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Transcript: CB Andru Phillips

Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/10/2024 3:13 pm
Cornerback Dru Phillips

May 10, 2024

Q. What was your first day like out here?

DRU PHILLIPS: Yeah, I think it was fun getting out here, new system. Excited to get in here, learn the plays, meet everybody. Really fun out there today.

Q. Just starting to learn the playbook, but can you talk about some of the differences in this defense versus what you played in Kentucky?

DRU PHILLIPS: Every defense is specifically unique. So, this one, some different techniques to what I do down at nickel. Just got to pick up on it. The faster I get it, the easier it's coming. I’m just in the playbook trying to study and make sure I get everything right.

Q. Do you consider yourself more of a nickel or more of an outside guy or both?

DRU PHILLIPS: I can play both, but preferably the nickel position.

Q. Through the years the nickel has taken on a life of its own. Since you’ve started playing it’s become more and more important. When did you embrace the idea of you know what, I'm going to take this challenge, move inside?

DRU PHILLIPS: Yeah, definitely. I remember when I was growing up people thought nickel was almost a bad thing. Kind of just throwing a guy in there. Especially with how the game is going now and how there is so much passing in the league – and also in college. When I went to Kentucky, I always wanted to play nickel the whole time. I didn't really get an opportunity until my junior year. Once I got the opportunity I kind of like – I embodied it. I felt like it’s who I was. That's what I did best, so I went all in on it. It carried over here, so I'm out here playing nickel now.

Q. Why do you like playing nickel?

DRU PHILLIPS: You know, (there’s) so much going on at that nickel. I like being in control a lot of times. You get to communicate more. You're involved in the run game as well as the pass game. A lot of times on certain down distances you know that ball is coming to you. I’m trying just to make as many plays as possible.

Q. You were in a draft class, you're a high pick in a class where the receiver was picked No. 1. You guys will hopefully have a long career together going against each other. What has that already been like with (wide receiver) Malik (Nabers)?

DRU PHILLIPS: Yeah, I just got to meet him today. Just got here today. He’s a real cool guy. Like I said I think a couple weeks ago, I’m excited to go out there and compete against him. I know he's a high talent. Just want to go out there and compete and do the best and compete against each other.

Q. Today is not the day for that…

DRU PHILLIPS: Yeah, no, no, no. They wouldn't let us do that today (laughs). Too early.

Q. When they call 7-on-7 and you're not in there, is that kind of like -- they told you I guess…

DRU PHILLIPS: Yeah, I'm one of those guys where I want every rep. I'm sitting there like I want to go. I understand it, being patient. I'm taking my mental reps and learning on the sideline.

Q. You had a moment out there with (safety) Tyler (Nubin) when he was walking off. When did you guys meet and what's that relationship like?

DRU PHILLIPS: I got to meet Tyler the day after the draft when we both came up here. Got to meet that day a little bit. We went out to dinner. Since we’ve been here, we're in the same room. We've both been in the playbook, so just able to talk football and get to know each other outside of that as well. Like I said, good relationship.

Q. What kind of guy is he? What kind of teammate? What kind of leader?

DRU PHILLIPS: He's good. He's vocal. I know I took my time in the playbook, but you hear him a lot of times in the back end he's yelling it. Sometimes you almost can't hear yourself calling out the plays. I can tell he's going to be a great player because of his knowledge and how he communicates on the field.

Q. How does your insane vertical jump translate on the football field? Did you get to use it as much?

DRU PHILLIPS: Sometimes not the vert, but it all kind of plays a… doing a vertical is just your explosion. You can see it in my quick move with my short area, how I tackle when I strike, how I move in and out my breaks. You’re not going to – you rarely are going to jump 42 inches on a football field, but it shows in so many different ways. It kind of just backs up what I can do.

Q. The fact that your family, everybody has been a big athlete, does that get you ready for this next step being a professional?

DRU PHILLIPS: Yeah, they all think it's cool that I'm here now, and them all being athletic it always was competitive for me in the household. Always competing for something if that was more food…everyone else in my family is kind of bigger, that's why I say that (laughs). But it taught me how to compete and get to this level. Now I'm just kind of trying to maintain. They’ve got my back so just keep on doing it.

Q. Who is the best athlete in your family?

DRU PHILLIPS: Oh, me (laughs).

Q. How much pride do you take in being a physical corner?

DRU PHILLIPS: I take a lot of pride in it. It's probably one of the top things about who I am.

Q. Where does that come from? We don't need to tell you but not every corner loves to tackle.

DRU PHILLIPS: I know I’m (not) the 6'4" corner, but you’ve got to make up for it in some ways. I've always known that. It was one thing I never shied away from my whole life. I was that one kid, I was going – as a little kid I was just a dare devil. I just want to go do whatever.

It just comes from who I am as a person. I don't want to shy away from anything and that's from anybody or any circumstance. It’s kind of just second nature.

Q. What's the craziest stunt you did as a kid?

DRU PHILLIPS: Oh, man, I (don’t) want to get in specifics. Probably when I jumped over that car, man. I've done some stuff throughout my time, but I don't know.

Q. That has to install I would think confidence in yourself that you can do anything?

DRU PHILLIPS: That's what I think a lot of times. If I put my mind to something I can go do it.

Q. It reinforces it though…

DRU PHILLPS: Yeah, for sure.

Q. Your car jumping days are over?

DRU PHILLIPS: Yeah, I won't do that (any)more. I did it once and after that, I learned my lesson.
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