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Banks: All the DJ bashing is making him a sympathetic figure

Sean : 5/17/2024 9:56 am
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RE: RE: RE: 2022 Wildcard vs Vikings  
Jim in Tampa : 5/17/2024 2:01 pm : link
In comment 16518209 CTGiants said:
In comment 16518199 Jim in Tampa said:


In comment 16518053 CTGiants said:


D. Jones 24/35 301 2 0

K. Cousins
31/39 273 2 0

For those complaining about Jones salary, how about what the Falcons are paying 35 year old Kirk Cousins. Jones outplayed Cousins in that game more that the stats indicate, especially considering Cousins' decision to throw short of the sticks on 4th down to essentially end the game

Since you like stats, here's some more for you:

In DJ's best year (2022) he passed for 15 TDs and 3,205 yds. (Or if you prefer 2019... 3,027 yds and 24 TDs.)

In Cousins' WORST year as a starter he passed for 26 TDs and 3,603 yds.

In other words, EVERY year he's been a starter, Cousins has put up better numbers than DJ's BEST year.

And while both QBs were injured last season, Cousins still had 18 TDs in 8 games. In 6 games DJ passed for 2 TDs.

No matter how you look at it, Cousins is a far better QB as well as a far better value.

Give Jones Justin Jefferson and a good offensive line and see what happens.. and yeah, I know jefferson missed 7 games last year, but so did Andrew Thomas

Every single year of his 8 year career that Cousins has started at least 15 games, he's had better numbers that Jones' BEST season.

Stop with the excuses.
He hasn't thrown 20 TD since 2019  
ElitoCanton : 5/17/2024 2:02 pm : link
There is no basis for saying he can even be an above average QB. He's one of the absolute worst QBs in the league. Tyrod Taylor, a backup, massive outplayed him last year.
RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
Shirk130 : 5/17/2024 2:04 pm : link
In comment 16518051 Mbavaro said:
In comment 16518037 Shirk130 said:


the Giants have no desire to move on. Just pay attention to what they've done rather than how they spin it.

So I guess trying to trade up for Maye was imaginary and never happened


They don't get credit for making an offer that obviously wasn't good enough just like I don't get credit for not buying my wife a diamond because the jeweler wouldn't accept a shiny new Quarter in return.
RE: He hasn't thrown 20 TD since 2019  
Amtoft : 5/17/2024 2:11 pm : link
In comment 16518238 ElitoCanton said:
There is no basis for saying he can even be an above average QB. He's one of the absolute worst QBs in the league. Tyrod Taylor, a backup, massive outplayed him last year.

I love how people talk about DeVito and TT like they played behind the same OL. Who was LT for the majority of DJ starts? A LG that had never played LT before. Who was the LT for TT starts? One of the best LT in the game. They aren't the same. If a QB had more time they will preform better. If they have less time they do worse. Let go of this toxic hate.
RE: RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
Amtoft : 5/17/2024 2:13 pm : link
In comment 16518243 Shirk130 said:
In comment 16518051 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518037 Shirk130 said:


the Giants have no desire to move on. Just pay attention to what they've done rather than how they spin it.

So I guess trying to trade up for Maye was imaginary and never happened


They don't get credit for making an offer that obviously wasn't good enough just like I don't get credit for not buying my wife a diamond because the jeweler wouldn't accept a shiny new Quarter in return.

The offer to move up 3 spots was pretty good. What are you talking about. Because they wanted 3 1st rounders which would be an idiot move to trade up 3 spots? That would be like paying 50K for a 5K diamond to use your example.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/17/2024 2:14 pm : link
Eric doesn’t want to move on because if we do, site traffic will slow down 😉.
RE: RE: He hasn't thrown 20 TD since 2019  
ElitoCanton : 5/17/2024 2:15 pm : link
Justin Pugh was the left tackle in the Buffalo game. Tyrod was better than every Jones start but one in that game.

Jones ranked 41st in the league in EPA when not pressured. But go ahead. Make more excuses.

In comment 16518257 Amtoft said:
In comment 16518238 ElitoCanton said:


There is no basis for saying he can even be an above average QB. He's one of the absolute worst QBs in the league. Tyrod Taylor, a backup, massive outplayed him last year.

