't cause any drama, media attention or fan anger, either.
RE: Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
Go Terps : 4/23/2024 1:13 pm : link
In comment 16481702 GFAN52 said:
from Paul Schwatz -- Giants would be inviting chaos if they use a high draft pick on a QB

"If the Giants go in this direction, they had better be prepared for the maelstrom that follows."

"There is nothing more distracting to a team than having two quarterbacks for one job. Wait until Jones looks rusty in a training camp practice or he misses an open receiver in the season opener, or — heaven forbid — throws the ball up for grabs for an interception. From the moment the Giants are off the clock after taking a quarterback at No. 6, Jones’ ownership of the starting job is on the clock. It is almost always an irrevocable decree: Your time is nearing an end." Link - ( New Window )

Reading something like this make me wonder if I'm living in an alternate universe where Daniel Jones is Joe Montana and worthy of feeling like his job is secure.
RE: RE: Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
GFAN52 : 4/23/2024 1:23 pm : link
In comment 16481728 Go Terps said:
In comment 16481702 GFAN52 said:


from Paul Schwatz -- Giants would be inviting chaos if they use a high draft pick on a QB

"If the Giants go in this direction, they had better be prepared for the maelstrom that follows."

"There is nothing more distracting to a team than having two quarterbacks for one job. Wait until Jones looks rusty in a training camp practice or he misses an open receiver in the season opener, or — heaven forbid — throws the ball up for grabs for an interception. From the moment the Giants are off the clock after taking a quarterback at No. 6, Jones’ ownership of the starting job is on the clock. It is almost always an irrevocable decree: Your time is nearing an end." Link - ( New Window )

Reading something like this make me wonder if I'm living in an alternate universe where Daniel Jones is Joe Montana and worthy of feeling like his job is secure.

If you read that whole Schwartz article, it's as if he's advocating never draft a QB with a #1 draft pick, very bizarre.
RE: Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
Scooter185 : 4/23/2024 1:24 pm : link
In comment 16481702 GFAN52 said:
from Paul Schwatz -- Giants would be inviting chaos if they use a high draft pick on a QB

"If the Giants go in this direction, they had better be prepared for the maelstrom that follows."

"There is nothing more distracting to a team than having two quarterbacks for one job. Wait until Jones looks rusty in a training camp practice or he misses an open receiver in the season opener, or — heaven forbid — throws the ball up for grabs for an interception. From the moment the Giants are off the clock after taking a quarterback at No. 6, Jones’ ownership of the starting job is on the clock. It is almost always an irrevocable decree: Your time is nearing an end." Link - ( New Window )

Someone tell Paul that's what we want
RE: RE: Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
JonC : 4/23/2024 1:33 pm : link
In comment 16481728 Go Terps said:
In comment 16481702 GFAN52 said:


from Paul Schwatz -- Giants would be inviting chaos if they use a high draft pick on a QB

"If the Giants go in this direction, they had better be prepared for the maelstrom that follows."

"There is nothing more distracting to a team than having two quarterbacks for one job. Wait until Jones looks rusty in a training camp practice or he misses an open receiver in the season opener, or — heaven forbid — throws the ball up for grabs for an interception. From the moment the Giants are off the clock after taking a quarterback at No. 6, Jones’ ownership of the starting job is on the clock. It is almost always an irrevocable decree: Your time is nearing an end." Link - ( New Window )

Reading something like this make me wonder if I'm living in an alternate universe where Daniel Jones is Joe Montana and worthy of feeling like his job is secure.

Sounds like Jones' agent wrote it.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 1:39 pm : link
Is Schwartz serious with that article?
RE: Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
UberAlias : 4/23/2024 1:39 pm : link
In comment 16481702 GFAN52 said:
from Paul Schwatz -- Giants would be inviting chaos if they use a high draft pick on a QB

"If the Giants go in this direction, they had better be prepared for the maelstrom that follows."

"There is nothing more distracting to a team than having two quarterbacks for one job. Wait until Jones looks rusty in a training camp practice or he misses an open receiver in the season opener, or — heaven forbid — throws the ball up for grabs for an interception. From the moment the Giants are off the clock after taking a quarterback at No. 6, Jones’ ownership of the starting job is on the clock. It is almost always an irrevocable decree: Your time is nearing an end." Link - ( New Window )

Jones’ ownership of the starting job was on the clock the moment he got injured last season. If not the first time, definitely the second.
RE: RE: RE: Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
Section331 : 4/23/2024 1:41 pm : link
In comment 16481761 GFAN52 said:
In comment 16481728 Go Terps said:

If you read that whole Schwartz article, it's as if he's advocating never draft a QB with a #1 draft pick, very bizarre.

