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5BowlsSoon : 5/18/2024 7:34 am
Can someone please explain to me how the Dallas goal in the 1st OT was disallowed?

I didn’t see any infraction at all and the guy wasn’t even in the crease, and if he touched the goalie he was pushed.

I still can’t believe the NHL even with video review can be this dumb. Are most of the people doing replays on the take?
I was curious about replay.  
robbieballs2003 : 5/18/2024 8:00 am : link
The non-goal in the Rangers game was questionable to me. They only showed like one video of it overheqd and it was real close. All the other angles were from behind and the angle lf the video wasn't the best to see if it was in or not. Before anyone argues a d says it was saved, why is that not reviewed? It was certainly close enough to be reviewed. I'm more interested in the rules on reviews. Thanks.
Goalie interference  
pjcas18 : 5/18/2024 8:19 am : link
is something the NHL needs to address.

Way too subjective. Looked to me like Marchment was out of the blue paint when he made contact with Georgiev.

It should have been a good goal from every angle I have seen.

Reviews can come from the league HQ to determine call on the ice, but then coaches have a challenge.

In this case DAL did not challenge the call on the ice because if you're wrong you get a delay of game penalty. And rarely are goalie interference calls over-turned - even though this one should have been.

NYR game was completely different (if you mean the Martinook play). That puck did not cross the goal line. For a goal to be good the puck needs to 100% be over the goal line and you should see white between the puck and the red goal line. At the next play stoppage the Rangers could have challenged, but they did not because they would have lost and would have been shorthanded.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/18/2024 8:27 am : link
I know you're a hockey nut & I know next to nothing about the game, but who is your favorite RN to hoist the Cup?
5BowlsSoon : 5/18/2024 8:41 am : link
Are you saying that goal was reviewed by the league and was not overturned because Dallas didn’t protest the goal for fear of a penalty?

Or are you saying because Dallas didn’t protest the no goal call, the League did not review the goal? They only review calls that are questioned by a team?
RE: Goalie interference  
Servo 2.0 : 5/18/2024 9:15 am : link
In comment 16518845 pjcas18 said:
is something the NHL needs to address.

Way too subjective. Looked to me like Marchment was out of the blue paint when he made contact with Georgiev.

It should have been a good goal from every angle I have seen.

Reviews can come from the league HQ to determine call on the ice, but then coaches have a challenge.

In this case DAL did not challenge the call on the ice because if you're wrong you get a delay of game penalty. And rarely are goalie interference calls over-turned - even though this one should have been.

NYR game was completely different (if you mean the Martinook play). That puck did not cross the goal line. For a goal to be good the puck needs to 100% be over the goal line and you should see white between the puck and the red goal line. At the next play stoppage the Rangers could have challenged, but they did not because they would have lost and would have been shorthanded.

If not for things like the Bennett call in the Florida-Boston series, I wouldn’t have an issue with last night’s call.

Last night was much closer. I believe the standard for incidental contact is whether the attacking player initiated contact in the crease. In this case, Georgiev was in his crease (or at least mostly in it) when the contact occurs, but Marchment’s skates are outside the crease. It’s about as close a call as you can get.
RE: pjcas18.  
pjcas18 : 5/18/2024 9:20 am : link
In comment 16518850 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I know you're a hockey nut & I know next to nothing about the game, but who is your favorite RN to hoist the Cup?

I called the Rangers in October and I put my money where my mouth is and bet on them to win the cup at +1500 so not only do I think the Rangers are still the favorite, I'm rooting for them.

I also bet on Igor to win Vezina so I'm not always right, lol
RE: Pjcas  
pjcas18 : 5/18/2024 9:31 am : link
In comment 16518854 5BowlsSoon said:
Are you saying that goal was reviewed by the league and was not overturned because Dallas didn’t protest the goal for fear of a penalty?

Or are you saying because Dallas didn’t protest the no goal call, the League did not review the goal? They only review calls that are questioned by a team?

