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Just release the full schedule

eric2425ny : 5/14/2024 11:11 pm
Why is everything with the NFL now so contrived to make money, get clicks and attention? Now the schedule release is this big deal with leaks on who will play who on opening night and who is playing in prime time.

Just release the damn thing and let’s move on. Now get off my lawn!
its coming tomorrow  
bigbluewillrise : 5/14/2024 11:28 pm : link
just wait
Roger Goodell  
JerrysKids : 5/15/2024 6:29 am : link
Has completely destroyed the game and it’s really effecting my enjoyment. Agree 100% the drive for money, clicks, political points, rules changes, extra game, that is all watered down and made it less enjoyable.
I don't get the love of finding out the schedule  
robbieballs2003 : 5/15/2024 6:37 am : link
It is the same shit every year. People bitch about everything. There will always be reasons to bitch about the schedule. I am a season ticket holder and I couldn't care less who we play and when. The opponents are known already. It is just the time and order that is left. It is annoying how they do it so I just don't care to waste my time with how they release it. When the whole schedule is released I will look at it then and plan accordingly.
Week 1  
Costy16 : 5/15/2024 7:06 am : link
Colts at Giants

From a reliable source on X that’s been confirming games.
RE: I don't get the love of finding out the schedule  
Matt M. : 5/15/2024 7:23 am : link
In comment 16515294 robbieballs2003 said:
It is the same shit every year. People bitch about everything. There will always be reasons to bitch about the schedule. I am a season ticket holder and I couldn't care less who we play and when. The opponents are known already. It is just the time and order that is left. It is annoying how they do it so I just don't care to waste my time with how they release it. When the whole schedule is released I will look at it then and plan accordingly.
Same here. And turn this into a show? Makes no sense and won't receive 1 second of my time.
RE: Roger Goodell  
fanoftheteam : 5/15/2024 7:33 am : link
In comment 16515293 JerrysKids said:
Has completely destroyed the game and it’s really effecting my enjoyment. Agree 100% the drive for money, clicks, political points, rules changes, extra game, that is all watered down and made it less enjoyable.

Same + the loss of hard tackles/qb pursuits, I cant care as much anymore. Papa John Schnatter told you all you needed to know about Goodell the other day.
Because the NFL will try and squeeze  
jeff57 : 5/15/2024 7:42 am : link
Every dollar it can get although it's swimming in money.
I don’t  
afann : 5/15/2024 8:05 am : link
Get the hate for Goodell. Any CEO’s job is to grow the company and make money. All he is doing is what the owners want, which is to make as much money as possible each year and to grow the product. It’s actually pretty smart to take something as simple as releasing the schedule and make it an event on TV that gets ratings and TV ad money. As far as the tacking that not only comes from the league but the NFLPA. The NFLPA has to approve any changes to the game.
RE: I don’t  
jeff57 : 5/15/2024 8:15 am : link
In comment 16515331 afann said:
Get the hate for Goodell. Any CEO’s job is to grow the company and make money. All he is doing is what the owners want, which is to make as much money as possible each year and to grow the product. It’s actually pretty smart to take something as simple as releasing the schedule and make it an event on TV that gets ratings and TV ad money. As far as the tacking that not only comes from the league but the NFLPA. The NFLPA has to approve any changes to the game.

You mean the company is struggling? There's a point where it's simply a matter of greed, regardless of the integrity of the game (see betting), and a lot of fans don't like that.
It gets released  
The Dude : 5/15/2024 9:27 am : link
tonight. Dont understand the belly aching here.
RE: I don't get the love of finding out the schedule  
Festina Lente : 5/15/2024 9:43 am : link
In comment 16515294 robbieballs2003 said:
It is the same shit every year. People bitch about everything. There will always be reasons to bitch about the schedule. I am a season ticket holder and I couldn't care less who we play and when. The opponents are known already. It is just the time and order that is left. It is annoying how they do it so I just don't care to waste my time with how they release it. When the whole schedule is released I will look at it then and plan accordingly.

That is because you are rational and reasonable in your thinking here
Its funny to read this  
The Dude : 5/15/2024 9:51 am : link
an exaggerated metaphor would be addicts demanding their drugs from the drug dealer.....It comes out tonight, its been reported that it comes out tonight for a few weeks now. You got breadcrumb'd and now you're scratching your necks.
I agree  
SomeFan : 5/15/2024 9:53 am : link
RE: RE: Roger Goodell  
Cap'n Bluebeard : 5/15/2024 10:01 am : link
In comment 16515306 fanoftheteam said:
In comment 16515293 JerrysKids said:


Has completely destroyed the game and it’s really effecting my enjoyment. Agree 100% the drive for money, clicks, political points, rules changes, extra game, that is all watered down and made it less enjoyable.

Same + the loss of hard tackles/qb pursuits, I cant care as much anymore. Papa John Schnatter told you all you needed to know about Goodell the other day.

I'm not sure I'd listen to Papa John "I grope women and use the N-word on conference calls" Schnatter's opinion on, well, anything. And that goes triple for pizza.
kickoff : 5/15/2024 1:30 pm : link
Couldn't agree more. It's a damn schedule just post the freaking thing. We have to build up this drama and suspense over a schedule. This is ridiculous!!
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