He sounds like a large chunk of BBI.
RE: Dumb question  
jestersdead : 4/23/2024 1:50 pm : link
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:
who is Dianna Russini?

RE: RE: Dumb question  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 1:51 pm : link
In comment 16481820 jestersdead said:
In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:


who is Dianna Russini?

Yes, very, very, very easy on the eyes.
RE: RE: RE: Interesting timing of this info and this article from the NY Post  
rsjem1979 : 4/23/2024 1:58 pm : link
In comment 16481761 GFAN52 said:

If you read that whole Schwartz article, it's as if he's advocating never draft a QB with a #1 draft pick, very bizarre.

His thesis doesn't even make sense. Drafting a QB #6 (or trading up for one) ends the drama completely for everyone except Daniel Jones a legion of true believers.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 1:59 pm : link
Schwartz’s article could have been written by John. It is that pathetic.
The OP...  
Brown_Hornet : 4/23/2024 2:02 pm : link
... sounds like guesswork.
If it's written by Mara  
JonC : 4/23/2024 2:05 pm : link
prepare for no trade up, no QB early.

If it's written by Jones' camp, it could be a proactive move against sitting him due to the injury clause.

If NYG doesn't draft a QB, I fully expect Jones to play in 2024.
The Schwartz Article  
Lambuth_Special : 4/23/2024 2:06 pm : link
Man it would be tough on Jones if the Giants drafted a QB. Maybe he should've stepped back and had some perspective, not fire his representation and play extreme hard ball in contract negotiations, pushing Schoen into a corner and prompting him to build in the 2-year out.

I guarantee you if he were making even 30 million a year there would be a lot less pressure on everyone in the building, including him. He invited it and didn't live up to it.

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 2:10 pm : link
It is amazing how coddled some make Jones. God forbid he have to look over his shoulder at completion. Are we in the business of winning games or making Jones comfortable?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 2:11 pm : link
RE: …  
LawrenceTaylor56 : 4/23/2024 2:12 pm : link
In comment 16481859 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
It is amazing how coddled some make Jones. God forbid he have to look over his shoulder at completion. Are we in the business of winning games or making Jones comfortable?

Can't remember who said, maybe Terps? But the Giants run their business like the Olive Garden. "When you're here, you're family."
Go Terps : 4/23/2024 2:16 pm : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 4/23/2024 2:17 pm : link
It was Terps. And he ain’t wrong. Way too much sentimentality for players who don’t deserve it. I know people still think I’m a dick for criticizing that Shepard send off in the season finale, but there’s a guy who shouldn’t have even made the ‘23 roster.
RE: .  
LawrenceTaylor56 : 4/23/2024 2:17 pm : link
In comment 16481869 Go Terps said:

Lmao. Love it.
RE: I suggest  
gersh : 4/23/2024 2:37 pm : link
In comment 16481059 Eric from BBI said:
we wait and see what happens. We're only a couple of days away at this point.

Nah, let be hysterical and overreact to conjecture
Ho hum  
Spider43 : 4/23/2024 3:30 pm : link
So what else is new?
RE: LT56.  
gersh : 4/23/2024 3:55 pm : link
In comment 16481870 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
It was Terps. And he ain’t wrong. Way too much sentimentality for players who don’t deserve it. I know people still think I’m a dick for criticizing that Shepard send off in the season finale, but there’s a guy who shouldn’t have even made the ‘23 roster.

Maybe you’re right. 0r maybe, we’re not on the team and don’t understand what it’s like to go through rehab several times and show dedication to your team and your teammates. we don’t understand that rewarding that type of behavior instead of keeping some other 6th wide receiver is beneficial to team culture and team Building.
RE: If it's written by Mara  
KennyHill48 : 4/23/2024 4:49 pm : link
In comment 16481848 JonC said:
prepare for no trade up, no QB early.

If it's written by Jones' camp, it could be a proactive move against sitting him due to the injury clause.

If NYG doesn't draft a QB, I fully expect Jones to play in 2024.