Call on the ice was made immediately. The league then initiated a review. As far as I know there is no standard for when Toronto decides to delay play and review a goal but starting in 2019 the league situation room reviews every goal and sometimes decides a goal needs additional review. This play was reviewed by NHL situation room. After review they said call on the ice stands.

Dallas could still challenge, but Dallas did not challenge it for fear of a delay of game penalty. I think it's the same people who would review it, but I'm not sure on that.

NHL replays are scary  
averagejoe : 5/18/2024 10:40 am : link
The Panther guy crosschecks a Bruin into his goalie and goal is allowed. No interference. Last night Marchmont is not even in the crease and it is interference and no goal . Seems very very subjective.

Also what game are they playing in western conference ? Is it two hand touch ?.No hitting. Some pushing and shoving and game is played mostly in the neutral zone. A completely different game from eastern conference .
RE: NHL replays are scary  
Blue21 : 5/18/2024 10:54 am : link
In comment 16518908 averagejoe said:
The Panther guy crosschecks a Bruin into his goalie and goal is allowed. No interference. Last night Marchmont is not even in the crease and it is interference and no goal . Seems very very subjective.

Also what game are they playing in western conference ? Is it two hand touch ?.No hitting. Some pushing and shoving and game is played mostly in the neutral zone. A completely different game from eastern conference .
I was just going to bring this up. Not only should there have been a cross check penalty on the Panthers but if that isn't goal tender interference I don't know what is. And they reviewed it . No goal no penalty. Probably cost the Bruins that game.
The Panthers are the most obnoxious, cheap shot, facewashing  
gtt350 : 5/18/2024 11:09 am : link
scumbags in the league. I hope the Rangers destroy them
RE: NHL replays are scary  
pjcas18 : 5/18/2024 11:16 am : link
In comment 16518908 averagejoe said:
The Panther guy crosschecks a Bruin into his goalie and goal is allowed. No interference. Last night Marchmont is not even in the crease and it is interference and no goal . Seems very very subjective.

Also what game are they playing in western conference ? Is it two hand touch ?.No hitting. Some pushing and shoving and game is played mostly in the neutral zone. A completely different game from eastern conference .

Bruins Panthers series was unusually physical for the playoffs. But, otherwise the stats don't support what you think you are seeing.

the team in the 2nd round of the playoffs with the fewest hits per game was Carolina. Dallas has 2nd fewest and Rangers 3rd.

After the Bruins and Panthers (who were 1/2) there were the 3 of the 4 west conference teams - VAN, COL, and EDM). Vegas was probably the "heaviest" team in the playoffs in terms of physicality.

RE: RE: NHL replays are scary  
pjcas18 : 5/18/2024 11:19 am : link
In comment 16518914 Blue21 said:
In comment 16518908 averagejoe said:


The Panther guy crosschecks a Bruin into his goalie and goal is allowed. No interference. Last night Marchmont is not even in the crease and it is interference and no goal . Seems very very subjective.

Also what game are they playing in western conference ? Is it two hand touch ?.No hitting. Some pushing and shoving and game is played mostly in the neutral zone. A completely different game from eastern conference .

I was just going to bring this up. Not only should there have been a cross check penalty on the Panthers but if that isn't goal tender interference I don't know what is. And they reviewed it . No goal no penalty. Probably cost the Bruins that game.

I don't think you can review it for a penalty.

it's one of my pet peeves. Goalie interference is a penalty. So you can review a goal to see if it should be disallowed due to goalie interference, but if you do determine it should be disallowed no penalty is assessed. Seems inconsistent, but I believe the only reviewable penalties are those where a major is assessed.

I believe pjas is correct  
Gman11 : 5/18/2024 12:00 pm : link
there are no reviews of penalties unless they call a major penalty and review to see if it should be reduced to a minor. So, a cross check that isn't called can not be reviewed.

A goal/no goal call can be reviewed without a challenge to see if the puck crossed the line. However, if the call on the ice is goal and a team believes there is goalie interference then they can challenge.
Do you really want to review any penalty?  
5BowlsSoon : 5/18/2024 1:14 pm : link
I don’t.