I love how people talk about DeVito and TT like they played behind the same OL. Who was LT for the majority of DJ starts? A LG that had never played LT before. Who was the LT for TT starts? One of the best LT in the game. They aren't the same. If a QB had more time they will preform better. If they have less time they do worse. Let go of this toxic hate.
Jones/ Cousins  
TyreeHelmet : 5/17/2024 2:16 pm : link
If Jones was a free agent this offseason, what contract was he getting on the open market?

Maybe 1 year for 10 on a prove it. Cousins got 4/180. And he's 35 coming off an injury.

RE: I'm able to empathize with him  
Section331 : 5/17/2024 2:20 pm : link
In comment 16518167 mittenedman said:
on a football level. Obviously not a financial level.

Football-wise, he's been handed the worst set of circumstances I've ever seen for an NFL QB. We've literally watched this guy get physically destroyed gritting his teeth and trying to walk through a meat-grinder.

It must suck beyond belief to QB behind this OL, with skill players who can't do anything. His one crutch was a comically error-prone Saquon Barkley.

David Carr would like a word…
ElitoCanton : 5/17/2024 2:21 pm : link
would be lucky to get 5 million. Players on other teams openly mock him.
RE: RE: RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
Shirk130 : 5/17/2024 2:28 pm : link
In comment 16518259 Amtoft said:
In comment 16518243 Shirk130 said:


In comment 16518051 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518037 Shirk130 said:


the Giants have no desire to move on. Just pay attention to what they've done rather than how they spin it.

So I guess trying to trade up for Maye was imaginary and never happened


They don't get credit for making an offer that obviously wasn't good enough just like I don't get credit for not buying my wife a diamond because the jeweler wouldn't accept a shiny new Quarter in return.

The offer to move up 3 spots was pretty good. What are you talking about. Because they wanted 3 1st rounders which would be an idiot move to trade up 3 spots? That would be like paying 50K for a 5K diamond to use your example.

They followed that up by deciding to pass on 3 first round QB's. That's their prerogative but then you can't say they want to move on because they have had ample opportunity.
RE: I agree with Banks  
kickoff : 5/17/2024 2:33 pm : link
In comment 16517984 Eric from BBI said:
I personally believe the Giants need to move on.

However, the piling on has gotten to ridiculous levels. It's become a feeding frenzy even with national pundits.

You know Eric, most fans were irate over the Giants picking him 6th, and I believe when he started playing, those same fans were looking for every flaw they could find to justify their opinion. Of course, when things didn't go well, they were anxious to pile on. To the point that they disregarded the obvious major problems with the rest of the team. Some on this board, including myself, would cite the horrible OL play, when he would be hit almost at receiving the snap, the very mediocre (to be kind) WRs play. It was called excuses, (I call them facts) even though it was painfully obvious that he had no chance to make a play. Oh, he doesn't see the field well, he's afraid to go deep, goes to the safety valve to quickly, never considering the enormous pressure he was trying to make plays under. Then If he did get some time, couldn't find an open receiver. Yes, at times did he miss an open WR when he wasn't under pressure, sure, haven't we've seen that with all QBs? The most ridiculous position I believe is he is supposed to make all those around him better. This was a piss poor team, how do you make people better who stink, and you had problems protecting yourself? Not to mention the coaching changes and different systems. Let's remember, football is the ultimate TEAM sport. No one, don't care who you are, can do it alone. Then we get the, he's had 5 years. Yes, 5 years with the same shitty team. We also get, Taylor and Devito played better, but they had a healthier OL that were somewhat improved. Can DJ be an excellent QB? IMO, yes, but who knows. None of us are experts. We all give our opinions; I'm just saying let's be fair.
Listen everyone knows I support DJ  
Carl in CT : 5/17/2024 2:38 pm : link
He has a major weapon now. If the line in average and not the second worst line in the last 40 years then I won’t feel sorry for him. Time to produce or I’m off the DJ wagon believe it or not.
RE: RE: RE: He hasn't thrown 20 TD since 2019  
Amtoft : 5/17/2024 2:39 pm : link
In comment 16518265 ElitoCanton said:
Justin Pugh was the left tackle in the Buffalo game. Tyrod was better than every Jones start but one in that game.

Jones ranked 41st in the league in EPA when not pressured. But go ahead. Make more excuses.

In comment 16518257 Amtoft said:


In comment 16518238 ElitoCanton said:


There is no basis for saying he can even be an above average QB. He's one of the absolute worst QBs in the league. Tyrod Taylor, a backup, massive outplayed him last year.