Might be wishful thinking, but I think this is coming more from Jones' agent. Last week Ralph V had an article with a similar slant. I know Ralph is often viewed/used as Mara's mouthpiece, but Ralph's article more or less calls Mara's statement about having a rookie and Jones compete to be naive. Maybe I am wrong, but I don't think a Mara driven article would include that kind of shot at Mara.
Link - ( New Window )
RE: LT56.  
HardTruth : 4/23/2024 5:11 pm : link
In comment 16481870 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
It was Terps. And he ain’t wrong. Way too much sentimentality for players who don’t deserve it. I know people still think I’m a dick for criticizing that Shepard send off in the season finale, but there’s a guy who shouldn’t have even made the ‘23 roster.

The attempt to get Shepard a TD the entire second half was an embarrassment and fiasco

I wonder how Saquon felt as he fell 1 TD shy of his bonus that he needed to negotiate for because he was tagged?
RE: RE: LT56.  
HardTruth : 4/23/2024 5:12 pm : link
In comment 16482004 gersh said:
In comment 16481870 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


It was Terps. And he ain’t wrong. Way too much sentimentality for players who don’t deserve it. I know people still think I’m a dick for criticizing that Shepard send off in the season finale, but there’s a guy who shouldn’t have even made the ‘23 roster.

Maybe you’re right. 0r maybe, we’re not on the team and don’t understand what it’s like to go through rehab several times and show dedication to your team and your teammates. we don’t understand that rewarding that type of behavior instead of keeping some other 6th wide receiver is beneficial to team culture and team Building.

Yeah the results of the season showed the fruit of all that culture and team building
RE: I am not kidding when I say  
Big Rick in FL : 4/23/2024 5:28 pm : link
In comment 16481533 Blue Dream said:
That Zach Wilson would give us a better shot of winning than Jones. And that isn't much of a shot.

No he wouldn't. Zach Wilson is significantly worse than Daniel Jones.

DJ had more passing TDs in his rookie year than Zach Wilson has combined in his 3 years in the NFL.
RE: RE: RE: Dumb question  
Johnny5 : 4/23/2024 10:51 pm : link
In comment 16481825 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
In comment 16481820 jestersdead said:


In comment 16481064 Eric from BBI said:


who is Dianna Russini?

Yes, very, very, very easy on the eyes.

Dam-a-lam... she is a smokeshow
RE: From yesterday's Dianni Russini thread  
djm : 4/24/2024 7:53 am : link
In comment 16481089 Mike from Ohio said:
when she said Kraft was interfering:


You see right there?
djm : 4/22/2024 3:09 pm : link : reply
That is when you know the owner is heavily involved in personnel decisions. When do you know? When reporters are literally saying, “the owner is heavily involved in personnel decision-making.” And how would reporters know this? Because owners can’t lie in the shadows quietly pulling strings, that’s why. Ego.

For intellectual consistency, I do hope this same poster will admit know that there is proof that Mara is involved in determining draft strategy.

Uhhh where’s the proof????

Hint, this ain’t proof.
RE: RE: From yesterday's Dianni Russini thread  
Mike from Ohio : 4/24/2024 9:19 am : link
In comment 16482631 djm said:
In comment 16481089 Mike from Ohio said:


when she said Kraft was interfering:


You see right there?
djm : 4/22/2024 3:09 pm : link : reply
That is when you know the owner is heavily involved in personnel decisions. When do you know? When reporters are literally saying, “the owner is heavily involved in personnel decision-making.” And how would reporters know this? Because owners can’t lie in the shadows quietly pulling strings, that’s why. Ego.

For intellectual consistency, I do hope this same poster will admit know that there is proof that Mara is involved in determining draft strategy.

Uhhh where’s the proof????

Hint, this ain’t proof.

You seriously don't see the point here?

Russini posts that Kraft is meddling, and you point to the fact that it is being reported as proof it is happening. Russini then posts a day later that Mara is meddling, and to you it is proof of nothing?

It is either proof in neither case, or proof in both cases. It can't be both as you are trying to suggest. It just can't.
RE: RE: RE: From yesterday's Dianni Russini thread  
djm : 4/24/2024 1:57 pm : link
In comment 16482871 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16482631 djm said:


In comment 16481089 Mike from Ohio said:


when she said Kraft was interfering:


You see right there?
djm : 4/22/2024 3:09 pm : link : reply
That is when you know the owner is heavily involved in personnel decisions. When do you know? When reporters are literally saying, “the owner is heavily involved in personnel decision-making.” And how would reporters know this? Because owners can’t lie in the shadows quietly pulling strings, that’s why. Ego.

