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NFT: I was 100% wrong about Jaun Soto

rnargi : 5/18/2024 4:10 pm
I never took into account how much he loves playing the game and how infectious his presence would be. He is a consummate ball player and his desire to win and dominate attitude were lost on me. He reminds me of Reggie when he said he was the straw that stirred the Yankees' drink. A true pro. I hope the Yanks can keep him. He's a complete difference maker. I was dead wrong.
No, Reggie was an arrogant a$$hole.  
section125 : 5/18/2024 4:22 pm : link
Munson was still the one that stirred the drink. Reggie was just fabulous. Reggie wanted to be the preeminent force in the Bronx. He wasn't. Thurman was. (And I loved Reggie)

Soto is a different beast. He is not pretentious. Reggie was scarry smart and just an egotistical a$$hole. Soto is a guy loving baseball who does not want to stir the drink. He is part of the drink. He's not looking to overstep his bounds. Aaron Judge is the Captain and Juan is not stepping on his toes.

This guy was made to be a Yankee...
RE: No, Reggie was an arrogant a$$hole.  
beechbouy : 5/18/2024 4:25 pm : link
In comment 16519131 section125 said:
Munson was still the one that stirred the drink. Reggie was just fabulous. Reggie wanted to be the preeminent force in the Bronx. He wasn't. Thurman was. (And I loved Reggie)

Soto is a different beast. He is not pretentious. Reggie was scarry smart and just an egotistical a$$hole. Soto is a guy loving baseball who does not want to stir the drink. He is part of the drink. He's not looking to overstep his bounds. Aaron Judge is the Captain and Juan is not stepping on his toes.

This guy was made to be a Yankee...

This. 100%
I watched Thurman play a lot of games.  
Giant John : 5/18/2024 4:35 pm : link
To this day he is the best clutch hitter I have ever watched.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/18/2024 4:36 pm : link
I saw him @ a Cubs Nats series in DC back in '19. He was a machine.
You'reMyBoyBlue!! : 5/18/2024 4:38 pm : link
At his age, there isn’t a realistic number they can pay him where I’d think “that’s too much money”
He's a beast.  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/18/2024 4:42 pm : link
I love watching him. You can see it before your very eyes that he's falling in love with his teammates, the coaching staff, the fans, the Stadium, the whole Yankee atmosphere. It's so fun to watch.
He’s awesome  
UConn4523 : 5/18/2024 4:51 pm : link
and it was a move they had to make once they paid Judge.
Not comparing him to Munson  
rnargi : 5/18/2024 4:52 pm : link
My. Favorite player of all time. Just comparing the attitude.
He’s the best all around hitter this team’s had in quite some time.  
bwitz : 5/18/2024 4:57 pm : link
Pay. Him.
The Soto we're seeing  
HBart : 5/18/2024 5:25 pm : link
By all accounts wasn't the San Diego Soto. I don't think anyone anticipated what a positive force his attitude would be. If, say Donaldson, had the same production I don't think the team would be close the juggernaut they've become. I think they keep it up and once Soto plays at YS in October a deal to stay gets done, ala Judge.
He’s one of the best players I’ve seen in my lifetime.  
bceagle05 : 5/18/2024 5:38 pm : link
Scary what he’s accomplished at such a young age, and has already won a ring by teeing off on Verlander and Cole in World Series before he could legally buy a drink. Even his name is awesome - sounds like a superstar from a bygone era.
RE: The Soto we're seeing  
rnargi : 5/18/2024 5:44 pm : link
In comment 16519189 HBart said:
By all accounts wasn't the San Diego Soto. I don't think anyone anticipated what a positive force his attitude would be. If, say Donaldson, had the same production I don't think the team would be close the juggernaut they've become. I think they keep it up and once Soto plays at YS in October a deal to stay gets done, ala Judge.

That's exactly how I feel and what I was trying to convey in my initial post. Nice to see you posting, Howard
Me Too  
GruningsOnTheHill : 5/18/2024 8:52 pm : link
I am here to eat crow on this.

Right after the trade this winter, I'd never really seen Soto play, but I entered a BBI thread to wonder about all the hype over a .280 career hitter. I got e-slammed in the proverbial package for it, and rightfully so. Yes, the starting pitching with Gil and Schmidt has been money thus far, but the addition of Soto has brought an energy to this team that had been missing since the late 1990s.

Munson was my favorite Yankee growing up. Someone mentioned that '78 Game 3 of the playoffs a day or two ago, where George Brett hit the three home runs but it was Thurm's monster HR late that won it. I was at that game as a little kid with my MacGregor™ Control Grip® Thurman Munson catcher's mitt on. I still have that mitt in a box in the closet, and the missus suggested a year or two back that I should sell it on the popular auction site.