I love how people talk about DeVito and TT like they played behind the same OL. Who was LT for the majority of DJ starts? A LG that had never played LT before. Who was the LT for TT starts? One of the best LT in the game. They aren't the same. If a QB had more time they will preform better. If they have less time they do worse. Let go of this toxic hate.

Justin Pugh has played LT a lot before. In fact as much as people hate on Justin Pugh our OL played a million times better once he came in. People just love to bitch. Like they need somewhere to let go of their frustrations in life so they bitch about everything. Daniel Jones had by far the least amount of time to throw in the league last year. Much less than TT. People love to say making excuses when they want to fight against it something and here are the reasons when they want to fight for something. Excuses/Reasons... You seem like everything is an excuses kind of guy.

Fact is the best QB play last year in any game was done by DJ when he had time. Fact is he played before a worse line than TT. Fact is our only weapon was out in 3 of those starts. Fact is we had a LG playing LT for the first time in his career. Fact is he had the least amount of time to throw than any QB last year in the NFL. So reasons/excuses... probably somewhere in between.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
Amtoft : 5/17/2024 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16518292 Shirk130 said:
In comment 16518259 Amtoft said:


In comment 16518243 Shirk130 said:


In comment 16518051 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518037 Shirk130 said:


the Giants have no desire to move on. Just pay attention to what they've done rather than how they spin it.

So I guess trying to trade up for Maye was imaginary and never happened


They don't get credit for making an offer that obviously wasn't good enough just like I don't get credit for not buying my wife a diamond because the jeweler wouldn't accept a shiny new Quarter in return.

The offer to move up 3 spots was pretty good. What are you talking about. Because they wanted 3 1st rounders which would be an idiot move to trade up 3 spots? That would be like paying 50K for a 5K diamond to use your example.

They followed that up by deciding to pass on 3 first round QB's. That's their prerogative but then you can't say they want to move on because they have had ample opportunity.

If you think you have a chance to draft a player you think we be a super star or take a QB you aren't sold on how can you draft a QB you don't think is very good. It isn't like we took a guy that some people liked and some didn't and he was equal to the remaining QBs. Nabers was considered by some as the best player in the draft!
RE: so come clean BBI  
bwitz : 5/17/2024 2:45 pm : link
In comment 16517890 Giantsfan79 said:
anyone here having sympathetic feelings toward Daniel Jones?

going to guess no one.

I certainly have apathetic feelings about him.
RE: 2022 Wildcard vs Vikings  
bwitz : 5/17/2024 2:50 pm : link
In comment 16518053 CTGiants said:
D. Jones 24/35 301 2 0

K. Cousins
31/39 273 2 0

For those complaining about Jones salary, how about what the Falcons are paying 35 year old KirK Cousins. Jones outplayed Cousins in that game more that the stats indicate, especially considering Cousins' decision to throw short of the sticks on 4th down to essentially end the game

And what happened after that game?

JFC. People constantly pull out this ridiculous, strawman argument all the time thinking it means something when, it means very little.

He threw 15 TD passes that year. 15. That’s terrible.

And you’re going to try to compare Jones to Cousins? Seriously? That makes no sense whatsoever.
It's like fans are in 2 different realities...smh  
gpat1031 : 5/17/2024 3:02 pm : link
DJ had no chance of being successful last season after Thomas went down. Neal was a hot mess and it was like moving chairs at all the other spots in front of him. He was getting hit and sacked at an all time rate, it was that bad. I'm surprised he didn't get hurt earlier.
It's like some fans just wanna be right that he wasn't good at the expense of actually winning.
Some fans have really lost the ability to be objective and stuck on supporting their narrative.
RE: RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
Mbavaro : 5/17/2024 3:09 pm : link
In comment 16518243 Shirk130 said:
In comment 16518051 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518037 Shirk130 said:


the Giants have no desire to move on. Just pay attention to what they've done rather than how they spin it.

So I guess trying to trade up for Maye was imaginary and never happened


They don't get credit for making an offer that obviously wasn't good enough just like I don't get credit for not buying my wife a diamond because the jeweler wouldn't accept a shiny new Quarter in return.