For intellectual consistency, I do hope this same poster will admit know that there is proof that Mara is involved in determining draft strategy.

Uhhh where’s the proof????

Hint, this ain’t proof.

You seriously don't see the point here?

Russini posts that Kraft is meddling, and you point to the fact that it is being reported as proof it is happening. Russini then posts a day later that Mara is meddling, and to you it is proof of nothing?

It is either proof in neither case, or proof in both cases. It can't be both as you are trying to suggest. It just can't.

Fair enough, I was more focused on NYG's perspective and should have clarified that the earlier talk about Kraft meddling could be BS as well. Although to be fair, the talk we read about Kraft written more as a factual statement along the lines of "Ownership is calling the shots with regards to the QB pick" compared to NYG's talk of "Sources tell me NYG owners like DJ still"

Kind of apples and oranges but fine, there is no proof Kraft is definitely meddling even if the language used seemed more conclusive or concrete.

In short, my point still stands that any talk about Mara meddling in personnel decisions is more innuendo and rumor. Every single take is prefaced with "sources indicate"--which means BULLSHIT.

Every concrete take from a NYG writer over the years has confirmed my beliefs that owners will interfere from time to time especially in regards to character issues, and maybe there's some meddling with the QM pick, at times, but not to the extent that some wacko horse crap takes come off with the doozy take of "sources tell me NYG owners won't budge off Jones"---sorry, that's bologna.
and again  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:04 pm : link
this line right here

Following the mutual departure of Bill Belichick, Kraft hired head coach Jerod Mayo and instead of hiring a new general manager, the owner appointed Wolf as the Patriots main shot-caller. According to a recent report, however, Kraft’s, and president of the Kraft Group, Jonathan Kraft has been involved in the decision-making when it comes to the Patriots top draft selection.

I don't see one take refuting this. It could be nonsense, no doubt, but not one take refuting a pretty black and white take

For every rumor or whisper about Mara meddling, we see NYG writers refute it.

“If they fall in love with a quarterback and believe that it’s worth pick No. 6 or we’re moving up, I certainly would support that,’’ Mara said. “I let the general manager and the head coach build the roster. We have operated the same way for many years here. If they have a conviction about a player I’m not getting involved. I’ll question them about it, make ’em defend their position, but the only time I’m gonna get involved and exert any influence is if I think it’s a conduct issue off the field and that’s happened, not with this group but in the past on very rare occasions.’’

Honestly, I don't even give a shit what the Pats are doing. I just know BS when I see it. Until a rumor or leak is corroborated by vetted sources, it's bullshit until proven otherwise. Didn't mean to come off as one sided. But to be fair, not one source has refuted the Pats take. That doesn't prove anything either but it doesn't mirror NYG's situation at all.
djm : 4/24/2024 2:07 pm : link

One of the most intriguing… and disturbing quotes came from former front office staffer Mike Lombardi, a close confidant of Bill Belichick. Lombardi said on his podcast GM Shuffle, “As a fan, Robert’s hoping they draft a QB. He knows what they’re doing. Like Shaughnessy said, EVERYONE knows Jonathan Kraft is the defacto General Manager.”

Let’s hope that Lombardi is mistaken on this particular issue. Owner interference is a quick way to football oblivion. Despite Robert Kraft’s insistence that the Patriots’ ownership is staying out of football operations, he has stated that he wants a QB taken with the #3 pick in the draft.

Is this “the collaboration” that everyone has been talking about?

Not one take about Mara, from a reputable outlet goes this deep or far. Even the athletic hints at it but doesn't come out and say it.

Pats owners literally quoted as saying he wants a QB. Mara quoted as saying he will let Schoen make the calls.

So yea, I am done.
so either Mara  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:09 pm : link
and every former exec with NYG is lying or a bunch of people here and elsewhere have too much time on their hands and want to vilify the owner. Maybe Mara gets everyone to sign NDAs.

Or maybe Mara's biggest flaw is hiring bad GMs and HCs and it stops there.

Good luck finding vetted sources  
JonC : 4/24/2024 2:11 pm : link
It is lying season after all. But, you can read some tea leaves and decipher what makes sense, and what doesn't. You also have to consider the source and recent accuracy, etc. No one's going to hit you in the face with the vetted truth.