I’m not even happy seeing all these goals disallowed because someone’s skate was one inch over the blue line. Sheesh…..I know technically this is the correct ruling according to the rule, but I believe more in following the “spirit” of the rule rather than the “letter” of the rule.
pjcas18 : 5/18/2024 1:22 pm : link
I hate review. Especially off sides. Since 90% of the time the off sides had nothing to do with the play.

My stance is as long as you are sure the referees are impartial, as a player, a coach, and a fan, I can live with the fact they're human and miss calls.

I think goal reviews are fine. if it went it in, it went in, but something subjective like goalie interference absolutely not. Call it as you see it on the ice. Hockey is a fast game, and I think it should be officiated how it is played and I am fine to live with the results.
RE: Do you really want to review any penalty?  
SJGiant : 5/18/2024 4:28 pm : link
In comment 16518996 5BowlsSoon said:
I don’t.

I’m not even happy seeing all these goals disallowed because someone’s skate was one inch over the blue line. Sheesh…..I know technically this is the correct ruling according to the rule, but I believe more in following the “spirit” of the rule rather than the “letter” of the rule.

I believe they disallowed the goal for interference because his ass was in the crease. They didn't care whether his skates were in the crease.
RE: RE: Do you really want to review any penalty?  
Servo 2.0 : 5/18/2024 4:57 pm : link
In comment 16519138 SJGiant said:
In comment 16518996 5BowlsSoon said:


I don’t.

I’m not even happy seeing all these goals disallowed because someone’s skate was one inch over the blue line. Sheesh…..I know technically this is the correct ruling according to the rule, but I believe more in following the “spirit” of the rule rather than the “letter” of the rule.

I believe they disallowed the goal for interference because his ass was in the crease. They didn't care whether his skates were in the crease.

That’s what I figured, too.
RE: RE: Do you really want to review any penalty?  
5BowlsSoon : 5/18/2024 5:07 pm : link
In comment 16519138 SJGiant said:
In comment 16518996 5BowlsSoon said:


I don’t.

I’m not even happy seeing all these goals disallowed because someone’s skate was one inch over the blue line. Sheesh…..I know technically this is the correct ruling according to the rule, but I believe more in following the “spirit” of the rule rather than the “letter” of the rule.

I believe they disallowed the goal for interference because his ass was in the crease. They didn't care whether his skates were in the crease.

His ass……..I see multiple guys in the goalie crease that doesn’t get called. I don’t think having your ass in the crease means anything except if his ass was affecting the goalie. Flatulence?
The rule is more about where the goalie  
pjcas18 : 5/18/2024 5:31 pm : link
is. If the goalie is in the blue paint the rule says the player cannot impede with the goalie's ability to make the save. That play seemed incidental to me. Not intentional or deliberate, but in the end it didn't really matter. Overall though evaluating goalie interference is a shit show.

Rule 69.1

...Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; or (2) an attacking player initiates intentional or deliberate contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. The rule will be enforced exclusively in accordance with the on-ice judgement of the Referee(s), but may be subject to a Coach’s Challenge ..
RE: The rule is more about where the goalie  
Servo 2.0 : 5/18/2024 5:41 pm : link
In comment 16519196 pjcas18 said:
is. If the goalie is in the blue paint the rule says the player cannot impede with the goalie's ability to make the save. That play seemed incidental to me. Not intentional or deliberate, but in the end it didn't really matter. Overall though evaluating goalie interference is a shit show.

Rule 69.1


...Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; or (2) an attacking player initiates intentional or deliberate contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. The rule will be enforced exclusively in accordance with the on-ice judgement of the Referee(s), but may be subject to a Coach’s Challenge ..

Yes, and Rule 69.3 further indicates that the call is based on whether the goaltender is in his crease, not the position of the attacking player’s skates. A butt in the crease could suffice.
This looks amazing  
Anakim : 5/18/2024 8:10 pm : link
1994 New York Rangers E60 documentary
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