Nice spin
You do realize it takes two to tango to make a trade
And as for the next 3 QB’s….I have no problem with them passing

So your narrative is grossly inaccurate to say they have no desire to move on from Jones as they tried to

Now you are spinning it to say that the offer wasn’t good enough

Bottom line…if you are married to a QB…you don’t try to trade up for one
shaking my head...  
BMCBikes : 5/17/2024 3:11 pm : link six f'ing YEARS of people defending Jones with every excuse in the book. It's crazy. Just crazy. The folks who ask 'if Jones was on another team, what would Giants fans think of him' KNOW Giants fans would laugh their asses off if the Commanders had Jones then paid him that crazy contract, and kept him around year after year after year just because he reminds the Owner of a cross-eyed Eli. Unbelievable. Yet every year it's excuses and more excuses for this mook from Duke who makes Dave Brown look competent.
RE: shaking my head...  
Amtoft : 5/17/2024 3:16 pm : link
In comment 16518327 BMCBikes said:
Quote: six f'ing YEARS of people defending Jones with every excuse in the book. It's crazy. Just crazy. The folks who ask 'if Jones was on another team, what would Giants fans think of him' KNOW Giants fans would laugh their asses off if the Commanders had Jones then paid him that crazy contract, and kept him around year after year after year just because he reminds the Owner of a cross-eyed Eli. Unbelievable. Yet every year it's excuses and more excuses for this mook from Duke who makes Dave Brown look competent.

Ahhh another excuses guy.
RE: I think Daboll is a talented coach who could conceivably  
The Mike : 5/17/2024 3:34 pm : link
In comment 16518107 cosmicj said:
Lead the Giants to their next championship. I also think Jones may get him fired prematurely. That’s why I dislike Jones and never want to see him start another game for us.

This ^
RE: RE: RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
Shirk130 : 5/17/2024 3:35 pm : link
In comment 16518325 Mbavaro said:
In comment 16518243 Shirk130 said:


In comment 16518051 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518037 Shirk130 said:


the Giants have no desire to move on. Just pay attention to what they've done rather than how they spin it.

So I guess trying to trade up for Maye was imaginary and never happened


They don't get credit for making an offer that obviously wasn't good enough just like I don't get credit for not buying my wife a diamond because the jeweler wouldn't accept a shiny new Quarter in return.

Nice spin
You do realize it takes two to tango to make a trade
And as for the next 3 QB’s….I have no problem with them passing

So your narrative is grossly inaccurate to say they have no desire to move on from Jones as they tried to

Now you are spinning it to say that the offer wasn’t good enough

Bottom line…if you are married to a QB…you don’t try to trade up for one

I'm not spinning anything. Schoen has had three drafts and has not taken a flyer on any QB's. Jones hasn't been the answer since before Schoen got here but he has done nothing to improve the position. The ugly secret is that in 2022, Jones' best year, he was at best mediocre. They need to move on to ever have a hope of contending for a SB and in the year they had the best chance of doing so they punted. Again.
Of Course Jones is More Sympathetic  
OntheRoad : 5/17/2024 3:37 pm : link

I hope Nabers is as good as advertised, the OL holds up, and Jones balls out this year.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
Mbavaro : 5/17/2024 3:53 pm : link
In comment 16518363 Shirk130 said:
In comment 16518325 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518243 Shirk130 said:


In comment 16518051 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518037 Shirk130 said:


the Giants have no desire to move on. Just pay attention to what they've done rather than how they spin it.

So I guess trying to trade up for Maye was imaginary and never happened


They don't get credit for making an offer that obviously wasn't good enough just like I don't get credit for not buying my wife a diamond because the jeweler wouldn't accept a shiny new Quarter in return.

Nice spin
You do realize it takes two to tango to make a trade
And as for the next 3 QB’s….I have no problem with them passing

So your narrative is grossly inaccurate to say they have no desire to move on from Jones as they tried to

Now you are spinning it to say that the offer wasn’t good enough

Bottom line…if you are married to a QB…you don’t try to trade up for one

I'm not spinning anything. Schoen has had three drafts and has not taken a flyer on any QB's. Jones hasn't been the answer since before Schoen got here but he has done nothing to improve the position. The ugly secret is that in 2022, Jones' best year, he was at best mediocre. They need to move on to ever have a hope of contending for a SB and in the year they had the best chance of doing so they punted. Again.

So they should draft a QB if they don’t have a conviction on one?

They liked one…tried to get him

Didn’t have a willing partner

So again….they tried to move on…but it takes two to tango

Beck to your original point…if you are married to a QB…you don’t try to trade up for his replacement
christian : 5/17/2024 4:09 pm : link
I ... predict .... Someone... meltdowns before ... June.
RE: …  
JT039 : 5/17/2024 4:34 pm : link
In comment 16518409 christian said:
I ... predict .... Someone... meltdowns before ... June.