If that's your standard  
JonC : 4/24/2024 2:11 pm : link
you're reading the wrong threads.
RE: RE: Bad teams stay bad  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:14 pm : link
In comment 16481416 Section331 said:
In comment 16481187 bigblueny said:


When they make desperate moves. We see it all the time with teams trading the farm to draft a QB. The Giants aren’t desperate for a QB, and they shouldn’t be

No, bad teams stay bad when they refuse to acknowledge mistakes. Those teams are helped by fans who prefer to stick their heads in the sand and say, “year 6 will be different, I know it will!”

Yep--fans definitely contribute to good and bad team play.

I am so proud of myself for helping the Giants draft Eli Manning back in 04. Send me flowers.

Sorry for Daniel Jones. But I also helped NYG stick with Phil Simms so hey, 2 out of 3 aint bad.

Holy shit.
RE: If that's your standard  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:15 pm : link
In comment 16483775 JonC said:
you're reading the wrong threads.

I read every thread.

if it isn't vetted but is a populary held belief  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:20 pm : link
among the masses and is borderline conspiracy theory-ish, with all due respect, it's probably bullshit. I appreciate the talk and takes from everyone, but I think it's dangerous to place so much credence on rumors. Respectfully, I will leave it at that.

That doesn't mean I don't love or heed some of the asshat stuff we get here, I do.

Also, there are 10 takes saying Mara meddles and 10 more saying he doesn't.
christian : 4/24/2024 2:31 pm : link
When DJM says he's done here.

RE: …  
Scooter185 : 4/24/2024 2:32 pm : link
In comment 16483825 christian said:
When DJM says he's done here.

*Morgan Freeman voice*
He was, in fact, not done
christian : 4/24/2024 2:36 pm : link
A nickname is born.

We have ourselves a Columbo, ladies and gentlemen.
one last thing  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:38 pm : link
let me clarify since my words tend to get twisted--I never said Mara or any other hands off (or on) owner doesn't get involved at some point when it comes to big decisions or maybe even the QB choice but this place has made it seem like Mara is a modern day George Steinbrenner or an owner who forced Schoen's hand not only last offseason but will do so once again tomorrow night. Mara is the owner--owners will butt in at times, but there is no tangible evidence supporting the claim that Mara is forcing Schoen to either draft or not draft the QB. I stand by that because everything I have read over the decades, from real life writers, with direct quotes, says so.

That was for Christian. Enjoy. Now I am out for real. Have a good day.
RE: …  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:41 pm : link
In comment 16483834 christian said:
A nickname is born.

We have ourselves a Columbo, ladies and gentlemen.

haha ty. Been called worse.

Just draft a QB that can play at a high level and we will all sleep well at night.
Paul Schwartz also said they should take Gallery, not Eli  
Ten Ton Hammer : 4/24/2024 2:41 pm : link
Back in 04.
christian : 4/24/2024 2:45 pm : link
In comment 16483845 djm said:
A nickname is born.

We have ourselves a Columbo, ladies and gentlemen.

haha ty. Been called worse.

Just draft a QB that can play at a high level and we will all sleep well at night.

Worse? Columbo is a badass. Chicks dig the trench coat.
RE: ...  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:51 pm : link
In comment 16483855 christian said:
In comment 16483845 djm said:


A nickname is born.

We have ourselves a Columbo, ladies and gentlemen.

haha ty. Been called worse.

Just draft a QB that can play at a high level and we will all sleep well at night.

Worse? Columbo is a badass. Chicks dig the trench coat.

I was supposed to leave, -yes I love Columbo. Grew up watching it from time to time. I have been called MUCH worse is the better way to put it. Now that I think of it, probably the nicest thing ever said to me here. You can't take it back...too late!

Just draft a great QB tomorrow night. I will pay money for this to happen. I want us all to be happy.

RE: Paul Schwartz also said they should take Gallery, not Eli  
djm : 4/24/2024 2:53 pm : link
In comment 16483846 Ten Ton Hammer said:
Back in 04.

Yea don't get me wrong I am not treating PS's word as Gospel. I just don't think Mara is that kind of owner as much as he just failed miserably at hirings/firings GMs/HCs since 15. That is unquestionable on him.
RE: Columbo  
Johnny5 : 4/24/2024 3:10 pm : link
Or more accurately regarding Peter Falk, when I was a wee lad in Ossining NY, his parents owned Falk's Department Store on Main Street, where my Grandma used to shop. He was obviously a big deal in Ossining.
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