When I'm gone some day, our now-12-year-old daughter can sell it.
Mentioned this in a thread earlier in the season  
mfsd : 5/18/2024 9:02 pm : link
in addition to everything you guys are saying about both his abilities and energy, Oswaldo Cabrera said in an interview back in April (paraphrasing) that Soto being comfortably bilingual has made him essentially a bridge as a clubhouse leader for both the English and Spanish speaking players.

Never really occurred to me before that how meaningful that probably is for young Spanish speaking guys who haven’t yet mastered English
I think the Yankees sign him.  
81_Great_Dane : 5/18/2024 9:20 pm : link
I would rather the Mets get him but he’s a perfect fit with the Yanks. Any other team would have to blow him away with a megadeal. I don’t see him leaving.

But y’know, it’s a loonnngg season.
I watched a bunch of Padres games  
Big Rick in FL : 5/18/2024 9:24 pm : link
Last year because my buddy was placing large bets on them like a moron. Something looked off with Soto. He just looked miserable for at least the last half of the year. The guy the Yankees got is a completely different player than the guy playing for the Padres last year.
Reggie couldn't carry Soto's jockstrap  
Ron from Ninerland : 5/18/2024 9:25 pm : link
The only thing they have in common was hitting home runs. Reggie got off to a very bad start. He was striking out. He was booting balls in the outfield. He antagonized Munson, Nettles, Billy Martin and perhaps others. At one point he was suspended by the team for intentionally ignoring a "swing away" sign after originally being told to bunt. He really didn't pick it up until late June.

Soto despite being younger immediately adjusted to New York. He immediately hit for average and power and made game saving plays in the outfield. Not only that, but according to both Volpe and Cabrera his instruction and example have elevated their games. I having trouble thinking of a big name player that came to the Yankees in the off season and had such an immediate impact.

Ironically Reggie had a rep as a good outfielder in Oakland. In fact he was a butcher in 1977 who never rose above adequate when he was here.

Soto came with the rep as a below average outfielder when in fact he has made every play since he got here.
'I was 100% wrong about Jaun Soto'  
Del Shofner : 5/18/2024 9:31 pm : link
you mean in spelling his first name?

:-). hey margi, hope all is well
If we gave him  
Danny Kanell : 5/18/2024 9:53 pm : link
12 years $1B, I wouldn’t bat an eye.
Giants4me : 5/19/2024 12:25 am : link
you were 100% right on Juan Soto.
For the people killing Reggie,  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 5/19/2024 5:44 am : link
you are what your numbers say you are.

Reggie had 140 career postseason plate appearances as a Yankee. Here’s his slash line… 328/417/672. Those numbers are as good as it gets.

We like Soto because he puts up numbers. Soto is going to get half a billion dollars because he puts up numbers. Let’s not make it into more than that. A well liked guy who doesn’t hit is just a Roughned Odor.
RE: No, Reggie was an arrogant a$$hole.  
Fifty Six : 5/19/2024 8:12 am : link
In comment 16519131 section125 said:
Munson was still the one that stirred the drink. Reggie was just fabulous. Reggie wanted to be the preeminent force in the Bronx. He wasn't. Thurman was. (And I loved Reggie)

Soto is a different beast. He is not pretentious. Reggie was scarry smart and just an egotistical a$$hole. Soto is a guy loving baseball who does not want to stir the drink. He is part of the drink. He's not looking to overstep his bounds. Aaron Judge is the Captain and Juan is not stepping on his toes.

This guy was made to be a Yankee...

This. 100%
RE: No, Reggie was an arrogant a$$hole.  
Victor in CT : 5/19/2024 9:56 am : link
In comment 16519131 section125 said:
Munson was still the one that stirred the drink. Reggie was just fabulous. Reggie wanted to be the preeminent force in the Bronx. He wasn't. Thurman was. (And I loved Reggie)

Soto is a different beast. He is not pretentious. Reggie was scarry smart and just an egotistical a$$hole. Soto is a guy loving baseball who does not want to stir the drink. He is part of the drink. He's not looking to overstep his bounds. Aaron Judge is the Captain and Juan is not stepping on his toes.

This guy was made to be a Yankee...

Thank you.
Soto has Scott Boras as an agent  
joe48 : 5/19/2024 5:01 pm : link
Boras will let him become a free agent to get more money. Cohen wants him in a Met uniform.
RE: Soto has Scott Boras as an agent  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/19/2024 5:02 pm : link
In comment 16519785 joe48 said:
Boras will let him become a free agent to get more money. Cohen wants him in a Met uniform.

Good luck getting Soto to waste the entire rest of his prime with a team that is beyond bad.
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