Can you imagine the first time Jones misses a WR deep.
Jones reacting to all the bashing...  
bceagle05 : 5/17/2024 4:37 pm : link
RE: …  
Fifty Six : 5/17/2024 5:06 pm : link
In comment 16517883 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Dude is making $40 million.

So making money makes you immune to getting pounder by idiots 24/7?
RE: It's like fans are in 2 different realities...smh  
kickoff : 5/17/2024 5:46 pm : link
In comment 16518321 gpat1031 said:
DJ had no chance of being successful last season after Thomas went down. Neal was a hot mess and it was like moving chairs at all the other spots in front of him. He was getting hit and sacked at an all time rate, it was that bad. I'm surprised he didn't get hurt earlier.
It's like some fans just wanna be right that he wasn't good at the expense of actually winning.
Some fans have really lost the ability to be objective and stuck on supporting their narrative.

Great post, you're so right!!
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
kickoff : 5/17/2024 5:50 pm : link
In comment 16518390 Mbavaro said:
In comment 16518363 Shirk130 said:


In comment 16518325 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518243 Shirk130 said:


In comment 16518051 Mbavaro said:


In comment 16518037 Shirk130 said:


the Giants have no desire to move on. Just pay attention to what they've done rather than how they spin it.

So I guess trying to trade up for Maye was imaginary and never happened


They don't get credit for making an offer that obviously wasn't good enough just like I don't get credit for not buying my wife a diamond because the jeweler wouldn't accept a shiny new Quarter in return.

Nice spin
You do realize it takes two to tango to make a trade
And as for the next 3 QB’s….I have no problem with them passing

So your narrative is grossly inaccurate to say they have no desire to move on from Jones as they tried to

Now you are spinning it to say that the offer wasn’t good enough

Bottom line…if you are married to a QB…you don’t try to trade up for one

I'm not spinning anything. Schoen has had three drafts and has not taken a flyer on any QB's. Jones hasn't been the answer since before Schoen got here but he has done nothing to improve the position. The ugly secret is that in 2022, Jones' best year, he was at best mediocre. They need to move on to ever have a hope of contending for a SB and in the year they had the best chance of doing so they punted. Again.

So they should draft a QB if they don’t have a conviction on one?

They liked one…tried to get him

Didn’t have a willing partner

So again….they tried to move on…but it takes two to tango

Beck to your original point…if you are married to a QB…you don’t try to trade up for his replacement

Maybe the pros think more of DJ than the novices on this board..
I think it's important to recall  
j_rud : 5/17/2024 6:01 pm : link
that even before the big contract, even going back to the draft, that he was treated by some as a punchline. Whether or not he cuts a sympathetic figure is up to you, but there were absolutely some folks in the media and around the league who were never going to give him a fair shake, and there are some who seem to enjoy his struggles.

Now, trying to sell him as a sympathetic figure to the fans, at this point, is incredibly disengeuous. Banks is out here toeing the Company Line and firing off some rounds in the PR war, but the problem with that is the most sympathetic thing about Daniel Jones is that the Company was out there slutting it up all winter and spring with every Tom, Dick, and JJ that could toss a football. He doesnt appear terribly wanted and ery'body knows it.

RE: RE: …  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/17/2024 6:12 pm : link
In comment 16518447 Fifty Six said:
In comment 16517883 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


Dude is making $40 million.

So making money makes you immune to getting pounder by idiots 24/7?

What? Sorry, but hard for me to feel bad for a guy making $40 million dollars.
People keep using the word narrative  
Go Terps : 5/17/2024 6:45 pm : link
The facts are what they are:

The rest...the excuse making, the rationalizing...THAT is the narrative created to explain what is an undisputably poor record of performance in 5 years in the NFL.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/17/2024 6:48 pm : link
Terps, what cracks me up is when people point to '22 as some sort of All Pro like season. The dude threw 15 TDs in 16 games started! I'm no Gerald Lambeau-'Good Will Hunting' reference-but even I know that's less than 1 TD per game. In this era's NFL, that is pitiful.
RE: People keep using the word narrative  
Darwinian : 5/17/2024 6:48 pm : link
In comment 16518491 Go Terps said:
The facts are what they are:

The rest...the excuse making, the rationalizing...THAT is the narrative created to explain what is an undisputably poor record of performance in 5 years in the NFL.

They learned a word. They want to use it. They haven't a fucking clue what they are talking about.
RE: ...  
Darwinian : 5/17/2024 6:49 pm : link
In comment 16518494 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Terps, what cracks me up is when people point to '22 as some sort of All Pro like season. The dude threw 15 TDs in 16 games started! I'm no Gerald Lambeau-'Good Will Hunting' reference-but even I know that's less than 1 TD per game. In this era's NFL, that is pitiful.

They didn't *ask* him to throw more TDs. [/s]

As if you have to ask an NFL QB to throw more TDs.
Everything I don't like hearing is a 'narrative'  
Ten Ton Hammer : 5/17/2024 6:52 pm : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/17/2024 6:57 pm : link
Googling Banks earlier, I did come across this:

"But he has to play better when he gets healthy. He will have to resume where he was starting to ascend to, and if he doesn't, they're gonna move on."

Barring a major improvement, I do think 2024 is Jones' last season as a Giant.
Link - ( New Window )
Same old...same old  
KingBlue : 5/17/2024 7:02 pm : link
same old guys ... same old shit....boring
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: the point is it isn't a fair fight  
Milton : 5/17/2024 7:05 pm : link
In comment 16518390 Mbavaro said:
if you are married to a QB…you don’t try to trade up for his replacement
Married people do it all the time, why wouldn't NFL teams?
RE: RE: shaking my head...  
bwitz : 5/17/2024 7:29 pm : link
In comment 16518335 Amtoft said:
In comment 16518327 BMCBikes said:

Quote: six f'ing YEARS of people defending Jones with every excuse in the book. It's crazy. Just crazy. The folks who ask 'if Jones was on another team, what would Giants fans think of him' KNOW Giants fans would laugh their asses off if the Commanders had Jones then paid him that crazy contract, and kept him around year after year after year just because he reminds the Owner of a cross-eyed Eli. Unbelievable. Yet every year it's excuses and more excuses for this mook from Duke who makes Dave Brown look competent.

Ahhh another excuses guy.

Ahh, another Pollyanna.
bwitz is the type of guy  
mittenedman : 5/17/2024 8:55 pm : link
Banks is talking about.
Facts are we also  
Carl in CT : 5/17/2024 11:41 pm : link
Draft like shit.
Fact is injured or not, sorry or not, he's still our guy.  
FStubbs : 5/18/2024 6:23 am : link
But ... all things being fair, the Giants should keep their word and give Drew Lock a fair shot at the job. It will be very interesting to compare the two.

Also.... DeVito let his 15 minutes get to his head. Let's see if he can improve.
Carl is a loyal  
BigBlueCane : 5/18/2024 8:33 am : link
company man to the end.

But the real story here, is why are the Giants using a dedicated mouthpiece this far out for this kind of story.
RE: ...  
FStubbs : 5/18/2024 10:39 am : link
In comment 16518494 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Terps, what cracks me up is when people point to '22 as some sort of All Pro like season. The dude threw 15 TDs in 16 games started! I'm no Gerald Lambeau-'Good Will Hunting' reference-but even I know that's less than 1 TD per game. In this era's NFL, that is pitiful.

I think Jones' best season, numbers aside, was his rookie year. He was in the Shurmur system and that was when he earned the "Danny Dimes" nickname.
RE: Facts are we also  
BigBlueShock : 5/18/2024 10:46 am : link
In comment 16518798 Carl in CT said:
Draft like shit.

Yet you think Jones is the one guy they got right. You have no problem trashing everyone else they drafted, the coaching staffs, the food vendors and everyone else under the sun. But Jones is somehow Teflon for you. Beyond criticism for some damn reason. Laughable
In my opinion - what's tired  
gidiefor : Mod : 5/19/2024 1:11 pm : link
is watching the Giants come out on the field with Jones at QB and starting out the game in lack luster fashion

I am so tired of watching that reel -- so, so tired -- that tape does not seem to change very much

I wish and pray that tape changes; I really, really do. But it's the tape I haytes - and not Daniel Jones. I want the guy to come out and ball. So far it seems more like a wobble.

and Madeline Kahn said it best -- "I'm so TIRED!"

and on top of that there is a lot of JDS out there for sure

The easiest way to enjoy it all...  
Brown_Hornet : 5/19/2024 8:31 pm : link to not care about DJs feelings, or, the feelings of the fans that are bashing him.

None of it should affect how we enjoy the games.
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